Technology Pursuit

Blending Technology Into the Language Arts Classroom

T.H.I.N.K. Before You Post



It’s Digital Citizenship Week–and Digital Citizenship is an issue that becomes more and more relevant and important every year. All of us–students and adults–need to be aware of our digital footprint that we leave behind. What reputation do we build about ourselves online?

If you’re not convinced that Digital Citizenship is important, take a look at these statistics:

  • 93% of employers check social media profiles before making a final decision (2014 Social Recruiting Survey)
  • 55% of employers have reconsidered a candidate based on his/her social media profile (2014 Social Recruiting Survey)
  • Between 35-86% (Kaplan Test Prep and Chicago Tribune) of colleges admit to searching prospective students’ social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter)
  • 67% of colleges admit to Googling prospective students (Chicago Tribune)
  • Sexting charges in Nebraska consist of being placed on sex offender list for life and minors lose cell phone for 1 yr. (Karen Haase, KSB School Law)
  • Nebraska county attorneys are prosecuting teens and adults at the same rate for sexting. (Karen Haase, KSB School Law)
  • In December 2014, over 100,000 hacked Snapchat photos and videos were published and indexed for the world to see (
  • If subpoenaed by a court, any photo or video on social media (including Snapchat) can be accessed–even if the owners deleted the photo or video on their own devices. (Karen Haase, KSB School Law)

Set a goal this week to create a good habit:  T.H.I.N.K. before you post on social media.

T:  Is it true?  Only post information that you are 100% confident is true.  If you’re unsure–don’t post it.

H: Is it helpful?  Will your post be helpful or beneficial to your audience? Or will your post generate feedback that will be helpful to you?  If the answers to these questions are “no,” reconsider posting that message.

I: Is it inspiring? Not all posts are meant to be inspiring or encouraging, but this is also a reminder not to use social media as an outlet to complain or discourage others. Is the purpose of your post only to vent? Then rethink that post.

N: Is it necessary? Your post may not be urgent or vitally important, but will others benefit from this information? Are you passing on news that others should know? If so, then post it! But if you’re sharing personal information or hearsay that others don’t need to see, don’t post it.

K:  Is it kind? Double-check the message one last time. Could someone interpret the post as hurtful or derogatory? Remember that sarcasm is hard to interpret online, so what may be obvious to you may not be so clear to others.

When you T.H.I.N.K. before you post on social media, you’ll not only avoid conflicts and problems, but you’ll also establish a stellar digital footprint that will create more opportunities for you when applying for college and employment. When employers and college recruiters see a profile filled with posts that are true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind, you’re more likely to get that job or college acceptance letter.


Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 5.16.49 PM**This was written for our local school website. Feel free to use it on your own sites–please just attribute accordingly.

Creative Commons License
T.H.I.N.K. Before You Post by Melissa Pilakowski is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  1. If the information I have is 100% true, then I can consider posting it online.
    If the post is helpful to other people, then you can post it
    I fit inspires someone to pursue their dream, then you can post it.
    If it is necessary for people to see, go ahead and post it.
    If it is kind and makes other people like it, post it.

    • What if its a post about a video game and it doesn’t follow the rules, but it also does not harm anybody?

      • Melissa Pilakowski

        April 21, 2020 at 12:16 pm

        Perhaps post about a video game may be helpful to others playing the game or interested in trying the game.

        • Have you ever thought your partner was cheating on you – even when they weren’t – you’re not alone. It can be a very stressful situation to find yourself in. And while it may seem like trust issues are what’s leading you to constantly worrying your partner is cheating, experts and research say it could point to something deeper than that. It’s a slippery slope, but the good thing is you can overcome it. I found myself in those shoes and could not get myself enough peace until I sought out a professional-hands on, I contacted (( RECOVERYBUREAU at CONSULTANT . COM )) to help access my spouse device so I can get proof. Well it turned out it wasn’t just thoughts, I was being cheated on. I got complete access to my spouse device from mine, messages calls chats everything.
You can contact them to clear your mind from worry

          Contact details:


          WhatsApp: +1 (352) 870-0844

          This agency offers other services such as
          Mobile phone spying
          Boost of credit scores
          Clearing of criminal records
          Fixes bad debts
          Recover stolen or lost cryptocurrency assets
          Cash flipping etc
          Cryptocurrency loans and insurance
          Cryptocurrency investment and mining etc

          Warm Regards


          Good day Audience, I want to use this great medium to announce this information to the public about Mr MORRIS GRAY. few months back, I was seeking an online BTC investment plan when I got scammed for about $172,000. I was so down and didn’t know what to do until I came across a timeline about Mr MORRIS GRAY. so I reached out to him and to my greatest surprise, they were able to recover all the funds which I had previously lost to the Devils. I am so glad to share this wonderful news with you all because it cost me nothing to announce a good and reliable Hacker as Mr MORRIS GRAY, His direct email is Morris Gray 830 at gmail dot com, WhatsApp: +1 (607) 698-0239…..!!

        • I want to use this Medium to say big thanks to (cryptorecoveryweb ((@)) gmail . com,) for they helped my husband I recover our stolen crypto worth ( $345,000 )

          Here Are List Of Hacking Services they Offer-:

          ➡️ Binary Recovery.

          ➡️ Crypto Recovery

          ➡️ Loan scam Recovery

          ➡️ Investment scam Fund Recovery

          ➡️ Scam Money Recovery

          ➡️ Romance and Dating Scams – Recover Money

          ➡️ Social Media Hacking(Facebook, Instagram e.t.c)

          ➡️ Catch cheating partner via Phone Hacking & Cloning

        • Please everyone should be careful and stop being deceived by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $279,000 of my investment capital, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their fund, I contacted MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL. COM , the email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Contact; MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL,COM.

      • Just follow the rules and you’ll be fine

    • Thanks to Cyb4rgeek, I was able to recover my lost 2BTC. I’d been scammed by a telegram investment bot that my supposed lover introduced me to through Facebook, and the whole thing was a mess.

      I was referred to Cyb4rgeek by one of my friends who had been similarly scammed by the same group of people. They were able to help him get his money back, and so when he told me about them, I decided to give them a try.

      The process took about three weeks total (I’d say 2-3 weeks for the initial recovery process and then another week or two for actually getting paid), but it was worth it! My experience with Cyb4rgeek was great—they were always willing to answer questions and provide updates on the process as well as offer advice on how best to avoid scams in the future.

      If you’re looking for someone who can help you recover your lost crypto assets, Cyb4rgeek is the way to go!

      • Have you ever thought your partner was cheating on you – even when they weren’t – you’re not alone. It can be a very stressful situation to find yourself in. And while it may seem like trust issues are what’s leading you to constantly worrying your partner is cheating, experts and research say it could point to something deeper than that. It’s a slippery slope, but the good thing is you can overcome it. I found myself in those shoes and could not get myself enough peace until I sought out a professional-hands on, I contacted (( RECOVERYBUREAU at CONSULTANT . COM )) to help access my spouse device so I can get proof. Well it turned out it wasn’t just thoughts, I was being cheated on. I got complete access to my spouse device from mine, messages calls chats everything.
You can contact them to clear your mind from worry

        Contact details:


        WhatsApp: +1 (352) 870-0844

        This agency offers other services such as
        Mobile phone spying
        Boost of credit scores
        Clearing of criminal records
        Fixes bad debts
        Recover stolen or lost cryptocurrency assets
        Cash flipping etc
        Cryptocurrency loans and insurance
        Cryptocurrency investment and mining etc

        Warm Regards..


      My Name is Micheline Peric from Ireland, I want to say thank you to PRIEST WISDOM for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can’t hide happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things PRIEST WISDOM has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 24hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful, PRIEST WISDOM you can always email him here: or WHATSAPP / cell phone +2348124644470 ..

    • I started with 3000 then 60000 with AMAZON MALL TASK PLATFORM. i wanted to withdraw my proit they demanding 90000 commission to release 13000 USDT That already showing that withdrawal completed but not received in my account. That is my life saving money so i had to seek answers from Rykabalan( to help me get my money back . They also guide me to invest with a good company with good profit.

    • I nearly ran mad when I woke up on the eve of Christmas and discovered that my crypto account was hacked and my $350,000 was missing. I reported to the company’s help center. They just kept on showering my email with useless mails. On the 2nd of February I met Mr. Wilson who told me about a group of hackers known as Hackers that helps recover lost money and assets. I met them and gave them every information they needed. Fast forward to 30th of June, I have received 80% of my money back. I never believed it was possible to recover a dime but I just gave them the benefit of doubt to the job. I don’t even care if they get everything back I’m just happy about the one they recovered so far.


      Good day Audience, I want to use this great medium to announce this information to the public about Mr MORRIS GRAY. few months back, I was seeking an online BTC investment plan when I got scammed for about $172,000. I was so down and didn’t know what to do until I came across a timeline about Mr MORRIS GRAY. so I reached out to him and to my greatest surprise, they were able to recover all the funds which I had previously lost to the Devils. I am so glad to share this wonderful news with you all because it cost me nothing to announce a good and reliable Hacker as Mr MORRIS GRAY, His direct email is Morris Gray 830 at gmail dot com, WhatsApp: +1 (607) 698-0239…..!!

  2. It will helpful

    • RECOVERYBUREAU @ CONSULTANT . C0M is the best cryptocurrency/fund recovery and mobile phone cloning agency to help you remotely spy your suspected cheating spouse mobile devices

      I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm. I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $155,000 which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it was time to get my profits, I got to know the company was a scam. They kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience and requested to have my money back and they refused to answer nor refund my funds. . I heard about Recovery Bureau from a golf partner that used his services already and I decided to reach out to him. After explaining my situation and complaints to him, he was swift and took action and within 28 hours he got back my funds back with the due profit. I urge someone in a similar situation to reach out to Recovery Bureau on their support email: They are reliable, trustworthy, affordable and provides excellent services.
They offer other services

      Mobile phone hacking/cloning
      Spying and monitoring a suspected cheating spouse
      Cryptocurrency loan and insurance 
Private key reset 
Fixing compromised and locked crypto wallets 
Files Recovery and so on.



      WhatsApp: +1 (352) 870-0844


    March 4, 2022 at 6:22 pm

    I offer the loan at the interest rate of 3% … Contact us today for your urgent loan.
    Whatsapp +918489810716

  4. This advice omits humor.

    • Looking for ways to recover money from your cryptocurrency investment? Look no further – at , we specialize in recovering lost funds and investments. We can help you get your money back from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and whatever your favorite coin may be. Send inquiries to

      • RECOVERYBUREAU @ CONSULTANT . C0M is the best cryptocurrency/fund recovery and mobile phone cloning agency to help you remotely spy your suspected cheating spouse mobile devices

        I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm. I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $155,000 which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it was time to get my profits, I got to know the company was a scam. They kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience and requested to have my money back and they refused to answer nor refund my funds. . I heard about Recovery Bureau from a golf partner that used his services already and I decided to reach out to him. After explaining my situation and complaints to him, he was swift and took action and within 28 hours he got back my funds back with the due profit. I urge someone in a similar situation to reach out to Recovery Bureau on their support email: They are reliable, trustworthy, affordable and provides excellent services.
They offer other services

        Mobile phone hacking/cloning
        Spying and monitoring a suspected cheating spouse
        Cryptocurrency loan and insurance 
Private key reset 
Fixing compromised and locked crypto wallets 
Files Recovery and so on.



        WhatsApp: +1 (352) 870-0844

  5. Hello, I’m here to testify of how i got my real estate business loan amount €560k from Prof.Cindy Alberto Kauk. I don’t know if you are in need of an urgent loan to pay bills, start business or build a house, they offer all kinds of loan Ranging from $5,000.00USD to $2,000,000.00USD with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 33 years to pay back the loan secure and unsecured. Are you losing sleep at nights worrying how to get a Legit Loan Lender?
    Mrs.Cindy Alberto Kauk holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly without cost/stress Email

  6. I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer.


    1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD

    Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location.
    We deal with serious people who want this Card.
    Email :
    WhatsApp: +1 (803) 392-1735

  7. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS. It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new programmed blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago.. It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $3,000. Everyday I keeping pumping money into my account. Though it’s illegal, there is no risk of being caught because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV’s to detect you.. For details on how to get yours today, send an email to the hackers on GENUINEHACKERS000@GMAIL.COM or via WhatsApp +1 (260) 218-3592. You can also contact them for Crypto Mining, Bitcoin Loans, Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto Funds and Assets. Tell your loved one’s too, that’s the simple testimony of how my life changed for good.

  8. MARTINS HACKERS have special cash HACKED ATM CARDS for you to meet up with those needs of yours and also start up your own business. Our HACKED ATM CARDS can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM MACHINES or swipe, stores and POS. Our cards daily withdrawal limit depending on the card balance you order. You can make from $100,000 to $1,000,000.00 In USD ,POUNDS AND EUROS, with our HACKED Programmed card. Contact us today for your own order at :

  9. i got my programmed blank atm card from Kevin poulsen hackers.
    he is indeed an hacker. i believe him so much because he came through for me,
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anyone.
    if interested you can contact him now via or whatsapp on: +1 (928) 2727056,

  10. I am a widow with two kids, i want to share my testimony on how i paid all my debts and own myself a business.
    I went online then i came across a testimony about a blank card, i decided to give it a trial, all to my surprise it came through. i got the card, each day i withdraw $2000 and i have withdrawn the total of $80000.
    i am so thankful and grateful to william scot hackers whom God used to take me out of debts and poverty
    i am sharing this because i know so many out there are in need do not doubt, i can guarantee you the best with william scot hackers, if interested email him on
    whatsapp number +13475938976

  11. If you need concrete cheating evidence on your unfaithful partner the best hand that got you cover is Pro Gilbert wizard service he is a professional in hacking. When I noticed some strange changes about my ex-wife after I contacted an STD from her I learned she has been cheating on me so I search for an app that can be used to clone her phone conversations and passwords but all was in avail, then I come in contact with ‘’prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)’’ through a blog comment after connecting with him, he asked for the info and clone her Facebook, WhatsApp, and all her phone conversations within 24 hours, he did a very professional job without any traces, so if you are in need of a legit hacker for DELETING OF BLEMISHES FROM CREDIT REPORT, CREDIT SCORE INCREASE, PHONE CLONING, PHONE TAP, SPY HACK YOUR CHEATING SPOUSE TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY BEEN UP TO, EMAIL HACKS, WHATSAPP, MESSENGER AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA APP, DELETING OF CRIMINAL RECORD AND EVICTION HISTORY contact him via his ”prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) // What //sApp (+1)/ 541- (240) 9985

    • Are you looking to recover investments that you made in cryptocurrency? Perhaps you’re wondering how you can get your money back, what the best method of doing so is and who can help? We are professional experts who are experienced when it comes to investing in digital currency. Send the scam details to and we’ll be happy to talk more about your situation and how we can help!

  12. I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer.


    1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD

    Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location.
    We deal with serious people who want this Card.
    WhatsApp: +1 (803) 392-1735

  13. Hello everyone, I wish to share with you how I was scammed of $385,000.00 after I fell for a romance scam, he practically ruined my life. My relationship with my family was ruined because I fell for this scam.
    I had to go bankrupt after the scammer I met on a dating site coined me of all my life savings pretending to be in distress and I helped him on multiple occasions. I took a loan out to support him and yet I found out he was a scammer. I was able to get through all of this after a friend of mine showed me an article about Wardriver’s cyber service and how they can recover your stolen funds from these scammers. I contacted them and to my surprise, I recovered all that I lost in a day. You can contact them at. EMAIL: (
    WhatsApp: +1 (616) 898-7285

  14. My advice to everyone out there, please do deep research before investing in these online cryptocurrency trading platforms. My brother introduced me to one such platform called BITbyBIT TRADING where he had invested $300,000 which would generate $500,000 in 2 weeks. After much convincing from my brother, I saw it as a lucrative opportunity and so I jumped on it and invested my $100,000 to earn $105,000 within the same period. I started noticing red flags when they asked my bro to pay for such charges to facilitate the withdrawal process which was never successful. The same happened to me when my 2 weeks was due, By the time we realized it was a scam, they had already robbed us a total of $850,000. We opted to hire an investigator and found MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD SOFTWARE HACKING GROUP who took our case, and in three days, they had tracked the scammers and refunded our money. Contact them on or send them a message on WhatsApp via: +44 (737) 554-2502

  15. Investing online has been a main source of income, that’s why knowledge plays a very important role in humanity, you don’t need to over work yourself for money.All you need is the right information, and you could build your own wealth from the comfort of your home!Binary trading is dependent on timely signals, assets or controlled strategies which when mastered increases chance of winning up to 90%-100% with trading. It’s possible to earn $10,000 to $20,000 trading weekly-monthly in cryptocurrency(bitcoin) investment,just get in contact with Mr Bernie Doran my broker. I had almost given up on everything and even getting my lost funds back, till i met with him, with his help and guidance now i have my lost funds back to my bank account, gained more profit and I can now trade successfully with his profitable strategies and software!! 
Reach out to him through Gmail : ,Telegram: bernie_fx or WhatsApp +1(424)285-0682 for inquires

  16. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted DR WONDER.and after I explained to him my problem, he sent me a Save My Marriage Spell. In just 3 days, my husband came back to us. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Thanks to DR WONDER .”contact the spell caster on or whatsapp +2340859406701

  17. How to Join the Illuminati666 brotherhood!!! Call or Whats’App +1 (763) 340-4995 Are you in Germany, USA, Europe or anywhere in the world you want to be rich, famous, and posses power..
    1. A Cash reward worth $1,000,000, 00 USD after initiation.
    2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $100,000 USD
    3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
    4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
    5.One year Golf Membership package
    6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
    7.A total Lifestyle change
    8.Access to Bohemian Grove.
    9.Monthly payment of $100,000,00 USD into your bank account every month as a member
    10.One Month booked.appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World Whats’App +1 (763) 340-4995 if you want to join,or email:

  18. When my life was falling apart cause of my bad credit i couldn’t get a loan and i broke i needed money to start up my own business just as i was about to give up a close friend of who just worked with Brillianthackers800 AT gmail DOT com in catching his cheating wife recommended them to me and they fixed my credit score and also helped get the loan i needed to start up my business, i just bought a new car all thanks to them, you can also contact them via whatapp +14106350697, and i’m planing on buying a new house soon. All i can say is Thank you.

  19. I lost $485,000.00 USDT to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 10% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery software at WARDRIVER’S CYBER SERVICE. I contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers. Send complaint to

    Contact info:
    WhatsApp: +1 ( 6 1 6) 8 9 8-7 2 8 5

  20. Hello everyone, if you are here because you lost bitcoins to scammers or lost money to fake investments online, it is my pleasure to introduce this pro hacker by the name Arthur Ivanov. You can reach him via EMAIL: or WHATSAPP +17472252004.
    This man has been working for me since he helped me recover over $54,000 worth of bitcoins I lost to scam investment. He also recovers money lost through bank to bank transfers. He offers many other services like -Phone hack -Credit score boost -All social media hack -Erasing criminal records and court records -GPS tracking and many other services I can’t mention them all here, its a long list.

  21. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at any store or POS. we sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers world wide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for :: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack services we are here for you any time any day.

    Here is our price list for the ATM CARDS:

    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $380 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $665 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $3,550 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,000 USD

    Make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email:

  22. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at any store or POS. we sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers world wide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for :: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack services we are here for you any time any day.

    Here is our price list for the ATM CARDS:

    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $380 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $665 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $3,550 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,000 USD

    Make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!!
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email:

  23. Living this review here makes me more fulfilled than keeping it to myself. If you think you have failed or are giving up on investment, believe me when I say it’s because you haven’t contacted the right manager and the right company to invest in. I meet this kind and God-fearing man who introduced me to an expert forex trader, seeing him gave me more courage to invest my money with his company, believe me when I say investing with his company is the best decision I have made so far. I started my investment with just $2000 and I decided to top up my investment if I make the first withdrawal. Believe me when I say I just made my first withdrawal of $20,700 and expecting another withdrawal soon, am still very surprised right now. So I take it as a challenge to myself to create time and share the good deeds of Mr Donaldghacklord and his company in my life. If you ever decide to try investment I will advise you to contact Mr Donald , he will guide you through the process without stress or doubt. You can reach him through his email Donaldghacklord@gmail. Com

  24. I’m recommending the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service that can help you, it was very beneficial for me when I lost access to my wallet around May this year, the wallet had my investment of 135,000 USD in BTC and ETH , In my research for a solution, I read reviews on Investopedia about Mr Romero and DONALDCYBERLORD@gmail. Com can do with easy RECOVERY and he specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools, and high powered crypto mining. He made use of modern blockchain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who ripped my wallet through my email. I’m a grateful soul till date because he knows different combinations of on-chain and off-chain analytics and techniques to fix your stolen crypto. The specific assistance offered to me varied as it depends on the reasons your coins are inaccessible, but in every case, having experts like Mr. Romero working with you is key to recovery and investment of your coins. He is more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different coins, DONALDCYBERLORD@ gmail. com today, best in town, they are experts at tracking stolen crypto funds. They make it possible to recover passwords in many situations where accessing your wallets or coins seems impossible. DONALDCYBERLORD(@) GMAIL,C0M


    I was scammed over ( $526,000 ) online, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about RecoverMasters who helped in recovering my lost funds, which I can tell they have helped so many people who had contacted them regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the experts 48hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earn money to scammers out of trust, you can reach them through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later.
    Visit RecoveryMasters or Contact him on Email: ( WhatsAp +1(551) 202-23-35

  26. Beatrice Anderson

    January 6, 2023 at 10:39 am

    I lost about $325,000 USDT to a fake BitbyBit trading platform few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with an intent of earning 10% profit daily trading on the platform. This period was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and get my feeding routine done. I had to confide in my close friend who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery software at MICHAEL CALCE WIZARD SOFTWARE HACKING GROUP. I contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease . It was indeed an amazing service, this will forever be the best service I got on the internet. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through similar situation with their investment or fund theft to speedily lookup this team for the best appropriate solution so as to avoid getting lured by other fake recovery agents. Send your complaint now!!!

    Contact info:
    Whatsapp: +44 (753) 407-2218

  27. I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer.


    1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD

    Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location.
    We deal with serious people who want this Card.
    Email :
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  30. Christina Strickland

    January 7, 2023 at 5:07 am

    Good day everyone! I’m Christina Strickland from Dearborn, Michigan, USA. I wish to share with you all about Wardrivers Cyber. A few months ago, I was putting my money into an online BTC investment plan and I got scammed of about $47,000. I was in debt and financial loss until I came across an article about Wardrivers Cyber. I reached out to them about my situation and they were able to recover all the funds I had lost to the swindler. I’m full of excitement and thought it would be best to share this news with everyone out there who might be in similar situations. I know how shameful it is to lose money to swindlers but with a good and reliable company such as Wardrivers Cyber, there is a 100% guarantee your money will be recovered back. Their direct email is wardriverscyberservice@techie .com

  31. HOW I RECOVERED MY STOLEN BITCOINS!!!! DONALDCYBERLORD(@) GMAILC0M is truly the best tech pro to help you recover your stolen funds and monitor your suspected cheating partner’s devices. You might have already be scammed by an imposter who you fell in love with, or an unregulated crypto broker. People that fall for such frauds don’t always consider the fact that they can get assistance for this. They think that people will laugh at them.?But, this doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it, and try to go on with your life. This is not something you are going to forget over night and it may affect you in a lot of ways. The good news is that with the technology thuat we have today, it is a lot easier to get assistance after falling for this type of scams.This is the good news. It is actually possible for crypto fraud victims to get their money back after being scammed.The secret is that you should just know where to find the right assistance for this scams.?I went through similar situation and i met a hacker who helped me out. be rest assured your lost or stolen funds will be recovered back to either your wallet or bank account depending on how you want to receive it. contact them here if you are in similar situation.?? Email:DONALDCYBERLORD @GMAIL.COM?? He offers other amazing services such as ??Phone cloning ?, Spy on a suspected cheating spouse, Boost of credit scores, ??Repair of bad credits??, Clearing of criminal records and charges?, Website hacks etc.??

  32. Phillips Williams

    January 7, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    I was impatient to accomplish the necessary research, but I really wanted to get into the cryptocurrency trading and investing buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP in bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to see my account grow to GBP 214,575 within a few weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a fraudulent company until I tried to make a withdrawal attempt. I made a withdrawal request and noticed that my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried to contact customer support, but to no avail. I needed my money back at all costs because I couldn’t afford to lose it. So I tried every possible means to make sure I got my stolen bitcoin back. I searched the internet extensively for help and tried to see if there were other people with similar experiences. I stumbled across a cryptocurrency forum where some people mentioned that they went through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with the help of CryptocyberNet So I file a report on CryptocyberNet@ Gmail and he was able to help me recover all my lost funds in 2 weeks. I feel indebted to him. In addition to trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anyone who wants to recover scammed bitcoins, stolen cryptocurrencies, lost funds in binary options forex, investments and any other form of online scam to contact CryptocyberNet @ gmail

  33. I want to Share a private message about Super hackers Online which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Mr Philip send them the atm blank card and use it to withdraw money from any atm machine and become rich. {} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have withdrawn upto $250,000 dollars already. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Super Hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode.
    text: +12012937434

  34. Hello everyone, I am Beth Drukker from Hartford, Connecticut. I want to recommend the Cyberwall Fire recovery team to everyone who has had to deal with these internet swindlers, I lost my entire savings after investing in a cryptocurrency platform, I was told I would gain huge profits from my investment not knowing they were setting me up for a huge scam. If you have had a similar experience, I strongly recommend you contact cyberwallfire@techie. com as they were able to recover all my money in 48 hours. They are the best when it comes to recovering stolen money from these online swindlers. Reach them direct: Cyberwallfire@techie. com


    Hackers with the above email ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw the sum of $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : whats-app +1(510)-777-9243 ..please don’t contact him if you are not serious minded

  36. Alvir Hernandes

    January 9, 2023 at 8:43 pm

    A lot of things were happening in my life all at ones even to the point i lost my job, i ran into bankruptcy, got into debts that i could not pay back and i was also given an eviction all these happened in the space of eight months but i was saved by a friend who introduced me to Brillianthackers800 AT gmail DOT com and they cleared all my bad records and i was able to apply for the loan i needed, you can also contact them via Whatsapp +14106350697 and all these was done in the space of a week and i am happy now.

  37. HOW I RECOVERED MY STOLEN BITCOINS!!!! DONALDCYBERLORD(@) GMAILC0M is truly the best tech pro to help you recover your stolen funds and monitor your suspected cheating partner’s devices. You might have already be scammed by an imposter who you fell in love with, or an unregulated crypto broker. People that fall for such frauds don’t always consider the fact that they can get assistance for this. They think that people will laugh at them.?But, this doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it, and try to go on with your life. This is not something you are going to forget over night and it may affect you in a lot of ways. The good news is that with the technology thuat we have today, it is a lot easier to get assistance after falling for this type of scams.This is the good news. It is actually possible for crypto fraud victims to get their money back after being scammed.The secret is that you should just know where to find the right assistance for this scams.?I went through similar situation and i met a hacker who helped me out. be rest assured your lost or stolen funds will be recovered back to either your wallet or bank account depending on how you want to receive it. contact them here if you are in similar situation.?? Email:DONALDCYBERLORD @GMAIL.COM?? He offers other amazing services such as ??Phone cloning ?, Spy on a suspected cheating spouse, Boost of credit scores, ??Repair of bad credits??, Clearing of criminal records and charges?, Website hacks etc.??

  38. What a great success working with the best hacking team out there to recover my lost investment in Bitcoin , earlier last month I was involved with this online investment scheme that a friend introduced me to , but little did we know that the company was all a scam and never really existed though they were offering a huge returns on profits and that triggered my interest the more , the first few weeks was cool and I got paid out a couple of times , then all of a sudden I couldn’t withdraw my funds again and this time I am heavily invested in the company , I tried everything I could but all was to no avail and that’s when I knew I needed an extra help here , made a couple of research on how to recover my funds back and I ended up working with “DONALDCYBERLORD@gmail dot com “ this team were just very good at what they are doing .. with their help I was able to get back all of my initial investment and profits also . They are the best team that someone who is in same condition that I was needs right now and make sure you do just that either through their official email…

  39. patricia philips

    January 10, 2023 at 12:20 am

    Hello, I’m a cryptocurrency engineer and lost 4.4812 million aud to a phishing scam via Metamask (a digital wallet used by many people). My regular office web developer recommended that I contact who could help recover my losses. I did so and within 12 hours , the investigative team at had found that the link in question was indeed a phising link and was able to restore my funds back into my digital wallet after confirming ownership of the account.(Talks about how they were professional in every way).

  40. Btc Recovery Experts / Recovery Masters

    I was able to recover my stolen Bitcoins, thanks to a super services rendered by RecoveryMasters, true professional Hackers. their services are the only one I’m confidently recommending because  they have best customer care; they were not only outstanding responsive but also very patient with me even though l asked a lot of questions. I gave them all the necessary information to help trace and recover my Coins and they did just that. I really would recommend them. One can get into contact with them through their email:   (  whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35  

  41. Lorinda here too. On the internet, I came across a recommendation for Geek Squad Cyber. Both my husband and I needed to repair our credit. We couldn’t afford to repay the numerous loans we had with late payments. In the past, we have tried other services, but they haven’t really helped. However, after reading several positive reviews of Geek Squad Cyber, I suggested to my husband that we get in touch with them and explain our situation. Our credit was corrected, all bills were paid off, and they were able to raise each of our personal credit scores to above 750 in less than 14 working days. We are grateful for Geek Squad Cyber wonderful service. If we hadn’t consulted them, I’m not sure what would have happened to my husband and I. Do not be reluctant to get in touch with them for credit repair services, c.cyberservice(@) or WhatsApp Number: ‪+1 (575) 552‑5946‬

  42. Here At the Octapustickets group of Experts, We are Specialised in the production of valid database registered documents for all countries especially documents like Fake birth certificates, Fake Birth certificate with raised seal , Realistic fake birth Certificate . We are the best fake birth certificates providers online with at-least 55million copies circulating worldwide. Here , you can easily buy fake birth certificate at an affordable rate. We have clients who order fake birth certificate Canada since they live overseas and can’t have the opportunity to get one done . Most people today, like the use of novelty birth certificate for their own personal reasons . In USA , the demand in various cities for fake birth certificate is very high. For those in CA they like to use fake California birth certificate for their document approvals at the offices which always goes through. People also search for fake birth certificate Texas and fake birth certificate New York since these three states are more easy to use their birth certificate without getting into trouble.

    For more information Visit our website on :

    The demand for fake birth certificates with raised seals are high on the market these days so, the octapusticket group has made it easy for everyone who always ask how to get a fake birth certificate from the comfort of my home, should get instant solution.

    We are here to help those who lost their birth certificates , to get a replica birth certificate same as the one who got missing. So we would provide you with a fake birth certificates that look real which will be used smoothly without an mishap. Some people like to use fake birth certificate for passport , especially those moving from one county to another since it is part of the required documents for travel approval.
    We are here to make a fake birth certificate that look real so that, you can use it anywhere without any stress.

  43. Novelty Dmv Experts

    January 12, 2023 at 3:42 am

    Do you know that with MasterCard & Debit you can withdraw cash from any ATM machine !!! , we provide programmed ATM cards that can be used to raise cash in ATMs or push, shops and businesses. We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards have a daily withdrawal limit of $ 5000 at ATM and up to $ 100,000 spending limit in the stores. Visit our website on you can Download the Telegram APP and text us on the Telegram: Octapusticket

    We also offer the following services:

    Telegram: Octapusticket

  44. I had about $44,000 in Bitcoin that I thought was lost for good and I had tried all I could but with no luck.
    I saw a positive comment about Wardriver’s cyber service and how they can help me recover my bitcoins in just a few hours. I contacted Wardrivers and to my surprise, all that I thought was lost was recovered in a matter of hours. I highly recommend Wardrivers cyber-service to everyone who needs to recover their lost bitcoins, it doesn’t matter how you lost it, through a cryptocurrency scam or lost password, they are the best hacker when it comes to the recovery of bitcoins. Reach them via Wardriverscyberservice@techie .com

  45. We have specially programmed ATMs that can be used to withdraw money at ATMs, shops and points of sale. We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers all over the world, the cards have a withdrawal limit every week.
    Which we are giving you 98.9% Work sure.
    ➡️ Binary Recovery.
    ➡️ University Result Upgraded
    ➡️Increase Credit Score
    ➡️ Whipping of Criminal Records
    ➡️ Social Media Hack
    ➡️ Blank ATM Card
    ➡️All Kind of Loads
    ➡️ Phone Hacking.
    ➡️Game Hack/ Lottery Jackpot
    Border us with your jobs & allow us to give you positive results with our hacking skills

    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $300 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $850 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $2,200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $5,500 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $8,500 USD

    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!
    The price includes shipping fees and charges, order now:
    Copyright ©️ 2022.

  46. It’s a different kind of pain…. standing in the flames but still coming out unscathed.. everything was okay at the end , all I did was have faith and believe that it wasn’t the end until I said so cos they usually say ‘’ if it ain’t a happy ending then it’s probably not the end ‘’ … that was my believe and am glad I did. Crypto io.Com that’s the company that defrauded me of my $102,000 and thought they can get away with it but that’s not possible, I work for a big company and am very close to the IT department so I talked a friend there and he referred me to JETHACKS .. the best and prominent hacker in the field. Thank you sir you proved to be a life saver . JETHACKS successfully retrieved all of my money and in just 72hours of launching the +100 prime . It was all like a movie . Am sharing this here cos I have read so many reviews on here and I want to share mine and as well and below is the contact details for JETHACKS RECOVERY
    Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

  47. Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via ( whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks


    Hello Everyone, I wish to share with you how my savings were lost after investing with a fraudulent crypto trading broker. I finally found a genuine Crypto Recovery agent who I had previously seen many testimonies about him but I never thought I’ll have to need him for his services until I fell victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam that was introduced to me by someone I met online. I lost $10,000 in USDT, $9,000 in bitcoin and $20,000 in Eth totalling $39,000. I was left devastated and the first thing I thought of was report to the police but nothing was done. My last resort was to employ this specialist [SCEPTER007 @ WORKMAIL . COM ]. After much discussion on my situation and explaining of how he works, that for sure gave me hope that he could help me. I provided details and screenshots of the transactions I made to the scammers and using these he traced my funds. I was able to recover 80% of my losses and we are currently pursuing the rest. I am eternally grateful. I recommend him to any person who has fallen prey to any online trading scam.

  49. Fell Into A Crypto Scam? – Recover Your Fund Now, Contact Jerry.

    Even after being duped by fraudulent bitcoin investors, many people still fall for phony hackers in the hope of getting their money back from the scammers, only to lose even more money. I also had such an experience. But just when I was about to give up, a cyber expert I happened to meet through a reference helped me get my money back after making a dubious cryptocurrency investment, which was able to restore my trust in humanity. In actuality, Ultimate Hacker Jerry is the best platform for BTC recovery expertise services.
    The Ultimate Hacker can provide more details on any missing Bitcoins.

    Visit or send an email to (Ultimatehackerjerry @ seznam. cz)  

    I’m Jakob Tobias from Austria, and I heartily endorse Ultimate Hacker Jerry.

  50. I’m a college student who basically lives off of my parents , I had it all pretty good and that’s just it . Fast forward to early this year when my friend told me about this company he’s been making money through, I asked how he did it and he showed me it was very interesting so I made a tentative investment and it turned out well then I kept going until someone from the company contacted me and claimed to be a fellow investor that was merged with me to do a joint investment so we agreed to open a joint account and each deposit $35k. I took all my savings and pawned off my little ride in school and invested everything, it all vanished into thin air .. I didn’t see my money nor the person I invested with .. I was dead in the water so I wrote to JETHACKS on telegram : Jethackss and then proceeded to communicate on email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL. COM and we agreed I stop any further communications with the company while he tries to recover access to my funds … I regained access to my money after 48 hours and I quickly withdrew everything and shut down my account with them .. I will never try it again

  51. Thanks to Mrs Jane who helped me recover all my lost funds in forex and crypto trading including my profits, i was a big fool giving my hard earned money to greedy and scammed brokers, but am so happy i met Jane silva a honest woman who helped me recover all my lost funds, and she also gave me the right signal and platform to trade with, now am able to make $5000 weekly, and am very happy, that is why i cant stop testifying about her, if you are out there still experiencing failure trading in binary option, crypto and forex trading or you want to recover your lost funds trading in binary/ forex trade i will advice you to reach out to
    her via email on janesilva0727 gmail com

  52. Let me introduce you into a world of free stress where you can get your bad credit score fixed,clear criminal records (database) ,you can also spy on your cheating spouse and so on all you have to do is contact Premiumhackservices AT gmail Dot com and they will solve all your hacking problems leaving you stress free you can also contact them via Whatsapp +14106350697 do not worry you will get the best out of the job you give to them and i am sure you will tell everyone about how good and reliable they are like i am doing now.

  53. The crypto Trend was everywhere, I saw plenty of crypto news and hype on Twitter, Facebook , instagram and on google as well .. plenty of people were getting into it and making money from the comfort of their homes and I didn’t know how so I reached out to a group admin on telegram after following them for a while and asked for assistance so I could be a member as well . He assisted me into investing, I started with the plan A and eventually upgraded to the premium plan but I didn’t know it was a scam company and all the reviews I saw was fake until a member broke the sad truth on the platform before she was immediately removed .. I searched for the name on telegram and found her and she showed me all the proofs and how she lost and regained her money with the help of the JETHACKS TEAM . I tried to withdraw just to be sure and I was denied access to withdrawal . I was dumbfounded so I reached out to the JETHACKS TEAM on email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com and on telegram: Jethackss . I quickly sent all transactions proofs for verification before my recovery exercise was initiated and successfully recovered to my wallet in 3days . I have learnt my lesson to stay away from online money making plots thanks to the JETHACKS TEAM

  54. The Best Cryptocurrency Recovery Hackers I’ve ever known are RecoveryMasters
    Hey, it’s Taylor Fey here. I strongly recommend the service of RecoveryMasters,
    I have used them quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. They does all types of mobile hacks, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your Partner/Spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whatsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Incoming and Outgoing calls, Twitter, Snap Chats, Bank accounts, Deleted files, bitcoin address etc. They can also help you boost your credit score limit and also clear all debts on your card(s).Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to ( ) stating what you want them to do and their services are cheap and affordable. Don’t forget to mention Taylor recommended you

  55. I’ll advice you to use the services of a reliable IT expert / Recovery expert to help you retrieve all your lost or stolen bitcoin on the bitcoin network from scam brokers and fake investment platforms (Websites, blogs and forums). His services are outstanding and you can contact him at . Perfectly quintessential service. He can help you invest your coin in a reliable platfrom .Exceedingly Supreme Service.
    High Standard/Test and Trusted.
    TEXT/whats-app +1(510)-777-9243


    “Unfortunately, The first mistake was getting your funds stolen (crypto scam, trading/Fx investment scam,romance scam etc.)”
    Let The most tactical funds recovery team, Assetsretrievalboard. com save you from making the second mistake. Do not seek help from any of these fake recovery emails (scammers) on this very platform or elsewhere , it will land you in more loss.
    Sending any message to emails here that claim to be hackers.?
    There is more to being a “Real Hacker” (or recovery agent) than just using the words “hack and recovery” to create an email and also go as far as formulating fake testimonies to lure victims to contact them.
    📝1: You need a certified and effective team to help recover your misappropriated funds.
    📝2: you need at-least, a 15years hacking or recovery experienced and oriented dialectical team to enable that your funds recovery is a success, and therefore we at assetsretrievalboard. com is the team to render this service, we work so hard to enable that, the right hacker (recovery agent) is assigned to you after reviews/investigations have been carried out and confirmed that you are a victim of stolen funds. For more informations and detailed proof of works(testimonials)
    Visit our website now and let’s have your funds retrieved.
    assetsretrievalboard. com

    assetsretrievalboard. com

    ©️ 2023 signed.

  57. I was also ripped off my funds by a fake trade option few months back, I wasn’t so sure if I would be able to get my funds back as I had already given up on it. I was referred by a friend to cryptorefunder360(at)gmail(dot)com, a recovery expert who specialize on recovering scammed funds. Through his help I was able to get back my scammed funds. You can as well reach out to him via email Cryptorefunder360(at)gmail(dot)com.

  58. I have always believed in saving for the rainy days cos they will come in handy one day and that was what happened when I lost my investment with the fraud company I had invested with . I couldn’t stand the idea of losing a dime to any person never! .. never happened before and it wasn’t about to start happening now so I hired someone to help me and he introduced me to JETHACKS . I was skeptical at first but since he was highly recommended by my person I went along with him and it worked . I worked . I worked with JETHACKS for 3 days cos that’s what it took for him to breach the company portal and successfully regain access to my money . Now am only sharing this here because I have seen others who has spoken about his superior hacking skills and I felt I should share my experience as well so I might as well drop his contact details email: jethacks7 @ GMAIL.CoM and TELEGRAM: Jethackss

  59. It’s so important everyone knows that this genius, Albert Vadim can fix your credit for you. I started to have credit at 18. I ran all my credit cards all the way up as I didn’t know much about credit. At the time I had collections and all sorts of derogatory reports. I recently made a decision to get things together with the help of because I wanted a car. His program worked impressively for my credit and I got a new car. I consider him the best. You can also reach him on WhatsApp +17472252004

  60. How RecoveryMasters Recovered My Stolen Bitcoin

    My name is Haven Star. Here’s my recommendation….
    I have been in search of a good hacker for over 2 years, Recently I was looking through some websites; then I got ( they were highly recommended on the website so i decided to try them out, they were able to carry out all the task i gave them within 24 hours, they also helps with: Binary Recovery, Files Recovery, Crypto investment, Password, Bypass / Recovery Malware Removal / Criminal Record Expunge, Blank ATM Card, Social Media Hack, Remote Mobile Monitoring & Hacking, Credit Repair and Private Key Reset. They are very good and reliable, you can reach out to them if you are in need of the services of a good hacker. Contact them on Email: ( whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  61. Jonathan M Griffin

    January 16, 2023 at 12:35 am

    Tips on how you can get back your lost investment, thanks to this platform for giving us the chance to write reviews about our experience with brokers, I’ve been a victim of scam and I lost about $466,000 to an unregulated platform which got me into depression for months and the whole story changed when I saw a review about Wize Safety Recovery, who did not only help me in getting back my lost investment he also taught me the secret behind a successful trader all thanks to this awesome man a God sent I must confess, you can reach him on her email address (wizesafetyrecovery @ gmail com) you’ll be glad you did,

  62. Tips on how you can get back your lost investment, thanks to this platform for giving us the chance to write reviews about our experience with brokers, I’ve been a victim of scam and I lost about $466,000 to an unregulated platform which got me into depression for months and the whole story changed when I saw a review about Wize Safety Recovery, who did not only help me in getting back my lost investment he also taught me the secret behind a successful trader all thanks to this awesome man a God sent I must confess, you can reach him on her email address (wizesafetyrecovery @ gmail com) you’ll be glad you did,

  63. I almost lost my life after falling victim to a scam that went on for weeks, I got contacted by a lady pretending to be a Forex trader account manager, told me I’ll make huge profits if I invest on her platform not knowing that I was being targeted, I started making investments through bitcoins until it was time to withdraw and they insisted I had to pay 20% to withdraw my money and it was then I knew I was being swindled. Unfortunately, I had already put $90,000 into this investment scam. While I was wallowing in depression, I came across an article about a company Cyberwall Fire that can help me recover my money, I didn’t hesitate to contact them, they took some information from me and to my surprise, all my money was recovered within 48 hours. I’m truly grateful to Cyberwall fire for their professionalism in helping me recover my money. If you have lost money to any of these scams, I’ll recommend them to you. Their contact: Cyberwallfire(@)

  64. Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost some crypto coins and crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim of fake telegram personnels from Uniswap group. My wallet address security and 12 phrases got compromised and I lost all my crypto coins (Filecoin, Eth, Btc, and EthereumMax) to the tune of $184.000.This left me so devastated and left me depressed at my lowest point because my family could’ve been homeless if I didn’t recover my crypto coins successfully which was most of my savings and financial assets. I laid my complaint in the group and a real group admin referred me to Wizard Recovery Home. This cryptocurrency recovery agency saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just 6 days.I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto coins. I was filled with joy once I got my coins back, Here is his contact info if any one also need his help. Email: or what’sapp +1 (507) 414-7049,

  65. Hi everyone, it so nice to know that there are still real spell caster out there, just when i thought my chance of wining the lottery is gone then Dr Donald Showed up, i am a 67 years old woman and i spent 15 of my good years playing the lottery hoping i would win, i worked as a nurse but couldn’t save enough so i thought lottery wining could be another shortcut to successes, i invested all my time my money and i became broke, at a point i was devastated and almost gave up in life till i met a man called Dr Donald, i met him trough online and i was actually scared cause i have never done a thing like that before, but i decided to give it a try, i did all he asked of me still doubting his capability, after all he gave me a winning numbers to play which i did and to my greatest surprise i won, it was all like a dream to me but was real so i promise to share his good work so others can also reach out to him for help, trust me he is the best i advice you to try him and i promise you won’t be disappointed.
    here is his Email below:

    Whatsapp: +1(251)397-5966

  66. The idea of trying new things and capitalizing on every opportunity to make more money has always been my way of living .. I have more than one source of income and when the opportunity to invest in crypto came along I didn’t shut it down .. I only had one problem , I had no time to trade myself but when they did it was possible for the company to trade for an investor I said to myself ‘’why not ‘’.. quickly I made my first investment and then second and third and kept going till I wanted to withdraw but they kept asking for more deposits..sounded very fishy to me so I did more investigation and found more cases like mine and how they handled the situation by contacting JETHACKS to save them and I took no delay in reaching out to the smart hacker. I wrote to his email : JETHACKS7 @ Gmail . Com …. My funds was successfully recovered to my wallet 2 days after he and his team launched the recovery exercise . Piece of advice : there are many fraudulent websites on the internet so we should be very careful and I wish everyone one good luck .

  67. Kathleen Barnson

    January 16, 2023 at 10:57 pm

    Gold credit is the best online credit repair company you can use to boost your credit score .
    They helped me out when i desperately needed a loan to buy a house for my Mum, but had a poor credit and that denied
    my approval for the loans i applied for . i read about this online credit repair company and did a thorough research about their company before
    reaching out to them. i gave them the necassary info they needed and to my surprise my credit score was increased from 528 to an
    excellent 790 within 2 weeks . They permanently removed all the negative items on my credit .
    If you also need your credit boosted to excellent then contact : GOLDCREDITFIX AT gmail DoT com

  68. Watcher texas jr

    January 17, 2023 at 1:15 am

    I am a widow with two children, I want to share my testimony on how I paid all my debts and own a business. I went online then i came across a testimony about a blank card, i decided to give it a trial, all to my surprise it came through. i got the card, each day i withdraw $2000 and i have withdrawn the total of $80000. i am so thankful and grateful to MITNICKWEB.CO whom God used to take me out of debts and poverty i am sharing this because i know so many out there are in need do not doubt, i can guarantee you the best CC MITNICKWEB.CO ON google search

  69. I have learned my lesson the hard way to never trust any person pretending to be an agent or account manager, I trusted someone with my money and I was conned of $117,000 in Bitcoins after they refused to let me withdraw from my account and insist I pay more money to their fraudulent platform. I was lucky to get the attention of my colleague at work who told me about Cyberwall fire, a reputable company that has helped many people recover their money in the past. I contacted them and in a space of 48 hours, they helped me recover my money.
    Thank you so much Cyberwall fire, I’m going to continue spreading your information as I know they are a lot of people who are being held hostage by these swindlers and who have lost money to them. This is their contact information.

  70. Xavier Christine

    January 17, 2023 at 12:03 pm

    Hello, my name is Xavier Christine, and I now live in Chicago, Illinois. I’ve been a nurse working here in the United States for several years. I enjoy using the internet to pass the time, so I came into contact with a crypto broker who told me that if I invested $4,000, I could have enough money to buy myself a home and a hospital within a few months so I decided to invest. I was sending money as I could just for an investment. Throughout this time, he encouraged me to keep investing, and I had already invested $93,000.00 After a short while, I was unable to get in touch with him as I realised that my money had been stolen.

    To summarise the story, I wish to recommend Wizard web recovery, a reliable and well-known platform. Using information I subsequently found online, I consulted Wizard Web Recovery and disclosed what had happened to me. To the awesomeness of life, they were capable of aiding me in finding and recovering my lost funds. I have the pleasure of urging everyone who has been taken advantage of to use Wizard web recovery to get back your stolen funds and other hacking services. They are fast and reliable., Telephone Number: +1 (917) 725-3296


  71. All my life I have been sweating my pants and working my ass off to make a better life for me and myself , I wasn’t the brightest in school but I always had a knack for opportunities.. I could always spot it and that was what I did when I got into crypto in 2015 and I been investing since and just basically HODLING which was going good but good just doesn’t cut it anymore , I decided to diversify the market till I lost all of my work to a fake company I had met on telegram . To cut the story short i was able to recover it all back again cos when I couldn’t accept the lose .. I looked for solution and when I saw the website of JETHACKS .. I had a good feeling about the TEAM and quickly reached out to them for help and they gave my work a second chance when my funds totaling at €400 thousand was successfully retrieved. The saying nothing is impossible is very true if you believe . Simply reach out directly to JETHACKS RECOVERY on telegram : Jethackss or Email : Jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM

  72. I’m a crypto HODLER .. at least I believe I am , I buy and hold… I never sell I was just buying and buying just for nothing really .. i had a good number of BTC and ETH as I started buying when the price were still a bit friendly . Being a woman i learnt to have multiple ways of making $ so literally do anything and everything I can as long as it pays ( honest works ) and eventually I almost lost them all to capitaltradefx. Com … Actually I had lost them to the fraud company until I had JETHACKS retrieve them all back to my trust wallet .. I have money but I wasn’t about to let anyone take nothing from me not even a dime !!! …. Now I owe it all to JETHACKS cos if not for him , they would have succeeded in defrauding me . I had reached out to JETHACKS on telegram: Jethackss before moving forward to sending him the transaction proof’s between me and the company on email: jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com


    “Unfortunately, The first mistake was getting your funds stolen (crypto scam, trading/Fx investment scam,romance scam etc.)”
    Let The most tactical funds recovery team, Assetsretrievalboard. com save you from making the second mistake. Do not seek help from any of these fake recovery emails (scammers) on this very platform or elsewhere , it will land you in more loss.
    Sending any message to emails here that claim to be hackers.?
    There is more to being a “Real Hacker” (or recovery agent) than just using the words “hack and recovery” to create an email and also go as far as formulating fake testimonies to lure victims to contact them.
    📝1: You need a certified and effective team to help recover your misappropriated funds.
    📝2: you need at-least, a 15years hacking or recovery experienced and oriented dialectical team to enable that your funds recovery is a success, and therefore we at assetsretrievalboard. com is the team to render this service, we work so hard to enable that, the right hacker (recovery agent) is assigned to you after reviews/investigations have been carried out and confirmed that you are a victim of stolen funds. For more informations and detailed proof of works(testimonials)
    Visit our website now and let’s have your funds retrieved.
    assetsretrievalboard. com

    assetsretrievalboard. com

    ©️ 2023 signed.

  74. I am very happy, I am here to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Adodo has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, i was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when i was unable to give he a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then i was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email ( then you won’t believe this when i contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month i miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Adodo for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through this same kind of problems you can contact he today on his mail ( on his Whatspp +18144484537 and he will also help you as well

  75. Hi, first, I’m 66 and just learning; thanks to team XAP Credit Solution, all the benefits of using CC. I wish I’d know y’all when I was younger!!! Anyway, I am happy you’re able to boost my score from 490 to 790 in less than a few days without asking for an extra penny. All the collections, charge offs, eviction and lien were expunged from my report. I am able to get a very high limit of Amex credit cards and I also got qualified for a mortgage loan. This wouldn’t have been possible without XAP. I have an excellent report with great tradelines. You can contact XAP via: or +❶ (❽⓿❶) ❾❽❽ ❾❽❾⓿.

  76. I’m recommending the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service that can help you, it was very beneficial for me when I lost access to my wallet around May this year, the wallet had my investment of 135,000 USD in BTC and ETH , In my research for a solution, I read reviews on Investopedia about Mr Romero and DONALDCYBERLORD@gmail. Com can do with easy RECOVERY and he specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools, and high powered crypto mining. He made use of modern blockchain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who ripped my wallet through my email. I’m a grateful soul till date because he knows different combinations of on-chain and off-chain analytics and techniques to fix your stolen crypto. The specific assistance offered to me varied as it depends on the reasons your coins are inaccessible, but in every case, having experts like Mr. Romero working with you is key to recovery and investment of your coins. He is more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different coins, DONALDCYBERLORD@ gmail. com today, best in town, they are experts at tracking stolen crypto funds. They make it possible to recover passwords in many situations where accessing your wallets or coins seems impossible. DONALDCYBERLORD(@) GMAIL,C0M

  77. Phillips Williams

    January 18, 2023 at 6:05 pm

    I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 214,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I couldn’t afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online search for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptography funds with the help of Brain. So I file a report on CryptocyberNet @ Gmail {}com and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 1 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach out to CryptocyberNet @ Gmail all the best.

  78. Hi everyone, it so nice to know that there are still real spell caster out there, just when i thought my chance of wining the lottery is gone then Dr Donald Showed up, i am a 67 years old woman and i spent 15 of my good years playing the lottery hoping i would win, i worked as a nurse but couldn’t save enough so i thought lottery wining could be another shortcut to successes, i invested all my time my money and i became broke, at a point i was devastated and almost gave up in life till i met a man called Dr Donald, i met him trough online and i was actually scared cause i have never done a thing like that before, but i decided to give it a try, i did all he asked of me still doubting his capability, after all he gave me a winning numbers to play which i did and to my greatest surprise i won, it was all like a dream to me but was real so i promise to share his good work so others can also reach out to him for help, trust me he is the best i advice you to try him and i promise you won’t be disappointed.
    here is his Email below:

    Whatsapp: +1(251)397-5966

  79. The Bible says the root of all evil is money and I have seen so many situations where money has put great issue between two or more people most recently in my own case .. how could I invest my money with you and after making profits you refused to pay me my own percentage , we had an agreement and they broke it off .. smh I couldn’t wrap my head around it and that set me off to find a way to get back at them for what they did to me, I first reached out to my lawyer but he said there wasn’t anything he could do about it , I felt dead in the water till my friend has told me about how she saw some positive reviews on here from people who’s been in similar situations as me and told me to check it out , I did come here and took the contact details of JETHACKS RECOVERY .. EMAIL : jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com and TELEGRAM: Jethackss . I wrote to the team on both handles and they replied back and that was how I saw giving a second chance . JETHACKS RECOVERY successfully breached the company’s security and retrieved my funds along with all the profits it had made over the months . The team is indeed professional and ethical in the field and am glad they came to my rescue .

  80. Mr Lavington is a very good man and has helped me cleared all my debts as a single parent.

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  81. Hey everyone I bring to you good news.. Have been playing lottery for years now and unable to win I even came to conclusion that I won’t play lottery again, last Monday I came online and I saw a post about Dr dominion spell lottery number I doubted but decided to give a last try and I reach out to him, we chatted to my greatest surprise on Thursday he cast a spell and gave me a winning number and i tried the numbers, guess what guys I won the lottery, my retired mom has be playing too and I have asked her to reach Dr dominion and I know soon she is going to win, if you want to win this lottery I will advice u reach on Dr dominion he has all it requires to make u win

    WhatsApp: +16574277820
    Call: +12059642462


  82. Kristine Baxter

    January 19, 2023 at 5:21 pm

    There are many cases of internet theft nowadays making it difficult for more investors to partake in cryptocurrency. This is one of the reason why I stopped my investment in crypto despite the huge gains. Few weeks back I got deceived by a crypto investment scheme by a trader/ crypto analyst who lured me to an ICO project with massive returns but turned out to be a scam so I spoke with a friend and she referred me to expresslinerecovery {at}Gmail c0m who rescued me and got my funds back to the last penny within 48 hours I hired them. Their services are amazing, I’m glad I met this team

  83. I invested with a fraud company who claimed to be based in Australia but upon investigation, I found out it was all a camouflage, they weren’t a real company , I couldn’t believe my eyes like the internet is indeed a crazy space but all this was after I had invested $54k with them and I took it upon myself to get the profits I made cos the company refused to pay out what belonged to me so when It was revealed they were fake I thought my money was gone forever but JETHACKS showed it wasn’t , he traced back my money using the transactions hash after he had breached the company portal … honestly am not quite sure how he did but am just glad he could .. he is a very professional and trustworthy hacker who in their abundant expertise was able to return my money safely to me . You can reach out to them on
    Email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM
    Telegram: JETHACKSS

  84. Phillips Williams

    January 20, 2023 at 7:24 am

    I can only imagine what others have been through in the hands of these fraudulent individuals pretending to be cryptocurrency traders & miners. I just had a lifetime experience with them after meeting someone who claims to be an account manager and could help me make huge returns from my investments. I invested a lot of money with them and when it was time to withdraw my profits, they logged me out of my account and told me to put more money into their account. It was already too late before I realize they were swindlers, I had already lost $383,000 worth of Bitcoin to their fraudulent platform. I was depressed and embarrassed, but I started looking for ways to recover my stolen money and I came across an article about a company CryptocyberNet which has helped thousands of people recover their money from fraudulent transactions, I don’t know how they did it but CryptocyberNet was able to recover my money in 42hours. CryptocyberNet is a reputable company and you can contact them with the following information: CryptocyberNet @gmail (.)com

  85. When I thought everything was actually all right that’s when it happened to be worse even , I have been with this forex trading company for over 3 months but on the first month I was robbed off all my investments on there website .. they also came up with all sorts of excuses to justify their actions , at some point I wanted to let go but this thought keep coming on the back of my mind , on how I got the money I invested and the thought of that alone gave me hope that I can still figure out a way to get myself out of this mess , just a week after the incident I came across this Article on Reddit where they discussed about hackers and how helpful they’ve been with recovering your lost or even stolen assets , of course I ran into a couple of scammers on my first 2 attempts of working with a hacker there but the 3rd time I happened to be lucky , the 3rd hacker “ Virtualhacknet @ gmail. Com “ was so helpful to the issue at hand , after some due process he was able to retrieve the funds directly back to my supposed wallet address. I often contacted them on their telegram account @ Virtualhacknet after a successful withdrawal of the recovered funds in my wallet to say how grateful I am for their service .

  86. Nakiesha Brandenburg

    January 20, 2023 at 10:50 am

    𝑰 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒑𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒔. 𝑴𝒚 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒃𝒚𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 $200,000 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 $400,000 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 2 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔. 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒉𝒊𝒎, 𝒊 𝒔𝒂𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒊 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 $150,000 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 $300,000 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒐𝒊. 𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒇𝒖𝒍. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒚 2 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒖𝒆, 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒎, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 $650,000. 𝑾𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 72𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒚@𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎.

  87. I’m a single dad , my wife died while giving birth to my second child( last child) and I have been raising my two boys single handedly but it’s not been easy therefore I was open to doing anything so I could provide my boys with the best possible life I could including doing business online which got me into crypto investment , at first it was going great till everything went crazy , I was denied access to withdrawal and they kept asking for more deposits which seemed fishy to me so I went online to google for similar cases and that was when they whole scheme was now clear to me cos I read so many stories on here and also how they pulled through with the help of JETHACKS RECOVERY EXPERT whom I took the contacts details Telegram: Jethackss and Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com and reached out to the team who successfully recovered my money and profits over the months . so I decided to come here and share my story as well . If you’re ever in similar situations then you need to reach out to the JETHACKS Team immediately.

  88. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started.

    Stay Safe !

  89. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, my family and I were left with nothing after these swindlers stole $107,000 in USDT and Bitcoins from us. We were so lucky to come across a post about Cyberwall Fire, a cryptocurrency and funds recovery company with plenty of experience in cybersecurity. Cyberwall Fire was able to recover all of our funds, and with the information we provided, they were tracked down and reported to the appropriate authorities. I highly recommend Cyberwall Fire for your cryptocurrency recovery.
    Cyberwallfire@techie . com

  90. I am not the first to recommend him because his recommendations can be seen everywhere but I am doing this because I am very happy, I am very happy because I made the right choice and that right choice is me chosen to follow my instincts and go with the good reviews i saw about JETHACKS RECOVERY, I believe if it’s not for that choice i made i would have still been in a very toxic relationship with my ex partner who was a serial cheat but all that is gone now thanks to the JETHACKS TEAM everyone deserves happiness that includes you so to get that happiness you deserve I reckon. contact the best in the world for recovering your account and the funds lost to all the fraud companies out there
    email ; Jethacks7 @gmail com
    Telegram; Jethackss

  91. Back in 2019 my credit score was horrible , i had so many collection accounts and would noy get approved for anything.
    I had rental debts, charge offs, student loans, tax liens from my credit report. I was then referred to (CREDITHERO123 @ GMAIL ..COM)
    by an old friend who said a lot of good stuffs on how he helped him and his wife boost their credit ratings to excellent.
    I contacted him and he removed the negatives affecting my credit and raised my score to 750. I was 100% satisfied with his services.

  92. I never thought I could get scammed of my Bitcoin , I never new these investments were fake . I never knew I was getting lured into loosing my money , I was depressed and in anger but all thanks to Adam Wilson for the help and professional service offered to me in my time of need . Thanks to Kate for sending me this contact mail. Adamwilson . Trading {aT} Consultant . Com /WhatsApp +1870-345-7937
    Who helped me recover my lost money from Bitcoin investment . I couldn’t believe it..

  93. Recently I lost a huge portion of my savings and inherited funds of my late parents to a faux forex broker who promised an amazing returns on my investments. After few months I got to realized it was a scam scheme when I was denied withdrawals. After finding a solution to my problems. Then I found WilliamNehra {at} consultant . com who recovered my funds completely with no hassle or hidden charges. It’s never late to recovery your lost money with the help of Williams.

  94. I can’t stop giving you positive reviews ..
    For recovering
    my stolen 4.3 Bitcoin in just few minutes. ..
    i lost my BTC in a bitcoin investment scam
    and RAMSAY MACDONAL..unbelievably recovered my
    coins back to my wallet in just in just few minutes.
    i believe we all need such a wonderful helper.
    contact her via mail. RAMSAYMACDONALD @ CONSULTANT COM
    WHATSAPP +1870-337-7781

  95. I got a story to tell because for sure this is going down as one of the greatest miracle that have ever happened in my life , how do I explain to people that what I thought had been lost forever wasn’t !.. that which I thought had been stolen could still be found and it’s all thanks to the greatest hacker in the world JETHAACKS RECOVERY . I absolutely have no idea how he did it but who cares , am just glad for his got an unmatched level of expertise. First off , i wrote to the team on email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM after hearing about his services on a podcast and I took a leap of faith which had paid off and I couldn’t believe it until the whole funds was available in my trust wallet and I could conver to fiat . Miracles still exist and good people too so never stop believing. I hope my story helps others out there and kindly do well to reach out to JETHACKS RECOVERY on the above mail or on telegram : Jethackss

  96. Philips Kennedy

    January 23, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Firstly ,i will say there is no shame in being the victim of one of these sophisticated and predatory operations. By coming forward you may be able to recover some or all of your lost funds and prevent the scammers from targeting others, contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM. They have extensive experience in helping clients to recoup and recover funds lost in the bitcoin scam
    i was scammed in bitcoin investment. I made my complain to this professional recovery agent who assisted me in recovering my bitcoins.
    The case of stolen bitcoin is rampant and frustrating. Bitcoin investment is meant to be smooth and direct but a lot of people already turned it into a means to deprive innocent people of their hard earn funds. In a situation like this, all you need is a proper recovery company to help you recover your bitcoin…Bitcoin recovery is very possible so far you making use of a very good professional company ROOTKITS and their team can help recover lost funds, they are qualified experts that can help you…They helped me when I lost about 4.09BTC to the wrong investment website. you can contact ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . COM , Telegram ROOTKITS7

  97. Good day,have you heard about blank atm card,what it does and how much it cost to get one from us,blank atm card is like a credit card which is connected to our server and enables you withdraw minimum of $5,500 and above daily from our central wallet in any atm machine in the world this is done to enable individual stay away from dangers of loans application loan and credit cards issues is legal so send a mail to for more information on how to get one thanks.

  98. I have seen plenty bad sh** in this world , hard times made me bleed… looking back I see a life that I never wanna go back to fr fr and ain’t nothing pulling me back there never ! tho I was so close to going back home after I had lost my money to cash fx investment company .. I blew out my credit card, was high in debts with the bank and friends including the fact that I was running behind on my house mortgage.. it was really troubling times for me then JETHACKS came along .. the team behind my smile today with an unmatched level of happy to share this here today cos what’s life if you can’t give an appreciation post to he who deserves it . I had nearly lost over 640k CAD to the fraud company but how the JETHACKS got it back, it’s still a thing of mystery to me but what can I say … am just glad we are here today . Do well to reach out to JETHACKS RECOVERY and take back what was stolen from you by those cowards .
    Telegram: Jethackss
    Email: jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com

  99. ‘’It’s been too many nights you went blaming yourself for what happened when instead you could have been looking for something to do about it’’.. this was what my friend at work said to me the day he gave me the contact details of JETHACKS RECOVERY and said I should reach out to them on email : Jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com or Telegram : Jethackss . He heard about them the beautiful morning on podcast before heading to work and had to write the contact info down for me … Indeed it pays to have genuine friends who looks out for you , we all need help at some point in our life . I communicated with the TEAM on telegram but I wrote down both contacts for who ever might need assistance in getting back what was stolen from them .. there are many individuals who have fallen victim to these heartless imposters . This has been a life lesson that I will never forget about it … I have invested my money that JETHACKS Recovered back for me in my clothing business and am sticking to that from now on .


    Another Successful Bitcoin Recovery, My husband and I are another successful client of RecoveryMasters among many. I read countless positive reviews about how they have been using their Recovery expertise to help people achieve their happiness back by recovering their scammed or lost Bitcoin and assets from fraudulent and posers of Cryptocurrencies trading companies. After reading many of the wonderful services they render, I had to contact them because my husband was seriously defrauded by some scammers online, it all ended in goodwill as we were able to recover what we thought we had lost to scammers. Contact them on email ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  101. Simon Donaldson

    January 25, 2023 at 2:26 pm

    I can’t really express myself or how I feel .. don’t know how to start . Having so much money with me made me realize that it takes a lot to handle bulk money .. I had to withdraw $75k in cash just so I could hit my chest and tell myself YES THIS ISN’T A DREAM cos it all felt so surreal to me lol and I have one Team to thank for all this ( THE JETHACKS TEAM ). Being able to recover cryptocurrency is nearly Impossible ( everyone said that to me ) but it is possible cos if someone could invent crypto payment then for sure someone can still trace it, it’s all like a chain network you just need the right tools, person and expertise to do that and the JETHACKS TEAM IS THE BEST OUT THERE . Finally I’m happy and so is my family and you too could be , all you have to do is reach out to JETHACKS TEAM . No more beaten yourself up cos no one is above mistake .
    Contact details are as follows :
    Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram : Jethackss

  102. Hey everyone I bring to you good news.. Have been playing lottery for years now and unable to win I even came to conclusion that I won’t play lottery again, last Monday I came online and I saw a post about Dr dominion spell lottery number I doubted but decided to give a last try and I reach out to him, we chatted to my greatest surprise on Thursday he cast a spell and gave me a winning number and i tried the numbers, guess what guys I won the lottery, my retired mom has be playing too and I have asked her to reach Dr dominion and I know soon she is going to win, if you want to win this lottery I will advice u reach on Dr dominion he has all it requires to make u win

    WhatsApp: +16574277820
    Call: +12059642462


  103. I’m excited to write about Fred Hacker, he is a great and brilliant hacker who penetrated my spouse’s phone without a physical installation app. And I was able to access my spouse’s phone, SMS, Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Wechat, Snapchat, Call Logs, Kik, Twitter and all social media. The most amazing thing there is that he restores all phone deleted text messages. And I also have access to everything including the phone gallery without touching the phone.I can see the whole secret of my spouse. Contact him for any hacking service. He is also a genius in repairing Credit Score, increasing school grade, Clear Criminal Record etc. His service is fast. Contact on: spyhackelite @gmail com

  104. OMG,THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED. just a mail to spyhackelite @gmail com
    I wouldn’t have known how easy it is to gain access to my partner device if I had not met with you. All thanks to everyone for the recommendations

  105. Do you need black magic spell ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after a breakup ? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that wanted to ruin my life for years. Here is Dr Noble’s contact via noblespellhome@ gmail. com or add him on whatsapp for quicker communication via +2348129950262 . Thank you.
    kind regards

  106. Elizabeth Phoenix

    January 26, 2023 at 3:32 pm

    Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired Mr Stewart for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my ex husband’s phone and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get some info such as whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs and even phone conversations that I needed for proof of his secretive affair. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person; to all loyal partners out there if you have a dishonest partner don’t hesitate to send him a mail on wizardstewarthackservice(AT)

  107. William Culkins

    January 26, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    I recovered all the money stolen from my crypto currency account, Yes it is possible to retrieve your stolen funds.
    I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible.
    But few months ago I fell for a binary options scam which promised a higher return I lost $135,000.
    I read an article on here as regards to a recovery expert and genius so I reached out to (recoverfunds . investigator247 @ g m a i l dot com)
    and to my surprise I got all bitcoins recovered .
    if you’re finding it difficult to withdraw your funds from all these crypto investment scheme .

  108. Best Hackers Contact RecoveryMasters

    My wife thought I was a fool not to find out about her secret affairs with some random guys right under my nose just because she felt I was not in the country. Well thank you so much RecoveryMasters for helping me catch my cheating wife remotely without a single trace. you can reach out to them if you are in need of the service of a good hacker. Contact them on Email: ( whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  109. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started.

    Stay Safe !

  110. Taylor Jefferson

    January 27, 2023 at 1:15 am

    I am an orphan i live in chicago i want to thank william scot for coming to my financial aid. i was searching online for solution to my financial difficulties i came across a testimony saying william scot helped her then i decided to try i mailed him up which he replied then he offered me a blank atm card which i used to withdraw, firstly i withdrew $500 , i was surprised at the outcome in total for that day i withdrew $3000 i kept on withdrawing which i did for 3 month i withdrew the sum of $40000 now im free from poverty and starvation. God bless you william scot. if you need his help from him with his blank atm card you can conatct him on or whatsapp on +13475938976

  111. I’ve always heard people talk about how they were duped but I never thought it’d get to some point where I’d be in the same situation , after the sudden pandemic in 2020 I was fighting so hard to get back on my feet financially and that’s when I ended up in a pit instead , I came across this asset manager on Instagram , he explained everything I thought I needed to know about the crypto investment but got to a point where the whole scenario changed , I could not withdraw or even login to my account with the fake crypto company and that’s when I realised I have been duped , at first I was devastated and didn’t know what my next move will be , on telling one of my close friends what happened she was mad that I didn’t tell her at first but the good thing was that her cousin had been in the same situation and was able to recover her money with the help of a private recovery Agent “ Knighthoodbot @ gmail dot com “ , I didn’t hesitate to reach out to him and that was how the Long search on how to recover my hard earned money came to an end , within just 48 hours I was filled with joy after receiving my funds back to my wallet .. we texted more on telegram : @KNIGHTHOODBOT9

  112. Phillips Williams

    January 27, 2023 at 10:43 am

    I am victim of a Cryptocurrency Exchange called “UBS Cryptocurrency Exchange” probably based in Hong Kong, which is renamed as “CREDIT SUISSE Cryptocurrency Exchange” in September 2022. I lost 485,700 USDT by investing and trading in this platform since November 2021. The exchange is not allowing me to withdraw my wallet funds and keeps on asking to pay various kinds of fees like tax, membership fee, account reactivation fee, network channel fee, UBS Bank saving account opening fee, card fee, withdrawal fee, etc. In spite of paying all the fees I am not able to withdraw my wallet funds. The last transaction of deposit of network fee of 5000 USDT was made on 16th August 2022. My present wallet amount is 1,560,586 USDT. Most of my investment for trading in the above exchange and paying their fees comes from loans from various Indian banks. I became completely broke and barely manage to survive with very little money. In a desperate attempt to recover my funds i approached a recovery firm based in USA called CyberBroad which scammed me for about $5000. Then their ex-employee contacted me and he again scammed me for about $1900. I naively trusted them because I was desperate. However after few more attempts for a way to recover my funds I found CryptocyberNet @ gmail. Com . com via a referral through my friend and they were able to completely retrieve my stolen digital assets within 42hrs I contacted them. This funds came back to my wallets in tranches and rescued me from depression. What I thought was impossible became possible right before me. Are you currently in a similar situation of losing money to scammer or you have issues with your crypto wallets? Speedily send a mail to CRYPTOCYBERNET. com for the best help Email: CRYPTOCYBERNET @ @GMAIL.COM

  113. What a great success working with the best hacking team out there to recover my lost investment in Bitcoin , earlier last month I was involved with this online investment scheme that a friend introduced me to , but little did we know that the company was all a scam and never really existed though they were offering a huge returns on profits and that triggered my interest the more , the first few weeks was cool and I got paid out a couple of times , then all of a sudden I couldn’t withdraw my funds again and this time I am heavily invested in the company , I tried everything I could but all was to no avail and that’s when I knew I needed an extra help here , made a couple of research on how to recover my funds back and I ended up working with “DONALDCYBERLORD@gmail dot com “ this team were just very good at what they are doing .. with their help I was able to get back all of my initial investment and profits also . They are the best team that someone who is in same condition that I was needs right now and make sure you do just that either through their official email…

  114. richard pryce wizard

    January 27, 2023 at 11:02 am

    About 3 months ago, my girlfriend was convinced to invest in an upcoming ICO which had all this projections of being the next Dodge-coin. They laid it out that payment are to be done bi-weekly after investment. She went ahead and put in $345,000 worth of BTC. Waiting about 3 weeks and still nothing, she approached me and gave me the whole spiel. I just couldn’t shake it off. I searched around and everybody seems to be so sure the process is irreversible. I decided to deep dive in the onion site in search of a white hat to advise me and that’s where I landed on american forensic firm platform I must say the process wasn’t straight forward their smart contract experts were able to take me through the process where I provided deals like the transaction logs and TX ids and just different properties and in the end we were able to recoup a fair share of the investment. I know the pain of loosing out BTC and hence hope this one helps someone out, goodluck via Email: or whatsapp +36302513218

  115. When you see this review i believe you will also be hapy for me because i was convicted with a crime that i did’nt commit and this was last year, i was working with a company and i was suspected for some fraudulent act but with the help of Premiumhackservices AT gmail DOT com i was found not guilty, they provided evidence i need to be free they worked as private investigator on my case and they were hired by my wife and i thank them a lot doing and this is least way i can show my appeciation for what they have done for me, they also use whatsapp to stay in contact +14106350697, You too can be saved off all your stress or what has been bothering you.

  116. A month ago, I fell victim to a cryptocurrency investment platform after investing a huge sum of money into it and they logged me out of my Bitcoin wallet with a balance of $73,800 in bitcoins and requested I pay 20% before I withdraw my funds. I had lost all hope to recover my money until I saw a testimony about Spyweb, the ultimate bitcoin recovery expert and hacker. I contacted them immediately and to my greatest surprise, I was able to gain access to my account in 24 hours. I’m truly grateful to Spyweb for their smooth recovery of my funds and I’m here to share this with everyone out there. You can contact them with the information below.

  117. How Do I Recover A Stolen Or Lost Bitcoin

    Hello everyone.
    My name is  Linda Thompson,
    I can see a lot of things going wrong these last few days of investing online and getting scammed. I was in your shoes when I invested in a bogus binary option and was duped out of $11000 in BTC, but thanks to the assistance of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. He helped me get back my BTC. I didn’t trust the Hacker at first, but he was recommended to me by a friend whom I greatly respect. I received my refund in two days. I must recommend Jerry. He’s fantastic,

    Contact info:
    email: (Ultimatehackerjerry @ seznam. cz)
    whatsap (+15)2(0)3290(32 0)

  118. I can indeed fathom the suffering endured by others at the hands of these dishonest people posing as bitcoin dealers and miners. After meeting someone who claimed to be an account manager and could help me make significant returns on my investments, I recently had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with them. When it was time for me to take my winnings from my large investment with them, they logged me out of my account and instructed me to add additional funds to their account. Before I realized they were fraudsters, it was already too late. I had already lost $180,000 worth of Bitcoin to their shady platform. Despite feeling down and ashamed, I started exploring for ways to get my money back and stumbled into an article called computer speciallist. I don’t know how they accomplished it, but computer speciallist was able to recover my money in just 5 hours, helping thousands of customers to recover their money from fraudulent transactions. computer speciallist is a reliable and you can help you get your money back, Get in touch with them using the details below: computerspeciallist(@)engineer(.)com

  119. I almost lost my life after falling victim to a scam that went on for weeks, I got contacted by a lady pretending to be a Forex trader account manager, she told me that I’ll make huge profits if I invest on her platform not knowing that I was being targeted, I started making investments through bitcoins until it was time to withdraw and they insisted I had to pay 20% to withdraw my money and it was then I knew I was being swindled. Unfortunately, I had already put $90,000 into this investment scam. While I was wallowing in depression, I came across an article about Mr .JAMEMESMCKAYWIZARD. Whom i contacted that helped me recover my money, I didn’t hesitate to give him the necessary details he took some information from me and to my surprise, all my money was recovered within 48 hours. I’m truly grateful to him and his team for their professionalism in helping me recover my money. If you have lost money to any of these scams, I’ll recommend them to you. Their contact: or what’sapp +1 (507) 414-7049….

  120. When I saw online that people are recovering their money and bitcoins that were stolen from them through fake cryptocurrency investment schemes, I thought it was impossible until I came across Spyweb Cyber. I told them I have had my own share of cryptocurrency investment scams and I was swindled off $490,000 in the space of a month, I provided all the requested information and to my surprise, Spyweb cyber was able to recover $406,000 in 48 hours. I truly appreciate their efforts and I highly recommend Spyweb cyber for all your money recovery from these swindlers.
    (Contact @ spyweb. tech)

  121. Good day,have you heard about blank atm card,what it does and how much it cost to get one from us,blank atm card is like a credit card which is connected to our server and enables you withdraw minimum of $5,500 and above daily from our central wallet in any atm machine in the world this is done to enable individual stay away from dangers of loans application loan and credit cards issues is legal so send a mail to for more information on how to get one.

  122. RecoveryMasters For Any Hack/Cryptocurrency Recovery
    I strongly recommend you all to the services of the best hacking team in town, RecoveryMasters. They are very professional in carrying out their jobs, Are you looking for a genuine hacker to hire? Do you suspect your partner of cheating on you, And you don’t know how to do it?  ( or WhatsApp them on  +15-5120-2-23-35  they will help you get everything you need to know by hacking into his\her phone without their knowledge. They can help you change your school grades without any trace. Erase criminal records, social media hacks, and cryptocurrency recovery reach out to them to carry out any kind of hacking service. Website:

  123. Spyweb Cyber is the best when it comes to recovery of stolen and lost cryptocurrency funds, I’m a living witness to their success. Some months back, I invested some money into a cryptocurrency investment platform and I was asked to pay 20% to withdraw my profits, I did some research and found out it was a scam to defraud me of my money. I didn’t know bitcoin could be recovered until my colleague at work told me about Spyweb. I contacted spyweb and in the space of 48 hours, all the money invested in this fake investment platform was fully recovered. I’m truly grateful to Spyweb and I want to share this with anyone who must have had the same experience. You can easily contact Spyweb at:

  124. I never thought I could get scammed of my Bitcoin, I never new these investments were fake. I never knew I was getting lured into loosing my money, I was depressed and in anger but all thanks to Adam Wilson for the help and professional service offered to me in my time of need. Thanks to Kate for sending me this contact mail. Adamwilson. Trading {aT} Consultant. Com /WhatsApp +,1,8,7,0-3,4,5,-,7,9,3,7
    Who helped me recover my lost money from Bitcoin investment. I couldn’t believe it..

  125. Recently I lost a huge portion of my savings and inherited funds of my late parents to a faux forex broker who promised an amazing returns on my investments. After few months I got to realized it was a scam scheme when I was denied withdrawals. After finding a solution to my problems. Then I found WilliamNehra @ consultant . com who recovered my funds completely with no hassle or hidden charges. It’s never late to recovery your lost money with the help of Williams.

  126. Few weeks back I lost my savings about $65,000 to a fake cryptocurrency investment project which I got lured through a lady who got my close friend’s Facebook account compromised. I thought it was a great investment cause I made profit at first before I was tricked to join the VIP member then I started putting lot of money without getting my funds and my profits withdrawn. It was a hell of time for me until I found ADAMWILSON . TRADING @ CONSULTANT . C0M whom I hired and this agent was able to completely withdraw both my investment and my profits from this shady website. I’m forever grateful I got to withdraw my funds and my peace of mind got restored.

  127. Cheaters never prosper, but they can certainly break your heart. When you hear stories about cheating, it usually seems pretty obvious who’s in the wrong. But people are complicated, and so is infidelity. A partner who steps out on you may have any number of reasons for doing so. They could be feeling neglected, They could have feeling of unworthiness from childhood that compel them to avoid intimacy. They could have an addiction to sex. They could do it simply because they want to, and they think they can get away with it. Do any of these explanations help soften the blow of being cheated on? No, probably not. Even when you don’t have all the answers, you probably at least know this: Getting cheating on hurts. A partner’s infidelity may not reflect on your worth as a partner or person, but it can definitely make you feel pretty alone. I got to catch my cheating partner through the help of Ben (HackerExplicit (@) gmailcom), at first I doubted his services but what I felt impossible became possible within 6hours,I got access to my partners phone activities,I don’t know how he did it but it looked like magic cause it was as if I had his phone in my palm. I got access to his Snapchat messages,videos, WhatsApp,instagram,Facebook,call logs ,video chats, text messages etc all in one swipe. I’m happy I got to discover the truth, knowing is better than self doubt. He is definitely the real deal, do not hesitate to reach out to him at HackerExplicit (@) gmailcom for a satisfactory spying and investigatory services.

    Email: HackerExplicit (@) GMAIL.COM

  128. Phillips Williams

    January 30, 2023 at 8:30 am

    I am victim of a Cryptocurrency Exchange called “UBS Cryptocurrency Exchange” probably based in Hong Kong, which is renamed as “CREDIT SUISSE Cryptocurrency Exchange” in September 2022. I lost 485,700 USDT by investing and trading in this platform since November 2021. The exchange is not allowing me to withdraw my wallet funds and keeps on asking to pay various kinds of fees like tax, membership fee, account reactivation fee, network channel fee, UBS Bank saving account opening fee, card fee, withdrawal fee, etc. In spite of paying all the fees I am not able to withdraw my wallet funds. The last transaction of deposit of network fee of 5000 USDT was made on 16th August 2022. My present wallet amount is 1,560,586 USDT. Most of my investment for trading in the above exchange and paying their fees comes from loans from various Indian banks. I became completely broke and barely manage to survive with very little money. In a desperate attempt to recover my funds i approached a recovery firm based in USA called CyberBroad which scammed me for about $5000. Then their ex-employee contacted me and he again scammed me for about $1900. I naively trusted them because I was desperate. However after few more attempts for a way to recover my funds I found CryptocyberNet @ gmail. Com . com via a referral through my friend and they were able to completely retrieve my stolen digital assets within 42hrs I contacted them. This funds came back to my wallets in tranches and rescued me from depression. What I thought was impossible became possible right before me. Are you currently in a similar situation of losing money to scammer or you have issues with your crypto wallets? Speedily send a mail to CRYPTOCYBERNET. com for the best help Email: CRYPTOCYBERNET @ @GMAIL.COM

  129. THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME I was scammed of $592,000 worth of bitcoin with a scam forest investment unknowingly then, I didn’t know what to do.. I felt like committing suicide, but fortunately for me, my friend introduced me to a cyber crime investigator LORD HACKER ULTIMATE who also helps in recovering lost invested funds, After working with him, to my greatest surprise, in just few days I got all my lost funds back, and he only took just 20% out of the recovered funds, if you have been scammed with fake forex you don’t need to be scared or worried, because you can also reach him on his email: L.H.ULTIMATE@ FASTSERVICE.COM He will recover your lost bitcoins back fast and smoothly… You can WhatsApp him via +13345527213 or visit them on YouTube channel @lordhacker.ultimate, or Instagram: @lordhacker.ultimate and Facebook: And you will be amazed…!!

  130. Bryan T. Anderson

    January 30, 2023 at 6:44 pm

    Theft of cryptocurrencies has grown into a problem that’s difficult to solve. Criminals are finding more and more ways to get their hands on digital assets, and there is no real way to prevent it altogether. If you have lost your crypto coins due to theft, scam or fake ico then i will advice you proceed to immediately open a detailed case with asset recovery experts at of what steps you can take in order to recover them. they typically deal with cases above 100k or 5 btc.Theft of cryptocurrencies has grown into a problem that’s difficult to solve. Criminals are finding more and more ways to get their hands on digital assets, and there is no real way to prevent it altogether. If you have lost your crypto coins due to theft, then this guide will give you an idea of what steps you can take in order to recover them.

  131. Andrea Gottschalk

    January 30, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    After the theft of cryptocurrency, some people may want to search for their lost money and digital assets. However, their efforts will be in vain if there are no clues, such as digital wallets and wallets that contain private keys. In addition to single line of code to restore balance (restore), there are many ways for you to recover stolen cryptocurrency most importantly if you have the transaction hashes and wallet adresses involved. Then you can open a detailed case with solidity smart contract experts at thehackerspro/com with to trace and follow the funds from outsourced wallets.

  132. It’s hard to find a genuine or legit hacker who can provide the best hacking services as their demands are very high but I can assure you with Spyweb Cyber, all of your hacking problems are sorted out immediately.
    We have Digital forensic specialists, Computer engineers, Cyber security experts and private investigators on our team to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
    Our team is on standby If you are looking for a hacker to carry out any of the following:
    • Website hacking
    • Facebook & Social media hacking
    • Database hacking
    • Phones and Gadget hacking
    • Credit card mishaps
    • Clearing of criminal records
    • Recovery of lost funds on binary, cryptocurrency investment
    • Location tracking and many more…

    We are fully ready to carry out your operation within 48 hours.
    Spyweb is a reputable and professional hacking company and our aim is to provide the best service to our clients.
    Don’t hesitate to contact us.


  133. Life is deeper than we all could imagine .. thinking about everything that has happened made me realize that our helper will surely locate us at the end . I had lost over £320k and about £21k in recovery agents .. it was really difficult for me to keep up and had decided to give up and suck up my loses but the universe has more in store for us cos I ended up writing JETHACKS on (telegram: Jethackss ).. I wasn’t going to pay no upfront fees no more cos I don’t even have it honestly. THE JETHACKS recovered all the money i had invested with the fraud company( profits included) which was in excess of £1.7 million .. I couldn’t more happier in my life … I had to give them more than we had agreed I’d pay when the money has been recovered in appreciation for what the team had done for me .. it means the world to me . So never give up in this world cos what if it was going be that day !??.. quickly reach out to The JETHACKS TEAM on Telegram: Jethackss or email : jethacks7 @ Gmail . com
    We all deserve to be paid what belongs to us .

  134. Phillips Williams

    January 31, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    Crypto recovery is possible. I know of a
    friend that her crypto was locked in a scam
    website, she couldn’t withdraw and the
    website was down too.
    She reported to the “Recovery Team” and
    her crypto was traced and retrieved to her
    wallet within few days.
    > CryptocyberNet @ gmail . Com

    whats-app +1(562)2659318

    I fell victim to this investment platform and lost over $145,000 in crypto currency, they said it was going to double my income in over a week or two turns out it was a huge scam, I couldn’t bear the loss so I contacted Oscar White through a colleague at work who used his service successfully to recover and apprehend the scammers. I contacted him and sent all proof and evidence he was the one that saw me through my situation. You can contact him
    whats-app +1(562)2659318

  136. I got my blank ATM card from Digital Card Hackers Cooperation. The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000 in ATM’s i order ATM card 100,000 dolla. I am extremely happy because i’ve used the card to pay all my debt. I placed an order and the card was delivered to me on the third day. I highly recommend Digital Card  hackers to my friends and interested individuals who are searching for the card. Send a mail to   to apply for your card now!

  137. I got my blank ATM card from Digital Card Hackers Cooperation. The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000 in ATM’s i order ATM card 100,000 dolla. I am extremely happy because i’ve used the card to pay all my debt. I placed an order and the card was delivered to me on the third day. I highly recommend Digital Card  hackers to my friends and interested individuals who are searching for the card. Send a mail to   to apply for your card now!  

  138. I made the most stupid decision of my life when I decided to invest on a platform that only had positive reviews everywhere to deceive more people. At first i made a small investment to see how it works after a few days they had let me withdraw a small amount and this even made me trust them even more. then i now made a huge reinvestment everything seems to be going well until i needed to make a big withdrawal, they denied this and instead made me make several deposits as “tax” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another three weeks and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release anything. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, i plunged into acute depression for about a month before i got in touch with a team that helped me recoup my loss, i didn’t even think it was possible i just had to send a mail to (ROOTKITS4 @ G MAIL . COM) as i was directed by someone i confided. If i wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten that information, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining me financially. thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM for all their help to ensure i got my investment back. i really appreciate what they did, anyone out there who needs their help can as well reach them on their Telegram official account; ROOTKITS7

  139. Hello, I’m Judith Ansten from Kent, United Kingdom.
    I’m truly grateful for Spyweb Cyber, I decided to share this out there because I know there are a lot of people wondering if they could ever recover their stolen money from scammers, I’m here to tell you that you can. I was a victim of a fake cryptocurrency investment platform that swindled me off £58,000 worth of Bitcoins late last year, while I was struggling and wallowing in shame, I stumbled upon an article online about Spyweb Cyber and how they can help me recover all that I lost, I contacted them immediately and to my surprise, Spyweb Cyber was able to recover everything in 72 hours. I’m super excited and I highly recommend Spyweb cyber to everyone out there who needs their services.
    Reach them via (spyweb@cyberdude. com) (contact@spyweb. tech)

  140. I’m recommending the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service that can help you, it was very beneficial for me when I lost access to my wallet around May this year, the wallet had my investment of 135,000 USD in BTC and ETH , In my research for a solution, I read reviews on Investopedia about Mr Romero and DONALDCYBERLORD@gmail. Com can do with easy RECOVERY and he specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools, and high powered crypto mining. He made use of modern blockchain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who ripped my wallet through my email. I’m a grateful soul till date because he knows different combinations of on-chain and off-chain analytics and techniques to fix your stolen crypto. The specific assistance offered to me varied as it depends on the reasons your coins are inaccessible, but in every case, having experts like Mr. Romero working with you is key to recovery and investment of your coins. He is more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different coins, DONALDCYBERLORD@ gmail. com today, best in town, they are experts at tracking stolen crypto funds. They make it possible to recover passwords in many situations where accessing your wallets or coins seems impossible. DONALDCYBERLORD(@) GMAIL,C0M


  142. What you don’t know you can never know that’s exactly what happened to each one of us that has fallen victim to these fraud companies tho they say ignorance of the law is never an excuse .. I just wanted to let each person know that it is not your fault I am also a victim as well even though I already got my funds back thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY . I lost my €202k to an online crypto trading platform who claimed to pay my back based on ROI but never paid me a dime after my profits was made and that really pissed me off , I will be sharing the Recovery Team contact details on here and I want you to reach out to them and thank me later ..
    Email: jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

    There’s always a second chance in every situation we just have to be careful and must get it right the second Time .

  143. Having your money taken from you through an act of deception is a terrible experience I never wish for anyone not even my enemy. I live in Malaga Spain , things isn’t the same for us like those in USA, AUSTRALIA, UK etc so when I worked hard all my life and then someone deceives me and make away with my money , it killed me .. nothing made sense to me anymore , I have kids to take care of and money doesn’t come in handy for us so I look for an alternative, I wasn’t sure what I would find I just hoped to find something soon before I lose it and thankfully I got the contacts of JETHACKS on here
    Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss So I reached out to the Team believing that I would get help . JETHACKS really helped me , i couldn’t have been more satisfied with the quality of work and expertise they gave to the job . This is my way of sharing my own testimony hopefully it helps someone out there who’s been ripped off by these people.

  144. It pays to have good friends in life , even if the roads it’s tough I don’t mind cos we will always be together forever , why am I saying this it’s because he came through for me in my darkest days he always has my backs and it’s same with me… I have lost my savings and while I was engaged to the most amassing person In my life I couldn’t bring myself to open up to her about what had happened to me and how I lost all my money plus the loans I took to pay the gas fees which were all premeditated scams formats , only my best friends knew this and he came through for me.. he went online to get answers like he said ‘’ if it happened to me then it probably has happened it plenty others out there’’ and he was right cos there were million others who’s been in similar situations and also found a solution in the TEAM of JETHACKS RECOVERY.. it was the JETHACKS TEAM that was able to recover my Bitcoin of $185k in total wishing 2 days of launching the recovery exercise.. i have learnt my lesson and also sometimes we all need a little help , that’s not a bad thing it means we are only humans . You can reach out to the JETHACKS TEAM on Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com and Telegram: Jethackss

  145. Joann V Lenahan

    February 3, 2023 at 1:05 pm

    Please be aware that there are many fake bitcoin mining/clouding services available; I was scammed twice and can attest that it was not a pleasant experience; consequently, I hired an investigator to assist me in retrieving my cryptocurrency. Since making this terrible error, I have made it my mission to ensure that every victim of crypto fraud receives their stolen funds back; it’s the least I can do. Please contact Wizesafetyrecovery at Gmail dot com for assistance. I enthusiastically endorse his services.

