Technology Pursuit

Blending Technology Into the Language Arts Classroom

Character/Student Bonding with Personality Tests

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Five years ago, I created a personality test for Julius Caesar. Students answered questions that either connected them to Caesar, Brutus, Marc Antony, or Cassius. I’d planned for it to be an interest-builder, but I saw weaker readers suddenly volunteer to read aloud–as long as it was “their” character.

Last week, I finally made use of Riddle’s personality quiz maker and created a Canterbury Tales Pilgrims Quiz entitled “Which Pilgrim are You?” Now, writing a quiz using 29 personalities for all 29 pilgrims would be a bit unwieldy, so I chose nine pilgrims. Then I wrote questions regarding clothing, hobbies, spirituality, and careers.

In a few days when we begin reading about the characters in Chaucer’s prologue, I’m hoping the students will connect with their pilgrims, as well as their friends’ pilgrims.

Canterbury Tales Personality Test

Which character are you? Find out with this personality test. At the end, share your pilgrim with the rest of the class at Google Classroom.


Honorable and moral, the knight represents what people envisioned a knight should be. He fought in fifteen major battles and had just returned from war during the Canterbury Tales. His clothing is dirty and smudged, but he doesn’t care–his main focus is traveling to the Canterbury Cathedral to pray and give thanks for his victories in battle.

Wife of Bath

If the Wife of Bath knew how to do one thing, it was how to woo men. She’d been married five times…and was single again! The narrator describes her as having a wide gap between her teeth and wide hips as well. Most women were dependent on men at this time, but the Wife of Bath can afford to pay for her own trips.


The miller spends most of his time milling wheat into grain, but even he deserves a vacation–er, a pilgrimage once in a while. He’s not an attractive man, but he’s super strong and plays the bagpipes, so there’s that.


The pardoner was a man who would forgive your sins and guarantee you life in heaven–if you paid the right price. He could also tell a good story and sing a great song, but you’d have to put up with his “goat” voice to listen to him. Also, he couldn’t grow a beard.

Prioress (Nun)

The prioress, or head, of a nunnery was kind and gentle, but also educated. She could speak French and knew how to eat properly. She’d cry to see a mouse in a trap.


The monk may be technically a man of God, but he sure does like hunting. He spends much of his time out in the woods–then spends the rest caring for his clothes, which he lines with the fur from his prey.


Out of all the religious characters in The Canterbury Tales, the Parson is the most genuine. He and his brother, a farmer, ride for the Cathedral to truly pray and do homage to the saint. The parson rarely left his parish, for he truly cared for his people, so this trip is a rare one.

Oxford Cleric

A true student, the cleric would rather spend his time with a book than doing–well, anything. In fact, he spends so much money books that his horse is the skinniest one in the group, and the cleric’s own clothes have holes.


The knight has taught his son, the squire, how to be courteous and kind, which comes in handy when he’s wooing the girls. He’s quite the ladies’ man, spending most of his nights out with them.

Which best describes your fashion style?

Lookin’ good…feelin’ good! Always dressed to impress!

I like dressing well, but it’s not my top priority.

Yes, I’ve got clothes, but if they’re dirty, it shows I’m a hard worker.

I’m have no interest in clothes. As long as I’m warm, I’m good.

Which would you choose as your hobby?

Wooing other girls/guys



Helping other people

Enjoy music

What would you look for most in a career?

Managing people

Providing assistance to people

Being sedentary–not physical labor

Physical Labor

How religious/spiritual are you?

Extremely religious

Somewhat religious

To be honest, I tend to fake being religious.

I’m only as religious as my parents make me

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