Our admin pulled a good one on us. On our in-service schedule was “Data Review.”

(Which makes me want to drive screws into my nailbeds.)

Instead, they surprised us with a Photo Scavenger Hunt, all organized and designed by our ESU educators Stephanie Bernthal and Jeff McQuistan (so, unfortunately, I can take no credit for this activity.)

All the staff–teachers, paras, even custodians and maintenance–were split into teams and given an envelope of tasks that included these:

  • A team selfie
  • An aerial of school spirit
  • Quiz Bowl
  • A pic with the oldest trophy
  • A movie scene re-enactment
  • A pic with a VHS alum’s senior picture (all groups had at least one VHS alumna)
  • A pic with our bell
  • An inspirational quote in sidewalk chalk
  • A pic in the “Land of Enchantment”

Using Padlet and its stream format, each team assigned a techie to be responsible for the pictures. For the next 45 minutes, each group roamed the high school to accomplish the tasks. Points were awarded for all members being in the pictures and creativity.

Designed by Stephanie Bernthal and Jeff McQuistan

And then our superintendent revealed…these points would carry over to future challenges! Great teaser for more exciting activities to come in the new year.

This was a great kickoff activity for our staff! New staff were able to make new relationships and also get a feel for the culture of our school. Plus, since this included staff from all buildings, I got to better know other teachers who I’d never chatted with before. I also loved that this included all staff, so camaraderie was built district-wide. Granted, we’re a small district–this couldn’t be done in large districts, but it could certainly be done with building staffs.

Plus, the ideas proved contagious. Today I created a 50-mission GooseChase that my students can work on over the first two days of school (some classtime, but mostly out of class), including several missions that involve a group of students, family members, even pets. Our middle school staff shared with me today that they’re wanting to do something similar with their middle school homeroom classes to build their teamwork, especially as a way to build connections with their new 6th graders.

Thanks to Jeff and Stephanie for bringing this great activity to us! This actually makes me look forward to what more lies in store for our PLN groups in the future!