    I had over £720,000 active investment with a scam investment company “ “ at the very start I was told to invest a certain amount which I did and earned a great profit within just 7 days and that intrigued me . I ended up investing more after getting my first payout from the first completed trade but it got to a point where I wanted to make withdrawals but was denied access to my account that I have been logging into for over 3 months that I have been with the company . They now sent me a message with a certain fee to be paid for tax and whatsoever they listed out in the email which I did because I was eager getting my profits back but it never ended even when I thought it was over it kept on coming , one excuse to another . At some point I got tired and decided to hire a recovery agent instead to see to the recovery of my funds that is stuck in the website and that was the best decision I’ve ever made .. (WIZESAFETYRECOVERY @ GMAIL COM) made it possible that I have my funds back now.

  147. Natasha Giovanni

    February 3, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    I am Natasha Giovanni from Greece. i reside here in W/A in Australia, Am a nurse and a single mom of two girls, I’m 42 years old, why i am sharing my experience is because i want everyone here to learn from my mistake, i just got ripped of my ATO linked to Gov by spammers which i don’t know how they did it but i think they are same people who scammed me on an investment broker platform thrice of which i then cut off my contact with them, but recently they empty my account and put me in debt so i had to hire wizardharry(@)programmer(DOT)net who is also reachable quickly on What Sapp (+1)/ 807 (808?) 6168! as soon as i get in contact with Wizard Harry he responded to me after an hour and within 72 hours all my scammed funds were recovered and my damaged credit score got fixed by him, a big thanks to Wizard Harry, do contact him for help regarding any related issues above.

  148. Losing all my money on a fake investment scam has been a nightmare for me and my family until I got in touch with Spyweb Cyber. A few months back, I was one of the many victims who lost everything to a fake BTC and crypto exchange investment platform and I was depressed for weeks until my neighbor told me about Spyweb Cyber, a cryptocurrency recovery company, that helps scam victims recover their money. I thought that was impossible but after giving it a second thought, I got in touch with Spyweb and after providing all the information they needed, my money was recovered from these scammers. I’m super grateful to Spyweb and I wish to put this out there to every victim of an online scam, you can recover whatever amount you lost if you get in touch with Spyweb Cyber Security Services.

    Here is their contact information

  149. Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost 404000 dollar in just three months from Cryptoallday and a couple of others. I contacted the authorities and they referred me to Scams Rescue who helped me recover all my funds within 2 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the bearest minimum. If you have been a victim, contact the expert by the mail Zattrecoverypro1 @ gmail com

  150. Sonia D Shumake

    February 3, 2023 at 8:38 pm

    A gentleman reached out to me on Twitter, and we shared knowledge about crypto and the surrounding community over the course of many days. A week later, he informed me that he was a Trade Execution Specialist at Etoro. He sounded quite credible and professional. He ultimately persuaded me to engage in day trading with a capital of $200,000, promising to trade my cash with a strong trading algorithm that will automatically purchase and sell ERC20 tokens. Everything appeared genuine and credible until I made payments using USDT, after which he removed his Twitter account. I had given up all hope until I read a blog article about a company called kevinmitnickcyber. I filed a complaint with them, outlining how my cryptocurrency assets were stolen. kevinmitnickcyber was able to take action, and after three days I was asked for my wallet information and my monies were refunded in full. I am aware that I am not the only one who has fallen victim to internet scammers, so if you ever fall or have fallen victim to this type of scam, you can call kevinmitnickcyber for a detailed explanation. Their email address is I am confident that they will be of great assistance to you.

  151. Frances J Malcolm

    February 3, 2023 at 8:39 pm

    Concern has grown about the dubious means by which unregistered forex brokers and websites for cryptocurrency trading steal money from investors. A few weeks ago, when I went to withdraw my funds from the site, I was charged almost $75,000 by a well-known forex broker. The good news is that a few days later I came across multiple articles on retrieving digital and crypto assets in which Dave, the best recovery specialist, was repeatedly mentioned, so I contacted him. Within three days following my initial communication, he withdrew the entirety of my funds, leaving nothing behind. If your bitcoin disappears, there are incomplete crypto transactions, catfish scams, advance fee scams, etc., he is certainly the best and most trustworthy recovery professional to contact. Contact him at if you need extraordinary assistance.

  152. I lost $130,000 after falling prey to a romantic fraud. I joined a dating application. I paired with an army officer in the United States. We began dating her because she was so sweet, kind, and attractive. She first approached me. During this time, I had already developed romantic feelings for her, so we began dating. She informed me after a few weeks that she had been transferred to Afghanistan for peacekeeping. Upon arriving, she requested financial aid. I was so in love that I did not hesitate. She often requested my aid, and I continued to provide it because I cared about her. This went on for around six months before I informed her I was tired of waiting, at which point she said she would come provided she paid first. I sent a wire transfer to her since I was desperate to meet her. I realised I had been conned out of $130,000 at that point. The good news is that (kevinmitnickcyber @ GMAIL. COM) recovered my funds and supplied me with all the necessary information to capture him.

  153. I got my blank ATM card from Digital Card Hackers Cooperation. The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000 in ATM’s i order ATM card 100,000 dollar. I am extremely happy because i’ve used the card to pay all my debt. I placed an order and the card was delivered to me on the third day. I highly recommend Digital Card  hackers to my friends and interested individuals who are searching for the card. Send a mail to   to apply for your card now! 


    Being a scam victim can be depressing, you were given empty promises. They usually stop replying after achieving their aim which hurts even more, i have been there too as I was too ambitious and wanted to get back my lost Btc. I never thought I would be getting back a dime back and already lost hope until I contacted this group of Hackers RecoveryMasters which was just a leap of faith as I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. I was able to recover a significant part of my BTC through these recovery experts. Do not brood alone, make a move too. Write to them on email at ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35
    if you need such help

  155. Cryptocurrency Tracing and Recovery

    I’m a grateful soul till date because when I lost access to my wallet around last year, the wallet had my investment of 145,000 USD in ETH. In my research for a solution, I read reviews on SCEPTER007 the renowned Genius, who can easily recover as he also specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools and high power efficiency on crypto. The specific assistance offered to me varied as it depends on the reasons your coins are inaccessible, but in every case, having experts like him working with you is a key to recovery of your funds. It was very beneficial for me, he knows different combinations of on-chain and off-chain analytics and techniques to fix your stolen crypto. He made use of modern block chain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who ripped my wallet through my email. I’m recommending the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service that can help you. He’s an expert in tracking stolen crypto funds & more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different platforms.

    His contacts are:

    Email: scepter007 @

    Whatsapp: +12016323107.


    February 4, 2023 at 2:13 pm


    (Recommended by Whitney Stephenson)
    I urge anyone who has fallen prey to the recent bitcoin binary investment frauds to contact ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. I fell victim to it, and I was embarrassed by how I lost €348,000 to scammers posing as binary and forex traders. Before I came across Ultimate Hacker Jerry online, who is an expert in retrieving cryptocurrency cash from these scammers, my family was on the verge of leaving me and I was going to lose everything. In less than 24 hours, the top hacker, Jerry, was able to retrieve my money. I’m very happy that there’s such a hacker, and I’m happy to spread the word about him to anyone who might require his assistance in getting their money back.

    ( Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz ) Whasapp (+152(032)9 0(320)

  157. Take what’s rightfully mine that was all that mattered to me , I felt betrayed .. why does people like stabbing others in the back !?? ,, why ?? .. we had an agreement, I take my percentage and take yours so it isn’t proper when you try to take both and I was depressed and sad and I could do was complain and cry because I didn’t know what to do but I guess it’s true when they say ‘’ if it isn’t a happy ending then it isn’t the end ‘’ I had been wronged and I deserved justice and thankfully I got it with the help of JETHACKS RECOVERY…. It was right here on the website that I saw good reviews about his exceptional service and how he’s helped other individuals recover their money so I contacted them with the contact details that I got from here Email : jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com and Telegram: Jethackss I proceeded to sharing all proofs between me and the fraud company before recovery exercise was launched .. am happy to come back here and share my own story as well and I have learnt my own lesson, my money has been recovered and I had converted to cash , I will never do anything online investment ever !!

  158. I invested a total of $110,000 over a period of 5 weeks with this Binary trading company. My bonus/profit was $450,798 but i was never able to make withdrawal successfully when the time was due, i tried reaching out to the support system that was when i was instructed to make another deposit of $19,000 before I can make withdrawals which i did. Yet unable to make the withdrawals and all attempt to contact broker proved futile . This is very pathetic and i felt so bad losing my investment. I did a due diligence test before investing with them but guess what I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as fortunate as I was. Thanks to this recovery firm ROOTKITS RECOVERY CENTRE. Message him on ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) and he responded. i made my case known to him before he went ahead to render his professional service. I’m happy to have got my investment back through his stunning and great assistance. They are also on Telegram @ROOTKITS7 , Thought someone might find this information useful.

  159. i am an orphan i live in chicago i want to thank william scot for coming to my financial aid. i was searching online for solution to my financial difficulties i came across a testimony saying william scot helped her then i decided to try i mailed him up which he replied then he offered me a blank atm card which i used to withdraw, firstly i withdrew $500 , i was surprised at the outcome in total for that day i withdrew $3000 i kept on withdrawing which i did for 3 month i withdrew the sum of $40000 now im free from poverty and starvation. God bless you william scot. if you need his help from him with his blank atm card you can contact him on or whatsapp on +13475938976

  160. I had all my cryptos saved in a digital wallet for years. When I upgraded to a new device, trying to log into my wallet on the new device proved abortive. I couldn’t access the funds in my wallet until I reached out to these tech gurus online and explained the state of things to me. I don’t need to write much about these hackers because this testimonial shows that those guys are experts in their crafts. Thank goodness these guys came to the rescue. Within hours, the problem was resolved and I’m now able to access my wallet again. They taught me how not to lose my wallet and guided me about Bitcoin Investment and mining BOTs.

  161. I had all my cryptos saved in a digital wallet for years. When I upgraded to a new device, trying to log into my wallet on the new device proved abortive. I couldn’t access the funds in my wallet until I reached out to these tech gurus online and explained the state of things to them. I don’t need to write much about these hackers because this testimonial shows that those guys are experts in their crafts. Thank goodness these guys came to the rescue. Within hours, the problem was resolved and I’m now able to access my wallet again. They taught me how not to lose my wallet and guided me about Bitcoin Investment and mining BOTs.

  162. I had all my cryptos saved in a digital wallet for years. When I upgraded to a new device, trying to log into my wallet on the new device proved abortive. I couldn’t access the funds in my wallet until I reached out to these tech gurus online and explained the state of things to me. I don’t need to write much about these hackers because this testimonial shows that those guys are experts in their crafts. Thank goodness these guys came to the rescue. Within hours, the problem was resolved and I’m now able to access my wallet again. They taught me how not to lose my wallet..

  163. I had all my cryptos saved in a digital wallet for years. When I upgraded to a new device, trying to log into my wallet on the new device proved abortive. I couldn’t access the funds in my wallet until I reached out to these tech gurus online and explained the state of things to me. I don’t need to write much about these hackers because this testimonial shows that those guys are experts in their crafts. Thank goodness these guys came to the rescue. Within hours, the problem was resolved and I’m now able to access my wallet again. They taught me how not to lose my wallet and guided me about Bitcoin Investment and mining BOTs. cybergenie AT cyberservices DOT com

  164. This is what we paid for and I can’t believe someone nearly ripped us all off , it’s not fair and it’s nice to have someone help us .. JETHACKS RECOVERY is the most competent Team in this , I have seen plenty of reviews and testimonies from individuals across the globe testifying to their excellent service and that includes me . It is never a good experience to lose money especially when we’re working out ass off to get paid for our kids to have a better life and then someone tries to scam us , I assure you I will come at you with everything I’ve got . I first tried to get the authorities involved and will pay whatever it takes to bring those bastards to justice but I had to settle for just taking back what was stolen from me with the profits it had generated through the expert hacking services of JETHACKS, he is the most competent and ethical hacker out there and You can reach out to the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM if you had been ripped off by those people in the past
    Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

  165. I’m truly grateful to the Spyweb Cyber security team for helping me recover my stolen Bitcoins. A month ago, I lost over CAD 230,000$ investing in a fake forex trading company, I was told I would make double my investment but these conmen kept asking for more money from one story to another. It was a very difficult time for me as I had invested all my pension money into this, while I was struggling financially and in pain after discovering they are crooks who were after my money, I decided to carry out some research and found Spyweb Cyber, a reputable cyber security company that has helped others recover their stolen money. I thought it was impossible to get my money back but to my surprise, the Spyweb team was able to recover all my money in 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for their service and efforts in restoring my life to me. I highly recommend them to everyone out there and please beware of these heartless conmen.

    Here is their contact information:

  166. Recently when i needed a hacker to help me recover back my stolen investment by scammers. it was actually my second time of losing my funds to scam Over the years i had tried to invest funds into Binary Option trade as we all know that is one of the fastest growing online stock trading and it also involves investing on superior commodities, i had made a huge investment with this very company but when it got to the point that i wasn’t able to withdrawal my funds into my account which i can read it from my wallet portfolio but wasn’t able to have it withdrawn to my account, i made some effort to see if they can have the issue settled but that didn’t workout. i then came up with the thought of getting a hacker that was when i came in contact with different types of scammers and users until I almost gave up, fortunately I read a particular review about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM To my greatest surprise it came out that the ROOTKITS (ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . COM) are all I have been searching for. Contact them immediately for assistance and they did exactly what i read about them. they had my funds recovered back in full just with 2 days of starting the recovery. it was a fantastic service rendered. i recommend this hacking team Telegram at ROOTKITS7

  167. It is wonderful to have someone so skilled and understanding of how cyberspace works. I would recommend your service to anyone who finds themselves in a situation of identity theft or cyber crime. I was a victim of a cryptocurrency investment scam running to the cost of $64,000.00. I felt betrayed because I really trusted these crypto guys after seeing my little investment grow into hundreds of thousands. ( hackerspytech @gmail com) Came to my rescue and helped me recover my investment capital within 36 hours because I did all I could to get my funds back…

  168. I’m profoundly appreciative to Tech Savvy Hacker for being able to retrieve my BTC. I’m sharing this testimonial with everyone who has lost money due to a bunch of individuals posing as Forex and cryptocurrency investors. I am aware that many individuals have lost money in bitcoin because they believe it is untraceable. I, too, lost $210,000 to the same bitcoin scams, and I believed it was lost forever until I read an article about Tech Savvy Hacker, A team of hackers who are capable of quickly locating and recovering lost cryptocurrencies. After giving all the necessary information to Tech Savvy Hacker, my bitcoins were successfully restored to my wallet, and I was able to access my BTC. I sincerely appreciate that Tech Savvy Hacker exists to assist folks in recuperating their stolen funds. Reach out to them via email:

    Marion, I’m grateful.

  169. My encounter with them was different and traumatizing cos I gave them everything not just money, I referred my friends and colleagues at work to the company and they call registered with my referral code smh , i had been paid once and was told if I get more individuals to invest through me then I would get paid more in percentage and it wasn’t that hard to convince them to invest cos I had proof of withdrawal .. so when everything crashed it was all on me , I wasn’t dealing with just my money gone but also the investment of all the people I had gotten involved which was 10 times the $274k I had lost .. I couldn’t show my face at work nor have a normal day anymore , I was mentally exhausted, the whole blame was on me and it was killing me till I came across a post on Facebook where people where sharing their individual experiences and how JETHACKS RECOVERY helped them recover their investments from fraud company.. I quickly took the contact details and reached out to them.. lounges story cut short , JETHACKS gave me another chance at life again , he was able to breach the company database and gain access to my funds and recovered them to my personal wallet successfully same with all those I had gotten involved .. my life took a turn for the better and I owe it all to JETHACKS . The contact details are below for Anyone out there who’s interested
    Telegram: Jethackss
    Email : jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com

  170. I never imagined it was possible for my credit score to be raised from low 300s to over 780 within 14 working days. Special thanks to this professional Albert Vadim. I honestly doubted this was ever possible but I gave it a shot because I was dying in silence. This man helped me get back on my feet financially and otherwise. IF YOU NEED HELP, YOU CAN REACH HIM VIA EMAIL: VADIMWEBHACK@ GMAIL,COM
    I found him on a group I joined which discussed general problems and they recommended him. He had helped a lot of people gain access to phone messages, delete bad records, take down websites and many other services.

  171. I was finally able to get back my invested funds after a whole lot of dramatic experience and losses. It seems to me like i had made the biggest mistake of my life yielding to the advice i got from a Bitcoin investor i met through Instagram. After couple of days of being in touch with her. She had me introduce to a Bitcoin mining company where she claims to be the source of her extravagant living. Without doing my due diligence i moved forward and invested with the company. at the beginning everything seems to be moving fine, until i have accumulated enough coin and needed to transfer that into my personal wallet. but found out that my account was restricted from doing so, i contacted the investor who got me into this but she directed me to the Admin who now instructed that i should pay a maintenance fee for the company before my account would be granted access to make withdrawals. i did all that and still wasn’t granted the access to have my investment. as time goes on this really got to my nerves i was kind of frustrated. i tried to get the police involved in this but all their fault was in vain because they found that they were no real identity and confirmed it was a Ponzi scam. i was left with no solution. i almost gave up at some point but thanks to the officer who handled my case. he ask that i should get a private investigator or hacker to recover my funds. i went in search of a hacker via google and God being so good i met ROOTKITS RECOVERY CENTRE with the following contact address { ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . COM , or TELEGRAM; ROOTKITS7 } through individual reviews, i was convinced enough to commit myself to the team. i also had them provided with every details required for the process. and just like i expected them to deliver, they did an excellent and professional work, i had my funds back to my wallet i was so happy with their service and i had to pay them even more that we initially agreed. to anyone who might have been in such condition and had lost funds to scam companies you can react out to this team to have your funds back.

  172. Marilyn Hathaway

    February 7, 2023 at 10:54 am

    Hello everyone, Wizard Wierzbicki Programmer are the only true and guaranteed cryptocurrency recovery professionals. I want to tell you about how I almost had my life ruined by a man who conned me out of $135,000 after I fell for a romantic hoax. I fell for this con, and it damaged my connection with my family. My life savings were stolen by a scammer I met on a dating website while he seemed to be in trouble, and I assisted him numerous times since I was continually sending money through Bitcoin. As a result, I had to declare bankruptcy. I borrowed money to help him, but I later learned that he was a con artist. After a buddy of mine showed me an article about Wizard Wierzbicki Programmer Website and Emai: (info @ services and how they can help you recover your stolen Bitcoin from these con artists, I was able to get through everything. I got in touch with them, and to my astonishment, they quickly retrieved the most of what I had lost. If you find yourself in such a predicament, get in touch with them right away. via WhatsApp:+18452078532 WhatsApp:+49 1575 8718600 Email: WIZARDWIERZBICKIPROGRAMMER@GMAIL.COM All Thanks to Wizard Wierzbicki Programmer

  173. I will be sharing my story on here as it was right here that I found my light at the end of the tunnel cos honestly speaking I was walking down a very dark tunnel without any glimpse of light and I had been on that path for a long time without hope until I got to know of the JETHACKS RECOVERY SERVICES through the many testimonies shared by many other individuals that had been in my situation in the past so my situation started when I invested with a fake company by the name and had lost a total of $84k input and a total of $267k In total which I was denied access to when I tried to withdraw the funds and I even got locked out of my account with the fraud company and it was at that point I figured I had been scammed , I tried talking with the lady that introduced me to the company on Instagram but she blocked me , I was devastated and felt stupid for trusting someone I hardly knew anything about .. well am thankful to JETHACKS cos just like they say ‘’ as long as there are bad people , there will always be good people ‘’ and for me that is JETHACKS RECOVERY cos they performed an excellent work in getting back $267k in complete and to my blockchain wallet unscathed which I had been withdrawing and turning into cash ever since . I can’t be more grateful than I already am this is my appreciation post to say THANK YOU to JETHCAKS RECOVERY . Their contact details are below and anyone who reads this can contact them and rewrite the story
    Email: jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

  174. claudie Monicah

    February 7, 2023 at 2:27 pm


    Have you lost hope of ever recovering your money from scam brokers? I have good news for you and yes it is 97% possible for you to recover
    your money through binary cash refund (BCRF)but to do this you need an expert ,I lost over 76,000$ to fake broker and I lost any hope of
    ever making profit through binary trading until I met an awesome recovery Hacker known as RecoveryMasters who introduced me to (BCRF)..and to recover any lost money to any Cryptocurrency i was able to recover my money and with an amazing recovery Hacker guidance I have been able to make profits after recovering my lost funds. l recommend RecoveryMasters to anyone ( ) or WhatsApp them on +15-5120-2-23-35
    Don’t forget to mention Claudie recommended you

  175. I never imagined it was ever possible to have my credit score raised from low 500s to over 830 until I hired this genius Albert Vadim. After several attempts to secure a loan and buy a home for me and my family failed, I had no choice but to look for a hacker to help out. Best decision I ever made honestly. IF YOU NEED HELP WITH YOUR CREDIT SCORE, CONTACT ALBERT ON EMAIL ( Vadimwebhack@ gmail,com )
    He removed derogatory reports and had my score raised in no time. He also recently helped a friend of mine access an entire cellphone messages without physical access.

  176. I’m a victim of a binary options scam through MT5. When I tried to withdraw my profits, they froze my account and accused me of money laundering. They requested additional funds to unfreeze my account. I lost $2.1 million worth of bitcoins, I was devastated. . I sought help using all means but none were able to recover my lost fund. I then heard about LORD HACKER ULTIMATE who had recovered a huge amount of funds from notorious scammers, so I decided to give them a try, immediately they created a hacking code that would assist in recovering my funds. I was able to detach the first part of 1.8 million back into my trzor wallet. waiting for the $Bnb gas fee to go through so I can detach the remaining from the outsourced wallets, a victim can reach out to them too, Email:- L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM. And WhatsApp No: +13345527213 you can also visit/Subscribe to their YouTube channel @lordhacker.ultimate, and website:


    Ich bin Spyweb Cyber Security so dankbar. Ich bin so glücklich, einer der wenigen Glücklichen zu sein, die mein gestohlenes Geld zurückbekommen. Ich weiß, dass viele Leute nichts über diese Betrügereien mit Kryptowährungsinvestitionen wissen, aber ich wurde Opfer eines Betrugs mit einer Investitionsplattform. Ich habe insgesamt 349.000 Euro in Bitcoins auf ihrer Investitionsplattform namens Bitflip investiert, sie haben immer mehr Geld verlangt, bis mir klar wurde, dass es ein Betrug war, ich war bei allen und der Bank verschuldet, bis ich einen Artikel über Spyweb gesehen habe, sie sind Experten für die Wiedererlangung gestohlener Bitcoins und Gelder von diesen Betrügern. Ich kontaktierte sofort Spyweb Cyber Security und gab ihnen alle notwendigen Informationen. Sie garantierten mir mein Geld in zwei Tagen zurück und in weniger als 48 Stunden bekam ich mein ganzes Geld zurück. Ich bin so aufgeregt und möchte dies mit allen teilen, die schon einmal betrogen wurden. Sie können sich an das Cybersicherheitsteam von Spyweb wenden.

  178. Looking for a real life hacker that never disappoints? well here is it they helped me monitor my Husband’s phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information he has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, face-book, bank transfers and multimedia text messages, sent and received through his mobile phone/laptop: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. he could not believe his eyes when he saw the evidence because he had no idea he was hacked. this team do all types of mobile hacks, bitcoin recovery or money lost to online scammers/computer hacks, you get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse/anybody’s social account, email, E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to or what’sapp: +1 507 414 7049 and thank me later their services are cool and easily accessible.

  179. Losing money to scammers can be really frustrating, I lost close to $130,000 to scammers posing as trustwallet support. I was having problems running transactions on my wallet, so I decided to reach out to the support team to fix the issues. Little did I know that I was talking to scammers, and they asked for my seed phrase. I stupidly gave it out, and to my surprise, my money was gone. I reached back to them to inform them about what had happened, but I wasn’t getting any response. I was so devastated and frustrated, because life seemed to be over for me. I had to deal with this issues in silence for weeks. A friend of mine came to see me and noticed how sad I looked. I couldn’t hide it, so I opened up and she too felt the same way. Fortunately, a hacker helped her recover her money. I was so happy because I thought it would be impossible to recover my money. Thank you grayhathacks, for helping me recover my money. I cannot put into words how grateful I am.
    You can email them at

  180. My story was more like a movie to me everything happened so fast that before I could remember what was going , I had already gone in too deep and there was no way out . I’m a Christian ‘’ I always believe in doing good and never hurting others but hurting me is not fair but may your will be done in the end ’’ I asked and said this to God everyday . Truly God knows everything and he is the author and finisher of our faith , one day I received a call from a long time friend and while into the call she noticed I wasn’t doing okay , long story cut short.. she linked me up with JETHACKS RECOVERY who was able to recover my funds just like my friend had told me .. me that had been in a state of despair and depression for a very long time , i saw myself actually living like a human being for the first time in months cos truth be told , when I received my money in my wallet I didn’t really feel it but it all sunk in when I had turned a tentative amount into cash and held it in my hand .. my joy knew no bounds at that moment and am very thankful to God for coming through for me at his own perfect time . JETHACKS RECOVERY contact details are as below
    Email: jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

  181. How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrencies And Stolen Bitcoin

    After falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, my family and I were left with nothing after these swindlers stole $205,000 in USDT and Bitcoins from us. We were so lucky to come across a post about RecoveryMasters, a cryptocurrency and funds recovery Hackers with plenty of experience in cybersecurity. RecoveryMasters was able to recover all of our funds, and with the information we provided, they were tracked down and reported to the appropriate authorities. I highly recommend RecoveryMasters for your cryptocurrency recovery.
    l will always recommend RECOVERY MASTERS Visite Website
    Contact them on Email: ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  182. Are you a victim of;
    Fake trading platform, Romance, ICO, Bitcoin, Phishing, exchange sc ams etc
    The Rescue Team is currently recovering funds for all victims and has succesfully helped me. I know quite a number of people had also fallen victim. I obliged myself the priviledge to bring to your notice that it is possible to get your assets recovered. don’t hesitate to contact on; info> hackadviserpro @ gmail com for immediate assistance.
    Thank me later.

  183. Back when i suspected my ex wife was cheating i couldnt get access into her phone because i didnt know the key word,k
    I contact this private hacker via his email : ACETEAMHACKERS at gmail.. com to help me spy on my ex and he remotely
    hacked her mobile phone and i was able to view her whatsapp and text messages with my COUSIN. she sent him most of the money i gave to her for up keeps and i was able to see all the receipt. Aceteam saved me from an adulterous woman who would have finished me before my time .

  184. I got my blank ATM card from Digital Card Hackers Cooperation. The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000 in ATM’s i order ATM card 100,000 dollar. I am extremely happy because i’ve used the card to pay all my debt. I placed an order and the card was delivered to me on the third day. I highly recommend Digital Card  hackers to my friends and interested individuals who are searching for the card. Send a mail to   to apply for your card now!  

  185. Looking for a real life hacker that never disappoints? well here is it they helped me monitor my Husband’s phone when I was gathering evidence during the divorce. I got virtually every information he has been hiding over the months easily on my own phone: the spy app diverted all his whatsapp, face-book, bank transfers and multimedia text messages, sent and received through his mobile phone/laptop: I also got his phone calls and deleted messages. he could not believe his eyes when he saw the evidence because he had no idea he was hacked. this team do all types of mobile hacks, bitcoin recovery or money lost to online scammers/computer hacks, you get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/ spouse/ anybody’s social account, email, E.T.C Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to or what’sapp: +1 507 414 7049 and thank me later their services are cool and easily accessible.

  186. Hi, please be wise. Don’t make the same mistake I made a while ago where I was a victim of bitcoin scam. I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm. I reached out to them, invested $85,000, and was promised to earn my first 15% profit in weeks. However, I never received a dollar when the time came. I got to know the company was bogus as they kept asking me to invest more. Eventually, and I ran out of patience and requested to have my money back. Unfortunately, they refused to answer or refund my funds. My friend introduced me to this recovery expert and I couldn’t contain the joy in me when they helped me recover my money. I urge you guys to reach out
    You can also get them via WhatsApp whats-app +1(562)2659318 Telegram +1(562)2659318

  187. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine, anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for a job online about a month ago. It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keep pumping money into my account. Though it is illegal, there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you.. For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on Email: or WhatsApp +447476467601. Tell your loved ones too, and start to live large. That’s the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all …the email address again is above.

  188. People cheats due to lack of being contented with their partner or some other reasons. You can’t trust your partner 100% cause you get to know different behavior in a person each day. if you suspect your partner is cheating it’s better to know the truth at once so you can get the peace of mind before it’s too late and you live a life full of regrets. You can’t do this on your own that’s why you need the assistance of an IT expert/PI to monitor and track all the activities of your partner in one swipe. Here is a good news, JASON can simply help you get this info without stress. Are you scared of being ripped off?? You don’t need to worry any longer he provides a reliable service and offers a refund policy which is strictly observed. You can write him at GHOSTSQUAREHACKER@GMAIL.COM for a wonderful and genuine services

  189. I lost my bitcoin to fake impostors on Instagram, they contacted me as blockchain official support and I fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet account, whereby 4.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings I banked up on , waiting for bitcoin rate to improve . Then my niece recommended me to an expert on crypto recovery, So i made my researched online about this recovery expert , with the contact address-ghostsquarehacker@gmailcom, I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover 97% of my bitcoin just after 4days. He helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to this recovery specialist MR Jason Anthony to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam……

  190. hello, after months of searching i finally found the right person Hackadviserpro @ gmail com, he helped me clear my records at a time, helped fixed my credit score too and he also rendered similar service to few of my friends. My experience with the hacker was marvelous and I feel that I owe him the testimony, try him out, he will sure help you in anyway.

  191. Need help recovering lost and deleted files, also need help gaining access to the Targets device to confirm an Affair. A Trusted Mobile Phone Hacker Hackadviserpro @ gmail com.

  192. Thanks to: hackadviserpro @ gmail com. They were quite attentive to my circumstance and got me my money back. Excellent service. I have no hesitation in commending them to anyone else who has been scammed. A grateful client. If you have been through the same issue and know you got scammed, I strongly recommend their services.

  193. I’m truly grateful to the JETHACKS RECOVERY team for helping me recover my stolen
    Bitcoins. A month ago, I lost over CAD 230,000$ investing in a fake forex trading company, I was told I would make double my investment but these predators kept asking for more money from one story to another. It was a very difficult time for me as I had invested all my pension money into this, while I was struggling financially and in pain after discovering they are crooks who were after my money, I decided to carry out some research and found Jethacks recovery , a reputable cyber security Team that has helped others recover their stolen money. I thought it was impossible to get my money back but to my surprise, the Jethacks team was able to recover all my money in 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for their service and efforts in restoring my life to me. I highly recommend them to everyone out there and please beware of these heartless conmen.
    Here is their contact information:

    Email contact : Jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com

    Telegram contact : Jethackss

  194. Best Hacker Contact RecoveryMasters

    I was in need of a very good hacker then i was referred to these wonderful hackers named RecoveryMasters who helped me hack into my spouse phone without my spouse knowing such a hack was done on his phone RecoveryMasters hacked into my spouse whats-app messages, call logs, text messages, deleted text messages, Viber, emails and many more i got result under 24 hours and I found out my spouse has been a big time cheat thanks to these great hackers you all can also contact them via email ( ) or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35 if you have any form of problem. They are solution makers. Tell them Hina referred you to them and I am sure they will help you with your proof.

  195. I think is nice to share my experience here too, 3 months ago i lost more than 670 thousand USD to an online investment platform that turns out to be a scam, i still wonder why people choose to deceive persons like us due to the trust in humanity. i got fooled over a period of 6 weeks dealing with scammers, they intentionally had me paid more money when i found that i was not able to withdrawal my profits. it got to a point where i wanted to take my life because i took a big loan and sold some of my stuffs to come up with that amount of money. i started doing some research online and contacted this private investigator who has helped so many victims retrieve their funds from scammers according to the reviews i read online. i equally had a very good experience working with him as he was able to retrieve all my money from the scammers wallet addresses where i had sent funds to. no matter the type of scam they will be able get back your funds. you contact him via this following contact if you also need to recover your funds. Telegram @ ROOTKITS7 — Email. ROOTKITS4 @ Gmail . com , thank you i am indebted.

  196. I had bankruptcy and eviction that was of great concern to me after I left an abusive relationship. I couldn’t believe that my credit score can be 810 with the help of a reliable credit professional named Hackadviser. He was able to raise my credit score to 810 (excellent) and deleted all negative items on my credit report within 72 hours. He also helped me increase my credit card limit to $15,000 and placed some good trade lines on my report within 5 to 7 business days. He is the best amongst all and his service is fast, secured and reliable without stress. Contact him through his regular email and phone number: HACKADVISERPRO @ GMAIL COM, for any kind of credit repair. They’re swift in responding to any question.

  197. I was a victim of a cryptocurrency investment scam and I lost 879,000 USD to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months ago, I was contacted by a forex trader to invest in his platform hoping I would make huge profits from my investments, this went on for some time and when it was time to withdraw my investments, I was logged out and I couldn’t access my Bitstockxchange account, I contacted them and they requested I pay 20% before I could access my wallet. I had invested all my retirement and life savings into this platform and was depressed for months until a friend of mine told me about Spyweb, a reputable and trustworthy recovery company that can help me recover my money, I sent an email to Spyweb cyber and they requested for some information, this company did a thorough investigation and was able to recover everything I lost, I’m truly grateful to Spyweb Cyber and I wish to recommend them to everyone who needs their services. Spyweb Cyber has a 100% recovery rate and has truly changed the lives of so many victims of cryptocurrency scams.
    You can reach them via

  198. Alexandra Elliott

    February 10, 2023 at 4:04 pm

    I’m so excited my broken Marriage been restored. My ex lover is back after he left me and our kids for another woman. I was so happy to meet Dr Trust and how he helped many people to bring their lover back so I contacted him to help me too. That was how Dr Trust helped me to bring my lover back. A big thank you to Dr Trust because I never thought my ex lover would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest. If you are here and you need your Ex Lover back or your lover moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact:


    WhatsApp: +14242983869

  199. Words can’t express how happy i am to have gotten my funds back with the help of great hacker Albert Gonzalez as the Team was able to recover my lost fund after he gave me prove of identity He recovered my lost funds of $160,000 from Crypto fraud in just 3 weeks. I am really grateful for your help and i hope you don’t give up on your lost fund and seek the right help. kindly contact Albert Gonzalez Via hackeralbertgonzalezz @ gmail com ot WhatsApp +1(980)777 2175.

  200. I am single mother tho all my kids are quite grown up but it wasn’t east to raise them all by myself … I worked extra hours , burnt a lot of midnight candles so I could be able to provide for them , now I live alone and don’t work anymore just living on my savings and pension fund but I missed the hustling days so I did no delay to earn money while at home from the crypto investment opportunity when I was presented with one by a claimed manager of the supposed crypto company that I had met online on a dating platform. After a while of working with him , I had invested a total of CAD 350,000 with them with a totaling profit of CAD 710,000 so you know I wanted to withdraw some of it and that was where it all came down crashing .. I was made to pay fees after fees which was all a scheme to keep extorting me luckily for me I came across this post on here while the whole issue was still fresh so I took the contact details of JETHACKS RECOVERY Telegram: Jethackss and Email : jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com to enquire if my money was recoverable and Yes it was . Two days after they had launched the Recovery exercise my money was retrieved to my external wallet address .

  201. Mr. Stefan Klaus.

    February 10, 2023 at 11:26 pm

    Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos:

    Fast Contact:
    WhtsAp. (+152032)9 0(320),
    Eml. (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz),
    Web. (

    Should you need support reclaiming your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. I lost over $176k after participating in a phony binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Working with Ultimate Hacker Jerry is trustworthy.

    Best wishes, Mr. Stefan Klaus.

  202. Mr. Stefan Klaus.

    February 10, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos:

    Fast Contact:
    WhtsAp. (+152032)9 0(320),
    Eml. (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz),
    Web. (

    Should you need support reclaiming your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. I lost over $176k after participating in a phony binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Working with Ultimate Hacker Jerry is trustworthy.

    Best wishes, Mr. Stefan Klaus. . . . .

  203. Mr. Stefan Klaus.

    February 10, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos:

    Fast Contact:
    WhtsAp. (+152032)9 0(320),
    Eml. (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz),
    Web. (

    Should you need support reclaiming your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. I lost over $176k after participating in a phony binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Working with Ultimate Hacker Jerry is trustworthy.

    Best wishes, Mr. Stefan Klaus. ,,.

  204. Mr. Stefan Klaus.

    February 10, 2023 at 11:28 pm

    Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos:

    Fast Contact:
    WhtsAp. (+152032)9 0(320),
    Eml. (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz),
    Web. (

    Should you need support reclaiming your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. I lost over $176k after participating in a phony binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Working with Ultimate Hacker Jerry is trustworthy.

    Best wishes, Mr. Stefan Klaus. ,., ,

  205. Mr. Stefan Klaus.

    February 10, 2023 at 11:29 pm

    Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos:

    Fast Contact:
    WhtsAp. (+152032)9 0(320),
    Eml. (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz),
    Web. (

    Should you need support reclaiming your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. I lost over $176k after participating in a phony binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Working with Ultimate Hacker Jerry is trustworthy.

    Best wishes, Mr. Stefan Klaus.,.,.,.,

  206. I’ve come to understand that genuine hackers always have tools handy to work with, no genuine hacker will ask you to pay for tools before your work is done, don’t fall for their lies, I have been jacked several times by all these fake assholes. So i met hackerspytech @ gmai com he actually solved my problem, i was in dire need of a hacker to monitor my wife’s activities online, Pavel was able to reveal my infidel wife’s activities, for that I am grateful to him, he offers services ranging from Facebook, whatsapp, emails, Twitter, Kik, imo, cell phone, website hacks, changing DMV records, background checks, locating individuals, expunging criminal records and so much more, if you are in dire need of a hacker you should contact this man, he is smart with his services and takes full payment upon delivery, i had to write this about him, tell him Robert recommended him when he starts asking questions.

  207. Hello everyone, I’m Jimmy Wheeler from Sydney, Australia. I’m 64 years old and I own a Carwash business. A few months back, I invested 390,000 AUD worth of Bitcoins & Ethereum into the cryptocurrency platform CryptoXStock and later found out this platform is a scam and has defrauded other people including myself of our money. I fell sick and was in the hospital depressed for weeks. I got in touch with the authorities and there was nothing they could do to help me get back my money until I saw an article online about Spyweb Cyber Service, a cyber security expert who has tremendous reviews of how they have helped victims of internet scam to recover their money, I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provided all the information they needed. To my surprise, Spyweb was able to recover my money and trace down those scammers in less than 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for the services of Spyweb Cyber and I’m recommending them to every victim of an internet scam who wishes to recover their money.
    Reach Spyweb Cyber Service via (

  208. Based on the information I read about this Private Investigator, it seems they could be useful in the investigation services they offer to individuals and businesses. I instantly hired them to spy on my partner’s devices to know who she was talking to, who she was mailing, and her social media. They did a magnificent job and I can vouch for this investigator. [ OR WhatsApp +1252-512-0391] are legit, the best internet hackers and private investigators your time and money can buy I guarantee you.

  209. Recommendation to a recovery professional. I lost my bitcoin to a phony blockchain impostor on Facebook after I foolishly fell for their trick. They gained access to my blockchain wallet account and took a total of 7.0 bitcoins from it after posing as blockchain official support. I was in agony and in awe because this was everything I had and had saved up for. Then my niece gave me the name of a Rootkits Spammer ( I looked him up online and saw that he had little experience helping people find their lost bitcoins, so I wrote to the group directly to explain my situation. As a result, they assisted me in getting my bitcoin back just two days after I notified them. We sincerely appreciate Rootkits Spammer assistance. You can also contact via WhatsApp (+351 920 258 835) to recover any lost money you may have suffered through an online fraud.

  210. Here is the Experience i had with a scam cryptocurrency investment platform it was really a terrible one, I got a message from a trader on my Telegram who told me about how high their profit was after investing with them, I decided to invest in the online trade because I wanted to make more profit to set up a business because my job wasn’t enough to take care of myself and my family, i ended up investing a $65,000.00 worth of bitcoin. I was promised that I will be able to withdraw my profit after one week of investment. when it was time for me to withdraw the profit. I tried to make a withdrawal and it failed. I informed the trader about it and he asked me to pay more money as the withdrawal charges. was a bit strange to me. I wasn’t informed earlier that I have to pay extra money to be able to withdraw my winning profit. I did as he instructed and made another deposit of $9,000.00, thinking I will be able to finally withdraw my winning profit. but he kept asking for more money until I realized that I was being scammed. I couldn’t let go because I invested all the money that I was saving to set up a new business. I was confused and lost for days because the whole things worked against me. I went into doing research to see if there is anything I can do to recover my money back and that was how i came across the comment about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM after so many searches. I read several good reviews about them from various scam victims and how ROOTKITS helped them in recovering their stolen or lost crypto . I decided to contact them for help. I was opportune to get my money back from the scam brokers through the help of this wonderful Recovery firm. for sure they really made me happy and i’m very thankful to them. you can contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM as they are capable of helping you get back whatever you may have lost to internet Scammers. Reach them with their email address at: ROOTKITS 4 @ gmail . com or Telegram: ROOTKITS7.

  211. Thanks to: hackadviserpro @ gmail com. They were quite attentive to my circumstance and got me my money back. Excellent service. I have no hesitation in commending them to anyone else who has been scammed. A grateful client. If you have been through the same issue and know you got scammed, I strongly recommend their services.

  212. Roderick Rosemary

    February 11, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    Have you ever succumbed for a scam? or have you encountered monetary damage due to online scammers? I beg you to get in touch with Rootkits Spammer (, a reputable hacker and recovery specialist. I fell prey to scammers posing as bitcoin and binary options investors, and I lost $60,000 from my bitcoin wallet as a result. It took me a while to understand they were frauds, and this hurt a lot. I was able to get my lost bitcoins back in less than 72 hours thanks to Rootkits Spammer. You will be very happy you contacted Rootkits Spammer for assistance if you have lost any money to online frauds and are looking to recover loss from wallet hackers or phony hackers. you can also contact via WhatsApp (+351 920 258 835)

  213. Concern has grown about the dubious means by which unregistered forex brokers and websites for cryptocurrency trading steal money from investors. A few weeks ago, when I went to withdraw my funds from the site, I was charged almost $75,000 by a well-known forex broker. The good news is that a few days later I came across multiple articles on retrieving digital and crypto assets in which Dave, the best recovery specialist, was repeatedly mentioned, so I contacted him. Within three days following my initial communication, he withdrew the entirety of my funds, leaving nothing behind. If your bitcoin disappears, there are incomplete crypto transactions, catfish scams, advance fee scams, etc., he is certainly the best and most trustworthy recovery professional to contact. Contact him at if you need extraordinary assistance.

  214. “All will be well” maybe it won’t, maybe life will continue to be a series of bad things happening to me and that’s okay because we will either get by or die trying our best, no one will live on earth forever and one day we will all abandon this sinful world empty handed same way we came into it, so why does people go extra miles to hurt people just to acquire the vanities of life , my heart was bleeding for days non stop and I had already accepted my faith until I had the opportunity to work with JETHACKS RECOVERY , they are group of hackers who could retrieve back stolen crypto currencies amongst many other things, they are proven group of individuals who through their actions have been able to save many lives and give hope to the oppressed including me by fighting for us and giving us back what rightfully belongs to us . To connect with JETHACKS , Simply reach out to them on either Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com OR Telegram: Jethackss

  215. I appreciate Hackadviser for helping me recover my stolen funds 750,000 GBP from Binary Brokers and Fake Hackers within 24 hours. Contact him hackadviserpro @ gmail com for any desired Hacking Services. STOP BEING SCAMMED BY FAKE HACKERS and BINARY BROKERS AND FAKE HACKERS. Hire a Ethical Hacking group who are professional and real. Hack Ethics is an experienced Private Hacking Organization with a spare master key that no one has. It was like a miracle when he helped me recover my 750,000 GBP within 48 hours and now I feel free like a bird. Also he helped monitor my cheating spouse which I got first-hand information from her phone. Now I get all her incoming and outgoing text messages, emails, call logs, web browsing history, photos and videos, instant messengers(facebook,whatsapp,bbm,IG etc) , GPS locations, phone tap to get live transmissions on all phone conversations. Specialized in different Hacking Services some of his most popular hacking services or social network and know if your partner is cheating on you hack into your partners phone. He can help you recover your lost binary BTC , TBC, ETH and every other stolen funds within 48 hours.

  216. Hackadviserpro @ gmail com is great to work with! He’s super responsive and very fast and efficient. Any issue I have requested of him to help with he has always been very prompt and professional. I have used him for several website hacking issues and event platform updates and will continue to use him from now on. Thanks Hackadviser.

  217. I met this guy at a coffee shop one morning while I was driving to work , him and the girlfriend was talking about an investment where the man lost over $700,000 worth of Bitcoin but the fun part was that he was able to recover it all again , when I heard him saying this , I waited outside for them to finish up and i quickly approached him and was Like “ I overheard you discussing with your friend on how you lost your investment and was able to recover all back “ I was just curious to know how he did that because I have just recently been scammed as well and ever since then I’ve been depressed till I met this young man , he now told me how he was able to come across a hacking agent who helped him retrieve back his lost investment , me hearing his story and how everything went down with the hacking agent I quickly requested for the Agents contact which he gave to me , I’d say that was a miracle because I didn’t expect that I was ever going to find someone who had been in same situation as I am not to talk of being able to recover the lost money back but all this happens before my very eyes , I contacted the Agent through Email : KNIGHTHOODBOT @ gmail .com , and from that very point everything turned around for the better for me , I lost $318,000 to the scammers in total but when the agent was done , not even a dime was left behind for them, all was retrieved back to me and I can’t really put in writing how excited I am . I am here with my story to help people out there who has lost hope in recovering their money lost to scammers . Give this team a chance and worry less .

  218. I’m going to be very honest here , I don’t have a sob story or anything or am I going to say I was in a very bad state or any kind of situation tho it sucks when you lose your hard earned money . I laugh at it every time I think about it , how I was (almost) ripped/ scammed off almost $500k , am an entertainment am not really going to into details but it stung so bad when it happened and I decided to suck it up and move on but that was till JETHACKS RECOVERY was able to recover my friends $350k from the fraud company so my friend linked me up to the Team, I had forwarded all transactions proofs for verification and after the verification JETHACKS RECOVERY initiated the level 100+ prime to have my money retrieved from the fraud company . I share this here with smiles on my face .. JETHACKS RECOVERY is a proven Team , I can vouch for that anywhere cos my funds are sitting right in my external wallet I already converted some into reach cash haha . JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM contact details are Email: jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

  219. The very purpose of investing is to gain profit but it become painful when you lose your investment, I see people complaining of getting their investments lost when investing in binary option trading. just the same way i lost mine, i equally know how it feels like when you lose your funds while trying to earn some profits, i had invested a total of $108k usd to a binary trading company not knowing that they had some corrupt brokers who choose to make away with peoples investment. they seized every damn coin that i had invested and kept on requesting for more funds to be deposited before i can have my total earnings. their silly excuses for demanding more deposit didn’t go well with me and a part of me was already letting me know that i was in the wrong direction, i stopped talking with them for a few days and started looking for a smart means to get my invested funds back. and i was finally able to get back all my funds through a Recovery Specialist, with his trading experience and recovery Expertise i was able to get back my lost funds, All thanks to their immense service. if you ever lost your funds while investing it only Best you Contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY SPECIALIST via email on R O O T KITS 4 @ gmail .com or Telegram him on user iD: ROOTKITS7

  220. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started.
    asorehackcorp @ gmail com

    Stay Safe !

  221. Earlier this year, I lost almost $100,000 after falling for a binary options scam that promised a significant return. I opened an account with them after they successfully persuaded me to do so. I committed an additional $90,000 after receiving a 100% bonus guarantee. They advised me to invest more in order to unlock several rights, including the ability to withdraw funds. When it was time for me to make a withdrawal from my trading account, it failed to work and they requested an additional $20,000 from me. This was when I realised that I have been dealing with scammers. I was depressed for more than a week. Luckily I read an article about Wizard Web Recovery, an expert and genius recovery team and after much debate and reflection, I approached them to ask for help. My stolen assets were recovered and returned with the aid of Wizard Web Recovery. Now that I am aware that many individuals in our community have been manipulated and require assistance, I  appreciate Wizard Web Recovery for their excellent job. I am optimistic that they can assist you too. Hurry up and reach out to them for help you if you have ever experienced a cryptocurrency scam. wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer(.)net  /  +1 (917) 725-3296

  222. Be wise and prosper. Your ability to obtain the new programmed blank ATM card that can be used to break into any ATM machine, anywhere in the world, About a month ago, I discovered this blank ATM card while conducting an online job search. I can now say that it has significantly improved my life and that I will never again be poor. My daily income with it is never less than $5,500 and it lasts for 30 days before it expires. Despite being against the law, there is no chance of getting arrested because it has been programmed to be untraceable and has a method that prevents CCTVs from detecting you. Contact Tech Savvy Hacker for more information on how to obtain yours right away. Once you’ve told your loved ones, start living large. That is a short testimony of how a blank ATM card from Tech Savvy Hacker helped me transform my life for the better. I adore you all to contact Tech Savvy Hacker to get yours.

    Name: Tech Savvy Hacker
    Telephone Number: +1 (514) 907-1514

  223. On the 7th of this month I had gone about my morning just like every other day , got ready for work and while I was at the bus stop waiting for my bus I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation the other ladies next to me was having , apparently they are familiar with each others and have been victims of crypto scam in the past and one was telling the other how she got back her money through the expert services of JETHACKS RECOVERY , I was inclined to talk to them and get more information about this HACKERS, she shared the contact details with me
    Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss
    Watsapp NUM : +1 (619) 663‑7067

    I contacted them when I got home and the whole process was set in motion of course I was praying that everything goes successfully , my prayers was answered… they turned out to be very professional and very good at recovering stolen crypto like the lady had said earlier … my joy knows no bound as I write this here and I wish this wicked scammers nothing but pain like they deserve and hope everyone who’s been scammed by them in the past gets a happy ending

  224. I’ve been struggling with how to hack someones WhatsApp messages without touching their cell phone for almost a year. I’ve tried at least 10 different apps and none of them worked. I found hackerspytech @ gmail com after reading a blog post on how to hack someones WhatsApp messages without touching their cell phone and the reviews were all good so I thought I would give it a try

  225. My credit score was moved from low 400s to over 860 by this genius Albert Vadim within 7 working days. All derogatory reports gone. At first I thought this was too good to be true but it was my only hope at the time so I took my chances and I can say its one of the best decisions I ever made. So on behalf of my wife and my kids, I am taking this time to publicly thank him for helping us get loan approvals which helped us get a beautiful house and also drop his contact for anyone who wishes for a change.
    He also helped a friend of mine gain access to phone messages without having physical access to the phone. He also offers many other services like -erasing criminal records permanently -recovering lost or stolen bitcoins and many other services.

  226. Hi. Please be wise, do not make the same mistake I had made in the past, I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm, I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $28,000, which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it’s time to get my profits, I got to know the company was bogus, they kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until a friend of mine introduced me to the DEVELOPER WEB, so I reached out and after tabling my complaints, they were swift to action and within 36 hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn’t contain the joy in me. I urge you guys to reach out to DEVELOPER WEB on their support email:
    Or WhatsApp: +447587040310

    Thank you.

  227. I invested on a platform that has positive reviews everywhere to deceive more people. At first it was actually going well until I decided to make a big withdrawal, they had let me withdraw a small amount in the beginning and this even made me trust this company even more until i needed to make a big withdrawal, they denied this and instead lured me into making more deposits as “company maintenance fee, Tax fee and so” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another 2 weeks and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release anything i got more worried and aggressive about recovering my funds back, so one day i decided to go on a cyber hunt for a credible firm, i did deep research and came across the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and their services. i reached out to their contact detail R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M to file a complaint on charge back i was well responded to and had a deep conversation on how i lost my money to NABCRYPTO investment everything seems so unbelievable while they assured me of getting everything have lost, i was asked questions on my mode of payment and evidences that shows a transaction occurred between both parties and if any agreement was breached or stated, after all these, within the early hours of the morning I got my lost btc back in my wallet, these guys are amazing. you can get them also on Telegram at ROOTKITS7

  228. I strongly recommend to anyone that might need the help of real, honest, ethical hacker hackadviserpro @ gmail com whom I came in contact with on an online forum just about a week ago and i employed this skilled cyber geek to help me spy on my partners phone alongside other activities. I had suspicions and to clear my curiosity to know if my partner was cheating on me with another, I employed the services of hackadviserpro @ gmail com who served as a personal investigator and provided me with evidences of my partner’s daily activities alongside phone conversations like facebook, email, whatsapp, calls, skype, Snapchat, Instagram, Hangout, Tinder, GPS location, retrieving old deleted massages alongside others. I am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve their relationship problems, dont hesitate to contact the only real hacker writing your complains and am sure you will get all the help you need at a cheap cost.

  229. I hired this firm to confirm whether or not my wife was having an affair. Not only was a lot of money involved during the divorce process, but we also had three children and many investments. I needed them to be as discreet as possible, mainly because of my children. I can not convey to you how professional, efficient, and amazing this agency was. Cyber Genie Intercontinental was the team who handled my case. They were truly amazing, sympathetic, and professional. I would recommend this hacker for any kind of work in this field or any other field they handle such as Bitcoin Recovery, Private investigation, social network hacks, and lots more…Attached is their info: ( and WhatsApp + 12525120391 )

  230. The law has failed us , the authorities are sleeping on this one , people are getting ripped off their hard earned money on a daily basis and they are not even Doing anything about it even when make a plea to them and demanding action to be taken all they say this isn’t under their jurisdiction or some lame ass bullshit they can come up with.. like if you guys won’t do anything about it then who will !??.. I just can’t make any sense out of this , it’s absurd !! …. Well am glad we still have some ethical hackers in this world , at least people who can actually bring actions against this fraudulent organizations .. I got to know of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF HACKERS after I started doing my research online since the authorities couldn’t do anything , I was looking to exhaust all of my options and am glad I found some professionals in the field , JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM is top level , very professional and ethical .. I first reached out to them on Telegram: Jethackss and after talking for a while on there I forwarded all necessary information on email : jethacks7 @ gmail . Com . My funds had been successfully recovered , I already turned everything into cash , too many bills to pay honestly .

  231. Before I say anything else, I had my records that had been a pain in my neck all cleared by this genius Albert Vadim ( Vadimwebhack@ gmail. com ). Felonies, mostly drug related but that was years ago and even though I have been clean for years, these records kept me unemployed for years until I got frustrated and decided to surf the internet for help. I am more than grateful I found this amazing soul Albert. I have a great job, he also helped get my credit score up to 860. I honestly can’t thank him enough, he literally saved me and my family. Recommending him to others is the least of my appreciation. He is an expert in a lot other areas like:
    -Phone hack -recovery of lost or stolen cryptocurrency -GPS tracking -Call tracking and so many others.

  232. The day i was scammed was thesame day i lost my daughter, i was totally destroyed emotionally for 3 month. i didn’t have a dime left in my bank besides my credit. all my life savings was cleared from my bank by some investment scammers which i shared my banking details with. the police and the bank only filed a report and closed the case, i was left all alone to suffer it and i can swear it was a living nightmare. Not until my in-law introduced me to his old college mate who is now a hacker, he lives in Canada and is very dedicated to his recovery work. it took him only 2 days to recover everything through a system he called “scrutinized asset-finder recovery”. i know very little about what he did but i got everything back. it feels so so miraculous to find a messiah. i would drop his contacts below just because i am over joyous, kindly message him and help me thank him more for saving my life from the pit of hell.
    Whatsapp and phone : +1 (949) 659‑7928

  233. I would like to use this platform to say a very big and massive THANK YOU to the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM for their massive effort in recovering the funds which I thought had been lost forever , I have heard that crypto is untraceable and thus it impossible to recover any funds sent through crypto but i have seen that such affirmations are very untrue and the only impossible situation on this earth is Death , death has no solution but every other thing does and JETHACKS has proved that to me and so many individuals out there who’s been a victim of scam . Honestly I only got to know about the JETHACKS RECOVERY on here through the so many reviews from people and I reach out to them through the contact details I got here
    Email: Jethacks7@ gmail . Come
    Telegram : Jethackss
    I was scared at first but I thought what’s the worst that could actually happen and am confident to say that good things and good people still exist on this earth . Hopefully my story can encourage someone out there to take control of their life and reach out to the JETHACKS and recover what was stolen from you just like I did and plenty other individuals did , thanks .

  234. Truth be told , crypto currency investment is quite profitable only if you are investing with the right company and finding the right company to invest with is where the whole mistake is made because a lot of them out there tend to be legit at first until you’re involved with them , I have actually been mining with one mining pool for over 8 months and could see my profit earnings but for me to withdraw my earnings that’s where the issue is , I have over 24btc in the website that I could nit access any longer .. I wanted to overlook it at first and never get myself in wolves in any type of online investment but my wife never let go even when I did , she somehow managed to come across a Recovery hacking agent “ Virtualhacknet @ gmail . Com “ on LinkedIn . I explained every details to them and provided them with every information and aid they needed and at the very end of the week , I and my wife were both filled with smile and relief , finally we recovered back our Bitcoin .. I’m very grateful to the Agent that was assigned to us , he was very kind and explained every little detail to us .. you should do well to contact them on telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for a swift response .

  235. I am so happy to share this fantastic testimony of mine. My life has changed round completely in 42hours. I can see myself in the mirror and smile. I have confidence in myself and my abilities for the first time in ages. I have my husband back in my life with the help of Dr John Soco. He said sorry after 24hours, after the spell was created. He said he realized that he never really wanted to break up; he could not handle the emotional baggage I was carrying around all the time. He said that he thought he was the negative influence in my life and thought it best to leave. He said it was hard that I kept talking about the past all the time. We have both forgiven each other. I have money in my pocket that is my own at last. (My compensation cheque came through. I was told it was months away. I am living proof of what Dr John Soco can do. I thank you so much Dr John Soco for the wonderful thing you did in my marriage. I am so happy now. With your help we were both able to see and speak the truth to each other. I never thought a spell could help a couple before. I am very pleased to contact you and initiated all this to happen. Anyone who has a relationship problem can contact Dr John Soco via emailDRJOHNSOCO@GMAIL.COMCall/Whatsapp number: +1 (803) 820-2671 Or +1 (706) 871-4571 .

  236. Need help recovering lost and deleted files, also need help gaining access to the Targets device to confirm an Affair. A Trusted Mobile Phone Hacker Hackadviserpro @ gmail com.

  237. Please beware there are many fake cryptocurrrency investment platforms out there, I got scammed twice before I met a genius hacker who helped retrieve my bitcoin. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested 15BTC on a particular website called FoxBtc, I monitored the profit yielding but got locked out of the account before I could withdraw. I went online and met this recovery expert at hackadviserpro @ gmail com on google who helped me retrieve my bitcoins back in few hours. He saved my life , he can save yours.

  238. Good day everyone, I’m Sheila Hagan from Leeds, UK.
    A few months ago, I lost about £476,000 pounds worth of Bitcoins to a fake crypto investment trading platform that lured me into their platform with the intent of earning a 20% daily profit. I was in a very bad position and I couldn’t afford to take care of my bills, my husband was very disappointed with me for investing in such a platform without his prior knowledge. I had to confide in a childhood friend of mine who told me about SPYWEB CYBER, a cryptocurrency recovery company who are expert in recovering stolen and lost crypto funds. I contacted Spyweb immediately and they were able to recover my money. Spyweb was superb in recovering my money, it took them just 48 hours to trace and recover my money, Spyweb was able to disclose their location to me and we were able to track down those scammers. I’m highly recommending Spyweb to everyone out there who wishes to recover their stolen or lost cryptocurrency money.
    Send your complaints to
    EMAIL: Spyweb@cyberdude(.)com
    EMAIL: Contact@spyweb(.)tech

  239. All they want to do is rip rip rip to keep taking but never giving back just like they had promised .. I have discovered a lot on the internet since I started doing my research on the whole scam in the crypto space .. I have come to know that plenty people have fallen victim of it and at the same time lots of individuals have been able to recover back their money through the process of hiring professional hackers to do the job for them which has been a great success and I can vouch to that as I had also taken action towards retrieving my money through JETHACKS , I employed the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY one month ago when I reached out to them on Email: jethacks7 @ gmail . Com to help me retrieve my money in the fraud company I had invested with … I had over $320k sitting on my account on the company’s website but no access to it , it made no sense to me even after paying withdrawal fees so I had to do Something about it . JETHACKS successfully gained access to the company’s database after hacking through the system and retrieved all my funds including my profits back to my blockchain wallet . You can as well reach out to them on Telegram: Jethackss

  240. I lost all my money after falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, I was logged out of my account and was told the account manager was sick and that I had to pay some certain amount to gain access to my accounts. I had invested some huge amounts of money into this platform Capital Express FX, a lady contacted me to invest in this platform so that I would make huge profits which I did but to my surprise, these were all scams and they have defrauded several others of their money through cryptocurrency. I was weak and broke, I couldn’t meet up with my bills until a friend of mine told me about Spyweb Cyber, a reputable and reliable recovery company. I contacted Spyweb and provided all the information to them, a few other things I couldn’t provide but this company did an amazing job to trace and recover my stolen money. I’m still amazed and excited that a company like Spyweb Cyber is out there helping victims of cryptocurrency scams recover their money. I’m truly grateful to their service and recommend them to everyone.
    Reach Spyweb at

  241. I still remember my ordeal in the hands of these rippers like yesterday…. no man , I say no man born of a woman can take what belongs to me Never! .. at first I had paid over 5 different fees including activation fees, gas fees and withdrawal fees and it was obvious they had no intention of releasing my money to me .. I even reached out to the person that introduced me to the company on telegram and she told me to keep paying the fees that my money will be released but I wasn’t buying anymore… I ain’t dumb and it was clear to me they would keep extorting me so i called my friend in the FBI and told him about the whole thing and he gave me the details of a Top Level hacker that will help me out
    Email : jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss

    I have only shared this details here because It would be unfair to withhold the information when it could help out a lot of individuals as I have seen that plenty of people have fallen victim to crypto scam as well so you all can reach out to JETHACKS and be able to retrieve all your money from these rippers.

  242. I’m recommending ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their wonderful and excellent recovery services given to me when I was being scammed of my investments by a Cryptocurrency investment platform.. I lost all my invested funds a total of £893k to this company, I had been a member to their platform for about 6 months time investing all i have had with the company. I finally got to know that this has been a fraudulent company when I wanted to withdraw a part of my profits into my bank account. I made several attempts to process the transaction but it was declined, on reaching out to the support desk for assistance to withdraw my funds they demanded for some company fees and charges so they could grant me the access to the withdrawal. i did paid for the fees as well but i still could not make the withdrawal swiftly, this really puts me in a detrimental state.. I was really shattered about the whole situation as i do not know how to go about it again, then i had the thought about getting a hacker to help me out as i felt screwed by this company. and that was how i discovered the recovery firm that help me to get all my funds back from the crypto company, i came along a lot of positive reviews about them here so i trust the process and contacted their email R O O T K I T S 4 @ gmail . Com for assistance and they were excellent, I’m really thankful for their support and service as they restored Happiness back into my life. i recommend this team for anyone who wants to recover what has been lost to scam companies here is their Telegram also – ROOTKITS7

  243. Hackers are a blessing to us.. how they do what they do it’s a thing of mystery to me but we’re really blessed to have them in our society, I mean how would I have been able to recover my $87k Bitcoin that I was ripped off by those scammers that preyed on my lack of experience in the crypto space!?.. I have seen plenty of people who was also able to get back their money through the services of professional hackers and if you’ve been scammed by one of those fake investment companies and you’re looking to take back what belongs to you then JETHACKS is the answer , thousands of individuals have been including me have been giving a second chance through their excellent service and you can contact them on

    They say impossible is nothing so you can either keep blaming yourself or you can take action today… I got to know of them through a review on podcast so I believe I owe it to others out there to keep sharing this information to help many other people

  244. I strongly advise using this extremely reputable company, Wizard web recovery, for anyone looking to recover any cryptocurrency coins and financial assets lost to online fraud, wallet hackers, or BTC transferred to the wrong addresses. After I gave this recovery specialist firm Wizard web recovery all the relevant information and necessary requirements, they did a fantastic job of helping me recover the BTC that I had lost to these nefarious con artists. 1.6138 bitcoins out of the 1.94 bitcoins that were stolen from my wallet were ultimately found. After losing considerably more to the counterfeit people I first contacted before getting in touch with this outstanding expert group Wizard web recovery, I was happy to be able to recover this much. Get in touch with Wizard Web Recovery At : and their WhatsApp number at +1 (917) 725-3296. If you need assistance recovering from any type of online bitcoin scam, describe the incident and follow their recommendations.

  245. There have been a lot of conversations about how you can recover your funds that have been scammed from an individual online and people who come up with different opinions either in a positive or a negative direction. From my point of view, my reply would be positive. Finally I have been able to retrieve all my lost funds of about 55,000 USD, which I never believed I would get again from an unregulated broker who stocked my trading capital for over 3 months and denied my access to my trading account. This is all thanks to my neighbor who introduced me to a recovery expert, Lachlan Bryan. I did email him at his email on prowizardgilbertrecovery(@), and he was quick to respond and give me his guidance. He is an intellectual that assists scam victims in recovering back their scammed funds without any pressure of payment before service. I still thank him for restoring Joy into my life after several pain, I will always be indebted.
    Whatsapp him on (+1) 541- (240) 9985

  246. Lost a couple thousand dollars when I first started investing in cryptocurrencies and stock market trading.. it all happened so fast , I was kinda curious to know how the market works for a very long time and then when i decided to take it up I ended up in the wrong hands of course .. that was one of the worst mistakes I ever made in my entire life because I trusted the wrong people to manage my trades and earnings , my initial start up deposit wasn’t that much “$250” but as time goes on I kept on taking up higher investment plans , then my account manager “Mr Frank “ was all positive that my investment was secure but little did I know that he was giving me false hopes all those while .. I later discovered that he was part of the scam after I had recovered my investments with their platform “ Virobtctradeio” .. with the help of an amazing hacking team “ KNIGHTHOODBOT AT GMAIL DOT COM “ I was able to beat this crooks and get back my hard earned money.. please you should be careful out there because it seems like this investment scam is now something serious in most Countries . Contact the team directly on telegram or email if you having difficulty withdrawing your investment , they’d sure be of help . Telegram ID : KNIGHTHOODBOT9

  247. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started.

    Stay Safe !

  248. I suspected my partner was cheating with her colleague at work, but was not 100% sure about it. I could not acees her mobile
    phone because she had a lock on it. I reached out to this great hacker who remotely hacked her phone and i coukd read all her
    text messages , whatsapp messages , call logs , photo gallery and i saw all her escapades with different guys.
    I immediately filed for a divorce and moved on with my life. you can also spy on your partner if you send an email to

  249. I used to think I was above scam.. seeing all the stories on news and Facebook about how people are getting scammed by individuals they met online and I be thinking that I couldn’t fall for it but I was wrong , in this life never think you could have handled the situation better if you haven’t been in same situation before.. I met a lady on Hinge and we started chatting, her name was Lola .. we did normal calls and video calls together all the time and I never thought she was fake and she got me into investing in the company she works for , storyline was if she could get up to a certain amount of referrals then she can be able to go for a leave and come see me , so I invested and invested and invested, it totaled at $208k so I could get her to the required percentage she needed and when we finally got there she blocked me , I had been mounting pressures on her that I was going to fly over to her city instead …. I was shocked beyond words to think I had been scammed . Luckily for me I have come across the contact of JETHACKS in the past so I reached out on both Email : jethacks7 @ gmail . Com and telegram: Jethackss the whole experience of working with Jethacks made me realized that she was fake and video calls could be manipulated but am just glad that JETHACKS is a top level hacker and my funds was successfully retrieved from the scam company website she made me invest in


    I want to testify about OSCAR WHITE blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no hope then I saw so many testimony about how OSCAR WHITE send them the blank ATM card and i use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I also email him and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get $100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily.OSCAR WHITE is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. Contact him for various types of hacking on:
    *Blank atm cards
    *Recover bitcoin wallets
    *Recover stolen or lost bitcoin.
    *and other hacking services via:
    TEXT/whats-app +1(510)-777-9243

  251. Think about this, Firstly I bought Bitcoin Worth $5000 from Blockchain for $19,200 in October 2022. Then I invested that Bitcoin into bit-tradeglobal for fixed monthly returns. Today I feel crazy because right now I have over $45,000 worth of bitcoin just by Investing $5000 worth of BTC.

    There is a special hardware designated for mining bitcoin called ASIC [Application-Specific Integrated Circuit Chip] which mines bitcoin faster and requires less energy but very costly and complex to develop ASICs as mining devices.

    Bit-tradeglobal Investment would help you invest and earn passive income from trading or investing in bitcoin. You can also monitor your trade during mining process and also a personal account manager will be attached to you during your mining session.

    Contact: +1 7542290408
    Twitter Handle: @tiffany49983315

  252. Are you suspecting your partner of cheating or having an extramarital affair? I’ll advice you to get proof first before confronting him/her. As that could result in unnecessary confusion in your relationship or marriage. it’s always advisable to consult a professional hacker to help you get concrete evidence by discreetly getting access to their phone or computer. he has forked for me a couple of times and he never disappoints. he provides Accurate results and can be trusted for 100% privacy and untraceable.
    Contact him via hackerspytech @ gmail com

  253. I believe this information will be very useful to someone out there because someone might still be in the same situation as me. few months back, I was scammed of my funds, I invested into an online trading company and I was scammed of my savings and profits. i did everything possible to resolve this with the company but it was as if I’m making another mistake because i had to pay for the fees which they requested and still couldn’t have the access to withdraw my investment. I found this page some days ago but didn’t take it seriously. because I saw different comments and I got confused and I don’t know who is real or not. But i later summon the courage to contact a Wizard here his name ROOTKITS i sent an email to him on ROOTKITS 4 @ G M AIL . COM for help and they came through. thanks again to this great team who by their level of experience recovered all my funds back just when I taught I’ve lost it all I’m grateful for your help.. to anyone who might have been in such situation I encourage you to reach out to ROOTKITS as well they are on telegram with the user; ROOTKITS7

  254. YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO RECOVER YOUR LOST BITCOINS IF YOU ARE WONDERING. Before I found the contact of this genius Arthur Vitali, I lost my entire savings to an online scam investment platform. Over $87,000 worth of bitcoins invested and lost. These scammers promised me 10% increase every week on any amount invested. At first, they kept to their words I had no idea it was only to fool me into investing a huge amount which I eventually did and they vanished. I was depressed, my marriage was crashing all because of my mistake. A friend of mine from St. Petersburg who knew what I was going through hooked me up with Arthur. This man literally saved my life. He went out of his way to recover over 80 of my money and tracked the location of the scammers. Nobody deserves to loose their hard earned money too lazy scammers.
    IF YOU NEED HELP, TALK TO ALBER VIA EMAIL: Quickarturhack@ gmail. com

  255. If I had done better then I would have been better..Rolling in the deep, I needed to breathe better
    but none of that was possible when I could still see demons in my sleep… Have you ever had to sacrifice your health?
    Ever had to sacrifice yourself?
    Plus I got a shitload of debts , the bank loans , the loans I borrowed from friends… I had literally taken money from everyone I could just so I could keep up with the fees the company had demanded I pay before I am able to successfully withdraw my funds .. I wanted to give up at some point but the thought of how bad I had burned my credit all that drove me crazy but in my desperation to get my money I stumbled upon the contact of JETHACKS : E-MAIL : Jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com
    TELEGRAM : Jethackss and the excellent reviews on Google and the massive track record of successfully retrieving scammed funds for clients in the past . I have no words to describe the excellent quality of JETHCAKS services, all I can say is THANK YOU for coming through for me when all hope was lost

  256. Have you ever thought your partner was cheating on you – even when they weren’t – you’re not alone. It can be a very stressful situation to find yourself in. And while it may seem like trust issues are what’s leading you to constantly worrying your partner is cheating, experts and research say it could point to something deeper than that. It’s a slippery slope, but the good thing is you can overcome it. I found myself in those shoes and could not get myself enough peace until I sought out a professional-hands on, I contacted (( RECOVERYBUREAU at CONSULTANT . COM )) to help access my spouse device so I can get proof. Well it turned out it wasn’t just thoughts, I was being cheated on. I got complete access to my spouse device from mine, messages calls chats everything.
You can contact them to clear your mind from worry

    Contact details:


    WhatsApp: +1 (352) 870-0844

    This agency offers other services such as
    Mobile phone spying
    Boost of credit scores
    Clearing of criminal records
    Fixes bad debts
    Recover stolen or lost cryptocurrency assets
    Cash flipping etc
    Cryptocurrency loans and insurance
    Cryptocurrency investment and mining etc

    Warm Regards

  257. Today I finally got my mortgage cleared up and got my wife the car of her dreams which at some point seemed impossible but thanks to the Expert services of JETHACKS , the impossible was made possible , in this life never give up, you never know what life has in store for you.. keep working and one day you will testify to the success of your hard work.. am a father of 5 kids 2 boys and 3 Girls .. we always wanted a bigger house but life took a bad turn when the online crypto company I was investing with turned out to be a fraud but luckily for me I have a friend who’s been into hacking for years so I called him and he set up a meeting with a renowned hacker with incredible skills of making the impossible possible so we set up a meeting over lunch .. I met the crypto wizard in person here in Ontario and i must say, he is the BEST … JETHACKS is an ethical and professional hacker who took no dime from me until my 825k CAD had arrived in my account .. Today am a happy man, no more debts and my lovely wife is happy .. below are the contact details of JETHACKS
    EMAIL: jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM
    TELEGRAM: Jethackss

  258. Kenneth M Diamond

    February 23, 2023 at 12:29 am

    I invested €19,750 with scam broker and I have never gotten my money back, i was so desperately in need of help to recover all the money back to me, fortunately I came across a colleague that introduced me to a binary options trade funds recovery expert kevinmitnickcyber @ GMAIL COM when i contacted him and his group i did not believe that they could get back my money because i have been scammed a lot already and didn’t know what to do, but my spirit told me to give it a try and i did, feel free to contact them via their email addres kevinmitnickcyber @ gmail com and they will help you to recover all your lost investment that was denied from you by your scam broker.

  259. They Are scammers, be careful. I had deposited 47000 Usdt not including a 9000 usdt screen profit in my account but they wouldn’t allow me withdraw even my deposit. Even after completing the 18 tasks, customer service will never answer you if you have this kind of issues. False hopes and very strategic plans to keep you depositing more money.i got fed up, scared, worried and then I reported to kevinmitnickcyber @ GMAIL COM as advised by a colleague at work. Every penny I deposited was reversed.Any profit they show to you is just on-screen, they are not real money please. Beware!

  260. I really love the energy hackerspytech @gmail com put when hacking cell phones.. I recommend you all to contact the best if you notice your spouse is cheating and you want to figure it out your self or your finding it difficult to access your partner cell phone probably due to passcode, Face ID or finger print just email this hacker and get a perfect solution to your problems. please be wary of fake hackers. It’s dangerous out there. stay safe

  261. I have been a victim of crypto scam too and i know how it does really feel to loose your funds especially when you remember that hard work and sleepless night put together, Absolutely made enough money from Real Estate Investments before i got to meet a colleague over on LinkedIn who introduced me into Crypto investment company, where investors are to benefit from the company’s high return profits. i went on and invested some funds with them without doing my due diligence over the company’s profile. the devastating part of this story is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit.. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of con artist, the investors made everything look so real in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when i got to the withdraw limit as they said i was still not able to make my withdrawal rather they kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money. then fortunately i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM) on the goggle where people has some good reviews about the team, they did put an amazing smile on my face by getting back my lost funds. how they was able to do this i don’t have the idea but i must say they are some expert this field. i will keep on recommending your service to anyone i know. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  262. I had my credit score was raised from low 400s to over 860 with all derogatory reports taken down with 7 working days by this genius hacker Albert Vadim. To be honest, when I was reading a post made by someone he had helped, I called it a joke because I never though this was possible. My gut feeling kept pushing me to give him a try. I did and today I am financially stable, we were able to buy a house and my wife got a car after he also helped her. This man literally saved my life. What more can I say? IF YOU NEED HELP, PLEASE CONTACT ALBERT VIA EMAIL: Vadimwebhack@ gmail. com

    He offers many other amazing service like -Phone hack -expunging criminal records -recovery of lost bitcoins -GPS tracking and many other services I can’t mention them all, its a long list

  263. If I had done better then I would have been better..Rolling in the deep, I needed to breathe better
    but none of that was possible when I could still see demons in my sleep… Have you ever had to sacrifice your health?
    Ever had to sacrifice yourself?
    Plus I got a shitload of debts , the bank loans , the loans I borrowed from friends… I had literally taken money from everyone I could just so I could keep up with the fees the company had demanded I pay before I am able to successfully withdraw my funds .. I wanted to give up at some point but the thought of how bad I had burned my credit all that drove me crazy but in my desperation to get my money I stumbled upon the contact of JETHACKS : E-MAIL : Jethacks7 @ GMAIL . Com
    TELEGRAM : Jethackss and the excellent reviews on Google and the massive track record of successfully retrieving scammed funds for clients in the past . I have no words to describe the excellent quality of JETHCAKS services, all I can say is THANK YOU for coming through for me when all hope was lost

  264. Normally, I’d tell you that retrieving any cryptocurrency is “impossible”, because we all know how untraceable and secure cryptocurrency is, making it difficult to recover your bitcoin. As the name implies, a blockchain is a collection of digital “blocks” that store transaction data. Each brick is connected to the ones before and behind. To avoid discovery, a hacker would have to alter the block containing that record as well as others linked to it, making tampering with a single record impossible. While this may not appear to be much of a deterrent on its own, blockchain has some inherent properties that provide further security. The records on a blockchain are secured via Wize Safety. Participants in the network each have their own private keys, which are associated with the transactions they conduct and serve as a personal digital signature. If a record’s signature is changed, the signature becomes invalid, and the peer network is notified immediately. The importance of early notice in preventing future damage cannot be overstated. That is why one has to use a secured gateway to get access to your bitcoin back.(Wizesafetyrecovery @ Gmail com) is one of the only recovery agent with a universally secure gateway. They have the highest success rate in recovering stolen or scammed bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

  265. Best Crypto Recovery’s Experts/RecoveryMasters

    My experience of online scamming took seconds and cost me thousands. I was fooled by a YouTube video that convinced me that I could make a killing in Crypto, and the minute I clicked the link and deposited funds, I knew something was up, but it was too late. I worked with Recovery Masters, and they were so helpful and supportive, and in the end, it took a few days, I got almost all of the money back. It wouldn’t have been possible for me to meet up economically because I almost invested all my money but all thanks to RecoveryMasters with their genius effort to help me recover my already stolen currency. Please ensure also to consult if you need such help: RecoveryMasters via email: ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  266. I know it’s a lot that has happened on the crypto community and will keep happening as long social media exists and the only way to put cuffs on these wicked acts going on is to enlighten each other , there’s plenty of crypto fraud out there so one should be very cautious when dealing with any online crypto investment company cos they are all fake… if you’re a victim of a crypto fraud, wipe your tears cos with the use of hackers you can retrieve stolen crypto currencies. I employed the services of JETHACKS , a very renowned hacker specialized in cyber crime space and we communicated on Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL .COM and after I had shared the necessary information, my funds of over $480k was safely withdrawn to my external wallet within 48 hours .. I have no idea how he did it but how cares ?.. isn’t that the reason I employed his services?? .. you can reach out to JETHACKS on the email above and also on Telegram : Jethackss

  267. Rutherford Youngkin

    February 25, 2023 at 9:57 am

    Early January i met a lady on facebook, we texted for a while and she told me about an online Bitcoin investment that gives you about a thousand percent profit after a month. Meanwhile at the office i have had my colleague said something familiar about Bitcoin investment and how most people now make a lot money on that, Reluctantly i went on and invested $5000 at first, and later increased it to $60,000 after a week of seeing my profit grow. Surprisingly after about a month i already invested a total of $120k. then i wanted to withdraw my profit to my surprise I was unable to withdraw, i tried reaching out to the website administrator, i was then asked to invest more money if I wanted to withdraw, at that point i could sense something is going wrong and immediately went online to search if it is possible to recover a lost bitcoin lost to scammers. I read lots of reviews about different recovery experts, i then decided to contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) or TELEGRAM – ROOTKITS7 , After which i highlighted him about my case and he assured me that my funds will be recovered, i asked him to start and gave him the necessary informations he requested and today my all Bitcoin is safely back to my wallet just within few days It’s like a dream to me but actually i trusted the process because i already know that it was God that lead me to this team.

  268. Phillips Williams

    February 25, 2023 at 10:55 am

    I can only imagine what others have been through in the hands of these fraudulent individuals pretending to be cryptocurrency traders & miners. I just had a lifetime experience with them after meeting someone who claims to be an account manager and could help me make huge returns from my investments. I invested a lot of money with them and when it was time to withdraw my profits, they logged me out of my account and told me to put more money into their account. It was already too late before I realize they were swindlers, I had already lost $383,000 worth of Bitcoin to their fraudulent platform. I was depressed and embarrassed, but I started looking for ways to recover my stolen money and I came across an article about a company CryptocyberNet which has helped thousands of people recover their money from fraudulent transactions, I don’t know how they did it but CryptocyberNet was able to recover my money in 42hours. CryptocyberNet is a reputable company and you can contact them with the following information:
    CryptocyberNet @ gmail. Com

  269. The first time i had taught of investment was after I met a lady online who makes me feel comfortable and always talk me into self-employed business, I decide to always seek for her advice and she gave me a broker site where I can invest and have profit within a short period of time, I do really trust her but after I invested into the crypto site I discover she was behind everything and I have lost all my savings to the crypto company she introduced me into, how she gets to lure me into this with her sweet words i couldn’t tell, she ruined my life and I couldn’t be myself anymore. So i decide to seek for help, omg… any attempt i made i get more scammed couldn’t figure out who was real and who wasn’t and at the end of it all i came up with a decision that nothing on the internet is real again. after about a month i gave up on recovery of my money i sent to broker site by bitcoin payment which is up to $115,992 in total. one day at work i was kind of less busy and i was on Twitter following up some twit, i came across ROOTKITS RECOVERY CENTRE, i read a lot of good twit about them with the following contact address R O O T K I T S 4 at G M AIL . C O M or via TELEGRAM Handle ; ROOTKITS7 i waited till i got home after work and we talked for long and i decide to put him to test, to end the whole story, i got everything that i loss on my new blockchain wallet, i was scared at first until he explained to me, a big thanks to the only real recovery hacker online and that’s ROOTKITS who i have experienced his professional work actually.

  270. Laptop repair dubai

    February 27, 2023 at 9:12 am

    Dubai is the place to go if you need a mobile gadget repaired. A variety of services are available for devices including iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and more at the Media City site. You will be pleased to discover the professionals at Battery World, whether you require a new battery or phone repair. mobile phone screen, mobile phone service, mobile phone repair

  271. “As much as I am shocked and ecstatic to have won the Powerball drawing, the real winner is the California public school system”. No one would convince me that winning this lottery Powerball or mega millions is not something that changes the way and view of life’s prospects. My name is Edwin Castro and I am from California, United States. I won the Powerball Lottery on Nov 7 2022 and I am coming to say a wonderful and big thanks to Dr Anokokudo for helping me with the winning numbers for the Powerball Lottery. I was really overwhelmed the day I contacted Dr Anokokudo to help me win the California Powerball Lottery when he instructed me what to do. The time came to play the lottery and I did and believe me, it was exhilarating. I won the Powerball $2.04 Billion and collected the lump sum of $997.6 Million and the November Powerball drawing raised a record $156.3 million for the California public school system. I am indeed thankful to Dr Anokokudo and others who helped me with his contact. Anyone who reads my comments should also try to contact Dr Anokokudo at ANOKOKUDOTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM

  272. Glimonra Edwardsen

    February 27, 2023 at 10:24 pm

    A great testimony to share with the public, I was scammed of my hard earn money by promising to help me boost my bitcoin investment when I invest on their platform and they tricked me to invest what of $476,000 with them hoping to get my money back in double when it was time to recover my investment with them, I found out they have block my account and refused to communicate with me till now , that is when I knew I was scammed, I fell so devastated, until a close cousin of mine introduce me to (LORD HACKER-ULTMATE) a genuine Hacking/Recovering firm who have depth with deadly scammers case and even put some of them behind bars exposing their location, as soon I reported my case to this firm and followed up with their procedure, just within 48 hours my lost funds and the supposed interest was return back to my transaction account and the scammers location was exposed to local authorities, as I speak now the scammers that scammed me are facing the law, am so grateful to this honest hacking firm, you can also contact them for solution to a case or similar as mine on their Hotline: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +13345527213 or visit their YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate and Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite.lordhackerultimate. Their services are trust and reliable

  273. I was praying to God to hold me down till I could get something working, It’s like I nearly fell into the ground But the holy blood of Christ, you don’t ever let me down so I prayed and had faith that would continue to be the case .. I have seen so many amazing reviews on here on the great recovery work that has been rendered to many individuals by JETHACKS and i must say it’s amazing , am glad we’re getting back on this evil perpetrators using fake company’s to scam us off our hard earned $ . I got to recover my funds through the great help of JETHACKS all hope had been lost but like I said earlier , GOD came through for me and I believe he will come through for us all .. i had already gotten to know of JETHACKS through a post on LinkedIn and I had made contact on Telegram : Jethackss My $74k funds was successfully recovered within 2days all thanks to JETHACKS for being very professional and ethical all through the recovery process. You can further contact JETHACKS on Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM

  274. I’m not the type that will get conned and when that happens I don’t go down without a fight, this time though i made a couple investment with an organization that appears to be fraudulent one, they almost did get away with all my investment as i was never able to make withdrawal or take any of my profit. this action made eager to know whats going wrong.. i wrote a message to the company clients support system but they failed to rectify the issue at that point i know already it’s some sort of scam going on but thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM i contacted them over on TELEGRAM; ROOTKITS7 for their intervention in getting me out of this mess of an investment. I’ve had several professionals help me in situation but this was a new challenge, I gave them what was necessary and they worked quite quickly, I’m just glad I got all my investment fully refunded, you can also reach out to them on email through the following add – r o o t K i t s 4 @ g m a i . c o m for help if ever been in a similar situation as mine.

  275. My ex fiance was cheating on me but I had no proof and I felt crazy and paranoid at that time, I even felt I was losing my mind. I needed closure badly and I hired although it’s unethical and it’s something I had to do. just tell him i sent you… Though I am not proud of what I did but I had no choice, I was almost driven to the brink of suicide , he can also improve dept on credit cards.. you can also call or text him on +1 (678) 774-9625

  276. Russell Hills

    March 1, 2023 at 3:31 pm

    My credit score was raised from low 400s to over 860 with all derogatory reports taken down with 7 working days by this genius hacker Albert Vadim. To be honest, when I was reading a post made by someone he had helped, I called it a joke because I never though this was possible. My gut feeling kept pushing me to give him a try. I did and today I am financially stable, we were able to buy a house and my wife got a car after he also helped her. This man literally saved my life. What more can I say? IF YOU NEED HELP, PLEASE CONTACT ALBERT VIA EMAIL: Vadimwebhack@ gmail. com
    He offers many other amazing service like -Phone hack -expunging criminal records -recovery of lost bitcoins -GPS tracking and many other services I can’t mention them all, its a long list

  277. In our daily pursuit of daily meal may we not be the meal instead cos truth is while we’re looking for what to eat we still pray for Allah to protect us , Christians pray to Christ protect them .. after I lost my money to , I was devastated beyond words… it’s an online company that I had invested a total of CAD 762k with and was hoping to withdraw but all to no avail.. I had initially wanted to withdraw about 500k and leave the rest for further investment but when all attempts to pull the money failed and they kept asking for more deposits, I couldn’t help notice some kind of pattern I knew I had been scammed so I went online to figure how best to retrieve my money and I was pointed to JETHACKS , the best recovery hacker in the field with thousands of successful recoveries in the past .. I Quickly contacted JETHACKS on Telegram: Jethackss for further enquiries . Tears of joy roll down my eyes as I type this, JETHACKS successfully recovered my money to my blockchain wallet , JETHACKS has given me a second opportunity at life and I swear never to do anything online investment ever again ! To further contact JETHACKS you can reach out to them on Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM

  278. I’m Richard Tate from Lincoln, Nebraska. I retired from my truck business some months back, but I decided to invest some part of my money into the stock market, I found a broker online who told me about Cryptocurrency and Bitcoins. I started small and when I saw my profits going up, I invested even more money which was in Bitcoins to the tune of about $178,000. I tried withdrawing my investments but I couldn’t access my wallet and I found out that I have been logged out everywhere. I almost lost my life and my health was deteriorating until I saw a post about SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE, a funds recovery company. I contacted SPYWEB the following day and met all their requirements, to my surprise, SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE was able to recover all my investments in 72 hours. This has come to my attention that there are so many other people who are going through similar issues, I highly recommend SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE for all your fund’s recovery. SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE can be contacted via E-mail: SPYWEB(@)CYBERDUDE.COM & CONTACT(@)SPYWEB.TECH

  279. Rodolfo Marino

    March 2, 2023 at 11:59 pm

    I think i need y’all to know about ROOTKITS a Global recovery firm. i got scammed by a forex website, almost lost a very huge amount of money to the tune of $415,000. was firstly informed that i will be able to withdraw 15.5% ROi weekly from the second month membership and if i invest more, the ROI would be increased by 5.5%. i did every thing they asked me to do but they only allowed me to make a withdrawal only at first week we started our partnership, then after was told to invest more to withdraw more.. i as well did invested a lot just as i was directed but after that that they decline me to withdraw my investment together with the profits, when i got to noticed this Red flag and told them that i can’t provide the money they are reuesting and i wasn’t interested anymore, i told a friend what i was going through luckily enough he introduced me to The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and just within 3 days of our contact over on his Telegram @ ROOTKITS7 i was able to recover all my funds in addition to my roi for the whole planned duration of 4 months advance payment. i can’t still believe how all this happened, All Thanks to this Team, you can as well get in touch with him if you in need of their assistance to get back your lost funds He’s one of the best out there. Email contact: ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . C O M I’m really grateful for all they did for me and my family.

  280. Greener pastures will always come with snakes and one has to stay ready to fumigate all the time .. it’s really sad that there are people in this world who would take what doesn’t belong to them .. what someone has worked all their life to acquire and you’d just sweep in to extort that from the person with fraudulent means .. how do they sleep at night ?? .. knowing what they have done .. these are peoples life savings for gods sake !, well I guess life is just unfair … if you’ve lost your money to any fraud investment company , don’t cry too much you’re not alone in this, many individuals have lost there money to scams like that including me but there’s a way to get it all back .. I contacted a very reputable and well know hacker JETHACKS .. my funds of €210k was successful recovered through the services of JETHACKS whom I reached out to on Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL .COM after I had witnessed his recovery service firsthand through my friend who had his funds recovered by the Great hacker . You can further contact JETHACKS on Telegram: Jethackss

  281. I once got convinced by Binary investment company that they were the real deal. What strikes me the most about them was the profit I was able to make in the short term. I eventually needed money to attend to an urgent financial situation only for Forexbinaryltd to deny my withdrawal request after my contract with them expired already and then went on maintenance indefinitely. I became so worried that I had to take more loans to attend to my needs. I was stuck waiting for Forexbinaryltd’s approval to make withdrawals but all to no avail. They stopped responding to my emails and other forms of correspondence. Checking online to see if this was normal because I got confused then I saw so many negative reviews of Forexbinaryltd. I knew for a fact I have been scammed. I deposited a total of 326k euros. I was desperately in need of help and did an intensive search on lost investment recovery companies. After I was able to sieve out a number of recovery companies, I decided to carry on with ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM after seeing reviews that the company helped recovered monies lost to fraudulent companies. A forensic analysis of my dealings with Forexbinaryltd was carried out and my claim was found to be legitimate. I got all my funds money back through this international wealth recovery company. Without a doubt, Forexbinaryltd & TRADENIX are scam firms and they do not have your interests at heart. Send a mail to ROOTKITS4 @ GM A IL . C O M or Telegram: ROOTKITS7 if you are a victim of fraud as they will help to recover your lost

  282. This article discusses the importance of this blog for business promotion. Promoting a blog is just like promoting any other website and can be difficult to do if you are not sure what needs to be done, Buy Tinder accounts but with the right tips and tricks, this doesn’t have to be. Hopefully, you find this article on this blog helpful and decide to visit the site below to see just what they are talking about.

  283. Audrey Ferguson

    March 5, 2023 at 6:37 pm

    There are many reasons why you might need a hacker, and one of them is; if you have ever thought your partner was cheating on you even when they were not, you are not alone. The only genuine and reliable hacker I have come across is Spytech Hacker. This is because for many months now I have been looking for a way to check my husband’s WhatsApp, iMessage, Emails, Facebook messages and all details about his phone. Spytech Hacker just sent me a spy program to use on my PC to gain access. I logged in and gained access into their servers to check messages. This is super easy to use and a smooth interface which is a friendly option, I’m currently watching messages pop up from his phone in real-time and also deleted messages. You can contact Spytech Hacker via Email at hackerspytech @ gmail com This is why you need a hacker like Spytech hacker service, he is a professional hacker who can provide you with any hacking services that you need

  284. If you need a smart and professional GPS tracker to track your cheating spouse just email russiancyberhackers @ gmail com and thank me later. russiancyberhackers @ gmail com always got my back when it comes to catching my cheating husband red handed, and all of this are always done without trace thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail com for always having my back.

