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Coming back from ISTE in Denver is an overwhelming and inspiring conference–one that took me two full days to truly come down from. There’s so much I learned, so much I wanted to share with my staff.

However, I’m holding back a bit. Why? Because I don’t want to overwhelm them.

Putting myself in their shoes, I imagined how I would react to a long email about a conference. Is it long and multi-paragraphed? No headings? Then no way would I read it.

What would I read? Headings with quick blurbs of a sentence or two–that way I can scan through it, pick through the information most important to me, and disregard the rest.

On the drive home from Denver (we had five hours to kill), we wrote a Smore page with our favorite takeaways from ISTE. You can see it below.

Have you shared your favorite takeaways from your most recent conference or workshop? If not, jump on a Smore page (or Google doc or whatever your flavor) and make your own top 5, top ten, or top 13!