
I’ve been working with online discussion formats for next year. If you’ve ever checked out Collaborize Classroom, the discussions start with a poll or question. I love this idea because students immediately have to take a side or make a decision–it gives them more ownership. Something to root for, to argue about and discuss.

I wanted to do something similar in Schoology for discussions, but I’ve had a difficult time finding a poll application that I like that will also embed into Schoology. Poll Everywhere is usually a go-to polling place, but I can only have one poll open at once. Schoology has polls in their updates and backchannel chat, but not within the course materials (not sure why that is.)

Enter Riddle.

I love the graphic-ness of this, and you can find the images right within the app–no opening a new tab to search. Then Riddlle automatically cites the image URL. With Riddle you can make polls, but also multiple choice quizzes, personality quizzes, lists, and commenticles (which could be great springboards into discussing articles.

The problem I faced was Riddle polls would not embed into Schoology. I could link to it, but I like students being able to stay within the Schoology platform whenever possible. So I asked the good folks at Riddle if they could solve this conundrum.

And solve it they did–in less than 24 hours!

First, to embed a link into Schoology, it must have an https://, not just http://.

Second thing they did was set me up with an iframe code to embed the Riddle poll.  Riddle gave me permission to post it below:


<p><iframe src=”https://www.riddle.com/a/2303” width=”540″ height=”700″></iframe></p>

The only change you need to make is to replace the poll number (2303) with your own. (Unless you really like starting provocative conversations about Macbeth’s murderous motivations.

A big props to Boris at Riddle for making this work! His quick work and the turn-around time shows how driven and hard-working the Riddle folk are!