  285. Daniel Hopkins

    March 6, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    I got caught up with a fraudulent Cryptocurrency company it was a terrible experience but thankGod i was able to recover my lost invested funds through a good recovery specialist who i came across his address online ( ROOTKITS4 AT GMAIL . COM ) here through peoples review and testimonies about his profession, it was my best decision to contact his email even after i spoke with an FBI agent but they failed to comply i was meant to known that FBI are not going to do anything unless it’s a very huge amount of money is involved, Thanks to this recovery expert who came through for me after i made my complaints and he assisted immediately and retrieved back my money from this fake cryptocurrency company i unknowingly got myself into. you can as well reach him on Telegram if need his help or assistance @ ROOTKITS7

  286. Paula Swenson

    March 7, 2023 at 9:06 am

    Spying into my husband android device remotely was successfully done by jeajamhacker @ gmail com and am really happy I got the best results without trace. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail com.

  287. Recovering lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a handful of professional hackers. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Instead, it’s best to seek out a trusted hacker like Genuine Hackers who can help you recover your funds. They were able to recover $100k worth of BTC that I had lost to bitcoin mining. To get in touch with Genuine Hackers, you can email them at GENUINEHACKERS000@GMAIL.COM or message them on WhatsApp at +1 (260) 218-3592.

  288. Michael Holzmeister

    March 7, 2023 at 9:42 pm

    I was able to get my wife Gmail account bypassed and gained full access to her email without any form of notifications been sent to her. All thanks to spyexpert0 @ gmail. com

  289. All thanks to Kevin Poulsen for this BLANK ATM CARD. With this card I am able to make daily withdrawals and also buy goods.
    Everyday I am entitled to $3000 spending from this card and it is valid for 6 months.
    If you want this type of ATM card kindly contact:
    Whatsapp: +1 (928) 2727056

  290. All thanks to Kevin Poulsen for this BLANK ATM CARD. With this card I am able to make daily withdrawals and also buy goods.
    Everyday I am entitled to $3000 spending from this card and it is valid for 6 months.
    If you want this type of ATM card kindly contact:
    Whatsapp: +1 (928) 2727056

  291. Audrey Leblanc

    March 8, 2023 at 6:55 am

    Hey there, My name is Audrey and I live here in Canada. I hate to say this because I am not proud of it, but for the interest of those who maybe going through similar predicaments; I had criminal record which deprived me of so many job opportunities alongside hard inquiries and about 16 derogatory items which messed up my report and lowered my credit score to low 520 (TransUnion) 560(Equifax) and 540 (Experian). I couldn’t meet up with so many payments and I had plenty debts, it was going to ruin my life until I read testimonies about hackerspytech @ gmail com here and how they can help recover lost crypto assets, track a cheating spouse, clean criminal records as well as fixing credit, I thought it was all a faux but something told me to give it a try and after few days, my record was wiped clean and my credit was brought up to 810. I’m so excited and I strongly recommend Spytech Hacker to anyone who might need their help. You can also Text on google mail at hackerspytech @ gmail com

  292. Amelia Requena

    March 8, 2023 at 9:58 am

    I’m never going to invest in any Cryptocurrency investment platform again, please everyone should beware of this very group of investors as they might have your life ruined, i got scammed by two different crypto companies.. it was indeed an awful moment losing such huge amount to this companies that has seized both my investment and my total profits that i was able to make with them within the 3months period of my membership. I was only allowed to withdraw once by one of the companies and that was at the very start of my investment. I already bored the lost and moved on Luckily enough after sometimes I was following up an article that discusses about the advantages and disadvantages of crypto investments over there i read a lot of comments about hackers that can help to recover back lost asset to crypto companies. amongst all I was deeply convinced to contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, as a lot of individuals wrote pretty good comments about them. we got in touch after i had contacted them through their email address: R O O T K I T S 4 @ g m a i l . C o m , He replied me once and gave me some instructions on what to do and we kicked off the process, to my greatest surprise he got back my funds bit after bit just till it was complete just the way i sent to their different wallet addresses, this dude was such an expert in this field I’m happy he came through for me, you can direct your problems to him also via his Telegram; ROOTKITS7 and be assured of great outcome, don’t forget to say thanks to me later.

  293. I suspect my wife is cheating on me because she gets to many late night calls and yet she doesn’t pick up because of my presence so I got really suspicious that I hod to hire for a phone hack after this was done I saw that my wife and her ex are very much in contact with each other and also those late night calls has always been her ex calling her. I really appreciate you darkhatthacker @ gmail. com for this reliable source in which I used in catching my wife.

  294. Claudio Alvarez

    March 8, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    This days it’s actually hard to trust men, so what I do is I keep an eye on my husband 24/7 with the help of with this hacker I got all access to my husband social media remotely that is to say I monitor my husband every calls, listen to his calls and all messages that comes from his phone right in my cell phone. This is indeed a perfect way to catch a cheat thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com

  295. ‘’I need back my money’’.. ‘’ I need my family back’’ that was the only thoughts I had for months and thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , I got back my family and my money .. I was depressed for months as my husband and 5year old left me to go live with his mum cos I used all our savings to invest in crypto investment company, took a loan and sold my car too in a bid to pay the withdrawal fees I was desperate very desperate and I nearly lost everything but thanks to Albert Gonzalez Wizard , he recovered my £861k from those heartless scammers .. it’s a long story but at the end I was happy , I am forever grateful to him.. This has made me to cross paths with him through a review on here and am writing this review here in hope that it will help someone out there , if you’ve been in a similar situation please reach out to Albert Gonzalez Wizard, he is a very competent and reliable hacker . The contact details are as follow , email: info AT albertgonzalezwizard DOT online or albertgonzalezwizard AT gmail DOT com whatsapp +31685248506 AND Telegram:  +31685248506

  296. silver dominic

    March 8, 2023 at 11:52 pm

    I had to go live in a public shelter because i got homeless overnight, i admit i was so gullible to let the investment fraudster trick me into selling my house. It all started from my boyfriend which i was in love with, he presented a forex/Bitcoin investment idea to me on a platform called “cryptonateplan” and they promised very huge profits which i really wanted to use in purchase of a bigger house to accomodate me, my boyfriend and our future children, but it all turned into a nightmare after the investment platform started asking for more and more fees and tax before i could withdraw my profit, until finally my so called boyfriend convinced me into selling my house to pay for the “final tax fee” after which i can withdraw my millions in profit. that was the last time i ever heard from any of the platforms customer care. Long story short, my boss introduced me to a recovery hacker who ended up living close to my neighborhood so it was easy to trust him with my shamefull story. He helped me recover 90% of what i ever lost to that platform and he additionally gave me the real identity of all the people involved, which i submitted to the police. And all this he did FREE OF CHARGE, he didnt ask me for a dime, in deep gratitude i offered him 20% of what we recovered, and he deserves more. btw my boyfriend is locked up now, he was the architect of everything and there are more victims before and after me. I would love to share the hackers contacts incase anyone here in this comment section has ever been betrayed a victim of any sort of scam, there is still hope.
    email: refundpolici (at) gmail (dot) com
    Whats app and Tel : +1 (949) 659‑7928

  297. I wonder if these people think we’re still kids like what do they take us for that they think they can come and rip us off of our hard earned money .. my name is Ronald Dawson and am a 56 year old man who has seen plenty of things in this world and I already came a long way to lose at my old age it’s not possible so the company has kept demanding for more fees without paying out what they already owe , I felt something was wrong and I never fully trusted them to begin with .. I was just taking a bet on them but doesn’t mean I was about to let them take my money without a fight so I quickly did some research online and discovered a lot things that opened my eye to the fraud that was already happening to me but luckily for me JETHACKS RECOVERY was there to assist me .. I got the contact through the many excellent reviews I read on google and I wasn’t disappointed.. my money was instantly retrieved back to my wallet in less Than 36 hours of working with JETHACKS . To contact JETHACKS , simply reach our to them on
    Email: jethacks7 @ GMAIL. COM
    TELEGRAM: Jethackss

  298. Luisa Guadalupe

    March 9, 2023 at 12:37 pm

    I’m definitely a proof of the fact that this professional Darkweb Spytech hacker is honest and reliable at everything he does. I saw serval recommendations on his services on linkedin and I wanted to try him out and indeed he delivered what I wanted, I’m so excited. I got in touch with 3 days ago through google mail at hackerspytech @ gmail com. Frankly, he is the best customer service and support, it’s been three days since I got help from Spytech hacker and he granted me access to partner’s cellphone and since then I’m still in control.
    You can also contact with him through hackerspytech @ gmail com

  299. When my dad had the same situation where he was scammed of a lot of money, deceiving him with multiple interest bitcoins investment to the extent my dad was devastated but surprisingly one of my dad’s good friends introduced him to this honest service, Lord Hacker Ultmate, Hacking/Recovery center. And after he had reported his case & followed their giving instructions/procedures, they helped him Recover back all his lost Funds/BTC back to his wallet, my Dad is happy now, contact them if you are a victim of such, Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, Whatsapp No: +13345527213, YouTube Channel: @lordhacker.ultimate & Website: services are Ultimate and trustworthy.

  300. Rachel Lisette Cattles

    March 9, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    My best friend decided to snatch my husband from me but I was able to find out with the help of After a phone hack was carried out on my husband phone remotely and I saw a lot my best friend said to convince my husband to leave me but all thanks to anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com a hacker who knows his Job so well I really appreciate your services.

  301. Billy Bedford

    March 9, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    BITCOIN RECOVERY SERVICES: RESTORING LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY MASTERS:.Contact info: Email: ( )WhatsAp: +1(551) 202-23-35 )  
    Hello, I’m Billy Bedford  from United Kingdom….
    While looking for assistance after losing $114,000 USD worth of Bitcoin to an unregulated trading platform (89 percent. com), I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about Recover Masters. I sent them a direct message on whatsapp, to which they replied and requested some information, which I also supplied. after working with me for five hours. and because it took me three weeks to find Recovery Masters, They Were able to recover $97,120 USD worth of Bitcoin out of $114,000 USD worth of Bitcoin. Even though they were only able to retrieve 90% of my bitcoin, I’m nevertheless happy because I didn’t think it would be possible. Thanks to RecoveryMasters… If your bitcoin has been stolen in any way, get in touch with these team of Best Hacker RecoveryMasters right away don’t delay.Learn more 

  302. Tracking Down Lost Bitcoins and Other Cryptos: Fast  without wasting time Contact:  WhtsAp. +1(202)495 0665 Eml.  (, Should you need to support recovery of your lost or stolen bitcoin, require help with a wrong password, trying to obtain cryptocurrency transferred to the wrong wallet address, or believe your wallet has been compromised, get in touch with GHOST CHAMPION HACKER . I lost over 412,040 $ after participating in a SINCODE binary scam. The money I fraudulently lost has been recovered thanks to the superb work of GHOST CHAMPION HACKER .  They Working with the new digital software that recovers funds without a twinkle of eyes beep  GHOST CHAMPION HACKERS  is trustworthy you can always contact them via 
    EMAIL  :
    Contact via WhtsAp : +1(202)495 0665

  303. Gregory Morrison

    March 10, 2023 at 12:14 am

    How to recover your money from fake brokers, fake bitcoin investment platforms, forex schemes, binary, false investments proposals.
    I lost my hard earned money on a fake website. Claiming high return on investment after a momentary space of a week. I invested in their website. After two weeks, I couldn’t gain any access to my capital and profits, I asked why I could not receive my money, then i was told to make an additional deposit of $26,000 for a dumb reason I couldn’t remember. That was when I knew there was something wrong. I am a policeman with two beautiful daughters, I lost my wife few years ago and I promised myself I was going to do all I could to take care of my kids after the demise of my wife, but falling for such scam for acquisitive reasons and puting my children’s future at risk was quite unwelcoming. I went broke afterwards. During the course of trying to redeem myself after few months of getting scammed, i was given a referral on reddit which navigated me to a hacker on the internet. I patiently took some time to comprehend the core activities of this profound hackers. The Asore Corporation is a vulnerability coordination agency that performs a hack penetration guage to provide wealth recovery services for individuals and companies who have lost money through fraudulent online platforms. This organization was able to help me recover my lost bitcoins. I am truly pleased with the works of this hackers. If you really need to recover back your lost funds, contact them on asorehackcorp @ gmail com to get started.
    Please be safe out there. “

    – Gregory Morrison

  304. Micheal Stewart

    March 10, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    One really needs to be careful when it comes down to Crypto investment, I had this very problem with a Binary investment company that had all my earnings altogether with my capital investment frozen , even though i honestly believe that there are legit companies out there that you can invest with but the question is how do you be sure about them before committing. i had been a victim to this scammers that claim to be investors, it was actually like a movie to me how the whole thing happened, i couldn’t believe things like this exist until it happened to me. However.. when it result that i can not withdraw my money i started looking for a way to recover my money back, Luckily enough i met a recovery agent R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M Through online via peoples recommendation, he was such a savior to me, he was able to access the scammers website i made investments to even when i found out that the website has been down and he helped me recover my funds back i couldn’t be more grateful . you can catch up with him also on Telegram @ ROOTKITS7

  305. Selenis Thompson

    March 10, 2023 at 11:29 pm

    I’m always thinking about tomorrow and taking precautions in all I do to avoid regretting my decision.. I did my research on the fraud company I had invested with and at first they were clean so that made me decide to invest but I also had a PLAN B incase anything happens and that was to contact JETHACKS on email : @ GMAIL. COM to recover my funds if it goes sideways and am glad I had my contingency plan cos the investment went sideways like I had predicted.. they denied my request to withdraw my $210k instead they kept demanded withdrawal fees again and again so I had to move to my plan B … JETHACKS is a very well known,reputable and professional hacker who’s been in this field for years and with a very good track record of successfully recovering funds stolen by scammers so when I reached out to him I sent him the details of investment which enabled him to initiate the recovery exercise.. within 48 hours , I had my funds of 210k available in my wallet with the profits it had generated as well .. I looked and it was there and available for withdrawal on my coinbase wallet . I remain grateful to JETHACKS for his excellent service. You can further contact JETHACKS on Telegram: Jethackss

  306. Hello, my name is Mary George. In fact, I was fooled by a dishonest broker who disappeared with my funds a few months ago. I contacted H a c k Mavens and gave him everything he needed to help in recovering my 4.7 BTC and I am glad he recovered my money. Although I was skeptical at first, I can boldly tell the world to contact H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7 for all kinds of h a c k i n g services. He is always straight forward and ready to answer every question put across to him. Best regards!

  307. Wayne Schofield

    March 12, 2023 at 12:16 am

    the money makes things happen and can make people do certain inhumane things like extortion, blackmail, robbery and even date online just to rip people off their hard earned money just like we’ve seen plenty of times on the numerous stories shared by victims of fraudsters on the internet and i pray karma catches up to them sooner than later…. I know lots of people have fallen prey to online prey to know and have sent money through so many mode of transactions like crypto currency ( Bitcoin), wire transfers, cashapp and so much more but thankfully there’s a way to recover back sent crypto currency as long as the transaction wallet and details are available.. I had gotten to know that Bitcoin recovery is entirely possible through the expert intelligence team of JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM of underground hackers .. they are the best team and very professional.. I had my funds fully secured and recovered to my wallet in 36 hours after the recovery exercise was initiated and no upfront payment … they are very professional and ethical so you should do well to contact them on either TELEGRAM: Jethackss
    EMAIL: jethacks7 @ GMAIL .COM

  308. When I lost my money to online scammers through crypto investment, I never thought I could ever retrieve back my money again but I decided to give it a try after my Inlaw introduced me to this incredible honest hacker that she had worked with to retrieve back her bitcoin when she mistakenly sent it to a wrong wallet address when trying to make payment to someone, so when I brought up the issue of me loosing money to an online investment in a dinner at my place she was curious to hear how it happened and it turned out she still had the hackers contact which she provided me with later on, I reached out to them the next morning and provided the transaction hash, wallet address of the scammers and the website, I was surprised after receiving the first half of my money within just 48 hours and the rest is being traced back to the second wallet address I made payment to, Jamesmckaywizard and his team brought back my hope of living back to life because I never thought of what I could have done if I wasn’t able to recover this money back, this includes my retirement funds, I’m so grateful to the team for their effort and good service, if you’re encountering same issue kindly reach out to them on the provided details bellow:

    What’s App:+91 98632 93475

  309. maureen foskett

    March 12, 2023 at 8:55 pm

    JETHACKS recovery is the best underground hackers out there with an excellent track record .. I got to know of the recovery hacker when I needed their services the most at my lowest point in life that was when I was about giving up hope on ever getting my money back cos I had been trying to talk to the company support which was stopped responding to me at some point after I made it clear i had blown up my savings and no where to get money .. months passed and nothing came through cos I wasn’t able to pay for one last withdrawal fee which I wasn’t even sure of cos I’ve had to pay one last fee after another so on one faithful day when I was coming back from work , i overheard one lady on the phone testifying to her friend how she just got her funds successfully through the great services of JETHACKS .. like these scammers have stolen from a lot of people and it was everywhere, that was how I plead with the lady to show me how to contact JETHACKS RECOVERY underground hackers after sharing my story with my her . Below are the contact details of JETHACKS
    Email: jethacks7 @ GMAIL
    telegram: Jethackss

    I’m a happy woman now and am just extending the kindness I received that faithful day by sharing my story on here .

  310. it’s unbelievable gaining access into my husband’s device remotely after 6 hours of contacting this pro hacker! The dude spy tech hacker mentioned above provided a thorough access to the mobile phone’s data. After all, it was not a waste of effort. There was severe infidelity on his part. Now, I guess I need the divorce immediately and child custody too… contact with the hacker hackerspytech @gmail com on google mail

  311. I almost thought I was going to loose my car but thank God for Digital Hacker on Instagram, I would have lost everything! $10,000 to my cash app ! That’s crazy!!! Thank you digital Hacker  contact him via..
    Email:…. /  

  312. Brett Lawrence

    March 13, 2023 at 1:36 pm

    I had been through a storming period in life where I watched everything I had labored for in the past came crashing right before my eyes after i had invested with a Binary Investment Company. everything on the website appear so real to me. i was initially introduced to this company by a friend i had met over on Telegram Binary Group. studied the group for a period of 2weeks before i finally made up my mind to invest with them, everything was moving so well, i had on several occasions sent funds directly to the company’s wallet addresses it was now time for me to take my profits but the company’s website total deactivated me from withdrawal i contacted the investors through the support system but pitiful they kept asking that i invest more before i would be able to take my profits, I had done everything within my power to rectify this very issue of withdrawing but all to no avail. I recently embarked on a way forward by surfing through the Internet and I realized that there are people who have similar challenges and have gotten it fixed. My research further led me to this unique hacker who have a lot of interesting reviews from people he had helped. I had to give him a shot but reluctantly though. It turns out I made the best decision ever. I am really in awe for this great assistance. All I can say is thank you very much to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ( r o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m / Telegram : ROOTKITS7 ) for making this possible. You are the best.

  313. Isabella Brown

    March 13, 2023 at 6:33 pm

    Being a winner of a multi-million dollar lottery certainly will be a life-changing event for almost every single lottery winner. My name is Isabella Brown from California, the famous Powerball lottery winner of $500 Million Dollars. I know many people would wonder how I had won the lottery. Would you believe me if I told you that I did it with spell caster? I met this famous spell caster known as DR JATTO and he was the one who did it for me. As shocking as it was to me, my famous comment to the press was “ I’m going to go and hide in my bed.” Never did I believe that DR JATTO made me wealthy overnight. If you want to have your chance of winning and becoming very wealthy just like me, contact his Yahoo WHATSAPP NUMBER: +234 701 111 3006 or contact him through his Website: (

  314. I just found out with the help of a hacker that my so called husband has a family outside and never mentioned it to me, from the text messages and deleted messages I read on his cell Phone remotely shows that the girl got pregnant for my husband and she decided to keep the child. My husband gives her almost all his savings for her to keep mute and not make it public so I won’t know about it but I just want to say a very big thank you to spyexpert0 @ gmail. com. This hacker brought me a lot and enough evidence about my husband and his baby mama. This is my first time using a hacker services and it all came out perfectly well without a trace thanks once again

  315. I was in a mystery and was facing destruction bankruptcy because many opportunities was denied for due to my bad credit ,I couldn’t even get a loan from any bank or financial institution to be able to make a new stand, I was so depressed because my score was 420 (Trans-union), 434 (Equifax). I needed ALL my negative items remove, I needed bankruptcy remove A few weeks later, my score suddenly shot up 810, using a secret technician that is linked with the credit score firm..He truly is honest about what I want .He told me it would take a few days to get it done approximately a week and he kept to his word..Now I can apply for just about anything that I want,I can’t thank him enough..Get in touch with him via Email: WhatsApp +1(315)388-2001

  316. Laura Mackenzie

    March 15, 2023 at 3:06 am

    How do i start this review? Honestly I’m not the type that enjoys writing much but this time i have to let the world know about this genius that helped me during the time i was put in a really serious situation by this Cryptocurrency Investment Platform that turns out to be Fraudulent , i lost almost everything i had on the cause both my Huge Inheritance that i benefited from the sale of my late Grandfather’s estate as i taught this will equally be a good way to investment money. sadly i ended up losing every cent to this Cryptocurrency platform i was never allowed to take my profits both with my capital invested funds of $842k USD. Several actions i took to get my money back but all to no avail. i felt really shattered and broken as this was so depressed. then i taught about a more advanced technique person to help me out with this very situation and that was how I read many good reviews about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM online. 3 days after I contacted, I’m very proud to say they did recovered all my money from this very Platform, I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact them if ever been in a similar situation as mine and wish to have your funds back via their contact Mail R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M – Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  317. It’s an unfortunate situation when you lose access to your Bitcoin wallet. I was very happy when WARDRIVERS was able to recover my wallet and grant me access to my bitcoins and USDT. WARDRIVERS is a funds recovery company and has helped thousands of others recover their lost and stolen bitcoins and cryptos. I was one of the victims of cryptocurrency fraud and I’m really glad I was able to recover everything with the help of WARDRIVERS. I highly commend their service and want to recommend them to everyone out there.

  318. I was referred to darkhatthacker @ because for a while I have been battling with my cheating husband and I have always wish to monitor all he does but with the help of darkhatthacker @ all I dreamed off came through without trace. I was able to monitor my cheating husband and also see all he had and has been doing at my back.

  319. I got the best hacker!!! Thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ for your swift and reliable services always.

  320. It actually hurts and bring tears to my eyes when I read comments of scammed victims ripped off by fake brokers, I know actually know how it feels and hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life for to invest with the thoughts of getting returns when you are retired. It was all a scam in the end. STOP BEING SCAMMED. I’ve had enough of complaints from clients over the months who has one way or the other being a victim of cryptocurrency scam. I’m willing to put an end to these unbearable swindle scheme of Fake Hackers impersonating our organization. I’m taking a step forward to render solution to those affected and help them get every penny they lost. Swift Recovery is an Experienced Private Hacking and Certified Binary Recovery Expert Organization with a spare master key that no one has. Hire a Recovery Expert who’s professional and real. Specialized in any desired Hacking Services, they help without requesting for an upfront payment. CONTACT EMAIL – SWIFTRECOVERY001@ GMAIL DOT COM.

  321. Are you interested to learn the many important things that can be done using a Forex blog? If yes, then please do read the following brief article which is all about “Learn The Forex From An Expert”. In this article I am not only going to discuss “Learn The Forex From An Expert” but I will also tell you about how to start using a Forex blog to earn some money as well. So, just check out the contents of this article below and you would surely be able to earn some money using a Forex blog! Buy Tinder accounts

  322. Looking back its hard to tell you where I started , I have had to work plenty of extra shifts my entire life to be able to put food on the table for my family and provide all their wants while my wife worked as a nurse.. I’ve never had the liberty of luxury but I and my family lived a happy life up until my wife introduced me to this investment crypto group called idfpowerio .. at first when we started investing it was cool, everything was going well and we once made a withdrawal to our external wallet and that led us to trust the company even more . Fast forward to two months later we had invested a total of $82k but nothing ever came out, we was denied access from making withdrawals and logged out of our accounts respectively so my came up with this idea to hire a hacker to hack the account and restore our funds and that was how we got to employ the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY underground hackers .. we used both email and telegram channel of communication during the process Email: jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com
    Telegram: Jethackss The whole process of working with JETHACKS was a whole experience for me and must importantly, am happy that my funds was recovered successfully within 48 hours .

  323. Henk van Groningen

    March 17, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    With the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com I was able to gain access to my spouse text and emails anonymously. Am really happy getting those results this really meant a lot to me thanks once again russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com.

  324. Santiago Bayard

    March 17, 2023 at 10:20 pm

    Reading the stories on here has made me realize that i wasn’t the only one who has fallen prey to this scammers .. I had already budgeted the profits I was going to withdraw and was really looking forward to it when I came across this page and was forced to have a rethink about the whole thing cos it felt like I was listening to someone who’s been where I was headed so I decided to try for a withdrawal .. I was met with withdrawal fee request when I had tried to withdraw $5000 , at first I didn’t want to believe it but I couldn’t help it , I paid for the first fee and requested for the whole funds which was $237,000 and was met with a larger fee request … I started seeing the patterns in the whole company request and the stories I saw here as well so I just had to reach out to JETHACKS on Telegram: Jethackss and asked for his help in retrieving my funds .. it was really a nice lesson for me and am glad I came across this page otherwise I would have lost everything I worked for . JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM of underground hackers were ethical and professional through out the whole process , you can also reach out to them on their above Telegram ID or on Email : jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM

  325. My life has really changed for good. I won (seventy five thousand dollars)Your Lottery spell is so real and pure. Thank you very much for the lottery spell that changed my life “I am totally grateful for the lottery spell you did for me Dr Oniha and I say I will continue to spread your name all over so people can see what kind of man you are. Anyone in need of help can email Dr Oniha for your own lottery lucky winning number,because this is the only secret to winning the lottery.
    Call/WhatsApp number:+16692213962

  326. Please Everyone should be careful of these traders online most of them are thieves . January this year I met this trader named George on instagram with about 16k followers, after following his posts for awhile I decided to invested $4,000 with his company called FINESTREA.COM after few weeks I received $1500 withdraw profits, I was excited and he said I should invest more so I can make bigger Profits so I now made a huge of deposit with my Binance account trying to grow my investment, this time around I never received my withdrawal, i got in contact with the company support desk to assist me so i could withdrawal my investment. I sent money on top of money because they stated fees needed to be paid and I still haven’t received my funds after paying for all the fees. It was heartbroken because the last deposit was borrowed and I don’t have any money on me again. I started running around to track and recover my funds back I don’t want the profits again. After days of searching online for a good recovery company i read too many good reviews about a specialist team by name ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through people who had such experience and the Said this team helped them. after my due diligence i sent a mail to ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) and he replied, told him my challenges and he offered to help me, i sent him a couple details that was requested for the recovery purpose. he was able to recover back my funds back to my wallet within 2 days of processing the recovery. I’m very grateful for his assistance but since then have been avoiding any online investment. I was lucky to get my funds back you might not be that fortunate, Please be careful. If you need to recover your lost or stolen bitcoin you can contact him via Telegram also> ROOTKITS7

  327. Clark Shroeder

    March 19, 2023 at 1:06 am

    All I ever wanted was to reap the fruits of my labor but they wanted it the hard way so if you’re looking for how to recover your funds from these fake broker companies then you should contact JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS , they are the best and have been in the field for a very long time .. I was referred to the recovery team by a friend of mine who worked at the FBI after I had just lost my money to a fake broker company I was investing with , I was ripped off $350k by the company which was too much to bear and I know a lot of individuals are in this situation so you can just reach out to JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS and they will assist you in retrieving back your money .. you can easily contact them on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS or EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL.COM .. these inhumane acts perpetrated by these fraudsters needs to be dealt with before it does more damage to other individuals out there.

  328. I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on youtube and I invested a huge sum of money around £665,211 which was deposited using Bitcoin with hopes to gain massive returns on my investment. I kept tracking my portfolio and it was increasing daily on the website. It made me excited and confident. Fast forward to 30 Days after, which was supposed to be my payout date, I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills and buy my new house, but the broker insisted that I continue to invest or will have to pay some fees to withdraw my funds. That was very disappointing to hear, because it was all going smoothly when I deposited the funds. Eventually, I paid the fees which was about £45,800. I was desperate now because according to my portfolio, I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about GHOST CHAMPION HACKERS  which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had.
    In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via 
    EMAIL  :
    Telegram :
    Contact via WhtsAp : +1(202)495 0665

  329. My life was pretty smooth up until I was randomly added to this crypto group and I was seeing testimonies everywhere and people was making money and that really got me intrigued so I reached out to the admin one thing now led to another and that was how I made my first investment of $3k, I was paid $4.5k in two days and I was like wow !.. I now made back to back investments without trying to pull any , my total investments was $71k with a profit total of $210,000 but then the company logged me out when I tried to withdraw and contacted me via support that I needed to pay withdrawal fees which I did but the demands kept coming .. hiring a hacker was the Last thing on my Mind until I listened to a podcast about how JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS are able to retrieve stolen assets and funds .. I quickly took the contact details and reached out to the team on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS , it was skeptical at first but the recovery went well and my funds were made available for withdrawal on my external wallet .. JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS are really the best in the field . You can also contact them on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL .COM

  330. The good reviews I read about directed me in contacting him for help. Am glad and happy that the good things people say about anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com are really true I got the best services from this hacker after my contact with him yesterday. Thank you so much anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com

  331. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com, you are so reliable at what you do and I am among the people that got the best services from you just yesterday I emailed you for a GMAIL hack and you came up with my results in less than 30min. All thanks to you once again.

  332. Freddie Martins

    March 20, 2023 at 10:13 pm

    They are heartless scammers, they ruined my life, by making me develop interest to invest my hard earned money. I deposited 105k euro in January 2023, which was later turned to 298k euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in the first few days, 2 months later I had a car accident and needed money to pay my insurance access, and my investment already due for withdrawal. i tried to withdrawal to my bank but that wasn’t successful. i reached out to the team but they still wasn’t able to help me have my funds. this was really disturbing and obviously i got depressed too. i just want my money back! I was advised by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, i was able to reach out to recovery guru on crypto/forex and bitcoin trade recovery, i was able to recover my funds with the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM this is a team of an expert on crypto/forex and bitcoin recovery, I feel obligated to recommend this team, there recovery strategies, and for working relentlessly to help recover my funds. feel free to reach out to him via his email address: ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . C O M or Telegram : ROOTKITS7 and will guide you on how to recover your invested capital, i advise everyone to be careful with this heartless stealing people.

  333. JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS was my last ditch attempt to recover my investments , I already been worked with a previous scam hacker who ripped me off £8k in total .. I was really depressed and nearly gave up hope and JETHACKS RECOVERY was supposedly my last attempt and am glad it worked out in the end, I almost couldn’t believe it when I received am email that my funds have been successfully withdrawn to my binance wallet till I checked my balance on binance and it was all there .. JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS really came through honestly, I was able to pay off my mortgage and all my bills that had piled up. I appreciate the dedication from the whole team and how my case was handled , the whole recovery exercise took just 36 hours to get completed once the recovery exercise was launched . I’m well aware that i ain’t the only person that bad stuff like that happened to so I will share the contact details for anyone out there to reach out to the RECOVERY TEAM…

  334. I am so happy, I’m a living testimony. I got my blank ATM card last week
    from William scot hackers. At first when I applied I was in doubt, I asked
    my friend if she knows anything about the blank card she said no and that I
    should be very careful because of scammers.
    Then I decided to give it a trial to my surprise the card was delivered, I
    went testing it on the ATM machine I was shocked when I use it to withdraw
    $3000 and now I have withdraw $20000 in total.
    The card is real, I’m so happy thank you William scot hackers.
    If interested you can email
    WhatsApp on +1(347) 593-8976

  335. Barbara Brandon

    March 21, 2023 at 10:52 am

    I am living proof of what Dr Jatto can do. I thank you so much Dr Jatto for the wonderful thing you did in my relationship. I am so happy now. With your help I got reunited with my boyfriend, I was totally devastated when my beloved boyfriend left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but after I contacted Dr Jatto, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustworthy. More than his words, My boyfriend apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I never thought a spell could help a couple before. I am very pleased to contact you, anyone who has a relationship problem can contact Dr Jatto. Reach him on his Whatsapp contact:+2347011113006 or visit his website:

  336. Katelynn Shira

    March 21, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    I have had my own story of crypto scams due to referrals from some site, I lost a lot of money and i was still told to send more money to unlock my account because my balance was non-spendable or something else. Sadly i couldn’t count on the police so i reached out to a company that helped. ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM [ R O O T K I T S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M ] and luckily for me, I was able to get my money back. They showed me how every bitcoin transaction is traceable. Your crypto first goes to the scam wallet, from there the bitcoins will travel through some proxy wallets to cover the tracks. But, every single transaction is recorded in block chain. So your bitcoins can be traced to endpoint, which is some bitcoin exchange market. Where they are exchanged for real money. And then the exchanges in questions will have records of who received the money and how they received it. Contact them if you’ve similar issues, You’ll be grateful that you did.
    Telegram – ROOTKITS7
    Email – r o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m

  337. Almost every day, there is different news of scams all over the world. Here’s just a piece of advice I can give, we should be careful of all these so-called cryptocurrency & investment companies and beware of Forex trading. I was once a victim who almost lost everything I worked for in my life. Luckily, I was rescued by Astraweb Cyber Service, an organization that helps track and recover stolen BTC or any type of cryptocurrency. Please be careful out there and contact them immediately to get back your lost funds. For more info contact them through

  338. I was able to monitor my husband Android cell phone activities with the help of and I was never traced, this is like a miracle. Thank you so much spyexpert0 @ gmail. com

  339. I got involved in an online dating which I later got blackmailed by d woman I was trying to get along with. She threatened to leak my nudes to my wife if I don’t pay her some amount of money she mentioned, though I paid her like 2 times and yet she kept coming back asking for more and more so I went online in search of reliable hackers who could get in her phone and delete my nudes from her device without any form of trace, am glad to say Did a wonderful and clean job for me by clearing all my nudes the blackmailer had on her devices and today I am a free man. I learnt to be faithful to my wife and never to look outside again thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com for saving my marriage. I won’t take this for granted you are the best thank you.

  340. Phillips Williams

    March 23, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    How I recouped stolen crypto
    currency coins and tokens from
    scam hackers on telegram: People all over the world are hearing about the fast profits early investors are making on Bitcoin and other coins and want to join the party and make a fast profit. But be sure, where big money is, there are also companies that are abusing and taking
    advantage of this situation. Such was my situation, I had a fake telegram group admin contact me and gave me a phishing link in which my 12 recovery phrase was compromised. These evil persons gained access to my cryptowallet and stole all my coins and tokens worth over $ 230,000. I was in great despair due to this situation, I was confused till a group member on the telegram referred me to
    CRYPTOCYBERNET @ GMAIL. COM . This recovery agent is really God sent. After relating all of my predicaments, details of incidence and necessary requirements for my recovery program, it took them less than a week to track and recover all of my tokens and coins back, they helped me perpetrators wallet and all of my coins were returned to me. I am so amazed, joyous and appreciative. I don’t know what I would do without this specialist. They specialize in chargeback disputes and their team knows how to identify these types of scams. If you invested in Crypto believe you have been scammed contact their experts today and they will help you recover your losses.Contact:

  341. Lost Your Cryptos? You Want To Recover Your Stolen BTC? Contact Recovery Masters

    Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency scams are becoming rampant as the day goes by. One should be careful when dealing with people online especially when it has to do with your funds. Getting back your stolen bitcoins is very easy but there are also lots of fraudulent recovery firms out there so you need to be careful not to end up being defrauded again. Recovery Masters are the most trusted and reliable recovery Hackers. They are the best recovery team out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds. To contact them on email ( or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35 You can simply send an email and you will be helped to recover 100% of your lost funds- I was able to recover all of my stolen bitcoins. They provide excellent service.

  342. I lost my bitcoins early last year to the criminals that posed under the guise of investing the funds for me so they could steal it all .. I met this man who claimed to be the manager of the Company and even spoke with him on phone on numerous occasions before investing my money … sadly I went for months without seeing any glimpse of hope , I had no idea recovery was even a thing and have already lost any hope in getting back at them .. it was on the 3rd of this month march 2023 that I came across this page and that was when I realized that my case was not a lost case just yet , I quickly took the contact details of JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS and contacted them on Telegram: JETHACKSS .. I immediately sent over the transaction proofs between me and the company which enabled them to launch the recovery exercise and within 48 hours my funds was successfully recovered … I owe it all to JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM, they really saved my life . you can contact them on the above telegram or on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM

  343. I had my credit score raised from 420 to over 780 within 3 working days with all derogatory reports and late payments taken care of. I see so many people recommending different hackers, I just hope they are as legit as this genius Albert Vadim. This man literally got me back on my feet within a week. He work directly from the database of the credit bureaus. My wife and kids can’t stop sending thanks to him for what he has done for us. I was approved loan, I got a nice house too. This is real people, if you need help you need help you can contact Albert any time via his EMAIL: Vadimwebhack@ gmail. com
    There are so many other services he offers such as phone hack, expunging records, GPS tracking amongst many others.

  344. I got my spouse protected from communicating with her ex, with the help of This hacker helped me in blocking any messages and calls coming in from my wife ex this way my wife can’t cheat on me again because with this hacker I got her phone right under my watch without physical access to her phone I monitor everything my wife does on her phone 💯 without trace all thanks to you anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com for making this possible i forever appreciate you.

  345. I decided to give a shot at trading cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ETH and ripple as I was surfing online, a google ad of the false trading and investment company popped and click on the ad. In about 5 mins or less, I got a call from Ms. Maureen who walked me through the part of creating an account and then depositing a thousand dollars. From there, I deposited a total of twenty six thousand dollars and my profit was almost at forty five thousand but I couldn’t make a withdrawal of my profit. They kept asking for money for withdrawal like SIP Certificate, State tax charges and the likes, which I paid for but still couldn’t get my funds. It dawned on me I was only shown simulated trades and no trading really took place. This scam lasted for about three months. I found a recommendation to employ the services of a top wealth recovery company written by Harry Pitel who is movie celebrity in Turkey who we swindled by HybridReserve and Cryptonxt but recovered their funds back! They sang the praises of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM } Then i wrote my complaint to the mail R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A. I L . C O M he also gave me the Telegram account- Rootkits7 a top Recovery expert in the company who I then reached out to who intervened and helped recover my funds alongside some percent of my profit. HYBRID RESERVE is a fraudulent company and they will make you question humanity. Stay away from the this false trading and investment company. Pardon my English as I am not a native speaker of English language.

  346. I know how tough it is for you to lose your funds to some online scammers. I was in this shoe for about 4good months where I couldn’t access my saved funds because it was scammed by a company I felt was legit forex trade. I have made quite a lot of money from saving online so I fell for the trap of these scammers who eventually scammed me of my savings. I feel so lucky right now because I was able to meet George. He helped me recover my scammed funds within a few days. I just want to say a big thanks to George and his team. Please if you ever need help contact George now via email Cryptorefunder360(at)gmail(dot)com or WhatsApp +1(435)5136443. You won’t regret this I say.

  347. Maria Bernhard

    March 25, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer.


    1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD

    Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location.
    We deal with serious people who want this Card.
    Email :
    WhatsApp: +1 (803) 392-1735

  348. Most people out there find it hard to believe that you can recover back your stolen/lost funds … I was once among the non-believer’s because it never seemed to be true until it happened right before my eyes . I was once involved in this crypto currency investment platform called “Nexus trade” and lost over £516k within the first month I started the investment , I was curious and eager to know the whereabouts of my funds and that led to me working with a recovery company but it turned out they couldn’t do anything about it , at that point I lost every hope of getting my funds back but I took it upon myself not to give up either and I made contact with a private investigator to see through the matter also and that was when he referred me to a private hacking team that has successfully retrieved lost funds of most of his clients that had similar case just like me and to my greatest surprise he pulled off the Wong best Wizard thing on my case and traced back my funds to the scammers with just the little details I provided , I’m so so grateful to both the investigator and the hacking team for coming to my aid when I needed it the most 🙂 .. y’all that is still in doubt should give the team a chance to clear your doubt just like they did with me .. Contact email : ( Wongbestwizard@, or WhatsApp ; (+1812) (592) (7213)

  349. I had some crypto on a Bitcoin wallet that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about Wong best Wizard on “Morning Brew”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. Wong best Wizard was very responsive to emails, and recovered my wallet in just a few days. I was nervous about providing my wallet seed and passphrase, but there really was no need to be uneasy. Wong best Wizard acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using Wong best Wizard services, even if you have nearly given up hope of recovering your wallet. Contact us on ( Wongbestwizard@ or WhatsApp ; (+1812) (592) (7213) They are Tested and trusted.

  350. I needed urgent help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with the medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about H A C K M A V E N S on this platform and I took the risk though I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I marveled at the result I got afterward. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised from 470 to 798 within 6 days. You can contact him via; H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7. GOODLUCK!

  351. I needed urgent help! My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago and my charge cards were unable to keep up with the medical bills for my health along with a few other negative marks. I tried to work on my negative marks and hard inquiries without success. I read about H A C K M A V E N S on this platform and I took the risk though I was scared of trusting a huge amount of money and my information to a total stranger but I decided to give him a try. I marveled at the result I got afterward. Everything is now at an excellent rate and my score raised from 470 to 798 within 6 days. You can contact him via; H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L . C O M or Call/Text/WhatsApp: + 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7. GOODLUCK!,

  352. I googled a few recovery companies and after a few days of research I came across a crypto expert who introduced me to a programmer that helped me recover my lost coins. I was very skeptical as can be imagined but I’m glad to say my bitcoin was recovered and sent back to me after an hour. You should file a complaint directly to her  via email:  zattrecoverypro1 @ gmail com. in case u need help recovering your lost transactions, I recently recovered mine within an hour.

  353. I googled a few recovery companies and after a few days of research I came across a crypto expert who introduced me to a programmer that helped me recover my lost coins. I was very skeptical as can be imagined but I’m glad to say my bitcoin was recovered and sent back to me after an hour. You should file a complaint directly to her  via email:  zattrecoverypro1 @ gmail com. in case u need help recovering your lost transactions, I recently recovered mine within an hour.

  354. With the help of this hacker ( I got to receive all messages coming into my spouse phone first before it gets into her phone. jeajamhacker @ gmail. com you are really a genius thank you.

  355. it was indeed a tough time for me when i was ripped off by this Binary Investors. i got linked to them through Telegram and we started texting Unknowingly to me i was dealing with a scammer and liar whom i shouldn’t have trusted that much, this person made me believe a fake website that he uses to carry out his criminal activities i never know all this wasn’t real i was only living with the thought of my return as well waiting patiently for my pay day. Finally when the time for my withdrawal came, they automatically disabled me from making my withdrawals successfully.. i didn’t know what else to do at certain point but later came up with the taught of hiring a hacker it was then that i got in contact with the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through their following contact details ROOTKITS4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M , who succeeded in retrieving back my lost funds, he finally put back my smiling face after the depression and nightmares i went through, special thanks to this Team! .

  356. When the money is coming things are always good but when therta little turbulence in the finances with a man that’s when you realize that you’re all alone in this world and no one is really there for you in most cases even your family is not there for you and such moments can live a scar in the life of any man or individual for the rest of their life …. I had been a steady provider for my wife and my little girl.. when I had lost a lot of money in the crypto market that I invested with using a broker company , she left me and my little girl to ourselves .. I fought with my lawyers to retain custody of my girl before the divorce agreement ,my daughter is my everything and I could not afford to lose her too… fortunately luck shined on me again the day I learnt about JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS , I had to contact them and am proud to say that am very indebted to the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS forever as through there expertise I got my life back together tho my ex wife left me but I still got my daughter and I can effortlessly take care of her now. The contact details of JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM is below

  357. Wow am so glad I came in contact with spyexpert0 @ gmail. com this hacker just got me my wife 15 digit passcodes without my wife getting notified.

  358. My life has been filled with lots of ups and downs but I never fall, I never give up and it has thought me one thing which Is no one is really going to save you but yourself … we can get help but help isn’t going to come if you laying in your bed or too scared to fight for what belongs to you .. I work in an insurance company and I have had to deal with competitions from all corners to make it to where I am today and now a scammer from nowhere wants to swoop in and take everything away from me ??.. never ! I was never going to let that happen so I made sure to exhaust every means possible to fight them , starting from the cops to my lawyers but none of them seemed to work .. I had been scammed by an online company so I needed something more powerful in the online space to fight them, first I thought about going public with my story but it wouldn’t get me back my money so the idea of hiring a hacker to get on the company website and hack my account to withdraw my money came to mind . I went online looking for a credible hacker and found JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS, they were highly recommended and working with them really opened my eyes on the level of scam going on in the crypto space and thankfully they successfully accessed the fraud company database base and retrieved access to my funds there which was immediately withdrawn to my Binance wallet… this is one the best things that has ever happened in my life and it is thanks to the team . If you want to contact , you can do so using their contact Email : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM or TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS

  359. I needed help to see everything on a particular number without physical access to the phone and am so thankful came through for me, within the space of an hour I got to see everything I have been longing to see on this number. I just want to say a very big thank you to darkhatthacker @ gmail. com. for those who are also looking for the best I advise you go through darkhatthacker @ gmail. com this hacker has been tested and now Trusted.

  360. I have had a very sad experience with an online Cryptocurrency company. I was ripped off my investment altogether with my total earnings, my first investment wasn’t that big and i got paid when it was due. Afterwards a staff of the company contacted me through WhatsApp. I already had plans to reinvest and then he also ask me to reinvest and guided me all through the process. this time i invested a huge amount which came from my Savings over the years, it was moving well till it was time for me to have my profits as usual but I was been deactivated from performing the withdrawal. I quickly got in touch with the staff who guided me through the process. he direct me to the support desk where I was been ask to clear some fees, i held to their instructions and paid all the fees but wasn’t still able to withdraw my funds. the whole scenario looks like a scam to me after which i worked towards getting help else where, i was referred to consult a bitcoin expert who helped track and retrieve my 8.3 btc, for an agreed fee. I was more than grateful and willing to pay more after the job was done. Thankful i didn’t fall victim and would like to recommend ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM to anyone seeking for a professional assistance relating to my story. you can reach out to them via email or Telegram with the following contact details Email: ROOTKITS4 @ GM AIL . COM / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 I’m happy to save a soul through my review

  361. helped me in catching my wife red handed cheating on me with her pastor I could not believe my eyes after reading there conversations starting from there text messages, deleted messages and WhatsApp messages, I must confess am still in shock. Thank you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com for exposing a lot I never knew about my wife.

  362. I’m truly grateful I was referred to cyber Operations, a cryptocurrency recovery specialist who was able to recover the crypto I lost when I mistakenly sent funds via my Coinbase to the wrong wallet. A few weeks ago, I thought I had lost it all when I mistakenly sent $71,000 worth of Bitcoins to the wrong wallet address, while I was going nuts, a friend of mine referred me to cyber Operations who was able to trace and recover my cryptos. Truly grateful for their amazing service, this team is super helpful and trustworthy. You can easily reach them via Email: ( cyber Operations dot tech ).

  363. Dennis Brandon

    March 31, 2023 at 3:19 pm

    I was scammed by a Binary online website in march. I lost about $35,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of filty request. It was a really hard time for me because that was all I had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that I will make profit from the investment. They took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore. Unfortunately i haven’t felt so empty in my life, all effort to recover my funds was in vain. After a few weeks, I stumbled on an International Recovery Firm. i read a lot of good reviews about them online as a lot people confirm they are genuine and expert recovery firm. Finally i contacted them through their email – ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL. . COM This firm saved me, they kept me calm and they were professional throughout the whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back. This is my review to show some appreciation of their good and excellent professional work in recovering my lost funds back. also to anyone who might need to reach to them through Telegram here’s their user – ROOTKITS7

  364. Bennet Cochran

    March 31, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    They knew I was going to withdraw my funds at some point and stringed me along with lies just so I could put up more money for them but I got the memo earlier than they expected… so my story is this, I was talking to someone on Facebook who also happened to fall victim to scam from the same company I was investing with , I messaged her and she showed me everything and how they made her pay unreasonable fees for withdrawal and told me how she was able to recover her funds through the help of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS .. i decided to try my luck . I placed for withdrawal and I watched as everything unfolded before my own eyes .. I had to reach out to JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS for help using the contacts I got from the woman Email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL.COM TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS and that was how I got saved by the JETHACKS TEAM .

  365. I lost a total of 12 btc to when i invested with them and for a moment after receiving the bad news i thought i will never recover the money again after they kept asking me to make payment for different services then i realized i was being scammed by this company and i decided to opt out and seek way to recover my money back which was a little bit difficult because i found it very hard to trust human again after i got betrayed by the very broker who introduced me to this company where she claims that offers a very high return profits to investors, it was a long dramatic story anyways i almost lost all my investment to this company if it wasn’t for the timely intervention of The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM A legal Cybersecurity firm which through their dedication and expert level on the cyber theft field ensured that i have all my money recovered back successfully all thanks to this Firm. you can contact them for fast and effective recovery process by sending EMAIL: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . Com , or you can simply contact them via Telegram on ROOTKITS7

  366. Isobel Rogers

    April 2, 2023 at 8:35 am

    I rarely share my story with people online and those I don’t know, not only because it put me at the lowest point ever but because it made me a person of ridicule among family and some of my friends. I put all I had into Binary Options ($250,000) after hearing great testimonies about this new investment strategy. I was made to believe my investment would be triple, it started good and I got returns (not up to what I had invested). Gathered more and involved a couple family members, but I didn’t know I was setting myself up for the kill, in less than no time all we had put ($580,000) was gone. It almost seem I had set them up, they came at me strong and hard. After searching and looking for how to make those scums pay back, I got introduced to Darkrecoveryhacks team a recovery agency who helped recover 100% of my lost funds within a month and I was very happy so message them for your lost funds/stolen crypto via this address: DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM

  367. Get an evidence against your cheating partner with the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com. if not for I would have married the wrong person but his services always got me covered.


    I needed to fix my credit urgently. My scores were between 490 to 530 across all 3 bureaus, I had an eviction but I wasn’t sure if it was on my credit or not yet, I kept getting denied each time I tried to get a new home. With desperation, I did some research online and luckily for me, I found so many recommendations about RECOVERY MASTERS. I contacted them via: email ( They promised to help me and we got started with the job. A week later they completed a full credit repair process on my credit profile. They were able to remove the eviction alongside other negatives and that boosted my scores to 790 and above, across all 3 bureaus. You can buzz them if you have such an issues, reachout at their email or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  369. Maria Bernhard

    April 4, 2023 at 9:03 am

    I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer.


    1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD
    1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD

    Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location.
    We deal with serious people who want this Card.
    Email :
    WhatsApp:: +1 (803) 392-1735

  370. den dondecker

    April 4, 2023 at 5:53 pm

    I invested $750,000 in a cryptocurrency hedge fund that turned out to be a fraudulent scheme. The hedge fund promised high returns and claimed to have a proven track record of success. However, after a few months, the returns stopped coming in, and the fund manager disappeared. I contacted and to see if they could help me recover my funds. They were able to trace the funds and discovered that the hedge fund was just a Ponzi scheme. Although they were not able to recover all of my funds, they were able to recover a significant portion. This experience taught me to be cautious of investing in hedge funds and to do my due diligence before investing.

  371. Adulthood is tough , I miss the good old days where most of my worries was food and where to play next, being able to live freely with no worries as I right now I don’t think I am actually living life cos GOD this isn’t what we bargained for ! .. The older you get the lonelier it becomes, I have isolated myself trying to break this chain and life has never been the same since .. Will I ever get to the TOP !??… am I doing enough ??… when will it get better ??… this uncertainty of what life has in store for me scares every single day and it’s led me to fall into the hands of the wrong people in my pursuit for wealth .. they took the money I had invested with no ROI for me , everything vanished and I was left with nothing that was before JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS helped me in recovering my funds .. I had $240k in total of what the company refused to pay me after investing with them for 5months . I was able to reach out to the JETHACKS TEAM through their Email contact: JETHACKS7 @GMAIL .COM and I write this today as a token of my appreciation for I would have lost it all if not for their excellent service. You can as well reach out the team for assistance on Telegram: JETHACKSS

  372. Georgina Roberston

    April 5, 2023 at 7:07 am

    It’s very Unfortunate that is not going to be everyone who lost their investments to cryptocurrency company will have the opportunity to reclaim their lost back. i had once been a victim to this fraudulent org. they scammed me off my whole life savings. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivated me from making withdrawals, i contacted the broker who introduced me to the company but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t normal, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $11k usd for maintenance fee after i already have a total of $83k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the whole situation to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going after some time he asked for wallet for transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off as we agreed even with more

  373. Melanie Carli

    April 5, 2023 at 8:30 am

    I have been unhappy in my marriage for years now because have always suspected my husband of cheating on me on so many occasions but I never got to know and see his doings on his phone till I was referred to and that was how my problems were solved, with anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com I was able to access his phone without physical access and I was also able to read all and see all the rubbish my husband has been doing at my back. God bless you always anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com for all you do thanks.

  374. As time passes, there are an increasing number of frauds involving Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Although there are many individuals who advertise recovering money online, people should use caution in dealing, especially when money is involved. You can trust spytech Recovery, I promise. They are the top internet recovery company, and as their names indicate, your money is reclaimed as soon as feasible. My bitcoin was successfully retrieved in large part thanks to spytech recovery. Ensure that you get top-notch service; spytech Recovery provides evidence of its work; and payment is only made when the service has been completed to your satisfaction. Reach them via email: hackerspytech @ gmail com

  375. I had some crypto on a Bitcoin wallet that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about Wong best Wizard on “Morning Brew”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. Wong best Wizard was very responsive to emails, and recovered my wallet in just a few days. I was nervous about providing my wallet seed and passphrase, but there really was no need to be uneasy. Wong best Wizard acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using Wong best Wizard services, even if you have nearly given up hope of recovering your wallet. Contact us on (Wongbestwizard@ or WhatsApp ; (+1812592 7213) They are Tested and trusted.

  376. December last year, I invested about $55,000 into Bitcoin,with the aim of diversifying my trading portfolio. However, with my strict habits of growing my account to 200% before taking profits, I never attempted any withdrawals, not until last month when I tried to withdraw but all effort was in vain. I called the account manager and explained the situation, he told me I would be able to withdraw after 3 working days which sounded shady to me. Three days went by, still no withdrawals, I tried reaching out to the manager and customer service line but none of them were reachable till this moment. I shared my experience with my colleague at work, he introduced me to Wong Best Wizrad
    and told me to contact him on his (WhatsApp (+1812) (592) (7213) or email ( He helped me recover all my money back.

  377. Most people out there find it hard to believe that you can recover back your stolen/lost funds … I was once among the non-believer’s because it never seemed to be true until it happened right before my eyes . I was once involved in this crypto currency investment platform called “Nexus trade” and lost over £516k within the first month I started the investment , I was curious and eager to know the whereabouts of my funds and that led to me working with a recovery company but it turned out they couldn’t do anything about it , at that point I lost every hope of getting my funds back but I took it upon myself not to give up either and I made contact with a private investigator to see through the matter also and that was when he referred me to a private hacking team that has successfully retrieved lost funds of most of his clients that had similar case just like me and to my greatest surprise he pulled off the Wong best Wizard thing on my case and traced back my funds to the scammers with just the little details I provided , I’m so so grateful to both the investigator and the hacking team for coming to my aid when I needed it the most 🙂 .. y’all that is still in doubt should give the team a chance to clear your doubt just like they did with me .. Contact email, (+1812) (592) (7213) They are Tested and trusted

  378. Joshua S. Mcknight

    April 5, 2023 at 10:57 pm

    Hello everyone, I’m Joshua S. McKnight and I was a victim of a Bitcoin scam. A few months ago, I invested part of my retirement savings into Bitcoin after I saw an opportunity to increase my income, not fully aware of its dangers. I couldn’t withdraw or access my wallet and was told that Bitcoin cannot be traced or reversed. I thought it was gone for good until my cousin told me about LORD HACKER ULTIMATE, this hacking/cryptocurrency & funds recovery company that was able to trace and give me access to my Bitcoin wallet. I’ve been very fortunate to get in contact with LORD HACKER ULTIMATE, who helped me recover my money and taught me a few tricks about cryptocurrency. I promised LORD HACKER ULTIMATE, I was going to post a review about them and I’m keeping my word, I highly recommend their service to everyone out there. You can reach them via email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +13345527213, YouTube Channel: @lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

  379. Paige Platter

    April 6, 2023 at 5:39 am


  380. Georgina Robertson

    April 6, 2023 at 3:39 pm

    It’s very Unfortunate that is not going to be everyone who lost their investments to cryptocurrency company will have the opportunity to reclaim their lost back. i had once been a victim to this fraudulent org. they scammed me off my whole life savings. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivated me from making withdrawals, i contacted the broker who introduced me to the company but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t normal, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $11k usd for maintenance fee after i already have a total of $83k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the whole situation to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going after some time he asked for wallet for transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off as we agreed even with more

  381. Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email:

  382. murgor charles

    April 7, 2023 at 1:07 pm

    Hello everyone, Are you new to FOREX, cryptocurrency, or binary options trading? Or are you looking for an expert to trade and manage your account for you or Do you have funds you wish to withdraw from your binary, forex or cryptocurrency broker ? or you are having withdrawal problems with your account and you don’t know how to go about it. Feel free to email Aaron Gabriel at and he will guide you on how to get your funds back in an interval of one week.

  383. Invested in an online Binary investment company without knowing it was a fake platform . at first everything seems to be going well they let me withdraw my first investment with the profits and this builded the trust i had for them then i had to invest back, this time it was a huge amount of funds, it was moving fine till when it was due for me to make the big withdrawal and my interest, they denied me, the access to withdraw i try contacting the management but nothing was done that was when i realized what i had gotten myself into, i was depressed for over 2 weeks till a friend of mine who i opened up to referred me to this very hacker that helped me recover my loss funds, i didn’t even think it was possible as i was directed i just had to send a mail to ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) they replied me and we got going, to my very surprise this team recovered my investment back just within 2days, If i wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten that information, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining my life financially. to anyone who has been cheated by this scammers do not give up in pursuit of your funds, i encourage you reach out to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM . They are also on Telegram : ROOTKITS7

  384. The services of JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS has been very beneficial to me and my family as it came at the time I needed it the most .. it sucks to lose money and even selling off things .. family and friends will judge you, they will blame you but no one ever understands not when they have not been in the same situation …. I don’t take pride in my past actions but back then I did what I thought was the best thing to do , investing and investing and investing till it’s too late to get out and now you’re stuck so you keep going and praying to GOD that things get better at some point but it never does … That’s why am so thankful to the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM, the team’s excellent hacking services helped me recover $1.6million in total from the .. this company nearly ruined my entire life , all they did was keep taking from me .. to get in contact with the JETHACKS TEAM OF UNDERGROUND OF HACKERS , email them on Email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM or Telegram: JETHACKSS

  385. I got really fed up with my fiancé lies, he keeps late nights, always going on trips and all but after my contact with this hacker I found out that all my fiancé has been saying to me were all lies. He never planned on getting married to me and I figured out all of this with the help of spyexpert0 @ gmail. com after breaking into my fiancé phone.

  386. Have you lost your hard earned money to;?1.Binary option scam??2. Forex trading??3.Romance scam?and any other kind of online investment? ?I have a good news for you.Contact; recbtc17 at g mail com?I had doubts it was possible to recover the funds I lost to binary options. However,big thanks to the recbtc now for helping me recover a huge sum back and still working on full recovery for me…also they are reachable via text or whats app though this number +15183047665

  387. My wife claims she loves me but yet having so many affairs with men at my back. Thank you darkhatthacker @ gmail. com For this revelation.


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
    i believe him so much because he came through for me and made me get $5,500 daily and i’ve made over $50,000 since it got delivered to me recently
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anymore.
    if interested you can contact him now via don’t be scared you pay and the card get program by them, and delivery takes just 3days all over the world it cost money to get one so get your cash ready then you can send a mail to them with the email address above thanks..

  389. ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our hacking team as soon as you can via the email address below to schedule a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
    asorehackcorp @ gmail com

    Stay Safe !

  390. I got scammed by a crypto investment company this was really a bad experience for me.. the worst part of this story is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit.. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of con artist, the investors made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money cause i don’t want them to notice my next plan. then fortunately i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , He puts an amazing smile on my face by getting back my lost funds. how he was able to do this i don’t have the idea but i must say he’s an expert this field. I’m just here to recommend his professional service. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  391. Stocking your spouse is never the best just get a hacker like and you get to monitor your spouse activities via his phone remotely from afar and also his GPS. I figured this hacker out last week after my contact with him and he really did a perfect job for me, presently am in my spouse phone and I can never be caught all thanks to verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com.

  392. Magret Soukaina

    April 12, 2023 at 10:30 pm

    i want to quickly leave this review here, sometime last month i was convinced to invest in Bitcoin Binary, i didn’t know how to do it so i met a firm online and i was happy i never knew that was the beginning of my destruction i trusted him and i invested with them, unluckyling for me i was scammed all of my coins, as if that was not enough i tried to recover them i was advised by a friend of mine we met online and have been very good to me though have never met her, i took her advice and she directed me to a bitcoin hacker who can help me recover my lost BTC i contacted him and he took away my $23,000 trying to recover my lost bitcoin, she was working with him at this point i had lost it all, then again something keep on telling me not to give up that i can get my money back, i decided to go spiritual this time i met a spell caster i read people commenting that he helped them win lottery with spell cast, i contacted him again though this was different and i explain my story to him he consoled me and promise me victory, i did all he ask of me and said my bitcoin with be restored to me in no time, i was actually waiting for a miracle, the next morning i got an email from the bitcoin scammer that he has been seeing me in his dream every night that i have be chasing him and for real he keep seeing me day and night, i thought it was all a joke till his parent and siblings also called that i should save their son he is not talking anymore just laying dead but alive, at this point i was feeling bad and scared i don’t want to kill anyone, so i called Dr Dominion and told him the situation and he said he will remain like that till he return my BTC, to cut the whole story short, Dr Dominion restored him and immediately he returned my BTC, now he is working on the fake hacker who took my money i will come back to let you all know once he is done with him. meanwhile if there is any of your there looking for help to recover your BTC Dr Dominion is the best solution believe it or leave it. here is his contact you can reach out to him for help.

    WhatsApp: +16574277820
    Call: +12059642462

  393. I need to share this here so you won’t lose your money cheaply to scam brokers. I invested about $220,000 on a binary option platform then I decided to withdraw after several weeks but the withdrawal wasn’t successful, later on I tried to contact the platform via email and phone number, I didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a mail from them insisting I should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which I rejected, and I never hear from them again that was when I knew I had been scammed. I was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web here about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and their official email contact – R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or Telegram ROOTKITS7 had helped many people recovered their stolen, scammed or duped money on bitcoin or any other form in digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my stolen money back within 2days of their services I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. Big thanks to this Firm as they restored my happiness after what i had gone through with the scammers

  394. Have you tried getting your money out from your binary account and was unable to place a withdrawal? Have you found your self wading through excessively complicated terms which might seem impossible to meet, all because you traded with an unregulated broker? Do not panic, I have good news for you. I lost over $600k to an unregulated broker who stocked my trading capital and denied me access to my account. But thank God I have recovered all my lost funds, through the help of a certified binary recovery expert. if their assistance is needed, kindly get in contact DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM and they will guide you on effective steps to take and get back all your lost funds

  395. Fraud. I had a lot going on with this crypto platform and it was going fine until my first withdrawal. It was almost 12 weeks and pending approval. I had to report because I had more than enough figures close to 450k in that account. I made a complaint to spytech recovery which I had to provided evidence and the rest is history on my crypto trading account. He helped me get all my money out quickly, kindly contact mail: HACKERSPYTECH @ GMAIL COM

  396. Hackers like are hard to find that is why I so much cherish russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com because what ever solutions I need I always get it from this hacker without stress.

  397. Most people out there find it hard to believe that you can recover back your stolen/lost funds … I was once among the non-believer’s because it never seemed to be true until it happened right before my eyes . I was once involved in this crypto currency investment platform called “Nexus trade” and lost over £516k within the first month I started the investment , I was curious and eager to know the whereabouts of my funds and that led to me working with a recovery company but it turned out they couldn’t do anything about it , at that point I lost every hope of getting my funds back but I took it upon myself not to give up either and I made contact with a private investigator to see through the matter also and that was when he referred me to a private hacking team that has successfully retrieved lost funds of most of his clients that had similar case just like me and to my greatest surprise he pulled off the Wong best Wizard thing on my case and traced back my funds to the scammers with just the little details I provided , I’m so so grateful to both the investigator and the hacking team for coming to my aid when I needed it the most 🙂 .. y’all that is still in doubt should give the team a chance to clear your doubt just like they did with me .. Contact email, (+1812) (592) (7213) They are Tested and trusted.

  398. I had some crypto on a Bitcoin wallet that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about Wong best Wizard on “Morning Brew”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. Wong best Wizard was very responsive to emails, and recovered my wallet in just a few days. I was nervous about providing my wallet seed and passphrase, but there really was no need to be uneasy. Wong best Wizard acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using Wong best Wizard services, even if you have nearly given up hope of recovering your wallet. Contact us on ( Wongbestwizard@ or WhatsApp ; (+18125927213 They are Tested and trusted.

  399. People find it hard to stay committed again. It’s becoming a difficult thing. Getting information & data you need is quite not a big deal. Sometimes the truth needs to be unveiled by whatsoever means necessary. The latter of the case should always be reckoned with, of which it would be known eventually what would be the data at hand afterwards. definitely contact Wong best Wizard would do justice on this intercepting with wares and you will have me to thank later. I finally caught her red handed…They also have refund policy if you wish not to further with your job. Contact him via Email;
    WhatsApp, Text or call on: +18125927213) They are Tested and trusted.

  400. I caught my wife cheating on me with my friend. This literally broke my heart when I found out by hire DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com to remotely gain access to my wife’s phone so I could see her text messages and WhatsApp messages too.
    One fateful morning while my wife was getting ready for work, a text came in on her phone and I saw “hey babe, can’t wait to see you on friday 💕”.she had my friend’s name saved as another name. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there atm but her phone was locked and I didn’t have access to her phone.
    This made me really suspicious because she had told me earlier in the week she was going on a business trip so I knew immediately she was cheating on me 💔. I remember going online immediately to search how to spy on a cheating spouse phone and I somehow landed on a forum where they recommended DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com as a private investigator and how he can remotely access device.
    In summary, I contacted Donaldcyberlord and told him about my situation. Gave him some details about my wife and that was all he needed to gain remote access for me. After 4hours, he gave me access to her WhatsApp message and Message/text messages as well. I read all their conversations and how they have even been mocking me in their chat. I printed all their chats for evidence.


  401. Oh my goodness , what an incredible service I witnessed , my very first encounter with KNIGHTHOODBOT @ gmail dot com was awesome , I was left dumbfounded by the swift recovery process the team showcased , I lost nearly $700k+ to a fake investment platform just this January, but all were recovered back to my wallet with ease , I never thought it was even possible ever recovering the funds at first but the team proved me wrong , when the incident happened it tore me apart because this was part of my life savings that I put in there thinking it was going to yield more money for me and my family but it ended up causing havoc to my finance. But I’m glad that at the end of it all these scammers didn’t get away with it.. all thanks to the great work the team put into this , I will advise you contact them directly if you ever find yourself in such situation . Telegram ID : KNIGHTHOODBOT9

  402. Phillips Williams

    April 15, 2023 at 5:58 pm

    How I recouped stolen crypto
    currency coins and tokens from
    scam hackers on telegram: People all over the world are hearing about the fast profits early investors are making on Bitcoin and other coins and want to join the party and make a fast profit. But be sure, where big money is, there are also companies that are abusing and taking
    advantage of this situation. Such was my situation, I had a fake telegram group admin contact me and gave me a phishing link in which my 12 recovery phrase was compromised. These evil persons gained access to my cryptowallet and stole all my coins and tokens worth over $ 230,000. I was in great despair due to this situation, I was confused till a group member on the telegram referred me to
    CRYPTOCYBERNET @ GMAIL. COM . This recovery agent is really God sent. After relating all of my predicaments, details of incidence and necessary requirements for my recovery program, it took them less than a week to track and recover all of my tokens and coins back, they helped me perpetrators wallet and all of my coins were returned to me. I am so amazed, joyous and appreciative. I don’t know what I would do without this specialist. They specialize in chargeback disputes and their team knows how to identify these types of scams. If you invested in Crypto believe you have been scammed contact their experts today and they will help you recover your losses.Contact:

  403. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast 
    you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
    hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about 
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month 
    ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and 
    I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
    $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
    into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught 
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it 
    also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect 
    you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( < Tell your 
    loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
    my life changed for good…Love you all .

  404. Pamela Elizabeth

    April 16, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    Few months ago i invested in a Binary trading company with amount of $130k in total through USDT and they didn’t allow me to have my profits withdrawn after a period of 2 months of our cooperation. i made it known to the company management that the withdrawal option on my trading page isn’t working. i later got a mail that i have to deposit more money so that i will be able to make withdrawals to my bank but i do not have the amount to be deposited and they kept on declining any of my request to withdraw. i went to local police station and opened a case to the fraud department .. after that day they sent me a message saying sorry ma’am you’ve been scammed. i felt so bad as i have lost my husband and invested all my heritage money on this Binary platform. After weeks of turmoil and sadness that the investment brought me and my family. I saw recommendations to hire R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M and i was lucky they helped me recover all of my funds without any hassle in less than 48 hours, I am so happy doing this because I know how many people would benefit from this useful information. i recovered all my lost funds back through ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. they are so professional and reliable. i appreciate this very team that saved me from the mess i got myself into. feel free to reach out to them also on Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  405. Travis Pedretti

    April 16, 2023 at 11:17 pm

    I had maximum trust in the investment company I was investing with so I kept pumping in funds without questions , my believe was that if it could pay me once then it will keep paying me and that’s how life is , if you can do one thing to get $10 then you can keep doing it and keep making more money consistently so i kept investing more and more and was really making more profits sadly it didn’t go well at the end .. I had been allowed to deposit but never for withdrawal and I had no idea, I just figured withdrawal was taking too long cos of the fees they kept demanding so I went online to see if there’s any related story to collaborate my situation and put my mind at ease cos I was really beginning to get nervous, that was how I discovered i have been scammed , I found plenty stories of how this things go and even worse stories fortunately I also came across how most individuals was able to recover their funds through the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS and it is real…I quickly reached out to the Team on both their contact details Email: JETHACKS7 @GMAIL.COM and Telegram: JETHACKSS and as able to get back my funds through their help , I had $762,000 which was all retrieved to my blockchain wallet address


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
    i believe him so much because he came through for me and made me get $5,500 daily and i’ve made over $50,000 since it got delivered to me recently
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anymore.
    if interested you can contact him now via don’t be scared you pay and the card get program by them, and delivery takes just 3days all over the world it cost money to get one so get your cash ready then you can send a mail to them with the email address above thanks.

  407. I filed for a divorce after discovering my spouse being a cheat to me for over 2 years and I never got to find out until now. I was able to discover all of this with the help of

  408. Sarah Mccaw Breault

    April 18, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    I found out my husband took another woman In while I and the kids went for holidays, I was able to figured out all of this after hacking into my husband phone remotely with the help of jeajamhacker @ gmail. com and boom it was indeed clear that have been married to a cheat all thanks to

  409. Phillips Williams

    April 18, 2023 at 7:05 pm

    I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. was happy to watch my account grow to 214,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I couldn’t afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online search for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with the help of CryptocyberNet So I file a report on CryptocyberNet @ and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 2 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach out CrypocyberNet @ gmail highly respected

  410. How I thought I was going to cash out my profits not knowing the company was just taking all my money with no intention of paying back , these companies that rip people off their works and profits deserve to shutdown and face the law for their inhumane acts , seeing the stories on the internet has made me realize how bad people are getting burned by these people and it’s terrible … even though some of us got a second chance and recovered all our funds , a lot of individuals out there can’t say the same for themselves which is why i decided to share this here today , you can get back what rightfully belongs to you with the help of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS , they are best team and I testify to their high commitment which they gave to my job and successfully recovered my $248k from the fraudulent company .. you can as well reach out to the Team On Email: J E T H A C K S 7 @ GMAIL.COM or Telegram: J E T H A C K S S

  411. To anyone who’s new to Cryptocurrency trading investment i will advise you do that with extremely care while investing or rather stay away from crypto investment. I heard about a bitcoin programmed scheme that I taught was a Legitimate investment opportunity but turned out the other way round, my family and I invested as I was so blindfolded about the negative part this may turn out to be and collectively our loss was about $510,000 when it was time for us to take the profit they refused us from doing so rather they kept asking us to invest more.. that was when i realized what i got myself into I taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a certified crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen coins, I explained the situation to him and he assured me he’ll help me get our lost money back, I gave it a try and he definitely did a great job, all our money was recovered back into my wallet account in few days, I don’t really know how he got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to informed anyone who had similar issue to contact this expert via email or Telegram R O O T K I T S 4 (AT) G M A I L . C O M , Telegram @ ROOTKITS7 I’m happy and i really appreciate their help.

  412. Do you require hacking services to improve your school rankings, everyone? Get in touch with Spytech Recovery. The majority of these hackers are fakes; from my knowledge of how real hackers operate, they never advertise in such naïve ways and are always stealthy. In my desperate search for immediate assistance to improve my school grades, I was fooled so many times. In order to improve my marks, I finally came into contact with a team of reputable hackers called Spytech recovery. They operate discretely and provide their services on time. Because I’m content, I’m writing this review on them. Email them on: hackerspytech @ gmail com

  413. Steven Christian

    April 20, 2023 at 9:09 am

    Right in the same room my wife would always text the person she calls her brother to meet her in the guest room, but little did she know that I was already monitoring all there text messages and also all there calls were all recored with the help of darkhatthacker @ gmail. com. I got to realise that the person she calls her brother isn’t her brother but her ex boyfriend. Am so grateful, thankful to you darkhatthacker @ gmail. com for helping expose the devil I call my wife.

  414. Frederick Collins

    April 20, 2023 at 2:16 pm

    I want to advice everyone here ,please be careful when choosing a broker or Account manager to invest your fund, i was a victim of Binary Option scam. they kept on requesting for additional fees before withdrawal can be processed, at the end i lost all my fund. All effort to reached out to their customer support was declined, i was heart broken for over four months. God so kind i was going through a broadcast on YouTube and i came across a comment on how to get my lost fund back, i contacted the email provided. They instructed me to provide all the details about my broker who scammed me, which i did without delay .To my greatest surprised they helped me to recovered all the money i lost…. i said i will continue to share this so that all scammed victims can recover their money back .they are really good and supportive…. you can reach them on email; DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM

  415. Audra Johns Meighan

    April 21, 2023 at 8:30 am

    My friend has been sleeping with my husband for a while now but today I secretly caught them with the help of After my suspicions with both of them went high, I hired this hacker and that was how I was able to access both phones remotely and found out what has been going on. All praise to you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com

  416. Amanda Benjamin

    April 21, 2023 at 8:28 pm

    I was a victim of defi- loan static income investment scam. The total loss of my retirement 401k has been put in storage. I lost 284,727.94USD. I saw a number of reviews on Google and contacted a few to weigh my options. I settled with CyberPunk because they explained they helped other people who were conned by the same website and they did not ask for upfront fees unlike others. They really saved me because I was on the verge of bankruptcy. Their email is cyberpunk (@) programmer (.) net

  417. We all like a steady income cash flow and trust me no one would be able to quit when they are presented with this company’s plans and websites , it’s much better when you make your first 1-2 profits and you just wanna dive deep and keep making the money and before you realize it all your money is gone and you’re left with nothing … the story line is always the same , you get paid after a few deposits and then you never get paid again , just reading through reviews on here has made me realize that’s how almost everyone lost their money and that has also given us a way to save ourselves , Hackers have always been a great tool in our society even the feds all have their hackers so have you thought about contacting a well renown and competent hacker to track back your stolen funds and recover it ?.. JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS is a top hacking team that has had years of successfully recovering funds for clients and I have seen many positive reviews on here about how they’ve successfully handled cases for clients so I decided to share mine as well and the contact information of The JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM
    Telegram: JETHACKSS

  418. Alistair Violet

    April 22, 2023 at 8:00 pm

    Dear Friends,

    I sincerely hope this finds you well.

    I wanted to share some exciting news with you today: I recently recovered back lost funds that were stolen by scammers, with the help of Wizard Web Recovery. It all began on April 16th, when I received a text message on my Instagram from a stranger, offering a false investment opportunity with Bitcoin. Luckily, I was able to spot the scam before it was too late – with the help of Wizard Web Recovery. They were able to recover the money quickly and efficiently, and I’m genuinely so thankful for their expertise and assistance. If any of you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend wizardwebrecovery(@), Their help was invaluable.
    Best wishes,


    How To Recover From Fake Cryptocurrency Investment.

    Greetings, I’m Dr. David Otto from Mississippi Eye Care, and I trade cryptocurrencies. During my cryptocurrency investments

    I was taken advantage of, and $684,000 in BTC was stolen from me. Fortunately, I came across an internet post about a technological GOD: ULTIMATEHACKER JERRY, and I called him and worked with him just to give it a shot. To my surprise, he was able to recover $592,820 of what had been stolen from me, which I had never thought was possible, therefore I opted to share this with anyone who may require such aid, call ULTIMATEHACKER JERRY.

    Email: (Ultimatehackerjerry@ seznam. cz)

    WhatsAp: (+1 520, 282,7151)


  420. Richard Janicki

    April 23, 2023 at 7:57 am

    I was scammed by a Binary online website in February. I lost about $175k to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of filthy request. It was a really hard time for me because that was all I had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that I will make profit from the investment. They took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore made several efforts to withdrawal my funds but still wasn’t able to successfully do that. I started looking out for means to get my funds back God being being so amazing i was able to recover all the funds I lost just last month with the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. I am really grateful to this Team also to those who i read that reviews that prompt me to know this firm. it was a fantastic service rendered. i recommend this hacking team Telegram at ROOTKITS7 or Email ; R o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m

  421. I have been ripped off by 2 different investment companies and who I invested my money with on different occasions and both investments went sideways none paid until I heard about the underground hacking Team that can Trace and Recover funds sent through the Bitcoin Network so I reached out to the team they go by the name JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS with years of experience and success cases , I reached out to them on Email : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL.COM and I after I had explained my situation, they agreed to help me so I quickly forwarded proof of transactions between me and the fraud companies where I had lost a combined total of $328k with a combined profit total of of $1.3 Million .. the two cases was handled simultaneously and both funds with complete profits was successfully recovered and withdrawn to my wallet directly and this case was completed in 48 hours and I am very grateful for how they handled the two cases…. You can further contact the JETHACKS TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS by Telegram : JETHACKSS

  422. Ashley Flanagan

    April 24, 2023 at 11:05 am

    Caught my man so many times texting at mid night but gaining access to his phone was difficult for me because he had locked all applications and I could not gain access so I had to hire after this hacker was highly recommended by people he had worked for.. boom I finally gained access remotely in less than an hour after sealing the deal between i and russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com, am Happy because I got exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com

  423. I know it’s hard to believe, but there are ways to retrieve stolen bitcoins or send money to the wrong wallet address. Sadly, I know this because it happened to me recently. Someone took advantage of me, after months of them supposedly being a trustworthy friend, and tricked me into investing in a fake Bitcoin mining company. I was overwhelmed and helpless when these scammers took my whopping $746,000 from me. Luckily, I reached out to a recovery specialist named Spyware Cyber and they were able to help me get my lost capital back. Despite their promises of initial profits, it was all a lie. Thanks to Spyware Cyber, I was able to recoup my money. If you find yourself in a similar situation, contact Spyware(@), They may be able to help you get your crypto back too.

  424. Heather Condict

    April 24, 2023 at 7:04 pm

    Have been so depressed lately after finding out my woman has been cheating on me heavily with another man, Thank you so much for the phone hack done successfully, tho I was broken after reading her conversations with another man but am glad I know the truth about her now thanks once again anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com

  425. After having to endure much just to recover my lost BTC despite numerous individuals telling me it was hopeless, today I’m submitting this assessment in an effort to help everyone out there. You’re not the only one who has lost Bitcoin due to investing with the wrong binary options, trading platforms, account hacks, or other frauds involving Bitcoin. Being a scam victim myself, I suffered a loss of nearly $93,000. I attempted a number of methods to get my money back, all in vain, until I came across Lord Hacker Ultimate, a cybercrime investigator and a hacking/recovery expert. As a result of being able to explain my issues to Lord Hacker Ultimate, everything I lost to these fictitious investors was recovered in a matter of days. Send a message to them below and get the assistance you require. Mail: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +13345527213, YouTube Channel: @lordhacker.ultimate, website: lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

  426. Arching Jeffrey

    April 25, 2023 at 11:46 pm

    I was at the edge of losing my funds to scammers, it happen that Mrs Evelyn on instagram whom i got texting with earlier this year probably mislead me into investing in a cryptocurrency company that offers investors great profit in return. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivate me from making withdrawals, i contacted Mrs Evelyn but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t normal, i tried to contact the customer support system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $64k usd for maintenance fee and withdrawal fee after i already have a total of $471k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really messed up and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the whole scenario to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going after some time he asked for wallet for transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off for a service well done.

  427. I have got all of my money back now I got back everything with profits thanks to the service of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM OF UNDERGROUND HACKERS who recovered my funds from the fraud company I invested with through their immense dedication and expertise … they showed dedication to my case cos the fraud company already used my funds to keep making more profits on the market and locked me out to seize the whole funds but thanks to JETHACKS who traced the investment funds and withdrew the funds with profits all to my binance wallet breaking through the company security to secure my funds to me.. I couldn’t be more happier the moment my funds $308k was successfully recovered back to me . if you’re in similar situation, You can also contact the JETHACKS TEAM on Email: JETHACKS7 @ Gmail . Com / Telegram: JETHACKSS

  428. They are heartless scammers, they ruined my life, by making me develop interest to invest my hard earned money. I deposited 10.7850 euros in June 2020, which was later
    turned to 98,908.00 euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in few days, 2 months later I had a car accident and needed money to pay my
    insurance access, Suddenly I was sent from Pillar to post, i tried reaching out to them to collect the money i invested to pay off my debts, they cut the live chats
    and got harassed from 1 to the other, until they told me I will forever be poor, then i realized that i was being scammed. I just wanted my money back! I was advised
    by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, God so kind i was able to reach out to a recovery guru BY  or what’sapp +17577443549  , i was able to recover my funds with the help of Mr LEONALDMCCALLWIZARD he’s an expert on crypto/forex and bitcoin
    recovery, I feel obligated to recommend him and his team, their recovery strategies, and for working relentlessly to help recover my funds. Feel free to reach out to
    him via his email address:
     or whatsapp +17577443549,   and will guide you on how to recover your invested capital, i advise everyone to becareful with these heartless stealing people.

  429. Face ID or finger print can’t stop you from gaining access to your spouse phone remotely with This hacker helped me in accessing my spouse android device and iPhone without any form of obstruction, now am enjoying unlimited access to both device without trace.

  430. From my previous experience its not that easy to get back a scammed funds because these scammers are very smart and they will cover their tracks but if you manage to find a trustworthy and reliable Recovery company, I said trustworthy and reliable because many scammers are out there disguising as Recovery agents and will only take your money without recovering your money, I was a victim of such myself after loosing my all my funds to cryptocurrency scam. I sort for help and I met few recovery agents and was scammed by a particular one again. Luckily for me I was referred to a company . You can contact them at they should be able to help you. It was worth it in the end.

  431. Melissa Dively Wilhorn

    April 27, 2023 at 9:19 am

    I tracked my husband down to his side chick house with the help of after numerous suspicions I had on my husband i just had to track him to see for myself. All thanks to you spyexpert0 @ gmail. com for best services rendered.

  432. I give all credit to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM when it comes to this very field of recovering back seized investment to scam companies. i had lost my investment to a two different crypto company. this cryptocurrency investment company seems to have one thing in common as they both ask i should deposit more funds before i could make withdrawals of my profits together with my capital. at some point i wasn’t sure about the whole process with the second company as i kept to clear of some fees with lot of money with hope that my total investment return will be released to me but after all i still was not able to withdrawal my total investment which i can read there in my portfolio but thanks to ROOTKITS for their great assistance and efforts toward this period of time, i was left with no option than to hire a good hacker to help me recover back my funds and luckily enough i met R O O T K I T 4 @ G m a i l . C o m , when i went in research of a hacker! I count myself fortunate honestly to have met him at the right time, he recovered back my funds directly back to my wallet just few days of being in touch, i also directed my cousin sister who has familiar issue to him and he equally recovered hers too. If seek for some professional assistance i think Rootkits will serve you right, the following is the link to his Telegram account ROOTKITS7

  433. I recently had the pleasure of using a platform that helped me recover lost money. I was initially skeptical, but their team was professional, and understanding, and went above and beyond to help me reclaim funds I thought were gone forever. They provided me with updates throughout the entire process and kept me informed every step of the way. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, I was able to recover a significant amount of money. I highly recommend this platform to anyone who has lost money and needs help retrieving it. If you need assistance in reclaiming your lost funds, please feel free to contact them

  434. I couldn’t resist the offer when it came up to me and that was how I ended up becoming another victim of a cryptocurrency trading scam, I had taken out loans to invest in this platform and I lost a capital of $457,000 to these scammers. It was unbearable and I thought of giving up my life when a colleague told me about Astraweb, I was dumbfounded when ASTRAWEB cyber was able to recover my money after I provided them with all the necessary information. Truly a remarkable cryptocurrency recovery company, I never thought it could be possible to recover your crypto once it is gone but Astraweb made it happen. I’m grateful for their selfless service and wish others like me would seek more knowledge before investing in crypto. If you ever want to recover your cryptocurrency too, you can find their contact information below.

    E-MAIL: AstraWeb@Cyberdude(.)com

  435. Bertrand Claudie

    April 29, 2023 at 11:32 am

    Spyware Cyber is the best for the job if you’ve been seeking for a top rank hacker who is experienced to assist you raise your low credit score, eliminate negative reports, and enhance your credit score. They saved me from depression because I was in a really miserable situation due to my extremely low credit score. I had a hard time getting a loan or simply paying my regular obligations. Spyware Cyber played a very important role for me by assisting me in raising my credit score up to 791, thus I was able to get up again with joy. They saved my life, so I’m leaving evidence of their amazing job wherever I go. They can assist you and are trustworthy and honest. Contact spyware(@)cybergal(.)com, contact(@)cybegal(.)com (+19892640381) right away to enjoy life like I do.

  436. patrick benard wizard

    April 30, 2023 at 6:58 am

    Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost some crypto coins and crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim of fake telegram personnels from Uniswap group. My wallet address security and 12 phrases got compromised and I lost all my crypto coins (Filecoin, Eth, Btc, and EthereumMax) to the tune of $164.000 . This left me so devastated and left me depressed at my lowest point because my family could’ve been homeless if I didn’t recover my crypto coins successfully which was most of my savings and financial assets. I laid my complaint in the group and a real group admin referred me to patrick benard wizard Inc. This cryptocurrency recovery agency saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just six hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto coins. I was filled with joy once I got my coins back .
    Contact him patrick benard wizard ; or whatsapp +1(908)718-7855

  437. Santoshi hacker really came through for me, he got all our scammed funds recovered back to our trading wallet and it all happened under 72 hours exactly as he said, he got integrity and works with time, before i got referred to santoshi hacker i have tried four different hacker’s and they all scammed me, I was surfing the internet trying to know how these scammers operate to avoid falling into their trap hopefully when next I want to invest that’s when I came across an article review posted by an individual about “How he recovered his lost Bitcoin” with the aid of ( ) read through the post and decided to reach the contact in the article. Lucky me, they came through for me recovering my Ethereum $1,941.00 Eth I thought I had lost to those scammers.

  438. Bailey Trevor

    May 1, 2023 at 5:47 am

    Please be wary of the many scam investment websites everywhere , i got scammed by a well articulated investment website . The whole plan they sell to you will sound so smooth and straightforward there will be no room for you to doubt it. I came to understand that cryptocurrency mining/ investment is a good one if you are in touch with the right investment company. I invested a lot which was in a series of payments in one of these websites. Crazy thing is that i monitored the profit and it was looking really transparent as I had a dashboard to monitor my investment but i got locked when i was about to withdraw and this gave room to more payments which they claim we’re taxes and were going to be added to what i will be receiving after i paid for the various demanded fees i was still not able to withdrawal not even a part of the my total investment. I went searching online for a solution because they hit deep into my savings and i eventually met this team of experts ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) that i got in touch via mail to help me handle the recovery of my money.. ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7. i contacted them for assistance regarding the recovery of my funds which they replied and followed up immediately, they did recovered my money from the fake company website that i later know that it was all scam, i am so happy that asset recovery firm like this with such talent exist, i would have been rendered Broke for the rest of my life by this internet scammers but thanks to this team

  439. Robert Smith

    May 1, 2023 at 9:25 am

    My wife and her boyfriend Trying so hard to run away with all I have worked for but as a smart man I always have my hacker on guide. Which means I have been in my wife’s phone’s for months now and she never knew I was so busy monitoring all her moves remotely with her so called boyfriend till I was able to call the FBI on them for trying to defraud me and runaway with all I worked for all thanks to my hacker Who always come through for me in terms of breaking into devices and all. Have known this hacker for over 10 years now and I still get nothing but the best from him. Thank you once again

  440. Jefferson Miller

    May 1, 2023 at 12:31 pm

    I came to find CYBER GENIE through a general Google search. He promptly returned my call despite his being away on vacation. He kept me updated in real-time during every step they take in recovering my lost funds. He returned my texts, phone calls, and emails promptly. This was all over a period of 2 months and several trials were taken to recover all the money I lost. He was always quick to respond. His expertise in recovering and tracking cryptocurrencies is top-notch. Most importantly, The head of, Cyber Genie Ethical team was personally invested in this task, and I didn’t feel like just another client or customer. He listened to my concerns and got to know me personally. I felt that he had my best interests in mind and took the time to get to know me. My entire dealings with him were great and I would hire them again. I would also highly recommend his service. PS. His services yielded a positive outcome as I was able to recover the 550,000.00 Euro I wrongfully invested. There is no price tag for that. CYBER GENIE was excellent. ”
    ( cybergenie (@) CYBERSERVICES (.) COM )
    WhatsApp (+) 1*25-2512*03-91*

  441. Patricia Ehleiter Fritchen

    May 1, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    I was proposed too yesterday but my friends kept telling me the man is not good for me and also how they caught him on different occasions with different women but I didn’t believe them till I confirmed myself with the help of a hacker ( who helped in breaking into my man iPhone 14 and granted me access to his phone without physical access behold I saw and read a lot of heart breaking text messages and also deleted messages my man has been having with numerous women. I feel so disappointed but all thanks to my friends and also to the best hacker ( ) who was able to give me detailed informations from my cheating boyfriend iPhone indeed you are the best.

  442. Gilles Roselyne

    May 1, 2023 at 11:36 pm

    They say information is vital which is why I choose to share my experience with Wizard Web Recovery and their incredible services. Have you, like me, fallen prey to online investment scams resulting in the loss of your hard-earned cryptocurrency? I was in the same predicament when I lost roughly 4 BTC to a fraudulent online investment scheme promising a monthly return of 25%. After searching for ways to recover my investment, I chanced upon an article in the Local News about Wizard Web Recovery, a trusted and reliable firm that helps victims of online scams to recover their funds. Without hesitation, I contacted Wizard Web Recovery and within four working days, I received a full refund. I was beyond amazed at their hacking strategies and the promptness of their service delivery. I am writing to you today to recommend Wizard Web Recovery to anyone who may have experienced similar circumstances. They have an excellent team of professionals who can help you get back on your feet and recover your lost funds. You can contact them via email – wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer. net or WhatsApp – +19177253296 and let them know I referred you.

  443. After having to endure much just to recover my lost BTC despite numerous individuals telling me it was hopeless, today I’m submitting this assessment in an effort to help everyone out there. You’re not the only one who has lost Bitcoin due to investing with the wrong binary options, trading platforms, account hacks, or other frauds involving Bitcoin. Being a scam victim myself, I suffered a loss of nearly $93,000. I attempted a number of methods to get my money back, all in vain, until I came across Lord Hacker Ultimate, a cybercrime investigator and a hacking/recovery expert. As a result of being able to explain my issues to Lord Hacker Ultimate, everything I lost to these fictitious investors was recovered in a matter of days. Send a message to them below and get the assistance you require. Mail: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +13345527213, YouTube Channel: lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

  444. Hello everyone, I’m Julia Gates from South Carolina, USA, and a few weeks ago, I was swindled off $275,000 worth of Bitcoins and Ethereum by a cryptocurrency trader who promised me huge returns on my investment. I was not aware it was a scam until I tried to withdraw my profits and I was logged out asking to pay tax. I thought I had lost everything until I came across an article just like this about AstraWeb Team, a cryptocurrency recovery team who was able to recover stolen funds for many other people. I contacted AstraWeb the following day and to my surprise, I was able to recover my money in less than 72 hours. Their service is truly remarkable and I must commend them for getting my funds back from the hands of these scammers. Astraweb can be contacted via email.
    E-MAIL: AstraWeb@Cyberdude(.)com

  445. Carol Schmidt

    May 2, 2023 at 8:56 am

    What do men really want? I just found out after hacking into my husband cell phone with the help of a reliable hacker ( that my so called hubby has a 7 years old son with our maid, I was able to read there WhatsApp messages and also listened to all there calls because all calls gets recorded automatically even how my husband sends money for the maid and her son up keep, I have really been cheated on for years now and my husband and the maid pretends like there was nothing going on between them even till now. I am really glad for services like this, a big thank you to you for this wonderful services you provide.

  446. My name is Tony Larry, I hope this review finds you well. I’m offering today the best advice on how to recover any lost or stolen bitcoins. I suggest you contact ROOTKITS SPAMMER Recovery, a reliable and reputed recovery service provider. They have a proven track record of successful recoveries and can help you with your situation. if you have any issues concerning hacking, recovery of lost BTC, etc. Contact ROOTKITS SPAMMER via ( or (+351920258835).

  447. Most times checking your spouse phone is very important and needed either by gaining access remotely with the help of a hacker or you have free access to your spouse phone. Can you imagine all my life have never known my husband to be GAY until today after I decided to access his phone remotely with the help of to check and be sure if my husband was not cheating on me then I found out what he was really into, I really saw a lot from his WhatsApp messages and also text messages with so many men I also saw n*de videos my husband took with his GAY partner. I feel so disappointed and ashamed of whom I got married to, if only I knew all of this before accepting to be his wife well all the same all thanks to you anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com your services really helps

  448. conrad donad

    May 3, 2023 at 9:37 pm

    Losing $150k to a cheap online scammers is what anyone would not like to witness, I have been put to depression for someday by an online scammers who made me to believe that I can earn up to $300k USD by investing $150k. I invested all my funds hoping to receive it back in a bigger form. I was totallydisappointed and shattered when I was denied the access of withdrawing the profit nor my Capital well all thanks to a recovery hacks who helped me recover my whole funds and the profits. You can contact them now at their Email( to help you recover your lost profit or investment back, their strategy are very different and unique, Don’t fall a victim for the second time. sharing this testimony out of good heart i hope you be the next testmonnner. you can also contact them via WhatsApp number +1(908)718-7855

  449. Tommy Latham

    May 4, 2023 at 7:31 am


    My wife and I lost $313,000 Btc to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform A few months Ago, We had made an investment with an online broker who pretended to work with an investment Firm that helped traders and he literally promised huge profits who at the end scammed us and wasn’t even responding to our messages. This really hit us hard to a point my wife had suicidal thoughts. Fortunately for us,An old family friend who previously worked with my wife Referred us to this Recovery Masters. As they refer to themselves,They checked on our case and assured us our funds were recoverable.Their services and responses were professional and satisfying. They were able to recover $273,500 Btc We really appreciated them for their help, although not all the funds were recovered. Incase you need their services,
    Email them through (Recoverymasters @

  450. Scott Wellstone

    May 4, 2023 at 9:39 am


    I happened to fall for a crypto currency scam trick Late last year.Through a phishing scam, a Facebook imposter convinced me of howI would gain a large sum of profit from an authorized crypto company that he claimed helped traders invest and gain large profits. They ripped me of and made a way off with $114000 woth of crypto.I was in disbelief and discomfort as this was my hard earned funds.After reading positive articles and online testimonies about a licensed group of hackers RECOVERY MASTERS of how they are experts in crypto/btc recovery and any form of hacking.After hitting a conversation with them,they were able to recover back my funds.As a form of appreciation this was the best I could do for them.
    Contact; Email (Recoverymasters @ or reach them through;
    Whatsapp; +1(204)819-5505 or +15-5120-2-23-35.
    Don’t forget to mention Scott referred you.

  451. Florence Olivera

    May 4, 2023 at 10:17 am

    I lost my bitcoin to fake impostors on Facebook. They contacted me from their block chain official page and my 10.587 BTC was stolen from my wallet in total. I almost gave up as I was told it was not traceable nor was it possible to recover lost bitcoins until my niece recommended me to an Agent, SPYTECH recovery services. I researched online and found the recovery agent. I contacted him and worked with him and to my surprise he was able to recover my bitcoin just after 5 days of constant working. I hope with this I have been able to help someone as well. Reach out to this recovery specialist to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam. Contact him on: hackerspytech @ gmail com

  452. Reginald Yvonne

    May 4, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    I am writing this email to express my heartfelt appreciation to the team at Wizard Web Recovery. It was indeed a fortunate time when my friend recommended the services of this organisation to me. I was a victim of fraudulent activities in the world of cryptocurrency and lost a considerable amount of bitcoins to the scammers at At first, I was completely hopeless and believed that my stolen bitcoins were gone forever. I had heard that it was impossible to retrieve lost bitcoins. However, my friend insisted that I contact Wizard Web Recovery and I must say that it was the best decision that I made. I contacted the team immediately and provided them with all the necessary details and information including the conversion, screenshots of transactions and contact information. I was pleasantly surprised when the team informed me that they could retrieve back my stolen bitcoins. It took them only three hours to achieve the impossible and help me regain my lost bitcoins. I was truly impressed with the level of expertise and professionalism shown by the team at Wizard Web Recovery. They completely changed my beliefs about cryptocurrency and its retrieval. Therefore, let me urge anyone who has been a victim of fraudulent activities in cryptocurrency to consult [Wizardwebrecovery(@)] for assistance. Don’t let those unfortunate scammers run away with your hard-earned money. You can rely on the expertise of Wizard Web Recovery to get back whatever you may have lost due to fake investment trading.

  453. Kendal Relonke

    May 5, 2023 at 6:08 am

    buy tinder accounts with standard price. 100% workable tinder account. Fully satisfied. Verified account. Backup available.

  454. Billy Guillen

    May 6, 2023 at 8:04 pm

    I promised I was going to post a review about their service and here it is, I’m grateful for the service of SPYWALL Cyber. I lost about $376,000 worth of Bitcoins and USDT to a fake BitbyBit trading platform a few weeks back after I was lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning 10% profit daily trading on the platform. This was one hell of a situation for me and my family that I couldn’t afford to take care of my bills and I lost my home. I brought myself to confide in my friend who introduced me to this cryptocurrency recovery team, SPYWALL, I contacted them immediately, and they were able to recover everything that I thought I had lost forever. It was unbelievably amazing, and I’m really happy I was able to get my life together.
    If you’ve ever experienced something like this, or lost your crypto money to these online conmen, you can easily contact SPYWALL via their email address.
    Send your complaint to
    E-mail: SpyWall@Techie(.)com

  455. Laura Mathew

    May 7, 2023 at 2:40 am

    I am writing to the public to provide a strong recommendation for Codercyber Services. If you are ever in need of cyber services, look no further than Codercyber. Personally, I found myself in a difficult situation when I lost over 70,000 USD in bitcoin. I was devastated and felt like I had hit rock bottom. It seemed as if I had no hope of ever retrieving my invested funds. However, everything changed when I stumbled upon Codercyber Services. The team at Codercyber were a true Godsend as they helped me recover all of my lost funds. I was touched by their outstanding professionalism, their expertise, and their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure that I was fully satisfied with their services. If you too are in need of cyber services, I highly recommend Codercyber Services. Their services are both legitimate and genuine. They guarantee maximum satisfaction for all their clients, and they truly stand by their word. To get in touch with Codercyber Services, simply contact them via  +1(403) 407-3407, You will not regret it.

  456. Bobby Jonathan

    May 8, 2023 at 12:12 am

    As you may know, I was scammed by a crypto company acting as an agency. I was devastated to find out that my investment funds had been taken from me and I felt like there was nothing I could do about it. However, I came across a number of reviews about how Spyware Cyber Help had helped victims recover their money from scammers. At first, I was skeptical and thought it was impossible to get my money back. But I decided to give it a try and contacted their team. The process was smooth and their team was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the entire process. To my greatest surprise, Spyware Cyber Help was able to help me retrieve my investment funds from the scammers. I couldn’t believe it! I was amazed by their expertise and professionalism. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of scams or fake investment trading, I highly recommend Spyware Cyber Help. They can assist you in getting back whatever you might have lost and provide you with the necessary support and guidance.

    You can contact Spyware Cyber by email: Spyware@cybergal(.)com or Text/WhatsApp their customer service at +19892640381.

  457. Jaydan Logan

    May 8, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Just last month I lost over 8 BTC to a Bitcoin investment scheme hoping to make profit but this turned out to be a scam. The whole system is a big fat lie hidden behind sophisticated platforms and dashboards to lure you into “investing” more. No interaction with an exchange takes place. I lost all my Bitcoin to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of filty reasons. It was a really hard time for me as they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that i will make much profit from the investment. They took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore. i almost gave up on everything not until i recently came across some reviews here on the internet regarding ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM Email contact: R o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . C o m, Telegram link: ROOTKITS7 ,i saw the way people speak really good about his work and that made me to give him a try. after we got in contact i gave him details of how everything went, and he began the recovery process, today I’m happy to share this here with everyone, he did so well to recover back my funds within just 2 days. i can’t thank him enough because i almost lost every everything to this company

  458. Restoring Lost Cryptocurrency/Recovery Masters

    My company lost $943,000 Usd worth of Btc After my financial accountant transferred the funds to an unknown account mistakenly. After Trying different multiple times on reaching the banks there was no hope of recovering back the funds.After also endless attempts on different recovery firms Even ended up losing $135,000 more.Luckily I came across an article from AAAR morning gossip news on how a Family recovered their lost assets through a recovery agent firm, Recovery Masters a private licensed investigators from phoenix USA I contacted them through their email and they were able to recover $765,100 of my funds this really brought relief and peace as this was my companies project funds.I would recommend them for any hacking services.
    contact; Email:

  459. Vivian Marcus

    May 10, 2023 at 8:17 pm

    Hello my name is Vivian Marcus from the United State, i’m so exciting writing this article to let people seek for help in any Break up Marriage and Relationship, Dr Kachi brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me, Thank you Sir Kachi for helped so many Relationship situation like mine to be restored, i was in pain until the day my aunt introduce me to Dr Kachi that she got her husband back with powerful love spell with help of Dr Kachi So i sent him an email telling him about my problem how my Boyfriend left me and cheating on me because of her boss lady at work i cry all day and night, but Dr Kachi told me my Boyfriend shall return back to me within 24hrs and to me everything he asked me to do the next day it was all like a dream when he text me and said please forgive me and accept me back exactly what i wanted, i am so happy now as we are back together again. because I never thought my Ex Boyfriend would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest Dr Kachi. if you’re having broke up Ex Lover or your husband left you and moved to another woman, You do want to get Pregnant do not feel sad anymore contact: drkachispellcast@gmail. com his Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075.

  460. Vivian Marcus

    May 10, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    Hello my name is Vivian Marcus from the United State, i’m so exciting writing this article to let people seek for help in any Break up Marriage and Relationship, Dr Kachi brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me, Thank you Sir Kachi for helped so many Relationship situation like mine to be restored, i was in pain until the day my aunt introduce me to Dr Kachi that she got her husband back with powerful love spell with help of Dr Kachi So i sent him an email telling him about my problem how my Boyfriend left me and cheating on me because of her boss lady at work i cry all day and night, but Dr Kachi told me my Boyfriend shall return back to me within 24hrs and to me everything he asked me to do the next day it was all like a dream when he text me and said please forgive me and accept me back exactly what i wanted, i am so happy now as we are back together again. because I never thought my Ex Boyfriend would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest Dr Kachi. if you’re having broke up Ex Lover or your husband left you and moved to another woman, You do want to get Pregnant do not feel sad anymore contact: his Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075

  461. I encourage anyone who needs the service of recovering their lost Bitcoin to use Wizard Web recovery. I chose to invest in cryptocurrencies and unfortunately, I lost all of my crypto to another investor. The person who was meant to manage my account turned out to be an impostor the entire time. It was a disheartening experience, to say the least. I invested a significant sum of 306,000 USD, and initially, everything appeared promising with good reading and profit margins. However, when I attempted to withdraw, I couldn’t and that’s when I discovered that I could no longer contact my supposed account manager. It was then that I became very concerned. That’s when I found out about Wizard Web Recovery. I had read some evaluations of their service and how useful they had been for many individuals who had lost their money. I contacted them right away to ask for help and intervention. Wizard Web Recovery worked tirelessly to locate and recover my lost funds. The stolen Bitcoin was successfully returned to me, something I thought would never happen. I can’t express my gratitude towards Wizard Web Recovery enough. I advise their services to anyone who has gone through a similar experience. They are knowledgeable, professional, and most importantly, trustworthy. Thank you for reading my story and please do not hesitate to get in touch with them if you find yourself in the same situation. ”Wizardwebrecovery(@)” and their WhatsApp is ”+1 (917) 725-3296”

  462. I can’t believe how terrible people have become in the world, how can a broker call me up and make me believe that I was investing into something genuine, in a couple of months I had been fleeced out of my life savings, till this day haven’t even been able to get fully back on my feet. Having taken my time to do some research would like to speak with other people who have been through similar experience, together without a doubt I am sure with likeminded minds we can all get our money back. I met with a genius Freddictine gmail dot com who helped me get back on my feet again

  463. Karen Ryden James

    May 11, 2023 at 8:08 am

    I never knew my husband has been a bloody cheater tho I caught him red handed today after gaining access to his phone without physical connection into his device with the help of after all of this was done I could not believe my husband still communicates with his ex and also sends her $300 every week, all of this were all on his deleted messages which made me not to suspect on time but with jeajamhacker @ gmail. com I was able to see all deleted messages my husband has been keeping away from my eyes I just want to say Thank you jeajamhacker @ gmail. com for bringing all back.

  464. smitth benson

    May 11, 2023 at 10:55 am

    Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648  or WhatsApp him  +2349130700648    or email:  

  465. smitth benson

    May 11, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648  or WhatsApp him  +2349130700648    or email:  

  466. Anyone out there seeking to recover any form of cryptocurrency from online scams or wallet hackers , i was in a similar position. when i got a message on telegram group saying that i had won 15BTC and all i had to do was create an account and deposit 0.030btc and i could withdraw the rest of the money. without giving it a second taught i created an account and deposited the money it was after that i realized that i had been scammed. one day at the office when i opened up to a friend of mine who recommend this very dependable agency (ROOTKITS) This recovery specialist was fantastic in helping me recover my lost BTC to these evil scammers after I provided all relative information and necessary requirements to this recovery specialist, my lost BTC was finally recovered . I was glad he was able to recover this much after losing even more to the scammers indeed he did an excellent Job. do not hesitate to contact (R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or Telegram: ROOTKITS7) if you are in such a situation seeking recovery from any form of online cryptocurrency scam , and follow their instructions so they can help you.

  467. Doug Patricia

    May 11, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    I do online trading, I was a scam victim of BTC investment and SpyWare Cyber recovered my Bitcoins amazingly. Have you experienced the same loss of cryptocurrencies to phony internet investments that I did? or the incorrect wallet? Get in touch with SpyWare Cyber right once if you want to get your BTC restored or need legal advice on how to proceed. I lost about 3.18 BTC. I bought into the promise that I would receive 25% of my investment each week but it led to my loss. SpyWare Cyber did the ultimate job by getting back my lost BTC with effectiveness. They merit praise because of this, and I’m overwhelmed. The contact information for SpyWare Cyber is: Spyware(at)cybergal(.)com Phone/text +19892640381 Website at :

  468. It’s good to read your article. That’s really what for which I looking for. Keep writing.

  469. smitth benson

    May 12, 2023 at 8:54 am

    Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648  or WhatsApp him  +2349130700648    or email:  …….

  470. smitth benson

    May 12, 2023 at 8:50 pm

    Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648  or WhatsApp him  +2349130700648    or email:  ….

  471. Gaston Veronique

    May 12, 2023 at 9:24 pm

    I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Coder Cyber Services. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When i lost more than $100,000 USD in bitcoin, individually i found myself in a challenging situation, i was inconsolable and believed i had reached my lowest point, i had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when i discovered about Coder Cyber Services and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are top notch and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via & +1(403) 407-3407.

  472. I caught my wife cheating on me with my friend. This literally broke my heart when I found out by hire DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com to remotely gain access to my wife’s phone so I could see her text messages and WhatsApp messages too.
    One fateful morning while my wife was getting ready for work, a text came in on her phone and I saw “hey babe, can’t wait to see you on friday 💕”.she had my friend’s name saved as another name. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there atm but her phone was locked and I didn’t have access to her phone.
    This made me really suspicious because she had told me earlier in the week she was going on a business trip so I knew immediately she was cheating on me 💔. I remember going online immediately to search how to spy on a cheating spouse phone and I somehow landed on a forum where they recommended DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com as a private investigator and how he can remotely access device.
    In summary, I contacted Donaldcyberlord and told him about my situation. Gave him some details about my wife and that was all he needed to gain remote access for me. After 4hours, he gave me access to her WhatsApp message and Message/text messages as well. I read all their conversations and how they have even been mocking me in their chat. I printed all their chats for evidence.


  473. Pauline Dinero

    May 13, 2023 at 8:03 am

    It actually turned out that I had trusted the wrong people/platform to manage my trades and stock , I never imagined I’d ever be in a situation whereby I’d be scammed of my money and all , this set of people were very nice and compelling right before I got involved with their company , I could recall one of my friends telling me about all this online investment company that come right to your DM to offer you a n enormous deal of money after investing with them , sometimes I blame myself for not listening to her at first, I will say that I was so desperate to earn a good living and ended up in the wrong hands , but later in I still regained back what was rightfully mine with the help of VIRTUALHACKNET AT gmail dot com . I can assure you that nobody does it better than this very same team I worked with . Make sure to contact them and I bet you’d never regret working with them . Very active on telegram @VIRTUALHACKNET .

  474. I am so shocked to see so many people who are already victims of scams. I did not know we were this many until I myself became one. Visit punkerscyberorg, because there is an actual chance to recover your funds. They helped me when I thought all hope was lost. Hurry, they are worth it. Email them on cyberpunk @ programmer . net

  475. Gregory Christine

    May 13, 2023 at 11:56 pm

    Have you gone through the similar loss of bitcoins to fraudulent online investments as I did or a misplaced wallet, perhaps? If you wish to recover your money or need legal guidance on how to proceed, get in touch with Gary McKinnon right away. I misappropriated roughly 5 BTC through online investment fraud. I anticipated that I would get a monthly return of 50% on my investment. That’s how I got ripped off. I devoted a long time looking for directions on how to restore it before I fortunately came across an article about Gary McKinnon. Due to the openness and humility of Gary McKinnon service, I immediately got in touch with them and felt at ease doing so. Within 24 working hours of contacting them, I had received a full refund. I had to send my own review as well because I found it so amazing. The best idea is actually to use the Gary McKinnon team. For more information contact Gary McKinnon via email:, Also through WhatsApp:+1(507) 217-9172.
    Thank you,

  476. Hello everyone, I’m Avery Donald from New York city , USA, and a few weeks ago, I was swindled off $105,000 worth of Bitcoins and Ethereum by a cryptocurrency trader who promised me huge returns on my investment. I was not aware it was a scam until I tried to withdraw my profits and I was logged out asking to pay tax. I thought I had lost everything until I came across a lady called Ashley Philip Recovery , a cryptocurrency binary option recovery team who was able to recover my stolen funds from this scam investment broker managers . I contacted Ashley Philip Recovery the following day and to my surprise, I was able to recover my money in less than 72 hours. Their service is truly remarkable and I must recommend them for getting my funds back from the hands of these scammers. Ashley Philip Recovery can be contacted via email. E-MAIL: ashleyphiliprecovery @ G-mail. Com

  477. When it comes to recovering your stolen assets, Wizard Web Recovery has the greatest crypto recovery technology and pros. An online broker who promised me 50% returns on my investments conned heavily. I thought about it and invested virtually all of my life savings because, According to him, the more I invest, the larger my profit would be. When the time arose for me to acquire my investment’s return, I was struggling to withdraw since the platform I was using to invest with seized all of my capital and completely went down. I had given up hope, was afraid to work, and was close to losing my job. I decided to involve a group of hackers called Wizard web recovery after reading reviews from victims in a similar circumstance and claiming to have received assistance from Wizard Web. This is how Wizard Web recovery supported me in recovering my Bitcoin. I believe someone can also benefit from this evaluation. Send a message to (wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer. net) To inquire about further information.

    Best Regards,
    Martin Cole

  478. I am glad to have recovered my stolen crypto, I invested with an investment platform without knowing that they are scam. I was introduced to this platform by someone I met on telegram and lost over $100,000 to them, I made deposit to the company with BTC, USDT and Ethereum and i lost all of them. I reported the platform and nothing was done, but one day I started making research and came across DARKRECOVERYHACKS@ GMAIL.COM, they are recovery platform and I told them how I was scammed, after submitting some details to them, they helped me recover these stolen investments within 5 days. I am happy to have recovered my investment because I almost took my life because of it. You can as well contact DARKRECOVERYHACKS to recover your stolen funds.

  479. Eric Greenman

    May 15, 2023 at 3:57 am

    Contact Wizard Larry Recovery Service if you want to recover your stolen BTC funds or need legal advice on how to proceed. They are the best and most trustworthy crew out there. I saw their reviews and contacted them; I received full reimbursement with minimal documentation. I strongly recommend to anyone looking to reclaim lost earnings while investing in Bitcoin.
    Contact information.. wizardlarry (at) or +4 366-493-1183-78 on WhatsApp.

  480. Ernest Willams

    May 15, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Good day, everyone! i don’t want to terrify anyone, but the rise in cybercrime is concerning. i was duped by an investment fraud organization that promised a 100 percent return in a week. I realize it’s greedy, but it can happen to anyone. I fail to this scam and lost up to $385k worth of cryptocurrency i taught that i was dealing with the right team until i requested for my withdrawal after some weeks of my membership but the process got declined, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $64k usd for maintenance fee and some tax fees after i already have a total of $385k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the situation to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going and in less than 48hours i had all my funds back to my wallet, i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off for a service well done.

  481. Be vigilant everyone while dealing in cryptocurrencies or forex trade as these investments are now the most dangerous fraudsters on the internet. A lot of individuals have invested in cryptocurrencies without having an in-depth knowledge of how they operate, and many of them have been scammed by unfaithful cryptocurrency investors. I succumbed to this scam, and if SPYWARE CYBER hadn’t stepped in, I might not have been able to get my money recovered. I wish more individuals had done some study before investing in cryptocurrencies. A bunch of investors cheated me out of my hard-earned dollars a month ago, but SPYWARE CYBER enabled me to get back all of my money. This team of highly trained hackers was able to locate and initiate a reversal to my wallet. If you plan to invest in cryptocurrencies, please do research thoroughly. If you were a target like I was, you can get in connection with Spyware@cybergal(.)com to get back the money you were robbed of. You can also reach them through WhatsApp: +19892640381

  482. Hello there, everyone.  Justyna Mio here, and I wholeheartedly endorse WIZARD LARRY for all cryptocurrency recovery needs. If WIZARD LARRY hadn’t helped me recover all of the money stolen from me through bogus bitcoin investments, I would be homeless and in debt. I am grateful for his assistance and experience in ensuring that I receive everything back. After receiving their message, I informed them that I had been a victim of a fraudulent cryptocurrency and FX investor, and within 48 hours, all of the money that had been taken from me using Bitcoins had been refunded. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone who has been through something similar. Details: wizardlarry (at) or +4 366-493-1183-78 on WhatsApp.

  483. Good day everyone I’m Florence from Perth, Australu, my husband and I own a Furniture business about two months ago we invested some part of our money into a cryptocurrency investment platform and made a total of $20, 000 payment through bitcoins to this cryptocurrency platform not aware that it was all a scam, they kept asking us to make me payments into their platform and that was when we realized we have lost our investment, was such a difficult time for us but whe was surfing the internet, Esas someone share a post about Brunoquickhack service Recovery, a reputable company that recovers stolen and lost funds, didn’t hesitat to contact them and after providing all the information they needed to work with Me Brunequic was able to recover our money in 48 hours. We were shocked that such a thing could be possible but we are super excited we were able to recover our money all thanks to him and his team. We ate recommending them to everyone out there who have been defrauded too by these fake cryptocurrency investment platform You can reach at the information below (

  484. Maxwell Leroy's Smith

    May 16, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    Comment *My name is Maxwell Leroy’s Smith and this is my testimony, Most binary option broker companies, in my opinion, operate fraudulent websites. You can deposit money and trade, but when you want to withdraw it, they seem to deny it, so you can build up assets on their page but not get money out of it. Thanks to Lord Hacker Ultimate, I was able to get my money back, and I’m extremely appreciative of their emergency assistance. Without the assistance of this particular hacker, ‘Lord Hacker Ultimate, I would have nothing to my name. Lord Hacker Ultimate is waiting to get you assisted in this regard and they can be accessed via Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +13345527213, YouTube Channel: lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

  485. You might have already be scammed by an imposter who you fell in love with, or an unregulated crypto broker or any form of online scam. People who fall for such frauds don’t always consider the fact that they can get assistance for this. They think that people will laugh at them.
    But, this doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it, and try to go on with your life. This is not something you are going to forget over night and it may affect you in a lot of ways. The good news is that with the technology that we have today, it is a lot easier to get assistance after falling for this type of scams.
    This is the good news. It is actually possible for crypto fraud victims to get their money back after being scammed.
    The secret is that you should just know where to find the right assistance for this scams.
    I went through similar situation and i met a hacker who helped me out. be rest assured your lost or stolen funds will be recovered back to either your wallet or bank account depending on how you want to receive it. contact them here if you are in similar situation.
    email: (
    Whats app and Tel : +1 (908) 768-4663

  486. Phillips Williams

    May 17, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    I was once involved in this crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Telegram. I lost about $934k to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to customer support but I was given no feedback. I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a crypto recovery expert… I considered myself fortunate, if not blessed to have met a real asset recovery CryptocyberNet,Recovery. I would highly recommend this hacker to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. He is the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. Now, I’m a happy woman and a satisfied client with my life back. Have faith and contact him through his email address at CryptocyberNet @gmail. Com Thank you so much CryptocyberNet Recovery.

  487. I remember when a friend of mine told me about some online investment company that offer you a great deal of money after investing with them, I blame myself most times for listening to her because I lost so much money in that platform. I lost over $130,000 worth of BTC in the platform, I just take it to be that the desperation to earn good living and be comfortable ended me in the wrong hands. It turned out I trusted the wrong platform and people to manage my portfolio and trades. Gladly I regained all I lost with the help of DARKRECOVERYHACKS. I’m saying this with full assurance that no one does it better than this particular team. I’ll advice that you reach them and trust me you’ll never regret working with them. contact them DARKRECOVERYHACKS@ GMAIL.COM .

  488. Alice Katerina

    May 18, 2023 at 7:08 am

    Cryptocurrency is a nice investment but make sure that you don’t buy with your savings and also be careful of the platforms you use because a lot of scammers are roaming the internet . I could remember how i was saved by a Recovery expert after i was scammed of my Dogecoin and Bitcoin worth of 146,000 USD, The truth is that i used my savings to invest because i was getting profit and at a time i decided to use all my savings since it actually pays. The platform had to force me to get 10 referral before they release my money at some point they asked for some fees to be paid. Well, to avoid boring you with my story, i searched online out of desperation and was lucky to get an expert that helped me recover my Crypto. If you have ever been scammed, i suggest you write to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for help. I never believed it was possible until my crypto was recovered and reversed, I don’t know how he did it, but all thanks to this firm. here is their official email contact if need such help : ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . COM { Telegram- ROOTKITS7}

  489. Jonathan marilyn

    May 18, 2023 at 7:40 am

    I was a victim of a fake cryptocurrency exchange scam and lost a substantial amount of money. The culprits used the platform and conducted the transactions in USDT and USDC. They convinced me that investing in cryptocurrency would guarantee decent returns, which prompted me to invest in it. However, after a few weeks, I realized that it was a scam, and the scammers had absconded with my investment.

    Feeling helpless and stranded, I confided in a colleague, who recommended a skilled group of hackers specialising in money recovery. After contacting them, the team, Wizard Web Recovery, successfully recovered most of my investment. Their competence and professionalism were impressive, and I highly recommend them to anyone who needs assistance recovering lost money to internet fraudsters.

    If you or someone you know has fallen victim to similar scams, Please contact Wizard Web Recovery. You can reach them at:

    Contact information: 📞 +1 (917) 725-3296 📨 💻

    I hope that sharing my experience will help raise awareness and prevent others from falling prey to such fraudulent schemes.

  490. Grayson Parker

    May 18, 2023 at 5:16 pm

    First of all, I want to thank this professional and humble hacker Mr Albert Vadim for granting me remote access to 2 different iPhones within 5 hours. I could read all SMS, whatsapp messages, Facebook messenger, photos and videos, GPS tracking and even recording phone conversation. I can’t say much because I am still hurting from the secrets I uncovered. I probably would be dead by now if I hadn’t read the messages between both parties.
    If you need help contact Albert on EMAIL: or Whatsapp +17472252004
    He offers many other services like -Credit fix and score boost -expunging criminal records -recovery of lost bitcoins/money.


    I’m informing the world about how a registered company WIZARD LARRY assisted me in recovering my stolen BTC. I was perplexed and frustrated. So I tell a colleague my experience, and he recommends me to a Professional Hacker WAZARD LARRY Without a doubt, he aids in the recovery of a reasonable portion of my “BTC” investment. In recognition of a job well done, I have decided to make my testimony public. WIZARD LARRY will retrieve your stolen money/BTC…

    Contact info:
    Email: Wizardlarry@mail. com
    Whatsapp (+4 366-493-1183-78).


    My wife and I lost $313,000 Btc to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform A few months Ago, We had made an investment with an online broker who pretended to work with an investment Firm that helped traders and he literally promised huge profits who at the end scammed us and wasn’t even responding to our messages. This really hit us hard to a point my wife had suicidal thoughts. Fortunately for us,An old family friend who previously worked with my wife Referred us to this Recovery Masters. As they refer to themselves,They checked on our case and assured us our funds were recoverable.Their services and responses were professional and satisfying. They were able to recover $273,500 Btc We really appreciated them for their help, although not all the funds were recovered. Incase you need their services,
    Email them through (

  493. With today’s online brokers, one must exercise caution. A few months back, a broker I met online conned me into making a binary trade option. I made a $340,000 investment that I lost, was unable to withdraw, and gradually lost access to my trade account for more than two months. I felt discouraged and irritated. After some time, I made contact with Spyware Cyber, A recovery specialist who collaborates with a law firm to help victims of Bitcoin fraud recover their stolen money. I was guided through the process of getting my money back. Without delay or hesitation, anyone who is in a similar scenario can get back their money with support from Spyware Cyber.

    Their Contact Information is below:
    PHONE NUMBER: +1 989 264 0381

  494. Carmen Rodriguez

    May 21, 2023 at 5:32 am

    Please be wise, do not make the same mistake I had made in the past, I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm, I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $28,000, which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it’s time to get my profits, I got to know the company was bogus, they kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until a friend of mine introduced me to the Spytech Hacker, so I reached out and after tabling my complaints, they were swift to action and within 36 hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn’t contain the joy in me. I urge you guys to reach out to Spytech Hacker on their email: hackerspytech @gmail com


    After many weeks of trying to recover my cryptocurrency, I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency recovery company SpyWall(@) which was able to recover all the stolen funds I lost through cryptocurrency mining and trading. I was very naive to have invested all my entire savings into this platform believing I could double my savings but it ended up being a scam. I’m very fortunate that SpyWall was able to recover my funds. If you intend to recover your Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, kindly send a complaint to the recovery team via

    ( SpyWall @ Techie .com )

    Thank you
    Mary Gilles.

  496. The grass is greener on the other side they always say but sometimes the reverse is the case, I thought investing in Bitcoin will favor me but I was wrong , I got into bitcoin investment with a platform that I came across their Chanel on telegram last year with the thought that by now I’d have made so many returns , instead I was scammed off my savings . I even introduced my friends to it since I thought things were moving perfectly well, we both lost a total of $574,000 and my friends blamed me for it all, it even lead to some threats and I decided to find a remedy to recover these lost funds. I’m glad I finally did at last with the help of “ DARKRECOVERYHACKS ” , They are reliable, kindly contact them to handle your job.

    I would really consider myself to be one of the very few lucky ones as I
was able to have my funds recovered from this scam Binary option 
brokers, although it was through unethical means as far I am concerned 
but what can I care after how my hard-earned funds where taken from me, 
these guys are the best in less than 7days all my funds including 
bonuses had been recovered. send a mail to
    easyrecoup130 at(gmale)com
    whatsapp:+1 916-312-3157
    101 N BRAND BLVD.

  498. This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 3 years and on the fourth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man DR IBOZUA have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in this similar situation to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self, His email: or you can also contact him via whatsapp on this +2348109374702 thank you so much DR IBOZUA for saving my marriage.

  499. Morgan Taylor

    May 23, 2023 at 12:48 am




  500. This clever hacking team known as Wizard web recovery can recover those cryptos that you forfeited in the past months. I was able to get back $60,000 in bitcoins that I had lost to online criminals with the help of Wizard Web Recovery. Every week, they were obligated to pay me 10% percent of my investment, but all they did was require more cash. I almost lost my life as a result of my rashness, but Wizard Web Recovery intervened and this hacking expert literally saved me. You can feel assured that Wizard Web Recovery will aid you in recovering any cryptocurrency that has been lost or sent to the wrong wallet if you contact them at You can thank me later, but for now, Contact ( to safeguard and restore your crypto.

  501. Kelly Edwards

    May 24, 2023 at 10:20 am

    WOMEN ARE LIARS!!! Thank you so much for helping me gain access to my wife phone without traces. If not for your help I wouldn’t have known that my wife has been fU***ing another man for 3 months now and also planning to meet again before I caught her. Thank you once again russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com

  502. Marcel Ledger

    May 24, 2023 at 12:29 pm

    Investing in Bitcoin didn’t favor me as I expected , I got into bitcoin investment with a platform that I came across their Chanel on telegram at the beginning of the year thinking that by now I’d have made tons of profits , instead I was ripped off my savings . It’s quite awful how the rate of scam grow lately . I was not the only one involved with the company , I had introduced my cousin to it since I thought things were moving perfectly well, we both lost a total of £274,000 and my cousin blamed me for it all because he wouldn’t have gotten himself involved with the platform in anyway if I didn’t bring the idea up at the first place . Since I am to be blamed for this mess I had to look for a way to right my wrongs and I’m glad I finally did at last with the help of “VIRTUALHACKNET RECOVERY SERVICES” , a private firm that specializes in Asset Recovery . Contact the team to handle your job request :
    V IR TU AL HA CK NET @ gmail dot com . Telegram @ Virtualhacknet .

  503. I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on youtube and I invested a huge sum of money around £665,211 which was deposited using Bitcoin with hopes to gain massive returns on my investment. I kept tracking my portfolio and it was increasing daily on the website. It made me excited and confident. Fast forward to 30 Days after, which was supposed to be my payout date, I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills and buy my new house, but the broker insisted that I continue to invest or will have to pay some fees to withdraw my funds. That was very disappointing to hear, because it was all going smoothly when I deposited the funds. Eventually, I paid the fees which was about £45,800. I was desperate now because according to my portfolio, I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about George Wizard Recovery Home which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had. In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via EMAIL : Contact via WhtsAp : +1 (908) 768-4663

  504. Steve Markson

    May 24, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    My first experience with a fake online investment company where i invested the total amount of $170k worth of BTC, in order to be in the company monthly payroll and make some interest, little did i know that i was dealing with a fraudulent company, when it was time for me to make withdrawal i was being restricted from doing so even when i can still read my money from dashboard, i got really depressed about this I almost gave up on life cause I felt it is over i was dying inside till I eventually opened up to a friend who referred me to a hacker who he claimed was able to recover my lost money, at first I was skeptical about it cause we all know once you give out your seed phrase out nothing can be done to recover your money…well after several days of debating within myself I decided to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he was able to recover my money within three days.
    I was so happy, thank you so much Jake, it will be selfish of me if I don’t refer this hacker to you.. contact him R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or via telegram; ROOTKITS7

  505. A great testimony. ‘On how I join the great ILLUMINATI by Adam Richard IS CONTACT
    ( +2349157210956 ) I never thought that ILLUMINATI existed. Until I found Mr. Adam Richard . Who told me how I will be initiated into the great brotherhood of the Illuminati. He gave me guidelines on what to do. And I did exactly what he told me to do. Now I am a complete multibilonia To want to get rich today, just message him now WhatsApp(+2349157210956)This is my story testimonial of how I finally JOIN ILLUMINATI Be careful many of these posts and testimony about how to
    Join ILLUMINATI, some are not real,I Was Scammed twice trying to join the ILLUMINATI organization ☑️ I was promised MONEY, CAR AND HOUSE but it was all a scam, I lost more than $ 7000 USD until a friend of mine ♦️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️
    From chicago, he directed me to the real name of the agent is Adam Richard …. where I finally became a member of ILLUMINATI and 2.5millions USD a car House and without a visa ….. he gave me as a new member am here to share this testimonial about what happened before getting the real agent ..
    Be careful, not all of them are real … if you want to be RICH AND FAMOUS … Then contact the real agent Adam Richard …
    On WhatsApp
    Via: (+2349157210956) or email him If you are ready to join this is how I join the ILLUMINATI fraternity..……. ………

  506. A great testimony. ‘On how I join the great ILLUMINATI by Adam Richard IS CONTACT
    ( +2349157210956 ) I never thought that ILLUMINATI existed. Until I found Mr. Adam Richard . Who told me how I will be initiated into the great brotherhood of the Illuminati. He gave me guidelines on what to do. And I did exactly what he told me to do. Now I am a complete multibilonia To want to get rich today, just message him now WhatsApp(+2349157210956)This is my story testimonial of how I finally JOIN ILLUMINATI Be careful many of these posts and testimony about how to
    Join ILLUMINATI, some are not real,I Was Scammed twice trying to join the ILLUMINATI organization ☑️ I was promised MONEY, CAR AND HOUSE but it was all a scam, I lost more than $ 7000 USD until a friend of mine ♦️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️
    From chicago, he directed me to the real name of the agent is Adam Richard …. where I finally became a member of ILLUMINATI and 2.5millions USD a car House and without a visa ….. he gave me as a new member am here to share this testimonial about what happened before getting the real agent ..
    Be careful, not all of them are real … if you want to be RICH AND FAMOUS … Then contact the real agent Adam Richard …
    On WhatsApp
    Via: (+2349157210956) or email him If you are ready to join this is how I join the ILLUMINATI fraternity..…….

  507. Alain Margaret

    May 27, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Everywhere I looked, cryptocurrency was trending, and I saw a lot of enthusiasm and news about it online. I was unaware of the manner in which to do it, but quite a number of others were getting into it and earning money while reclining in their homes. I approached a group online, and after spending some time with them, I received assistance in making an investment. I began with the package and eventually upgraded to the mega scheme, but I was unaware that the company was a rip-off and that all the reviews I had read were counterfeit until one of the group’s members revealed the sad truth on the platform, after which she was promptly kicked off. I discovered her name using a name search, and when I asked for proof, she proudly demonstrated how she used Spyware Cyber to retrieve money she had previously lost. Just to be sure, I tried to withdraw, but I was prevented from doing so. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, so I immediately supplied all transaction proofs to Spyware Cyber through email for verification before my recovery exercise was started, and successfully recovered funds were added to my wallet in a day. Thanks to Spyware Cyber I have discovered that I should avoid online money-making schemes.
    Email: Spyware(@)
    Email: Contact(@)
    WhatsApp: +19892640381

  508. Nadia Rostova

    May 27, 2023 at 7:31 pm

    From the very start I never wanted to get involved with crypto but my younger brother “Ravi “ insisted we should give it a try , and upon doing that it turned out very bad that we lost nearly all of our inheritance , these companies will offer you a great deal at first but once you’re in they’d flip/ignore the initial signed agreement . We were paid out twice after we started and never received a dime again after investing big this time , We tried working with a few hackers after that to see if any could be of help in retrieving our investment back but none of them were able to get the job done after spending a whole lot in the process , we never gave up regardless of our previous encounters with both the hackers/fake platform . Our relentlessness finally paid off and we finally came across a legit/trusted asset recovery team on telegram @ Virtualhacknet , this team of great hackers is indeed very good at what they do , they left us both speechless after the recovery . They later provided us with a legit platform which we continued to trade with , it’s been over 6 months now and we’ve never had issues with our withdrawals. Contact them via this email V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G MAI L dot COm if you ever need their services , I guess we should all look out for each other because this whole crypto scam is causing menace to our society these days .

  509. A grateful soul i am till today because last year I lost access to my crypto wallet. the wallet had my crypto which worth over 575,000 USD . I started looking for a solution and I came across DARKRECOVERYHACKS , who can recover lost funds as he also specializes in bitcoin wallet recovery tools and high power efficiency on crypto. in every case, having experts like him working with you is a key to recovery and investment of your coins. It was very beneficial for me because he helped me recover my crypto and can also fix your stolen crypto. He makes use of modern block chain forensic tools to map the activity of scammers who rips wallet through email or investment . I’m recommending him because the most secure and reliable crypto recovery service I have come across . He’s an expert in tracking stolen crypto funds & more than capable of solving many common problems concerning different platforms. Their contacts are

  510. Muskan Dlamini

    May 27, 2023 at 9:18 pm

    This sections reminds me of a Hacker who i equally met through the review of friends when i was at the edge of losing my funds, it happen that Mrs Theresa Michelle on Linkedln whom i got texting with earlier this year prolly mislead me into investing in an online digital cryptocurrency company that offers investors great profit in return. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivate me from making withdrawals, i contacted Mrs Theresa but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t normal, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $35k usd for maintenance fee after i already have a total of $171k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i first texted him on his Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 He replied and i explained the whole scenario to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going after some time he asked for wallet for transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. i thanked him enough for being such a savior as well paid him off as we agreed even with more

  511. Nadia Rostova

    May 28, 2023 at 10:05 pm

    I’m blessed, regardless of what I went through in the hands of these scammers in the past few months , I was looking for a way to earn digitally and unfortunately I ended up with a fake crypto trading platform ,we started off right at first and everything was moving well on both sides , I was able to take out few profits that I’ve made with them in the first 2 weeks of trading , that made me believe that they were legit , after then I tossed in more funds into my trading account , this time it was nothing compared to my very first investment with them because I thought they were legit since I got back my profits from the initial investment made , but it never occurred to me that it was all a stunt to make me invest more and I fell for their petty trick , it got to a point where I will take out my profit as usual but this time I couldn’t withdraw and at that point I realised that this was all fake , their support team was just asking me to pay a certain fee for me to be able to withdraw from my own account that I created myself , I ignored them all and then involved my legal team to see if anything could be done about the issue . after reviewing all the details I provided , my lawyer advised that the best thing to do at that point was to work with a private recovery firm ,he then referred me to V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G MA IL . COM , whom he had worked with on several cases just like mine, upon reaching out to him and providing all required details , it took him none less than 72 hours to trace and recover back all my investments ,it seemed like voodoo to me but “NO” its all about working with experts . They could help with yours if you are willing to give them a chance too . Here’s their telegram ID : @ Virtualhacknet .

  512. Recovery Masters Certified Bitcoin Recovery Specialists

    I met a Crypto expert online who introduced me to cryptocurrency. I made out my own research and I opted to invest through a Crypto website online. Initially, the investment was running well and I made another investment, which Continued to do until the website was shutted down.. I was unable to withdraw any money including all the profit I Made prior to the incident, but luckily, a colleague of mine from my previous work introduced me to Recovery Masters, a reputable Recovery group of hackers.They arrived precisely in time and helped me retrieve all of the money. The Group did an excellent job,and Had to recommend them to any Scam Victim out there.

    Reach them out Whatsapp through +1(204)819-5505..

  513. Jodie Down Leal

    May 29, 2023 at 12:21 pm

    Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire,
    Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated into the great Illuminati empire cult. Once you are initiated to the great Illuminati empire, you will have numerous benefits.
    join the Illuminati brotherhood today and get an instant rich sum of USD$5,000,000,00. This intention is to build up your financial status as a new member of the Illuminati elite, this is one out of the numerous benefits that are given to our newly recruited members who join the Illuminati brotherhood.
    note that this message was created solely for the purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this offer is meant for unique ones only, if you are not serious on joining The Illuminati empire secret society, you are advised not to contact us at all. This is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our organization.
    Do you agree to be a member of The Illuminati new world order? If you do, kindly reply back through this direct recruitment email only at: or WhatsApp +1(661)666-4507
    For more instructions on our membership process.
    The Illuminati.

  514. Wizard web recovery can be very trusted when it comes to recovering your cryptocurrency either if you were involved in a cryptocurrency heist or if you have sent your cryptocurrency to an entirely wrong wallet. Wizard Web recovery has proven to me to be the ONLY reliable source for A recovery. I got into a cryptocurrency investment setback where I invested over $443,000 of which I couldn’t gain access after some weeks of dealing with these so-called crypto investment forums. This was unfortunate because every hacker I sought for help always had another way of extorting my money without any positive feedback. Heavens so kind, I came in direct contact with Wizard Web recovery through a referral and that was how my cryptocurrency was restored back into my wallet. I should and have to say and put this review out here for others to be enlightened that Wizard web recovery is experienced, well-equipped, and ready to assist anyone in a difficult situation like this.

    I have for you below the direct information to Wizard web recovery.
    ( – (+1 (917) 725-3296)

    I am indeed very thankful,

  515. I invested a total of $515k on a binary option platform after several weeks i tried to make some withdrawals to my bank but the withdrawal wasn’t successful, i quickly contact the platform costumer care via email and phone number but didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a mail from them requesting that i should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which i rejected, and I never heard from them again that was when I knew I’m about being screwed. i was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web on how ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM – ROOTKITS4 @ Gmail . com had helped many people recovered their stolen, scammed or duped money on bitcoin or any other form in digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the company i invested with which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my Lost funds back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. Thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, There are on Telegram @ ROOTKITS7

  516. blessings gold

    May 30, 2023 at 10:05 am

    good day to all views,been poor is a disease which i have been living with my family, i am Neme Amber called by name,i am  from new york city at USA ,i was once poor till i meet agent smith the superrior lord of illuminati,which help me belong to the fraternity cult that change my life to good,i taught joining will cast human been blood and alot from me,not knowing that it will not required human sacrifice,well to cut it short,i am a member living good life,even the law of USA cant control my lifestyle nowto join us Call/WhatsApp us at +2348140033827
    welcome to the light

  517. My friend has been heart broken for a while now, always complaining and feeling like her man is cheating on her, so I went extra mile to hire a hacker on her behalf just for her to be sure of the person she has been killing her self for, All thanks to this hacker for providing us with the best after hacking into my friends boyfriend phone we got all the results she has been longing to get starting from his WhatsApp Messages, call logs, deleted messages, text messages, Facebook messages, instagram messages, telegram messages, snap chats messages and many more, we found out that her man has been cheating heavily on her with another woman, we saw a lot of transactions he has been doing all because of this woman in fact we saw a lot of rubbish but all thanks to spyexpert0 @ gmail. com for at least giving us enough prove that my friend has been dating her self all this while once again thank you so much spyexpert0 @ gmail. com

  518. I failed to make some necessary research before going into crypto trading and investment . I invested over 93,800 USD worth of bitcoin and tether with a company. I was registered under an account that i saw grow massively with him some days, I was so happy but my happiness was cut short because I found out that the company is fraudulent. I tried too make withdrawals and nothing arrived to my wallet. The company support also stopped replying to my messages also. I needed my money back at all cost, because that’s my life savings. I tried so many times to recover my stolen money and failed severally. Luckily I saw a post of someone testifying of how she recovered her lost crypto with the help of a recovery platform which is Darkrecoveryhacks i decided to follow her recommendation and i was able to recover all my lost funds, thanks to the advancements of technology these days and most importantly thanks to Darkrecoveryhacks Loosing funds in the hand of scammers can be very depressing but with the help of Darkrecoveryhacks It can be sorted out. Contact them at DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM they are very reliable and will definitely be of help.


    Hello everyone, I’m Bobby Felix from Oakland, California.
    A month ago, I invested $204,000 worth of bitcoins into an investment account through their website
    When it was time to withdraw my profits which were at that time $719,000, their website crashed and logged me out, I sent countless emails and messages to them and the investment company became unresponsive. Realizing that I have been scammed of my money, I began to seek several means to get back my funds, I went to the authorities but they couldn’t trace or locate this company. At some point, I began to give up on the hope of ever getting back my funds until a colleague of mine told me about ASTRAWEB CYBER, a cryptocurrency recovery company that has been helping many others like me to get back their funds, I hurriedly contacted them and provided all the necessary information, and with the information I provided, ASTRAWEB CYBER was able to recover my $204,000 worth of bitcoins in 48 hours. Their service is truly magnificent and I gladly commend their efforts.
    I never would have imagined I could get back my funds and I’m grateful to ASTRAWEB CYBER for their help.

    Reach them via E-Mail: ASTRAWEB@CYBERDUDE. COM


    Good luck.

  520. Mitch Johnson

    May 31, 2023 at 8:41 am

    I so wanted to get my partners phone hacked so badly because I had so many doubt about her and wanted to know more, so I hired a hacker called This hacker did a very smooth job for me and I feel so happy that I could monitor all that my partner has been doing and still doing on her phone. Thank you so much darkhatthacker @ gmail. com

  521. Recovery Masters Crypto/Btc Recovery Experts

    Anyone looking for a Cryptocurrency Recovery Expert I would absolutely recommend RECOVERY MASTERS for their professionalism and efficient services. I was amazed after they were able to recover my Lost crypto which I had lost to an online theft Platform.They are straightforward and reliable to communicate with and are very friendly as they offer their services,contact them through;
    Whatsapp; +1(204)819-5505. or through their
    email ( }.This is the best I can do for them for their best hacking services.

  522. Charlotte Mason

    May 31, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    Have you previously subsequently fallen subject to a heist and been left unsure of what to do next? I had lost a substantial chunk of money in a phony online investment program. I invested $123,000 in bitcoins at the beginning of last month, and losing my money was the last items on my mind as I did so. In particular, I specifically want to express gratitude to Tech savvy hacker for providing assistance towards helping me acquire my missing bitcoin. Tech savvy hacker services are exceptionally productive and very competent. convey Tech savvy hacker an inquiry if you also happened to be an unfortunate victim of a bitcoin scam. Tech savvy hacker is accessible by using: WhatsApp: +1 (514) 907-1514 & email:

    Thank you Tech Savvy Hacker for your time and effort.

  523. Dalores Hampton

    May 31, 2023 at 10:03 pm

    Me knowing about bitcoin trading was through a colleague at work who has been trading for over 2 months now with a particular platform “ FXpiptrade” , she has been earning on a weekly basis , she showed me her withdrawal proofs from the company and that erased all doubts I had about the platform . The upper week after I was introduced to the platform, I opened a trading account with them and funded with total of $73,000 for a start up and see how it goes , the time frame given before one could withdraw from their account was 2 weeks , I wasn’t bothered at all because I thought everything was transparent but it turned sideways instead .the website wasn’t responsive for over a week or two after the first trade has been concluded , later on I got a email from them stating that the website is under maintenance and each trading partner was to pay a certain maintenance fee which I paid without arguing with them but still yet nothing good came out of it .they kept on coming up with different stories just to extort me the more but I had to look a solution out of the mess I got myself into before it’s too late , I complained to my colleague about my experience with the platform and it turned out that he was having same withdrawal issue but she later resolved the issue after working with “ V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ GMAIL . COM “ These team of great hackers were so good , they also helped me trace my funds back to the original wallets I made payments to and this scammers turned out to be in Africa all this time . I’m glad I have finally gotten my money back from them . I urge anyone who’s looking forward to recovering their lost funds to contact @ Virtualhacknet on telegram . Be rest assured that you are getting back your funds in full after due processes have been met .

  524. It feels really good when you get to recover your lost funds from your scam broker. some challenges of withdrawals we traders are facing today in binary option or in crypto currency is not because binary option or crypto currency is no longer a nice place to invest capitals, but the problem is that there’s a lot of scam brokers all over the world. If you’re facing some challenges of withdrawals or your broker manager is always asking you to make more deposit before you could place a withdrawals from your funds or you traded and lost your funds without any reason i advise you get in touch with ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM on R O O T K I T S 4 @ gmail. com OR Telegram ; ROOTKITS7 and they will guide you on how to get to recover back your funds in any other account platform, they did an excellent one for me and I’m here to share and recommend their professional services to the mass

  525. For a while i felt i was too weak so they took advantage of me. They defravded me through a crypto trading platform, all my savings , i passed on mortgages until it was far due and almost lost my home. Thank Jesus and then my Inlaw Clay for introducing me to this hacker guy who does recovery and many other technical things. His Email: refundpolici (at) gmail (dot) com).. He only asked me a few questions, i told him what i knew, he took it from there and i rested, before 27hours i heard the deposits back inside my coinbase wallet wooowww felt good. I Urge everyone here who has been in a similar situation, kindly reach out to them to get your funds recovered while its still around. This is where they reply quickest [ Whats App : +1 ( 657 ) 262 ‑ 4482 ], They even educate you and prevent you from never being a victim again.

  526. When I experienced problems with my Investment, An associate of mine suggested Wizard web recovery to me. I made an investment with a broker trade site, where I ultimately had to pay extra only to get the reward I had invested funds for. After being persuaded to pay multiple times the amount, I realized it was all a ruse, and the con artists wouldn’t stop until someone forced them to. When I realized I was being taken advantage of and cheated, I lost $950,000 to this bitcoin trade broker’s scheme. With the hacking group, I look for assistance. I learned about Wizard Web Recovery; I wrote to them and then described everything; after receiving a prompt response, I chose to work with them. I got my lost money back in less than 6 hours. All praise be to Wizard Web Recovery, who restored my quality of life. I’m not sure whether I could have gotten my money back without the help of wizardwebrecovery(@) or whatApp: +1 (917) 725-3296

    My sincere gratitude to wizard web Recovery.

  527. When I experienced problems with my Investment, An associate of mine suggested Wizard web recovery to me. I made an investment with a broker trade site, where I ultimately had to pay extra only to get the reward I had invested funds for. After being persuaded to pay multiple times the amount, I realized it was all a ruse, and the con artists wouldn’t stop until someone forced them to. When I realized I was being taken advantage of and cheated, I lost $950,000 to this bitcoin trade broker’s scheme. With the hacking group, I look for assistance. I learned about Wizard Web Recovery; I wrote to them and then described everything; after receiving a prompt response, I chose to work with them. I got my lost money back in less than 6 hours. All praise be to Wizard Web Recovery, who restored my quality of life. I’m not sure whether I could have gotten my money back without the help of wizardwebrecovery(@) or whatApp: +1 (917) 725-3296

    My sincere gratitude to wizard web Recovery

  528. Erica Shannon

    June 2, 2023 at 12:26 am

    I want Coder Cyber Services to know how appreciative I am, a trustworthy hacker who accompanied me in getting back the USD 105,000 I had lost to online fraudulent perpetrators. I came across this investment platform online and made the decision to invest $105,000 in it with the hope that it would increase in value. Despite making a variety of attempts to contact the platform because their contact information was no longer available, I was never able to get my money back, neither capital nor profit. To great online evaluations, I learned about Coder Cyber Services, and I contacted them right away. With the use of their cutting-edge hacking technology, Coder Cyber Services assisted in recovering my lost USD105,000. In view of the fact that I can’t express my appreciation to Coder Cyber Services abundantly, I will only be able to leave them an excellent evaluation. Anyone with similar problems should contact them via: or +1 (403) 407-3407.

  529. Using A natural herbal remedy was what got me tested negative to HSV 2 after being diagnosed for years. I have spent so much funds on medications like acyclovir (Zovirax), Acyclovir (Famvir), and Valacyclovir (Valtrex). But it was all a waste of time and my symptoms got worse. To me It is very bad what Big pharma are doing, why keep making humans suffer greatly just to get profits annually for medications that don’t work. I’m glad that herbal remedies are gaining so much awareness and many people are getting off medications and activating their entire body system with natural herbal remedies and they have become holistically healed totally. Quickly visit Dr. Akhigbe herbal home now for help. Email him directly on or Whats app :+2349021374574

  530. Credit Repair Services

    June 2, 2023 at 4:03 pm

    Thanks for your post.
    Personalized Credit Repair Services.
    We are a leading creadit repair services company with over 20years of experience in the field.

  531. Jonathan Anders

    June 2, 2023 at 4:49 pm

    All of these brokers and account managers should be avoided at all costs. They took over $80,000 of investment capital from me, and they persisted in asking for additional monies before approving and processing my withdrawal request. In the end, I lost all I had invested. The customer service staff had rejected every attempt to contact them. Moving on was quite difficult and devastating for me. Thank heavens I listened to a broadcast that explained how scam victims can use Coder Cyber Services to get their money back. After contacting the provided information for advice, I received a response within a short period of time and was asked to provide all pertinent legal information regarding my investment. I immediately followed their instructions accordingly and to my utter astonishment, successfully got my money back. I declared that I would not keep this information to myself but would instead divulge it to the public in order to help all victims of scams recover their lost money. This is a significant victory over this online scammer. Thank you Codercyberservices(@)execs. com for your excellent work on this.

  532. Phillips Williams

    June 2, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    HOW I RECOVERED MY STOLEN BITCOINS!!!! CRYPTOCYBERNET (@) GMAILC0M is truly the best tech pro to help you recover your stolen funds and monitor your suspected cheating partner’s devices. You might have already be scammed by an imposter who you fell in love with, or an unregulated crypto broker. People that fall for such frauds don’t always consider the fact that they can get assistance for this. They think that people will laugh at them.?But, this doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it, and try to go on with your life. This is not something you are going to forget over night and it may affect you in a lot of ways. The good news is that with the technology thuat we have today, it is a lot easier to get assistance after falling for this type of scams.This is the good news. It is actually possible for crypto fraud victims to get their money back after being scammed.The secret is that you should just know where to find the right assistance for this scams.?I went through similar situation and i met a hacker who helped me out. be rest assured your lost or stolen funds will be recovered back to either your wallet or bank account depending on how you want to receive it. contact them here if you are in similar situation.?? Email: CRYPTOCYBERNET @GMAIL.COM?? He offers other amazing services such as ??Phone cloning ?, Spy on a suspected cheating spouse, Boost of credit scores, ??Repair of bad credits??, Clearing of criminal records and charges?, Website hacks etc.??

  533. good day to all views,been poor is a disease which i have been living with my family, i am Neme Amber called by name,i am  from new york city at USA ,i was once poor till i meet agent smith the superrior lord of illuminati,which help me belong to the fraternity cult that change my life to good,i taught joining will cast human been blood and alot from me,not knowing that it will not required human sacrifice,well to cut it short,i am a member living good life,even the law of USA cant control my lifestyle nowto join us Call/WhatsApp us at +2348140033827
    welcome to the light

  534. Isaac Bennett

    June 3, 2023 at 10:49 pm

    I will advise everyone out there to be careful when investing in cryptocurrencies or Forex trading as this has become the riskiest investment ever. Many people have gone into cryptocurrency investment with little knowledge of how it works and many have been coined by fake cryptocurrency investors. I was a victim of this scam and if it were not for the intervention of DARKRECOVERYHACKS, I wouldn’t have recovered my stolen funds. I wish people did more research before going into cryptocurrency, I lost my hard-earned money to a fake investment company few months back but I was able to recover all my lost funds through the help of Darkrecoveryhacks. This group of professional and experienced hackers was able to recover all my money back. You can contact them to handle your job request Email:
    Telegram: @ Darkrecoveryhacks .

  535. good day to all views,been poor is a disease which i have been living with my family, i am Neme Amber called by name,i am  from new york city at USA ,i was once poor till i meet agent smith the superrior lord of illuminati,which help me belong to the fraternity cult that change my life to good,i taught joining will cast human been blood and alot from me,not knowing that it will not required human sacrifice,well to cut it short,i am a member living good life,even the law of USA cant control my lifestyle nowto join us Call/WhatsApp us at +2348140033827
    welcome to the light

  536. Adrian Russell

    June 5, 2023 at 11:37 pm

    Getting to know about The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM actually was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was mentally broke down after i got scammed by a binary trading platform i invested a woefully large amount of money to this. I put all i had into this Binary Options ($240,000) after hearing great testimonies about this new investment strategy. I was made to believe my investment would be triple, it started good and I got returns but not up to what I had invested. Gathered more and involved a couple family members, but little did i know that i was setting myself up for the kill, in less than no time all we had put ($520,480) was gone. It almost seemed I had set them up, they came at me strong and hard. i tried all my possible best even reached out to the costumer support desk to seek for help but i ended paying and clearing some fees demanded by them but still wasn’t able to perform the withdrawal successfully. After searching and looking for how to make those scums pay back, I got introduced to the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM agency who assisted in recovering back all our funds lost to this platform. i was very happy and really appreciate their efforts and dedication towards my complaints. you can message them for your lost funds/stolen crypto via their email address: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M
    Telegram ; ROOTKITS7

  537. With pro wizard Gibert Recovery assistance, I was able to get back all the money I lost barely a month ago. I was so enthusiastic that I choose to pass this forward for anyone who might require such help to write them on: Frankly, I was residing in the belief that I had already lost everything, but I later made the decision to write to pro wizard Gibert Recovery to ask for assistance in recovering my lost BTC in the amount of 210,000 USD, which I did lose to an investment firm. After receiving all of my money back, I paid a service fee equal to 20% of the recovered funds. Because I am aware that many individuals around here have been defrauded and require assistance, I am quite grateful to pro wizard Gibert Recovery .
    prowizardgilbertrecovery(@) WhatsApp: +1 (859) 443-5876

  538. The best recovery specialist to assist you in recovering your lost, stolen, or unaccounted-for bitcoin and digital assets is Craker cyberdude Recovery.
    I am unable to fully analyze the scams that are present in cryptocurrency trading and investment sites. I placed almost all of my savings in it, only to discover afterwards that it was completely false and that many other people had been misled. When my money vanished, it felt like a spell had been cast on me, and I was broken and distraught. A coworker saw my dejected expression and approached me to ask about my problem. I was forced to contact Craker cyberdude Recovery after hearing about them through a referral. All I can say is that Craker cyberdude Recovery was able to assist me in restoring my bitcoin, therefore I am extremely happy that I reached out to them with the assistance of my colleague. I still love cryptocurrencies, but I’m quite afraid I won’t need to be scammed again since I have Craker cyberdude recovery. Be pleased to provide them with your details. Send Craker cyberdude Recovery a complaint using:

  539. This Lady on instagram contacted me mid April , she told me about this investment offer that will benefit me financially, I declined the offer at first but she never gave up still , later on after a week I guess , she came back again and this time I decided to give her a chance at least , I started off the investment with the least investment plan of $500 and grew my profits from there . My first two withdrawals went through without any problems but the rest got stuck in the website , after the first 2 withdrawals I believed they were legit and I could trust them , and with that mindset I invested more at that time (£92k) but I never withdrew a dime after the investment, they kept on requesting for an extra fees/charges like trading fee , transaction fees etc ,which I ended up paying thinking it was normal because I increased my investment , this went on for weeks and nothing good came out of it all , after then I reached out to a private Recovery Firm on telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for help , I provided them with all the required documents that I had about the website and the transactions and it really helped out , my profits which summed up at £262k was recovered back to the wallet I provided them with 🙂 . I’m so glad I had worked with this team to achieve this great success. Here’s the direct contact email : V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L dot com .

  540. Elizabeth Ruth

    June 6, 2023 at 8:32 am

    I lost over 200k in an investment trading bitcoin company last month and i was down and out cos the company refused to give me a withdraw and still me for more money if i wanted my withdraw .. My Dad introduced me to his recovery agent✓ ROTTGENRAPHAEL AT GMAIL . COM / and i gave it a go .. Now i have half of my funds back , I will be getting the rest this week .. I am so happy and grateful .. Sharing this with the world ..

  541. Finally I have been able to retrieve all my lost funds of about $50,000, which I never believed I would get again from an unregulated broker who stocked my trading capital for over 3 months now, and denied my access to my trading account. I’m so glad that I have gotten all my funds back without stress, All thanks to my Boss who introduced me to a certified binary option recovery expert. Do you have funds that you wish to withdraw from your account, is your Broker manager asking you to make more deposits before you can place a withdrawal, have you lost money from any investment online? Are you confused and you don’t know how to go about it? contact: RAMSAYMACDONALD @ CONSULTANT COM. Because its never to late to recover your lost mo

  542. It is a common misconception that stolen Bitcoins can not be recovered. This is totally false as I have personally just recovered my bitcoins with the help of. Leomartell014ⓐ

  543. Harrison Ford

    June 6, 2023 at 8:40 am

    There are many cases of cryptocurrency theft currently on circulation which I also fell victim to last month but I was fortunate to lookup ADAMWILSON.TRADING@CONSULTANT.COM who completely restored my losses. He’s the real deal.

  544. I have always thought it would be impossible to recover stolen cryptocurrency funds until I came across SpyWall recovery team, this cryptocurrency recovery team was able to successfully recover my stolen Bitcoin and Ethereum funds.
    I was one of the many victims of a crypto scam and I lost my entire family savings trying to double it.
    It was a very difficult time for me and my family, I was depressed and gave up hope of ever getting my money back. A few weeks ago, I came across a post while searching for clues on Google on how to recover my cryptocurrency, I saw a recommendation about SpyWall and how they were able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scam victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and provide them with all the information, SpyWall was able to recover my funds within two days. I’m truly grateful for their service and I promised them I would recommend them to others like me.
    You can easily reach them via

    SpyWall is no doubt the best when it comes to recovering cryptocurrency funds.

  545. Interesting how days goes by faster these days, it’s been over 7 months now since DARKRECOVERYHACKS Recovery team saved me from depression by Recovering my investment That was seized in an investment platform . There is no doubt that this platform was created just to steal from people using crypto as its means. I was so unlucky to have been one of those people , last year I ended up investing my life savings in this fake website and never got my profits back even after the trade is completed, I was even made to pay some fee to release my money and it didn’t work, I started looking for a means to get my money back and I first reached out to a few Recovery hackers but all of them were not capable enough. I lost hope and was depressed and one day I came across DARKRECOVERYHACKS On Facebook and decided to give them a try and surprisingly I got all my lost savings back. I don’t know what I could have done that very year without the help of the team. They were very responsive throughout the recovery process . Just in case you need them , Email: Darkrecoveryhacks@ gmail dot com . Telegram ID : DARKRECOVERYHACKS

  546. It’s been five years since I began working as a nurse here in Canada. I enjoy using Instagram for fun and entertainment, and one day I linked with a Chinese user. The guy was amazing and informed me that he was into binary trading and that if I invested a small amount of money—say, $4,000—I would have enough money in a year to purchase a home and a medical facility. In due course I made a choice to invest, but after six months when I tried to withdraw, I was asked for more. Throughout this time, he encouraged me to keep investing, and I had already invested $100k USD with him on his broker platform because we were in a relationship, which really gave me confidence in him. However, it was too late to realize I had been scammed after he successfully ripped me off and put me in a debt of $180k. This really stunned me, and I wasn’t feeling well at all. This experience devastated me because I put so much faith in someone and this is what I received in return. After speaking with prominent IT professionals, I was referred to Coder Cyber Services, which helped me retrieve the money I had spent with the false broker. I am incredibly appreciative of Coder Cyber Service’s assistance. I’m glad I was able to recover the money I mistakenly invested. I’m applauding Coder Cyber Services for their great achievement.
    To reach Coder Cyber Services, email: you

  547. Lack of good information is very bad, I’ll like to share my experience about crypto theft on here and how I got my money recovered. One faithful evening I was going through the internet and I saw lot of ads about this investment website. I tried to give them a try to gain financial freedom after giving me their contract agreement and all. Along the line they kept their promise until I made a huge deposit to get massive profit I discovered the website crashed and their support team are not responding to their mails. I was devastated and came on this forum then I found reviews about “” on Quora I gave him a try to help me recover my funds cause I never imagined crypto could be retrieved and they he did a great job by getting my lost funds back completely. I urge you to write him now for help

  548. Bergeron Gauthier

    June 7, 2023 at 1:30 am

    The greatest recovery specialist, like Wizard Web Recovery, is what you need to save you from crypto theft scams. Many scammers have entered the cryptocurrency investment market, where people frequently lose money despite their best efforts, all while promising to make enormous returns. No one is more potent than these terrible plans since these people are clever in their approaches. In order to make you feel comfortable investing your hard-earned money, they frequently offer contract deals with you and place you in a community with people who have already made investments. I invested my money according to their advice, just to find out after a short while that 12 BTC had been taken away from my wallet without my permission. I got upset and wished for retribution. Prior to being introduced to the greatest crypto group, Wizard Web Recovery, I had contacted a number of cryptocurrency recovery agents, all of them were unprofessional. Wizard Web Recovery skill and knowledge in dealing with fund theft helped me recover my money. At a reasonable cost.

    Contact them via the info below.
    Email wizardwebrecovery(@)
    WhatsApp +1-917-725-3296

  549. Consult a Btc//Crypto Experts RECOVERY MASTERS

    I will Forever be grateful and give credits to professional experts RECOVERY MASTERS.The group of hackers were able to retrieve my bitcoin worth over $240k in my Trust Bitcoin Wallet after I lost my wallet’s password and had tried all the means including paying fake Recovery experts lot’s sum of funds.I was referred to him by one of my work’s colleague who had worked with the team recently to recover her stolen investment with a false binary investment company.Their response and services were Top notch.For any hacking services you can consult them through; Whatsapp +1(204)819-5505. or email them (

  550. Albert Washington

    June 7, 2023 at 9:59 pm

    I happened to fall for a crypto currency scam trick Late last year.Through a phishing scam, a Facebook imposter convinced me of how I would gain a large sum of profit from an authorized crypto company that he claimed helped traders invest and gain large profits. They ripped me of and made a way off with $114000 woth of crypto.I was in disbelief and discomfort as this was my hard earned funds.After reading positive articles and online testimonies about a licensed group of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard of how they are experts in crypto/btc recovery and any form of hacking.After hitting a conversation with them,they were able to recover back my funds.As a form of appreciation this was the best I could do for them. Contact; Email ( or reach them through; Telegram Number:+31684518136; Don’t forget to mention Albert referred you.

  551. My husband and I lost $1.1m worth of Bitcoins to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. A few months back, we saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from our investments. We contacted a broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a forex trading firm, we invested a huge part of our retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam to steal away our money. After weeks of trying to withdraw, this broker continued to request more money until we were broke and in debt, it felt as if we were losing our life. Fortunately for us, we saw an article about a recovery hacker called Refund Policy , we were not in a hurry to contact them but we did some research about their services and found out they could help us recover our money from these scammers, we contacted Refund Policy and in a space of 72 hours, they were able to recover everything, this company did a thorough investigation with the information we provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to us, it felt so unreal how they were able to recover everything we have lost. We are truly grateful for the help of Refund Policy home and we are putting this out there to everyone who needs their services.

    Email: refundpolicy82@ gmail dot com
    Whats app: +1 626 770 5974.

  552. I’m writing to share an unpleasant experience, so that you can be aware if something similar happens to you. Recently, my mother lost a substantial amount of money after being scammed on Facebook, as someone had pretended to be one of her Facebook friends and defrauded her.

    I was desperate to help, so I looked on Google for possible solutions. To my relief, I found numerous good reviews of a company called CYBERTRACE. I took a chance, and they were able to help my mother retrieve her $135,000.00 USD.

    If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend getting in touch with them via Email:(

    Hope this information helps.

  553. Best Bitcoin Recovery Expert To Recover. Have you lost hope of ever recovering your money from scam brokers? I have good news for you and yes it is 97% possible for you to recover your money through binary cash refund (BCRF)but to do this you need an expert ,I lost over 76,000$ to fake broker and I lost any hope of ever making profit through binary trading until I met an awesome recovery Hacker known as cybermaster who introduced me to (CYBERTRACE).and to recover any lost money to any Cryptocurrency i was able to recover my money and with an amazing recovery Hacker guidance I have been able to make profits after recovering my lost funds. l recommend anyone to email (

  554. When I showed the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM the proofs of investments to backup my intuition that I was getting ripped off by the 5CAE.COM investment company I was investing with.. I wasn’t understanding the whole process again , I could tell when something fishy is going so I had to reach out to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS .. I had an initial total of $470k on my account with the company which I could not access nor withdraw because they kept demanding for more fees before I could gain access to this money which didn’t sit right with me and am thankful to myself for following my instincts and going out there to find a solution.. JETHACKS TEAM is very competent and were dedicated to my case through out the whole case process, my funds were completely withdrawn straight to my back account within 24 hours after the recovery exercise was launched , very professional Team . To contact them you can also reach out to the Team on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL.COM

  555. Axis Capital Holdings

    June 8, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    The world is astonished by the rate of poverty all over the globe, therefore Axis Capital Holdings Company is offering all kinds of loans with easy repayment at the lowest rate of 2%. Axis Capital Holdings offer loans in Dollars and give out loans from the lowest amount of $20,000 to the maximum amount of $100,000,000 for our first timers. You are advised to fill the application form so we can further proceed.

    Interested applicant should fill in the form below.

    * Name………………….
    * Sex……………….
    * Age………………………..
    * Contact Address…………….
    * Country…………………….
    * Phone……………………..
    * Amount needed……….
    * Loan Duration: ………………
    * The purpose of the loan………………
    * Currency…………………
    * Occupation………………..
    * Gender………………..
    * Your monthly income……………..
    * Mode of repayment: monthly or yearly…………..

    Email for more details:

  556. Patrick throp

    June 8, 2023 at 11:01 pm

    I caught my wife cheating on me with my friend. This literally broke my heart when I found out by hire DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com to remotely gain access to my wife’s phone so I could see her text messages and WhatsApp messages too.
    One fateful morning while my wife was getting ready for work, a text came in on her phone and I saw “hey babe, can’t wait to see you on friday 💕”.she had my friend’s name saved as another name. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there atm but her phone was locked and I didn’t have access to her phone.
    This made me really suspicious because she had told me earlier in the week she was going on a business trip so I knew immediately she was cheating on me 💔. I remember going online immediately to search how to spy on a cheating spouse phone and I somehow landed on a forum where they recommended DONALDCYBERLORD via gmail. com as a private investigator and how he can remotely access device.
    In summary, I contacted Donaldcyberlord and told him about my situation. Gave him some details about my wife and that was all he needed to gain remote access for me. After 4hours, he gave me access to her WhatsApp message and Message/text messages as well. I read all their conversations and how they have even been mocking me in their chat. I printed all their chats for evidence.


  557. Tom Whitefield

    June 9, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    The best tech expert to assist you in recovering your lost money and keeping an eye on your binary investing strategy are SPYHOST cyber service. It’s possible that a fake person or an unlicensed cryptocurrency broker has already conned you. People who fall victim to such scams frequently overlook the possibility of receiving help in recouping the stolen funds. It is actually possible for victims of cryptocurrency fraud to recoup their losses. I experienced a similar issue and, thanks to a tip, I came across Spyhost@cyberdude(.)com.., a company that assisted me in getting back my lost Bitcoins of $432,340. SPYHOST are the real deal in Cryptocurrency recovery and you can as well reach out them if need be for help through their email at spyhost@cyberdude. com

  558. A word of caution: the majority of these hackers are imitations. I am aware of how legitimate hackers operate; they are never so transparent in their advertising. In my frantic attempt for quick assistance to get my money back after an online cryptocurrency theft, I was deceived numerous times. When I needed money, I sought to withdraw the $98,000 I had invested in bitcoin, but the website demanded a withdrawal charge, which I paid and got myself into an even worse position. My acquaintance connected me to a team of reliable hackers who handle all types of recovery and respond quickly; I got in touch with them. Craker cyberdude recovery hacking skills might include a variety of methods, particularly the ability to find misplaced bitcoins. I was able to retrieve my investment dollars thanks to Craker cyberdude Recovery in the end. They have highly special, legitimate, and lawful abilities for recovering. You can get in touch with them for your bitcoin recovery, and you’ll be happy you did.

  559. Most recovery companies will take your money again. I personally think they are the same set of people that run all of them, seems like an unending cycle and its too sad. The most crazy thing about the whole internet thing is how you can clone a website to make it look like the real one, I discovered so many people fell into this kind of scams. The only recovery company I know that works is Darkrecoveryhacks @ gmail dot com, I have been to their physical address to meet them before and the good thing about them is that they will let you know if they can handle your case or not. So they will not just take your money when they already know they wont help you out.

  560. One’s loss of the inability to reclaim a lost or stolen crypto coin makes it much more unpleasant. Crypto currency can be a difficult thing to deal with. When someone forfeits money when investing in a cryptocurrency platform, their primary concern is how to report the business and recover their funds. The majority of scam victims get in touch with their bank, wallet provider, or law authorities. A few decide to hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the company, but despite all of this stress, they still are unable to get their money back. Everybody needs to be cautious about their financial decisions. In addition to making many people wealthy, cryptocurrency has also left many people in a desperate and broken state. The Mark Wizard Recovery Solution company recommended it to me a few weeks ago, and I was able to use their services to recover all of my stolen tokens. I suggest using Mark Wizard Recovery Solution because they are reputable and trustworthy. If you want to recover cryptocurrency that was lost or delivered to the incorrect address. Mark Wizard Recovery Solution can be contacted by: Email (
    WHATSAPP, +15093120146

    I’m hoping for the best for you.

  561. Clinton Jeffrey

    June 12, 2023 at 8:49 am

    Get your credit cleaned with the help of a reliable hacker. He’s tested and trusted. I had a very low credit score (around 480) and it was ruining my life. I needed help. I was very depressed because of it and had been trying to repair it but It just seems nothing was capable of getting my score raised quickly. I needed something done fast. I had read a lot of good things about this hacker online which gave me a go ahead to try him out.He helped me hack into my credit and help me remove all the negative items i have on my credit report and he also help me increase my score to 815 excellent and all is done in the range of 72 hours.He’s the best at the moment, legit, swift and very affordable. Email:GARYMCKINNONCREDITSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

  562. Michael Luther

    June 12, 2023 at 12:48 pm


    Greetings, Ladies & Gentlemen. I know how frustrating it is to lose Bitcoin (BTC) to a fraudulent online investing platform. When I fell prey to online scams, thank God I discovered ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY. Their assessments were quite good and trustworthy. ULTIMATE HACKER JERRYy, a qualified cryptocurrency expert, assists clients in retrieving stolen funds. Ultimate Hacker Jerry miraculously restored my wallet and all of my Bitcoins in around 48 hours. ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY comes tested, endorsed, and with high confidence for all Bitcoin scam victims. Even though the service charge was high, it was well worth it. Please contact them if you require their assistance.

    WhatsApp (+1,5/20,2827,15,1)
    e-mail (Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz)

  563. Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? Or you are suspicious that your spouse cheats. Well I will advise you to contact DARKWEB service because he’s the best in hacking skills and more about credit cards and all other activities online. He also helped my friend to clear her driving suspension from the DMV database. I will advise you guys to contact him right here for good jobs and all. DARKWEBCYBERSERVICE AT GMAIL.COM

  564. I read somewhere that it could take a computer years to generate $50 bitcoins because there’s so much computing power already competing for it. Sounds like a waste of time unless you know what you’re doing. My cryptocurrency got stolen despite it’s deemed to be pretty secure. I can understand why things happen, HMM. I Tried law enforcement but got no help from them so i finally found many people showering Accolades on google to a man named Hellian Qween, who has made a great Impact to many young crypto investors since last year he has the best strategy to trade Forex, Bitcoin and mine, I decided to give him a try because I’m always interested most time i heard about btc mining. Mr Hellia help me recover my stolen btc and after 1 month i’m now proud of my Portfolio from 1Btc to 6btc, All Thanks to Almighty Formula for Trading mining and investment, Y’all can reach out to him through his email for more about btc mining or btc recovering. (BITCOINMININGEXPERT11 @ GMAIL dot COM) .

  565. Santos Reyers

    June 12, 2023 at 7:26 pm

    My name is Santos Reyes from Istanbul turkey , I work with a foreign company and I always found international investments very attractive so when I learnt from an acquaintance I met on telegram that I could make a nice profit from crypto investment company’s , no risks at all I quickly registered and was excited about the potential results . I had invested $260k in 4months in accordance with the demands of my contract with the company company I then requested for withdrawal and my account got froze by the company and denied payment so I quickly reached out to the FBI friend of mine who related my case to the best hacking team in the world THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTER INC. Yes they are the best ! For how they recovered my account and pulled out my funds without trace , i worked with them on my case for 3 days and they were professional throughout the whole operation . To contact THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. you can email on : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM

  566. I couldn’t close my eyes and let $124,000 worth of bitcoin go just like that, therefore I needed to get my money back after losing it to an unregulated trading platform. I sent Script Kiddie Consultant an email describing my loss and asking if they might assist me in recovering it after seeing numerous testimonials and suggestions about them while looking for assistance online. Script Kiddie Consultant asked for certain information that they would require during the recovery process, and I was also advised to maintain my composure and patience as they attempted to recover my lost bitcoins. Because my entire life was on the line, it took Script Kiddie Consultant a few days to assist me retrieve my lost bitcoin. With the use of Script Kiddie Consultant, I quickly recovered all of my lost bitcoin and put it in my wallet. The reason they get so many recommendations online is actually because of this. I’m glad I did ask them for assistance.
    If you have same issues that I encountered i will recommend Script Kiddie Consultant to you and let them help you recover all that you have lost, below is their official Email address –
    Trust them and let them help you get your stolen coin back.
    Best regards


    June 13, 2023 at 3:42 am

    I want to extend my heartfelt wishes to each individual reading the comments on this platform and express my gratitude to the administrator who established such a vibrant forum for discussion. The information in this letter will have a significant impact on your knowledge if you invest in cryptocurrencies. Please read it carefully. For the previous two years, my family and I have been trading cryptocurrencies legally, but we haven’t suffered a loss as severe as the recent one when our money totalling $910,000 was stolen by a broker who robbed us of our coins. We made every effort to file a report and recover our money by contacting the police department in charge of investigating fraudulent situations, but nothing was successful. We merely wanted the broker to assist us in mining some coins so that the sudden decline or reduction of Bitcoin won’t significantly affect us, but we ultimately fell victim to fraud. I told an acquaintance about it, and she gave me the website of a hacker group, which is how I got in touch with them. SpyWare Cyber and I got along well, and when I told them everything that had happened to make me fall for the scam, they provided me with the assurance that I didn’t need to worry because they will have the money in my wallet within 72 hours as promised. spyware(@)cybergal. com deserves all the credit.

  568. The team of hackers at “VIRTUALHACKNET” has really been of great help ever since I lost over $182k to a bitcoin scam website , I was devastated by the outcome of my whole investment journey with them “ fxntrade “. I had worked with Virtualhacknet team for over a week ,tracking down the funds I sent to them since they’ve moved the funds from one exchange to another to avoid any trace, but I’m glad that we finally got them at the end , finally I got back a total of $160k out of $182k which was my main profits that was held in the website. I’m so grateful that this people didn’t get away with this , at least there’s still hope for us who are the victims of such cruelty . I do recommend V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ gmail dot com , this team is definitely the solution to you recovering your funds as well . Here’s their telegram ID @virtualhacknet . Best wishes .

    omg! this is awesome i just received $20,000 paypal hack transfer from today to pay my debts and restock my business am forever grateful to them , THEY ARE REAL !!!CONTACT: (
    WEBSITE:(  You can also contact them for the service below

    * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer

    * Bank Transfer

    * PayPal / Skrill Transfer

    * Crypto Mining

    * CashApp Transfer

    * Bitcoin Loans  

  570. Recovery Intel

    June 13, 2023 at 2:57 pm


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
    asorehackcorp@ gmail com

    Stay Safe out there !

  571. If you believe in God and Jesus, please listen to my short testimony. The whole experience still feels like an augmented reality to me, but i thank Jesus for taking me out of the terrible fravd situation. They defravded me through a crypto trading platform, all my savings , i passed on mortgages until it was far due and almost lost my home, this was my reality for 11 months until my inlaw Jackline introduced me to this hacker agency who does recovery and many other technical things. His Email: refundpolici (at) gmail (dot) com).. He asked me some basic questions about the details of the case, i gave him the details and he took it from there. Before 27hours i saw deposits in my coinbase wallet which i submitted to him, It felt soo good, especially after thinking i was gonna remain int the situation for the rest of my life. I Urge everyone here who is in a similar situation, kindly reach out to them to get your funds recovered while they are still functional. This is where they reply quickest [ Whats App : +1 ( 657 ) 2 6 2 ‑ 4 4 8 2 ], They even educate you and prevent you from never being a victim again.

  572. Greg Cannavale

    June 13, 2023 at 8:41 pm

    It was unacceptable to watch this imposters make away with my hard earned money so I looked for every bit of help I could get to recover my money but none of the attempts yielded any results , I was told it’s impossible to recover funds sent through the crypto network until I got to find out about the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. and the 100% success track Record the Team has in tracing and recovering funds lost to scam , I decided to contact them through the official
    Telegram account: JETHACKSS , they proceeded to register my case after which my recovery exercise was launched and i had my funds of over £700k fully recovered to my Blockchain private wallet address in 36 hours … I’m never going to involve myself in any online investment of any kind , I got my second chance to continue my life all thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC . … For anyone who has been ripped off online and lost money in the process , you should reach out to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. On the above Telegram account or EMAIL: JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM to recover your money

  573. Glad to have recovered my funds that has been stuck in a trading platform I was investing with , I couldn’t have done this without the aid of “V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M AI L . Com “, I contacted the recovery firm when I noticed something fishy about the website I was with , I didn’t encounter any issues when I was making the deposits to activate my investment ,but when it got to the point of withdrawal that’s where they came with all sorts of excuses why I can’t withdraw my funds. They kept on sending emails that I’m to pay a certain fee before I could withdraw from my account. At first I never wanted to pay anymore fee but the agent who got me involved with them advised me on paying the said fees , saying that it was necessary for me to pay, I heed to his advise and paid the fees , but still nothing . You all should be careful out there , these scammers are becoming more advanced and come up with lots of tricks to lure you into investing with them . But do not panic if you’ve been a victim , quickly contact the best recovery team on the internet on telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for help .

  574. The rate of cyber crime has risen over the years , there’s so much fraud on the internet ranging from impersonation, blackmail, money scam which the most popular method used has been the Bitcoin investment scam where they lure you with the high ROI % : so you could invest with them after which they never pay you but keeps extorting more nonstop , I speak from experience cos I have already fallen victim to the scam , I met this person on Linkedln around October 2022 and we started talking where he told me all about the Carlyle Acceleration Exchange based in Malaysia ( ) , i invested a total of $305k by December before I started having withdrawal issues too many failed withdrawal attempts and more requests for fees which I couldn’t afford no longer so I had to explore other ways to get back my funds and that led me to get to know about the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. A very credible Recovery team of underground hackers and I vouch for their abilities which I can testify to as my $305k is sitting comfortably in my bank accounts . Plenty of persons out there have fallen prey to these crypto scams so quickly contact THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE on Email: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL .COM or Telegram: JETHACKSS

  575. Lyndsi Hallet

    June 15, 2023 at 6:29 pm

    Shoutout to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. for the professional work they did in handling my case I am forever grateful to the Team … I have been investing in a binary company based in Brussels for over 8 months and I had accumulated a large amount of profits according to my account on the website .. every single detail about the company looked very legit including the certificates and history but I had no idea they were fakes until I initiated a withdrawal and the company wiped off my balance , i received not even a penny I decided to seek help , I was ready to even work with any authority that could recover my funds and that was how I got to learn of the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. , A very ethical team of underground hackers who could trace, monitor and recover funds lost to fraudulent schemes so I reached out to them on EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL. COM and the story changed , my whole funds including the profits was recovered and withdrawn straight to my bank account . You can also contact them on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS

  576. Cassie Darrel

    June 15, 2023 at 9:47 pm

    With the intention that you don’t lose your money to shady brokers for a pittance, I need to mention this here. After making an initial investment of roughly $180,000 on a binary option platform, I subsequently chose to withdraw my money, however the withdrawal was unsuccessful. I tried calling and emailing the platform, but I received no response from them, and that’s when things started to seem strange. A few weeks later, they sent me a mail insisting that if I want to withdraw my money, I must invest more money, which I declined. When my hard-earned money vanished, I was absolutely distraught and felt devastated.. After a few months, I discovered numerous online testimonials about how Coder Cyber Services has assisted many people in recouping their stolen, conned, or defrauded funds on bitcoin or any other type of digital currency. As soon as I sent Coder Cyber Services the necessary information, they promised to assist me in getting my money back.The outcome was astounding. Within a few working days, I had all of my stolen money back.I was thrilled because I had no idea that I would get my money back. Coder Cyber Services, you brought back happiness when I saw my money in my wallet. If you have similar issue,
    Contact them via: email or whatsapp +1 (407) 403- 3407. Thank you.

  577. Colton Feldman

    June 15, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    When I think about my experience I laugh a little but then I remember there are thousands of other people who are not as fortunate as I am. I invested in a fake crypto exchange platform that had the most attractive rates I had ever seen. In the end, I realized it was all a sham but I had lost a huge deal. I got lucky to work with GearHead Engineers who helped me recover the entire amount. They are so organized and professional and even have a website gearheadengineers . org where you can communicate with them and access their portfolio. For those who are interested in crypto, do not give up.

  578. One might agree marriage is quite sweet, Love is also sweet but i don’t get why after getting married to my man whom we have been together since college he still cheats on me with his EX girl friend from high school, though i had try breaking into his IPHONE 7 when I started having the feelings of his infidelity since two years ago, but still could not get access to it. I tried to swallow all my husband had been doing but i could not take it any more so I complained to my younger sister about it and she introduced me to a hacker named REFUND POLICY who she personally knew in their college days. It was with his help i had access to the entire messages on my husband’s phone without touching the phone, i had full information of his chats with his ex girl friend and other unfaithful acts he had indulged in. With all i saw i had no reason to continue being with him and now I feel relieved and working on me and my kids while the divorce papers are still in court.

    I just wanted to share this just incase anyone is in a situation where they don’t trust their partners anymore. There is no harm in wanting to know what your second half is into, it saves you from wasting more years of your life with people who do not deserve you. I will leave the hacker’s contacts below just incase anyone needs his services and assistance.

    Email: refundpolicy82 @ gmail dot com
    Whats app: +1 626 770 5974.

  579. Nathan Philips

    June 16, 2023 at 8:14 am

    I got scammed by a crypto investment company this was really a bad experience for me.. the vexatious part of this story is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of con artist, the investors made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money cause i don’t want them to notice my next plan. then fortunately i came across R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , He puts an amazing smile on my face by getting back my lost funds. how he was able to do this i don’t have the idea but i must say he’s an expert this field. i will keep on recommending your service to anyone i know. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  580. TESTIMONY ON RECOVERY OF MY LOST BITCOIN FUNDS : Have you ever being a victim of scam? or have you lost your money to fake brokers online? I implore you to contact this trustworthy hacking service/recovery experts named SPYHOST CYBER SERVICES. I was a victim of fake people posing as binary options and bitcoin investors, I lost a sum of $237,000 to this fake brokers. it took a while before i realized they were scams and this really hurt me and indeed was the biggest mishap of my life. Then an inlaw of mine heard about it and recommended to me a special company in the hacking field. They helped me recover my lost bitcoins in less than 72hrs and the fakes where caught and made to pay for what they did to me . if you have lost any amount to online scams either through online dating scams, btc wallet hack, fake binary investments and you are in need of help Reach out to SPYHOST CYBER SERVICES,and you will be so glad you did so, here is the address through which you can reach them at: SPYHOST@CYBERDUDE. COM

  581. If I had to guess, I’d say binary options are more of a play of roulette, especially if your broker determines to make an investment on your behalf. That explains why I lost all of my investments to a ruse firm that claimed to have made investments on my behalf and caused me to lose a significant sum of money. However, in a nutshell, I did some investigation and connected with a hacker group called Wizard web recovery. Because Wizard Web Recovery is genuinely professional in this industry, an investigative process was carried out on the transactions, and within a few working days, I received my money back. You can notify Wizard Web Recovery of your missing Bitcoin, and they will undoubtedly assist you in getting your Bitcoin recovered. They are quite proficient in this profession, much like doctors.

    Contact information of Wizard Web Recovery.
    Email: (
    WhatsApp: +1917-725-3296

    By accessing these communication channels, you can reach out to Wizard Web Recovery to help you retrieve your stolen items. They have a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to helping you recover your lost items.

  582. so this like my THANK YOU message to THE JETHACK RECOVERY CENTRE INC. for how they handled my case and staying true to their words throughout the whole recovery exercise, that’s truly a very commendable dedication and professionalism from all of the personnel at THE JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM , you guys are truly the best !! . My experience with the fraud company i invested with lasted for 6 months in which I lost everything I had to my name and nearly sent me and my daughter to the streets , yeah it was that bad ! And it was extra hard for a single parent like me and that pushed me to going into crypto investments in a bid to afford better life for me and my daughter so I truly owe the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM a great appreciation for recovering my funds for me and preventing i and my daughter from being homeless .
    The contact details of the JETHACKS RECOVERY TEAM are below

  583. Sarah Pecharman

    June 17, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    My name is Sarah Pecharman and am a pretty simple lady but as I like to see myself as young adult, am almost 30 . Ok on to the story of my life. It has been a blazing hot summer said Veronica my best friend while we lay on my bed that morning thinking how cool it would be to finally withdraw our funds from the investment company and go shopping , Veronica already made a list of things to shop, I wasn’t so into the who shopping thing because I had bills to sort out including my mom’s hospital bill so we placed for withdrawals which stayed for 2 weeks pending meanwhile we was paying gas fees here and there to get the money released as we was told to pay fees after fees to withdraw our money until we both ran out. at the verge of loosing my damn mind , Veronica came up with the idea of going online to get a hacker to hack the account and pull out the funds , it sounded crazy at first but we both was already going crazy , we have a combine total of $640k with the company so we went online and that was how we got lucky and got to know about the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. we reached out through the
    Email contact : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM
    Telegram: JETHACKSS
    We just wanted our money back and the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTER INC. made is a reality for us , the whole process was very professional and in 48 hours we had our funds back . You can reach out to them on either of the above Email and Telegram ID

  584. Hi, I’m Henry Smith, living in Dallas,Texas. I came across many testimonies on net testifying of DR. UWAIFO a voodoo spell caster that will help you cast a LOTTERY spell and give you the rightful numbers to win the lottery, i didn’t believe it, at first but as life got badder i decided to take a try, now my try has made me a million dollars, i have been playing all types of lottery since 2 years now but i have not win up to $20,000, after contacting DR. UWAIFO cast the lottery spell and gave me the hot figures. Behold, I won $230,000,000,00. Now I am a living testimony of the good work of DR UWAIFO. A gifted man with great powers, it is my secret but I decided to make the world aware of it as it might be a help to any one who is interested, this happened last week,you are free to contact DR. UWAIFO via Email: or Text or phone call:+1(315) 277-2762

  585. I was scared that the 4 Bitcoin and 9 Ethereum I have in my wallet are gone into thin air because I lost both my recovery phrase and password, but Francisco Hacker was able to unlock it for me within 48 working hours of learning about my issue. For me, this is a big relaxation. I’m using this platform to urge anyone looking for reputable hackers to help them recover access to lost wallet information to use Francisco Hacker via: Email: Franciscohack(@)

  586. WIZESAFETYRECOVERY @ GMAIL COM massively oversimplified for anyone wondering what are private keys.

    There are two components to your ownership address: a public key and a private key. Think of the public key as the username on a forum like this. Everyone can see your activity but no one can access the account. The private key is like the password – once you have that you can control everything in the account – make posts, delete the account, etc.

    The Feds basically found this person’s private keys (password) stored online somewhere and used it to log into their Bitcoin wallet and liquidate the funds.

    I am massively oversimplifying here, but hopefully that helps.

  587. Javi Allardyce

    June 18, 2023 at 9:45 pm

    I’m the type to never back down from what I want , I go for it and that’s how I been staying true to myself . I had my own share of the deceit and lies in the hands of these fraud investment companies that promise you high returns in investment only to take your money at the end and never pay a dime to the investors. I never even got to the stage of paying withdrawals fees none of that , I was straight out removed from my account , I tried logging in several times but I was denied login , the company stopped replying my messages on email and the girl that Introduced me to the company blocked me on Telegram , I felt so incomplete and empty inside so I reached out to a friend of mine who works in an IT department for a security company for help and he linked me with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. A Top hacking Team in the field whom their services has been very beneficial to me and my family , I am happy to share today that the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. successfully hacked into the fraud company’s servers and to trace my funds and retrieved to my bank account in on the 3rd day of working with the Team . It really speaks volume to their hacking skills and I recommend them to any person out there who has a similar case and needs helps to recover their funds , here are the contact detail

  588. Elton Jaderson

    June 19, 2023 at 10:43 am

    I’m just a man living in world that restricts and interferes with my ambition,but still I know how to get my mind around it . I made my way into crypto trading and investment back in 2015 , I had gotten the wind about Bitcoin earlier through a friend on who we both ventured into it together so fast forward to 2021 . We both had accumulated some amount of Bitcoin over the years when he brought the idea of investing into a crypto company I was skeptical at first but yeah he’s the front runner in the crypto space so since he guaranteed the safety and stability of the company , I said let’s do it … i invested over 95 % of what I had accumulated over the years in the space of 7 months , I got paid at the early stages so I decided to invest my everything there so they could be making me money instead of just sitting there in my wallet, well things got soar on the 7th month, I needed some cash for something and withdrawal request was going sideways even my friend tried to withdraw and same thing happened we both realized the company was trying to rip us off so we looked for solutions online and we found the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. , this company of Excellent hackers has successfully been tracing and retrieving stolen funds for individuals for years they are the best in the field ! I am really grateful to the company for saving i and my friend . The experience has taught me a very good lesson and am just very happy that I got my happy ending . the contacts are below

  589. Randall Crawford

    June 20, 2023 at 12:44 am

    It is highly disconcerting to lose your Bitcoin (BTC) to a phony online investment platform, transfer your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet, or forget the password to your wallet. Thankfully, I read an article on Wizard web recovery after becoming a victim of crypto theft. Their evaluations were incredibly positive and trustworthy. Wizard Web Recovery is a certified expert in digital currencies that helps victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 24 working hours, Wizard Web Recovery miraculously recovered my wallet and all of my Bitcoins. To everyone who needs their service, Wizard Web Recovery is professional and highly recommended. Contact Wizard Web Recovery is possible at:, Remain Blessed and be updated, don’t make the same mistake as I did.

  590. Randall Crawford

    June 20, 2023 at 12:45 am

    It is highly disconcerting to lose your Bitcoin (BTC) to a phony online investment platform, transfer your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet, or forget the password to your wallet. Thankfully, I read an article on Wizard web recovery after becoming a victim of crypto theft. Their evaluations were incredibly positive and trustworthy. Wizard Web Recovery is a certified expert in digital currencies that helps victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 24 working hours, Wizard Web Recovery miraculously recovered my wallet and all of my Bitcoins. To everyone who needs their service, Wizard Web Recovery is professional and highly recommended. Contact Wizard Web Recovery is possible at:, Remain Blessed and be updated, don’t make the same mistake as I did

  591. In my pursuit for solutions to get back my funds, I contacted the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. after reading so many positive reviews about the Team , naturally am a risk taker but my friends !? I can’t say the same so when I first told them they weren’t buying it .. just being extra cautious after the whole situation that’s been going on with the company but that wasn’t going to stop me .. I was willing to do anything so I contacted the JETHACKS CENTRE INC using the contact details I found online
    My funds have been trapped in a foreign crypto investment company , I wrote to them on Email and the rest became history . Now my friends believe in me they’ve seen the achievements and the excellent work of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. and how he restored the funds we almost thought we lost , they have reached out to The Team and had their funds recovered as well .. you can recover your funds as well , just reach out to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on any of the above contact .

  592. Madeline Gilbertor

    June 21, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    Whenever I come across articles on the internet about the impossibility of not tracing/retrieving Bitcoin or other Cryptos from scammers, I just laugh. I recently found myself being conned by a Crypto Miner. I invested with the scammer with hopes of making high profits only to find out he was a shark. For a minute, I actually thought it was all over as I was a victim of a romance scam earlier in 2017 and lost a few thousand bucks. I did my own research on how to retrieve digital tokens from scammers and stumbled upon a hacking agent, Lord Hacker Ultimate. I reported my case, and lucky for me, I got all the help I needed as they recovered my lost crypto tokens from this scammer within a shorter period of time than I expected. This guy is a pro hacker, he’s great at whatever he does, and for that, he gets a 5 stars review, contact them for your help on their hotline: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, YouTube Channel: lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

  593. Etienne MacDonald

    June 21, 2023 at 6:03 pm

    Be wise and don’t be fooled like myself, I want to share my experience with online investing firms and caution everyone against entrusting your cryptocurrency to them.

    Recently, I was deceived into depositing more than $105,000 with an online investment company. However, when I tried to withdraw my funds, they requested further funds before they would process my withdrawal. Despite my repeated requests for my money back, they declined to give me my money back and eventually stopped returning my calls and answering my emails.

    I was at my wit’s end, but fortunately, a friend of mine introduced me to SPYWARE CYBER, an online information security company. I was initially amazed by their quick delivery and response times. They handled my case flawlessly, and thanks to them, I finally received my money back.

    Therefore, I would like to heartily recommend SPYWARE CYBER to anyone experiencing cryptocurrency loss. They are of the explicit level and have a wealth of experience in dealing with cryptocurrency theft. You may contact SPYWARE CYBER using the details below for information on how to recover your lost cryptocurrency funds:

    WhatsApp: +19892640381

    In conclusion, I urge you to be cautious when dealing with online investment companies, and if you are a victim of cryptocurrency theft, do not hesitate to reach out to SPYWARE CYBER for help.

  594. Karen N Robert

    June 23, 2023 at 12:54 am

    Do you need to hack into any, database server, spy on Facebook, Emails, Whatsapp, Viber, Snapchat, Instagram, and many more? I urge you to get in touch with the best people for the job, I have confirmed the service when I need to spy on my spouse’s phone. They are good at Phone Cloning and other hack jobs. Thanks, guys for the teamwork check their site email   brunoequickhack@GMAIL.COM…….

  595. Jacob Ederson

    June 23, 2023 at 7:48 am

    I rarely share my story with people online and those I don’t know, not only because it put me at the lowest point ever but because it made me a person of ridicule among family and some of my friends. I put all I had into Binary Options $644k after hearing great testimonies about this new investment strategy. I was made to believe my investment would be triple, it started good and I got returns though its not up to what I had invested. Gathered more and involved a couple family members, but I didn’t know I was setting myself up for the kill, in less than no time all we had put ($1.3m) was gone. It almost seem I had set them up, they came at me strong and hard. After searching and looking for how to make those scums pay back, I got introduced to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM a recovery team who helped recover all of my lost funds within a space of 48hrs and I was very happy so message him, It was such an experience. you can contact him for the recovery of your lost funds via email: ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  596. Never in my life have I needed a consolation like I needed it at that time , like just pay me out any amount even a 50% pay out will be very much appreciated by me but not a dime nor a penny did I receive from the platform .. everyday I woke up , I watch my life funds of £207k just sitting there on my lion minning finance company account , you can look up the company on Google .. please beware of the company , it’s a fake crypto mining company that nearly made away with my money but thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. I was able to retrieve it all back to my wallet safely, I reached out to the Excellent Hacking Team on ( TELEGRAM ID : JETHACKSS ) where I shared all the necessary requirements and proofs to enable the tracing of my funds without any issues and it’s swift recovery . I write this here today as a token of my appreciation to the whole Hackers at the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. you guys are the best . Below is also their Email contact address for anyone who’s looking for a way to recover their funds from these fraudulent online establishments out there you can write a message to Telegram username above or to ( EMAIL : JETHACKS7 @ Gmail. com )

  597. Hello everyone i’m Cliff by name i was duped of my hard earned money by some heartless scammers, they really messed my life up, by making me develop interest to invest on their company hoping to make more interest in return. I deposited 10.7850 euros in June 2020, which was later
    turned to 98,908.00 euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in few days, 2 months later there was a fire outbreak in my house and i lost everything and needed money to pay my
    insurance access, Suddenly I was sent from Pillar to post, i tried reaching out to the company which i had invested my bitcoin with to collect the money i invested to pay off my debts, all to my suprise they cut the live chats
    and got harassed from 1 to the other, until they told me I will forever be poor, then i realized that i was being scammed. I just wanted my money back! I was advised
    by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, God so kind i was able to reach out to a recovery guru whom i never trusted at first untill we started to work together and found out there was hope in him. I was able to recover my funds with the help of Mr Smartlucas, he’s indeed an expert on crypto/forex and bitcoin
    recovery, I feel obligated to recommend him and his team, their recovery strategies, and for working relentlessly to help recover my funds. feel free to reach out to
    him via his email address: or what’sapp +4915214137658, and will guide you on how to recover your invested capital, i advise everyone to be
    careful with this heartless stealing people.

  598. I’m here to attest to Script Kiddie Consultant labor of love.Script Kiddie Consultant assisted me in recovering my lost finances from fraudulent individuals who cheated me out of my money, rendered me defenseless, and left me unable to make my payments. I received assistance from an acquaintance who provided me with the contact details for Script Kiddie Consultant, which is how I was able to get my lost money back. In the event that you have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency fraudulent activity, get in touch with Script Kiddie Consultant right away. They come highly recommended and were successful in recovering my bitcoin.Script Kiddie Consultant can be contacted via: for accurate insight.


  599. Kenneth Amanda

    June 24, 2023 at 10:20 pm

    I suggest using Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery for all of your cryptocurrency and digital asset recovery needs. They assisted me in recovering my money because I was one of their clients. When it comes to recovering cryptocurrency, they truly are the finest. My money was placed on a bitcoin trading platform that went down earlier this month. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was able to retrieve my money from the crashed platform when I got in touch with them after finding their website. I am posting this here for everyone to see since it made me so happy. You can get in touch with Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery using the details listed below.

    Email: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)


  600. It all happened so fast like I was in a movie , at some point I started to think maybe this person ( the lady that introduced me to the fraudulent site ) must have used some jazz , everything cleared off my eyes after they took all my money and started giving me flimsy excuses and asking for more Money , totally crazy …. I’m sure she’s a Nigerian , am not even sure it’s a lady cos that’s a fake profile and I already heard a lot about how diabolical African countries can be most especially Nigerians and the plenty of fraudulent individuals from there who has made social media their hunting grounds , too bad I fell for it and nearly moved back in with my mom cos I lost every penny I had to my name … my trust level hit zero , I lost trust in everything until I learnt about the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. through a friend that we both got scammed by the same company , at first I wasn’t buying the idea to reach out to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE for assistance until when my friend successfully got back his funds to his Binance Wallet account and I quickly rushed to the fine Hacking Team for help .. in my head , I believed if it worked out for my friend it will definitely work out for me as well and am extremely lucky that it did work out perfectly in the end . It can also work out for you just like it did for me , just send a message to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on TELEGRAM: JETHACKSS or EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @

  601. I lost over $600k in an investment trading company last year; i was down because the company refused to let me make withdrawals and kept asking for more money…. My friend in the military introduced me to a recovery expert and she was really helpful , she made a successful recovery of 95% of my investment in 2 weeks, and I am really grateful to her . If you are a victim of binary ,Lottery ,Compensation, Inheritance, Forex. Bitcoin Dating Romance scam and needs to get your money back, please don’t hesitate to contact her via : “ashleyphiliprecovery @ g m com” . If you have been scammed she can restore your hope of getting your money back, thank me later.

  602. Brianna Pollicina

    June 25, 2023 at 11:57 pm

    Mistakes are a necessity for us to learn our lessons in life and as adults , we have to learn from these mistakes, we just hope that we never make a mistake that could cost us more than we can afford .. I have learnt a lot from my experiences with working with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE to recover my capital which was stuck up on a foreign investment account but not anymore, I got it all swiftly pulled out already by the Great Team of Hackers at the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. at first I was scared , what if it doesn’t work and I lose all of my $607, 000 or it gets traced back to me by the company but on a second thought , if it gets traced then I will fight it in court cos how will you tie up my money and refuse to pay me in accordance with the agreement, I had all transactions proofs as evidence so I wasn’t going to let it stop me, all to my greatest surprise when I received a deposit notification of $607,000 from my Binance and I checked the app and it was all there , swiftly withdrawn without trace after 48 hours of launching the recovery exercise like I was assured by the JETHACKS TEAM , truly commendable effort . I recommend the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. to any person out there involved in any form of fraudulent Transactions and lost their money in the process , quickly send them a message on Telegram: JETHACKSS
    Email: JETHACKS 7 AT gmail DOT Com

  603. If there is anyone that I trust and believe in is Dr Amber. His like an Angel sent from the heavens to rescue us from the captivity of hardship with his powerful spell. My Heart is filled with Joy and Happiness after Dr Amber made me win 1 million dollars with the numbers he provided for me. His winning numbers changed my life into Riches and now, I am out of debts and living the best life that I wanted for myself. You Can Contact Him For Your Own Lottery Number Because This Is The Only Secret To Win The Lottery. He is very reliable. Call, text or WhatsApp +1 409 241 8060 or email:

  604. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast 
    you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
    hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about 
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month 
    ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and 
    I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about 
    $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money 
    into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught 
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it 
    also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect 
    you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( < Tell your 
    loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how 
    my life changed for good…Love you all .

  605. Brittany Mckeown

    June 26, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    All my life I been carried by Grace , if you ask me why or how I can’t explain .. things just always seem to work out for me in the end , days when I didn’t see any light nor a way forward but the universe always has a way of coming through for me .. it’s nothing short of a miracle that am here today sharing this wonderful news with you all about how I got to recover my almost lost investment fund that I invested with the , they are a fraud company I got to know about through an individual who claimed to be broker with the company , I only got to know they were fake after I started having issues with withdrawal and the broker blocked after several failed attempts to raise more money …. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago when I got to know of the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTER INC . A well professional recovery Team of underground hackers who I got to know of through my sister who is the IT field so she gave me the contacts to reach out to the Team on EMAIL: Jethacks7 @ GMAIL. COM
    Or TELEGRAM: Jethackss to handle the case for me … I got back my whole money and profits meant for me 3 days after the Recovery exercise for my case was launched and today I am smiling as type this because it all worked out for me in the end .

  606. Technology is ever-evolving. Hacking has become a common occurrence. Without the requirement for administrative access, hackers have developed tools that can be used to compromise proprietary systems or access networks. Although I wasn’t the top student in my high school, I always managed to get by, and I continued to do so until I entered college. When I failed my courses in my first year due to illness, things really began to pile up on me. My second year was extremely challenging because I had to accomplish things I never believed I could. After the first time, it was simple to pay the hacker to change my grades semester after semester, and I’m now in my third year. So hiring a hacker turns out to be a good idea after all. If you require assistance as well, you should contact Wizard Web Recovery by mail at: wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer(.)net or Reach them via WhatsApp: +1 (917) 725-3296

  607. Victim of a BTC Scam? Contact Ultimate Hacker Jerry to recover your Lost Bitcoin.

    Have you ever been a victim of a scam? or have you Suffered a loss from a Fraudulent Ponzi Scheme? I implore you to Contact Ultimate Hacker Jerry, A Certified hacker and Lost Crypto Recovery Expert. I once fell victim to an online imposter who convinced me to invest in a phoney Cryptocurrency scheme by claiming to have made large profits from the plan. My Trezor wallet contained $219,100 in Crypto that I lost, I had been reporting to the Authorities tirelessly for a longtime without getting assistance before I finally got in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry. Fortunately after a serious conversation with Ultimate Hacker Jerry all my funds were recovered back.
    I recommend this Expert to any victim who has lost Crypto to any fake online Ponzi Scheme..

    Get in touch with ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY
    Through ; Mail (Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz)
    WhatsAp, (+1,5/20,2827,15,1)

  608. I was persuaded to buy cryptocurrency by someone I met online.They have access to a group of analysts that provided reliable predictions for the rise and fall of BTC. I initially attempted with a modest amount just to be sure, and I was successful in withdrawing money twice. This demonstrated a growth in the signals I was receiving. I made the decision to include corporate funds as well. When I tried to contact the individual at that point, he had banned all of his connections, which is when everything started to go wrong. I tried everything until a professional hacker directed me to Wizard Web Recovery, A company that helps individuals and businesses recover their stolen BTC assets. They truly helped me to recover everything at an affordable fee and I was elated. If you are in the same boat, To learn more about them kindly visit their website: www.

  609. I think it over now and all I can say is this, to all the rippers out there you all are gonna face the consequences very soon , the amount of effort these fake brokers put in to perfect their lies and make you believe it’s true is unbelievable.. I had my friend who live in Sydney Australia to go in person to help me lay a complaint and see what’s the reason for all the never ending withdrawals fees they keep asking me to pay and that was how we found out it was a fake establishment, there’s no physical office , the address on the website is fake and everything they showed me , I was really broken after I found out that my money might be gone forever but luckily my friend made a contact with a person at the address who told him all about how he also got duped by the same company and he got back his funds through THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. i thank my luck for leading my friend to this place on that faithful day , it all worked out in the end after I reached out to the Contact on
    TELEGRAM ( ID: JETHACKSS ) in my life I have never been involved with hackers but I was willing to do anything at that point , I got to see how amazing hacking can be .. in just 2 days of working with the TEAM , my whole funds was retrieved back to me which I immediately withdrew to my bank and converted to cash . To contact the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. you can write them on the TELEGRAM ID above or the Email below ( EMAIL: JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM )

  610. A few months ago, I stumbled upon a post about a cryptocurrency investment platform that I thought was a good idea at that time to invest in crypto, I didn’t realize I was being catfished by the cryptocurrency investment manager who promised me huge returns on my investment. I lost my capital of $220,100 and interest without receiving any profits in return. I was depressed and had no idea how to move forward. I told my colleague at work about it and I was referred to Judas Cyber Service, a cryptocurrency recovery company. I provided all the information about the scam to them, and Judas was able to recover my funds within 72 hours. I’m truly grateful for their help and I want to recommend their service to everyone affected by these cryptocurrency scams. You can reach Judas via E-Mail:

  611. Due to the wide range of alternatives available for cryptocurrency trading and investing, dependability and flexibility of the software should be taken into consideration while looking for the best cryptocurrency wallet to store your coins. The knowledge that your bitcoin is secure despite changing market prices is one fundamental benefit. I’ve used other cryptocurrency apps in the past, but they weren’t as adaptable and trustworthy as I needed them to be. Since my wallet containing more than $120,000 was stolen and all of my coins were lost, I’ve become cautious when using wallets or apps to deposit money from my bank account. Craker cyberdude recovery, a cryptocurrency team for which I will always be eternally grateful, was the first to successfully recover my funds for me after I found and engaged them. I was giddy with joy. Before I received their amazing service through their contact email at:    Little did I realize that these recovery pros and computer experts had assisted other customers in recovering their lost bitcoins and were still operating efficiently.

    You can also contact them Craker(@) for any crypto relating issues.

    Thank you

  612. susan raymond

    June 29, 2023 at 2:02 am

    Sincerely i was so crushed when my Husband of 8 years left me and moved to another city with another woman.The pains was just too much for me to bear that I couldn’t just bear it anymore. So i had to reached out to the Internet for help until i found out that Dr. Balbosa was the real deal.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work for me, which you have guaranteed me positive result in 48 hours, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was remorseful for the whole lot he has done And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. Dr. Trust you do a great service to people. Friends in case you need the help of Dr.Balbosa kindly mail him on: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com
    i will forever recommend you all over the world. susan raymond from Canada…

  613. susan raymond

    June 29, 2023 at 2:07 am


    Sincerely i was so crushed when my Husband of 8 years left me and moved to another city with another woman.The pains was just too much for me to bear that I couldn’t just bear it anymore. So i had to reached out to the Internet for help until i found out that Dr. Balbosa was the real deal.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work for me, which you have guaranteed me positive result in 48 hours, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was remorseful for the whole lot he has done And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. Dr. Trust you do a great service to people. Friends in case you need the help of Dr.Balbosa kindly mail him on: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com
    Whatsapp/call +1(204) 410-3656
    i will forever recommend you all over the world. susan raymond from Canada…

  614. Walid Ghazali

    June 29, 2023 at 9:33 am

    Truth is hundreds of people have lost millions of dollars to these rippers who have taken over the crypto investment world and makes it very hard to find a legit paying platform out there , it’s terrible and what saddens me this most is that most of these individuals who have been ripped off probably will never get back their money again .. it’s gone besides its rare that they come across a Legit means to recover their money which makes me to share this here today , so if you’re reading this i want to say that I used to think my funds might be lost forever up until I got to know of THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE .. they have been in this field for 9 years and I saw a lot of great reviews about their hacking services , i reached out to them on Telegram : JETHACKSS and here I am today , sharing another satisfying review about how they successfully recovered back my funds to me after just 48 hours that I registered my case with them . Have you been scammed and you lost funds in the process, send a message to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on Telegram : JETHACKSS or Email : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL .COM


      Sincerely i was so crushed when my Husband of 8 years left me and moved to another city with another woman.The pains was just too much for me to bear that I couldn’t just bear it anymore. So i had to reached out to the Internet for help until i found out that Dr. Balbosa was the real deal.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work for me, which you have guaranteed me positive result in 48 hours, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was remorseful for the whole lot he has done And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. Dr. Balbosa you do a great service to people. Friends in case you need the help of Dr.Balbosa kindly mail him on: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com
      Whatsapp/call +1(204) 410-3656
      i will forever recommend you all over the world. susan raymond from Canada…

  615. Maria Dolors Cule

    June 29, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    I gained access to my cheating husband WhatsApp messages and caught him red handed with a lady he has been having an affair with for over 18 months now, all thanks to you jeajamhacker @ gmail. com for the successful WhatsApp hack.


    Hello Everyone, I wish to share with you how my savings were lost after investing with a fraudulent crypto trading broker. I finally found a genuine Crypto Recovery agent who I had previously seen many testimonies about him but I never thought I’ll have to need him for his services until I fell victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam that was introduced to me by someone I met online. I lost $10,000 in USDT, $9,000 in bitcoin and $20,000 in Eth totaling $39,000. I was left devastated and the first thing I thought of was report to the police but nothing was done. My last resort was to employ this specialist SCEPTER007. After much discussion on my situation and explaining of how he works, that for sure gave me hope that he could help me. I provided details and screenshots of the transactions I made to the scammers and using these he traced my funds. I was able to recover 80% of my losses and we are currently pursuing the rest. I am eternally grateful. I recommend him to any person who has fallen prey to any online trading scam.
    His contacts are:
    Email: SCEPTER007 @ WORKMAIL . COM
    Whatsapp: +1(920) 571-6809

  617. Raymond Kendric

    June 29, 2023 at 5:54 pm

    I bring you all reading this short story of mine a special greetings and letter of advice so you don’t end up being scammed, I’m Raymond Kendric from Chicago, I invested with a broker trade site where I ended up paying more just to withdraw my profit of which I paid capital for. After paying 5 times fee I noticed it is all fraud and these scammers never give up until one has to stop by itself. I lost a total of $301,391.04 US dollars to this bitcoin trade broker’s scam. after I noticed I was being used, I ended up searching for a recovery agent hacker, I came across two different recovery scammer entirely who knows very much on how to make you believe that they are capable of what they are doing not knowing that it was a total fraud. to make it shot I was finally referred to ( ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM ) by a friend and I wrote to him and then explained everything to him, he responded fast and i decided to work with him, in less than 48 hours i received all my lost funds back to my wallet address . All thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM who gave me back my life again .Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  618. Stanley Alastair

    June 29, 2023 at 8:56 pm

    Have you been a victim of a fraudulent Ponzi scheme or are you experiencing trouble accessing your bitcoin wallet? For a 100% guaranteed wallet recovery and return of your misplaced bitcoin, contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery can provide you with high-quality tools that can speed up the recovery procedure regardless of how long it has been since you last had access to your wallet, whether you sent bitcoins to the wrong wallet or were the victim of a bitcoin investment scam. For your opportunity to recover your lost bitcoin using the method described above, act quickly and contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery using the details provided below.

    Email for contact:
    WhatsApp: +1 (859) 443‑5876

  619. Gunter Stefan

    June 30, 2023 at 6:08 am

    I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on youtube and I invested a huge sum of money around £665,211 which was deposited using Bitcoin with hopes to gain massive returns on my investment. I kept tracking my portfolio and it was increasing daily on the website. It made me excited and confident. Fast forward to 30 Days after, which was supposed to be my payout date, I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills and buy my new house, but the broker insisted that I continue to invest or will have to pay some fees to withdraw my funds. That was very disappointing to hear, because it was all going smoothly when I deposited the funds. Eventually, I paid the fees which was about £45,800. I was desperate now because according to my portfolio, I had made about £1,512,400. Now you see why I was willing to pay the fees. It turned out it was a scheme to keep asking me for more money for one thing or the other, like Taxes, miner fees and so many others. I declined, and instead I won’t pay more. They locked my account for several weeks. A month after, I saw a post on Quora about GHOST CHAMPION HACKERS  which stated they were capable of getting my money recovered. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had.
    In less than a week, I was able to recoup my BTC. I praise the universe for sending them my way. I wish to recommend them to everyone out there. they are capable of recover any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, now i have my funds back with there guidelines and skills you can always contact them via 
    EMAIL  : ghostchampionwizard @
    Telegram :

  620. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349163356894 or WhatsApp him +2349163356894  or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  621. Betty Lockwood

    June 30, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    Truth is hundreds of people have lost millions of dollars to these rippers who have taken over the crypto investment world and makes it very hard to find a legit paying platform out there , it’s terrible and what saddens me this most is that most of these individuals who have been ripped off probably will never get back their money again .. it’s gone besides its rare that they come across a Legit means to recover their money which makes me to share this here today , so if you’re reading this i want to say that I used to think my funds might be lost forever up until I got to know of THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE .. they have been in this field for 9 years and I saw a lot of great reviews about their hacking services , i reached out to them on Telegram : JETHACKSS and here I am today , sharing another satisfying review about how they successfully recovered back my funds to me after just 48 hours that I registered my case with them . Have you been scammed and you lost funds in the process, send a message to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on Telegram : JETHACKSS or Email : JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL .COM

  622. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349163356894 or WhatsApp him +2349163356894  or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  623. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349163356894 or WhatsApp him +2349163356894  or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life …….

  624. I have read so many reviews on here and I realized that this scam running on the crypto space is actually deeper than I thought , it is way bigger than I imagined as am reading through , I just imagine how many more persons out there in the world that have been ripped off by many of the investment fraud companies out there which is why I decided to write these here , it is how I recovered my own funds at the hands of the fraud company I invested with .. initially I thought it was over for me when I realized it was fake but I didn’t give up faith , I believed and I had to seek for help and thanks to that , I got to learn of the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC . A recovery team of professional hackers who helped me to hack the fake platform and recover my money in just 4 days of working with them… I’m also a victim but it worked out for me in the end and that is why am writing this here , have you been scammed/ lost or had your funds stolen from you and looking to get it back , quickly reach out to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. through the Contact details below to get your funds retrieved back to you
    Telegram @ Jethackss
    Email @ Jethacks7 AT gmail DoT com

  625. Robin Archibald

    July 2, 2023 at 12:23 am

    The Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery solution offers the best technical know-how to assist you in recovering your lost cryptocurrency and managing your binary investing strategy. It’s possible that you’ve already been fooled or bilked by an unregistered bitcoin merchant. Sometimes those who fall prey to such techniques misjudge their possibilities of getting assistance in recovering the cash that have been taken. Those who were lured into falling for the Bitcoin swindle may actually be able to get their money back. When I ran into a similar problem, a tip from an anonymous source brought me to Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, a hacking outfit that helped me get back my lost bitcoins, totaling $134,000 in value. They can be reached on forums such as: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@), They are the real deal when it comes to recovering cryptocurrency.

  626. Bradley Nicholas

    July 2, 2023 at 11:45 am

    As a Retired combat Marine, I never believed I could easily fall prey to internet fraudsters after many years serving in the National Guard. I want to tell the world the wonders of what the [LORD-HACKER ULTIMATE]Hacking/Recovery agency is doing, it’s as important as what US troops are doing on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the internet. I thought after investing with a fake Bitcoin investment website, I would lose all my money, but you saved the day by ensuring my funds were recouped from that fake crypto investment platform. Thank you for defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these online predators. Keep up the good work, His contact Below.

  627. Michelle Hardy

    July 2, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    success in life requires a lot of help , if you wasn’t born in wealth you might probably never understand ,i don’t regret investing in crypto regardless of everything… I couldn’t be working and also be an expert in the crypto market it’s not possible so I did require help as a newbie by investing in a platform supposedly meant to take care of the trading for me in return split the profits , it was simple all I had to do was invest and then I make profits on weekly basis but I didn’t know I was investing with the wrong people, I ended up loosing a total of £655k in their hands , I never got paid not even a dime up until 2 weeks ago when I hired the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. to get on my case and hack that fraud company to retrieve my funds for me , it’s too much money I can’t lose it .. As a highly recommended Team of hackers and with their great hacking skills and level of expertise , getting back my funds wasn’t a problem for them , once the recovery process began I dropped my personal wallet address for deposit and after 2days I got the email deposit confirmation , I checked my binance and my money was all there .. I’m really grateful to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. to contact them , you can send a message on Email: Jethacks7 @ GMAIL . COM Or on TELEGRAM : Jethackss

  628. What would I have done without your help Mr James Mckay Wizard?.. I’m most grateful and am writing a review for you with a grateful heart. Thanks for helping me get my life back together and especially helping me to clear my credit debts that my wife had maxed out and even more thanks for helping me get the proof I need to go through with the court proceeds. My wife has always been a cheater and I never would have had helped without you, she would have took away my children and all my money. If you are looking to hire a good cyber hacker and recovering agent he is the man for you contact him here: or What’sapp +919863293475..

  629. Do you believe there is something you can do about losing your hard-earned money to a bad crypto online investment platform? Make an effort to reach out to Mark Wizard Recovery Solution. Mark Wizard Recovery Solution is a specialist who aids individuals in regaining lost money that has been carelessly misplaced in the process. Therefore, act quickly and get in touch with Mark Wizard Recovery Solution so that you may get started and quickly recover your lost tokens, I am a living witness to their amazing work. Send an email to get in touch with this amazing team of hackers, and be sure to thank them later for a job well done.WHATSAPP, +15093120146

    Good luck.

  630. Good day everyone. I’ve always played lottery games with the hope that someday I will win but that never happened. I did some research online and I came across an advert about Dr Amber who helps people that believe in his work. I explained my situation to him and he prepared a lottery spell for me and gave me some special digits to play the lottery. I did as he said without any skepticism and could you believe that after 3 days, I checked my ticket at a store where I bought it from and for the very first time in my life, I won the sum of £30,820,000 MILLION POUNDS. Now my life has changed for good, I am a boss of my own and I am so happy that I meant this great man called Dr Amber. You can be a boss of your own too by getting in touch with him.. For urgent response from Dr Amber, send a WhatsApp text or call to +1 409 241 8060 or send an email to;

  631. Loretta Abbot

    July 3, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    I was also a victim of fraud. Unknowingly i lost about $225k to a fraudulent crypto investment platform just recently. This platform posed as an investment company that could deliver a certain percentage in returns if you deposit your Bitcoin with them. At first, it seemed real and was moving fine as i got paid twice. I didn’t realize they set up a bot (robot) that will completely shutdown your account after you have decided to invest a huge amount of money. i made a couple huge deposit in order to earn more but then i found out that i couldn’t access my crypto and withdraw to my account as usual. Contacted the customer service and they told me about (unending) website upgrade which led me to paying more. Long story cut shut! it was a scam and i was able to do a research and saw a comment about similar experience, so i was told to Contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. Well, These guys are amazing as they literally traced all my transactions, tracked the crypto and refunded me 100% of all my lost funds back to my wallet. If you have been scammed of your Crypto or been in a similar situation you contact them via Telegram; ROOTKITS7 or R O O T K I T S 4 @G M A I L . COM

  632. Even though spying or hacking someone’s phone might be illegal, the situation surrounding my marriage warranted it. However, despite several attempts, getting a reliable hacker proved to be a herculean task till I was introduced to ExpressHacker99 @ gmail com. In fact, I have been scammed many times in my attempts to hire a professional hacker. Here is the problem, I suspect my husband is seeing other ladies. Most of the hackers I contacted collected my money and I never heard from them. I decided to try for one last time before I finally give up. Well, it paid off, the hacker cloned his phone. Now I can see everything he does in real time. Feel free to contact ExpressHacker99 @ gmail com for your professional hacking services.

  633. Good day everyone; I have received a blank ATM card from Mr. Bednorz, and with this card, I can make daily withdrawals and buy goods. Every day I am entitled to $5,000 spending from this card, valid for three months. Also, Mr. Georg remains your best bet for recovering your cryptocurrency.
    If you want this type of ATM card, kindly contact:
    Text & Call: +1 (262) 355-8285
    WhatsApp: +1 (256) 821-7724
    Email: georgbednorzhackers @ gmail * com  

  634. Lisa Shull Sheider

    July 5, 2023 at 2:16 pm

    Thank you for giving me the best services, with the help of your services I was able to access my husband text messages and also deleted messages anonymously. Thank you once again.

  635. I got scammed by Binary Investment company, I received a message from a broker on my Instagram and told me about how high their profit after investing was, without making a proper investigation on the platform i decided to invest with them in the online trade but they kept asking for more money including withdrawal fee which i paid all but still was never allowed to withdraw my funds and it was until then I realized I was being scammed. I couldn’t let go because I invested all i have with them both my savings as at that time. I had to make a research on how I could recover my funds from them and I came across the website ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM with the following contact details ( ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . COM ) after so many searches. I read several good reviews about the Firm from various scam victims they have helped and I decided to contact the the firm for help. i was opportune to get my money back from the scam brokers through the help of this recovery firm, they recovered my investments for me with all the profits I was entitled to within just two days of being in contact. You can write ROOTKITS7 at Telegram for help too if you a victim of any kind of scam

  636. smitth benson

    July 6, 2023 at 5:12 am

    Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349163356894 or WhatsApp him +2349163356894  or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  637. In all honesty, I don’t enjoy blogging much, but in this case, I feel compelled to tell the world about this genius who saved my life when a dubious Bitcoin investment site put me in a dire predicament. I almost completely lost everything I had because of my inheritance. I explained that this would also be a wise financial investment. Sadly, because of this Bitcoin platform, I ended up losing every penny. I never had the option to withdraw any of the $840,000 I had deposited as money. I tried a number of things to get my money back, but none of them worked. This was incredibly awful, and I felt completely devastated and broken. Three days after contacting ROOTKITS SPAMMER Recovery, I learned about a more experienced technical person who could assist me with my specific case. As a result, I read many positive evaluations about them. I can state with great pride that they retrieved all of my funds from this platform. I appreciate their persistent efforts and implore you to contact them using any of the details provided below.
    WhatsApp : +351 920 258 835 or via Mail: (spammer (@)

  638. I got help from in hacking into my wife phone remotely and am happy all came out successful without trace.

  639. Elite Wizard Bitcoin

    July 8, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. That I could get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds.


    Phone: +1 (740) 688-0116


    Do you need help in; retrieving stolen funds, reclaiming lost Crypto wallets, reporting a bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about it, You should hire a legitimate company in Bitcoin recovery RECOVERY MASTERS,  A specialized group of hackers with cyber specialties to recover scammed funds from swindlers. After losing  $274,000 to an Online bogus investment company, I had tried countless times looking for a way to recover my funds. Most of the recovery companies I tried out ended up duping me  more funds. I came to learn about Recovery Masters through my old time Colleague, I got in touch with the Company, and after submitting my reports the company was able to recover my funds.
    Contact Recovery Masters through; 


       Email: (   
          WhatsApp: +1(204)819-5505.

  641. Rosaline Montez

    July 9, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    Changes and blessings come with time cos that’s what life brings , I never quite understood this saying until I made it spring , I saw Everything that happened during the time I lost my funds to the platform I invested with as a test but my only scare was will ever pass this test, having your account frozen and nothing working out felt so heavy for my chest to carry , I prayed fervently and cried to God to come through for me , everything I had I gave to them , my prayer was for my account to be restored and my funds payed out to me according to the terms of our agreement , little did I know that God had better plans for me , he led me to come across the Contact Details of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE here on this site while I was searching for news relating to crypto investment platforms, I quickly wrote down the contact details which am going to share here as well
    EMAIL : Jethacks7 @ Gmail . Com
    TELEGRAM : Jethackss
    I reached out to the Team of Expert Hackers and we maintained communication through Telegram for 3 days while my case was getting handled .. I’m going to say this here , THE JETHACKS TEAM OF HACKERS are indeed the best out there and very professional so if you’re reading this and you’re looking for means to get back your funds from the hands of these rippers then quickly reach out to them today , i 100% vouch for their transparency and trustworthy, they are the best hackers in the world.

  642. Michelle Brice

    July 9, 2023 at 4:04 pm


     The Lost Recovery Masters is a team of experienced Crypto Experts currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Anyone that has fallen prey to these fake online imposters and bogus investments Schemes contact Lost Recovery Masters and explain your situation; They will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin wallets reclaiming, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber – attacks.  

    Support team Mail: (         
    WhatsApp: +1(204)819-5505.


    Don’t forget to mention  Michelle Brice referred you.

  643. So this how mine went down , i met this fine lady earlier this year on Instagram and she told me all about how she makes money daily trading on a crypto platform and all she does is to invest , she convinced me to as well join the platform and be investing, well I had a well paying job but I loved her so much and I was willing to do anything for her so I agreed.. At first , I started with a tentative amount of $5000 which worked out perfectly fine so I kept on going and ended up funding a total of $72,000 before i had to put a stop to it , I told her No more deposits until I see her , I didn’t even care about withdrawing it all out until she started ignoring my texts and said I will keep investing otherwise she won’t come meet up with me, long story cut short , she blocked me after I tried to withdraw my funds and it failed … I was shocked but nonetheless I looked for means to recover my money.. I already had contacts with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on a previous hacking job they did for me so I reached out to them for solution and they came through for me again.. scams on the crypto network is real but it can be traced back and retrieved same way it was sent once you got the right person for the job . If you’ve had bad experiences similar to mine ,You should quickly reach out to THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE for assistance to recover your funds , the contact details are as follows
    Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram : Jethackss
    Watsapp No : +1 (803) 479‑2043

    If you want efficient and perfect hacker for HIRE, DIGITALTECHHACKER @ GMAIL COM is the certified hacker you’ve been looking for.
    Get in touch with them today for services such as:
    +School Upgrades and Credit Score hack
    +Facebook hack, Twitter hack, Instagram hack, Gmail, Yahoo hack
    +Already hacked Paypal, MasterCard, Credit Card untraceable balance
    +Email interception hack
    +Hack computer remotely
    +Whatsapp hack
    +Email accounts hack
    +hack into any database
    +Bank accounts hack
    +Hack WORD PRESS Blogs
    +Untraceable IP and all degree of hacking

  645. The Only Person who is capable of helping you to recover your money from scam brokers as i was helped of recent in recovering my lost fund by a HACKER/PROFESSIONAL Financial Recovery Service GURU. Most of these Binary option companies are scam, so therefore they have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of Special Recovery Tools, Root Recovery Tools and Technical Infiltration Strategies. All they need do is to infiltrate into the Company’s Database, Extract your Files and Documents, Decrypt your Transaction Details, and recover your stolen funds. He has a trained team of seasoned professionals under various skill sets when it comes to Database Infiltration and recovery of assets lost to Binary Options, ICO Scams, and Online Bitcoin Brokers. You can reach him via (Digitechhacker @ gmail com)

  646. Anthony Rodriguez

    July 10, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    Able to recover my lost invested funds through the great assistance of THE ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM – Official email as follows ROOTKITS4 @ G MAIL . COM . after quite a while of searching for a recovery expert and platform to help me retrieve back my lost invested crypto i came across this firm contacts info from people who they had equally helped, it was before that time that i met Mr Lucas on instagram who referred me to a company he claimed that can change my financial life through investing with them, everything looked so real and serious to me until i made my investments, it was now time for me to take my profits but the website total deactivated me from withdrawal i contacted the investors through the support system but pitiful they keep asking that i invest more before i would be able to take my profits, but thanks to this wonderful team for coming through for me when i contacted his above email contacts for help and he showed up and help me with the process of retrieving my funds back from the company’s wallet account where i had directed all payments to, he was in deed an expert in this field you can as well catch up with him also on Telegram : ROOTKITS7 if need such assistance .

  647. Hubert Jeannine

    July 10, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    When investing in cryptocurrencies, one must exercise extreme caution. My capital investment was locked along with all of my returns at a binary investment firm, which was the exact issue I was having. Though I genuinely think there are legitimate businesses you can invest in, the difficulty is how to know for sure before making a decision. It was almost like watching a movie as the whole thing played out for me when I fell for these con artists posing as investors. Before it happened to me, I was unable to believe that such things exist. But when it turned out that I couldn’t withdraw my money, I started looking for a way to get it back. Fortunately, through recommendations from others, I was introduced to a recovery agent named Wizard Web Recovery. When I discovered that the scammers’ website had been taken down, Wizard Web Recovery was such a lifesaver; they were able to access it and helped me get my money back. I can’t be more grateful. You can catch up with them also via (www. & (wizardwebrecovery@


    Garry Speed Hack is currently collecting funds
    back for all victims who fall into scams, Hurry up and
    contact him explain your situation to him he will help you
    in all crypto scam recovery
    funds, bitcoin scam recovery, investment scam, mobile spy,
    hacking contact him on
    Email:(wzardgarryspeedhack (at) gmail (dot) com)
    WhatsAp: +1 ( 626 ) 557 – 1615
    when you require his service please say
    Fred Brown referred you

  649. I never knew a post could be of such help to anyone until I saw a post about a professional hacker called hackerspytech, which is why I’m posting this with the hope that I might help someone through this. Well i contacted him through his email hackerspytech @ gmail com in good faith that he was going to help me out by hacking into my husband’s phone and email and he didn’t even disappoint me for a second,rather he provided me with full access to both his email and phone allowing me to see everything for myself, how a cheat of an husband the man i loved was. I would forever be indebted to him and I really appreciate him for a job well done. I already made him my personal hacker and I advise that you do the same

  650. Graham Webster

    July 11, 2023 at 8:31 am

    Hi everyone my name is Adam Fowler , turns out I was involved in a fake (Amazon) stock investment which cost me a lot of money .it really got shady and obvious when I was asked to pay a tax or stand to loose my stock investment, all I can say is that if you looking to get the job done “Alister Recovery (at) gmail DO T C O M” is the answer . They hacked their way in and retrieved what I lost , Contact them now “

  651. More money brings more trouble , I ain’t got any fairytale story like the plenty that I have seen on here … I’m a very ambitious man and when I see an opportunity to make money , I go for it , it’s the only thing that ever matters to me .. with my two eyes wide open , I joined the crypto community, the idea of multiple streams of income is my definition so on that pursuit , I stumbled upon a page on Instagram that facilitates trading for individuals with guaranteed return on investments, so after following the page for a while I dived into bed with them.. all communications was channeled through their Instagram account .. in 5 months I invested a total of $423k , I also made multiple withdrawals during that period but that’s about $21k before I started experiencing difficulties with withdrawals and was made to pay fees non stop till I gave up .. pushing me to go extreme lengths to get back my money which led me to getting to know of THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. A Top Recovery Team of Hackers who’s been in the field of recovery for over 9 years .. I read too excellent reviews about them before contacting them and today , am here to share another excellent reviews for the tremendous work they did to recover my funds back to my account . I recommend them to any one out there looking for means to get back their funds from the hands of scammers , kindly send a message to them on Email address : ( jethacks7 @ gmail. com )
    on Telegram ID : ( Jethackss )

  652. MEN!!!!!!! I caught my man today with the help of an ethical hacker called this hacker was Able to get me into my husband phone and behold I caught my husband red handed in a relationship with 3 different women, telling them that his not married and many others. All thanks to you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com

  653. Andrew Legrand

    July 12, 2023 at 8:16 am

    They are all thieves who will demand payment from you before providing a justification for more payment. They cheated me out of $82,000, and they did the same to you. I would reveal them, just as I had promised. When a fellow worker showed me Lord Hacker Ultimate, everything became clear to me. I was assisted in recovering my money by this hacking company, who did a fantastic job. They have a lot of experience in hacking to recover bitcoin. Lord Hacker Ultimate are so direct and you will feel the relief on just contacting them as they will for sure deliver. Contact Lord Hacker Ultimate via: Mail: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, YouTube Channel: lordhacker.ultimate & Website:

    Thank you.

  654. Hernandez Gomez

    July 12, 2023 at 11:17 pm

    Everyone should beware that there are many fake bitcoin mining/clouding out there, I have once been a victim of cryptocurrency scam. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested $95000 on a particular website called crypto-ndn , I monitored the profit yielding but i never knew that i was dealing with a fraudulent company, when it was time for me to make withdrawal i was being restricted from doing such even when i can still read my total balance from the dashboard, i tried all my possible best to meetup with the company demand before i could withdraw my funds but it seems to be worst at certain point. i felt really depressed about this I almost gave up searching for a solution cause I felt it is over i was dying inside because this is the money i have been saving up over the years now, then one day i was going through Quora and i came across certain good comments about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, at first I was skeptical about it because trusting some person you met online will either not end well … Well after several days of debating within myself I decided to contact this firm and to give them a try and to my greatest surprise they was able to recover my money within 48 hours. i was so happy for their great professional work. thanks to this reliable team, it will be selfish of me if I don’t refer this recovery firm to you contact them with R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or via telegram; ROOTKITS7

  655. Ashley Martin

    July 13, 2023 at 7:11 pm

    Thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com for helping me gain access to my spouse Facebook account without trace or notifications on his end.

  656. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349134304509 or WhatsApp him +2349134304509 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  657. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349134304509 or WhatsApp him +2349134304509 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life …….

  658. My Husband was so smooth at hiding his infidelity so I had no proof for months, I was referred to some Private investigator and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating husband’s text messages, whatsapp, facebook/Instagram and even phone conversations was wired directly to my cellphone. if your husband or partner is an expert at hiding his cheating adventures contact this Garry Speed Hack, he’s fast and relaible whatsapp him on +1 ( 626 ) 557-1615 or Email: wzardgarryspeedhack (at) gmail (dot) com tell him i referred you. Also his website is

  659. Christopher Ethan

    July 15, 2023 at 10:51 pm

    This folks are amazing i really don’t know what would have become of me if not for ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM who was of a great benefits to my life. actually was my first time investing in a crypto company, where i was introduced by a Lady i had met over a dating site, we actually have been friends from there for awhile. along the line she mention about this company to me and how she had been earning money from there and did provide me with some sort of proofs and certificate of the company as well asked me to partner with the company and make some money too using her as my referral, i then went ahead and made a couple of investment with them, but when it was time for me to withdraw my total profits and earnings, they started giving excuses regarding the company upgrade, taxes and co as i was unable to make the withdrawal successfully demanding more money to release my funds. the support was not helping out in anyways, while all this was happening personally i got really disturb and depressed, a friend of mine who i opened up to in order to lend some money so i could at least pay the fees and have my funds but he then told me that this could be scam that he had a similar experience and advice i should get a hacker which he referred me to Rootkits. left to me i never believe that could be possible but as it goes i contacted their email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , They responded once and i gave them the necessary info required. to my great surprise he recovered all my investments back for me just within few days i couldn’t be more thankful, If you have been a victim of crypto or binary scam you can contact this firm. I thought there were no such good genuine people anymore here, but this team brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you guys for what you do, can reach them on Telegram with ; ROOTKITS7

  660. I’m a wealthy woman today is because of Dr Benjamin the great lottery spell caster who my friend directed me to contact as he had helped him in the past to win the lottery. After I contacted him he assured me that he will help me and he also instructed me on what to do, at that point I realize that this is a life-changing opportunity for me, after I followed the instructions that he gave me, I won the sum of 343.9 million dollars power ball jackpot I’m excited to share my winnings with family and friends and Dr Benjamin for he made this possible, I also plan to purchase a new car, and look forward to a long vacation. I also plan to give to the causes and organizations important to my family through our newly established Callum Foundation. Dr Benjamin once again I’m grateful for your help, he’s always open to as many that need his help, I’ll leave his contact info below. email whatsapp +17066036031 or visit his website

  661. Susan Carruth

    July 17, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    Hacking into my husband text messages was very easy without trace with the help of anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com. I just want to say a very big thank you once again

  662. I can’t lie, I have never been so indebted to anyone or anything in this life than I was when I lost my money to some guy/this company I met online .. got me to put my money and vanished like some spell was cast on me … I got really burned after that and had no clue of how to navigate through in life .. I had lost my job and spent nearly 8months with no life savings and living off of my mother until I came to know of The JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE .. it was on a post on Facebook about how they could trace and retrieve lost assets so I got the contact details and reached out with my message on Email : Jethacks7 @ Gmail DoT cOM … it felt like renewed hope for me and am glad I didn’t regret it … my funds was traced through the company’s database and recovered back after 3days of launching the process .. I payed afterwards and now I got my own house fully back on my fit with the total of $520k I got back recovered to me . They can also be contacted on Telegram : Jethackss

  663. Catherine walker

    July 17, 2023 at 10:08 pm

    Here is my testimony about the good work of PRIEST DEDE who helped me…. I’m catherine from texas. And am sorry for putting this on net, but i will have to say a big thanks to this world top spell caster that brought back my husband who left me for the past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 2 days, my husband was back to me after contacting this man, I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told have come to pass and thank you sir. Please i want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to problem, i advice you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tell is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on; wonderfullovespelltemple@gmail. com you can whatsapp him via +2348123747663

  664. Albert Farrel

    July 18, 2023 at 1:25 am


    I recommend this highly reputable Recovery company Ultimate Hacker Jerry, to anyone in need to recover lost money in the form of Crypto lost to online fraudsters, wallet hackers, or BTC sent to incorrect addresses. After just submitting my case to the Expert and providing the required information, Ultimate Hacker Jerry did an amazing job of aiding me in getting my BTC back . I’m relieved that I was able to make this much of a recovery after losing even more to the fictitious broker I first trusted and invested with. We can never be diligent enough because mistakes are inevitable. Anyone who has fallen a victim to Losing funds to Crypto Scams, I persuade you to contact Ultimate Hacker Jerry.

    Mail;Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam. cz)

    Learn more;

    WhatsaPP; +1(520)2827151.

  665. If you don’t have good capabilities, you should understand how challenging recovering bitcoin can be. I attempted several different hackers as soon as I lost mine, but none were efficient. I pondered about getting it back at the time. But when I tried Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, they were productive, therefore I want to personally applaud them for their outstanding job. You can get your misplaced bitcoin back by contacting Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery.
    Using any of the below options, you can contact prowizardgilbertrecovery(at)


  666. Jackie Marmero

    July 18, 2023 at 6:41 pm

    My husband and I have been battling marital issues for the past 6 months and little did I know the family was the brain behind the problems we ever had. The issues escalated and he eventually moved out of the house. I was alone with my daughter and life was miserable without him by my side. I did all I could to end the problems but to no avail. So I had to seek help which led me to contacting DR ISIKOLO. Just as I have always wanted, he heard my cry and came to my aid. He resolved the problems we had and my husband and I came back together and it still amazes me when I get the result in 2 days as he promised. If you are having issues with your partner, contact him now and he won’t fail you as well because he is trusted and reliable. email him: or text him via WhatsApp: +2348133261196

  667. Vickey Nunley RuBright

    July 18, 2023 at 6:57 pm

    With the help of jeajamhacker @ gmail. com I was able to hack into my blackmailing ex girlfriend Gmail. Thank you once again jeajamhacker @ gmail. com

  668. Everything changed for me after I got to work with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. I had spent 8 months in grief and pain , that period was the hardest period I’ve ever faced in my life , losing everything I have worked all my life to acquire , I had hit ground zero but just like the way I lost it all at once I also regained it all at once thanks to The Hackers at The JETHACKS Recovery CENTRE , my case was handled in a very professional manner and just after 2 days my funds was recovered back to me , it felt so surreal , I don’t think anyone could ever understand how I felt that moment.. you know how you feel when you find something you thought you had lost forever , well in this case it was my life that was returned to me… getting back my funds after 8months and for that I will forever remember the JETHACKS Team of Hackers . I 100% recommend this Team to anyone out there that have a been in a similar situation to contact the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. on Email : Jethacks7 AT gmail DoT cOm or TELEGRAM : Jethackss

  669. Haris Lawrence

    July 18, 2023 at 10:44 pm

    Good work deserves a good recommendation. I traded $10,100 with a certain broker in the hope of gaining more profits considering what I was told. I trusted him in all ways to an extent of even borrowing from family, bank and close confidants. The deal was too good because I even earned at first and my confidence grew to invest more. All I can say is be careful if it was not for AlisterRecovery [at]gmail com who changed my life out of debt I don’t know where I would be. The broker went missing with all my investment. I don’t think I could tell you how much you mean to me but I will keep telling people about your good work in a time frame of a week only. Very remarkable.

  670. I have lost so much money before trying to get blank ATM card / looking for a loan lender and they took my money and run away knowing that they were fraud. Digital Card Hacker  helped me a lot and delivered the card to me through DHL delivery service to my house without any issue. Email him now    and you can also text
    her WhatsApp nu [‪+447451277216‬]

  671. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349134304509 or WhatsApp him +2349134304509 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  672. I just got to find out that the man I have been seeing for over 4 months is also seeing my daughter at my back. I found out after breaking into his phone remotely with the help of spyexpert0 @ gmail. com and all there conversations and deleted messages I got to see. Thank you so much for this important informations.


    July 19, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    They say curiosity killed the cat, but in my case, it led Mr. John to a hidden door in the back of an antique bookstore—a door that opened up a world of magic and wonder he never knew existed.
    I want to share an incredible story of a successful Bitcoin recovery from William Mercado’s recovery team. A determined investor named John recently experienced a devastating loss when his digital wallet was hacked, resulting in the theft of a significant amount of Bitcoin.
    Refusing to accept defeat, John hired a team of experts in cybersecurity, forensics, and blockchain technology. Through their relentless efforts, they meticulously traced the hacker’s transactions and identified dormant wallets associated with the theft.
    After hours of legal battles with the right tools, law enforcement license, and technical challenges, Mr. William’s team successfully froze the hacker’s assets and reclaimed the stolen Bitcoin. This remarkable recovery serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and ingenuity within the cryptocurrency community.
    Contact info:

  674. I feel like I owe a lot to this Team at THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE who helped me to recover my lost investment Funds I got to find out that i was being scam by an online investment platform where i committed almost all my life savings.. because of the positive reviews i saw about them online.. but when it was due for me to withdraw, they started giving silly excuses about company upgrade.. while all this was happening personally i got really disturb and depressed, a friend of mine who i opened up to advised to get a hacker. left to me i never believe that could be possible but as it goes i contacted their email: J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A IL.C O M , They responded once i gave him the necessary info they required. to my great surprise he recovered all my savings for me within few days i couldn’t be more thankful, i really do appreciate your kind services, you can as well get him through telegram @ JETHACKSS

  675. I heard about a Bitcoin programmed scheme that I taught was going to be a lifetime investment opportunity but turned out to be Fraudulent, i got deceived by this Investor i met on a telegram group to make my investment with their company, this investors made the company website look so real and promising, without much thought i invested some money not knowing that i am being scammed, we got going till it was time for me to take my returns i try to make withdrawal but the system declined my withdrawals. made several attempts to get it right but still wasn’t going good i then contacted the “support” for a help they demanded for some fees to be settled before i could have my funds withdrawn successfully, i cleared the demanded fees required but not able to withdraw my funds yet. at this point i realize i was been scammed. i taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen funds/coins ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) I explained my situation to him and assured me he’ll help me get my money back, I gave it a try and he definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account in few days, I don’t really know how he got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to informed anyone who had similar issue to contact this expert via email, email or Telegram; ROOTKITS7 ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I. L . C O M ) I’m so happy right now, I luckily escape what ought to had destroy me financially.

  676. These people are heartless and very wicked , Jethacks helped me recover my $1.6M in full from the fraud company I had invested with , before I realised I have been scammed I had already invested too much. I kept on paying the accumulated fees they have me , after paying they will still come up with excuses just to extort me more… the money was just too much so i could’nt let it go till I decided I wasn’t going to give them any $ again instead I used the money left with me to hire a hacker to trace my transactions with them and catch the culprits behind this and that was the best decision I have ever made trust me .. within a week after I reached out to the hackers team At JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , they successfully retrieved the whole money from their wallet address and I reported the fraud company to the feds as well in order to avoid more people falling victim to their petty tricks.. I have also learnt a whole lot from this team regarding investment and will never make a mistake of putting my $ in any online investment again . Make sure to reach out to the team for assistance in recovering your lost money just like I did .
    Email@ Jethacks7 AT gmail DoT com
    Telegram ID : Jethackss

  677. Delwin Mohsin

    July 20, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    The issue of cryptocurrency scams is becoming increasingly prevalent in the digital world. Unfortunately, I found myself caught up in one of these scams when I invested over $817,000 with a friend over a two-month period. We had hoped to at least double our investment, and while we did earn over $3 million in profit, we were unable to withdraw any of it. Initially, we attempted to work with a hacker, but even they were unable to retrieve our investment.While my friend eventually gave up, I refused to do so. The fact that we had been deceived and made fools of weighed heavily on me, making it difficult to forgive myself easily. Determined to find a solution, I conducted further research on cryptocurrency hackers and was fortunate enough to discover a group of elite hackers known as “VIRTUAL HACKNET.” I contacted them through their email address V IR TU AL HA CK NET @. G M AI L . C O M , and they began conducting thorough investigations.During our communication on Telegram with the ID @ Virtualhacknet, I provided the hackers with screenshots and company information related to the scammers. To my surprise, the elite hackers discovered that the funds were still intact in the scammers’ wallet, which I had provided them with. Within 24 hours after the discovery , the funds was sent back to our wallet address where we made transfers from .

    Hello everyone, I am Kim Grayson from Miami. When all hope was lost in making my relationship work again between me and my boyfriend, I went online in search of help and i read and contacted DR ISIKOLO via his website ( who came and fixed everything and he will remain appreciated by me for the rest of my life. Too many times I went through emotional trauma due to the unending problems I had with my man and it led to our break up and that’s why I sought help and found out about DR ISIKOLO who came to my rescue. He told me the procedures and urged me to comply which I gladly did and he didn’t delay the process of giving solutions to my problems and I got the result in just 2 days as he assured me. Don’t bother seeking help elsewhere because he is too good at helping people. He is trustworthy and honest so text him now via WhatsApp: +234-8133261196 or his email: isikolosolutionhome@ gmail. com

  679. Working together with DARKRECOVERYHACKS in an effort to recover my lost funds in USDT proved to be a truly positive experience. At the beginning of this year, I made the decision to delve into crypto trading to see how it would fare for me. Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan. Initially, I opted for the platinum plan and invested $94,000, believing I had thoroughly researched and comprehended the entire process. However, it turned out that the company was operating under a false identity and was fraudulent in nature. They provided me with what seemed to be a legitimate legal agreement, for which I made a payment. These deceitful tactics were all part of their ploy to entice me into investing in their company. It was only when I faced difficulties in withdrawing my profits that I realized something was amiss. The agreement failed to mention any additional fee for profit withdrawals. Subsequently, they insisted that I make a payment of 30 percent When I realized that a portion of my earnings, which was not mentioned in the original agreement, was missing, I became suspicious. I reported the matter to the police, but regrettably, there was no headway. Despite being reassured that efforts were being made, no results came from their promises. At this stage, a friend of mine suggested trying a different method: collaborating with a cryptocurrency recovery agent. It turned out to be one of the greatest choices I’ve ever made. I am immensely thankful to my friend Joe for introducing me to these remarkable individuals. Their level of organization and meticulousness is genuinely outstanding. I am incredibly grateful for their help in recovering my funds. If anyone is interested in their services, they can easily contact them DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL .COM I sincerely appreciate their assistance during this difficult period. Their professionalism and efficiency are truly praiseworthy, and I feel fortunate to have had their guidance.

    Upgrade credit score, fix Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other social media hacks. Fix any investment platform. Recover from any fraud. Hack CashApp. Fix any dating scam. Upgrade school results. Track your spouse in real time.  Have you ever felt the urge to trade binary options? Have you have a negative encounter? Have you ever been duped? Scams involving binary options trading and binary option loss recovery are fairly common.
    They are the greatest, so get in touch with them by email and WhatsApp and visit their website. You’ll thank me later.
    Email address: (wizardlarry@mail. com).
    WhatsApp:  +1 (205) 319-6886

    Upgrade credit score, fix Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other social media hacks. Fix any investment platform. Recover from any fraud. Hack CashApp. Fix any dating scam. Upgrade school results. Track your spouse in real time.  Have you ever felt the urge to trade binary options? Have you have a negative encounter? Have you ever been duped? Scams involving binary options trading and binary option loss recovery are fairly common.
    They are the greatest, so get in touch with them by email and WhatsApp and visit their website. You’ll thank me later.
    Email address: (wizardlarry@mail. com).
    WhatsApp:  +1 (205) 319-6886

  682. Review and contact the most honest and powerful spell caster called Dr Isikolo via website (
    My name is Marie Bailey and all for good, i am appreciating Dr Isikolo who helped me with his great powers restored my home and the happiness i shared with my husband and its indeed something i am forever grateful for. It happened that i was helpless and downcast for almost a year when my husband left me due to marital issues we encountered. I did all i could to save my marriage and nothing worked until DR ISIKOLO came to my rescue. He helped me and the love and happiness i shared with my man was restored back and more amazingly. I know it sounds wierd if truly he can help anyone but he is 100% guaranteed not to disappoint you when he assures you of having the desired results after 48 hours. He can help you too if you are willing to give him the chance to do so. email him now via: isikolosolutionhome@ gmail. com or text him on WhatsApp him on +2348133261196.

  683. Tiffany Bassett

    July 21, 2023 at 6:27 pm

    At this moment, I believe that investing in Gold is the most favourable option. It is important to avoid any deception related to investing in cryptocurrency projects. Recently, I encountered an individual on Facebook who claimed to be a forex broker. He presented convincing evidence of helping people restore their financial stability. Desperate for remote earning opportunities, I decided to give it a try, initially investing $5000. Within a week of completing the trade, I received a payment of $8500. This amazed me, and I didn’t consider the possibility that this person and their company might not be legitimate. Despite my elder brother’s advice against it, I disregarded the caution and invested a substantial amount of $102,000. Unfortunately, I was unable to withdraw any funds. Instead, they continuously requested additional fees to grant me access to my profits. I paid a total of $78,000 for legal fees and trading permits. At this point, my profits had reached approximately half a million dollars after a month. Realising the situation, I confided in my brother, who became my saviour. He introduced me to a hacker called “Virtualhacknet” via their official telegram account @ Virtualhacknet. They proved to be resourceful and successfully recovered both my investment and earned profits. Here’s their Email : V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M , contact them incase you need their aid .

  684. When it comes to Bitcoin recovery, it’s quite difficult to find trustworthy hackers, but I can vouch for Fayed Hacker Recovery as being among the finest because they are reliable, diligent, and reasonable with their prices. Fayed Hacker Recovery made so many sacrifices and put in so much effort to help me get my Bitcoin back after I lost it that they were able to save me in only two days. Due to the fact that Fayed Hacker Recovery didn’t let me down, I am confident that there are good people among the evil. Do not be afraid to inform Fayed Hacker Recovery of your situation if you are having problems with Bitcoin loss. Communicate with Fayed Hacker recovery support team via: fayedhack @

  685. I remember the trader who contacted me and specialized in binary options, cryptocurrency, and forex trading. He claimed that his company was a leader in the industry, using advanced technology, and guaranteed returns. I invested a significant amount of money using their easy-to-use online platform, which was highly effective. I noticed that my trades were generating significant profits, and they encouraged me to increase my investment. They promised even greater earnings and didn’t warn about paying taxes on my profits before withdrawing my money. When I requested my money, my trades began to fail, and my profits started to decrease. They pressured me to invest more to increase my “trades volume” and reverse the situation. They warned me that I would lose everything unless I invested more as an emergency. I felt ashamed of being scammed because they were very convincing and professional. They claimed that my trades were failing, and I was down to three percent of my initial investment. They even threatened to kick me off the market. However, I realized it was all a scam at that point. I was devastated for weeks until i came across a comment from someone who claimed to have recovered their money from a crypto scam through a hacker named DARKRECOVERYHACKS. She also provided their email address, DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL DOT COM I decided to try it because I was already broke. At first, I didn’t get a response, but they finally replied the next day. After you gave them some information, they explained how the scammers operated and gave me some knowledge. Within 7 working days, they asked for my wallet, told me how to secure my money, and sent it back to me . the way they did it was fantastic, and I’m grateful to them.

  686. Melissa Jesse

    July 22, 2023 at 3:13 am

    I failed woefully to a crypto investment company, ended up losing everything i had to this platform i felt so broken to the point that i almost took my own life. the worst of it all is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit.. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of scammers, the investors made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money cause i don’t want them to notice my next plan. then fortunately for me i recommendations through to contact The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM – R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my stolen money back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. i will keep on recommending your service to anyone i know. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  687. I was able to recover my lost invested funds through the great assistance of JETHACKS 7 @ G MAIL . COM a friend whom i came across his email contacts from people who he had equally helped in the past, it was before that time that i met Mr Dablin on instagram who referred me to a company he claimed that can change my financial life through investing with them, everything looked so real and serious to me until i made my investment, it was now time for me to take my profits but the website total deactivated me from withdrawal i contacted the investors through the support system but with no pity for me, they keep asking that i invest more before i would be able to take my profits, but thanks to Craig for coming through for me when i contacted his above email contacts for help and he showed up and help me with the process of retrieving my funds back from the company’s portfolio, he is indeed an expert in this field you catch with him also on his Telegram @ JETHACKSS

  688. Join the illuminati today to avoid lowlife insult in this world, become rich and famous . Are you seeking for knowledge ? Are you a business Man / woman , Pastor, student you want the best education in school politician , musician, doctor,, Do you want to be a famous artist and you want to be rich, powerful and famous in world or do you need financial means, power and support to be the prime ministers, president’s, governor’s house representatives and senators in your country Join the Illuminati New World Order and let your dreams come through , become a member today and receive the sum of $66,600,000 USD with a car, Email us, so we can begin the joining process!!!

  689. Kieran Bennett

    July 22, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    A time tapping experience I had when I became deep down Interested in broker trade site. at first in Texas I was introduced to a broker, we communicated and I used his business outline to invest , I got paid and made profit, recovered my investment, but I discovered that during my second plan , my profit and trade broker percentage disappeared from my dashboard.. I didn’t panic, because he gave me reasons which he fabricated to keep me in the record, the third time we traded the whole money was hanged. I had this cold chill on my nerve that this guy duped me.. I started making posts on twitter, u tube and Instagram, to get the best recovery tool and agent who can help me pick back my hard earned money.. It was until I ran into Louis Price a friend and childhood classmate whom I briefed on my investment predicament and he told me the similar experience he had .. he then referred me to COREASSETINC After stating my transaction with the scam broker.. the action he took was a good one because I started recovering every dime I lost with the broker… I was tempted to refer more people who where also scammed to join the COREASSETINC @ GMAIL . COM… All thanks to Him and the office he referred me to… I can now trade with confidence… No matter how smart the scammers seems to look.

  690. Martha Vaughn

    July 22, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    I lost over £900,000 to scammers who were associated with a platform where I had invested. The whole ordeal started last month when I stumbled upon a telegram channel focused on stock trades and signals. The channel had numerous testimonials from people claiming significant earnings with the company. It was devastating to discover that they were actually scammers. By the time I figured it out , it was already too late. I could no longer access my account due to certain reasons they presented, and they demanded money to unlock it. I made multiple payments, but nothing changed. I reached out to my friend who had introduced me to the channel, only to find out that she had also been deceived. Together, we sought assistance from Virtualhacknet via their email address V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C OM to recover our funds after the withdrawal deadline had passed. Several weeks later, we learned about the exceptional services provided by the Virtualhacknet team. They deserve recognition for helping the vulnerable. We won’t let these scammers easily get away with our hard-earned money. You can find them active on Telegram with the username @Virtualhacknet .

  691. Marcia Johnson

    July 23, 2023 at 9:34 am

    Online investment can be so hectic and unpredictable from getting scammed from unreliable sources I got scammed of $248,000 of BTC I was devastated and upset and I felt like I lost it all until I was referred to Lord Hacker Ultimate, at first I was skeptical because of my past scam experience but I decided to try it out since I was referred by a trusted friend and I’d already lost a lot of money. I contacted Lord Hacker Ultimate through L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM and their Website: ( And contrary to my belief they were able to recover all my lost funds, surprisingly I was fully refunded my $248,000 in full even though they charged for their service it was worth while, if you are out there and have been scammed of your hard earned money just contact ,Lord Hacker Ultimate and they will be able to assist you to recover back what you’ve lost. Lord Hacker Ultimate is effective and reliable, I can attest to this

  692. It was a very great experience working with DARKRECOVERYHACKS to try and get my lost USDT money back. I decided at the start of this year to get involved in cryptocurrency trading to see how it would work out for me. Sadly, things didn’t turn out the way we had hoped. I chose the platinum plan at first and put $89,000 down because I thought I had fully researched and understood the entire procedure. But it eventually became clear that the business was bogus and using a false name. I paid them after receiving what I believed to be a valid legal document from them. All of these dishonest practices were a part of their scheme to persuade me to invest in their business. I didn’t understand there was a problem until I ran into issues when I tried to take my money. Any additional charges for profit withdrawals were not mentioned in the agreement. They then insisted that I pay a 30 percent deposit. I grew concerned when I noticed that a chunk of my revenue that wasn’t specified in the initial agreement was missing. I called the police to report the incident, but tragically nothing happened. Despite assurances that efforts were being made, their pledges remained unfulfilled. A friend of mine at this point advised pursuing an alternative strategy, which would include working with a cryptocurrency recovery agent. One of my best decisions ever proved to be this one. I’m incredibly grateful to my friend Joe for putting me in touch with these great people. They really are exceptionally well-organized and careful. I am immensely appreciative of their assistance in getting my money back. Anyone interested in their services can reach them quickly on Telegram @DARKRECOVERYHACKS / Email; DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL.COM. I genuinely appreciate them helping me out during this trying time. I consider myself fortunate to have had their instruction because their professionalism and effectiveness are absolutely commendable.

  693. I am grateful to have successfully recovered my funds that were previously stuck in a trading platform I had invested in. This achievement would not have been possible without the assistance of “V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M.” I reached out to this recovery firm after noticing suspicious activities on the website I had been involved with. While depositing funds to activate my investment went smoothly, complications arose when I attempted to withdraw my funds. The platform began presenting various excuses as to why I couldn’t access my money. They persistently sent emails requesting additional fees before allowing me to make withdrawals. Initially, I was hesitant to pay these fees, but the agent who had introduced me to the platform advised me that it was necessary. Trusting their guidance, I paid the fees, but still encountered further obstacles. It is crucial to exercise caution as scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and employ various tactics to entice unsuspecting investors. However, if you find yourself a victim, do not panic. Reach out to the most reliable recovery team on Telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET for prompt assistance.

  694. Tiffany Kennan

    July 23, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    The multitude of people who invest money into the bitcoin market just to fall prey to investment scams is severe. After investing all of my savings in cryptocurrency, I was unceremoniously logged out of my account with no explanation or reaction whatsoever from the cryptocurrency investment platform. I was in excruciating agony, but I was lucky enough to stumble upon Coder Cyber Services, a reliable and trustworthy cryptocurrency recovery firm. The money from my locked account was retrieved within a short period of time by this incredible bitcoin recovery team. I couldn’t have done it without Coder Cyber Services.You can easily contact Coder Cyber Services through any of the following information below,
    Email: Codercyberservices(@)execs .com
    Website: https: // codercyberservices . info

  695. Carlos Rosendo

    July 23, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    Tears roll down my eyes as I type this here .. i think about everything it has cost me , loosing my funds to those imposters .. my wife took the kids and left me because of that and now am still trying to get them back and that’s not even all of the things my business with crypto investment has cost me , I have a bad credit cos it after Burning my credits and loans , sold my car.. I typically lost everything.. now even though am trying to build up my life again and getting back my family thanks to the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , it still upsets me thinking about it , how I must have been a complete fool , my wife warned but I was already in bed with them and wasn’t about to stop till I got my return on investment and that cost me everything…. I don’t think this fraudulent setups realize how much they can ruin the life’s of others by taking their money but am very glad we have competent hackers in this world who can help reverse their actions and retrieve our money for us , JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is the best hacker out there , I did my research online and am very glad I can now testify to that also , I had my funds of $603k all recovered to me by the JETHACKS and for that I am very very grateful. You can contact him on
    Email: Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com
    Telegram : Jethackss

  696. Sydney Edward

    July 23, 2023 at 9:42 pm

    Are you searching for the Best Bitcoin Recovery Expert To Recover Lost Cryptocurrency on the internet? Search no further (cyber genie (@)cyber services(.)com) got you 100% sorted. Just a few months ago I was wallowing in debts and pains because of a wrong investment idea. It was the lowest moment of my life, I just had to find a way to get back on my feet. I paid a few hackers on the internet to get the job of recovering my lost funds done, my guess is like yours, they failed woefully and took the little I have left also like the crypto investment scammer. I ran into luck finding Cyber Genie Hack Int’l on Yelp Reviews. Honestly, I was really in doubt, you can’t blame me. I was really desperate, I had no choice but to give it another try. I was able to recover my money with the help of this amazing Crypto Recovery Hacker guidance. I couldn’t believe my lost investment of $ 88,000.00 USD was recovered, at first it was like a dream, but it’s all reality. I just have to put this review out here, the world really needs to know about the Super-Hero of a hacker…!!!

  697. Henry Backley

    July 24, 2023 at 3:02 pm

    Recently I went through a difficult experience where I lost $82,000 USD to a ponzi scheme. It was a devastating blow, and I felt a deep sense of shame for losing such a substantial amount in such a short period of time. Initially, I trusted a friend named Gary who introduced me to the website, believing he had been earning with them for a while. However, I later discovered that he had only recently started with them, just days before introducing me.As I began investing heavily with the company, I encountered issues with accessing my account and withdrawing funds. I reached out to their supposed 24/7 support team, but they were unhelpful and even demanded additional withdrawal fees that were not mentioned initially. Feeling desperate to recover my money, I ended up paying a total of $32,000 in withdrawal fees, but they continued to request more. Realizing I needed external assistance, I decided to contact a hacker I had read about online, specifically V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M . They turned out to be incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the entire process. They not only recovered my funds but also helped my friend recover their investment since we were both involved with the same company.I highly recommend reaching out to this team via Telegram @ Virtualhacknet if you are facing similar issues with withdrawals or any other related concerns.

  698. Joseph Levonn

    July 24, 2023 at 3:02 pm

    I lost my money through an investment platforms whose company were registered in London, UK. They claimed to have registered their companies in the US as well. The company which is known as i woke up one day trying to login into my account but noticed i wasn’t able to do so as usual. the webpages have been inactive since that very day and I have been unable to withdraw how my total invested funds. The sites posted they were performing an internal audit during the month of May; subsequently, it announced the systems were being upgraded since early July. All official Chat-rooms at Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook are now disabled and some vanished altogether. I Contacted the CEO via WhatsApp, he did not read my notes or respond. would keep promising mouth watering ROI to lure you in showing you simulated trades and it is almost impossible for you to make a withdrawal. One excuse after the other. That’s when it became crystal clear that I have been scammed of my hard earned money. My total lost with this company was USD332,876. I needed a major portion of this balance to pay off the down-liners who were threatening to file charges for misleading as well as fraud. Their combined balance is approximately USD300,000. I was lucky to found a top wealth Recovery firm, i contacted them through ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 ) which brilliantly helped recoup all my lost capital to these fraud company all within 3 days period. I can’t thank the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM enough for their professional help. I am typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks! Please stay away from KRYPTOGLOBALTRADE INVESTMENT PLATFORMS to avoid the agony and pain I went through! Spread the word and help unsuspecting victims from falling prey!

  699. Linda McFaden

    July 24, 2023 at 6:04 pm

    I bought 7 Bitcoins in 2013, when they cost about $80 (£60) each, and were the chatter of niche corners of the internet.
    “I used to listen to a radio talk show and they started talking about crypto and Bitcoin so I got interested. Back then buying it was so complicated but I fumbled my way through the process and bought my coins. I live in the US state of Illinois, spent some of my digital money over the next year or so, then forgot about it.
    But when i saw headlines late in 2017 announcing that the value of Bitcoin had risen to nearly $20,000 i excitedly went to my computer to log in and cash out.
    ‘It was awful’
    Except there was a problem. I was missing some of the login details for my Bitcoin wallet – a computer program or device that stores a set of secret numbers, or private keys.I realised then that my printout had missed some digits on the end of my wallet identifier. I had a piece of paper with my password but no idea what my wallet ID was.
    “It was awful. I tried everything for months but it was hopeless. So I kind of gave up.
    Fast forward to last spring and the value of Bitcoin soared above $50,000 – more than 600 times what I had paid eight years earlier.
    Filled with a renewed determination to find my coins, I hit the internet and found a hacker JETHACKS , I reached out to him via email and after a while communicating I trusted him enough to hand over all the details I could remember. You can as well get to him on telegram through @JETHACKSS
    Then I waited,
    Eventually we sat down together on a video call and watched everything happen. JETHACKS opened the wallet and there it was. I just felt so relieved!
    MY wallet of 7 Bitcoin was at that point worth over half a million dollars.
    “I gave JETHACKS his 20%, then the first thing I did was take out $10,000 worth of my coins to help my daughter Anna through college.

  700. Even WHEN i don’t know much about computers, i never believed I could have TOTAL access to my husband’s iPhone, TEXT MESSAGES ,snapchat, call logs , INSTAGRAM ,FACEBOOK, Line and WHATS APP without having physical contact until i was recommendation by my best friend to a professional online*hacker*. He only asked for little information and the phone number of my spouse i never wanted to contact him at First because i was so scared but trust me it was worth the RISK because i was happy to get SAMSMITH proof for my lawyer to file a divorce.
    Contact him via email: DIGITALTECHHACKER @ GMAIL COM
    call & Text on +1 623 295 9366…

  701. Gareth Herrera

    July 24, 2023 at 10:47 pm

    lost all my savings to Trading . I invested £25,000 and they refused to allow me withdraw both my initial deposit and accrued interest. I have reached out to a recovery expert recovery Alisterrecovery at gmail dot com. to help me recover the money back from them and it is really progressing. I have been able to recover all ..

  702. I was conned back at the beginning of this year, roughly 75,000 dollars and I emptied all of my possessions in an effort to increase my profit without realizing it.They sent me a link to a website or an app,The scripts demonstrate how to launch an application or website where you may create an account with a username and password and add cryptocurrency to the account. You receive a reward if you invest more money. Of course, paying for the software means paying for the scammer’s wallet.The victim is allegedly earning commission and rewards after money was sent from their bitcoin wallet to the con artists’, and like previous frauds of a similar nature, they frequently display what looks to be evidence of this, which will never actually exist. The web apps also provide a withdrawal feature, but it essentially merely encourages users to part with their money. I spent a lot of time investing and waiting for returns, but they were all illusions. I still had to look for a hacker, about whom there are mixed opinions, but I had to give it a shot nevertheless. I had to text the DARKRECOVERYHACKS group of experts, but I sent the docs to DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL dot COM instead. team explained that they had not observed any transfers back to the victim and crucial questions were raised with me. I don’t know how they did it, but they managed to complete the transaction in 4 days, which was A-class work. I hope that anyone else who has experienced cryptocurrency fraud doesn’t give up and acts swiftly to recover their funds.

  703. Benjamin Giacone

    July 25, 2023 at 6:02 pm

    I have been in need of a great crypto recovery hacker for hire to recover my funds for me from the hands of the imposters that have refused me payout but for over months of looking out for a private hacker to help get the job done, yet all the possible self acclaimed hackers I came across was all after money and couldn’t get the job done , at some point i almost gave up but fortunately enough for me I came across some reviews on the web about this incredible hackers, It was really a tough decision for me to make at first , to work with them considering my previous encounters with the other hackers, but i later contacted him via his email at JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. and i told him everything we got going after a few days of handling my case professionally my funds was successfully retrieved without trace to my wallet address that i had provided at the beginning .. I’m glad to write this very review as an appreciation post and as well help someone out there get the right hacker they need .. contact them at email: mailto: or you can contact also the Telegram ID : Jethackss

  704. Delancy Devin

    July 25, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    I’ll encourage anyone who isn’t aware of cryptocurrency trading to proceed with considerable attentiveness  when making investments—or to avoid cryptocurrency entirely. With the aim of increasing my profits, I was compelled to deposit a significant percentage of my life savings on a forex platform. As an outcome, I lost roughly 35,000 USD to this devious ploy. I was not allowed to withdraw my money after investing even after my gains had increased. When my attempts to contact customer service were unsuccessful, I realized I had been duped. I spent a lot of time searching for ways to seek aid, thus being fortunate to find Coder Cyber Services, a legitimate retrieval agent. I went ahead with the decision to give it a try after explaining my situation to them and receiving their assurance that they would help me recover my monies. In all sincerity, Coder Cyber Services did an incredible job, and my money was fully refunded to my wallet account within 24 hours. I feel very blessed to have encountered a group with such incredible talent. To reach out to them, visit
    Email: Codercyberservices(@)execs .com

    Forever thankful.

  705. Trust me they are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $532,000, i promised i was going to expose them. I figured it all out when my colleague introduced me to ‘GARRY SPEEDHACK’ Wzardgarryspeedhack (at) gmail (dot) com. This hacking firm did a perfect job for me by helping me recover back all my scammed money and also, they are specialists when it comes to hacking all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. They also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact them and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker like ‘GARRY SPEEDHACK’ whatsapp them on +1 ( 626 ) 557 – 1615 Website: https: //

  706. By promising me enormous profits on my investment, a cryptocurrency dealer conned me out of bitcoins worth $75,000 in total. Before I sought to withdraw my gains and was asked to pay tax, I had no idea it was a deception. Until I came across an article similar to this about Craker cyberdude Recovery, a registered cryptocurrency recovery group that has been successful in recovering stolen cryptocurrency for many other people, I believed I had lost everything until I sent a notification to Craker cyberdude recovery. The next day, I got in touch with Craker cyberdude Recovery, and to my amazement, they were able to get my money back in less than 48 hours. They provide a genuinely fantastic service, and I must thank them for saving my money from these con artists’ clutches. Craker cyberdude recovery’s email address

  707. Moses Drilling

    July 26, 2023 at 7:58 am

    I had to hunt for a recovery agency as soon as I could because I thought there might be a glitch with my Bitcoin investment. I approached FAYED HACKER Recovery after reading favorable evaluations of their work. I described to FAYED HACKER Recovery how I had lost the Bitcoin in my wallet as a result of fraud. FAYED HACKER Recovery outlined each phase necessary and what ought to be completed for them to recover my Bitcoin, which I achieved by carefully following their directions. To my utter shock, I verified the transfer of my recovered monies to my Bitcoin wallet; FAYED HACKER Recovery has really saved my life. To reach FAYED HACKER Recovery, please contact: fayedhack @

    Thank you.

  708. Khalid Johnson

    July 26, 2023 at 9:01 am

    If it weren’t for my decision to seek assistance from V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M, I can’t fathom how my life would be right now after losing my savings to crypto scammers. Despite attempting to work with several individuals on this matter, none of them possessed the necessary skills to address the issue. Fortunately, I discovered Virtualhacknet through Reddit and promptly provided them with the relevant information about the fraudulent company and how I became aware of it. They assured me of a 100% satisfaction guarantee regarding their services. Remarkably, within a span of less than three days, they successfully completed the entire retrieval process, recovering my lost funds. Impressed by their expertise, I referred a friend who had also fallen victim to a catfish scam on a dating app. Virtualhacknet employed the same effective method to securely restore her funds back into her bank account, which she had used for transfers. Later on, she messaged me, amazed by the final outcome. She had initially believed the money was irretrievable, but with Virtualhacknet, a solution was just around the corner. I encourage you to promptly contact their team through their official Telegram channel: @ Virtualhacknet, to receive guidance throughout the recovery process.

  709. Valerie M Bodden

    July 26, 2023 at 10:16 am

    I am now leaving a healthy life after using the herbal medicine to cure myself from herpes, i am now herpes disease free after the application and usage. You can contact him for your herbal medication from via Email Robinsonbuckler11@gmail com. Thanks and God Bless you for your help, referring people with herpes disease to use this herbal remedy__________________________

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  710. Benjamin anderson

    July 26, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    I used to think it wasn’t possible my credit company informed me it was nearly impossible but it was all a lie. I needed a mortgage loan but my application was denied due to my credit didn’t meet up the requirements. I got a secrete from an old colleague at my previous place of work to contact Michael calce credit repair expert, I took the chance since I had no option left. I gave him all the details he requested to get the job done, I wasn’t sure but I was surprised to see my score had skyrocket up to 815 Excellent plus and deleted the evictions and collections on my credit report with my credit report looking clean and in good record.If you need to reach him out please kindly contact him now with the following details. Email

  711. Maxwell Afred

    July 26, 2023 at 6:07 pm

    I am glad to go through the reviews carefully and with the help of some enlightening ones here I made the right decision. I was scammed by a Binary online website last 2 month. I lost a total of $135,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of excuses requesting i pay more funds in order to have funds withdrawn. It was really devastating time for me because that was all I had and they deceit me into investing the money in their company with some guarantee that I will make much profit from the investment. They seized all my funds and kept on requesting for more fees to be paid. I finally was able to recover all the money I lost just last month with the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. after i read some good reviews here from people they had help retrieve back their funds from fraudulent crypto investment companies. I quickly contacted them for their service and they responded. after i had them provided with the required informations, they proceeded with the recovery and after some while i got back all funds back to my wallet. I am really grateful to this Team especially for the services they offer because i know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help. Contact him via ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM or Telegram @ROOTKITS7 for their swift delivery and good communications skill. It’s top tier service for me. I recommend.

  712. My husband, who had been suffering from several ailments, passed away in the early this year. I used the internet, where I had previously worked as a nurse, to seek comfort from others who had experienced similar loss. Sadly, I encountered people who had nefarious motives. Knowing that my background as a nurse offered some financial security, these criminals targeted me specifically. My emotional state was severely influenced by dealing with the death of my husband, which was a tremendously difficult experience. I was entangled in a web of online connections, receiving demands for money nonstop. They demanded several thousand dollars to pay for internet access and a child’s education expenses. My daughter saw how often I would leave our group to talk to these strangers and how profoundly obsessed I had become with them.I had spent all of my cash, sold all of my assets, and even took out a loan on my car because I was absolutely lost, which caused my daughter to argue with me. I looked through my receipts and found that over the course of several months, I had unintentionally sent over $40,000 to cyber criminals. Until my daughter came home and connected me to a hacker she had seen on her social media. I reluctantly contacted DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL . COM to ask for assistance. Fortunately, they were able to get back about all of the money that was taken. Given my own experience, I strongly advise contacting DARKRECOVERYHACKS for help if you find yourself in a comparable circumstance. They can be reached by sending a message to DARKRECOVERYHACKS at Telegram.

  713. Have you ever experienced being scammed in the past, whether it was through investment or impersonation? It’s important not to feel ashamed of any mistakes, as they contribute to our growth and wisdom. Fortunately, there is now a solution available to recover lost funds. VIRTUALHACKNET INC can assist you in this matter, as they helped me retrieve £209,000 that was trapped in a scam website where I had been investing for some time. The initial investment amount was £209,000, and I earned over £190,000 in profits within just two weeks. However, when I attempted to withdraw the funds, I received a message directing me to contact support. Upon doing so, I discovered that the profits were fabricated, making me to seek an alternate way to reclaim my original investment. Thankfully, I successfully worked with the recovery team, achieving remarkable results. If you ever find yourself in need, they can assist you too. You can reach them at VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL . COM or via Telegram @ VIRTUALHACKNET. Even before I got involved with them , I had tried every possible means that I knew of but none of it worked out .I made a lot of plans towards the profits but all has been on hold for now . The most important thing was that I got back my initial investment, now I can look for something else more resourceful that doesn’t relate to any digital investment .

  714. This is for all those who have lost dearly trading binary options and crypto, Mostly, when you are sure that your broker has been scamming you out of tons of cash, it’s normal for you to feel confused and down, but I can assure you that this was the same case with me. I was lucky to meet with Mr. Williams, a computer wizard, and he helped get 80% of my funds back in no less than 48 hours. I am so grateful. I think someone else might need his help, which is why I have to leave this post here as a sign of gratitude for his job well done. Feel free to contact him via their company mail Alister Recovery at geemail CoM
    Please mention that you were referred by me so he can attend to you immediately because he’s been careful of imposters and spy’s

  715. The main purpose of SPAMMER RROTKITS, a team with global cyber security experts, is to provide modern amenities including trustworthy hacking and the recovery of lost funds. I was a victim of a digital platform and lost all of my savings. I came across someone who enticed me to put $30,000 into a forex trading platform. I made the decision to seek assistance from an online hacker after reading several online reviews of them. To assist me in getting my money back, I use SPAMMER ROOTKITS. The likelihood that my fund was retrieved astonished me. You can email the specialist at: spammer (@) fastservice (.) com

  716. Trusting a woman is going to be so hard for me because right now I just caught my wife red handed with another man after she travelled for Paris 3 days ago little did she know I hired a hacker who broke into her phones and I got so Many results from her phone like WhatsApp messages, text messages and any more, after going through her phone I got to see my wife and her lover pictures and how they have been enjoying them selfs in Paris, I also saw deleted messages of my wife and her lover before they left for Paris. All thanks to you darkhatthacker @gmail. com this hacker is really a God sent to me. First time hiring darkhatthacker @ gmail. com I got nothing but a smooth and clean Job.

  717. Jennifer Greenland

    July 28, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. That I could get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds.


    Phone: +1 (740) 688-0116

  718. Do you want to join ILLUMINATI For Riches, Fame, Power, Connections, Influence E.T.C? Contact us now for you to be initiated to become a full member of the IllUMINATI. If you want to know more send us a message now to get your illuminati reward as a new member.


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  719. Brandon Christopher

    July 29, 2023 at 4:39 am

    Family truly holds immense importance in our lives. In 2022, I found myself in a difficult situation where I lost all my savings to crypto scammers. Additionally, I had taken out loans with a short repayment period. However, my family stood by my side throughout this ordeal, providing unwavering support. Their presence instilled hope within me, assuring me that I would find a solution no matter the challenges I faced.During this time, my child fell ill and required a transplant. The medical bills were mounting, and I had no means to cover the expenses. The investment I had placed my trust in failed to deliver when I needed it the most. I had invested over $1.7 million, expecting a payout in less than two weeks. Unfortunately, I was unable to withdraw my funds. Desperate for assistance, I sought help from VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL dot COM ,a reputable entity known for helping individuals recover lost funds. I shared my situation with them, emphasizing the urgency of my need to retrieve the money. They quickly responded and took action.
    In a remarkably short period of 48 hours, they successfully facilitated the recovery process, ensuring that the funds were returned to me. I cannot express enough gratitude for their assistance, as they seemed like guardian angels sent to rectify my situation. Through their intervention, my child’s life was ultimately saved. Should you find yourself in a similar predicament, I encourage you to reach out to them on Telegram at @ Virtualhacknet.

  720. With the help of some enlightening ones here, I made the right decision after going through the reviews carefully. I was tricked by a website. I lost a total of $120,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of excuses requesting I pay more funds in order to have funds withdrawn. They tricked me into investing my money in their company with a promise that I will make a lot of money, which was really devastating for me. They asked for more fees to be paid after seizing all my funds. I was able to get my money back with the help of DARKRECOVERYHACKS RECOVERYFIRM. Some people had help getting their funds back from fraudulent companies after reading some good reviews. I contacted them immediately for their service. After I gave them the required information, they proceeded with the recovery and I got my money back. I am very grateful for the services this team offers because I know a lot of people need help. Contact him via DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL. COM or Telegram @DARKRECOVERYHACKS . I like its top tier service.

  721. BITCOIN, BINARY OPTION: Please everyone should be careful and stop being fooled by all these brokers and account managers, I was scammed over $893,000 of my investment capital by them, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk declined, I found it very hard to move on. Luckily I followed a broadcast online that leads me to a great Hacker (LORD HACKER ULTIMATE), I contacted their email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover back my money, including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back easily, if you have problems on any stuffed like a bank, company, examinations, database, Social media hacks, Email hacks, Phone hacks, Bitcoin hacks, increased Credit score boost to 800, School result upgrading, Binary option funds recovery Instagram, Bitcoin Mining, WhatsApp, Twitter, Monitor your colleague, access your spouse social media, and a lot more:you can contact them on : L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, Website: ( and Youtube Page: @lordhacker.ultimate

  722. It’s still bizarre knowing that people don’t know they can get their money sent to scammers back, or recover their lost crypto wallet or phrase key and lots more. I used to think otherwise also but everything is attainable when you are dealing with pros and reliable digital asset recovery hackers and programmers. Have you ever lost money to scammers via crypto fake currency investments websites, online romance scams, phishing, loan scam, lottery scam, or whatever? don’t panic, I bring good news to you all, CYBER GENIE HACK INT’L are out there helping people regain their lives and businesses back by recovering funds they had sent or lost to scammers no matter how long it must have been. I only came to realize you can recover money from scammers after I had sent some crypto scammer $410.000.00 to assist me to invest. When I couldn’t get through to him anymore, I hired Cyber Genie guys, and they got my funds back. I am happy I had an encounter with these internet pros. Do you want to reach them, use their info attached here…
    w/a: +1 (252) 512-0391…

  723. I am writing this testimony to express my utmost gratitude and satisfaction with the exceptional services provided by Mark Wizard Recovery Solution. Their expertise and dedication played a pivotal role in recovering my stolen cryptocurrency, which seemed like an impossible task at first.

    It all started when I fell victim to a sophisticated hacking attack on my cryptocurrency wallet. As an avid investor in the digital currency market, I had accumulated a substantial amount of crypto assets over the years. However, one unfortunate day, I discovered that my wallet had been compromised, and a significant portion of my funds had been stolen.

    Devastated and desperate to recover my stolen crypto, I began searching for solutions online. That’s when I came across Mark Wizard Recovery Solution. Their reputation as a leading provider of crypto recovery services intrigued me, and after reading numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients, I decided to reach out to them.

    From the very first interaction, their team displayed professionalism, empathy, and a deep understanding of the complexities involved in recovering stolen cryptocurrencies. They assured me that they would do everything possible to retrieve my funds and restore my peace of mind.

    The recovery process began with a thorough analysis of the hacking incident. Mark Wizard Recovery Solution’s team of experts meticulously examined the transaction history, blockchain records, and any available digital footprints left by the hackers. This comprehensive investigation allowed them to identify potential leads and develop a strategic plan for recovering my stolen crypto.

    Their team utilized advanced forensic techniques and cutting-edge technology to trace the movement of my stolen funds across various wallets and exchanges. They collaborated with law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity experts, and other industry professionals to gather crucial evidence that would aid in the recovery process.

    Throughout the entire journey, Mark Wizard Recovery Solution maintained transparent communication with me. They provided regular updates on their progress, explained complex technical details in a way that was easy for me to understand, and addressed any concerns or questions I had promptly.

    After weeks of relentless efforts, Mark Wizard Recovery Solution successfully traced and recovered a significant portion of my stolen cryptocurrency. I was overjoyed and relieved beyond words. Their expertise, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to their clients truly set them apart.

    Not only did they recover my funds, but they also provided invaluable guidance on enhancing the security of my digital assets. They educated me on best practices for securing my wallets, implementing two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against potential threats in the crypto space.

    I cannot express enough gratitude to Mark Wizard Recovery Solution for their exceptional services. They not only restored my financial losses but also restored my faith in the possibility of recovering stolen cryptocurrencies. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication are unparalleled, and I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone who finds themselves in a similar unfortunate situation.

    In conclusion, Mark Wizard Recovery Solution is a beacon of hope for individuals who have fallen victim to cryptocurrency theft. Their extensive knowledge, advanced techniques, and unwavering commitment to their clients make them the go-to solution for recovering stolen crypto assets.

    WHATSAPP, +15093120146

  724. We specialize in the hard-to-get loan solutions at the most competitive rates anywhere, Let us take the money stress out of your day while you work on your dreams! Even if you’ve been turned down before you will get cash here for any situation. Regardless of your credit we will be willing to work with you. Do write to us on ( We would process from there.

  725. Michael Cassandra

    August 1, 2023 at 8:23 pm

    I’m ecstatic to talk about SPAMMER ROOTKITS because they led me to get back my stolen cryptocurrencies and digital currency. They are a cyber security firm. The superb service and expert job they provide absolutely astound me. Before I went to SPAMMER ROOTKITS with my issues and all the necessary paperwork, I never imagined I would be able to get my money back. I was astounded that it took them 72 hours to reclaim my monies. Without a question, SPAMMER ROOTKITS is the best solution for all of your Bitcoin recovery, digital funds recovery, cybersecurity, hacking, and associated difficulties. I urge you now to be free and contact SPAMMER ROOTKITS for your solution unless you do not want your money returned.
    Contact Info : spammer (@) fastservice (.) com or via WhatsApp +351 920 258 835

  726. I almost lost over $320k worth of Bitcoin in an investment trading company where i had invested with the purpose to make more profits, but as things went on just within the space of a month and 2weeks i had invested all i had together with my savings before i got to realize it was a scam company, they refused me to make my withdrawal successful when it was due. i had to lookout for way to get my funds back from this experience i found that is not that easy to get back a scammed funds because these scammers are very smart and they will cover their tracks but if you manage to find a trustworthy and reliable Recovery company, I said trustworthy and reliable because many scammers are out there disguising as Recovery agents and will only take your money without recovering all your funds back. I was a victim of such myself after loosing all my funds to the investment scam I sort for help and I met a few recovery agents and was scammed by a particular one again. Before i was Luckily referred to a Recovery Firm called ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. They where the right team that recovered my stolen bitcoin. You can send a mail to ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL. COM or via Telegram- ROOTKITS7 for your funds recovery should incase you need a help to get your lost investment back.

  727. Alexei Lagunov

    August 2, 2023 at 9:46 am

    THE brutal acts perpetrated by these fraudulent organizations has made many people lose so much they can never recover , RIP to you my dear friend ____ you really did try your best but life happens and am going to do everything in my power to see that this individuals responsible for your death are brought to justice… at the moment the tracking process is in process after recovering my funds through the services of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE INC. I reached out to JETHACKS and got my funds recovered back to me within 3 days of working with them … It was retrieved to my binance wallet straight and all I had to do was drop my wallet address and all to my greatest surprise, I was driving and I got the deposit notification from Binance … it is really satisfying to have someone say something and actually get it done , JETHACKS assured me the full recovery of my funds and that’s exactly what they did. I highly recommend the services of JETHACKS to anyone that’s reading this , you can make contact on either Telegram : Jethackss
    Or Email : Jethacks7@Gmail . COM


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker
    asorehackcorp @ gmail com

    Stay Safe out

  729. 神秘黑客服务提供了最好的黑客工具,并且它们在提供移动远程间谍访问方面受到高度信任,这意味着无需物理接触移动设备即可监视设备。


    Mysterious Hack 提供最好和安全的恢复过程,高度遵守 100% 安全意识,以确保客户安全,他们的恢复过程始终值得信赖,我可以保证这一点,因为我也是他们的加密诈骗恢复服务的捐助者,11 月 2022 年,我被骗了 1,750.324 美元。

    我的被骗资金今年2023年5月被追回。大家要知道,这么多的证词都是不真实的,这造成了网络上的混乱和不信任,人们已经无法辨别真假,我们必须 请谨慎对待我们在线雇用黑客的决定,由于网络上有如此多的骗子,人们在找到合适的黑客之前肯定会被骗,为此我写在这里,这样您就不会陷入困境 诈骗者试图在没有保证的情况下雇用黑客。


  730. You can never be sure of what your spouse do in your absent but with the help of verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com you can be 💯 sure of what ever your spouse do in your absent I used verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com services and it all came out pretty successful.

  731. It actually hurts and bring tears to my eyes when i have a flash back of the period i got ripped off by Binary Options Investors, i have known how it feels and hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life for to invest with the thoughts of getting returns when you are retired. i got deceived by an Investor i met on a telegram group to make my investment with their company, this investors made the company website look so real and promising, without a second taught i invested some money not knowing that i am being played, we got going till it was time for me to take my returns i try to make withdrawal but the system keeps rejecting my withdrawals. i contacted the “support” for a help but they rather told me to invest more capitals, to be honest i was deeply depressed at certain point, one day i opened to a friend about the whole situation then he came up with an idea to hire a hacker. fortunately enough he recommended JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . COM i contacted him for his help which he replied and followed up immediately, he did recovered my money from the fake company website that i later know that it was all scam, i am so happy that individual with such talent exist, i would have been rendered Broke for the rest of my life by this online Trolls. you can also contact the him on telegram @ JETHACKSSne garner

  732. I once received a BTC security code on my phone which ignored and later found out that my BTC wallet and all the Funds i have on it was Hacked by unknown scammer, it was a frustrating period for me because i couldn’t have access to my Funds nor my BTC Wallet but i heard from a friend about the Lord Hacker Ultimate and their good work on recovery of lost funds/hacking services, i contacted them via their email for consultation and followed all the instructions they gave to me within 4 hours, i got my wallet and BTC back and was able to manage it by myself once again. All thanks to Lord Hacker Ultimate i got my BTC and wallet back i would urge each one of you to seek credible and ethical Hacking services from Lord Hacker Ultimate, hacking agency through their email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, Website: Their Youtube Page @lordhackerultimate

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  736. Robert Cantwell

    August 8, 2023 at 12:10 am


    A great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in SOUTH AFRICA and UNITED STATES, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed, One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by fraudster’s who ate my $17,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if interested in joining kindly email on []

    WHATSAPP CONTACT (+2349023758310).


  737. I want to quickly use this medium to testify how I became a lottery winner. My name are Rhonda Malesku, was born and raised in Kamloops, I’ve been a regular lottery player for the last 40 years and has not really won anything, one day I came across Dr Marcus online how he helped a lady won the lottery, I contacted him and explain the area I need his help to him, and he give me full assurance that he will help me, he told me how his work is done, I provided all his requirements and he put to work and give me the seven numbers. So I went ahead and purchased the lotto max ticket at Walmart, I was at home that Tuesday July 25, 2023 when I checked the winning numbers online. I let out a huge scream and kept saying, “I won $35 million dollars.” I was shouting so loud with excitement that my neighbours came out of their houses, because they thought something was wrong. All thanks to Dr Marcus for changing my life for good, I owe him everything, and I’ll keep testifying about his good work. You can reach him or Whatsapp+2348110492028.

  738. They are a sophisticated, unfettered set of hackers who have been on duty and delivered to expectations throughout the years in a serum fashion. Their services are safe and are secured with total transparency and guarantee, being the set of legendary hackers magicians who applaud human commiseration to the maximum, I am a testimony of their competence, contact this group of hackers, at (LORD HACKER ULTIMATE) Hacking/Recovery Agency, They have ended several decades in the hacking sphere as a legend in all hacking fields and they are still the most trusted and trusted hacking expert, please contact them via: email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM WhatsApp: +19095063423 or Website: Their YouTube Page @lordhackerultimate

  739. AMAZING DAY START WITH BABYLON SMUDGING IN AUSTRALIA +27738183320 Benoni Boksburg Brakpan Carletonville Germiston Johannesburg Krugersdorp Pretoria

    Use Babylon medicine traditional product to avoid bad luck, Misunderstanding the family, Evil Eye at work, Bullying at school, Fear of nobody in the day, Unlock all the doors for your success, Bringing back lost feelings and interest in your relationship, Get a promotion at work fast, Make people pay your debt in time, Know your enemies, Bad people, Envy people, Jealous friends
    Follow the link

  740. Bring Back Lost Love Spell Caste Brakpan New York +27738183320 Five Minutes Promotion Cards Medium and Psychics Services in Bedfordview Benoni Boksburg Edenvale Linksfield Modderfontein
    Follow the link

  741. Heard so much about the Cryptocurrency investment and one day decided to try it out through a lady i was friend with on the facebook.. the beginning seems very interesting and everything was moving fine after i had my first payout, i reinvested more funds to the company she got me introduced to in order to gain more profits and after some while when i was meant to either take my returns or still go ahead with my investment, but due to my illness i requested for a withdrawal but noticed i wasn’t able to do that, i quickly reach out to the support for some assistance but sadly it was more disappointing, what made everything so complicated was my poor health conditions as i needed the funds urgently. i tried my best to get this resolved even contact the Lady on facebook who referred mr to this mess but she turned out to be in the same table with the scammers, i then came up with the thought of getting a hacker as i was going through my computer i read a story relating to mine and how a hacker was to help in recovering back the lost funds. i contacted them through their email contact; ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL .COM and i had to explained the whole situation to him and he then moved on with the process of recovery, i did got my funds back after he was done and I’m so happy because i was able to payoff the hospital bill as well, if anyone out there looking for a help to recover his funds back then ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM is the right team to do the task, you can also get to them through Telegram: ROOTKITS7


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
    i believe him so much because he came through for me and made me get $5,500 daily and i’ve made over $50,000 since it got delivered to me recently
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anymore.
    if interested you can contact him now via don’t be scared you pay and the card get program by them, and delivery takes just 3days all over the world it cost money to get one so get your cash ready then you can send a mail to them with the email address above share this update to all your love one’s is very legit.

  743. Grace Katsiaris

    August 11, 2023 at 8:38 am

    Hello everyone here, about 4-5 months ago I was suicidal as I had lost all my savings to a bitcoin investment sc^m I saw its ad on Facebook. I could not forgive myself and almost took my own life when my sister found out she then introduced me to a hacker that they went to college together name ‘REFUND POLICY’ whom she said could help me recover the money I had sent to the sc^mmers. I was hesitant at first because I never believed it was possible. It only took 48hours or less for my lost funds to be fully recovered.

    I am so glad and grateful that these people didn’t get away with my funds. Thanks to ‘REFUND POLICY.’. This is why I am putting this out here incase any one has ever made such mistake, it is not too late at all, you can still recover your money. They can also help you investigate your cheating partner and many more hacking services. This is their e mail : refundpolicy82 @ and WhatsApp: +1 626 770 5974. They are tested and trusted.

  744. I like to express how grateful i am to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM an incredible and reliable team of hackers who helped recovered the $635k i lost to scammers in an online Binary Trading Company. I am married with 3 kids living comfortable with my family until when i came across a link to this trading platform, i read some good reviews about this platform online and i decided to invest with them, started with a small capital with the intention to grow it. i was speaking directly over WhatsApp with the Senior Account manager ( Oliver Gabriel ) all through who was helping me to build my portfolio, during those period i made some huge investment with them at the end when i got to found out it was all scam i requested to withdraw an amount but it was not going through, i reached out to Mr Gabriel over whatsapp who now demanded for couple fees to be paid before i could access and withdraw my funds, even after settling this fees i still couldn’t make a withdrawal not even a dollar. However, I discovered ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through positive reviews read on this site and reached out to them immediately on R O O T K I T S 4 @ G. M A I L . C O M and they helped recovered my lost Funds just within 2 days of meeting them I can’t thank them enough but give them a review as a token of my sincere appreciation. I strongly recommend them to anyone with related issues. Here is there contact again for Telegram; ROOTKITS7. they are the best out there.

  745. Stella Mataipule

    August 12, 2023 at 6:18 am

    Hi everyone, at first I wasn’t too sure about this whole thing, but when I saw comments and testimonies of how Dr Uwaifo helped people in winning Lottery Mega Millions, I decided to give it a try and here am I testifying of how the great Dr Uwaifo cast spells and gave me the  Mega Millions Winning Numbers. Just like a dream when the draws results came out, I was among the winners. I won $650 Millions Dollars just like that. Such a great and powerful man like Dr Uwaifo deserves accolades, gifted and well skilled on spell casting. I recommend Dr Uwaifo because I tested his divine powers and it worked.Thank you Dr Uwaifo Contact email: or text phone:+1(315) 277-2762.

  746. I never knew that my wife Had a son out of wedlock without informing me about it for almost 12years of our relationship until I noticed she picks strange calls on her phone and send money to a strange man. As much as it is inappropriate to spy on your spouse it’s also necessary to be sure that your relationship is in perfect shape. All my gratitude goes to this Genuine GeniusHacker or what’sapp +91 98632 93475 who got to clone/hack her phone completely to the extent that I had a clone of her phone and could read all her whatsapp & amp;Facebook message, call logs text message and GPS to know where and what she is always up to. I’m really grateful for this great experience, it really helped me find out the truth about my marriage. They are also specialize on hacking and recovery of money/bitcoin lost to scammers online, kindly send a message if you’re experiencing any of these issues to or what’sapp +91 98632 93475.. Kindly reach out to them and thank me later.


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
    i believe him so much because he came through for me and made me get $5,500 daily and i’ve made over $50,000 since it got delivered to me recently
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anymore.
    if interested you can contact him now via don’t be scared you pay and the card get program by them, and delivery takes just 3days all over the world it cost money to get one so get your cash ready then you can send a mail to them with the email address above share this update to all your love one’s.

  748. Grace Katsiaris

    August 14, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Hello everyone here, about 3-4 months ago, my husband and I saw a cryptocurrency investment platform on Facebook and we decided to invest to make a huge profit from it, we invested our retirement savings of about $ 391 k into this platform not realizing it was all a sc^m to steal our money. When it was time to withdraw our profits from the investment the fake broker kept requesting more money until we went broke and in debt.

    This led us into serious depression and then my younger sister noticed this and we told her what happened and then she told my husband and I to not worry about it as there was a way we could recover the money we had sent. My younger sister introduced us to this hacker called REFUND POLICY she went to the same college with. We decided to work with the hacker and in less than 48hrs the hacker was able to recover the money we had sent to the sc^mmers, it was all like a miracle. I really want to use this opportunity to once again thank the hackers at REFUND POLICY, they did an awesome job and I will forever be grateful and that is why I am putting this here in case there is anyone who has been a victim of these investment sc^ms and they can also help you investigate your cheating partner. I am going to drop their contact details here.
    Email: refundpolicy82@ gmail dot com
    Whats app: +1 626 770 5974. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need their services.

  749. It was really a terrible experience actually when i found myself loosing all the money i had worked for years all in the name of Crypto currency investment i put the whole blame on myself maybe for being so selfish and careless I almost lost a huge invested funds to this online crypto currency investment platform, i only got paid once by this company at the beginning when i started the whole thing with $200 usd, i got paid with my income then i had to reinvest back in order to get more this time i invested with a huge amount of money but ever since when it got due for me to be paid the company automatically restricted me from withdrawing the money, i had to reach out to the costumer care for their assistance so i can get my funds but they kept asking for more fees, it was devastating and as i got more depressed then i was talking to a colleague at work who i told about everything i was going through to my surprised he had been in such situation before me and said he got everything back through a Recovery firm and them linked me up with The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. i contact them and they helped me recovered back my money, i got to text with them over on telegram directly @ ROOTKITS7 where we had all our conversation, they really did a great job for me i as well showed my appreciations because i almost lost everything, lest i forget here is their email contact ROOTKITS 4 @ gmail. com. I really do appreciate their good aid when i needed it the most.

  750. “I recently enlisted one of personal chargeback recovery services and I must admit I was more than impressed. If you have been a victim of bitcoin or any cryptocurrency scam, I feel like it’s my duty to connect you all with a legit hacker like him. I started having a lot of issues with an investment company that goes by the name drip coin when I placed a withdrawal order for 297,000 USD I had with them. The so-called accountant disappeared, the support team did not respond to any of my emails and I thought it was over because I made the payments in crypto but I didn’t give up to have my funds back. Luckily for me with the help of WIZARD WITHNEY BLOCKCHAIRHACK SERVICE I was able to recover my funds. I salute him for his service and I write to others who might need his help in getting their funds back from such companies. His personal info is: Wizardwithneyblockchairhackser(@) gmail(.)com, that is a means you can reach them on.

  751. I failed a victim to a fraudulent Binary Company it was indeed a tough time for me after i was ripped off by this Binary Investors. i got linked to them through Instagram and we started texting, after a while of being in contact and knowing a bit more about each other that lead me into sharing some personal informations with him, Unknowingly to me i was dealing with a scammer and liar, this person made me believe a fake website that he uses to carry out his criminal activities in the name of Binary trading platform, i had invested hugely into this platform because i never doubted this or what he had said to me as i thought i was investing without knowing that i was being played. i never know all this wasn’t real till when the time for my withdrawal came, they automatically disabled me from making my withdrawals successfully.. every attempt to withdraw was been declined, i felt very uncomfortable with the situation, i was been directed to pay more fees before withdraw can be activated i didn’t know what else to do at certain point but later came up with the thought of getting a hacker it was then that i got to meet ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM with their contact info ( ROOTKITS4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M ) through peoples recommendation and reviews, they succeeded in retrieving back my lost funds back to my wallet I’m really grateful for that, finally got myself back after the depression and nightmares i went through, special thanks to this Team.

  752. Yasser Mohammed

    August 17, 2023 at 3:09 am

    I strongly recommend the service of Lord Hacker Ultimate, a hacking/recovery agency to you and their contacts, I have used them quite a number of times and they have never disappointed me. They does all types of Hacking/Recovery, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whtsapp, Instagram, Text messages, Snapchat, Hang out, Twitter, Hangout, Lost Funds/BTC recovery, Bank accounts loading/hacking, Credit cards top up, office files, Boost credit scores to 750 plus with all credit bureaus etc. Contact this Great Hacking/Recovery agency on Lord Hacker Ultimate hacking agency (L.H.ULTIMATE @ FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp: +19095063423 or Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite. com/lordhackerultimate. Their YouTube Page @ lordhackerultimate)

  753. Had a bad experience regarding investing my funds, it wasn’t easy for me as I was scammed several times. I lost almost all of my money until I came across a recovery expert named Olivia. She helped and assisted me in terms of recovery of my funds . I got my funds recovered in just 5 days with just little effort. I will highly recommend Olivia. She is sincere and honest all the time. She helped me get everything I lost.

    Contact Olivia now if you need get his help

    WhatsApp. +1 (423) 248-2140

    oliviatrader 44 at gmail, com,

  754. Grace Katsiaris

    August 19, 2023 at 8:01 am

    About 2 months ago my husband was convinced on Facebook to invest in a crypto investment that projected a huge profit in only few weeks. He went ahead and put in about $ 352, 000 worth of BTC. After waiting for more than a month and still nothing happen, it was apparent he had been sc^mmed. He approached me and explained everything to me. This really made me sad. I looked online and all the information I was getting says the BTC is gone. I met with my younger sister a few days later and explained to her and that is when she introduced me to a hacker named ‘REFUND POLICY’ whom she had known since her college days. I was reluctant at first to contact this hacker as I did not believe the situation was repairable, but it only took them less than 48hrs in recovering our BTC. It was like a miracle, I will forever be grateful to REFUND POLICY and that is why I am putting their contact details here in case anyone here need their services, they can also help you investigate your cheating partner. Email: refundpolicy82@ gmail dot com
    Whats app: +1 626 770 5974. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you need their services.

  755. These cryptocurrencies scammers will go to any length to defraud their victims, I was scammed a few months ago through a YouTube channel about investing in cryptocurrency and forex trading, my wife and I had invested €700,000 of our hard-earned money into this platform, and we were scammed without any remorse from these scammers as they kept asking for more money. We had lost all hope and was bankrupt, we had lost our entire life to these conmen. My wife got sick and we couldn’t afford the hospital bills, it was such a difficult time in our life until we came across the services of George Wizard Recovery Home , a cryptocurrency recovery team that provides top-notch services for many years now. I acted upon the opportunity and quickly reached out to them, I provided all the information I had with me and the wallet addresses, every detail of the transaction, I couldn’t believe my eyes that George Wizard Recovery Home was able to recover our money and was able to track down these transactions to the conmen who we then provided their information to the authorities. We are gladly grateful to the service of George Wizard Recovery Home and appreciate their efforts in helping us get our life back together. If you are interested in their services, you can kindly contact them via their official Email. E-MAIL: (908) 768-4663)

  756. Robert Cantwell

    August 19, 2023 at 2:17 pm


    A great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in SOUTH AFRICA and UNITED STATES, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed, One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by fraudster’s who ate my $17,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if interested in joining kindly email on []

    WHATSAPP CONTACT (+2349023758310).



  757. Robert Cantwell

    August 19, 2023 at 2:18 pm


    A great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in SOUTH AFRICA and UNITED STATES, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed, One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by fraudster’s who ate my $17,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if interested in joining kindly email on []

    WHATSAPP CONTACT (+2349023758310).



    I’m not a review type normally I just use my product and leave. but I have to recommend W I Z A R D L A R R Y for his good deeds. He’s good in recovering lost and stolen cryptocurrency contact him on; ( wizardlarry (@) mail. com).
    WhatsApp +1 (205) 319-6886

  759. Robert Cantwell

    August 19, 2023 at 9:00 pm


    A great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in SOUTH AFRICA and UNITED STATES, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed, One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by fraudster’s who ate my $17,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if interested in joining kindly email on []

    WHATSAPP CONTACT (+2349023758310).



  760. Robert Cantwell

    August 19, 2023 at 9:01 pm


    A great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now, I was scammed by fake agent in SOUTH AFRICA and UNITED STATES, I was down i could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed, One day I came across a post of someone giving a testimony thanking a man called PETER SAMPSON for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, then I looked at the man’s email and the phone number that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed a lot of times by fraudster’s who ate my $17,000 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called PETER SAMPSON and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join if interested in joining kindly email on []

    WHATSAPP CONTACT (+2349023758310).



  761. Don’t be deceived by different testimonies online that is most likely wrong. I have made use of several recovery options that got me disappointed at the end of the day but I must confess that the tech genius I eventually found is the best out here. It’s better you devise your time to find the valid professional that can help you recover your stolen or lost crypto such as bitcoins rather than falling victim of other amateur hackers that cannot get the job done. {Lisatheo225 @gmail com is the most reliable and authentic blockchain tech expert you can work with to recover what you lost to scammers. They helped me get back on my feet and I’m very grateful for that. Contact their email today to recover your lost coins ASAP.

  762. i live in Canada i was once a star i met a client who introduced me to blank atm card which i got from william scot hackers, i believe him so well not like scammers out there i have withdrew $50000 with this card so i decided to share a testimony if you are interested contact him on or Whatsapp on +1 (347) 593 8976

  763. I was reading about binary option cryptocurrency because i am really interested in investing in cryptocurrency because of the books I’ve read about it… The digital currency seems to be the future, I saw the bitcoins price and it is way too steep for me financially so i had to venture into investing because that’s that some way to acquire bitcoins since it’s high. I tried investing with an online company in order to start up, my first deposit was around $300 usd, i got my first profits together with the profits, seeing how it goes i then reinvested more funds so i could be paid more. so after the normal period of time that i was supposed to be paid, the funds was made available there in my wallet but i can’t make the withdrawal to my account. i got to message the support and they requested for some fees after another before i could be able to withdraw, i paid to an extent before i could realize that i was not dealing with the right people.. i felt deeply disappointed as i have already committed a total of $640k usd into this. Actually i taught that i had lost it all but fortunately when i shared this with a close friend who said she had been through the same issue but got a hacker who helped her retrieve her funds back, he gave me their contact info. ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM and their Telegram account. ROOTKITS7 and this was how i got my funds back through their great help, I’m so grateful and i appreciate the service as they are of a top notch level. a very special thanks to this ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM.

  764. The whole experience is one I’d like to get forget In hurry , I’m a gambler and I’ve always been ever since I was in college and I believe in luck but I never take chances on luck … ‘’take risk and prosper ‘’ has always been my motto , well I took this particular risk and I nearly died haha .. luck wasn’t on my side cos this time It wasn’t a fair game , the outcome has already been premeditated, I was targeted just like every other person on here and I had no idea what I was getting myself into , I was just staking my finances hoping they’d pay off as expected but it never did , I was made to keep sending more money until I eventually had nothing to give anymore, at some point I was threatened to either make the required payments or face penalty charges incurred for breaching the terms( this terms I was never told anything about in the beginning) , I was drowning and I didn’t know who to ask for help until I heard about a crypto recovery team JETHACKS on a podcast one Sunday evening , the lady narrated her own ordeal and how she successfully retrieved all of her funds thanks to Jethacks help , i quickly took down the contact details
    Email : Jethacks7 @
    Telegram : Jethackss
    I reached out to Jethacks and my story changed after that day , I had my funds recovered after 2days of launching the recovery exercise , Jethacks is indeed the best out there .


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
    i believe him so much because he came through for me and made me get $5,500 daily and i’ve made over $50,000 since it got delivered to me recently
    now i have my business and my family do not beg anymore.
    if interested you can contact him now via don’t be scared you pay and the card get program by them, and delivery takes just 3days all over the world it cost money to get one so get your cash ready when contacting him is legit please share as many would need this help thanks.

  766. To me Loosing money feels like loosing a part of me, I naturally get depressed when I feel like things are not working out, i retrace my steps and try to make adjustments in other to progress forward and when I started getting the feeling that there’s something wrong with the company i gave my money , I had to put a stop to it.. I had already put in over half a million in deposits with the company and I was willing to keep putting in more and get bigger percentage on ROI but I started having mixed feelings about the whole thing and when I tried to make a withdrawal, it was denied for some silly reasons and right there, I knew I had been ripped so I contacted my lawyer, he already advised me earlier about going into the business but I didn’t listen unknowingly to me he had gone online to research about everything there is to know about online companies like that and that was how he came to know about a credible hacking team JETHACKS and got their official contact details if ever things went wrong , I won’t say I appreciate that he couldn’t trust my instincts but at the same time am glad he did .. how could i ever have recovered back my money if not for the professional team of hackers at JETHACKS… this is really it , this company’s are fake and I have learnt my lesson. Here are the contact details of JETHACKS for anyone that is in a similar situation
    Email : Jethacks7@gmail . Com
    Telegram username @ Jethackss

  767. I’m very excited to speak about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, this cyber security company was able to assist me in recovering my stolen digital funds and cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my problems and provided all the necessary information. It took them 72 hours to recover my funds and I was amazed. Without any doubt, I highly recommend Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery for all your cryptocurrency recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity-related issues.


    Phone: +1 (740) 688-0116

  768. Augustine Esther

    August 23, 2023 at 7:52 pm

    An autonomous Bitcoin recovery organization called SPAMMER ROOTKITS Recovery enables consumers to retrieve their lost or stolen cryptocurrency safely. SPAMMER ROOTKITS Recovery has been around and has grown in popularity thanks to how simple it is to use and how well-rounded its security measures are. SPAMMER ROOTKITS Recovery is based on dependability and is renowned for its quick transaction times and precise pricing. In contrast to other dishonest hackers, individuals can now swiftly and inexpensively reclaim their stolen cryptocurrency with the aid of SPAMMER ROOTKITS Recovery and they can be reached by : spammer @ fastservice . com

  769. Isobel Heathershaw

    August 24, 2023 at 1:48 am

    If only we could make our wishes come through , I would wish a never ending suffering upon this imposters that made me look like a fool . After loosing a fortune to an investment scam , I became ill and fell into depression,I felt used and that I was the only one who fell for this Ponzi . I wasn’t sure if I could survive the crisis that I got myself into , I completely fell for their scam and it left me shattered…I want to say THANK YOU to JETHACKS , honestly if I start to think back about my experience with these scam company , i’m filled with gratitude,These people didn’t hold back in their attempt to empty my pocket , they used all the trick in their book to make sure I keep investing. And when I refused to invest further , they stopped replying my emails , support stopped responding to me also on the website and my pending withdrawals was never passed , this went on for months before I decided to seek for help , I was literally confused and I prayed I don’t fall into the wrong hands again , JETHACKS is the hacker you need, it was God’s guidance for letting me come to know about JETHACKS amongst all the many hackers I saw online but JETHACKS stood out for me, Excellent Team . Contact JETHACKS Today and and you can change the narrative and recover all your money Back, I’ll leave the contact details here for everyone, it’s never too late to change the story . EMAIL : jethacks7 @ g mai l . c o m , Telegram: Jethackss

  770. Invested 215k USD worth of bitcoin with a Binary trading company. after some few months of our partnership my total earnings from my invested capital was able to grow to 840k USD within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, i can view that i have all my funds in there but not able to process a withdrawal to my wallet or to my bank account, i tried to reaching out to the customer support desk but they stopped replying after requesting for fees for withdrawal to be processed but still failed to, it then clear of my eyes that i was been scammed and that was when i started looking out for a way to get my funds back, i tried using the Police, they did all they could but we never got a positive result, then my wife suggested we try out a hacker, and that was how i got to know ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM via my online research, according to individual reviews from people who had been in similar issue i read that he can recover back my funds based on his experience and quickly i reached out to them on their Telegram account; ROOTKITS7, he requested a few details which i made all available for them, luckily enough i got my funds back after they had done an excellent job for me, my sincere appreciation to this firm i really appreciate all they had done. their email contact is as follows; ROOTKITS 4 @G MAIL .COM should anyone been in same position as mine you can reach out.

  771. I saw testimonies online on how Dr Uwaifo helped a lot of people in winning Powerball. A huge amount, so I decided to contact him for winning lottery numbers, Dr Uwaifo did the spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among the winners. I won $730 Millions Dollars Powerball. I have confirmed Dr Uwaifo is a real and guaranteed powerful spell caster. Now I am a living testimony of his good work, a gifted man with great powers, it is my secret but I decided to make the world know about his work. It might be a help to others who are interested. My comment might look funny to you but it is the truth, believe it and give Dr Uwaifo a try, and I promise you that it will not be funny when you win and share a testimony too. It’s not everybody that is naturally lucky, if you have problems with winning the lottery, the solution to win is Dr Uwaifo So contact him Website; or a text: +1(315) 277-2762.

  772. Andrew Mariuchno

    August 26, 2023 at 1:16 am

    Investing our money to make more money is very important , it is the only way to stay rich and that is the reason why the rich keep getting richer and richer but the only thing more important than investing and getting more money is trust, trust is vital in life and once broken , it is very hard to rebuilt . I had a 100% trust in and I never imagine they’d turn out to be a fraudulent establishment targeting non suspecting individuals like you and I to take all of our money away from us , this act seriously needs to be looked into by the government else more people are going to get hurt by these people … I was lucky enough to get in contact with JETHACKS Recovery Team that assisted me in getting back my funds from this company that almost got away with every penny I invested in the website .. it’s just crazy how they all have the same routine , I read through here and I see everyone started having issues at the point of trying to withdraw their funds and if not for the exceptional help from JETHACKS , I never would have been able to access my money again .. I messaged them on their official Telegram Username @ Jethackss and send over a few details they required to recover my money . Also you can reach them on Email : Jethacks 7 @ G M A I L . com

  773. These Scammers have really damaged a lot of people and most people have lost their life savings and everything belonging to them because of this , unfortunately i happened to also be a victim of scam .. I lost the sum of $83,000 I thought I was investing not knowing I was getting scammed and taken for every I penny I got . I got ripped by the , they made me believe my fund was been traded on forex trading but that was a lie .. nothing was going on all that time , I figured that out after I had invested all of my money and the website shut down , i tried reaching out to my referrer but she blocked me on watsapp and Telegram , I felt so stupid to trust someone online , despite feeling hopeless I decided to seek professional help and with the help of The JETHACKS I was able to retrieve my lost Bitcoin worth $83,000. I saw some reviews about JETHACKS and how he has been able to effectively recover cryptocurrency funds for many scammed victims. I didn’t hesitate to contact him at email : Jethacks7@GMAIL . com and provided him with all the information he needed. Thanks to him, I am at peace. You can also get in touch with him through the official Telegram username @ Jethackss

  774. I have been a victim of scam and i can tell the damages this can cost can be very bad to one’s mental state. what made things worst for me is when i remember the hard work and sleepless night put together over the years working hard to get here, i was never greed of getting more money i just want to invest what i have been able to save up over the years, a friend of mine over on instagram got introduced me into this Crypto investment company, where investors are to benefit from the company’s return profits it actually sounds interesting. i went on with them and invested some funds.. after awhile of my membership upgrade which i had invested a total of $906k within a couple months, i can view that i have my funds there together with the actual returns but couldn’t make a withdrawal to my wallet, i tried to reach out to the customer support bot but they stopped replying, that was when i started looking out for a way to get my funds back, i tried using the Interpol, they did all they could but we never got a positive result, then my wife suggested we try out a hacker, and that was how i went in search of a good hacker on the google, and according to individual reviews from people who had been in similar issue i read that ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM can recover back my funds based on his experience and quickly i reached out to him on his Telegram account; ROOTKITS7, he requested a few details which i made all available for him, luckily enough i got my funds back after he did his excellent professional job i can say this is what he does best, my sincere appreciation to this team help. their email contact is as follows; ROOTKITS 4 @G MAIL .COM

  775. This is my story , a single father of 2 who ventured into an online investment to make money only to get scammed .. sometimes I ask myself was it the money ?.. the huge returns I would make , the beautiful life I could provide for my kids or was I actually stupid !?.. I ignored all the red flags and I went ahead to pay money to some people I’ve never met physically??.. I have no way to trace them , how could I have trusted such deals.. my kids and everyone around me blamed me for this , I felt awful of myself , I wanted to change that so my kids can be proud of me so I decided to talk to my friend in the Justice department and he suggested we hire hacker to Trace the transaction , he recommended JETHACKS , knows him very well so we hired the guy, we maintained contact via the email address : Jethacks7 @ for 2days in which he successfully traced the transaction wallets and hacked the companies servers and swiftly retrieved all my money back to my wallet .. I recommend this guy to anyone looking to trace and retrieve back their stolen money, excellent hacker . The Email address is above also this is the Telegram username @ Jethackss

  776. Since I and my husband got married I just figured out that my husband still communicates with his Ex and I confirmed this with the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com

  777. I lost my money to an online scammer last month through crypto currency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point i came across a Century recovery expert agency an agency helping a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with them and I provided all information they needed for the recovery, within 48hours they got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account. Please if you are a victim of online scam quickly contact them to recover all your lost money easily. Contact them via or WhatsApp +3197005034955

  778. I got very fantastic results working with JETHACKS , the Team provided accurate service to the tracing and withdrawal of my funds which was stuck in the website where I had invested it . Earlier this year , I was involved with a crypto trading company called “cashfx . I had no idea that the company engaged in fraudulent activities and the services which they provided was also a lie . They deceived many investors including myself, by falsely making us believe we was earning more money with each investment we make with their company but instead they were claiming earnings from the investments and would refuse to pay out , I was devastated when I discovered this . Initially, I attempted to work with various hacking Teams , but none of them were successful in getting my funds from the ” cashfx system. However, after learning about the exceptional services provided by JETHACKS , they have helped numerous individuals recover their funds from scammers over the years, I didn’t hesitate to contact them on their Telegram username @ JETHACKSS and I provided them with the necessary information to initiate the recovery process and they kept me updated on the progress and after 48 hours, my money was successfully retrieved from their system and available in my personal wallet account. I’m very proud of myself for standing up for what is rightfully mine , I made a mistake by trusting some people I met online but I also took it upon myself to correct my mistake and I wouldn’t have been able to achieve that without the incredible help and expertise of JETHACKS . For those seeking their assistance, you can get in touch through their official email at J E TH A C KS 7 @ G m a il . C o m. OR the Telegram username above

  779. I may not be the most righteous person in the world but honestly speaking , no one deserves to be subjected to this kind of cruel faith..Recently, I heard a story about how a man from Indonesia that committed suicide , apparently he lost all of his family savings and couldn’t bare the blame and shame from everyone so he decided to end everything and I wondered to myself , this fellow could have been alive today if he knew about JETHACKS , I worked with Jethacks when I lost my funds to an investment platform on Telegram , it was Jethacks that did the job , traced and recovered all of my money total sum of $238, 000 within 36 hours .. how he does it I really cannot tell , only thing I can say is that my funds was successfully sitting in my account and I had full access to convert to cash ., a very expert and professional Team . I have seen many great reviews of JETHACKS on here as well and am Sharing mine also to help spread this knowledge , we are many who have been scammed by this fraud companies so we must help each other to avoid more people loosing their life like the fellow from Indonesia therefore am sharing the contact details of JETHACKS , you can reach out to them and retrieve your stolen funds
    TELEGRAM: Jethackss
    EMAIL : Jethacks7@gmail. COM

  780. In April, I got an invitation from a Chinese woman, Lena, who hopes to add me as a friend from Linkedin. She told me that she came to America as an EB-1 outstanding person to work for her sister in Little Rock, Arkansas. After weeks, she told me that she is working for a company to update the database system of its cryptocurrency exchange plate. She and her sister made money on that plate. The website is Until very late I was told that this website is a scammer’s fake website. Then she asked me to invest money into this website. I believed her lie. She asked me to open an account in Coinbase and buy coins there to transfer into the cryptocurrency exchange plate. Actually, all my money was transferred to her wallet instead of the fake website. What I saw as my profit is just a numbers game. The total money I transferred from my chase bank to the wallet was $200,000 before Coinbase restricted me from buying more crypto’s , I then wanted to withdraw my earnings and she blocked me , website shutdown and I was left feeling stupid … I keep all evidence and payment records which proved very crucial in recovering my funds when I reached out to JETHACKS for assistance . JETHACKS successfully traced all the funds I deposited into the website address , apparently I was shut out while they kept extorting more unsuspecting investors , very fraudulent people but the bright side is that we have JETHACKS and you fully recovery your funds , you can contact him on the official Telegram Username @ Jethackss And also Email: Jethacks 7 @ gmaiL .Com

  781. Julie Weigel Knowles

    September 1, 2023 at 9:07 pm

    Have you ever been in a situation where by you always feel insured about your spouse? worry not. Have always been in same situation and trust me I always find solutions to it and my solutions has always been This hacker always come through for me when it comes to hacking of my spouse devices without any form of alert. So if you need same help I refer you to jeajamhacker @ and thank me later.

  782. I had my funds stolen from Coinbase .. I don’t know how the hacking was done but all of my funds disappeared after I sent $215 as fee to claim an airdrop on ETH.. this airdrop supposedly came as a result of following the token launch and as a result of being amongst the early holders, we were supposed to claim a free token in total sum of $82,000 per person once launched but we was required to pay gas fees to claim it so I paid mine to the wallet they gave to me and next thing I knew , all the funds in my wallet of about $312,000 disappeared , I was confused , no idea what just happened so I started asking questions which led to me JETHACKS and i got to find out that by sending gas fee to wallet i enabled them to hack my coinbase account, the wallet address they gave contained some virus which i had no idea about, Jethacks explained everything to me and it opened my eyes as well but he also assured me the full recovery of my money , I trusted and believed him but the only thing that could dilute my pain and anxiety was when I saw my funds all available in my Coinbase wallet on the 3rd day of taking on my case , I looked and it was all there and for the first time since the incident , I felt Alive and it’s all thanks to the JETHACKS , from the funds I also paid for the service with a little bonus cos am grateful. To contact JETHACKS you can reach out to him on TELEGRAM: Jethackss and here also is the official contact EMail address : Jethacks7 @ gmail . COM

  783. I make so much sacrifices for the woman I call my wife but when ever I leave the state she is taken in by another man. I was able to know all of this with the help of an ethical hacker called whom I hired when I noticed my wife’s funny movement, I was able to read all her messages starting from her WhatsApp messages, text messages, deleted messages, call logs and many more that was how I was able to know my wife has been a bloody cheat. Thank you so much spyexpert0 @ gmail. com.

  784. I have no doubt about this good reviews relating to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, I myself have equally benefited from their services. i once needed help to recover my lost Usdt, they were the right recommendations I got from friends through the reviews i read here. they are of an expert level i give them the accreditation because they really deserve that and has the quality to perform recovery task. off course i got back my $164k Usdt through their services, i have worked with two different hackers while I was trying to recover my lost funds back, the first guy i worked with was unable to complete the task, before i searched online for help and i read some good reviews about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. through this review i saw their email contact ( ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL. COM ) where i wrote my issue to them. i can say this guys are expert, you will get to see that in their services.. unlike the first guy i met, they recovered back my money I’m really thankful for that because left to me i taught the money is gone but it was there actually and they got all back for me. you can get them on Telegram @ ROOTKITS7

  785. An unidentified hacker moved my BTC wallet and all the funds in it after I disregarded a BTC security code I had received on my phone. I was frustrated since I couldn’t access my cash or my Bitcoin wallet then, but a buddy told me about Spammer Rootkits Recovery and their commendable efforts to retrieve missing funds. I emailed them for advice and complied with all of their directions after doing so. I regained control of my wallet and BTC and was once more able to manage it independently. I’m grateful to Spammer Rootkits Recovery for helping me restore my wallet and BTC. I strongly advise everyone to use Spammer rootkits reputable recovery services at spammer at fastservice dot com

  786. Thank you so much darkhatthacker @ gmail. com for helping me gain access to my spouse WhatsApp messages without me being caught.

  787. I want to testify about MR MIKE FISHER blank ATM cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no hope then I saw so many testimony about how MR MIKE FISHER send them the blank ATM card and i use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I also email him and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get $100,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily. MR MIKE FISHER is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email Him on how to get it now via: , Note this is not free

  788. Hi Everyone. Please be wise out there, to avoid making the same mistake i had made in the past, i was a victim of bitcoin scam, i invested about 230k euro into this company that serves as an investment platform i saw a glamorous review and praises about this company hardly did i know that it was a setup to trap you into investing with them, I first reached out to them through their websites on what their contracts are, i had one Mrs Heather assigned to me she explained and guided me further with the process and i started the just with 200 euro after which it made me some profits and withdraw it to my wallet. then on my second plan i now decided to go higher and invest more funds thinking this actually pays which i was assured by Mrs Heather of my profits in due time, but when it’s time to get my profits i noticed i wasn’t able to withdraw funds to my wallet, they asked that i pay a fee to their wallet which will allow me to withdraw all my total profits i did but still wasn’t able to withdraw my funds I got to know the company was up to something, they kept asking me to invest more and i ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until i search for a solution online and i read about The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, so I reached out and after tabling my complaints, they were swift to action and within 48 hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn’t contain the joy in me not after all that stress and depression i had been through. i recommend this firm for anyone in need of help you can reach out to them on their support email: ROOTKITS 4 @ G MA IL . C O M and on Telegram : ROOTKITS7. They provide the best excellent service

  789. I caught my husband secretly texting his ex wife yesterday just with the help of and I also saw so many deleted messages that shows they have been in communication for months with a lot of evidence. Thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com I really appreciate your services.

  790. Maureen Castagne

    September 8, 2023 at 3:41 pm

    I don’t think I will ever be able to get over The pain and hardship I had to go through because of the fake platform I gave my money , the experience was traumatic and I was almost loosing my sanity till JETHACKS came to my rescue . Apparently my daughter came to learn about JETHACKS from a friend who had fallen victim of scam and she got to retrieve it all back through the services of Jethacks, it was hard to believe at first and no way I was going to believe it if it had been any other person telling me about this but my daughter was so sure so I gave my consent, my daughter was the one who kept contact with him on Telegram username @Jethackss ‘’ throughout the whole process, I couldn’t deal with anything online again and even at that point I had little believe for any miracle but it turned out JETHACKS was the miracle I had been waiting for , it took him 2 days to anonymously trace all of my profile activities on the website and retrieved the funds on there, much to my greatest surprise I looked in my bank account and my money was all there . Nowadays I stay strong for my daughter, I live each day for her , I like to believe God gave me a second chance through JETHACKS and she is the most important person in my life . You can contact JETHACKS also for his services on the telegram username above or Email : Jethacks7 @ Gmail . com

  791. Nevada Angel Cotto

    September 8, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    This is a warning for anyone trying to recover USDT that was stolen by cocky investment scammers, during binary trading. I suggest you get in touch with the best ethical hacker, Cyber Genie Hack Pro for successful recovery proceedings. When one tries to ask for help in recovering misplaced USDT, one risks being a victim and becoming bait if not assisted by a pro. Cruel criminals took control of my blockchain wallet and stole $206,550.00 USDT from it if I can recall properly. I was quite angry and disappointed about this because the Blockchain support team wasn’t helping. All these happened while I was performing my online exploration just to realize that everything had been compromised. I had no more anxieties because there was nothing left to risk. I thus chose to try Cyber Genie Hack Pro, and I was amazed by the outcome. I appreciate Cyber Genie’s aid for helping me find what I misplaced and for also helping me track down the intruders. I am compelled to disclose their information here, anyone else looking to recoup lost assets or experienced fraudulent acts like mine. Cyber Genie can be reached on:
    ( w w w .cybergeniehackpro. xyz )
    (Cybergenie(AT)cyberservices . com)

  792. This worrying issue on the internet nowadays increases the need for being particularly cautious when it comes to recovering your lost money through cryptocurrency exchanges or any other means. There are methods that are generally thought to be fairly secure for recovering your lost cryptocurrency. Even seasoned Bitcoin traders and investors have lost or had cryptocurrency holdings stolen. Fortunately, there are approaches to regaining and recovering your Bitcoin through Lord Hacker Ultimate. Lord Hacker Ultimate uses effective techniques that make it simple for consumers to access lost data and money. You can be confident that this hacking company will provide the best possible service promptly and with no uncertainty. Send an email to Lord Hacker Ultimate, a hacking/recovery agency at, now at email: L.H.ULTIMATE@ FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, website: Their YouTube Page @lordhackerultimate

  793. I can’t t believe I got so many results from the Gmail hacks ran for me, Am so hoppy because this emails really meant so much to me and you made it possible for me. Thank you russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com

  794. I have had a friend who introduced me into a bitcoin programmed scheme that I taught was a Legitimate investment opportunity but never went as planned, i had invested all my savings before i realize it was a scam i was so blindfolded about the negative part this may turn out to be, in total i lost about $286,000 usd. i had partnered with this company for over 3 months and it got to the time for me to take the profit i have made but they refused me from doing so rather they keep asking that i invest more. i upgraded the plan and reinvested more funds but the withdrawal button still doesn’t work when due for withdrawal that was when i then thought about the whole thing and realized what i got myself into, i really do not know how to go about it. at some point i taught all money was lost until i met a life savior on a crypto review site who had helped a lot of people recover their lost, i contacted and explained my situation to them and he assured me they’ll help me get my money back, i gave it a try and he definitely did a great job, all my funds stolen by this company was recovered back into my wallet account in few days, I don’t really know how he got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to informed anyone who had similar issue to contact this expert firm ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM email or Telegram ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) , Telegram @ ROOTKITS7 i must say that i’m happy right now to i have got my lost funds back through their great assistance.

  795. Many parents and even non parents have been sent to the streets or left in huge debts cos they were misled by a fraudulent organization or persons , our society has been rotten deep by this scam and it only seems to be getting worse by the day . I know you think that there’s no other hope again , I also used to think the same way until I got to find out about JETHACKS , a very credible hacking team that has been helping individuals recover their stolen funds lost to scammers of which the most common method is the crypto investment ponzi that got most of us including me , the period was really a tough period for me , I look my kids faces every morning and all I felt was shame like a disappointment to everybody which am sure is pretty much the case for anyone for has fallen victim to scam but we’re all humans we all learn everyday , same way I got to learn about JETHACKS , am bringing it here also so you all can learn .. JETHACKS Recovery Team is the best and most credible hacking Team ever , I say that because with their help I was able to recover my funds which had been trapped in an offshore investment platform that misled me into trusting and giving them all of my money , I even took loans and was left in huge debt but I was assured a swift recovery of my funds by JETHACKS and after 36 hours , my total funds of $365,000 was made available on my account and I could perform transfers with no issues .. you can get in contact with him on the official Telegram username @ Jethackss OR email : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com

  796. Voodoo Spells Voodoo Love Spells +27738183320 Zangbeto Healing Voodoo Oracle Love Psychics Zangbeto is spiritistic and magical abilities, Such as swallowing splinters of glass without coming to any harm and scaring away even witches. Bring Back Lost Love Spell Caster Google Search | Return Lost Love Spells- +27738183320 Spiritual Healer business Back Magic, Obeah Spell Caster For Lottery, House Blessing Famous, Double Fast Luck Back Magic, Bring Back Customers
    Follow the link

  797. Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank Lord Hacker Ultimate for helping me recover my stolen BTC/Crypto worth $783,000 through their proxy hacking skill. I was skeptical about them at first when I reported my case to this agency but to my greatest surprise, They delivered as promised and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I would never get my money back from those fake online investment scammers, you can also contact them via Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, web: YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate

  798. Is it possible to locate or get back lost bitcoin? A wide variety of data recovery in Bitcoin services are now available from organizations due to the large amount of missing Bitcoin that is currently floating around. You want a seasoned recovery specialist, such as FAYED HACKER Recovery, to assist you in manipulating a successful Bitcoin recovery in order to get your money back. FAYED HACKER Recovery is the right company to get in touch with if you want to recover lost bitcoin, lost wallet information, and so much more. You may trust FAYED HACKER recovery to provide, regardless of how long it has been lost. Contact them via email (fayedhack @ solution4u . com)

  799. I started getting into Bitcoin late 2020 when the price was nearly at 30,000 usd , back at the time I was just following the footsteps of my friend, she saw it as good long term plan and I was on board with it so we started buying bit by bit at the end of every Month. Now fast forward to January 2023 when she came up with the great idea to go into crypto trading , this was supposed to be our game changer, we already accumulated a nice amount of Bitcoin since we started hodling so once we invest with that we will make more than enough profits to last us and we won’t have to work anymore , amazing plan until it all went wrong , we invested with the wrong broker company that made away with all of our investments.. the agent blocked us on Instagram and disappeared leaving us in the dark but all thanks to JETHACKS Recovery Team we were able to get our hands on our money again, getting in contact with Jethacks made it possible that we recovered back our money today , it took him less than 48hours to trace the transactions and accessed the company website database to recover our already hanging funds in our account, it was then we also found out they continued trading with our Money and kept generating more profits , very fraudulent act and we made sure to take every penny of ours thanks to Jethacks . You can also reach out to Jethacks for help for anyone in similar situation, the contact details are below :
    Telegram username @ Jethackss
    Email Address: Jethacks7 @ Gmail . com

  800. Good Life Financial Hub

    September 12, 2023 at 10:53 am

    Thank you so much for the blog post. I found it to be very interesting and enjoyed reading about what your thoughts are on this subject! We are provide Financial Expertise at Your Doorstep Varanasi’s Good Life Hub
    Financial services in varanasi

  801. No man is loyal because I keep catching all the men I have been with over the years cheating on me with the help of anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com after a phone hack carried out on there phones remotely by which made me saw all there conversations and know there true colours. thank you anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com.

  802. The truth is, I wouldn’t be here today sharing this testimony if it wasn’t for JETHACKS.. how could I ever have managed to get back my savings from the scammers that took it from me and nearly got away with the act ?… I ask myself this all the time and I could only come to this conclusion, some people are just GOD SENT, to drag us out of the terrible situations we found ourselves in and that is why my appreciation for the Exceptional Service I got from JETHACKS knows no bound or limit , he came through for me and made what seemed impossible to be possible in just 48 of taking on my case , nearly everyone i knew told me it was a dead end and funds sent through the crypto network can never be recovered but that’s not true at all , I just converted $73,000 worth of USDT to cash through my bank to clear off some debts , I’m talking $73,000 in recovered funds and this not even the first time , I had converted 4 times since I had all of my total funds worth $620 ,000 recovered last week by JETHACKS and since then I have cleared all of my bank debts and personal loans from friends and I can afford to take care of my family again. The amount of money in dispute with these fraud platforms/ company’s are actually funds originally belonging to us so we can never let them get away with our hard earned money, reach out to Jethacks today on either of the below contact details
    Email : Jethacks 7 (AT) gmail (DOT) com . Telegram @ Jethackss

  803. The persistent rise in taking advantage of innocent crypto potential traders is very alarming. These scammers will offer you mouth watery profits on investments which they will not pay or pretend to pay but deny you the means of making withdrawals only for them to require more funds from you. i was almost a victim of this evil scheme i invested in total about $290k on a binary trading platform which i got introduced by a friend i met over the facebook dating app after he claimed the platform is one of the best trading option platform to invest with Being new to this i decided to give it a try, after few months of trading with the platform and making some profits then i tried to make withdrawal to my account but noticed that wasn’t successful, then I tried to contact the platform through email and phone number i contacted the support he replied after 2 days and asked that i pay some fees to the company wallet which i did but can’t still withdraw my funds. i also noticed their website has been suspended then I got to realize something was wrong and that’s how i finally came on here to find a solution to my dismay. Thank God, I found THE ( R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M ) this team rescued me and recovered back all my funds. I’m glad I didn’t lose after all but i have learned and got to be careful. send them an mail if need their help at: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or Contact Telegram : R O O T K I T S 7

  804. I was in total dismay when I lost my entire savings investing in cryptocurrency, I was contacted online by a lady through email pretending to be an account manager of a bank, who told me I could make double my savings through cryptocurrency investment, I never imagined it would be a scam and I was going to lose everything. It went on for weeks until I realized that I have been scammed. All hope was lost, I was devastated and broke, fortunately for me, I came across an article on my local bulletin about Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, I contacted them and provided all the information regarding my case, I was amazed at how quickly they recovered my cryptocurrency funds and was able to trace down those scammers. I’m truly grateful for their service and I recommend them to everyone who needs to recover their funds urge you to contact them if you have lost your bitcoin USDT or ETH through bitcoin investment


    WhatsApp +1 (740) 688-0116

    Call: +1 (805) -386-9670

  805. I got ptsd from my times dealing with the , this has carved a deep scar on my chest , hurts me every single moment I think about it … having lost huge amount of money due to my poor judgement skills you can now agree with me when I say that trust is the most delicate but critical part of our daily lives , very hard to gain but easy to break, the broker agent for hyperlink platform took me for every damn penny I got and made away with it all , pushed my back against the walls with no ray of hope/light I was battling with my head for survival, everyday proved a big task for me to get through and nowadays I just sit down on the couch and wonder what I’d have done at this stage if I wasn’t able to get access to my money again through the services of JETHACKS . At first , I was very skeptical and I had my doubts what if nothing comes out of it ?.. but then I realized in my situation that I only had one direction to go and that is to go with JETHACKS , already I’ve seen plenty great reviews concerning this Team and when I checked in cyber complaints portal, I saw the name JETHACKS have successfully retrieved great amount of stolen funds for individuals in the past so I went with this and I have never been more proud of myself , everything changed from that point moving forward as I reached out on the official Telegram page : Jethackss .. I won’t say the pain has suddenly vanished but at least I can live with it now with 90% of my funds all recovered back to me profits inclusive . The pain of loosing your hard earned money can be very unbearable but the best we can do now is take back what rightfully belongs to us , that will help us live through each new day . You can also reach JETHACKS on Email : Jethacks7 @gmail . com

  806. I broke into my spouse TikTok account yesterday and I saw the unthinkable. So men go as far as taking their cheating attitude to TikTok? Thank you so much spyexpert0 @ gmail. com for the hacking services

  807. I’m deeply angry and infuriated beyond measure and if I try to put them into words , my choice of words might fail me , I’m a firm believer of karma and that no sin will ever go unpunished no matter how little because a sin is a sin regardless but what this people have done to us is beyond sinning against us , this is a sin against humanity and everything it represents, deceitful and lying cheats that’s what they are , lied to us and took us for every dime we got and this act is just too cruel to be considered humane so never think twice when taking any actions you wanna take to get back your money from the hands of the scammers that took , i strongly support you on that but what better way to go about the case if it isn’t to work with an already established body with great experience and clean 100% history of successfully tracing and retrieving funds lost to scammers .. thankfully , I was able to finally lay my hands on my money again because I hired JETHACKS to retrieve it for me .. A very specialized hacking team whose job is to successfully recover funds for persons lost to scammers.. get in contact with JETHACKS today via Their official telegram username @ Jethackss and also Email : Jethacks7 @ Gmail . COM

  808. I’m glad to attest to the skill of Folkwin Expert Recovery, a licensed hacking team that assisted me in regaining my lost monies from malicious individuals who cheated me out of them and rendered me weak. After the whole thing, I was unable to pay my expenses, but a buddy of mine was kind enough to provide me with the contact information of this reputable recovery specialist. If you have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency online fraud, Folkwin Expert Recovery will assist you in recovering your stolen money. Call this reputable and verified hacker, Folkwin Expert Recovery at : Folkwinexpertrecovery (@) tech-center (.) com , They come highly recommended and are effective in recovering lost money.

  809. there’s so many ways you can consider to resort to in other to get back your funds but you have to be very careful so you don’t get ripped off the second time , I strongly recommend the JETHACKS to anyone out there looking to get their stolen funds back which they must have lost to either investment scams , binary scams or even had their funds stolen/ hacked from their wallet accounts , you can consult The JETHACKS for assistance on this and I can vouch for their expertise, seeing how they managed my case like no other could have done better than this Team , within 24hours my funds was made available in my account after they launched my case and traced all of my total amounts in full , I could never have been more satisfied than I am right now and also happy with myself for having my believe and trusting JETHACKS after seeing so many great reviews about them . To contact JETHACKS you can do that on any of the following contact details below
    EMAIL : Jethacks 7 @ gmAIL . Com
    TELEGRAM username @ Jethackss

  810. Am writing my review’s with tears in my eyes, My wife fucked her ex yesterday of which I got all My proofs that it really happened with the help Of darkhatthacker @ gmail. com with a lot of screen shots and there conversations together…

  811. I strongly advise everyone to refrain from having any commitments involving the sending or investing of money to someone you met online , it doesn’t always end well most cases bank transfer, gift cards , wired check and the most damaging of them all is crypto investment in get Rich quick platforms that tells you they are able to trade your investment and get returns on each investment you make , that’s a very big fat lie , many of us have been burned and only few are able to recover their money and I am one of them , I was able to recover my money with the assistance of JETHACKS , I coincidentally overheard two ladies talk at the Coffee Shop , walked up to them and asked a few questions which they were happy to give answers to and that changed everything for me, I share this today and I vouch on behalf of this Team , they are very good in what they do .. it took less than 2 days for me to receive all my crypto funds in full which I have now turned into cash in my bank account .. wait no more as the solution to our crisis is here so if you’re reading this , quickly copy the contact details which am going to share below to get in touch with JETHACKS and trust me , you won’t regret it .

    TELEGRAM username @ Jethackss

    Email : Jethacks 7 @ Gmail . com

  812. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your help in recovering my bitcoin daniel meuli web recovery. I was devastated when I realized that my wallet had been hacked and my coins stolen. I didn’t know where to turn, but I was determined to get my money back. I found your company online and was immediately impressed by your reputation and expertise. I contacted you immediately and was grateful for your prompt and professional response. You took the time to understand my situation and develop a customized recovery plan. You worked tirelessly on my case, and I was amazed by your dedication and perseverance. You never gave up, even when the odds seemed stacked against us. After several days of hard work, you were finally able to recover my Bitcoin. I was so relieved and grateful. I can’t thank you enough for your help. Call: for aid to recover your bitcoin: or via whatsapp +1 (323) 433-3594

  813. My entire life , I’ve lived and followed a simple but difficult hack to life if I was ever going to get my dream house and provide for my kids , I believe in myself and the simple hack of working extra hard to beat the poverty syndrome that is deep rooted in our society and judging from where I came from , the odds were hugely stacked against me but I made it still .. I’ve grown and achieved quite a lot and I never thought I’d be staggering and fighting for sanity at my current stage in life but I guess that’s why life is a mystery as we never know what it truly holds and in my fate , life was holding a scam experience and the lessons I was going to learn from it , in the space of 4 months I gave £48,000 in investment platform supposedly worth £420k in returns but it was all a game for them and I was getting played , when I found out I reached out to JETHACKS for help… if ever a miracle could happen , it would be JETHACKS , so many good friends recovered back their lost money through his help including me , The JETHACKS Team is the best hacking team I can recommend to anyone and you can easily find JETHACKS on Telegram official username @ Jethackss
    And email also : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com


    EthicRefinance is a lifesaver! They helped me recover my stolen 34,000 dollars worth of bitcoin effortlessly. Their service is not only quick but professional and reliable. As someone who was skeptical about the process, I was pleasantly surprised to see my bitcoins returned in such a swift and hassle-free manner. EthicRefinance truly goes above and beyond to ensure their clients’ satisfaction. I recommend them to anyone who’s in a similar situation. I couldn’t be more grateful for their assistance. Thank you, EthicRefinance!

    EMAIL:ethicsrefinance @g m a i l. com
    WHATSAPP:+63 985 495 1759
    You can also contact them for the service below
    Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
    Bank Transfer
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    Crypto Mining
    CashApp Transfer
    Bitcoin Loans
    Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

  815. I was able to recover my stolen Gmail account my ex stole from me which contained a lot of my personal documents and many more, all thanks to you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com for this great services if not for your help I would have lost it all.

  816. Someone who claimed to be from a reliable bitcoin exchange got in touch with me and requested my login information. Because I was stupid enough to believe them, they were able to take my bitcoin. I was inconsolable. I didn’t know what to do because I had lost a lot of money. I felt disappointed in myself and was embarrassed to explain what had happened to anyone. Then, though, I thought of your name: Folkwin Expert Recovery. I was aware that you were my best option for getting my bitcoin back after reading about your work assisting folks in recovering misplaced cryptocurrency. When I contacted you, you took my case right away. You never lost hope and were meticulous and professional. You put in a lot of effort to find the persons who had taken my bitcoin, and in the end, you were able to return it to me. Communicate to Folkwin Expert Recovery: Folkwinexpertrecovery (AT) tech-center (DOT) com

  817. Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you so much for everything you did for me, Lord Hacker Ultimate. I sincerely appreciate all of your effort in finding my misplaced Bitcoin and your positive outlook. I appreciate your willingness to go above and beyond and the fact that you and your staff members are always available to lend a hand. You are a great value to the Bitcoin community, and I consider myself fortunate to have you as their client. Lord Hacker Ultimate is really appreciated. Contact the support team on: Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, WhatsApp No: +19095063423, YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate


    Have you been trying to join the illuminati rich brotherhood, but you failed, don’t lose your opportunity my brothers and sisters. You just call on +256742194385. This is the only solution to avoid those scammers and this is the time to light up your future and the future is today. The good news is that you can request any amount of money you want without human blood sacrifice. Illuminati agent call +256742194385 in Uganda Kampala, no need of human blood sacrifice, joining us for money talents wisdom power knowledge. +256742194385
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  819. The desire to earn more money or get rich is what allows them to take advantage of us not because we are fools or stupid but because our heart wanted something and they made it look like they were offering us that when I reality they were actually taking advantage of us , I’m here today to tell you that it isn’t your fault, you were targeted just like everyone one of us and we are many who have fallen victim to these predatory schemes but only few were able to get back whatever amount of assets they lost , apparently crypto funds can be traced and retrieved back through a specialized hacking skill and only a handful of people can do this . I was lucky to get in contact with the best hacking team out there JETHACKS , this Team can trace and successfully recover funds lost to scammers and am here today to share this so anyone that sees can also get in touch with JETHACKS and get their funds recovered back to them at once . The contact details are below
    TELEGRAM : Jethackss
    EMAIL : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com

  820. In the past , I have lost my hard earned money and I got it back the hard way , it wasn’t easy ,trust me I know what it feels like to be made a fool for being a straight person and giving them so much honesty that allows them to exploit us but you don’t have to worry so much again because you can easily retrieve any amount you have lost to scammers with the help of JETHACKS Team , I used them and I got help to recover my money which I got to access again because The JETHACKS traced my transactions on the crypto platform I had used and received everything back to me , you can also get to use JETHACKS services to recover your funds from the hands of the scammers by contacting him on any of the contact details below
    Telegram ID @ Jethackss
    EMAIL ID : Jethacks 7 @ GMAIL . Com

  821. I WON THE LOTTO: I have known Lord Bubuza for a long time and he has saved my marriage with his love spell each time I have issues with my wife. It was time to retire and I knew life after retirement wouldn’t be easy so I spoke to Lord Bubuza for help to win the lottery My name is Paul R Bashaw. He said I will win if I follow his instructions diligently so I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and in confidence I went straight to my boss office to inform him of my retirement which was on July 17 and Three days after that, I went into a J&J Variety convenience store in West Boylston, Mass, and bought a scratch-off lottery ticket as instructed by Lord Bubuza and behold I couldn’t believe that I won $1,000,000 and I chose the cash payment of of US$650,000 ($870,000). I am short of words to appreciate Lord Bubuza, join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396

  822. I WON THE LOTTO: I have known Lord Bubuza for a long time and he has saved my marriage with his love spell each time I have issues with my wife. It was time to retire and I knew life after retirement wouldn’t be easy so I spoke to Lord Bubuza for help to win the lottery My name is Paul R Bashaw. He said I will win if I follow his instructions diligently so I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and in confidence I went straight to my boss office to inform him of my retirement which was on July 17 and Three days after that, I went into a J&J Variety convenience store in West Boylston, Mass, and bought a scratch-off lottery ticket as instructed by Lord Bubuza and behold I couldn’t believe that I won $1,000,000 and I chose the cash payment of of US$650,000 ($870,000). I am short of words to appreciate Lord Bubuza, join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 ….

  823. I had credit scores of 460 (transunion) 511(Equifax) in June. I applied for loan in July when I desperately needed to get a house for my wife and kids but was not approved because of my low FICO scores. Out of desperation i started looking for help and I came across a post about a professional hacker called GARY MCKINNON I was so nervous at first thinking he would take money and disappear on me but at the same time i really needed help so I gave him a shot. This man magically boosted my FICO score to 815 excellent within 72 hours across all 3 credit bureaus He deleted all the negative items on my report and I was approved within a week.he actually changed my life and I can now boost of having a home and a new business all thanks to GARY MCKINNON CREDITSERVICES. he can fix your credit report If you have any issues concerning your bad credit score/reports, I will advise you to contact him as soon as possible He is a genius i must confess to you all GARYMCKINNONCREDITSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

  824. I was in this situation where I couldn’t afford to pay bills , school fees and the general welfare of my family seemed to be impossible for me to do as I had no dime to my name , silver or gold I possessed none because a lady I met on telegram somehow managed to take me for every penny I had and I was feeling like a liability to my family and all of my friends whom I took loans from during my escapades with this lady , I can’t even say am sure whoever took my money was a lady , for all I know that could be a black man from Africa using her photos and convinced me to invest in this quick money platform that got you investing with crypto , everything gone in a split second , very terrible thing . The reason I share this here today is because I was lucky enough to get to know of JETHACKS , a true recovery Specialist hacker that can trace and recover funds which were taken through questionable methods and thanks to JETHACKS, things are better with my family today , I got back all of my money and now doing better with my life . You can get in contact with JETHACKS on Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com also on his official Telegram Username @ Jethackss

  825. I have been an unhappy husband for so many years now due to so many suspicious and signs about my wife cheating on me but I had no solutions to break into her phone because she changed all her passwords, so a friend of mine directed me to and also told me how this hacker has helped him for over 2 years now when it comes to hacking of phones, laptops, iPads, emails and many more, That was how I got to know that my wife has been cheating on me with her ex boyfriend after a phone hack was carried out by russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com. I just want to say a very big thank you to you russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com, have leaved in the dark for so many years not until now that you came to my rescue.

  826. I will never be more grateful than this . Have been surfing online looking for a better strategy to win trade but many times have tried and end up being scammed and losing money. I came across a review about a certain trader named Stephen Hyeon. I contacted him and ever since then my trading journey has been sweet from helping me recover my money to teaching me on how to trade and win trades. so far the journey has been great and i’m grateful to him so i hope you see this review and get in touch you too can get your money recovered and learn how to trade yourself.  contact @ stephenhyeon .com plus1 669 270 2815 NOTE: BE CAREFUL OF REVIEWS HERE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED BY FAKE REVIEWS. 

  827. _i know how painful it is losing alot of your funds in a case as yours. This scammers are being brutal and ripping off people so bad which is so sad and unbearable, I have been a victim and sadly not even the cops have anything to do about it… I was lucky enough to contact a Cyber Certified Intelligence, who I provided with every information he needed and was able to send me every details of this scammers… Extorted tons of money from the innocent and vulnerable such as myself and eventually recouped my assets of over $90k within two days…. If you require his service, Contact him on mail or telegram @ HACKDEITY_

  828. Obviously this is no longer something news to us , for everyone of us that finds this comment , am pretty sure that person is already familiar with the world of scam specifically the investment trading platforms where you invest and make certain amount of profits , our stories are not so different from each others , you make profits and successful withdrawals in the beginning and everything goes sideways the moment you start investing more money and making more profits, these companies/ platforms never had any intention of ever paying out a dime to any of us , it has always been a scam from the beginning , we just never knew because we were blinded by the huge returns they promised us but in spite of that , some of us have managed to successfully recover back our invested funds and profits through the services of JETHACKS whom I also contacted on the Telegram account @ Jethackss and after two days of taking on my case , I received a deposit of my total amount that has been on pending ever since I processed withdrawal from the account dashboard , overwhelmed with job I have decided to come here and share my testimony and also to encourage anyone who has fallen in the past to reach out to JETHACKS today to recover his/her lost money on either the Telegram ID above or the official Email Address: Jethacks7 @ GMAIL . com

  829. I WON THE LOTTO TOO: I have known Lord Bubuza for a long time and he has saved my marriage with his love spell each time I have issues with my wife. It was time to retire and I knew life after retirement wouldn’t be easy so I spoke to Lord Bubuza for help to win the lottery My name is Paul R Bashaw. He said I will win if I follow his instructions diligently so I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and in confidence I went straight to my boss office to inform him of my retirement which was on July 17 and Three days after that, I went into a J&J Variety convenience store in West Boylston, Mass, and bought a scratch-off lottery ticket as instructed by Lord Bubuza and behold I couldn’t believe that I won $1,000,000 and I chose the cash payment of of US$650,000 ($870,000). I am short of words to appreciate Lord Bubuza, join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396

  830. I WON THE LOTTO TOO: I have known Lord Bubuza for a long time and he has saved my marriage with his love spell each time I have issues with my wife. It was time to retire and I knew life after retirement wouldn’t be easy so I spoke to Lord Bubuza for help to win the lottery My name is Paul R Bashaw. He said I will win if I follow his instructions diligently so I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and in confidence I went straight to my boss office to inform him of my retirement which was on July 17 and Three days after that, I went into a J&J Variety convenience store in West Boylston, Mass, and bought a scratch-off lottery ticket as instructed by Lord Bubuza and behold I couldn’t believe that I won $1,000,000 and I chose the cash payment of of US$650,000 ($870,000). I am short of words to appreciate Lord Bubuza, join me and thank him via email: lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 ….

  831. The most terrifying part of this whole internet scamming thing that seems to be ripping right through our society everyday is that it can only get worse and worse and many innocent people are going to keep getting hurt by these people until more awareness has been created so people can learn not from their own experiences but from the experiences of others before you so you don’t put yourself into trouble due to lack of information. Like many people out there, I lost a huge amount of my life savings to an investment website called , they made it look like I was investing into stocks while In reality I was just dealing with scammers and I had no idea until it was too late , I struggled to keep up with the never ending demands for more deposits before my pending withdrawal request could be processed until I got to meet J E T H A C K S , This hacking Team proved worthy and equal to the task just like I was told and I’ve come here to recommend J E T H A C K S to all of you , to reach out to Him for Help, many great recommendations of him already and I can assure you that this is the one we can all trust and just like the many others before me , he has successfully recovered funds for victims of scam like us . The contact details are as follows
    TELEGRAM ID : J e t h a c k s s
    EMAIL : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m

  832. I invested about $166k into this binary option platform with the aim of expanding my trading portfolio. i never attempted any withdrawals, not until last month when i tried to withdraw but i was actually not able to do this successfully. I called the account manager and explained the situation, then she ask that i clear the company maintenance fee and said i would be able to withdraw after 3 working days which sounded shady to be very honest. i did paid for the fees but 3days went by, still not able to withdrawals, i tried reaching out to the manager and customer service line but non of them were reachable again till this moment. i felt really devastated as i do not know how to go about the whole issue, after a short while i was advise by a friend whom i shared my experience with to look for a good hacker that can help to retrieve back my funds, i then did some research about good hackers that can deal handle the situation. according to the reviews i read i was really convinced to contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM.. R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M . an International Recovery Firm,. These people really saved me and I had my funds back after 2working days. Their professionalism was top notch. Here’s a their user to their Telegram Account ; ROOTKITS7

  833. My wife and I are married for 17 years. Recently at her job. She meet a guy that she’s been friends with for a couple of months now. He would ask her to walk for a couple of hours while I was working from 1 to 10 p.m. She has changed after she meets this guy at work. She is very secretive with her phone. She’s texting all the time, she’s locking her phone, and won’t tell me the passcode. She’s been over-controlling me and telling me that I am controlling her? She would put me down and start an argument with me. She would put a lot of effort into smelling good and looking good before working in the morning. I just found out that she’s texting her guy friend with hearts also. She got pissed off because I look through her phone, while it was open. She said that she couldn’t have her privacy. I don’t keep secrets with my wife! But she’s doing it to me. She would start arguments with me when I asked her about her cell phone code. I wanted to confront the guy who’s been taking my wife out all the time. She would be home before I come home, but I have a big feeling that she’s sleeping with him and she’s cheating on me. I wanted to be sure of what was going on I searched around for a solution to spy on my wife but to no avail I later came across a post made on Facebook thanking a hacker who helped someone with similar issues and made reference to a hacker I contacted him with faith and in less than 2hours I was able to see everything on my phone. Kindly reach house out to him his the best at what he does

  834. Everlyn Laicester

    September 22, 2023 at 4:16 pm

    I am aware firsthand of the devastation that losing a Bitcoin can cause, particularly if its value has increased. I recently lost my Bitcoin due to a phishing assault. I was inconsolable and believed I would never see my money again. However, I then learned about Bitcoin recovery services. I was initially dubious, but I made the decision to give it a shot. I’m so happy I did. Within a few weeks, the Bitcoin recovery staff at Lord Hacker Ultimate Digital Assets Recovery was able to retrieve my Bitcoin. They were competent, skilled, and professional. I’m extremely appreciative of their support. To speak to a rep of Lord Hacker Ultimate Digital Recovery Assets, Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM,  WhatsApp No: +19095063423, website:, YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate

  835. Changes and blessings come with time because that’s what life brings, i never understood this saying until i made it spring, i saw everything that happened during the time i lost my funds to the platform i invested with as a test but my only fear was will i ever pass this test, having your account frozen and nothing working out felt so heavy for my chest to carry, i prayed frequently and cried to God to come though for me, everything i gave to them, my prayer was for my account to be restored and my funds payed out to me according to the terms of our agreement, little did i know that God had better plans for me, he led to come across the contact details of HACK DEITY RECOVERY CENTRE here on this site while i was searching for news relating to crypto investment platforms. i quickly wrote down the contact details which am going to share here as well
    TELEGRAM: Hackdeity
    I reached out to the Team Of Expert Hackers and we maintained communication through Telegram for 3 days while my case was getting handled. I am going to say this here, THE HACKDEITY TEAM OF HACKERS are indeed the best out there and very professional so if you are reading this and you are looking for means to get back your funds from these rippers then quickly reach out to them today, i 100% vouch for their transparency and trustworthy, they are the best hackers in the world

  836. We don’t get many second chances in all of our lifetime and when we do get one , it is paramount that we never repeat the same mistake again . I was determined to get back my money and coming into contact with JETHACKS was the second chance I needed . First off , I’d like to say a very big THANK YOU ! to the whole Team at JETHACKS for how they handled my case from the day one when I reached out to them on their Telegram account username @ Jethackss and provided the necessarily details which had enabled the successful tracing and retrieval of my invested funds on the platform totaling at $217,800 back to my external wallet address and I got to access it all completely. JETHACKS gave me a second chance and I intend to put into good use the recovered money and never make the same mistake again . JETHACKS can also be found on EMAIL : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com

  837. Again we are back to the same issue, “Cryptocurrency investment scams” are pyramid selling schemes, they are built on a foundation of fraud. Everything involving them offers criminals an opportunity to rip off retail investors. They have zero intrinsic value and any “profit” you may make is from someone else paying a higher price for a worthless piece of code after heavily investing with them and couldn’t withdraw all you had invested. They just wanted to keep stealing from me through any means, so they asked me to pay 15% of all I had invested for a silly piece of code to access my investment chain for a successful withdrawal. It’s high time the United States cyber security system tackles all these parasites on the internet. If not for the help of great individuals such as FAYED HACKER Recovery, where would I have been, giving these scammers $697,000.00 wasn’t enough, they still wanted 15% more of the total amount. I got help recouping all I had lost when security personnel referred me to FAYED HACKER Recovery. Check them out if you have fallen into the hands of these crypto scammers bros parading the Internet. You can get help to recover your lost asset for certain if you contact (fayedhack AT solution4u DOT com)

  838. She’s on Instagram doing her scam again. Be aware of Linda Tavior Allen, Intagram: lin_tavior_allen123, I have just been in contact with this individual she introduced me into a crypto currency company where she claimed that can make me almost the double of each invested funds back i was very skeptical asked alot of questions but she seemed to have have been able to convince me with her sweet words, i then went ahead and invested with the company which my first investment was successfully completed, i was able to withdraw my profits to my wallet, seeing how everything went i then decided to invest more funds in total i put in $545,000k into this company but things turned the other way round, i wanted to make withdrawals to my wallet when i had $973,034k available balance in my portfolio but found out i couldn’t do that, made several attempt trying to click on withdrawal button but its seems not to work anymore i contacted Linda on instagram but she asked me to contact support which when i contacted support i was been ask to pay a fee of $42,000k before i could withdraw my funds, I fail to this scammers unknowingly. i taught that i was dealing with the right team i haven’t felt so empty in my entire life, all effort to withdraw my funds was in vain. Thanks to this Recovery firm ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ( R o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m ). It is not advisable to just embrace every investment opportunity that comes your way to avoid being scammed after a few weeks, I stumbled on this International Recovery Firm . This firm saved me, they kept me calm and they were professional throughout the whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back just in 2 days of their services. this got me really excited and happy again, I’m really thankful to God that persons like this do exist. anyone here who has been through scam can as well contact them to have all their lost recovered, this is their Telegram: ROOTKITS7 i strongly recommended this Firm.

  839. I just found out with the help of after hacking into my fiancé phone I saw that my so called fiancé has been making plans secretly to get married to another man and when I went into her deleted messages I saw that the wedding date and card has been fixed and all but he deleted it in order for me not to see it. Thanks to you anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com

  840. I wasn’t very sure if it was actually possible to trace and recover funds sent through the crypto network as there are no names , no known country or personal details just some generated alphabets with numbers in the form of an address and once sent, it is done or at least that was what I thought but I know better now, I know funds can be traced and recovered and as a matter of fact , I bet my life on it , this is real and to have my whole funds fully recovered back to me as well the profits it had gained over the period of investment feels surreal and all of this is possible because I employed the services of JETHACKS , they are the best recovery Team of hackers that you can work with and the best part is , they are very transparent, JETHACKS kept me in the loop throughout the whole process which lasted for a period of 2 days before I got a deposit confirmation from binance confirming the full successful deposit of the amount in my account.. it really is a very commendable thing from JETHACKS and I couldn’t have been more satisfied with this Team . JETHACKS can be found on Email and TELEGRAM contacts below
    TELEGRAM: Jethackss
    Email : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com

  841. My cheating husband iPhone 14 pro got hacked with the help of and I was able to get the results have been seeking for years. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com

  842. Normally I’d say am the bringer of smoke , the chaos personified kind of person and that has been me ever since I was still a little boy .. my mother used to always say wherever I go chaos goes but as I got older I have learnt and Managed to channel my Chaos in the right direction, trying to always make sure it was always positive but oh heck ! , the chaos I saw this time around was totally out of this world , I didn’t just see or witness it , I lived In it but the only difference this time was , I didn’t bring the chaos , something bigger than me did and it had to take something bigger than them to get me out , something called THE JETHACKS , This Team saved me from drowning in the ocean of chaos that I found myself in , I have no clue what or who was on the other side that came through when I needed saving the most . I made contact witH J E T H A C K S on TELEGRAM username @ ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ and in agreeing to take up my case , I provided a couple of required details and 36 hours later , my funds was successfully recovered, deposited in my account and was fully converted into fiat . A tremendous work from this Team and I can’t stop singing praises of thanks to them for what they did for me .

  843. HOW DO I RECOVER CRYPTOCURRECY FROM FRAUDULENT INVESTMENT PLATFORM?   Ways to Get Your Funds Back from a Scammer Look for the Transaction ID Code Blockchain technology records all cryptocurrency transactions, even fraudulent ones. A scammer cannot take your cryptocurrency without this ID code. The ID code allows you and the authorities or the Recovery agent expert to see where the money is going. The codes can speed up the investigation and boost your odds of recovery. Document the Scam It’s important to remain clear-headed and document the situation properly and accurately. Keep all emails, text messages, and other correspondence connected to the scammers. Prioritize the following information: if this is done be rest assured you are going to get your fund back, in a period of 7working days on when the event took place. If is more than 7working days, we have you covered . We can still get things done by involving Recovery agent expert, Scam of 1 to 4 years is been recovered if the necessary details of the scam are well accurate. You can get yourself linked with this Via email  TRUSTGUARDDIGITALASSETSRECOVERY (AT) AOL ( DOT COM )  for Urgent CRYPTO scam Recovery contact.  TRUSTGUARDDIGITALASSETSRECOVERY ( ) AOL (DOT) COM    for urgency for recovery work and other Troubleshoot Trust me you can get your fund back 100 % successful.

  844. my involvement with this lady I met on instagram got me in a situation I still regret even up to this day , she painted this picture for me and asked I take a look at how great my finances could become if I invested with this crypto currency company where i can be assured of a definite profit at the end of the weekly trade , no flunctuative value, I get 5x the amount I put in , firstly I was very skeptical about the whole platform .. I crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s and everything in me kept telling me not to go ahead but I do much liked her , I was willing to do anything to get me closer to her and I figured investing in this company wouldn’t be such a bad idea plus i wanted to show her how serious I was about meeting her in person . At first I put in $8000 and at the end of the week I got 5x back , the investment was completed successfully and that got to me also .. we agreed I was going to keep investing till summer when she would then fly to come spend some time with me and by the time summer got here , I had invested $130,000 with a 5x generated profits but I couldn’t access any amount . I could clearly see my balance on my dashboard but none of my withdrawal passed , I reached out to her but she asked me to contact support and blocked me right away , i got a fake account to reach out but she wouldn’t talk to me anymore and support was demanding a deposit of $46,000 tax fee which is absurd, I felt so betrayed.. I gave my trust to the wrong people and it cost my dearly so currently am just trying to get my life going again which is off to a great start already thanks to the support I got from JETHACKS ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m ) in getting back my money. The whole process which lasted for 2 days was very eye opening, I learnt a lot and the service was very professional which I then got to receive my complete amount $650,000 on the second day , I had felt alive ever since then . To any person reading this and has been a victim of scam in the past , I urge you to contact them to have all your lost funds recovered, this is their Telegram: J e t h a c k s s . This Team is extremely great at what they do .

  845. Be careful who you invest with when going into the Cryptocurrency investment there are a lot of scammers out there. Unfortunately i have found myself in this position i lost almost everything i had on the process. it all started with a lady i got merged with over a dating site, i have known her for barely 2months and we have spent great time together sharing ideas over text messages, since i lost my wife never met someone who had given me much time like she had done, i guess it was all my fault too because i trust people a lot and that gave her the chance to play me, she was the one that introduced me into this investment company because she claimed to be a Cryptocurrency broker then went ahead and misled me out of $167k USD by captivating me to invest on their website with they promise of a return that would be twice of my initial investment. after some period of investing with this company i discovered that the website was a fraudulent one and that many other people had also been defrauded through this same process. it was really a pathetic moment for me as i got more depressed in life, i went in search of any possible means to recover back my funds, online here i read a lot of good reviews about this firm ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ), I got to know that they were Team of professional and digital expert on this field, is an incredible genius. i contact them for help and explained the whole scenario to the team and they proceeded with their excellent services. i was finally happy to get my all money back from the scam brokers through the help of this wonderful Recovery firm. for sure they really put a smile on my face at the end and i’m very thankful to them. you can contact them as they are capable of helping you get back whatever you may have lost to internet Scammers. reach them with their email address at: ROOTKITS 4 @ gmail . com or Telegram: ROOTKITS7.

  846. This Team really saved me, THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , I have just been in contact with them on their official Telegram account @ ‘’ J e t h a c k s s ‘’ where we maintained communication for the 2days period of recovering my funds which I initially thought I was investing with a binary trading platform but little did I know I was getting scammed. I’m also going to put out the name of the scam Company here so you all can take note and beware of them , they go by the name https : www. requitalfinance .c om/ they assured me of a guaranteed return on my money but it was all to deceive me like a written script and I was just an actor , right from the onset they never intended to release a penny to me.. I got wind of this scam quite late when I had already invested almost everything in my bank, with zero idea what to do next I combed through the internet for information where I then stumbled upon recommendations of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and my instincts told me to go with them , my instincts have never failed me and it was not about to start then.. luckily everything worked out , my full amount which almost seemed to have been lost forever got recovered back to me successfully by J E T H A C K S . I and the entire of my household will forever be grateful to them . You can as well be able to contact J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E on Email : ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . Com

  847. Like most people, I heard the stories, both good and bad, about CRYPTO RECOVERY FIRM OR HACKERS . I assumed that if it were the real deal I would have heard about it on the news or something.
    My financials was a mess, with a low score of 386 at one point. Obviously, I couldn’t have gotten a loan for a candy bar, even if I put half down. I wish I could blame it on someone else but it was all me and I was paying for it literally. Long story short, I recently got involved with a crypto investment company online on Telegram, a lady introduced me to them and assisted me throughout the whole process of registration , I was told my amount of investment determines the ROI and I could trust them 100% , eventually I ended up putting everything I possess and lost woefully , I was put in contact with J E T H A C K S, who apparently made all my woes disappear, as if by magic. My sister wouldn’t recommend a service unless it was legit, and I wanted to clear my debt and buy a house , so I decided To give it a go.
    I contacted JETHACKS on email ‘’ Jethacks7 @ gmail. com and he educated me on some really simple ways to avoid getting scammed in the future and the process of how to get my funds back . It seemed a bit to cut and dry to me and I was a little skeptical for a while, until the numbers rolled in. True to form, my funds was transferred to my wallet address which I had earlier provided and I could make withdrawals with no problem. If you’re like me, you’ve been plagued by scam in the past and in my case it was about 6 months of consistently blaming myself over what happened because I didn’t know how to fix it then you need to quickly contact ‘’J E T H A C K S ‘’ on the email address above to have your funds recovered or the following Telegram account @ ‘’ Jethackss ’’

  848. THE VALENTINES GIFT THAT SHOCKED MY WIFE: My wife MARIA D. CHICAS has been very supportive; I will call her the best woman on Earth. I love her so much so I gifted her a lottery winning ticket worth $10 Million. I want to Dr Bubuza the lottery spell caster who revealed the lottery winning number to me after I provided his requirement to cast a lottery spell for me. After casting the spell, he gave me some digit numbers and said “GO AND PLAY THE NUMBER WITHOUT FEAR”. I was so confidence of winning so I bought the ticket at In & Out Mart, located at 9103 Mathis Avenue in Manassas and realize it’s a win. I recommend everyone to Join me appreciate this man via email: Lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396

  849. I must say, everything that people tells you about crypto recovery it’s not true unless it comes from this guys. So many people had told me that after a certain period of time had passed , it would be impossible to regain access to the funds you invested with the company even the support on the company website told me that I’d lose access to my funds if I didn’t get to pay the required tax fee but it’s BS. I’m 46 years old , taxes don’t work like that , why do I have to pay 56,000 usd before I could withdraw the balance on my portfolio , that’s a ridiculous amount of money that could not afford given my financial situation at the time . I have known about J E T H A C K S on Telegram user @ ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ from my working days at Amazon and when I enquired and I found out that he could trace and recover stolen assets from scammers , I gave him a shot, even tho I really didn’t think that it could be done, but I trust him so we went for it. A few days after we started the program , I started to see progress cos he always kept me in the loop , the fraud company website already shut down like a month ago so I was scared that it could affect my case but the effort of J E T H A C K S proved to be efficient enough , with his skills and experience in this field , I got to have the full amount that was stuck on my portfolio balance recovered back to me on the third day, like a ray of sunshine my life shun bright again thanks to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE.

  850. I printed out a lot of evidence I got from my cheating wife device, after darkhatthacker @ gmail. com helped me in hacking into Her device remotely

  851. Regarding cryptocurrency recovery and finding a misplaced Bitcoin wallet, I must express my gratitude to Cybernet surveillance. Recently, I found myself in a predicament where I had lost a significant amount of bitcoin, approximately $1000,000, due to a fraudulent investment. I desperately tried to seek help from different companies who claimed to be hackers and help me recover my coins only to end up being scammed again. Thanks to my friend Collins who referred me to a legit firm of hackers Cybernet surveillance and their handling of my case was very professional and very transparent through the whole process and always a step ahead of the scammers. I managed to recover my funds from all those scammers and am here to testify and help anyone else who might have the same issues. You can reach them via their email; Cybernetsurveillance @ mail . com.


    It’s wrong for people to believe that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies cannot be tracked down or reclaimed. With the correct equipment and funding, it can be located and recovered. I was among those who did not believe in it, but with the assistance of a team known as RUSSEL BEST RECOVERY, I was able to retrieve my Bitcoin after sending a whopping sum of $615,000 to the incorrect address. I had given up hope completely, but RUSSEL BEST RECOVERY saved the day by helping me find and retrieve my Bitcoins. RUSSEL BEST RECOVERY has done truly amazing work, and I heartily endorse their service. You can contact RUSSEL BEST RECOVERY by using: russellbestrecovery @ usa . com

  853. I was referred to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE to assist me in getting back my funds from scammers . I got in business with a fellow I met on linkedin who told me about a binary trading investment company and how he has been making profit trading with them, he was quite convincing and everything on the platform looked very legit, I trusted his words which is one of the greatest mistakes I have made in my entire life . My first buy in amount was 10,000 usd for the tier 2 investor plan which lasted for 14 days , so i decided to build on that and keep going. 2 months passed , I already made my 1,2,3, withdrawals successfully, the guy on Instagram advices I upgrade my account and invest with the Tier X ( the highest tier on the website ) so I gathered some funds to upgrade my account and invest with the Tier X , i had planned to use the returns from this plan to finally acquire my dream home in Long Island but when it finally reached time for me to withdraw my funds on my dashboard board , I was denied from doing that , all efforts seemed fruitless , they kept using different means to take money from me via support which left me feeling devastated so I sought out for help and got to know about The JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE… he exceeded my expectations; he was well versed in the recovery field and thoroughly explained the process to me on the Telegram account username ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ where I made contact . I understood what he was doing as well as my responsibility. He is professional and able to get results quickly, within a very short amount of time he got to restore back the total amount of 846,200 usd back to my Blockchain wallet account . I will be referring anyone who is seeking a reputable company that delivers on it words .
    There service is exceptional i couldn’t be happier i can finally move forward with buying my first home.

  854. Anatolii Deloisa

    October 2, 2023 at 2:37 am

    Hi my name is Anatolii Delois and when i first started with JETHACKS RECOVERY SERVICES my world was literally sinking before my very own eyes but working with them has proven to help me immensely such that I can a write a full page about it but am going to try and keep this very short . I started seeking professional help from third parties like the authorities after it got obvious to me that I was getting scammed by the company that guaranteed me my return on investments after I completed the 30 tasks required but even I reached out to the authorities yielded no results for me , they just ended up wasting my time . I got the idea to ask questions on Google and hopefully I get to scavenge any meaningful information, at that point I was ready to do anything as long as it doesn’t include more payment to the scammers.. Luckily I got to learn a lot about crypto recovery hackers and amongst the many recommendations , JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE stood out for me . The reviews about them made me to trust their skills so I quickly contacted the Team on the email address ‘’ Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com ‘’ and working with them showed me how to identify potential scams and I have learnt my lesson never to indulge myself with any affiliate links or platforms but most importantly, with the funds I got recovered back to me by JETHACKS , i not only got to pay off the loans I took from close friends and colleagues,I also got to improve my credit score and I could call at any time and get advice on several other financial issues I came across since we worked on my Recovery case. I can trust this Co. they know their stuff. Also, the amount they charge was within my budget. I’m grateful, give them a try you wont regret it. Thank you JETHACKS for all your help

  855. I knew a lot about my spouse through Never joke with hackers, A lot my spouse has been doing secretly with the help of this hacker I got see and know with so many with a lot of evidence. Thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com.

  856. I unintentionally sent $50,000 worth of BTC to the incorrect address and was unsure on what to do. I started looking for a dependable recovery service because I couldn’t sleep, and that’s how I found daniel meuli Recovery. daniel meuli Recovery was able to forceful assaults the recipient’s wallet and recover the stolen money by using simple information like transaction IDs. I would advise anyone who had money stolen from them or transferred to the wrong address to use daniel meuli Recovery’s expertise. You won’t be sorry. The following methods are available for getting in touch with daniel meuli Recovery: danielmeuliweberecovery (@)

  857. I wanted to thank JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE ‘’ Jethacks 7 @ gmail . com ‘’ for helping me in the process of recouping my funds which had been stuck in an investment website for 4 months after I failed to keep up with the requested withdrawal fees . Actually it first started with the withdrawal fee then they requested I upgrade my account before I am able to withdraw the huge amount I have accumulated over the course of our investment and as if that wasn’t enough , they requested I pay VAT fee which didn’t make sense to me moreover i was already broke so the VAT fee wasn’t going to pan out so I sought for other alternatives, JETHACKS came highly recommended from a reliable source that I trust would never mention about this Team if they weren’t legit , for confidentiality reasons I won’t be sharing the identity of my source here but I would definitely recommend JETHACKS to anyone in need of support to recover whatever amount they have lost to any fraudulent establishment . I also appreciate the way JETHACKS simplified the recovery process so it would be easy for me to not only have my full amount recovered to my account but also to have full to access every amount and after 48 hours of working together , I got a deposit notification from Binance that a certain amount has been deposited in my binance account and available for withdrawals which is my amount of money that was stuck on the fraudulent website. In the end, 2023 still turned out to be a great year for my wife and I !! Thank You so much JETHACKS !! . You can also message JETHACKS on Telegram @ ‘’ Jethackss ‘’

  858. My husband saw his course-mate few days ago and ever since then she takes his attention away from me, I became jealous and asked if he had anything to do with her but he laughed and said there was nothing between them but deep down I was not convinced so I hired for help to hack into my husband phone which this hacker really did a good job and brought me results of my husband WhatsApp messages, call logs, deleted messages, text messages and many more, that was how I knew my husband has been secretly having an affair with his course-mate but always lies to me. Thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com for this services you gave to me.

  859. Rebecca Augustine

    October 3, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    At first, I was apprehensive to get in touch with a cryptocurrency recovery business, but I’m so pleased I did. The entire process was made exceedingly simple and stress-free with FAYED HACKER RECOVERY. They informed me of their progress as they recovered, and I gave them the information they needed. They were able to find all of my misplaced Bitcoin in a matter of weeks. FAYED HACKER RECOVERY is to be commended for assisting me in getting my money back. Anyone who has fallen victim to a BTC scam or hack would have my highest recommendation for their services. Reach FAYED HACKER REOIVERY via: fayedhack ”AT” solution4u ”DOT” com

  860. When you can no longer access your bitcoin wallet, it is unfortunate. When Computer specialist Recovery was able to locate my wallet and provide me access to my bitcoins, I was overjoyed. A bitcoin recovery organization called Computer specialist Recovery has assisted countless people in getting their stolen and lost bitcoins back. I was a victim of bitcoin ruse, and I’m extremely pleased that Computer specialist recovery supported me get everything again. I wish to thank them for their excellent service and urge everyone to use them. You can contact Computer specialist Recovery by using the information below whatsap +393512018070

  861. I am Genevive Brown, I’m from Houston Texas. A single mother who was abandoned by her husband because of this numerous flings who was taking his attention. Since my husband left me, I have been struggling on how to pay my bills and cater for myself and son, it wasn’t easy for me and my son for a year and six months. I came in contact with Dr Uwaifo page and I saw all the numerous testimonies of people he has helped win Lotto Max with his spiritual spell casting. I decided to contact him and told him all I was going through, he replied “my daughter you are in the right place, I will help you accomplish all that you seek. “ he then told me all I need to do, I actually did them reluctantly because I wasn’t too sure with the whole thing. After the whole process, he gave me the winning number, I followed his instructions and played the Lotto Max game with the winning number he gave me. Few days. I got a text that I won the Lotto Max tag price for the game I played. I can’t believe that I won the sum of $ 850 Million Dollars. All this wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Dr Uwaifo the spell caster. Thank you Dr Uwaifo. Please contact Dr Uwaifo for any spiritual spell casting. His Whats App: +1(315) 277-2762 / Email: druwaifo spelltemple @ gmail. com

  862. My story is quite simple. I had an issue with an investment deal online and lost my savings in the process .. I tried my best to keep up with the interminable request for more deposits but at some point I gave up .
    Finally it came to a point when I needed to sort out a very serious family situation and in order to do this I obviously needed money which I didn’t have sure enough my problem knocks on my door and I had to face it , I had to find out what to do and get this resolved at any cost. That’s my story and here comes the solution!!!
    I met JETHACKS and his team while installing their new water leak sensor at their new state of the art location. After speaking to JETHACKS a few times and finding out what the company does I approached him and told him my situation. I was not sure what to expect but after I told him my story his response was ‘I guess it’s time we gave this people a taste of their own medicine’ and I was kind of scared at first but I proceeded. After sharing some information while communicating on line on their Telegram ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ as per his request , him and his team were able to identify my profile with the company and every of my transactions and gave me a simple solution. All I had to do was be patient and follow the plan that they laid out for me and my funds will be recovered .

    After 3 Days in the Program my funds finally extracted and redeposited back to my wallet and things went from bad to Good and when I mean Good I mean I got to sort out the family situation I had and clear out my outstanding debts. So the Bottom Line is this JETHACKS and his Team not only recovers your lost money but they help show you how to identify possible scams and stay fixed in the future and you can’t ask for a better solution !!! . I will be sharing the email contact address also so do well to contact them
    Email contact : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com

  863. I saw testimonies online on how Dr Uwaifo helped a lot of people in winning Powerball. A huge amount, so I decided to contact him for winning lottery numbers, Dr Uwaifo did the spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out I was among the winners. I won $730 Millions Dollars Powerball. I have confirmed Dr Uwaifo is a real and guaranteed powerful spell caster. Now I am a living testimony of his good work, a gifted man with great powers, it is my secret but I decided to make the world know about his work. It might be a help to others who are interested. My comment might look funny to you but it is the truth, believe it and give Dr Uwaifo a try, and I promise you that it will not be funny when you win and share a testimony too. It’s not everybody that is naturally lucky, if you have problems with winning the lottery, the solution to win is Dr Uwaifo So contact him now. Via email : druwaifospelltemple@ gmail. com or a text: +1(315) 277-2762.

  864. I lost a lot of funds in cryptocurrency investment never taught i would still come to recover my lost money that had been up to 8 months of time, it happened that i had invested with the wrong company and they ended up scamming me of £213k I was never allowed to withdraw my funds when it hit due for withdrawal rather they kept to request for more investment before they could enable my withdrawal swiftly i did reinvested more and still was not able to make withdrawals to my bank. i tried to reach out to the costumer support for help to retrieve my funds back but no help was rendered, just recently as i was just going through some post on a blog regarding cryptocurrency scam, a lot of people where really had nice comments about The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. and how excellent they did in recovering their lost investment. through that i came across their contact email: ROOTKITS4 @ G M A I L . C O M . Personally I had already was living with the thought that i already lost it all but then i decided to write him for help to recover my lost usdt which i had lost to this investment company, after giving them the details of how everything happened and how i had made all payment to them, sent them some screenshots, then they went on with the recovery, the process was quite a successful one cause i finally got everything back to my wallet just within few days of the recovery service, could you be needing any help to get what you’ve lost to scammers i recommend ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for you, here’s the telegram Id to reach out to also.: ROOTKITS7

  865. When you can no longer access your bitcoin wallet, it is unfortunate. When Computer specialist Recovery was able to locate my wallet and provide me access to my bitcoins, I was overjoyed. A bitcoin recovery organization called Computer specialist Recovery has assisted countless people in getting their stolen and lost bitcoins back. I was a victim of bitcoin ruse, and I’m extremely pleased that Computer specialist recovery supported me get everything again. I wish to thank them for their excellent service and urge everyone to use them. You can contact Computer specialist Recovery by using the information below whatsap +393512018070 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  866. When you can no longer access your bitcoin wallet, it is unfortunate. When Computer specialist Recovery was able to locate my wallet and provide me access to my bitcoins, I was overjoyed. A bitcoin recovery organization called Computer specialist Recovery has assisted countless people in getting their stolen and lost bitcoins back. I was a victim of bitcoin ruse, and I’m extremely pleased that Computer specialist recovery supported me get everything again. I wish to thank them for their excellent service and urge everyone to use them. You can contact Computer specialist Recovery by using the information below whatsap +393512018070 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

  867. Ever lost your funds to shady cryptocurrency miners or brokers? Let me share this good news with y’all on how to successfully recoup and recover your lost crypto-invested funds and probably the profits as the case may be. daniel meuli They are the largest recovery company worldwide with hundreds of positive reviews about its skills on Google and have been in operation since 2010. If your funds were stolen via any kind of fraudulent scheme, I urge you to contact (Danielmeuliweberecovery(@) on how to recover stolen funds. No matter how long you must have lost your funds, there is 99.9% chance your funds can be recovered if you contact ( Danielmeuliweberecovery(@)

  868. My boyfriend has never had good intentions for me. I ran a phone hack to see if my boyfriend is a loyal one, but guess what. my so called man has been using me and telling his friend how he has been playing games with me and sucking my funds till he is ready to trash me, I saw all of this on his WhatsApp messages after anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com remotely hacked into his phone and I was able to see all of this without trace.

  869. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t found J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE , a lawyer friend of mine gave me his contact Email address ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m and what a bless day that was, as soon I contacted J E T H A C K S he responded within an hour and from the first response with each and every sentence I could feel he has vast knowledge in the field and very experienced, the whole process was well laid out to me perfectly and i adhered to the instructions guiding the process of recovery , once the recovery exercise was initiated, it took a while but we got my funds recovered and I had full access to withdraw from my wallet to my bank account . I had never seen anything like this before , this guy is a genius .. the fraud company got no wind of what was happening until the day the funds was fully extracted to my wallet and my portfolio balance on the website went from $720,000 to zero, few days after I got a message from the company support asking if I maybe got a deposit in my wallet but I ignored them completely. today thanks to J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTEE , I finance three trucks today ,my company is doing good, I’m working with UPS and Life has been good ever since.. thank you J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE, a thousand times thank you…Justin freeman,..owner /president,..J R transport llc, philadelphia pa. Also the Telegram contact for J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE is ‘’ @ Jethackss ’’

  870. Forex Trading Scams

    October 9, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Thanks for your post.
    Regain Funds LLC boasts a proven track record of successfully resolving financial disputes and recovering assets through a combination of legal and technological means.

  871. I just caught my wife cheating on me after CyberPunk Programmers, a phone hacking company, uncovered her secrets. I had suspected that she was cheating on me for some time. She was spending more time on her phone and computer, and she was often secretive about her conversations. So last Tuesday I got hold of CyberPunk and decided to hire them to hack her phone. They were able to successfully access her phone and retrieve all of her deleted text messages, emails, and photos.I found out that she was having an affair with a man she had met online. The hackers found hundreds of text messages and emails between the two lovers, as well as photos. I confronted her with the evidence, and she admitted to the affair so now I am considering filing for divorce. Sometimes you just have to take it up to yourself to find out what might be happening behind your back. If you also want to access a phone to find out the truth, just send an email to this address cyberpunk @ programmer . net

  872. I’d like to bring to the attention of this platform (Pocket Option) the recent act of account blocking that’s been carried out by the outfit pocket option. They blocked my account for some weird reasons without proof. I made a trade, staking $100,000 and made a profit of $72,000, that’s a total of $172,000. On trying to withdraw my funds my account was blocked immediately claiming that I violated their policy!! I was stunned. I sent mails, but all efforts failed. A few days later, I recovered my money with the help of a triangulation expert. OptivCuperation Tech is the best tech expert you need to help you recover your scammed or lost funds. They are best in dealing with online scam and assisting victims in receiving reimbursement, tracking down digital fingerprints, cyber analysis and thorough investigation. They can be reached via email at:

  873. Are you seriously aiming on winning the lottery this season? Don’t make it look hard for you. Reach out to Dr Ozigidon for his undisputed powerful Lottery Spell and make your dreams come true.

    I admitted that life is all about sacrifice to make dreams come true. I realized this after winning the sum of $310.5 million. Yes! A whopping sum of 310.5 million dollars in 2018. Though It seems like yesterday because after all these years of being a winner of a multi-million dollar lottery it still refreshes in my head. My name is Julie Leach. All thanks to Dr Ozigidon because with his undisputed powerful spell everything came so easy, it wasn’t by luck or chance that i won the lottery. With Dr Ozigidon powerful spell, my dream came true. He is popularly known for his active spell. ”If I had been told I would be a multi-million winner overnight I guess I would have doubted it but Dr Ozigidon made it so easy., contact Dr Ozigidon at []. Winning the lottery is truly beyond the physical and most people are yet to realize this. I have been so grateful to Dr Ozigidon everyday for the past years. Thanks to this powerful sorcerer. His Telegram: @OzigidonSpell also via WhatsApp +2349054750112

  874. I just wanted to write your company and say FINALLY someone that really cares. When Bernie referred us, I have to say my husband thought this was another way to throw away money. After we had a talk with Craig at JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE, he felt 100% better. He did everything he said and I was truly amazed at how he seemed so confident in his abilities and that’s how you truly know he’s very capable . Craig was very kind, and understanding! Whenever I didn’t understand something with or concerning the process of recovering my money , he’d make sure to explain it proper even tho most I still didn’t quite understand and I might never will because i am not a hacker and I don’t have any knowledge in that field , the whole time my anxiety was shooting through the roof but we was assured that everything was completely under control until the day our case was completed , I never knew hackers could be this powerful and reliable, I just wish Bernie had referred us sooner it would have helped us a whole lot nonetheless i and my family are still very much grateful to Craig for his help in recovering our funds from A life savings worth of investment thanks to this Team and I can say that THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is a trusted company , Craig recovered my funds for me and is now working on a case for a friend of mine also, Thank you. I have recommended other people to their great office… the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE contact information is below

    Email address ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a I l . c o m ‘’

    Telegram : ‘’ J e t h a c k s s ‘’

  875. Jethacks ,
    I signed on with you and I have to admit when I first sgined on I was a little reluctant and doubtful. JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE was not the first Company I dealt with ( but it is the last ). I have dealt with 2 companies in the past. Both of them treated me more like a number rather than a client and I ended up getting scammed in the process . These other companies were very impatient and put me under pressure to arrange the funds needed for fees , one even said the were partnering with interpol to track the scammers and apprehend them so they could pay me for damages and recover my money but I needed to make a payment of £38,000 before the interpol could get involve, turns out it was also a scam and I lost the amount I paid to them , I was so gullible and because of that I lost huge amounts of money which could have been lost forever if it wasn’t for the JETHACKS intervention . Jethacks and his Team were very professional all through the process and for the first time , I felt like someone is truly devoted to my case . Once the program kicked off it took him 2 days to have my USDT worth £1.4 million that I had invested with a Fraudulent investment company and he is currently working on recovering the £38,000 I paid to the last hacker that ripped me . I can not thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication. I am telling everyone I know about you and your company to make no hesitation to get in touch with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE on Email ( Jethacks 7 @ gmail . com ) or Telegram account ID ( Jethackss ) so you can also help them trace and recover back what they have lost . I am truly grateful to you and your Team and Again thank you for all your hard work.

  876. Amy Bahner Kirkpatrick

    October 11, 2023 at 10:45 pm

    I keep seeing packets of condoms my husband keeps in his laptop bag and I wonder who he uses it for as we don’t use condoms, I tried getting into his phone numerous times but his WhatsApp application were locked with passcodes which has always been preventing me into his WhatsApp messages because I feel my husband has been hiding so many things there that’s why he got his WhatsApp locked, so I hired a hacker I met online called it was with this hackers help I broke into my husband WhatsApp and got to know my husband sleeps with random women every Fridays after work. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com

  877. Thank you so much, when I emailed you I never thought hacking into phones would be possible but when you finished with the hack and I was granted access into my wife phone I got to believe all the reviews I saw on the internet were all real. Thank you once again spyexpert0 @ gmail. com

  878. We got ripped off almost all our asset to a cryptocurrency investment platform, My husband had got in contact with this group of brokers online that has offered him a high interest rate if invest into their company, hubby did shared this with me and ask for my opinion which i had supported him to move ahead without knowing that this company is a fraudulent one and the so called brokers happened to be scammers deceiving innocent individuals into investing with them, after a period of 2months and a few weeks of we trading with this company we then decided to withdraw some part of the funds which we had in there, we had traded with enough capital which earned us a lot of funds from the market, but we noticed we couldn’t successfully make any withdrawal, my husband approached the customer support desk for some assistance as we thought this might be an error from the company server but this wasn’t the case as the company mention for some fees to be cleared before we could make a withdrawal, we did paid this fees and proceeded to withdraw the amount but still couldn’t get the funds withdrawn, we had to let the support who had guided us throughout the process that withdrawal is still not successful, after a while they ask us to pay for a company maintenance fee and assured that withdrawal would be done after that, then we got going and made the payment for the maintenance fee required but withdrawal was still not successfully done after asking the support to help us get through the process they replied and ask for more money, we don’t have more to loose and the whole thing now looks suspicious, we tried to contact the police but they said that’s no chance we could get the money back as its a fraudulent scheme and we have failed to the scam, trying to figure out a way i search for solution online and i read a few comments from individual who recommended ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM as they also included their contact details, i had to let hubby know about this firm and what they have done for people, he then contact them through the telegram id; ROOTKITS7 requesting for help towards our recent lost to the fraudulent crypto trading company the team replied and haven provided them with all the necessary details demanded to execute the task then move ahead with the recovery and on the second day of their service to our great surprise we had all our funds recovered and sent all to our wallet, honestly the moment got me really teary we couldn’t be more thankful than ever as we appreciated the team for what they have done for my family, almost gave up on this when the police said that nothing can be done but thanks to this team who came through and saved us. recommending this team to anyone in such situation as ours you can reach them also on their email with R o o t k i t 4 @ g m a i l . c o m

  879. If you want to achieve better results with almost instantaneous customer service sign up with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE!.. this company is about taking care of business and is respectfully stern about the processes involved . I lost a huge amount of money which some of it I borrowed from banks and friends to invest with a binary company but little did I know it was a fake company , they nearly succeeded in ruining my life , I was under pressure from the banks to pay up what I took and I was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy but I was advised to sign up with this company to have my funds recovered and put an end to the constant demand from banks before they’d come and take my house, Jethacks provided me with a great service that did just that. I’m able to access the $154,000 BTC amount recovered back to me with the great help of this Team, the recovered money has tremendously helped me climb out of my financial despair hole and I’m playing the game smarter having learnt a lot from him during the process of my lost funds recovery . I got great advice and I don’t think I once waited longer than 1 hour for a response. Also I could write them anytime I needed their service just one of the many perks of working with this company and last but not least I have cleared all of my outstanding debts with my banks and I am now debt free which was my goal from the beginning when i decided to reach out to the company for help . Take my word for it JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is not just your average run of the mill Funds recovery company . He goes above and beyond all expectations. Fix your financial situation and get your life back on track with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE you won’t be sorry.\.. to get started send a message directly to them on any of the company’s official account : Email ‘’ Jethacks 7 @ gmail . com
    Telegram ‘’ @Jethackss ’’

  880. Jennifer Greenland

    October 14, 2023 at 3:04 pm

    My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. i was able to get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds.


    Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

  881. This is the only best fund retrieval firm that can help you recover your stolen financial assets. I need to share this in here so you won’t lose your money cheaply to scam brokers. I invested about $455,000 on a binary option platform then I decided to withdraw after several weeks but the withdrawal wasn’t successful, then I tried to contact the platform via email and phone number, I didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a mail from them insisting I should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which I rejected, and I never hear from them again that was when I knew I had been scammed. I was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web how CryptocyberNet at gmail, c0m had helped many people recovered their stolen, scammed or duped money on bitcoin or any other form in digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my stolen money back in hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. Thanks CryptocyberNet you restore my happiness as I could see my funds in my wallet. Email: CryptocyberNet (@) gmail, com This team offers other services such as Spying and monitoring a suspected cheating partner Phone cloning Clearing of criminal records Fixes bad debts Upgrade of credit scores Upgrade school grades and lot more.. Real deal
    The best and reliable crypto recovery agent”

  882. I guess the devastating feeling of realizing you just lost $55,000 worth of BTC can’t be described well enough as I can’t even recall anything going through my head other than being “lost in thought” the moment I realized I sent it to a wrong recipient’s wallet. In all honesty, though I wished for a Miracle to happen, I thought it was all gone and already counting my losses when I bumped into daniel meuli Recovery while reading an article online. I decided to give it a try as I was already nursing a lost and couldn’t be worse, but far more than I could imagine, in just a few days, daniel meuli Recovery was able to recover my lost money by just providing them with simple transaction details. I admonish anyone with similar issues or had lost money through Cryptocurrency transactions to reach out to them for help; they are truly reliable. The below listed means can be used to communicate with them directly: Danielmeuliweberecovery (@) email . come

  883. Phillips Williams

    October 15, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 214,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online search for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with the help of CryptocyberNet So I file a report on CryptocyberNet @ gmail and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 2 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach Out to CryptocyberNet @ gmail . Com

  884. insurance fraud investigator

    October 16, 2023 at 2:28 pm

    Thanks for your post.
    Optim Investigators is a premier private investigation agency providing professional & confidential Private Investigation, Private Detective & Private Eye services to high profile clientele, small businesses, & families throughout the State of Florida.

  885. Nothing has seemed more satisfactory to me in recent times than the unmatched and professional services received from Daniel Meuli Recovery when I contacted them following a friend’s recommendation regarding the $40,000 I had lost through a wrong Cryptocurrency transaction. I thought nothing much could really be done before I wrote to them but still decided to give it a try just so I can be sure. Though way beyond my expectations, I got marvelled at the outcome as Daniel Meuli Recovery was able to track and recover my lost money. I think they should be the best out there or at least one of the best, as I can testify to their topnotch services and highly recommend them to anyone battling same or related issues bordering lost of Cryptocurrency to contact them for assistance. Daniel Meuli Recovery can be contacted via: Danielmeuliweberecovery (@) email . com

  886. When searching for a legitimate recovery company to help recover lost cryptocurrency, it is crucial to exercise caution and thorough research. Unfortunately, the cryptocurrency space is also ripe with scams and fraudulent services, so it’s important to verify the credibility of any recovery company before engaging its services. One way to assess legitimacy is to look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Trustworthy recovery companies should have a track record of successfully assisting clients in recovering their lost crypto assets. and this is the main reason I will recommend ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER to anyone who wishes to recover their lost cryptocurrency.
    Telegram: +1 562-553-9611

  887. Everybody has experienced such moments when they believe they have lost something important and are unable to recover it. It represented for me my cherished BTC (Bitcoin). I had spent a lot of time and money on it, only to see it vanish before my very eyes. I could not help but feel defeated because of the genuine frustration. A ray of hope, however, in the form of Folkwin Expert Recovery, emerged just as I was about to give up hope. I found this strange but incredibly successful service that specialized in retrieving misplaced cryptocurrencies during my urgent quest for a solution. My curiosity was piqued by their name alone, so I was compelled to learn more. Folkwin Expert Recovery is good for this job. To learn more about Folkwin Expert Recoveryy and obtain the assistance you require, I encourage you to contact them directly through email: to help you recovery your Bitcoin.

  888. I would like to give credit to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their effort devoted in recovering back my lost investment to an online Binary trading company, i had invested a huge amount of funds into this company where i believed my reasons for investing was to save more money as well make some profits as they had promised me earlier before i got committed, but unknowingly to me i was dealing with some fraudulent group of the company they seized my profits when it was right time for me to withdraw, they keep to persuade me to make more investments which i did but still couldn’t withdraw after all. at some point i really do not know what else to do.. I had thought to look out for a hacker who can help me recover back my funds, After a Thorough review, I learned that ROOTKITS can be of help then I reached out to him once via his email contact: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M, i shared the experience I had with the company to him, then he assured me that my funds is recoverable and we followed the due process.. after a few days i got the exact funds i had invested back to my wallet.. I couldn’t thank this team enough for their professional help, i really do appreciate everything they did to get my funds back. would there be anyone out there who seek for some professional assistance or maybe you’ve had similar issues I think Rootkits Racovery Firm will serve you right the most. they are also on telegram at: ROOTKITS7

  889. JETHACKS came highly recommended to me by a friend who has had a long career in the mortgage industry. I ran into agencies that stated they can restore lost assets , but most of the agencies want a substantial amount of money down and you didn’t know what you were getting. After months of researching and reviewing that led to nothing , my good friend recommended I seek the help of Craig with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and as many are, I was skeptical. I’m a Law Enforcement Officer and didn’t want to get taken advantage of or scammed. After our first telephone chat, it seemed like I knew Mr. Craig for years and trusted his services he presented. I took a leap of faith and decided to try it out. This business man is excellent at what he does and he is very straight forward with what to expect. Mr. Craig after a few days of your service and hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost investment recovered back to my possession, I would like to recommend you on a national level to any and all individuals who are looking to restore lost assets from scam investment companies to improve their future and get in direct contact with you on ‘’ Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . com ‘’ or Telegram @ Jethackss . I appreciate your time and hard work, thanks again!

    Eduard P.

  890. Valaricia Lawson

    October 18, 2023 at 1:48 pm

    ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER has been a certified hacker for over five years with a huge record of successful BTC recovery. This is a crucial condition that your recovery specialist should have attained over their expertise period. That’s the most reliable form of guarantee that you are not bargaining with an unhelpful hacker. The process of certification takes thorough scrutiny hence making it the only means to know whether you are dealing with genuine hackers or not. If you need recovery services, reach out to this ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER and get instant help. You should not lose your BTC or other blockchains due to fear or ignorance, take the initiative now.

    TELEGRAM: +1 562-553-9611

  891. Bitcoin fraudulent activities are getting more sophisticated, and many people succumb to them. Even though it could be frustrating, don’t feel ashamed. Scams involving bitcoins must be reported, and if you have been a casualty of one, you must get all the assistance you seek. To help customers get their money back from fraudulent individuals who have stolen it, a website foundation has been established. Get in connection with Perfect Hackers Recovery for a trustworthy and effective work, if you’ve been a victim of a bitcoin fraud and want to reclaim your money. A bitcoin hoax claimed me as a victim. I tried to invest in bitcoin but lost 171,000.00 USD. I am extremely thankful to Wizard James Recovery for their assistance in helping me get all of my Bitcoin back that had been taken by crooks. To find out more about their services, get in touch with them through the following methods:

  892. Amolika Chaudhry

    October 19, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    Reviews seem too good to be true, but they’re not!!! the J E T H A C K S R E CO V E R Y C E N T R E is upfront and honest about your particular recovery situation and what the chances are . In my case I didn’t get to have everything recovered but I got 93% of everything and sincerely speaking that’s more than enough for me . He does not sugar coat words and give false hope or empty promises. I was cautiously optimistic about trusting him with my case, but after a little over 2 days of working with him I am blown away by the results! . I regret not following through early on in the year when I first came to know about J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and his recovery program, I even enquired about his services on his email where we spoke briefly ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 AT gmail . com ‘’ and got my case registered but I panicked and never followed through , it was all just too good to be true , that’s what i thought so I deemed it impossible to recover funds sent through a company’s Bitcoin address but I was wrong , today my experience with this team has changed my entire life for the better and he was great to work with me and get completely signed up the second time I approached him this time on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s . Initially I explained what happened the first time but his honesty made me feel I could trust him and I could tell he was speaking from a place of personal experience on how the recovery process works . I am Very grateful and finally hopeful with my financial future.

  893. Sabastien Cooper

    October 20, 2023 at 6:15 pm

    Please do yourself a favor and remove all doubt about moving forward with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R. If you want beyond exceptional customer service, knowledgeable crypto recovery agent; you have came to the right place. I reached out to this company out of pure frustration from trying to regain access to funds I invested in the wrong hands. I had some strange problems with my withdrawal requests , I noticed each time I initiated a withdraw process it usually doesn’t pass and these guys would come up with some excuse which usually ends with me paying some crazy fee , I paid withdrawal fee, refundable deposit fee ( they said I would get this one back ) , gas fee but then they asked me to pay 16,000 usd for account unlock/ upgrade because I initiated withdrawal without upgrading my account and I just couldn’t take it anymore . I was given some free advice by a friend to seek a Recovery company and suggested J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E , this company is also Gephardt approved so I was able to look up some honest reviews about their services . This company is the best! When I messaged them on their Telegram account @ J e t h a c k s s ” desperate for help just over 5 months ago I had no idea how to build up my finances again and I needed help. Since that call this company has made it possible for me to get into my dream truck and also buy a 2nd commuter car all thanks to the astounding work did by this company to recover the huge amount of investment in excess of over 200,000 usd that was nearly stolen from me in an investment scam .

    If you need help recovering your money from investment scams , do not hesitate! this company will do all the hard work needed to make your life easier. I couldn’t thank him enough and would recommend him to anyone needing the help . You can also reach the company on their email address ” J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m

  894. I don’t have to get into details about my case. Just email cyberpunk (@) programmer (.) net to get access to any type of phone

  895. A good day out there! I am Catherine, and I live in NY. I am particularly very grateful to Daniel Meuli Recovery for their timely and reliable services in helping me recover the $62,500 worth of BTC I had lost; thereby saving my business!… I want to use this opportunity to say a big thanks to them again and also let everyone out there who is facing similar or related issues hurriedly reach out to them. Listed below is the medium to contact Daniel Meuli Recovery directly: Danielmeuliweberecovery @ email. com or WhatsApp +39351201352

  896. Exactly 10 months ago we reached out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for help to recoup our Usdt that has been frozen by the CAE company . He did a wonderful job and kept us informed throughout the whole process. Prior to asking for his help , I Was feeling like i was stuck just like my Usdt.. the CAE company froze my balance making me feel very powerless but Getting to know about the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y c e n t r e was the hill I needed to climb and soon as i climbed up everything took a different turn for the better . I got to know about the Recovery company thru a friend who referred his services. We did get our finances back on track after his services and he never made me feel bad for my situation. The price didn’t break the wallet, he is very quick to respond and most of all very very knowledgeable. Overall I’d recommend him with 5 s. Everything was super convenient and very well worth every penny and I have continued to recommend him to any and everyone I have come across with a similar experience and have lost funds they want to recover back from investment scam companies to get in touch with him you can reach him on any of the contact information I will share now . Telegram username is @ J e t h a c k s s ‘’ And Email address is : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . co m

  897. I am using this opportunity to commend The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, I’m Jordi Garcia by name i had been a victim of scam and lost a lot of money to a cryptocurrency investment platform, it was my first time of trying out investment in an online platform but it didn’t turn out well I’d prolly stay off with investing with online platform because here you’re dealing with people you don’t know in real person. i lost a very huge amount of money to a company by name crypto-ndn .com , this company has some fake brokers who by their trick try to scam people that invest with them unfortunately i fell for them, i went some months looking for a way to get back my money back after i got denied severally to withdraw my funds and my profits even when i can view it clearly from my portfolio finally when i told a colleague of mine the whole story, how it all went down he now suggests that I consult a specialist to help me get my money back, i never know such expert do exist until i came online here and i read some reviews about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, i texted over email R O OT K I T S 4 @ G M AIL . C O M , and they replied me once and gave me some instructions on what to do and details to provide before we kicked off the process, to my greatest surprise they got back all my funds back just the way i sent it out to the scammers wallet addresses, this team are expert in this field I’m happy they came through for me, you can direct your problems to them also if been in such situations like mine. here their Telegram account to contact; ROOTKITS7.

  898. I still can’t seem to thank Daniel Meuli Recovery enough or stop talking about their wonderful services already in helping me recover $49,700 I lost through BTC to some scumbag online. I truly never used to believe in the possibility of this, till I can testify to it now. More interesting is the whole process was very professional with very minimal hassle. To everyone having any Crypto-related issues or questions, I refer them to Daniel Meuli Recovery; they are the best! Contact them using:
    Telegram @ Danielmeuli
    or WhatsApp +393512013528
    Danielmeuliweberecovery (@) email .com

  899. With so many recovery testimonies out there, it’s difficult to know the honest from the dishonest. At first , I chose J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E because he was referred to me by a friend who used him with a lot of success in the past. I am so glad that I went with him. His recovery program lasted for a couple of days after which I went from renting to buying my own home. His program works and you have to work with him to make it a success. My husband and I debt was far too high to go through with purchasing a long overdue new home , he lost a huge portion of the funds to an investment deal he made with an acquaintance online . I had no idea about this until it was around the time of the year we were supposed to pay for the house he then told me the truth , I felt devastated thinking he could do such thing without talking to me about it but nonetheless he is husband I couldn’t be mad at him forever. When we first spoke to J E T H A C K S was on Telegram, He reviewed our case and gave us our options before he starts the process . He does not take a dime of your money until you know what you are getting yourself into like most of the recovery companies out there would do and ask you to pay for consultancy fee before reviewing your case .He has infallible knowledge and overall great experience in the recovery field and knew exactly how to get the job done . Once the extraction process was complete, we got a deposit alert on my husband’s Blockchain wallet and we quickly transferred out everything to bank . Today I write this from the comfort of our newly acquired home all thanks to the best recovery company in the world, I will forever be grateful and won’t hesitate to refer this company to any friend who tells me they have a hiccup on a supposed online investment to get help from the J E T H A C K S
    R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E on any of his contacts informations , Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s OR Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m .
    Even in the future and in my next life I’d still chose him again, It has been a pleasure working with him.

  900. I know how bad it feels when someone is been scammed off their hard earned money. Few months back, I got scammed off over $50,000 by this so called investment company. My life then was insane, I was mentally unstable, it was hard for me to raise money for rent and for my kids feeding. At some point, I thought that it was the end of my life but no until my friend introduced me to this recovery team which I am going to share their details here also. I can vow that this is the best RECOVERY TEAM ever. I reached out to them via telegram and we stayed in contact for 3 days and my lost money was recovered. This was like a dream come through and all thanks to HACK DEITY TEAM. You can reach them via telegram or Email if you are in search of a recovery team
    Telegram: @hackdeity

  901. My husband will always disrespect me at every given opportunity, he disrespects me in the present of his friends and all. But little did I know that I get all this maltreatment because he has been seeing another woman lately and I got to find out after hacked in my husband device anonymously and that was how I found out

  902. I was referred to J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C E N T R E ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com ) by a friend and co-worker who was using his service and was impressed with his honesty and work ethics. To be honest myself, it took me some time to make up my mind, considering all the negative things being said over the internet about this industry. We got to work together on my case for less than a week but I have to say that I am impressed with the effect of his work capability, the whole experience has opened my eyes on the all important nature of financial stability in every single one of us’s life, It is better safe than sorry and while our desire to achieve the better things of life may sometimes push us to take risks, it is more important to be disciplined , at the end what matters most is happiness so why risk everything when I had a stable and happy life with my family!?. and even more so that I got to recover my USDT worth of half a million dollars hanging on my portfolio balance for over 5 months since I got to find out I was getting played . Initially I sent a message on his email address and once he replied , I explained my situation to him , he promised to help explained everything to me and it was on the fourth day that my funds was recovered , It felt Ike my eyes was playing a game of numbers on me but it became very clear upon my withdrawal confirmation to bank and successfully converted to cash in my bank account . He is very experienced in this field and replied in a quick manner , which is always extremely important. am currently at a point where all I need to do going forward is to rebuild and strengthen my financial system by avoiding falling back to these past errors and never again! in this my blessed lifetime will I make any manner of online investment again!.. I will gladly refer him to anyone I know that is struggling with bad investments because I know they will not be let down , his Telegram Username is @ J e t h a c k s s . Thank you sir, for your hard work and dedication!

  903. Finally I am writing this testimony to offer my thanks and deepest gratitude to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, I had invested with a Binary Option Trading Platform.. almost lost everything i had to this platform it was really one hell of a fight as wasn’t able to access or withdraw my funds altogether with the profits i have made over the period of my investment with them, Well the basic truth about this binary option trading investment is the same old story, knowledge is key and information is power, those will never get old, I’m not the type that will get conned easily and when that happens I don’t go down without a fight, this time though, they almost did get away with, but thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their quick intervention in getting me out of this mess of an investment i involved myself in, Just a few days ago i came on here and luckily enough i read a lot of good testimonies about this firm probably from victims of frauds who’ve been through a familiar situation and they made mention of their Telegram iD; ROOTKITS7 and their email add; R O O T K I T S 7 @ G. M A I L . C O M, which i contacted them through the Telegram once for some assistance regarding my case, they did replied to my text and ask for a few details which i provided them with before they proceeded with their service, I’m glad they were able to help my case as all my funds lost to this scam trading platform was retrieved, thanks again to this great team who by their level of experience recovered all my lost investments.


    I happened to fall for a crypto currency scam trick Late last year. Through a phishing scam, a Facebook imposter convinced me of howI would gain a large sum of profit from an authorized crypto company that he claimed helped traders invest and gain large profits. They ripped me off and made a way off with $114000 worth of crypto. I was in disbelief and discomfort as this was my hard earned funds. After reading positive articles and online testimonies about a licensed group of hackers LOST RECOVERY MASTERS of how they are experts in crypto/btc recovery and any form of hacking. After striking up a conversation with them,they were able to recover back my funds. As a form of appreciation this was the best I could do for them.
    Contact; Email (Support@ lostrecoverymasters. com) or reach them through;Whatsapp; 1(204)819-5505 Learn more: https:// lostrecoverymasters. com/
    Don’t forget to mention Ben referred you.

  905. Folkwin Expert Recovery facilitates your involvement with the legal procedures and legislation needed for the recovery as soon as the stolen Bitcoin has been located. Through their guidance, you can navigate the complex legal system and enhance your chances of success by obtaining the necessary documentation and proof to back up your claims. Therefore, if you become a victim of Bitcoin theft, don’t give up too soon. Folkwin Expert Recovery can help you fight back and take back the things that are properly yours. Recall that the winners of the war against digital crime are the Folkwin. When it comes to recovering bitcoin, trust Folkwin Expert Recovery to handle everything. Make contact with these geniuses in bitcoin, and do yourself a favor. I encourage you to contact them directly through email: Folkwinexpertrecovery @ tech-center . com to help you recovery your bitcoin.

  906. Homer Toussimehr

    October 27, 2023 at 12:53 am

    I began with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E a bit over a year ago. I already lost all my savings to a fake binary options trading platform , I had a huge amount invested on there with the platform and It was my intention to become financially stable for life once the 5 months period of investment has elapsed. Today, i own a new trucking business with 1 truck already and I’m in the works to buy a New 2020 International HV607 SBA 6X4 Truck. I can not over emphasize on the value and quality of their services , their recovery program has tremendously improved my life and gave me a fresh start with a new purpose when all hope seemed to have been lost . I admit , I was EXTREMELY skeptical about using a Recovery company , mostly because I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t have money to blow on something that might possibly not work but I decided to give The J E T H A C K S R e c o v e r y C E N T R E a try because of the way he laid out the steps of the process to me , and due to the large amount of positive reviews. I’m absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to have come full circle, and post my own review today. This team is absolute professionals, knows what he’s doing and will take the time to explain anything you ask of him, and he has been nothing but honest and upfront about everything since day one. I think J e t h a c k s understands the very serious stress of his client’s financial situations and responds in kind with absolutely relentless professionalism, hard work and flawless results .I will recommend JRC to anyone you put in front of me, reach out to them today to have your cases resolved then come back to share your testimony!.. their contact information is J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com and Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s . My only regret is not starting sooner. Thank you Lorin, I couldn’t be happier!

  907. spyexpert0 @ gmail. com is a powerful hacker that doesn’t leave a single trace after doing a phone hack for you that is why i trust and believe in even when i was in need of my husband face ID unlock with spyexpert0 @ gmail. com in less than 30min it was unlocked without me doing a single thing on my husband cell phone.

  908. Bitcoin fraudulent activities are getting more sophisticated, and many people succumb to them. Even though it could be frustrating, don’t feel ashamed. Scams involving bitcoins must be reported, and if you have been a casualty of one, you must get all the assistance you seek. To help customers get their money back from fraudulent individuals who have stolen it, a website foundation has been established. Get in connection with Perefct Hackers Recovery for a trustworthy and effective work, if you’ve been a victim of a bitcoin fraud and want to reclaim your money. A bitcoin hoax claimed me as a victim. I tried to invest in bitcoin but lost 171,000.00 USD. I am extremely thankful to Wizard James Recovery for their assistance in helping me get all of my Bitcoin back that had been taken by crooks. To find out more about their services, get in touch with them through the following

  909. Accompanied by my friend, who received a formal invitation from one of the investors, I had the opportunity to attend a cryptocurrency conference in Sweden, igniting my curiosity about navigating the cryptocurrency market and exploring avenues for trading and earning. As a first-time attendee to such conferences, I was captivated by their emphasis on trade management and the potential to achieve daily profits of 5% through skilled professional traders. Motivated by these prospects, upon returning home, I eagerly enrolled on their platform, initiating a substantial £500,000 investment. Similarly, my friend also embarked on her investment journey with an identical amount, driven by our shared desperation to find an effortless means of generating income without undue stress. Subsequently, we further engaged with the conference by participating in Zoom meetings, reassured by the tangible presence of individuals and the physical office that provided an avenue for direct recourse in case of any unfavorable circumstances. However, our optimistic perception was shattered as these individuals, operating under false identities along with their company, vanished into thin air, absconding not only with our hard-earned funds but also with the life savings of numerous others who had entrusted them. In response, we promptly reported the case to the authorities, adhering to our civic duty, but were informed that the investigation was ongoing. It became apparent that the founders and the entire team concealed their true identities, utilizing deceptive names, and had seemingly fled the country, leaving the case in a state of flux. Consequently, dissatisfied with the authorities’ response, we made the decision to seek the assistance of a private Crypto Recovery Agency, specifically reaching out to “KNIGHTHOODBOT” at “KNIGHTHOODBOT9” on Telegram, acknowledging the intricate nature of the case that had proven baffling for the authorities. Astonishingly, our choice yielded favorable outcomes, as within a remarkably brief period of 72 hours into the recovery process, our money was restored to our wallets. Thus, I pen this account today, aiming to alert those who may have fallen victim to the same fraudulent platform, “STOCKAXEL,” or any other counterfeit platforms, that KNIGHTHOODBOT stands as the solitary dependable recourse to extricate oneself from the labyrinth of financial chaos. Trust me, for I have experienced such adversity and triumphed, not solely through personal efforts but with their invaluable support. Feel free to contact them through their official Email K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G M A I L dot C O M .

  910. I was a little reluctant to sign up for a crypto recovery service because I wasn’t sure there would be anything anybody could do for me. I heard a TON of negative stories on the internet from other people about recovery services they had signed up for, payed a lot of money on several occasions, only to have a bad experience and very little effort made by the company to help them. It became very hard to trust anyone in this field when there is a lot of dishonesty and many who are incompetent and then when i put into consideration the fact that i’ve been scammed twice it became very difficult for me to trust anyone again so I took my time to conduct a detailed inquiry and thorough research in trying to find just the right person to help me and still I wasn’t sure who to go with . then on one faithful day , a friend of a friend recommended J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and I’m so glad she did! . Honestly speaking I probably would not have gone with this company had it been that they weren’t recommended by someone I know in real life so that gave me a lot of confidence . from the first conversation with him on ( Telegram @J e t h a c k s s ) , I could tell that he was going to make every effort possible to help me. Initially a verification process was done to confirm my case and upon confirmation the traces and extraction process was launched . This company is more concerned with its client’s satisfaction than its own pocket and will not take a penny from you if the recovery of your funds is not guaranteed . To cap it all of , I had great success with this guy and the money that was recovered back to me has massively helped me and my family . I would definitely recommend this company J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . com who intervened in my case for anyone who’s facing a similar situation and requires help getting back what they have lost to fake crypto investments , J E T H A C K S R e c o v e r y C e n t r e will help you to get your funds back .

  911. Vanessa Beltran

    October 30, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    What a world we living where wealth is more important than people’s happiness, where innocent people are been taken advantage of, trust is no where to be found. my little advice to everyone out there is to be extremely careful when venturing into an investment, i know the feelings of being scammed and wouldn’t wish that on anyone not even my enemies, i lost a total of $1.424k usdt to an investment platform, it’s was indeed a terrible experience for me and my family. it all started on the 4th of july this year, i found this link of a Crypto investment company on the Facebook while i was scrolling through the App, i clicked on it and got redirected to the company website, after going through the website and what they’re all about i saw they have a list of packages for investors which the minimum pack to start with is $200, after i had gone through the informations and as well saw a few good reviews by previous investors on the website, i decided to move forward with the investment i had started with the minimum package and and made the 40% ROI just within 3days, i was able to withdraw this amount into my wallet, which prompted me to reinvest more funds into this company, this time i invested huge in hopes to get more out from my capital after a few days i earned my profits and was really buzzed up but didn’t bother to withdraw the amount into my wallet, i was then advised to join the Billionaires package by the broker assigned to assist me, i had to put in more funds from my savings into my account to join the package, after some few weeks i was able to earn a lot of funds from my investment which i had needed to withdraw a part of the amount into my wallet for a family project but i noticed i couldn’t make a withdrawal to my wallet, i contact the company for some assistance and i was been asked to make a $74k maintenance fee before withdrawal can be approved, i did and still wasn’t able to withdraw, after that they asked for more fees which at a point i got exhausted of paying more without a result, i couldn’t access my funds which i had with this company, this got me really sad and depressed when i had found out i was actually being scammed, I reported to the police but there was little information for them to start with, then one day as i was researching online i came across a comment section of people who have been scammed and their reviews of how they recovered back their funds, i learned that ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM has helped so many people who have in one way or the other lost their funds to trading or crypto investment companies i contacted them through the Email account, at R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , they also has a Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 we spoke really well i told them how it all went down, before they move on with the recovery process, after a few days i got back all my funds back to the wallet i had provided the team, i couldn’t believe it all but count myself lucky i came across the Team of professionals hackers, once more I’m happy again and all thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their great help and effort.

  912. Do you all know iPhone 15 can be hacked also? All thanks to darkhatthacker @ gmail. com this hacker was able to hack my wife iPhone 15 even when I know she has a lot of securities on her phone I still gained access without being caught thank you so much darkhatthacker @ gmail. com.

  913. My mistakes almost ruined my entire life but I was lucky God sent V I R T u A L H A C K N E T Recovery Inc to rectify my mistakes , I was investing with this company I was introduced to by an old time friend I met sometime back in the mall , we haven’t seen each other or heard from each other since high school, so it was like a nice reunion that came with a financial opportunity as well , according to him he has been with the company for a couple of months now and have made a few withdrawals from the profits he made and currently reinvested over a $100k+ , he was literally living his best life , I asked him to enroll me with the platform and he signed me up using his own referral link and got a bonus , he told me that signing people up using my referral links would earn me more profits as time goes by , I took in his advise and enrolled 2 of my cousins who where also interested after seeing my portfolio and the profits I’ve made over just a month . After our profits have accumulated over the past few weeks we tried to make withdrawals from the platform and that’s when we encountered some difficulties and I was to be blamed for the whole failure because I hadn’t withdrawn any funds from the company yet before involving them though my friend who introduced me to the platform was facing the same problems as we did, when all these was going on my cousin “Desean “ was already in contact with “@Vi rt ua lh ac kn et on telegram “a Crypto R e c o v e ry team he read about in a hacking forum he joined on Reddit and that was how we all had a change of story , my friend who brought all these problems into our lives was so thankful for the end result and same goes with each and everyone of us. Best decision you’d make after discovering you’ve been d u p e d is to contact V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M and seek for help and trust me you’d be in a better place after .

  914. Abdul-Quddus Ghalib

    October 31, 2023 at 9:38 pm

    First and foremost I have to say that I feel lucky to have chosen the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e to help me fix the situation I put myself into, and today I write this to express my extreme satisfaction with the way you and your team handled my case from the onset when I first came to you . On that day , I made a phone call with you through Watsapp +1 (803) 479 2043 that changed my situation which was already set for doom .
    Prior to the work done by you and your team, I had difficulty in getting access to my money . I thought I had a legit business agreement with a real crypto investment company but as it turned out I was only dealing with an imposter posing as the intermediary broker between me and the company , the website he gave to me was only a replica of the real company so all my payment was being directed to his personal wallet.. this went on for months of back to back payments till I noticed something is unusual . I’m a business man and there’s no business where you keep giving and giving and giving but no receiving so I told him my friend I want my money , I hate lies and dishonest people he then blocked me .. I have all evidence of transaction so I made a few calls to friends and families then my uncle recommended the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y
    C e n t r e . My uncle is very well connected and he has worked with this guy many years ago so he is very familiar with their work therefore I didn’t doubt at all, so I used the contact details my uncle gave to me to seek for their help . It was then they explained to me that I was dealing with a fake website not the original one . After 3 days of their work , they were able to retrieve 95% of the money I sent to the scammers wallet, it was the only available amount left there, still a very huge success and I deeply appreciate their very fantastic efforts to get back my money to me. Cheating can never be forgiven and many have been scammed like me so I want to use this opportunity to tell everybody my story, all hope is not lost yet and with the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E you can retrieve your money. This team can also be found on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s and J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com .

  915. I and my friends invested $10,000 each with a guy who was into forex trading. The total amount was $70,000 because there was seven of us. The guy seemed trustworthy and Everything was going fine. He promised to be giving us 60% of the profit every month for a period of 6 months. He paid the first two months and all of sudden he stopped paying and his no was not reachable. We went to his house only to discover he has packed out. I told my friend in church about it and he connected us to,He said they specializes in recovering lost money. We reached out to them and gave them every information concerning this Dave of a guy. Just last week they tracked the guy down and so far the guy has paid $50,000 back to us. I know how horrible is it to loose your investment that is why I’m putting this out here. They can help you recover your forgotten money.

  916. Roxi Laudenslager 

    November 1, 2023 at 2:11 pm

    My wife has refused to do away with her ex boyfriend who proposed to her but ended up getting married to another lady now I figured out that she has been seeing her ex for a while now and also kept the ring he gave her instead of returning back the ring. Found out with the help of verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com after hacking into my wife’s phone.

  917. All my life I have been sweating my pants and working my ass off to make a better life for myself . Our society has been designed to make women dependent on men however i was raised by a single parent so that thought me a lot at a very young age . I wasn’t always the brightest in school but I always had a knack for opportunities.. I could always spot an opportunity whenever I see one just like Bitcoin. I started following Bitcoin in 2015 when the price was still very friendly , back then I was just basically investing and HODLING which was going good but sometimes good isn’t good enough so I decided to diversify the market and explore the full potential of Bitcoin to the fullest till I almost lost all of my investments to a fake company I had met on telegram, they go by the name tradeiQ . Actually I lost everything to the fraud company until I got to contact J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for help to have everything retrieved back to my wallet .. All my life, I’ve had to work very hard every single day for my money so I don’t intend to let anyone take anything from me not even a dime !!! …. Today I owe it all to J E T H A C K S for his superior intellectual abilities in how he traced down and recouped back my portfolio balance of $190,300 to my wallet. Truth be told, I have no idea what I would have done without his help and in the end , I give god all the Glory. You can also get in touch with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E via Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com

  918. Still full of appreciation for their immense assistance to help recover my lost Bitcoin, even when I had completely thought it was impossible, I think Daniel Meuli obviously deserves an award for their professional services to humanity after my personal experience. They most certainly beat my expectations as they were able to get back the Bitcoin I thought I had completely lost in just a few days. My joy and appreciation know no bounds and I recommend them to anyone requesting such professional service to contact them because I am sure they can also help out. (Danielmeuliweberecovery (AT) email . com) is their direct contact customer service email; or Telegram @ Danielmeuli

  919. Although losing my Bitcoin was wrenching Digital Assets Recovery made me ecstatic afterwards. My Bitcoin was saved from the abyss by their skillful manipulation. In recent years, we have witnessed a significant rise in the occurrence of crypto theft, leaving investors vulnerable and concerned. As the popularity and value of cryptocurrencies soar, so does the interest of cybercriminals in targeting these digital assets. Understanding the motives and methods behind crypto theft is crucial in safeguarding our investments and ensuring a secure digital landscape. The impact of crypto theft extends beyond financial loss. For those who fall victim to such crimes, the emotional toll can be equally burdensome. Imagine the frustration and despair of losing your hard-earned money due to the actions of malicious individuals. The need for trustworthy and effective solutions has never been more pressing. My gratitude is eternal to Digital Assets Recovery. For proper interaction, Contact Digital Assets Recovery via: digitalassetsrecovery(@) & their webpage is

  920. Andrew S. Benner

    November 2, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    My wife has been so unfaithful to me but all thanks to russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com. It was with this hacker I caught my wife cheating on me with my lawyer, just because have been out of the state for just a month and she had the nerve to sleep with my lawyer.

  921. My experience with binary scam broker. I invested 90% of my retirement payment in binary online investment broker Umarket trade option, with the mindset of getting it multiplied and enjoying a better retirement life. It was sweet and smooth from the start, withdrawals were easy and consistent until it gets to a point I started to be denied withdrawals and that was how I was denied access to my invested capital, I couldn’t get my invested amount back not talk of the bonuses. I contacted several lawyers but it was all waste of time and money, they couldn’t render an inch of help. God so good, I found on brokers reviews a certified binary options recovery expert that helped me recover 99% of my investment back from the scam broker, hackerrone90 and his team worked relentlessly to get my refund from the scam broker. You can contact the recovery expert via his email address: hackerrone90 @ GMAIL COM l feel that some people might falling a victim to this online scam brokerage that’s why I want to recommend the recovery team, if you have found yourself in the same situation as mine, I can assure you that it’s possible you can still get your investment back. GOOD LUCK

  922. For any hack related jobs, crypto recovery or data recovery reach out to (hackerrone90 @ gmail com) they also help trace accounts that are hacked and track down scammers as well.

  923. They Are scammers, be careful. I had deposited 47000 Usdt not including a 9000 usdt screen profit in my account but they wouldn’t allow me withdraw even my deposit. Even after completing the 18 tasks, customer service will never answer you if you have this kind of issues. False hopes and very strategic plans to keep you depositing more money.i got fed up, scared, worried and then I reported to hackerrone90 @ GMAIL COM as advised by a colleague at work. Every penny I deposited was reversed.Any profit they show to you is just on-screen, they are not real money please. Beware!

  924. First of all, I want to say thank you guys for making me work with you in a trustworthy and friendly environment. I was very lost and didn’t know what to do after losing 19.8 BTC to 88Trading LLC, a fraudulent crypto and binary comp. I was in total despair and needed some closure. I was warned before embarking on this investment but I was blinded because of all I had been told by this fake trader. I have fallen several times to their tricks, they say, final payment, but after paying, another error pops out. I got suicidal as I had lost my family and all my money so what was I living for? I was referred to a verified and reliable crypto recovery wizard. Our first conversation didn’t go well because I had lost all trust in anything internet-related. I needed to get back my life and giving this group of total strangers was the only option I had. I pleaded a deal with them, and we agreed on it. Truthfully, I am not a prayerful person but during the hours Cyber Genie Hack Pro was recovering my stolen cryptos, I prayed every minute simultaneously. It was great knowing that there are still a few good strangers on the internet who uphold their promises. Thank you Cyber Genie and Team. Have you Lost, been scammed, forgotten, or mistakenly misplaced the 12 key phrases to access your wallet, CYBER GENIE HACK PRO is your go-to deal.
     Web: www(.)cybergeniehackpro(.)xyz

  925. To begin with, I opened an account on Binance and deposited a total of $42,500 worth of BTC and ETH for long-term investment. After about two weeks, I received a message from a scammer named Dorothy Schultz on LinkedIn. We discussed cryptocurrencies, and she suggested that I invest with Argo-networks instead of keeping my crypto on Binance. Intrigued by the potential for profits, I agreed and she provided me with a referral link to invest in Argo. She guided me through the investment process, and I transferred all my crypto from Binance to Argo. Over time, I continued depositing funds until I reached a total investment of around $90,000 worth of BTC and ETH. However, when I tried to withdraw my capital and profits, Argo did not approve the withdrawal of approximately $218,000. Frustrated, I contacted Argo support on WhatsApp, and they informed me that I needed to pay $8,270 for a money laundering certificate to approve my withdrawal. I paid the amount but then they claimed it was a mistake and that I actually needed to pay $16,000 due to the large withdrawal amount. At this point, I realised that I had been scammed and immediately sought help from KN IG H TH OO DB OT RECOVERY INC to recover my earnings. It turned out to be a wise decision, and I am grateful for the positive outcome. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I recommend contacting the best recovery company, such as K N I G H T H O O D B O T on Telegram (@Knighthoodb o t9) or via email at K N I GH TH O OD B O T @ GMAIL dot com.

  926. My cheating wife got exposed with the help of anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com after i got access to her phone anonymously with the help of this hacker, I feel so very much happy I got all this results all thanks to you once again anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com I know I have told you how thankful I am but I just have to come up here to thank you publicly so people who has same issues about there cheating spouse will also find solutions to there problems..

  927. sometimes life can be very unpredictable and we all have had situations in the past where we wished we made better choices. I’m from Birmingham, I grew up in Chicago but I moved back to my hometown after my divorce to be around my family, I wanted to start an entirely new life and I was open to anything including a remote work. At the time, crypto ventures seemed like the perfect idea for me to start with so through Instagram, I got to know about a UK investment platform with a physical office in Lancaster , I think that’s what convinced me to trust them and It never crossed my mind they could actually be a fraud company with a paper office to deceive unsuspecting individuals like me . Fast forward to 3 months later when everything went fell apart, i noticed website had shutdown and my contact on Instagram deactivated her account and vanished into thin air , no form of explanation or compensation on my investment , it was like they never existed and I was left with absolutely nothing so that prompted me to reach out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E when I had about their services.. I wrote to them on telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s before moving to email : j e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com where I provided the team with the investment details and transactions between me and the platform, to my greatest surprise , The J E T H A C K S Recovery Team got to retrieve my investment of £218 000 after 3 days of working tirelessly to accurately trace and retrieve every penny I sent to the scam platform. The J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E has indeed lived up to his reputation and I am very happy to say they are the most effective recovery company for anyone who’s been a victim of scam you can also contact them as well to help you regain your money .

  928. I started trading with a newly launched app because of the mouth watering bonuses they gave. I made a withdrawal on this app through the voucher they created and for over 3 months I didn’t receive my money. I kept on calling the help center and they keep giving flimsy excuses. I was down mentally because I needed that money for something very urgent. I met one on IG who connected to a group of hackers that recovers stolen funds and assets.I mailed them the 13th of April, 2023 they recovered my $200,000. I mean they recovered them all. It took time but it was better late than never.


    The duration of the recovery process can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the case, the level of cooperation from the user, and the specific circumstances surrounding the loss of Bitcoin. Folkwin Expert Recovery works diligently to expedite the process while ensuring a thorough and effective recovery strategy. Folkwin Expert Recovery stands out due to their extensive experience, deep understanding of the cryptocurrency landscape, and their commitment to providing transparent and reliable services. When I lost my bitcoin to a hoax platform, I tried to recover it through the help of other recover hacker but they could not help, instead I lost some more money. Folkwin Expert Recovery prioritize client communication, maintain a strong track record of successful recoveries, and adhere to ethical practices to achieve optimal results. Folkwin Expert Recovery is to be reconned with when you lose your bitcoin. For proper communication, email directly via: Folkwinexpertrecovery (@) tech-center (.) com

  930. My husband has been hiding a lot on his Gmail account which I suspected a long time ago but there was no means of getting into his Gmail account due to the security guiding Gmail, but am glad that was able to come through for me. After I hired jeajamhacker @ gmail. com I gained access to my husband Gmail very smooth and without trace.

  931. I’ve been the victim of a romance scam where I lost over $200k USD and was still asked to send more money to unlock my account. I contacted ALISTER RECOVERY, and they assisted me in obtaining my money back.
    If you have ever been scammed or know someone who has, ALISTERRECOVERY(AT)GMAILcom will get your money back. They are a funds recovery team that specializes in cryptocurrency, bitcoin, forex, and catfish/romance scam recovery.

  932. Thanks for your significant post about the topic.If people want to buy SMM, SEO, reviews account services visit our website buy-walmart-accounts and contact fast.

  933. My sincere gratitude to Perfect Hackers Recovery for his professionalism, truly he is a real deal. I would not waste my time with any other hacker and wished I had known them sooner. I am writing this review to be of help to everyone out there, who in one or two ways has been scammed by online investment platforms. After going through a lot to recover my bitcoin although many people told me it’s impossible. If you’ve lost your bitcoin as a result of investing in binary options, trading platforms, your account was hacked or other bitcoin related scams or lost money to scammers online in whichever ways then You’re not alone. (I lost over $97,950 to skyrockettrade). Being a scam victim myself, I tried several means to recover my funds all to no avail, until one day I came upon an article in the Local News about Perfect Hackers Recovery, they literally saved my life, all i lost to these fake investors skyrockettrade was recouped in just a few days (a total of 3.7721 BTC) was recovered, Kindly send a message to the contact below if you’ve been in such situations and you are seeking recovery. contact them via Email Address:

  934. I would like to use this platform to say thank you to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for a job well done .
    I’m going to be very sincere here ( full disclosure ) , I do not have a sob story of any kind nor am I gonna say I was in a very bad state or any kind of situation for that matter after I lost my money to crypto scammers I met on Facebook. They boasted of great returns on investments which captured my interest and I lost an amount of $75,000 to them . Once I figured it was an elaborate scam designed to trap investors for more money I had to move on… it did suck to lose my hard earned money but I had to move on otherwise I would’ve kept on paying . Nowadays I just think about that whole period and my decision to move on and am proud of myself for that . self control is key in every relationship I get involved in so that allowed them no chance to exploit me further had I given in to my desperation although it stung so bad when it happened but that was until J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E was able to recover my friends $350k from the fraud company that also took my money so my friend linked me up to the Team, I forwarded all transactions proofs for verification and confirmation and after the verification was confirmed then they initiated the extraction process to have my money retrieved from the fraud company database . I’m testifying this here with smiles on my face .. J e t h a c k s r e c o v e r y c e n t r e is a proven Team and I can vouch for their unmatched skills and experience to get the job done with my recovered funds sitting right here in my external wallet and also I already converted a part of it into real cash with no issues. The contact details of the Team are as follows Email: j e t h a c k s 7 @ GMAIL . Com
    Telegram Username is @ J e t h a c k s s . Reach out on any contacts today for their help .

  935. Samirah Veldhoen

    November 5, 2023 at 10:44 am

    While browsing through Instagram, I came across a post from one of my friends talking about their successful bitcoin investment and the substantial profits they had earned. Intrigued by their claims, I decided to visit the website mentioned in the post. After creating an account, I reached out to the support chat and was provided with a WhatsApp contact for further assistance.I connected with a person on WhatsApp who instructed me to install the MetaMask app and informed me that they would be the recipient of my money transfers. I was asked to make four bank transfers, totaling £148,000. Throughout this process, I believed that my friend, whose post had initially caught my attention, was also aware of the investment opportunity. However, I later discovered that his account had been hacked, and the hacker was using his page to promote false information about the company, leading me to believe it was legitimate.After noticing the scam, I sought help from “VIRTUAL HACKNET RECOVERY FIRM ” as I was unable to withdraw my funds from the website. They exposed the entire operation and successfully shut down the fraudulent website while recovering my funds. I am writing this with immense joy and gratitude for the exceptional assistance provided by their team throughout the recovery process. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I urge you to take the necessary steps and reach out to them today through their official Telegram channel (@Virtualhacknet) or via email at V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . c o m.

  936. Fayed Hack Recovery is a powerful tool that can assist in uncovering evidence of infidelity by retrieving deleted messages, call logs, browsing history, and other digital traces from your wife’s phone if you are having suspicion that she might be cheating on you. This information can provide concrete proof of dishonesty. When adultery is discovered in a marriage, it can be disastrous, upending the basis of trust and leaving a path of sorrow in its wake. Fayed Hack Recovery is an innovative group of hackers that offers people the ability to access and monitor certain aspects of a partner’s phone remotely. While it may sound like something out of a magical realm, Fayed Hack Recovery provides real-time insights into phone activity, which can be particularly useful in situations where infidelity is suspected. In my case, Fayed Hack Recovery was able to detect my wife’s phone activities where I confirmed that she had a son with another man. If you have any issues concerning hacking, Contact Fayed Hacker Recovery Via fayedhack AT solution4u DOT com

  937. What I thought could ruin my investment turned out to be a very educating and informative experience; having lost $850,000 through BTC to some criminal online impersonating to be my business associate. I was left with no option other than finding a reliable firm to help with a possible solution as I had read something about it online before; with that I contacted Daniel Meul Recovery and beyond my own expectations, they were able to help recover my lost money only by requesting just a handful of information; so I recommend them to everyone who needs such services. Contact details: Danielmeuliweberecovery (At) email . com
    Or Whatsapp
    And Telegram
    @ Danielmeuli

  938. Voodoo spell casting in Benin +27738183320 Salary Increasing, Job Promotion France Germany SOUTH AFRICA BOTSWANA USA Italy Spain

  939. Corina Krautheim

    November 7, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    I sent my hubby money for a contract he went for because at that point he was not in the country but just to keep in check and also know he has been faithful to me over there, I hired that granted me access to my husbands phone, so I went through his chats and all and I saw that the money I sent to my husband for the contract he went for he sent that same money to his side chick just to come over to the country he was in. i feel so ashamed of the person I call my husband. Thanks to you darkhatthacker @ gmail. com for your services

  940. I’m Travis Hall, A 44-year-old resident of Port St. Lucie, Florida, I won the $5 million top prize from the $20 Monopoly Doubler Scratch-Off game. It happened after I contacted Dr Lucas through a friend of mine ( Richard Wahl) who also won $533 million in mega millions jackpot on march 30th 2018 draw, I took the decision to contact Dr Lucas and luckily he responded and told me the right thing to do which I did perfectly well without wasting of time, he did all he has to do in the space of 24 hours and gave me the winning numbers and directions to play. Dr Lucas told me to play the Monopoly Doubler scratch-off lottery. So on that fateful day I stopped by a Publix grocery store with the intention of purchasing a sandwich. While there, I also took a chance on the $20 Monopoly because I so much believe in Dr Lucas’ spell, and I really won the Monopoly Doubler scratch-off lottery. Are you playing any type of lottery game and you have never won anything yet? Dr Lucas is the only tested and trusted man I can refer you to, it’s a no scam zone. Contact him on Email: WhatsApp: +234 904 794 3567. I bet you, you will thank me later

  941. I’m Travis Hall, A 44-year-old resident of Port St. Lucie, Florida, I won the $5 million top prize from the $20 Monopoly Doubler Scratch-Off game. It happened after I contacted Dr Lucas through a friend of mine ( Richard Wahl) who also won $533 million in mega millions jackpot on march 30th 2018 draw, I took the decision to contact Dr Lucas and luckily he responded and told me the right thing to do which I did perfectly well without wasting of time, he did all he has to do in the space of 24 hours and gave me the winning numbers and directions to play. Dr Lucas told me to play the Monopoly Doubler scratch-off lottery. So on that fateful day I stopped by a Publix grocery store with the intention of purchasing a sandwich. While there, I also took a chance on the $20 Monopoly because I so much believe in Dr Lucas’ spell, and I really won the Monopoly Doubler scratch-off lottery. Are you playing any type of lottery game and you have never won anything yet? Dr Lucas is the only tested and trusted man I can refer you to, it’s a no scam zone. Contact him on Email: WhatsApp: +234 904 794 3567. I bet you, you will thank me later..

  942. Hernandez Taylor

    November 8, 2023 at 9:46 am

    Have you went through the similar loss of bitcoins to fraudulent online investments as I did or a misplaced wallet, perhaps? If you wish to recover your money or need legal guidance on how to proceed, get in touch with Gary McKinnon Recovery right away. I misappropriated roughly 2.18 BTC through online investment fraud. I anticipated that I would get a monthly return of 25% on my investment. That’s how I got ripped off. I devoted a long time looking for directions on how to restore it before I fortunately came across an article about Gary McKinnon recovery. Due to the openness and humility of Gary McKinnon Recovery’s service, I immediately got in touch with them and felt at ease doing so. Within 24 working hours of contacting them, I had received a full refund. I had to send my own review as well because I found it so amazing. The best idea is actually to use the Gary McKinnon recovery team. contact Gary McKinnon by email at:( )or Whatsapp:+1-5-0-1-8-0-3-2-4-7-6

    Thank you,

  943. My wife has been sneaking around with men while I was in the military camp. I found out with the help of this hacker ( verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com ) who was able to hack my wife cell phone and brought me full results of her device without any form of trace 

  944. Hello everyone, i am here to bring to you the wonders that private investigators perform, they can help you spy on your disloyal spouse, clear databased criminal records, increase school grades, fix bad credit score, recover stolen funds of any kind, help in getting hidden files………….. And so many more depends on the job you want to carry out, you just need to contact Whatsapp +14106350697, Your testimony awaits you.

  945. Fortunately, I was able to recover my funds with the assistance of a recovery agent I found on Telegram, (@K n I g h t h oo d b o t 9 . The situation unfolded when a scammer contacted me via LinkedIn with the intention to spark a friendship , eventually moving the conversation to WhatsApp and Line. She claimed to work for a crypto trading company for some time now and have made lots of profits with the company. I finally ventured into the Platform Despite initially making profits, I eventually lost all my earnings due to a sudden drop in a trade which didn’t sound right to me and that prompted me to involve the Recovery agents to see to their claims , it turned out that they were not being straight forward with me from the very start . However, I was relieved when the funds were eventually extracted from their website, although they were held for a period. I have since vowed to avoid any offer brought to my notice on any social media platform because none of them is Legitimate. It came to my attention that this company has been operating within Europe for over 3 years now , deceiving people under the guise of being a broker, well their evil deeds later caught up with them because the website has finally been reported and shut down by K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY FIRM who played a crucial role to rescue me from this situation, and I believe they have the expertise to assist in similar cases. You can contact them via email at “K N I G H T H OO D B O T at gmail dot com” and provide them with a detailed explanation of your situation. No one should fall victim to such schemes, I encourage you to do the needful which is you connecting with K N I G H T H O O D B O T Today to rectify your case as well .

  946. I keep thanking the people who have been writing reviews about this recovery company called COINSRecoveryWORLDWIDE because if it weren’t for the positive evaluations about Cyber Asset Recovery, I might not have been able to recover from the fraudulent scheme I fell victim to. I lost £209,700 and thought there was no way I could ever get it back. All thanks to Cyber Asset Recovery who made it possible for me to recover my funds back. I appreciate the assistance the Expert provided, Cyber Asset Recovery has unquestionably earned a spot in the hall of fame of hackers for assisting scam victims in recovering their money.
    And they have the necessary expertise, industry qualifications, and a proven track record of successful recoveries. They have an excellent team of professionals who can help you get back on your feet and recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
    I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone in need.
    Here are their contact.

  947. [COINS RECOVERY WORLDWIDE FIRM] Con artists have been scamming and scheming since ancient times. And yet every generation seems to bring a new bag of tricks, inspired by the latest app, platform, or pandemic there is to exploit. This time I fell into an investment designed to alleviate me from poverty, the economy was hitting hard and my taco’s restaurant was in a bad place financially. It was either I get run down by time due to low capital or somehow double my capital and I always hear how cryptocurrency is not only a risk but a good investment strategy if done right . Being desperate I I got engaged with cyber criminals who ran a network of investment scam from the broker to the website where I invested, they ripped me off as much as USD 677K under a month . i thought I was as careful as ever but their superpower is using the right word, asking the right questions because the process of being fooled takes place inside our minds,it’s up to us to realize when we are being taken. When Is I did realize I was on a rampage as to how to recover my asset but no matter what I did it looked like I was always hitting a dead end with no positive lead on how to recover my lost crypto investment, My lawyer first suggested hackers and asked me to give it a thought. Few days later, ready to try anything he connected me with “COINS RECOVERY WORLDWIDE TEAM”, anyone in my situation would have given up hope of recovery but COINS RE-COVERY TEAM recovered my asset with ease and quality experience. I’m indeed grateful for a smooth recovery process, these fraudsters are eating deep into our pockets everydaY,COINSRECOVERYWORLDSWIDE TEAM can turn that around it’s the reason I made out time to write this contact now : COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE @ G MAIL . COM .
    We all deserve a second chance…

  948. Remote phone hack says it all after reading my wife text messages and many more, I found out my wife has been cheating on me and also has a child which is not mine as we already have 3 kids. this made me run a DNA test on my 3 kids and I found out that 1 of my child is not really mine. I don’t know how to really thank you enough russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com but all I can say is Thank you so much for your help in fishing out the truth about my cheating wife I really appreciate you forever.


    Good day Audience, I want to use this great medium to announce this information to the public about Mr MORRIS GRAY. few months back, I was seeking an online BTC investment plan when I got scammed for about $172,000. I was so down and didn’t know what to do until I came across a timeline about Mr MORRIS GRAY. so I reached out to him and to my greatest surprise, they were able to recover all the funds which I had previously lost to the Devils. I am so glad to share this wonderful news with you all because it cost me nothing to announce a good and reliable Hacker as Mr MORRIS GRAY, His direct email is Morris Gray 830 at gmail dot com, WhatsApp: +1 (607) 698-0239…..!!

  950. There are a lot of scammers everywhere on the internet looking for whom to take advantage of, I am a victim too. I have been dealing cryptocurrencies for almost 5 years, I recently was introduced to …. as the most profitable investment platforms out there , I could buy cryptocurrencies at 40% discount once i am an investor on the company, It was a good deal for me , i started with 2kbtc and got my returns and reinvested it on the site , I went all out and invested more money to gain more profits, At my third deal I invested 9btc at the rate of 28k/btc .. i was unable to withdraw, trade or access my investment afterwards, i had contact the company costumer support for assistance but they stopped replying after i had paid the fees required by them, My world was shattered and the banks were already on my neck , i reported to the police but there was little information for them to start with before i came up with the thought of getting a hacker, made some researches online and i was lucky to came across The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, i read some positive reviews about this firm and i decided to contact them for help towards my problem, though i never believed my funds can be recovered back until i met this team and we talked about my situation, they assured that my funds can be recovered, i was so fortunate to meet this team, they are very professional and excellent on this field , they tracked my profile and traced it out to the master wallet. then confirmed how much i have invested and transferred before processing the recovery which was swiftly done, i really cannot thank this team enough for coming through for me at my worst, it was just like a magic to me, you can reach the firm through Telegram: ROOTKITS7 Or through email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M

  951. From the moment I contacted GearHead Engineers Org, I experienced a level of professionalism and expertise that put my mind at ease. Their team was responsive, understanding, and determined to help me recover my lost USDT. We established clear lines of communication, and they were always available to answer my questions and address any concerns. I was amazed with GearHead Engineers Org’s technical expertise. They used a variety of cutting-edge instruments and methods to find my misplaced Bitcoin. Their profound comprehension of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions enabled them to adeptly handle the intricacies of the procedure. Throughout the recovery process, GearHead Engineers Org provided regular milestones and progress updates. This transparency allowed me to track their efforts and understand the steps they were taking to retrieve my lost BTC. It gave me confidence that I had chosen the right team for the job. If you need assistance to reclaim your lost crypto contact GearHead Engineers Org.

  952. I used to listen to a radio talk show back in 2014 when they started talking about how crypto and Bitcoin were new the chatter of niche corners of the internet so that really got me interested and bought 11 bitcoins when they were still sold at 320 dollars . Back then buying it was so complicated but I fumbled my way through and bought my coins. I live in Illinois, spent some of my digital money over the next year or so, then forgot about it but when i saw headlines late in December 2020 announcing that the value of Bitcoin had risen to 20,000 i excitedly went to my computer to log in and cash out but there was a problem. I was missing some of the login details for my Bitcoin wallet – a computer program or device that stores a set of secret numbers, or private keys. I realized then that my printout had missed some digits on the end of my wallet identifier. I had a piece of paper with my password but no idea what my wallet ID was, It was awful. I tried everything for months but it was hopeless. So I kind of gave up.
    Fast forward to October 2021 and the value of Bitcoin soared above 50,000 – more than 600 times what I had paid eight years earlier.
    Filled with a renewed determination to find my coins, I hit the internet to find crypto recovery company that can assist in getting back my wallet, luckily for me i got to learn about J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E so I reached out to the team via email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m and after a while of communicating I trusted them enough to hand over all the details I could remember. You can as well get to find the team on telegram through the ( username : J e t h a c k s s ) Then I waited, Eventually my case was launched and I witnessed the greatest miracle of my life, in 2 days of launching my case I got a message from the team bearing my forgotten wallet ID and password, with the details i opened the wallet and there it was. I just felt so relieved!
    MY wallet of 11 Bitcoin was at that point worth over half a million dollars. I gave the team their balance payment and a little bonus for his work, then the next thing I did was take out 25,000 to help my daughter Anna through college.
    She says she’s keeping the rest locked away in a hardware wallet – a security device like a USB stick that stores her details offline. The login pin for her new hardware wallet is etched firmly in her memory.

  953. Throughout my year in the history of binary trading “gainful markets” is the worst company I’ve encountered they are so rude and unfriendly after they steal from you I’ve learnt the hard way and I made a promise never to deal with them anymore after a long time of letting go I was able to get a lasting solution from Alisterrecovdery at gmail dot com and this boosted my life positively I just can’t thank this recovery company enough

  954. My name is Molly Ruitenbeek and am a pretty simple lady who desires to someday have a good life full of success and I’d look back and be proud of myself. I set a goal for myself to be financially stable before I turn 40. However, I fell for a pyramid scam last year which nearly cost me a lifetime of hard work and consistency . Ok on to the story of my life, It has been a blazing hot summer said Hayley my best friend while we lay on my bed that morning thinking how nice it would be to finally withdraw our funds from the investment company and become financially secure for the rest of our lives , I and my best friend Hayley already made a list of things to shop and I also needed the money you sort out some debts including my mother’s hospital bill… so the long awaited day finally arrived and we placed our request for withdrawals which stayed pending for almost 2 months until we got tired of the unreasonable amount of fees we were being forced to pay before we could get access to our funds, no prior notification concerning the withdrawal fees which was obviously their plan from the beginning. It was at the verge of giving up entirely that Hayley had came up with the idea of going online to get a hacker to hack our account and pull out the funds , it sounded crazy at first but we both was already going crazy , we have a combine total of 1.4 million usd with the company so we combed through the internet in search of a reputable recovery company to assist us. with luck on our side, we came across J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. we reached out to the team through the Email contact : J e t h a c k s 7 @ G m a i l . Com and Telegram: J e t h a c k s . All we wanted was to rip the fruits of our labor and the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R made it a reality for us , the whole process was very professionally handled and in less than 48 hours we got our funds back, fully extracted from the accounts and available in our wallets for spending. I really cannot imagine what my life would’ve become without the help of this incredible team, You can reach out to them for help also on any of the contact details above

  955. Gustav N. Lauritsen

    November 13, 2023 at 7:49 pm

    I was unlucky to invest with a fake crypto currency investment company that claimed to trade assets for their investors through the crypto market and binary options due to it’s high volatility in nature thereby allowing space for exploitation that if well studied and with the right amount of experience, they can guarantee a static return on investment within a certain period of time. Mr. Williams on instagram introduced me to this very company that I invested with , they go by the name he claimed to worked with the company and can guarantee the safety of my funds. I looked at everything and it all seemed legit so I went ahead to invest a large sum of money in their company thinking that I was going to get my profits back within the stipulated period of time but that never happened, I never got to receive my money. I also made sure to follow through on every process just like the company support advised I do but all to no avail as my withdrawal request was placed on pending . They kept asking for money before I could withdraw successfully and I ended up paying a total of $68,000 to them . later on, after some months I got to know about The J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e, A Trustworthy and Reputable company with very well experienced Team of hackers in the recovery field that could help me recover back my funds. Realistically speaking the chances of such things are very slim but deep down I was hoping it will be possible so I contacted the team on their username @ J e t h a c k s s on Telegram asking for help, I just kept faith and hoped for the best . I can tell you today that this Team is Excellent at what they do , it took 2 days to get my funds recovered back to me anonymously and they made it seem so simple, the process was laid out perfectly for me and well handled by professionals. I’m recommending this Team to anyone like me who has been a victim of crypto scam to speedily contact this Team for instant assistance, their Telegram username is above also here’s their official Email address: J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . com

  956. Now, let me share with you my personal experience with stolen Bitcoin and the arduous journey of recovery. It all started with a moment of carelessness, a seemingly innocent click on a suspicious link. Little did I know that this seemingly minor mistake would cost me my hard-earned Bitcoin. The feeling of losing something so valuable is indescribable. I was frustrated, angry, and desperately seeking a way to undo the damage. Dealing with stolen Bitcoin is a rollercoaster of emotions, as you navigate the dark corners of the internet, searching for a glimmer of hope. Fortunately, I stumbled upon Digital Assets Recovery. Their dedicated team not only understood the technicalities of Bitcoin theft but also empathized with the emotional toll it takes on victims. They guided me through the recovery process with patience, skill, and a touch of humor, making the journey slightly less daunting. In the end, thanks to the efforts of Digital Assets Recovery, Their webpage is I triumphed over the cyber thieves and reclaimed my stolen Bitcoin. My faith in the system was restored, and I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of online security. Digital Assets recovery Contact their email: digitalassetsrecovery(@)

  957. My husband cheated on me through his snap chat account that is where his side chicks are usually at, they both text and call through snap chat so I don’t get to suspect anything but I caught him with the help of anonymousmaskhat
    @ gmail. com thank you so much.

  958. I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 75,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 214,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all cost, because I could not afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online search for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum were a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptocurrency funds with the help of CryptocyberNet So I file a report on CryptocyberNet @ gmail and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 2 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach Out to CryptocyberNet @ gmail . Com

  959. On July 14, 2023, I received a notification from LinkedIn informing me that I needed to read an article written by someone named Laci Lebohangmabe. This person claimed to be a South African woman living in Dubai, and she strongly encouraged me to consider getting involved in cryptocurrency trading. She promised to send me a referral link from a company called Optionsswingefx and introduced me to her account manager, Mr. Hanks, who would guide me through the trading process. After activating my trading account with Optionsswingefx and depositing over $127,000, Mr. Hanks became my account manager and we communicated mainly through WhatsApp . Mr Hank helped me choose from various investment plans offered by the company. Eventually, I decided to invest in a 3-month Pensioner’s Plan, which locked my funds for three months and promised a daily growth rate of 45%. According to Mr. Hanks, I only needed to pay a monthly service maintenance fee of $1,000. As the plan reached maturity in November 2023, I had accumulated over $600,000 in profits.However, when I requested to withdraw the funds into my Crypto wallet, Mr. Hanks informed me that I needed to pay gas fees and purchase a legal trading license, which would cost a total of $62,000. Out of desperation to retrieve my funds, I paid the charges. However, two days after making the payment, I received no response from Optionsswingefx, or Mr Hank and I then Understood that I had fallen victim to a scam.I initially reported the incident to the police , but they were unable to assist me.I turned to the internet for help in recovering my funds. That’s when I discovered a Private Funds Recovery Firm called K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P.They took on my case and the outcome was beyond my expectations. Optionsswingefx may be a scam company, but they couldn’t get away with my money so easily. I am grateful to K NI G H TH OO DB O T at Gmail dot Com for their transparency throughout the recovery process. Without their help, I could have ended up homeless. My faith in God helped me overcome this ordeal.If you find yourself in a similar situation, especially if you’re new to the crypto world, I urge you to seek help from (k n ig ht ho od bo t 9) on Telegram. They truly work wonders. Stay safe and vigilant .

  960. It is completely wrong and a totally unjust act to deceive people so you can take their money.. this is a business dealt in good faith and as such all parties involved should abide by the initial arrangement . It still baffles me till today that someone I thought I could trust played on my intelligence and tried to take all my money in the process but thankfully we have someone like J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m ) to help us in situations like this . This team is the most competent Team when it comes to tracing and recovering funds lost to scammers . before I went with them I came across many excellent reviews and testimonies from other individuals that spoke very highly of the Team and am happy to have come around today to share my testimony as well. It is never a good experience to lose money especially when we work very hard in hopes to one day secure a better future for my kids and then someone tries to render all the many years of effort useless , I assure you I will come at you with everything I’ve got . I first tried to get the authorities involved and was ready to do whatever’s necessary to recoup my money and apprehend the people behind this but I had to settle for just taking back what was stolen from me with the profits it had generated through the expert hacking services of J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E whom I got to know about their services through a very good friend of mine…. so until the right authorities finally decide to do something about fraudulent investment practices, recouping our lost funds is the best we can do. You can also directly contact them on Telegram @ J e t h a c k s s

  961. I cant believe the plumber I hired last month exchanged contact with my wife and now they have been secretly having an affaire with each other. I caught them with the help of a very well reliable hacker when it comes to breaking into all kinds of phones and that was how I was able to see the rubbish my wife has been doing with the plumber, I must confess am still in shock I cant still believe my wife has been cheating on me. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com. 

  962. Excellently well-written blog! Would appreciate the efforts that you have put into writing this informative post. I hope to see more posts and articles on this website. Thanks for sharing more information about different types of courses like artificial intelligence training, data science, and business analytics. Training from topmost institutions like 360DigiTMG provides guaranteed placement support and practical exposure to the field from the experienced faculty. I enjoyed the post a lot, and I hope other readers will also get the guidance that they need to excel and master the domain of data science or data analytics. Do keep us informed and updated by writing more articles like analytics courses malaysia

  963. There is no better option for Fund Recovery than KNIGHTHOODBOT RECOVERY CORP. I was on the verge of bankruptcy due to a failed investment that left me in debt, but thanks to the Recovery team, I was able to turn things around. Initially, I felt like a failure, but I remained hopeful that the recovery process with the Corporation would be successful. They fulfilled their purpose and gave me a fresh start. My friends were disappointed in me for involving them in a scheme I was unsure about, and I took responsibility for it. I promised to make things right, and I did. The entire recovery process with KNIGHTHOODBOT CORPORATION lasted about a week, during which they also helped my friends recover their funds since we had all invested in the same company. After receiving our profits, we celebrated with a small family reunion, filled with joy and gratitude for the successful recovery of our investments. My wife was incredibly proud of me for not giving up, but I am even more grateful to her and KNIGHTHOODBOT CORP for their unwavering support through thick and thin. Reflecting on all of this, I can’t help but feel emotional, but I believe it’s a normal reaction. If you find yourself in a similar situation, where you have made poor investment decisions in the past, there is no need to worry anymore. Reach out to @KNIGHTHOODBOT9 on Telegram or KNIGHTHOODBOT at gmail dot com to rectify the issue. They handle such cases flawlessly, and I can personally vouch for them.

  964. I am sharing this testimony to partners who are suffering in their relationships because there is a lasting solution. My husband left me and our Children for another woman for 6 years. I tried to be strong just for my children but I couldn’t control the pains that torment my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed help so i researched on the internet and found a site where i saw that Dr. Salem a great spell caster that can help get lovers back with natural zodiac sign spell. I contacted him and he did a special prayer and spells for me. To my surprise, after 48 hours, my husband returned home. That’s how we met again and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family. You can also contact Dr. Salem from any part of the world a powerful spell caster for solutions on your contact below.
    Email: ( or
    WhatsApp +234 805 397 4975

  965. The Crypto industry has been one the fastest growing financial sectors for many years now and one of the most rigid thing about crypto is the fact that you don’t really need much to get started thus the growing demand for crypto recovery companies that will help curtail the fraudulent activities that keeps growing from bad to worse. I started investing in crypto in 2020 during the period it had started to gain popularity, I was actually buying it in bits and just leaving it there hoping to benefit from the next bullish run but as a beginner in the market with not much experience I failed to understand that crypto investment requires time and patience, it isn’t a get rich quick scheme and I wanted to get rich quick so when Lori told me about an investment trading group that could bolster my earnings, I did not hesitate to signup , it’s exactly what I’ve always wanted plus she also provided me with investment proofs to backup her story with the company so that gave me confidence. Fast forward to 3 months later with a total of usd 78,000 initial deposit and 400,000 usd in total profits, I decided it was time to cash out the money, they told me I needed to make two payments to process my withdrawal, first is the security deposit and the second is an 8 percent refundable deposit which would allow the withdrawal of my huge balance together with the refundable deposit, then they asked me to pay a maintenance fee and I refused they restricted me access to the website. I told a friend about the situation and he referred me to a recovery company with the contact address J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . CO M and Telegram @ J e t h a c k s s . I wrote to the company and the rest was history … they successfully recovered my initial investment and 100% of the profit I have accumulated over the months . I’m very Grateful to this company and I have referred them to one of my friends as well … to anyone reading this and have been in a similar situation with these online fraud companies , reach out to J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C E N T R E today for their help and thank me later

  966. In recent years, cryptocurrency has gained immense popularity as a convenient way for people to earn money using their mobile devices. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that significant losses have occurred in cryptocurrency trading, leaving many victims unable to recover their funds due to a lack of knowledge and information. Thankfully, V I R T U A L H A C K N E T R E C O V E R Y FIRM is available today to provide assistance. This group of experts has successfully completed numerous recovery cases, demonstrating their expertise and reliability. Personally, I was able to recover my lost assets by closely following their instructions and working closely with them. I was just trying to earn a living just like everyone else does but mine took a wrong turn and I lost nearly $300,000 within the first 2 months with the scam company I got involved with , But the most important part of it all was me not giving up easily .It is essential not to let these scammers escape the consequences of their actions , make sure to fight for your right . V I R T U A L H A C K N E T has proven to be trustworthy, and with their support, you can finally achieve a positive outcome. Yes, It is common for people to fall victim to trading platforms and then end up with the wrong recovery agents. However, with V I R T U A L H A C K N E T, you can be confident that you will receive the exact assistance you need. When I initially reached out to them, I was confused and exhausted about the whole situation , but they reassured me that everything would turn out well, and they stayed true to their promises. They promptly responded to my messages and patiently answered all my questions, even the ones I found confusing. Although I felt nervous and had intrusive thoughts during the process, I did not let them hinder my progress. For assistance, you can contact V I R T U A L H A C K N E T via their email address V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G M A I L . C O M or reach out to them on Telegram (@VIRTUALHACKNET).

  967. Bitcoin scams continue to plague the cryptocurrency industry, preying on unsuspecting individuals seeking to invest or trade in digital currencies. These scams can result in significant financial losses and erode trust in the industry. Wizard Web Recovery has made it their mission to combat Bitcoin scams and protect their clients from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Through their extensive knowledge and proactive approach, they identify and track down scammers, working tirelessly to recover funds for those who have been duped. Wizard Web Recovery has countless success stories in recovering funds for clients who have fallen victim to Bitcoin scams. These real-life examples demonstrate the effectiveness of their strategies and the lengths they go to protect their client’s interests. With their expertise, Wizard Web Recovery is a trusted ally in the fight against bitcoin scams. Recall that Wizard Web Recovery is the dependable and well-regarded option for recovering Bitcoin. Their sophisticated methods, dedication to achieving client pleasure, and resolve to expose frauds have consistently earned them recognition. Therefore, don’t give up if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Have faith in the internet gurus to assist you in reclaiming your legitimate possessions. Recovering Bitcoin transactions that have been misplaced or sent by error can be quite difficult. Since cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have no government, no one central body has the power to reverse or undo transactions. A transaction is considered final once it is sent. For those who make mistakes or become victims of fraud, this is a serious obstacle but brace up because this is where Wizard web recovery shows itself. With the details provided below, you can reach out to the Wizard Web Recovery Firm and take your first step towards reclaiming control over your online presence and building a brighter, more successful future.

    Wizard Web Recovery Firm
    Telegram: [@wizardwebrecoveryteam]
    Email: [wizardwebrecovery@ programmer. net]
    Website: []

    Wishing you resilience, determination, and the courage to take that first step forward.Warmest regards,

  968. Ran into my spouse on 3 occasions making a romantic call but when ever she sees me she would always change her conversations over the phone, so I made use of a hacker to get me all her call logs and also this hacker had to make listen to all the calls she has been making for the past 3 months I got to listen to all. Thank you so much spyexpert0@ gmail. com for giving me solutions to my problems.

  969. Maintaining one’s financial stability can be a high wire act, because life happens and if you fall, J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e is your safety net. The company provides impeccable recovery service at a reasonable cost for his clients and I am more than satisfied with how they handled my case for me. My collaboration with him resulted in a shocking successful recovery operation of my funds, and in a relatively short period of time. When I first came to the company, I was drowning already in an ocean filled with endless sorrow and despair as a result of the wrong choice I made to get involved with a broker agent I met online on a dating site and he got to sell to me this idea of a beautiful life awaiting us for when we met in person , we wouldn’t have to work again for the rest of our lives together. I fell for it because I was blinded by my emotions , the thought of spending the rest of my life feeling genuine love and happiness with one person gladdened my heart , so that enabled him to manipulate my feelings and convinced me to invest in this trading options platform he introduced to me. I trusted him because he told me he is a broker agent and I shouldn’t worry about the safety of every penny I put into this platform, the platform turned out to be a paper platform he used to deceive me in giving him all my money but my great thanks to this wonderful company for rescuing me when i came crying for help, He treated me like i was his only client, frequently communicating via telegram username : J e t h a c k s s and email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . com , always providing updates until the very last minute that my funds arrived in my wallet. If you’re serious about recovering your stolen funds or you were scammed, J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E should be atop your list.

  970. Everything is now digitalised and it is essential to have computer literacy in order to safely navigate the world of cryptocurrency without falling victim to scams. Unfortunately, I had a negative experience with my first attempt at investing in crypto. I invested in an Ethereum mining pool that I found on a YouTube channel. The pool had a website that appeared to be legitimate, which initially gave me confidence. However, it turned out to be a scam. While they allowed me to withdraw a small amount of money from the website to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, as soon as I invested a larger sum, they came up with excuses as to why I couldn’t withdraw my funds or imposed unexpected charges and fees. Another tactic they used was requiring me to pay for identity validation, which I didn’t think much about at the time. I paid the charges, but still couldn’t access my funds. Desperate to recover my profits, I sought help from various recovery agents who claimed to specialize in helping victims of investment scams. Unfortunately, I lost nearly $21,000 in my attempts to recover $422,000, as none of these agents were able to complete the task. It was only when I discovered K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P that I regained a glimmer of hope. Within two days of working with them, I received the first batch of my funds via bitcoin, and the rest was directly deposited into my bank account, which I had provided during the recovery process. I firmly believe that with KNIGHT HOODBOT RECOVERY CORP, no investment is truly lost. Once you contact them, you can rest assured that your case is in capable hands and will be resolved. Send them a detailed message today via email at K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G M A I L dot COM or on Telegram at K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9 and witness their remarkable work for yourself.

  971. Struan Johnstone

    November 21, 2023 at 9:09 pm

    The cryptocurrency market has been the subject of controversy for the past few years yet it”s rise seem to keep shooting through the roofs. Prior to my involvement , I had seen a lot of crypto news and hype on Twitter, Facebook, instagram and on google as well.. Lots of individuals out there were getting involved and making decent amounts with the help of just their smartphones/pc and you can be anywhere given that you have a proper internet connection and my desire to get involved is what got me into trouble . Honestly speaking, I brought it upon myself because I voluntarily with my two clear eyes sent a message to the group admin on telegram asking for further assistance on how to join the platform after just following the group for about a week. He assisted me into investing, I started with the plan A and eventually upgraded to the premium plan however I didn’t know it was all a well constructed lie to lure gullible investors into the platform and the profit news they shared were all edited. I was very unsuspecting of this until a member broke the sad truth on the platform before she immediately got removed .. apparently she has been trying to get access to her funds without any success and decided to inform others once she discovered what was really going on, I searched for her name on telegram and luckily I found her and she explained to me everything that transpired between her and the company and how she regained her money with the help of the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e, it felt like she was forecasting my future and I could literally see myself going through the same issue at that moment so I decided to try withdrawing my funds just to be sure of everything and I was also denied access to withdrawal, I then started to notice a pattern in correspondence with everything the lady had told me regarding the fees they’d demand once I initiated withdrawal .. I was feeling betrayed so I reached out to the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e on email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m and on telegram : J e t h a c k s s .
    I quickly sent all transaction proofs for verification before my recovery exercise was launched and within 3 days I had my money recovered back to me wallet. I have learnt my lesson to stay away from online money making plots thanks to the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e team and the lady that blew the whistle on their whole operations .

  972. Raphael Benedict

    November 21, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    it was really great to come across the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM one of the best leading crypto recovery team in the world all my credit goes to this team for being so spectacular in this field. couple months ago i invested in cryptocurrency trading platform and lost all my life time savings to this company, felt i should end it all when i got to find out that i was being manipulated and scammed, it was a terrible experience for m i was so stressed and devastated for months, in total i lost $613k BTC into this trading company, they scammers made me put in everything i had into this even got to the point i had to borrow more from families not being aware that i was dealing with scammers, they made everything look so real to me and legitimate in the way it will be hard to see it as scam unfortunately i failed for them. it was going well till when i requested for a withdraw but got declined, i was instructed by the support to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make my withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i noticed i was being tricked and i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money. Luckily enough after a few weeks i found R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M here on the google, i quickly contact them for help and they really put an amazing smile on my face by recovering back all my lost funds to this scammers. how they was able to do this i don’t have an idea but i must say they are Professional and extremely helpful in this field. i recommend this team to anyone in need of help you can as well contact them through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  973. Bitcoin fraudulent activities are getting more sophisticated, and many people succumb to them. Even though it could be frustrating, don’t feel ashamed. Scams involving bitcoins must be reported, and if you have been a casualty of one, you must get all the assistance you seek. To help customers get their money back from fraudulent individuals who have stolen it, a website foundation has been established. Get in connection with Perefct Hackers Recovery for a trustworthy and effective work, if you’ve been a victim of a bitcoin fraud and want to reclaim your money. A bitcoin hoax claimed me as a victim. I tried to invest in bitcoin but lost 171,000.00 USD. I am extremely thankful to Wizard James Recovery for their assistance in helping me get all of my Bitcoin back that had been taken by crooks. To find out more about their services, get in touch with them through the following methods:

  974. I got into my husband phone yesterday with the help of and I saw to many threat messages that my husband has been receiving from his side chick, she is pregnant for my husband and also trying to blackmail him by telling me. That’s what you all men get when you all can’t let your d**k stay with one woman, I am so disappointed in my husband after everything we have been through and you go ahead cheating on me to the point of getting your side chick pregnant thats way to much for me. Thank you so much darkhatthacker @ gmail . com

  975. When it comes to recovering stolen Bitcoin from phishing attacks, Lee ultimate hacker is a name you can trust. These professionals specialize in helping victims reclaim their lost funds and provide a comprehensive recovery solution for individuals who have fallen victim to bitcoin scams. Lee ultimate hacker has a track record of success and is an expert in the field when it comes to recovering stolen Bitcoin for clients. Their group of knowledgeable experts is aware of the nuances involved in these assaults and works hard to locate and recover money that has been pilfered. To prevent future attacks, it is crucial to educate Bitcoin users about the risks and tactics used by scammers. Lee ultimate hacker emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant, recognizing phishing attempts, and avoiding suspicious links or emails. Putting robust security measures in place is necessary to protect your Bitcoin account and Lee ultimate hacker guarantees that your wallet will remain secure and safe against attacks and hackers. This is an appraisal of the security expertise of Lee ultimate hacker in my case. Below is are contact informations to Lee ultimate hacker.

    whatsapp +1 (203) 954-8008
    telegram @Leeultimatehacker

  976. It might be disheartening to fall prey to a scam, as you were promised false hope. They typically stop responding once they’ve achieved their goal, which hurts even more. I’ve been there myself because I was overly ambitious and invested a sizable portion of my life savings because I wanted financial security. I had given up hope and didn’t think I would get a cent back until I reached out to a team, which was merely a leap of faith because I wasn’t going down without a fight. hmarecovery, a recovery group that assisted me in receiving a sizeable return on my investment. Instead of wallowing in your sorrows alone, take action and email their team at

  977. My name is James Philip from San Diego, I want to quickly thank Dr Kuda who helped me with the lottery winning number. I always played the lottery game for 2 years. I didn’t win anything. I didn’t give up all my dreams one day I will be among lottery winner one day, a friend of my call me on phone that he has Won the lottery $50,000,000 Million Dollars, I didn’t believe that because will both have been playing this game for a very long time. My friend quit his job and started up a big business for himself, I asked him how he won this lottery game. I begged him to give me his prediction number to play my Mega Millions Ticket and try my lock, he said that the winning number he played is from a powerful spell caster Called Dr Kuda. I ask my friend to give me Dr Kuda Contact, so I spoke to Dr Kuda to help me the lottery winning number for the week play Mega Millions, so and be among the winner after some days Dr Kuda start casting he’s spell for me I am so happy when Dr Kuda, told me that I will be among Mega Millions winner for the week after he finishes casting the spell for me he send me the winning numbers which is only 6 numbers I followed the instructions given to me from Dr Kuda, so when I play the game and become one of the winner, I was shocked I won $50,000,000 Millions Dollars, and surprised at that very moment because my long awaited prayers had finally been answered and I thank Dr Kuda, I am happy today living a large life with my family you can also contact him on: OR his Call/Text Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  978. Tamara Gustafson

    November 23, 2023 at 2:23 am

    I am thrilled to share my experience with others and hope that they will read and share it as well. When you hear the word cryptocurrency these days, what comes to mind? For me, it’s S C A M. I learned the hard way, but at least I learned and will never fall victim to such a scam again in my life. I work as a secretary at a law firm here in New York, and I had never made a bad financial decision until recently when I came across a fake stock trading website. I have always had interest in the stock market for quite some time, but I never had the opportunity to fully explore it myself, although I have some knowledge about how it works. In the stock market, you can trade various stocks and earn profits from each trade. Unfortunately, not everyone can be successful in this field, To succeed, you need guidance or you can invest with a company and let their experts handle the trades and earn profits on your behalf, which I did . So, I did some research and found an online company that claimed to primarily trade stocks and cryptocurrencies. I had a call with one of their experts who explained everything to me, and we continued our conversations on WhatsApp, where he introduced me to a few applications that would be used for trading. He asked me to wire a total of $612,000 into my crypto com wallet and send it to a wallet he claimed was the trading wallet. Weeks went by, and I could see my profits fluctuate, but he assured me there was no need to panic. However, when I wanted to make withdrawals, he told me that the market had crashed and I could only withdraw $22,200 out of the $612,000. He said they had reinvested the funds into a more profitable market. Seeing this, I knew this wasn’t a fight I could win by myself ,I had to find an alternative solution to retrieve my money because it all seemed like a scam to me at that point, which it turned out to be. K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P, a reputable/reliable recovery company that my legal advisor introduced me to after I tried filling a case against the S C A M company , he made it known to me that the details about the company was just a clone and filling a case against them would yield no results .Well, K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P did an excellent job, as expected.The whole $612,000K was recovered .
    It is essential to work with the best , Today you can reach the recovery team either on Telegram @KNIGHTHOODBOT9 / KNIGHTHOODBOT at GMAIL dot COM

  979. I Just want to start off by saying that J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e is THE MAN…great job. I started my journey to rebuilding my financial stability with another company who made promises to restore the amount I lost in an investment gone wrong at a cheap price…BIG MISTAKE but J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y Centre came highly recommended by a close friend of my family, who happens to be a realtor in his professional network. At first, I was skeptical but still I gave him a shot and after our initial meeting I was 110% sold on his company’s services. you get what you pay for just like he assured me from the onset that I would have my funds recouped back to me from the scammers within 2days… He was very diligent and kept me informed every step of the way on Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l. com where we maintained communication. I must say my favorite part about working together is that he can relate to you on a personal level. How many people in the Recovery field are honest and genuinely ready to help you out ( however difficult your case may be ) versus how much money they can make off of you?!?.. Within the 2days , my fund’s arrived in my account and I’m on course to buy my first house at age 28 and I would definitely suggest working with this AMAZING COMPANY! I feel so blessed to have found this company and got to have my funds recovered back to me.

  980. Smh..It is truly unfathomable how individuals who deceive others out of their hard-earned money can sleep peacefully at night. My personal encounter with these scammers was not only outrageous but also had a severe negative impact on my mental health. However, I am grateful that I came across VIRTUAL HACKNET RECOVERY FIRM after the incident occurred.
    Let me share my story. I stumbled upon an advertisement on Facebook where these scammers claimed to be part of Elon Musk’s team. They were promoting an ongoing giveaway by Elon to his fans. Intrigued, I messaged the creator of the advertisement and was directed to the team manager, who explained everything to me and provided instructions on how to participate in the giveaway. To be eligible, I had to purchase a spot, which cost me a staggering $32,000.
    I was added to a private group where Mr. Jacobs was the admin, and there were three other individuals, including myself, making a total of five.
    To proceed further, they sent a contract to my email, stating that I needed to fund $250,000 to a wallet they set up themselves and sent me login details . Once I made the payment, they would have access to my wallet information, which supposedly would be used for the giveaway. Although it seemed a bit suspicious, I still went ahead with the deposit because I had actually spoken to Elon himself over video call, and I believed the GIVEAWAY to be genuine when his personal assistant sent me the email.After transferring the $250,000, I was then asked to make another wire transfer of $180,000 to the same Metamask wallet they set up,Witnessing all these shady activities, I knew I had to seek help from VIRTUAL HACKNET RECOVERY FIRM who saved me from the shackles of those people. These scammers were too good at what they did but the RECOVERY TEAM had the ability to recover the funds. For any withdrawal difficulties, you know who to contact “ VIRTUALHACKNET @ GMAIL . COM ./ Telegram ID : Virtualhacknet

  981. My wife cheated on me with a photographer who took a photo shoot of I and my wife for our 5 years marriage anniversary last week only for me to discover how my wife texted the guy and also booked the hotel they met each other. All thanks to you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com It was after a phone hack carried out by this hacker ( I discovered all of this without trace. Thank you so much.

  982. BLANK ATM CARDS, are programmed ATM card that can hack into all ATM machines. Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be living. Is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried out with the card ,it cant be traced. To make use of this card ,you need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there is a manual attached that teaches usage ,and also give more explanation concerning the card. So friends,its a new beginning for you . If you need funds to start up some business,pay up bills and loans or money to live a good life? Then you got to make this opportunity yours. is not illegal the money withdraw is from the companies central wallet,and using the card on any ATM machine in the world hack through to access this hacking company central wallet for funds, for more information on how to go about it like i did you have to contact the Gmail below, none of your personal information will be demanded except the country your reside and the state during delivery of the card and that’s all, delivery takes three day’s their prices of cards ranges from $400 and above you pay this and wait for 3days to receive a card that withdraws maximum of $5000 daily they still have other big price cards, don’t waste this opportunity share this information thanks. Here is the contact email address

  983. 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣Hello my name is Gregory Ronald i am here to share a great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood organization, I was trying to join this organization for long now, I have been scammed severally by fake agent in UK,United states and some others Europe Countries i was down, I could not move forder I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed severraly, One day I came across a post on TIKTOK of a man testifying about how he become a full member thanking a man called ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, Then I looked at the man’s contact info that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed severraly by fraudster’s who ate my $7,440 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join. He told me everything to do, Then I made up my mind and called the agent called ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organization. I was so happy because i have achieved my dreams of been a full member. For interested member does of you trying all mist to take part of this brotherhood this is your perfect time contact ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ on is valid email address (
    6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ VIA CONTACT6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣
    WHATSAPP CONTACT+2349130145397

  984. 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣Hello my name is Gregory Ronald i am here to share a great testimony on how I joined the Illuminati brotherhood organization, I was trying to join this organization for long now, I have been scammed severally by fake agent in UK,United states and some others Europe Countries i was down, I could not move forder I tried to make money by all means but all in vain, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because I have been scammed severraly, One day I came across a post on TIKTOK of a man testifying about how he become a full member thanking a man called ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ for helping him to join the Illuminati brotherhood, Then I looked at the man’s contact info that was written there, I was afraid to contact him because i was scammed severraly by fraudster’s who ate my $7,440 and went away with the money then I was very confused so I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join. He told me everything to do, Then I made up my mind and called the agent called ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ and he told me everything to do and I was INITIATED, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great Illuminati brotherhood organization. I was so happy because i have achieved my dreams of been a full member. For interested member does of you trying all mist to take part of this brotherhood this is your perfect time contact ⭐PETER SAMPSON⭐ on is valid email address (
    6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ VIA CONTACT6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣
    WHATSAPP CONTACT+2349130145397

  985. I lost about £746,000 pounds worth of Crypto to a fake investment trading platform that tricked me into investing on their platform with the intent of earning a 15% daily profit. I was losing it all to a point that I couldn’t afford to take care of my bills and my Family.I was very disappointed with myself and was drowning in shame. I had to do a google search and came across MICHAEL RECOVERY FIRM, a cryptocurrency recovery company who are experts in recovering stolen and lost crypto funds. I immediately reached them out and explained my problem and they were able to recover 75% of my funds.I will recommend them to any victim out there trying to recover their funds back.
    Contact Info ;GMail (michealbitcoinrecoveryfirm (AT) gmail (DOT) com )

  986. My child was kidnapped and when I traced the whole situation I figured out that it was my husband ex that kidnapped my son just because of a failed relationship between both of them but yet my husband kept sleeping with his ex and now she wants more from him by asking him to throw me out so she could come in. I read all there conversations with the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com without physical access to my husband phone and that was how I knew that my man still sleeps with his ex.

  987. I live in New York a friend introduced me to blank atm card which i got from william scot hackers, i believe him so well not like scammers out there i have withdrew $50000 with this card so i decided to share a testimony if you are interested contact him on or Whatsapp on +1 (347) 593 8976

  988. I was arrested and jailed for 5 months, when I finally got released and came home I was so sure that my wife cheated on me while I was away for 5 months, but just to be 100% sure I hired for help in breaking into my wife phone. we transacted and the results from my wife phone came in directly to my cell phone, that is to say all her WhatsApp messages, deleted messages, call logs, telegram, instagram and many more was all present on my phone that I was able to monitor her chats and also check deleted messages from the past 5 months till date and I saw the last time she also slept with a man under my roof was yesterday before I came home, I was so heartbroken but I just want to say a very big thank you to the best hacker who made this possible for me to get into my wife phone anonymously. anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com thank you.

    The internet is becoming increasingly frightening with each passing day. It seems that nothing can be trusted online anymore. I had a distressing experience while embarking on a condominium investment project. I had been exploring property investment opportunities in the Middle East, and after considering various offers from real estate companies, I decided to go with “Damac Prive.” I communicated with one of their sales representatives through what I believed to be their official email. However, it turned out to be a cloned email.
    The sales representative shared several documents with me via email, and after reviewing them, I made the decision to sign the contract with Damac Prive. I invested a total of 9 million Dirham, which was approximately $1.8 million at the time. The entire transaction was conducted using Bitcoin, as they indicated on the contract to be the mode of payment upon signing the contract . It’s important to note that I discovered this offer through an online real estate agent I came across during my research.It wasn’t until I arrived in Dubai to see the property I had paid for that I realized I had fallen victim to a scam. After scheduling an appointment with the genuine individuals involved, including the CEO, Hussein Al Sajwani, I learned that I had been dealing with fake representatives from the CEO down to the sales agent. Thankfully, the real Hussein Al Sajwani introduced me to a private hacker called “Knight Hood Bot Recovery Corp.” He had previously worked with them to recover assets for clients who had lost their funds in a similar manner. Their success rate in recovering assets was an impressive 99.9 percent.
    I contacted Knight Hood Bot Recovery Corp through Telegram (K N I G H T H OO D B O T 9 ) and provided them with all the details regarding the transaction. They made use of this information to recover a significant portion of my assets, although not all of them could be retrieved due to some of the funds having already been used by the fraudsters.
    I urge you to exercise caution and be wary of whom you trust online these days. If you have unfortunately fallen victim to similar circumstances, I recommend seeking help from K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G M A I L dot COM. Remember, it is never too late to speak up and take action.

  990. generally speaking it was amazing experience and an eye opening one in which I got to retrieve back my money that had been trapped in an online investment platform that lured me into investing with their fake company , before I got to realize their game plan It was already too late for me after I’ve paid ridiculously huge amounts of withdrawal fees involved in the T&C which no one told me about from the beginning, the damage has been done and I was already in too deep to just walk away so it got to the point that everything became too much for me to handle therefore I decided to look elsewhere for help seeing that these people were not ready to release my money and the authorities seemed to offer little or no atom of support, I used the little money left with me to hire J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E to trace my transactions with the company and catch the culprits behind this and guess what ? this is the best decision i ever made trust me! .. within a few days after I reached out to this team, they got recover back my complete amount of money from their wallet address and shut down their website as well in order to avoid more people falling victim to their scam operations… my believe is that together we can curtail the amount of damages that could be done to others just like me starting with recouping your lost assets so anyone reading this and is in a similar situation can as well contact the team for help on Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . com or on their official Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s Afterwards you can come back to share your testimony and refer the team to others so together we can save as many as we can.

  991. Teresa ortin Roche

    November 27, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    Bitcoin has skyrocketed in popularity, becoming the digital darling of the financial world. But with great popularity comes great vulnerabilities. Hackers, phishing scams, and technical glitches can all conspire to separate you from your beloved cryptocurrency. That’s why understanding the importance of bitcoin recovery is crucial – it’s like having a safety net for your digital gold. Losing Bitcoin isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it can have some serious consequences. Think of missed investment opportunities, sleepless nights, and endless “what-ifs.” Plus, let’s not forget the potential cost – losing your bitcoin is like dropping a wad of cash down a drain – it stings. That’s why it’s essential to grasp the risks involved and take the necessary steps to recover your lost Bitcoin. Efficiency is crucial when you’re racing against the clock to find your misplaced Bitcoin. You may be sure they won’t waste any time with Daniel Meuli Web Recovery. Their recuperation procedure is intended to be quick and efficient so you can quickly get back on track and start counting your bitcoin. The journey to recovering your lost Bitcoin starts with an initial assessment and information gathering. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery will dive deep into the details to understand the scope of your loss and gather any relevant information needed to begin the recovery process. Think of it as the detective phase, minus the trench coat and fedora. After the assessment, it’s time to put on the thinking cap and analyze the situation. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery will utilize its expertise to identify potential recovery solutions tailored to your specific circumstances. It’s like having a brainy sidekick who knows just what to do to get you out of a tight spot. Now comes the exciting part – executing the recovery plan. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery will put its tools and techniques into action, navigating the digital maze to retrieve your lost Bitcoin. It’s like watching your favorite heist movie, except instead of stealing, they’re returning what’s rightfully yours. For help, call Daniel Meuli web recovery via:

    hireus At
    Or Vist https: //
    Telegram (@) Danielmeuli
    Danielmeuliweberecovery (At) email . come
    Thank you.

  992. Lottery is something Everyone wishes to win, not only winning the lottery, but they want to win big bulks, i have been playing the lottery for couple of years now, but i haven’t really win big, personally i always think there is something behind all those winners who always win big, because my intense always tell me that so i manage to get in contact with one of the biggest lottery winner in Manchester, i asked him about the success, and he referred me to a very powerful voodoo doctor, (Dr Aziba), he is indeed a great man who i explain to , without no hidden details , (i really want to win the lottery so bad ) he put to work and few days latter he gave me some figures that never failed, i played and i won 50 thousand pounds , (Dr Aziba) is blessed with so much gift, This is the secret and it worked for me. Get in contact with Doctor Aziba via or WhatsApp +2348100368288 for Winning Numbers.

  993. Dr Adelbert Weber

    November 29, 2023 at 11:03 am

    Achievable And Successful Bitcoin Recovery

    There are a lot of people investing in the bitcoin market who then become victims of investment scams. I invested all of my savings in cryptocurrencies, and after that, I was abruptly removed from my account without any notification or response from the bitcoin investment platform. Even though I was in terrible pain, I had the good fortune to find Wizard James Recovery on google, a reputable company that recovers cryptocurrency. This amazing bitcoin recovery team quickly helped me get the money back from my locked account. Without Wizard James Recovery, I could not have completed the task. Wizard James Recovery can be easily reached using any of the following contact details: wizardjamesrecovery((at))usa((.))com or WA: +_4_4 7_418_367_204

    They are professional hackers. They are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with them to get the best Algorithm software. Their services are 100% guaranteed. Thank God for directing me to Geo Coordinates Hacker. Nothing is worse than losing access to your bitcoin wallet. Just the thought of knowing my whole life savings was gone I went into depression. I felt my life was over and just when I thought all hope was lost, was a friend of mine who introduced me to Geo Coordinates Hacker. I was able to gain access to my wallet in just a matter of days, if you are going through a similar situation or any hacking trouble, don’t lose hope with an amazing hacker like Geo Coordinates Hacker. You are sure of 100% recovery, he is reliable and very timely, you will never regret any of their services. Here is the contact info if any one also needs his help. Email:

  995. {K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORPORATION.. After establishing trust, a contact on Telegram persuaded me to engage in Bitcoin trading on the website HSBTRADE. They provided specific times for buying and selling, and I started with small investments that yielded profits. However, I was encouraged to add more funds in order to maximize my rewards. The trading involved 4 or 5 options, and it continued for two weeks. I noticed that my contact was also making trades on my behalf, but at a higher rate, which made it appear legitimate. At one point, I attempted to withdraw funds to my bank account, and the process went smoothly. However, when I invested in larger trades worth $88,000 and my trades were due for withdrawal, the transfer was blocked. Customer service informed me that I needed to pay taxes on my profits before making any withdrawals. I tried to use my account balance within HSBTRADE to pay the tax, but I was instructed to send funds from another account to a provided address. When I questioned my contact about this, they assured me it was normal and urged me to pay the tax. However, I felt that I had gone too far and did not want to risk investing more money. I am uncertain if my funds will be released even if I pay the tax to HSBTRADE, but I do not believe they will. Recently, I discovered a trustworthy source for retrieving my funds that were stuck on their website. I immediately sought assistance from K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P, who carefully examined all the details I provided about the scam company and successfully recovered my funds effortlessly. I am certain that the previous company was a scam, and even before reaching out to K N I G H T H OO D B O T CORP, I had confidence that they would retrieve my funds since I contacted them just a week after noticing the withdrawal issues. For those who may be wondering if their lost funds can be recovered, I can assure you that it is possible with K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P. I am a witness to their success in asset recovery, and I encourage you to seek their support today via their email: K N I G H T H O O D B O T at GMAIL Dot COM or Telegram ID: K ni gh th oo db ot9.

  996. My name is Michael Eric, I want to thank Dr Ughulu for making me the happiest man on this earth. I have been playing a lottery jackpot for over 2 years all I have won is 5000 thousand dollars ever since I still keep playing it and I haven’t win again I was wondering what was happening, until the day I was looking for how to win online I saw a comment how someone testifies Dr. Ughulu it was very interesting and I also message him to help, and I explained everything to him, so he did everything for me and gave me six Powerball winning numbers. I played it and i won, when the winning numbers came out I was among of the people and my winning price was $196 Million Dollars,what more can i say thank you so much Dr. Ughulu I really appreciate what you did for me. TEXT/CALL: +1(252409-1841 OR EMAIL:

  997. Oliver Paspalis

    December 1, 2023 at 8:12 am

    These fraudulent companies are constantly ripping off hard earned money from crypto enthusiasts and keep getting away with the act, they claim to double your profits after weeks or months of investing with them and I say this here from my experience because I was also a victim until I got to recoup back my investments with the services of J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y
    C e n t r e. Mid last year, I was introduced to an investment company where I can put money and earn profits, my business dealings with this company almost cost me everything but today, I know better.. I know they are just hungry crypto scammers looking for who to extort. It got to a point with these people that I even had to borrow loans from the bank in other to pay for the withdrawal fees, it was really confusing how everything appeared so so real on the website you start to wonder if the numbers are legit? and you should trust them or the company is just trying to take you for every penny you have in your name.. I invested over 94k AUD into the hands of a widely acclaimed crypto investment company based in New York but as a newbie in the industry with little knowledge in the market, they easily got to manipulate the numbers and I never got anything back in return and I tried each day to convince myself that everything will be fine once the funds hit my bank accounts but it kept going from one fee to another till I exhausted all available access to funds and i could see my world falling apart right in front of my eyes. On one faithful day, I was going through my news feed on Facebook when I came across a post about J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E that could help me recover my money so I reached out to the team and I bless God for that fateful day, it all happened so fast as this team took on my case and in 48 hours, they got to recoup back all my investment with the fraud company after tracing back my investment history using the information I had provided to him. Anyone can contact him on telegram At J e t h a c k s s or on email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com

  998. Richard Casarez

    December 1, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    I hired this hacker few days ago due to my suspicions about my wife coming home Late, most times she doesn’t even come back home so after my investigations and all I figured out that my wife has been having an affair with another man and all of this became so clear after this hacker helped me in hacking and reading my wife text messages and deleted messages I saw everything I needed to know with a lot of evidence. All thanks to you jeajamhacker @ gmail. com.

  999. I will be forever indebted to this team of Ethical hackers ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) for their Professional help and assistance in recovering back my lost funds from a fraudulent investment company , I had a mischievous experience with this fake online investment company that almost ruined my life, it all started when i met a lady by name Maria who introduced me into this company after she had told me how beneficiary the company had been to her financial life. i did started my first trade with just $200 usd which i made my profits, Afterward i went on and invested more funds into this company, they had introduced me to the Platinum package where i made huge investment so i could earn as a billionaire, i had invested a total of $810k worth of BTC into this company, little did i know that i was dealing with a sort of fraudulent company, when it was time for me to make withdrawal i was being restricted from doing so even when i can still read my money from account balance through the dashboard then request for a couple fees to be cleared i did paid for this fees and still was unable to have my funds withdrawn, i got really depressed about this as i watched everything i have worked for been lost to scam, who referred me to a hacker who he assured that he would be able to recover my lost money, at first I was skeptical about it, thanks for the advise from my friend who i opened up to and he advised i should look out for a good hacker to help me recover my lost funds from the company, i came on here and made a some research about hackers and i found The ROOTKITS FIRM, i decided to give this a try and contacted them for their service and they responded, i had them provided with the informations they required for the recovery process, i was very shock when i had all my funds recovered back just after 3days i contacted this team for help, i was so happy they brought back light into my life i will remain thankful to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for all they have done, it will be selfish of me if I don’t refer this hacker to someone who may need his help… contact him through email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or via telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1000. A very big thank you to spyexpert0 @ gmail. com my husband passed on 2 years back and have always wanted to get access into his MacBook Pro but apple wont let me get the important document I needed from the device not on till I was referred to spyexpert0 @ gmail. com By my friend and that was how I was able to get access to my late husband MacBook Pro and all other devices he used before he passed on. Thank you once again

  1001. Hello my name is Vivian Marcus from the United State, i’m so exciting writing this article to let people seek for help in any Break up Marriage and Relationship, Dr Kachi brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me, Thank you Sir Kachi for helped so many Relationship situation like mine to be restored, i was in pain until the day my aunt introduce me to Dr Kachi that she got her husband back with powerful love spell with help of Dr Kachi So i sent him an email telling him about my problem how my Boyfriend left me and cheating on me because of her boss lady at work i cry all day and night, but Dr Kachi told me my Boyfriend shall return back to me within 24hrs and to me everything he asked me to do the next day it was all like a dream when he text me and said please forgive me and accept me back exactly what i wanted, i am so happy now as we are back together again. because I never thought my Ex Boyfriend would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest Dr Kachi. if you’re having broke up Ex Lover or your husband left you and moved to another woman, You do want to get Pregnant do not feel sad anymore contact:: drkachispellcast@gmail. com his Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075.

  1002. When it comes to recovering lost cryptocurrency, Hi, Cryptocurrency Fund Recovery Administrator ! is the greatest. They have the most skilled bitcoin recovery specialists to handle your request and address any issues you may be having with bitcoin recovery. In order to provide our clients the most value for their hard-earned money, they create custom asset recovery plans that fit their budgets and take into consideration each unique facet of their cases. Professional licensed blockchain developers with extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency field and the ability to provide further crypto recovery services make up their team of cryptocurrency recovery professionals. Email:


    December 3, 2023 at 7:44 am


    I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expert who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted them regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 21 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earn money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later.
    Email Address: ethicsrefinance @gmail. com
    Website: www. ethicsrefinance .com

    My experience in the cryptocurrency community did not go as planned due to my association with the wrong company and individuals during the early stages of my investments. However, I was fortunate enough to be rescued from the predicament I found myself in by K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORP. These professionals were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process, providing me with regular updates as we progressed with the recovery plan.The loss occurred in mid-September after I was contacted on Facebook by someone I believed to be a trusted friend, who seemed to have my best interests at heart, just as I did with anyone I encountered online. Unfortunately, I naively assumed that everyone shared the same intentions as me. I trusted the trading company he introduced me to, believing it to be legitimate and licensed. However, everything about them turned out to be false. I lost a total of $163,000 to this fraudulent company, who deceived me into thinking I had a balance of $412,000. This was all a ruse to manipulate their customers into paying various fees and charges. I only discovered the truth when K N I G H T H O O D B O T CORP informed me that they could only recover my initial investment because the profits displayed on the company’s website were not real.K N I G H T H O O D B OT CORP demonstrated their competence and organisation throughout the recovery process, ultimately tracing and retrieving all the funds I had lost to the fraudulent company. I am delighted with the outcome, as it exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend reaching out to them via email at “K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT G M A I L DOT COM” to have your own case resolved, just as they did with mine last week. They also appear to be responsive on Telegram at “@KN IG HT HO OD BO T9”

  1005. On the night to my wedding my spouse phones were all switched off I had to go to his hotel room but he was not there, went to his house also he was not there also, I suspected something fishing which made me hired for a quick GPS hack while doing that this hacker also got his text messages, WhatsApp messages and many more, we found out my so called husband to be was with his EX girlfriend having fun. Thank you darkhatthacker @ gmail. com for your services indeed you’re the best thank you.

  1006. To all of you out there, I simply want to share my story. I tried to invest my money in BTC, which led to myself being financially destroyed by an internet charlatan. I fell for an enticement involving bitcoin investments, wherein you are required to hold onto any funds in your BTC wallet. I regrettably ended up in the wrong hands because the idea seemed really excellent. You may picture the amount at risk considering that I invested $387,000 every two weeks out of my savings for a few months. The crooks completely cut off all forms of interpersonal interaction with me, and I never received any return on my investment. After speaking with an acquaintance, I was introduced to Wize safety recovery, An entity that recovers stolen Bitcoin. Within a few business days after I informed them of the incidents, they returned 95% of my cash. At the same time, I was surprised and delighted. Please get in touch through the Email (📧 Wizesafetyrecovery @ Gmail com ) for urgent assistance.

  1007. Few months back i made a huge investment with a crypto company and lost all my crypto to this company, I have about $312k in their application but wasn’t able to withdraw any amount after my investment was due for withdrawal, I couldn’t access both my original investment of $147k usd, when i noticed this i immediately contact the company costumer support for their assistance.. they reviewed my case and said that I need to make $36k withdrawal fee before I would be able to withdrawal both my capital and my profits together I went on and made the payment but my withdrawal still wasn’t approved, i updated the costumer support on the issue only for them to ask me for more $25k usd stating that it’s for the company maintenance fee, I declined the request and ask them to release my funds but then they stopped replying my messages, weeks went by and i didn’t get a single reply from them, I felt really bad broken as they almost took everything i had worked for, i now went into looking for a possible means to get my money back.. it was as if it is almost impossible to get my funds back before i learned online about Hackers who can recover lost crypto from scammers.. I made more research before i found ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, Most of the costumers referred the name as an Excellent recovery firm who have 99.9% recovery amount records, i contacted them and explained my situation to them, provided the needed informations to them and they proceeded on and recovered all of my lost funds within a space of 48hrs and I was very happy to message him, It was such an experience. you can contact them for the recovery of your lost funds via email: ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1008. When Bitcoin is lost due to forgotten passwords, corrupted hardware wallets, or hacking incidents, individuals often find themselves in distress, unable to regain their digital wealth. In these desperate circumstances, the expertise of a reliable recovery service becomes paramount. Santos Bitcoin Recovery has positioned itself as a reputable advocate, providing innovative solutions to restore lost Bitcoin assets. Unlike conventional data recovery specialists, Santos Bitcoin Recovery possesses a unique understanding of the complexities surrounding lost Bitcoin retrieval. Their team of industry experts combines cutting-edge technology with extensive knowledge of blockchain protocols to successfully address various recovery challenges. Utilizing advanced algorithms and meticulous methodologies, the company has consistently provided remarkable outcomes. For a successful recovery of your bitcoin, Santos Bitcoin recovery can be reached by or visit their home page at: Santos Bitcoin . space

  1009. Tracy Butier Freymann

    December 7, 2023 at 7:41 am

    A particular woman named Debby has been dragging my husband on instagram telling the world how my husband slept with her and Also got her pregnant, saying my husband never told her he was married. Just to confirm if this was really what happened I hired to get me access into my husband iPhone 15. After going through his phone remotely I saw that all this woman said was 💯 true, I must say I am very disappointed and ashamed of my husband. kudos to you verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com for giving me solutions to my problems.

  1010. Have you ever wanted to spy on your spouse’s phone or wanted to monitor their phone? you may want to know what is happening in their life or how they are communicating with someone else. or maybe you want to protect them from ex either way. you can contact ( WhatsApp +1(701)253-0448 ), talk about it with ALMOND. you want to hack your husband’s whatsapp account text messages on iphone or android phone remotely and provide ways of doing it without installing any software on the target device. you will get complete access to whatsapp, facebook, kik, viber, messenger, text messages and other apps on their phone. you can reach him call or text

  1011. RECOVER YOUR LOST/STOLEN DIGITAL ASSETS I was unfortunately deceived by a crypto mining scam that nearly caused me financial ruin. Thankfully, I discovered the services of K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORP before the situation worsened. The scammers operated a group where they provided updates on trading and trading signals. However, to gain access to this premium group, one had to subscribe with a payment of “1000 Euros.” Inside the group, the admin would post information about tokens that would soon be listed on Binance exchange and other top exchanges. They claimed that buying these tokens before the listing and selling them later would result in substantial profits. As a first timer in the world of crypto, I reached out to the group admin for guidance. They instructed me to transfer Ethereum to a cold wallet and purchase the tokens through UNISWAP. Following their instructions, I bought a total of 32 Ethereum, equivalent to $65,328, worth of the token. However, when I attempted to sell the tokens or withdraw my funds back to USD, I encountered difficulties. Realising that the situation was beyond my capabilities, I sought the assistance of the Recovery Experts. We communicated further on Telegram with the username K N IG H T H OO D B O T 9 and continued via email at “K N IG H T H O O D B O T AT G MAIL DOT COM ,I shared the contract and other relevant information I had about the scam tokens. At present, the token’s value continues to rise, but I suspect that the team behind it is artificially inflating the market value to entice people to invest without receiving the promised returns. I strongly recommend reaching out to this Recovery team as soon as possible to address your situation.

  1012. Please do not make the mistake of rushing into the cryptocurrency investment opportunities if you’d not known the basics or have a professional coach to guide you through, i was deceived by a fake crypto trading company to invest and partner with the organization for a certain period of time and i lost all my invested funds on the process, i really can’t believe all this happened to me as this was actually my first time dealing with cryptocurrency and with the informations i read about the organization i was convinced and then decided to give it a try only for me to be manipulated by this set of people, it was such a devastating and sad moment for me as i was totally unaware that was all scam, it got to the stage where i wanted to take all my profits together with the capital invested but was unable to do so, tried all i could to figure this out with the organization but the situation got worst by day as they kept to request for more money.. this really broke me down at certain point. i had to start looking for a possible way to get back my funds online, this was how i finally got to know the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, read stories of individuals who narrated how this firm has equally saved them from the evil hands of scammers. i also found their contact details where i was able to speak with the team directly through Telegram : R O O T K I T S 7 or Email : R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M . i can say they really handled my case in the most professional way and out of their level of experience i got back all my lost funds to the fake crypto investment organization , the exact amount i had invested was recovered back into my account, I’m so marveled with such a skill and my greatest thanks to this team for their great Professional services that actually saves life

  1013. I just wanted to tell you about my experience with Chris Harvey As you know, I was scammed out of a significant amount of bitcoin a few weeks ago and I was feeling pretty hopeless about recovering it. But then I found Chris and he was truly a lifesaver. He was able to help me recover all of my lost bitcoin and he did it quickly and professionally. I can’t express how grateful I am to him for his help. If you or anyone you know ever needs help recovering lost cryptocurrency, I highly recommend reaching out to MR Harvey He’s the real deal. Take care!” Mail : chrisharvey553 @ gmail . Com

  1014. Sara Loretta Lacas

    December 10, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    Few days back I made some investigations about my husband by breaking into his phone with the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com and it happens to be that my husband is cheating on me.

  1015. Samuel Helgeseen

    December 10, 2023 at 8:01 pm

    The habit of trying new things and capitalizing on every opportunity to grow my financial independence has always been my way of living.. my first breakthrough in the tech industry was as a result of my decision to invest into the industry through an acquaintance on Linkedin and when the opportunity to invest in crypto came along I didn’t shut it down.. I started following the crypto market after the Bitcoin bullish run in November 2021 that saw it reach an all time high, ever since then I followed the market and I came to realize that the crypto market is a very fragile one , highly fluctuating in nature and if I was to get into crypto trading , it’d require my full attention so that somehow suppressed my desire to get involved until recently when I was introduced to a Malaysian based trading company Carlyle Acceleration Exchange ( CAE) which in accordance to the contract , i shall pay the trustee 20% of my profit as mentor fee for 4 weeks and in return the trustee trades on my behalf and all income generated upon the 4weeks successful trade shall go to me, I agreed we signed the contracts and quickly I made my first tentative investment which went well just like I was told then a second and a third but when I requested to have my funds withdrawn upon the completion of the third trade, I was told to pay a tax fee since the funds was much which I paid but they didn’t stop there , they kept coming up with more excuses to demand for more fees which looked very shady to me so I did more investigation on my own and discovered more cases like mine out there and how the victims handled their situation by contacting J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E the recovery company that helps people to recoup their lost assets and quickly I copied out the contact information and i reached out to the Team on email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m …. 2 days after , My funds was successfully recovered back to my wallet and I was so happy. I have never seen anything like this before, These guys are the real deal, very competent and reliable and you can also find them on Telegram @ J e t h a c k s s .

  1016. It costs absolutely nothing to stay loyal in a relationship, but the modern relationship has turned out to be a thing of disloyalty, cheating and excessive manipulation. Being a victim of infidelity made me feel depressed and was mentally drained as I kept asking myself if I wasn’t good enough or wasn’t doing enough to warrant my partner to cheat in the affair. I was worried and curious about the crooked attitudes in the relationship and decided to see for myself if my instinct was right or wrong, hence why I requested the help of a genius techie ( WhatsApp +1(701)253-0448) whose service granted me access into my partners phone to see who my partner has been texting and what my partner has been hiding in the secret chats, and deleted messages. It broke my heart that I was taken for a fool as I was completely cheated on, but I was glad I was able to confirm that my instinct was right about the whole situation.

  1017. You all help me rate a BIG 5 STAR, I just confirmed how powerful this hacker called anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com Is when it comes to hacking of iPhones.

  1018. R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M has done a very great help to my life and I’m using this opportunity i have here to let the world know of this Expert Assets Recovery Team, i was trapped by a fake Binary option trading company to invest with the platform in order to earn money digitally while you can comfortable monitor your trade online. i have earlier had some interest in crypto so after some thought i went ahead and made couple investment with the platform at first and got paid my profits without knowing that the whole plan was fake a scheme to lure me into investing more funds probably a larger amount, so 2days after having my profits i reinvested with the platform this time i had invested with huge amount in order to earn more off my tradings but at the end when my investment was due i proceeded to make my withdrawal but then noticed that the option was malfunctioning as i wasn’t able to withdrawal funds into my account, i approached the support desk to let them know and also for some assistance but they replied and ask that i needed the withdrawal fee to be settled before i could successfully withdraw my funds. i had gathered the amount they had asked for and made the payment for the withdrawal fee but still cannot withdraw my funds i quickly message the support to let them know that i still can’t withdraw not a damn to my account only for me to receive a reply from them that i need to pay more fees for some technical problems and system upgrade, after giving it some thoughts it doesn’t sound good and clear to me so i had to take a step back as i was already having the feeling that something is going wrong, i then went in search of solutions online.. luckily enough i got redirected to the medium site where i saw pretty different comments of people testifying on how ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM has helped them to recover their lost investment . I was skeptical if this was true, but then decided to contact them to know if they are real or not, Well they proved to me beyond all doubts that it was really for real so I urgently referred my case to them, And they proceeded with the recovery and I’m happy to say that i have received all my lost funds back through this team intelligent service. you can Contact their email R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A IL. C O M if need such assistance. I’m just testifying on how ROOTKITS FIRM has helped me too. I never believed in it until the funds were recovered and sent to my bitcoin wallet, I have my funds back and am grateful to them, Contact the company now and recover all your lost funds. they are also on telegram with the user: ROOTKITS7

  1019. Let me start by saying that I have been extremely satisfied with the exceptional service that J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e has provided me in the past week therefore I want to use this opportunity to show my gratitude for your work and support in helping me recover my lost crypto investment sir. I must admit, when I first came to you I was very skeptical because I was told that most crypto recovery services were only a scam and that no one could actually recover my crypto from the investment company. However, today I am a firm believer and I can confidently to say to everyone that I got saved through your professional service. Also I have also recommended the company to two of my colleagues who have taken advantage of his services to recover their funds from those fake companies and are currently taking full advantage of the ample services that J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e has to offer. Once again, thank you so much. I really cannot explain in words how grateful I am to you , you can email him at J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail. com or telegram @ J e t h a c k s s

  1020. Raymond Rochelaeu

    December 12, 2023 at 8:26 am

    Forever grateful to K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y CORP for their assistance in recovering my lost digital assets from a fraudulent website. I had come across this website while exploring digital investments and art projects (NFTs). The experts at K N I G H T H O O D B O T were highly knowledgeable in all things related to cryptocurrency and implemented a secure recovery plan that successfully retrieved my assets within 72 hours. I provided them with all the support I could offer to ensure that these criminals were held accountable for their actions, not just towards me but also towards others who were desperate to earn money digitally. In fact, they also helped two other individuals from my company who had fallen victim to the same scam. I was the first to reach out to them for help after discovering their email address, ” K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT G MAIL DOT COM,” on Reddit while researching ways to recover my investments. The scam company had frozen my assets, which were valued at over $550,000. Once we initiated the recovery process and achieved positive results, I immediately informed the other individuals who were also heavily invested with the company. They wasted no time in reaching out to K N I G H T H O O D B O T, primarily through Telegram this time (@K n i g h t h oo db ot 9). To their surprise, they had their funds returned to their wallets within the same 72-hour time-frame. It is crucial to be cautious these days when considering investment opportunities, as many may initially appear legitimate but turn out to be fraudulent. However, there is no need for regret anymore, as we now have K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y C O R P to rely on when we find ourselves in such difficult situations. Nobody is perfect, but we can correct our mistakes and learn from them.

  1021. Online activities have become an integral part of our lives, influencing our relationships, work, and overall well-being. However, with the increasing reliance on the digital realm, there is a growing need to monitor and ensure the safety of our online experiences. With Fayed Hacker, you have the rare chance to explore your spouse’s online life and gain important knowledge and access to enhance your comprehension of their online person. You may improve openness, strengthen relationships, and develop trust by using this tool sensibly and communicating openly. Keep in mind that, though Fayed Hacker can be a very useful tool for learning, it’s still important to respect privacy and have open discussions with your spouse. You can deepen your relationship with your spouse by going on a journey of discovery and connection by utilizing the power of Fayed Hacker Recovery. Yes, Fayed Hacker can offer real-time monitoring and alerts for certain online activities. The tool is designed to track and analyze web activity, providing you with up-to-date information. However, it is important to note that the extent of real-time monitoring may vary depending on the specific features and capabilities of the tool you choose to use. Fayed Hacker provides a comprehensive approach to track and analyze online activities, but its access to specific online accounts may vary. The tool relies on the availability of data within the boundaries of privacy settings and account permissions. It is important to understand the limitations of the tool and have open communication with your spouse to ensure a clear understanding of the information that can be accessed. Fayed Hacker can be reached by emailing: writeus @ fayedhacker . tech or Signal : +1 313 264 2635

  1022. Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording.
    Monitoring SMS text messages remotely.
    Cell phone GPS location tracking. Spy on Whatsapp Messages.
    Free Update and 100% Undetectable.
    Internet Browsing History and Read phone Access Address Book, totally
    worth your money, please no time wasters,They won’t under any
    circumstances work for free, you can reach them by their email: via, Henryclarkethicalhacker AT gmail com and get your job done instantly.

  1023. Alice Christopher

    December 14, 2023 at 11:32 pm

    In today’s digital era, bitcoin loss can be a frustrating and devastating experience. Whether it is due to accidental deletion, hardware failure, or a system crash, the loss of Bitcoin and data can have serious consequences for individuals and businesses alike. Fortunately, powerful crypto recovery solutions like Wizard Web Recovery are available to help retrieve lost bitcoins and restore peace of mind. One such solution is Wizard Web Recovery, a comprehensive software designed to recover a wide range of file types efficiently. This testimonial aims to explore the features and benefits of Wizard Web Recovery, providing readers with valuable insights into its capabilities and guiding them through the process of bitcoin retrieval. Significant bitcoin losses might be a complete nightmare. Accidental deletions, system breakdowns, and even a mischievous cat spilling coffee and scorching your hard drive are all common occurrences. Losing anything of value might seem like the end of the world, regardless of the reason. Data recovery tools are therefore invaluable. They pull you up from the brink of hopelessness and assist you in recovering those priceless items. And speaking of reliable bitcoin recovery solutions, let us introduce you to Wizard Web Recovery. This nifty tool is designed to help you recover lost Bitcoin with ease and efficiency. Whether you’re an individual user or a business in need of rescuing important information, Wizard Web Recovery has got your back. So let’s dive into the key features and benefits that make it a must-have tool in your bitcoin recovery arsenal. Contact wizard web recovery through  email address – wizardwebrecovery (AT) programmer (DOT)  net,  their website is (

  1024. LOST CRYPTO/ETH/FUNDS RECOVERY EXPERTS;;;RECOVERY MASTERS I happened to fall for a crypto currency scam trick Few Months Ago. Through a phishing scam, a Facebook imposter convinced me of how i would gain a large sum of profit from an authorized crypto company that he claimed helped traders invest and gain large profits. They ripped me of and made a way off with $114000 wroth of crypto was in disbelief and discomfort as this was my hard earned funds. After reading positive articles and online testimonies about a licensed group of hackers CENTURY HACKERS RECOVERY SERVICES of how they are experts in crypto/btc recovery and any form of hacking. After hitting a conversation with them they were able to recover back my funds. As a form of appreciation this was the best I could do for them. Contact; Email ( Website

  1025. Have you ever been a victim of a scam? or have you Suffered a loss from a Fraudulent Ponzi Scheme? I implore you to Contact Captain Reinhard Maverick via email at : !!//A Certified Cryptocurrency Assets and general Recovery Expert. (𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓶𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓹 [@] 𝓰𝓜𝓐𝓘𝓛 . 𝓒𝓞𝓶] , , ////) I once fell victim to an online imposter who convinced me to invest in a Bogus Cryptocurrency scheme by claiming to have made large profits from the plan. My blockchain wallet contained $369,000 in Crypto that I lost, I had been reporting to the Authorities tirelessly for a longtime without getting assistance before I finally got in touch with Captain Reinhard Maverick of RECLAIM RIGHT RECOVERY GROUP and Fortunately after a serious brief chat with Captain Reinhard Maverick all my funds were recovered back.
    I recommend this Expert to any victim who has lost Crypto or Funds to any fake online Schemes.

    Talk to Captain Reinhard Maverick Through ;
    E- Mail: reclaimrightrecoverygroup AT gmail DOT com
    [contact him now :!!!!:]

  1026. I also lost $220,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams,Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Crypto currency, mortgage/real-estate scams and fake ICOs. reclaimrightrecoverygroup [@] gMAIL . COm]// However. I’m much satisfied because my friend recommend me to a recovery expert option, [WIZARD REINHARD MAVERICK.] reclaimrightrecoverygroup AT Gmail (DOT) com. I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of WIZARD REINHARD MAVERICK and his Incredible TEAM and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money. send (GmAiL message to REINHARD MAVERICK AND TEAM for help…

  1027. This team of hacker is everything you need, they worked for me once but i totally recommend them, they are expert at what they do, this team did a professional job, that i can say, (classified) they help hack into my wife cell phone and the rest is history. find a list of their services below, listed by priority
    Cellphone Clone/Hack
    Credit Score Repair and Fix
    CC TopUp
    Social Media Accounts Hack
    e.g Facebook WhatsApp Instagram…etc
    GPS Tracking (Location Tracking) and much more, you can ask this team of professionals to draft a better list of their services when you are in contact with them. for you to reach them here is their contact info: WhatsApp +1(701)253-0448

  1028. Good day to everyone reading my post, i’m here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email or through Text and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075.

  1029. On a more serious note there are so many fake Crypto Currency investment companies out there seeking for innocent individuals to trick on. i believe everyone here in one way or the order have had his or her own experience with fraudulent investment companies. I had also been a victim of this circumstance i was unconscious for days after losing about $1,745,000 USDT to a fraudulent Crypto Investment Company, i almost lost myself on the process the truth is that Fraud and scams can affect people emotionally and mentally which can lead to anxiety, fear, grief and so many negative impact. I was ashamed of myself and couldn’t tell anyone what I was going through. i came to know about this fraudulent investment company through instagram as i thought it was a legit company after going through the company website and data, i trusted them and decided to invest with them for the future unknowingly to me that i was dealing with fraudsters, they never allowed me to withdrawal my funds. i kept paying for fees after fees until i finally realized that i was been scammed, it was really not easy for me as i searched the internet everyday looking for how to recover my money back from this company.. Just one day i was going through an article about Cryptocurrency investment here online i came across R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M; From the comment section i read that this guys are can be able to recover back my lost crypto from the fake company.. fortunately enough their contacts info was included, Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , But i first texted them on their Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 they replied and i explained the whole scenario to them and they assured me to be of help, i trusted the process and we got going just 2 days after they had proceeded with the recovery operations, i got their text message asking for my wallet address for the transfer of my recovered funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw all my funds back into my wallet. i thanked this team enough for being such a savior as well paid them off as we agreed even with more

  1030. My name is Jonathan Logan, I am giving all thanks to Dr Kuda the great spell caster who help me bring back my wife after we divorced for two years it all happened when i was chatting on my beloved wife with another woman so I was not given my wife attention and affection that she deserves she ask me to forgive her in anyway but I think that I am doing the right thing with another woman, after some months she left me alone with the kids I keep looking for me wife to asked her to forgive me in any situation and I have me back, but my wife refused to forgive me and said to me that she has fine a new lover that she has moved on with new life I become so worried I can’t sleep a night without thinking about her but when I meet Dr Kuda and told him how I lost my beloved wife and he help me bring back my wife asking me for apologize for us to come back to each other living a happy life together, Thank you Sir Kuda, he might be of your help to anyone who is interested you can also contact him in any relationship issues it we definitely help you contact on drkudaspelltemple AT @ gmail. com Or Call and Whatsapp Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  1031. My story probably is not the most inspiring story out there but it’s definitely worth reading so I hope you read to the end… it was earlier this year in the month of February that it all started , I’m a very ambitious man and naturally a risk taker. During the period of this happening, Bitcoin investment was on a high trend and you could see everyone trying to get involved so on that pursuit , I stumbled upon a channel that facilitates trading for it’s investors with guaranteed return on investments, after following the channel for a while I decided to go ahead and invest a small amount with them as a first time, the investment turned out to be very successful and I got to receive my profits in my bank account which made me trust them with my money, I then invested everything I had with this company hoping to make more profits .. all communications was through the group admin and in 7 months I invested a total of $623,281 before I started experiencing difficulties with withdrawals, they didn’t let me withdraw funds until I paid $50,000 for license certificate to withdraw funds but later accepted the $36,000 that I managed to arrange yet they still failed to release my money to me, pushing me into going extra lengths to get back my money, it was in my search for help that I found out about J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y
    C e n t r e. A Top Recovery Team of Hackers who’s been in the field of recovery for over a decade .. after reading through many excellent reviews about them, I decided to give them a shot in hopes that everything goes well… fortunately today , i’ve come to share another excellent review for the tremendous work the team did to recover my funds back to my account. ” words have failed me. i have never seen anything like this before and i can’t fully express how beneficial their work has been in my life in writing so I strongly recommend this team to all persons out there looking for means to get back their funds from the hands of scammers , send a message to the team directly on Email address : J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . c o m ) OR on Telegram : ( @ J e t h a c k s s ) to get started .

  1032. A lot of people have fallen for various frauds and got scammed. I’m given testimonies of how I got back my stolen Bitcoin wallet and funds with the help of (Tech-wizard Reinhard Maverick). >>>>! I implore you to get help from the expert WIZARD technology Reinhard Maverick. reclaimrightrecoverygroup @ G mail. [cOm] A Certified lost funds Recovery Expert. I once fell victim to an online imposter who convinced me to invest in Cryptocurrency by claiming to have made large profits from the investment. My blockchain wallet contained $369,000 that I lost, I had been reporting to the Authorities for a long time without getting assistance. Then I came here and finally, I got in touch with (WIZARD Reinhard Maverick. I explained everything to him in detail and also gave him the scammer’s wallet address..//! I was so surprised that Wizard Reinhard Maverick and his group helped me recover my wallet and lost crypto. tech-wizard Reinhard Maverick you are so good. (𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕞𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕡 @𝔾 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕝 . 𝕔𝕆𝕄]
    I recommend Tech-wizard Reinhard Maverick to any victim.

  1033. Life is all about risk, you have to learn how to embrace it either way it brings because a mistake is meant to be made but the ability to learn from the mistake is what matters. My name is Joseph and I am an engineer by profession. In early 2021, I came across an investment platform which was having a%15 interest rate on any investment made and I invested $550,000 in cryptocurrency hoping to get my %15 interest with the investment I made on the platform. I just want everyone out there to be careful of online investment, They have a way of convincing someone to invest on their platform and immediately after you invest your money, that will be the end. I must say with the development of fraudsters everywhere, they are constantly devising new ways to take people’s money, which is very bad. That is why I offer the most secure and dependable recovery agent you can trust and work with. I was able to recover my lost funds with the help of Saclux Comptech Specialst which I will forever be grateful for. This is their contact information. Email: 
    Viber:+44 7782 645302 

  1034. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  1035. A COMPANY YOU CAN CONFIDE IN TO RETRIEVE WHAT YOU LOST TO FRAUDSTERS…. KNIGHT HOODBOT RECOVERY CORP MY Savior… On Instagram, a former coworker of mine posted a picture of her new Tesla and how an investment coach helped her achieve it. Intrigued, I messaged her to learn more about her financial journey. She explained that she had left her previous job to focus on the stock market since earning over $10k under a day and had a stock manager handling most of her trades and she has never encountered any loss ever since she started working hand in hand with the Coach , I alter spoke to the coach “George Williams ” on Instagram and he recommended I download Shakepay , which he claimed to be a convenient platform that I can use to fund my trading account but I encountered an error and had to email their support. Impatient, he suggested I try another app called Crypto com, which unfortunately required a three-day verification process. Despite him urging to use a Bitcoin ATM, I insisted on waiting for the verification to complete. Eventually, I funded my trading account with $82,000 after the 3 day verification process was completed and started trading. However, after completing many trades within my first week , I tried taking out part of my profits earned but , I was denied access. The company claimed I needed to pay for gas/maintenance , which raised suspicions. At that point I was clueless why this had happened in my own case , meanwhile my coworker who introduced me to them, claimed he had never encountered any issues with funding or withdrawing her profit. To understand everything they said , I reached out to K N I G H T HOODBOT RECOVERY CORP, an experienced recovery team. They conducted a thorough investigation and discovered that the company was a scam and my coworker’s account had been hacked and I happened to be unfortunate that I didn’t see this coming .With the information I provided, they successfully recovered all lost funds to my bitcoin wallet account. The best way to contact them is via their official email at K N I G H T HOO D B O T @ G M AIL DOT COM or check out their telegram channel K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9 for more information.

  1036. I’m a single mother of two boys from lake forest,Illinois. A small community with lovely folks, I had my life together as a chiropractor and we were getting by just fine. my colleague had just introduced me to a crypto investment platform one that she has been involved with and evidently showed us proofs of profits to back it up, already she was making profits from the company therefore she told me about the platform so I’d join as well and also enable her benefit from the referral package to increase her earnings and without wasting much time to carry out my own research, I bought $7,000 worth of bitcoin at first and invested, it was a lot but she had shown me some proofs and I trusted her words.. I ended up investing a total of $85,000 before the website suddenly crashed , my friend and I each lost access to our accounts including our profits. It was a really devastating period for me, losing that amount of money was too painful to bear and in a desperate bid to get back my money, I went online to do some research where I then learned about J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e , the reviews I saw regarding this company made me feel very confident in their services and when I first spoke with them I could tell the vast knowledge and years of experience from the way the whole plan was laid out to get completed in 72 hours, I then proceeded to send over the necessary information on the team’s email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m before having my case launched. Satisfied is an understatement, this team really outdid themselves with my case, they not only recovered my investment with the company back to me but they recovered that of my colleague as well after I had told her about the team and she made contact. The team can also be contacted on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s

  1037. From my experience, I guess the best way to avoid online scam is by having a very thorough investigation about the subject matter. If i had this advice i would probably have not gone through the ordeal i went through some months past. Binary Options is a blessing to some and curse to many, it almost ruined me. Gracefully, i got in contact with a certified recovery specialist ( Mr Tessy ) who helped me with refunds. I can’t say for any other recovery expert but this ( Mr Tessy ) came to my rescue and I RECOMMEND ONLY his service. 
    Contact their support team for further assistance:
    HQRECOVERY22 at G M A I L dot C O M
    Thank me later.

  1038. Dear Nathaniel Whittemore, One of the joys of my mornings everyday is to listen to your radio show with a cup of my morning black coffee and learn more about cryptocurrency and big picture power shifts and related topics. Currently we are on the process of purchasing a new space for our first project here in Glen Cove. I always find your topics and guest speakers quite interesting and always come away with some great tip or help in some way. About a year ago I had an issue with a binary trading company that made quite an impact on my financial position and credit score, I tried to no avail to get this sorted with them but was met with barriers of all kinds ranging from withdrawal fees to tax deposit they charge for withdrawals on generated profits but no one told me about it until it was time to take my money . That was until I heard J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e on your show. With so many crazy advertisements heard on TV and Radio all the time about recovery companies, your show along with J e t h a c k s commentary on Recovery Programs was enough for me. I immediately took his email Address J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com and signed up to get the help I needed. I was met with courtesy, intelligence and most of all a deep concern to help me. In fact, J e t h a c k s Recovery Centre
    communicated with me frequently to assure me and guide me through the process of recouping back my lost funds. I am happy to report that just in a few days, his team turned my difficult situation to now having a complete debt free life and thanks to that, we’re finally getting to start working on a project that means a lot to my family. As I used to mention all the time, financial freedom comes to those who takes risks. I will continue to be an avid listener of your show and would hope that many more persons are saved through my message today. Thank you for your time, Halan O.

  1039. Your blog is very nice and useful !! Keep posting such useful information!!
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    Although losing your Bitcoin/USDT can be quite distressing, there is a way to recover from it. The best place to get lost Bitcoin or USDT is Wizard James Recovery Agency. Highly recommended. In a day, how can I get my lost cryptocurrency back? How can I get my bitcoin back from an investment scam that I fell for? How can I get my bitcoin back before the con artist disappears with it? Because of their highly skilled and informed staff of cryptocurrency recovery experts, Wizard James Recovery Agency is the greatest choice for recovering lost BTC or USDT. Their staff has access to cutting-edge resources and methods for recovering misplaced cryptocurrency. For additional information, send them an email at: wizardjamesrecovery(AT)usa(DOT)com

  1041. I want to use this opportunity to say a very big thank you to Dr Kuda for curing my HIV Disease. I was suffering from this disease for a very long time. I take different types of medicine from the hospital. There were no changes in my health last month. I am so lucky to meet a school mate of mine in a supermarket where I was getting some Items we spent one hour together I was telling him, what I have passed through all this time, he referring me to this gifted man Dr Kuda, how he cured his cousin with his powerful herbal medicine. i didn’t believe at the moment, I went online to check about him, on till I saw a post about Dr Kuda Cured Hiv, I decided to give it a try i contact, Dr Kuda to help me with his powerful herbal medicine that a friend of mine told me about him, then I contact you for your help Dr Kuda give me his trust that he going to prepare his herbal medicine and send it to me by DHL Express after receiving the herbal medicine. I take it for two week, I go to meet my doctor in hospital for checkup after the checkup results come out that I am HIV negative, i’m so excited and happy today with the help of Dr Kuda you can also contact: OR Text and Whatsapp Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  1042. Hello everyone, If you’ve been scammed I suggest you should first gather all the evidence and contact a recovery specialist. In my case, the process took 24 hours. I was able to get back a substantial amount of the money lost, may I suggest Darek Recover. They helped me recover my funds with good counseling and a financial support system that can help you at this difficult time. If you have been a victim of internet-related frauds, do not hesitate to reach out to — they are reliable and real.

  1043. The wonderful, professional Team at J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e worked with me to recoup $255,000 in lost assets from Coinberryexin . com. After several attempts to have my balance withdrawn from my account on their website proved abortive, I considered this to be very shady and paid no attention to the customer care that kept urging me to follow through on the requested fees notwithstanding the previous 2 fees I have paid. During a highly stressful time for me I sought great comfort in the fact that I had this skilled, knowledgeable team working on my behalf. In addition to their expertise in systematically recovering my lost assets, they provided a sophisticated level of emotional intelligence and awareness of what was at stake for me personally and responded in kind. They were patient and calm when responding to my almost hourly emails on J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m. They made me feel that my case was as important to them as it was for me. What might have been a potentially embarrassing, shameful situation turned into a shared partnership with a mutual goal. Within a matter of days after enlisting the aid of J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e, my total balance of $255,000 was recovered from the company directly into my external wallet, with almost no effort on my part. This was my first interaction with a Recovery firm and I can’t say enough about J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e. You can also find the team on Telegram ID @ J e t h a c k s s and lastly , I want to say that I am deeply grateful for all of the dedication they demonstrated and I highly recommend them, Lara forth.

  1044. My name is Benjamin Carter.I love playing this lottery game and I have been buying lottery tickets for the past 3 years. but i have not been lucky enough to win a very big amount. So i have to make a research online when i saw a testimony of people talking about DR Kuda for giving them the right lottery winning numbers, so i contacted DR Kuda for him to help me with lottery winning numbers after i provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and after which Dr Kuda give me a six-digit winning numbers to play the game and i went to the store and play the six Mega Million, after i finish playing the game, i waited for the result to come out and i was named the winner i won $200 Millions Dollars. I am so happy that my name is now on the Mega Million winner List. Dr Kuda did it for for me and made me who I am today. You can also contact Dr Kuda if you want to win the lottery Mega Million contact: drkudaspelltemple@gmail. com. i promise you that you are in the right place when you contact Dr Kuda for him to give you the right lottery winning numbers to play and win any amount of money. Call/Text Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  1045. My experience investing in bitcoin and losing money to scammers is something I’m willing to talk about. Yes, you can get your stolen bitcoins back, though. I was taught that there was no chance of bitcoin recovery, so I never gave it much thought. However, I fell for a currency fraud that offered unreasonably large returns sometime in January 2023, and I lost around $217,000. I looked for assistance for months before I eventually came into a Reddit post about Wizard James Recovery, which discussed recovering cryptocurrency that had been stolen. I contacted them as a result. I was apprehensive and fearful due to negative situations I had read about, but I chose to give him a chance. To my utter amazement, I was able to obtain all of my bitcoins that had been taken back from the scammers within a short period of time. Email is one way to stay in contact with them: wizardjamesrecovery(@)usa((.))com.

    Incase if you have fallen victim to a scam and want to recover your lost funds, it is advisable to seek guidance from KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK RECOVERY CORP. I received a message on Twitter from an individual who initially showed interest in me and attempted to establish a relationship. Eventually, they started discussing their success with 30-second trades on a particular website. They convinced me to invest $32,000 USDT into the platform, which grew to a few hundred more. They then persuaded me to invest an additional $10,000 in ETH, bringing the total to $42,000 on the platform. Through completing a weekly task, this amount grew to $370,000. However, when I tried to withdraw some of my profits as the year was ending, I encountered a withdrawal failure. I expressed my concerns to the person who had contacted me, and they advised me to contact the support team for assistance. The customer care team informed me that I needed to pay trading fees in order to withdraw my profits. Despite following their instructions and making the payments, the issue remained unresolved. In fact, they continued to demand more money, even after I had already paid over $72,000 in fees alone. Frustrated and unable to access my funds, I sought help to verify the legitimacy of the company. That’s when I discovered KNIGHTHOODBOT RECOVERY CORP, which turned out to be a lifesaver in my situation. I reached out to them on a Monday morning, and by Thursday afternoon, they had traced and recovered my funds to my wallet. I was truly impressed by their prompt action after filing a complaint. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to them. You can contact them via email at KNIGHTHOODBOT AT G MAIL DOT COM or on Telegram at KNIGHTHOODBOT9.

  1047. Are you a victim of Pig Butchering Cryptocurrency Scam? Have you lost money to fake Cryptocurrency Investment platforms?

    I was once a victim, I lost $200k to Pig Butchering Crypto scam. I once believed that there’s no way to recover my money, due to the popular believe that lost Cryptocurrency is impossible to recover, untill referred me to Anonymous Cyber Services, team of Hackers and Cryptocurrency TRACE and RECOVERY Specialists, they can help you trace and recover your lost Cryptocurrency, just like they’ve easily helped me recover my money, I’m forever grateful to them, for their help.
    Contact them now and get help.

    Contact them via email now;

    All hope is not lost just yet, I’m a testimony to their good work.
    I really hope this helps. 🙂

  1048. I encountered an unexpected issue with my Cryptonator account, leaving me unable to access my Bitcoin wallet. Despite numerous attempts, I was continuously blocked and denied access. With $80,000 at stake, I felt overwhelmed by the thought of losing everything. Thankfully, a ray of hope emerged when I stumbled upon a review about TREK Tech Corp, a trusted funds recovery service that had successfully assisted countless individuals in similar situations. Without hesitation, I reached out to them, and to my amazement, TREK Tech Corp was able to retrieve my Bitcoin wallet and restore my funds. I am immensely grateful to TREK Tech Corp for their incredible work. For those in need, you can contact TREK Tech Corp through the following channels:

  1049. I want to say a very big thank you to this great Dr called kobiko who restored peace in my marriage as well as reuniting my husband and i together. Everything is now back to normal like it was from the beginning, thank you so much Dr kobiko You’re indeed a very powerful rare kind. if you are facing similar problems or having issues in your marriage contact Dr kobiko (+2349033126266) or contact his

  1050. How Recovered my lost funds from the internet scammers back into my wallet though this wasn’t really an easy process All thanks to R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for finally coming to my aids after months of being sober and traumatized, i almost gave up searching for a real firm out here but ThankGod i finally met this team through a google review about hackers who are reliable to work with, i was doped by a Binary trading investment platform lost a total of $468k usd to the platform, i thought i will never recover my funds back again after my experience with this scammers, they kept asking me to make more payment for different fees before I could be able to withdraw my funds, then i realized i was being scammed by this company and i decided to option out and seek way to recover my money back which was a little bit difficult because i found it very hard to trust human again after i got betrayed by the very lady who introduced me to this company where she claims that offers a very high return profits to investors, it was a long dramatic story anyways i almost lost all my investment to this fraudulent fake company if it wasn’t for the intervention of The R OOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM which through their dedication and expert level on the cyber theft field ensured that i have all my money recovered back successfully all thanks to this Firm. you can contact them for fast and effective recovery assistance by sending email to : R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . Com , or you can also contact the team via Telegram on ROOTKITS7


    Engr Weber produces the best and reliable BLANK ATM CARDs with the highest accuracy.
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  1052. Dominik Koertig

    January 3, 2024 at 6:38 pm

    “VIRTUAL HACK NET RECOVERY FIRM “ PROFESSIONAL HACKING . Happy New year to y’all , I’m here to share my story with you guys . It is important to regularly check in on your loved ones, as people often go through difficult times silently. Today marks it exactly one year that we successfully Recovered my cousin’s proceeds , this was the case with my cousin brother who lived in Southampton. He fell victim to a scam trading company that he initially believed to be legitimate. After investing his life savings, he was unable to withdraw his profits as promised. Despite my warning about online investments, he continued with the scheme. According to him ,he made a few successful withdrawals initially, which convinced him to invest everything he had worked for. However, when it came time to withdraw his profits, the company made excuses and demanded additional ACCESS fees. This led to my cousin falling into depression upon realizing he had been scammed. Worried about his well-being, I traveled to Southampton to check on him. I found him in a state of regret and despair. Determined to help him, I contacted VIRTUAL HACK NET RECOVERY FIRM to recover his lost funds. Thankfully, they were able to successfully retrieve the money after a few days of working on the case. I initially reached out to them via email at V I R T U A L H A C K N E T @ G MAIL dot COM, but they can also be contacted on Telegram at VIRTUALHACKNET. I am grateful for their assistance during our time of need, and I hope my cousin has learned a valuable lesson from this experience.

  1053. I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I’m so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I’m Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don’t fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I’ve ever seen, Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr Lucas, he’s the best THANK YOU.

  1054. I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I’m so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I’m Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don’t fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I’ve ever seen, Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr Lucas, he’s the best THANK YOU

  1055. Mark Christopher

    January 4, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    Some recovery companies will take your money again, loosing money online is very common in our days, I was a victim of investment scam. I contacted several recovery companies was all tragic story. I didn’t tell my wife I invested online but at that point I couldn’t hold it. I told my wife and believe me she was the solution to my problem..Her friend had same problem and have someone who helped her figure it out..At first I thought it was all going to be crap as always, but to my greatest surprise it was a job well done. I wouldn’t have believed if someone told me because of my experience with different recovery companies with series of unfulfilled promises. Now I’m convinced from experience. I recommend: to anyone in need of similar help. They are real and legit.

  1056. I had read few articles about binary option trading and cryptocurrency because i do have a good interest in investing into cryptocurrency because of what i’ve read about it… Though the digital currency seems to be the future but we also have to be extremely careful to avoid going through some rough face, I saw the bitcoins prices and it was kind of ok for me financially so i went ahead and made more researches on what Binary trading is all about, read some few books about investing so i could have a clear image of what’s all about. Finally i invested with an online company in order to start up, my first deposit was around $300 usd, i got paid my investment together with the profits, seeing how it goes i then invested more funds so i could be paid more. so after the usual timeframe that i was supposed to be paid, the funds was made available there in my wallet but i can’t make the withdrawal to my account, tried all my possible best but still wasn’t successful. i then message the support and they kept to request for some fees after another before i could be able to withdraw, i paid to an extent before i could realize that i was not dealing with the right people.. i felt deeply disappointed as i have already committed a total of $180k usd to this. Actually i taught that i had lost it all but fortunately when i shared this with a close friend who said she had been through a similar situation but got a hacker who helped her retrieve her funds back, he gave me the contact info of the team; R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F I R M. email; ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM and their Telegram account as well; ROOTKITS7 and this was how i got my funds back through their great help and professional skills, I’m so grateful and i appreciate the work of this team as they are of a top notch level.

  1057. The complexity and nature of the recovery process play a significant role in determining the cost associated with Bitcoin recovery. Factors such as the extent of the loss, the sophistication of the theft, and the availability of relevant information impact the resources and time required for successful recovery. Recovering lost Bitcoin often demands extensive time and resources from recovery service providers. The effort invested in thorough investigation, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and employing sophisticated recovery techniques influences the overall cost of the recovery process. The rising demand for Bitcoin recovery services and the competition within the market also affect the cost of recovery. With more individuals seeking assistance, recovery service providers may adjust their pricing accordingly to reflect the market dynamics and maintain a competitive edge.

    Wizard Web Recovery offers those in need of Bitcoin recovery a number of noteworthy benefits. Their knowledge, cutting-edge equipment, and dedication to client delight guarantee a thorough and effective healing procedure. Clients can lessen the worry and anxiety related to Bitcoin loss by trusting (wizardwebrecovery. net) with their misplaced money. Wizard Web Recovery makes an effort to provide dependable recovery services, but it’s important to be aware of any possible hazards and constraints. Unexpected obstacles may be introduced by elements like the case’s complexity, the regulatory environment’s dynamics, and the constantly changing nature of digital currency, which may have an impact on the recovery’s success and cost.

    To sum up, Wizard Web Recovery is an excellent option for anyone who wants to get their lost Bitcoin back. However, a number of variables, such as the case’s complexity, the amount of time and resources needed, the level of market demand, and the level of competition, affect how much these services cost. People can make an informed choice and improve their chances of recovering their stolen cryptocurrency by being aware of these variables. Reach Wizard web recovery for an absolute bitcoin recovery via; (wizardwebrecovery@ programmer. net)

  1058. It’s new year and my year is already messed up, my husband cheated on me with my best friend and I found out with the help of after going through a lot of results this hacker provided to me. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com.

  1059. Nathan Coronova

    January 6, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    Thanks to KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, my challenging times have come to an end. In mid-November, I ventured into cryptocurrency trading after being introduced by “Miss Gabriela,” whom I believed to be a legitimate finance manager. She showcased a LinkedIn profile with over 5000+ connections and an Instagram account with 500k+ followers, instilling trust in the company. Two weeks into our discussions, she persuaded me to set up a Metamask wallet and fund it with $29k USDT, emphasising the use of USDT to prevent fund depreciation in my investment portfolio.Believing every word she said, I invested, and she explained that the $29k was just the beginning, advocating for larger trades. Despite my suggestion to wait for the first trade’s completion, she insisted on taking on more significant trades in pairs, promising higher profits. Before the larger trade, I emphasised that these were my retirement funds, expecting returns upon completion. However, things didn’t go as planned.
    The agreed-upon 4-week trading period passed, and no funds appeared in my wallet linked to the trading website. Upon bringing this to Gabriela’s attention, she advised filing a complaint with Care support, revealing that my account had gone negative with imposed fees of over $90k in taxes and charges. Refusing to pay, I sought help from KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP after learning about their ability to TRACK & RECOVER lost investments.
    Contacting them via Email (KNIGHTHOODBOT @ G MAIL DOT COM) and providing transaction details, they initiated a 5-day recovery process, fulfilling their promise as my funds returned to my wallet. If you’re struggling to find a trustworthy hacker, look no further; your solution is here. Reach out to the team on Telegram with the username KNIGHTHOODBOT9.

  1060. I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I’m so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I’m Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don’t fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I’ve ever seen, Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr. Lucas, he’s the best THANK YOU.

  1061. I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I’m so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I’m Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don’t fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I’ve ever seen, Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr Lucas, he’s the best THANK YOU

  1062. I made my investment with the wrong platform and ended up losing both my capital investment and the profits i had made through my tradings with them over the few months we had partnered together, it was such a very pathetic experience for me as i have never found myself in a situation so critical as this. i went depressed for months almost lost my mind facing all this scenarios alone. at some point i was having some suicidal thought.. but thanks so much to my therapist who really helped me to set and maintain my healthy boundaries, it was she also that had advised me to lookout for a specialist who can help to recover back my funds from the scammers. that one advise from her really did good to me as i had went online in search of help from experts and i got referred to the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and their services. i reached out to their contact detail that was provided by individuals testifying about their good work email ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) and filed a complaint, i was well responded to and we had some deep conversation on how i lost my money to the fake investment platform, everything seems so unbelievable while they assured me of getting everything i have lost, i was asked questions on my mode of payment and evidences that shows a transaction occurred between both parties and if any agreement was breached or stated, after all these, just within the next 48hours or thereabouts i got all my lost investment together with my profits back in my wallet, these guys are really amazing. you can get them also on Telegram at ROOTKITS7 if need their help.

  1063. I feel incredibly fortunate to be here today! One of the most significant moments of my life was when I successfully recovered my lost Funds from the company I had invested with. This achievement was possible because I had the expert assistance of KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP by my side throughout the process. I must admit, finding the right hacker to work with after the incident was not easy, but in the end, I consider myself lucky because, as the saying goes, “there is light at the end of the tunnel if you believe.” And I believed, which ultimately led to the recovery of what was rightfully mine. Gradually, I gained confidence in their services after reading about how helpful they are in recovering funds online. Prior to contacting KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, I had lost over $56k to fake recovery agents who claimed to have expertise in the field. However, during our collaboration with KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK, we discovered that these fake recovery agents were merely website programmers who exploited their limited knowledge of the digital space to take advantage of people who had previously been scammed. We also uncovered that they had created numerous scam investment websites to defraud unsuspecting individuals. Involving KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP in my case was the best decision I made, as I couldn’t bear the thought of living with the trauma of being scammed by two different syndicates. My perspective on things I see online has drastically changed after falling victim multiple scam. Fortunately, we now have a solution to these recurring issues. Sending a detailed email to *KNIGHTHOODBOT at GMAIL DOT COM will undoubtedly change your story for the better. While there may be other self-proclaimed recovery agents out there, there is none quite like KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP. Their exceptional service and outstanding results set them apart from the rest. If you are unable to reach them via email, there is an even better option: you can find them on Telegram at @KNIGHTHOODBOT9. They are active on both platforms, so don’t hesitate to seek their assistance.

  1064. Hey there, friends! I’m thrilled to share my remarkable experience with Francisco Hacker and their exceptional team. After a devastating crypto scam that left me feeling defeated, Francisco Hacker came to my rescue. With their unparalleled skills and dedicated approach, they helped me reclaim $80,000USD in lost cryptocurrency. I can’t thank Francisco Hacker enough for turning a hopeless situation into a triumphant recovery. Their guidance and expertise are unparalleled, and I highly recommend their services to anyone in need: Contact info
    Email: Franciscohack(@)
    Telegram: @Fransicohackerservice

  1065. Everyone should beware that there are many fake Crypto mining/clouding platform out there, I have been a victim of this circumstance but now a very good blockchain consultant and I know much better in this field. Their whole plan was so smooth i could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not that possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived by the ones who claim that they’d mine Cryptocurrency as that will be a setup trap for you. I invested $75k on a particular mining website called miningonebitcoin . com I kept monitoring the profit yielding but was told to open a new blockchain account to receive my payout. A public wallet was imported into the account and I was made to believe that the profits was made off my mining pool. Well the accumulated bitcoin was labelled non spendable and it took me almost 6months to be able to access it without the knowledge of the company. The non spendable bitcoin is the scam out there now and a lot of people are falling victim of it. I’m happy i found R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M (a real recovery firm) on Quora who helped me access a significant part of my investment together with the profit. this team was able to crack down the company’s website and access their account without the knowledge of this fraudulent company. i finally was able to get back all my lost funds to this evil individual looking for who to defraud and take advantage of, if anyone out-there who have been in a similar situation i will advise you reach out to this Team for help to recover back yours just like they did for me, email at { R O O T K I T S 4 @ G MAIL .C O M } Or Telegram : ROOTKITS7

  1066. Dear J e t h a c k s and Team, My husband Jon and I wanted to write to your team with many thanks for the service you provided us during our most difficult situation. When Jon and I started the process to invest in an over the counter (OTC) crypto contract trading using a certain website, we never expected to run into any sort of complications with the company till it reached the point where we could go ahead and withdraw from the website as stipulated in the contracts and what was reported. When we were faced with a significant withdrawal error that was going to make taking out our balance of 533,800 usd impossible, All efforts to get it resolved with the company only led to losing more funds, we were completely discouraged and felt helpless. From the first moments we contacted your firm, you were responsive, knowledgeable, and although helped to set aside our fears, did it in a way that also gave us realistic expectations which we needed. Your entire team went above and beyond to communicate the entire process we were about to embark on and answered every question speedily and with such patience. At a time when we were in a full panic, you helped assuage those fears with the confidence we needed to hear. As clients who were working under such tight time regulations, we felt like you consistently put our case at the top of your priority list and worked diligently until the matter was resolved. With the help of you and your team, you repaired a financial situation that we thought was unfix-able. It is with great thanks and appreciation that we are now able to have a debt free life and also move our children into their first official home this holiday season. We couldn’t be more grateful. We hope to never need your service in our future but can’t wait for the opportunity to pass along your name and contact information to anyone we know who may also need your experience and expertise in getting back their funds from scammers . The contact informations are as follows,
    Email: J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m
    Telegram : J e t h a c k s s

  1067. They say there are only 2 things in life you can count on. Death and Taxes! But they’re wrong. There are 3 things in life you can count on. Death, Taxes, and Craig at J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e .! Craig, who consistently comes to the rescue in solving recovery cases from fraudulent financial institutions for her clients came through for me when I needed help the most. Having lost everything to an investment platform, I had no one else to run to but Craig. Today I want to use this opportunity to thank you Sir and the whole team for everything you have done for my family . In less than 4 days of working with you, my lost USDT funds of $238,400.03329 USDT got recovered back to me and I am now able to pay my two daughters college tuition fees that I wasn’t able to afford before coming to you for help. Besides that, you were so professional and friendly and easy to work with and it is with great pleasure that I say the transparency level of the recovery process was what stood out most for me. I have already recommended you to a friend at work and I would definitely recommend you to anyone needing help with their recovery case to get in contact with you and the team on either email address : J e t h a c k s 7 @ G m a i l . C o m or on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s .

  1068. Austin Luiten Hutchinson

    January 14, 2024 at 6:39 am

    My wife went on a business trip and left her rings behind I had to hurry in making use of spyexpert0@ gmail. com services, after a phone hack was carried out on my wife phone I saw that my wife has been cheating on me with her MD.

  1069. Benjamin Carter

    January 14, 2024 at 4:02 pm

    My name is Benjamin Carter.I love playing this lottery game and I have been buying lottery tickets for the past 3 years. but i have not been lucky enough to win a very big amount. So i have to make a research online when i saw a testimony of people talking about DR Kuda for giving them the right lottery winning numbers, so i contacted DR Kuda for him to help me with lottery winning numbers after i provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and after which Dr Kuda give me a six-digit winning numbers to play the game and i went to the store and play the six Mega Million, after i finish playing the game, i waited for the result to come out and i was named the winner i won $200 Millions Dollars. I am so happy that my name is now on the Mega Million winner List. Dr Kuda did it for for me and made me who I am today. You can also contact Dr Kuda if you want to win the lottery Mega Million contact: i promise you that you are in the right place when you contact Dr Kuda for him to give you the right lottery winning numbers to play and win any amount of money. Call/Text Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  1070. When it comes to online learning, time is more than just a passing second; it is a powerful tool that may determine how far you go in your studies. A deeper understanding of time management is fundamental for success in online courses since of the flexibility of the arrange. If you need to succeed in this course, pay consideration in lesson, and turn in your work on time, you wish to learn how to manage your time well. Once you have the opportunity to select when and where you work on your assignments, making the foremost of your time gets to be vital. In addition, a more balanced existence free of the stress of approaching deadlines is possible when one acknowledges the significance of time in the context of online classes. To balance your academic and personal obligations, try “hire someone to do my online class” if your online class demands strain your time management.

  1071. Reflective Essay Writing allows you to explore your experiences and personal development and draw lessons from them. Moreover, it is not content to merely tell stories, the aim is to investigate the introspective process that leads to personal growth and self-awareness. These articles, which have a format akin to a journal entry, are excellent resources for critical thinking and introspective examination.

  1072. Sylvester Maxwell

    January 15, 2024 at 8:54 am

    Its important to take extreme caution when investing with your hard earned money to avoid getting ripped from this online scammers and trolls who are selfishly looking for people to manipulate and extort money from all in the name of Cryptocurrency investment, i had invested with a fake crypto investment company never had any idea how all this is been done, i didn’t realize i was dealing with scammers till after i all my investment was seized by this company, i was made to settle some fees just so i can have my invested funds but still wasn’t able to withdraw a penny after settling this fees, Well just would love to extend my gratitude and utmost appreciation to R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for helping me recover my money back a total sum of $623K worth of lost cryptocurrency, at first I felt so hopeless but eventually after i read some good reviews about this Team online and how they have equally helped many individuals who had been scammed i then decided to give it a try and today I’m very excited to speak about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, this Asset recovery firm was able to assist me in recovering my lost digital invested cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my case and have them provided with all the necessary information needed, I highly recommend this Team for anyone out there seeking to recover from scam, they are the best and i am very grateful to them for helping me recover my money, you can reach to them with the following contact info Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G MAI L . C O M Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  1073. My life was in shambles after falling victim to online scam artists posing as stock brokers. However, I’m relieved that it’s all behind me now, thanks to the intervention of KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP. I consider them to be the leading recovery agency currently, and they lived up to their reputation. I discovered this group about a month after the scam incident, recognising their renown for expertise and transparency in the recovery field, which gave me the confidence to collaborate with them.
    The recovery process was quicker than anticipated, and I attribute it to having an expert handling my case. After my funds were successfully returned to my wallet, I found peace within myself. Initially blaming myself for falling into debt by trusting an online stranger, the scam started on WhatsApp with contact from an unknown person reaching out with an offer that sounded too good to be true but they managed to convince me after I was added to a group chat which I believe was full of victims just like me, though some of the scammers might be there as well , I realised that the scammers would be the ones posting withdrawal receipts on the group chat , claiming to have made withdrawals from the company meanwhile, they’re the ones controlling the website. Despite my initial reluctance to engage in online investments, I was surprised to find myself deeply involved, with over $522,000 invested in the stock company. They presented convincing documents that made everything seem legitimate.
    If not for contacting KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP through Telegram at “Knighthoodbot9,” I wouldn’t have uncovered the truth about the company. To anyone out there in need of support, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team today. You can contact them through their official email, “K N I G H T H OO D B O T @ G MAIL DOT COM,” for prompt response

  1074. It has been a goal of mine to create financial freedom for myself in anticipation of life after retirement but Due to poor financial choices I made in my twenties, which continued to plague me until recently, I felt that I would never recover from my debt, nor have the financial stability I wanted. I was very discouraged and almost gave up but I continued my quest for financial stability and tried to look for opportunities to grow my income, I was willing to try anything. Many deals came and went, Everything changed the day a Facebook connected lady lured me into her investment company with a mutual understanding or so I thought. When I first got my profits, I was overjoyed when I found the ROI was at a 6.5% rate indeed. I was genuinely impressed so I injected more money into the company. The terms of the contract was that I would finance my account for a period of 4 months and then at the end of the 4 months trading period, both my capital and its generated profits would be paid out to me. I was nervous at first but I went ahead and trusted her. On the expected date for my pay out, she blocked me on all social platforms and it was only a matter of time before support bot stopped responding to me as well , I had been scammed without realizing it till the very last minute. Then, this past November, I saw a post about J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e. A Recovery Team, and without hesitation I established communication to asked how they could help. I talked to the Team on the email address : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m , The team was so helpful and friendly, as they expertly guided me through the recovery process. Within 3 days , the team successfully completed my recovery operation and I had the full amount available in my external wallet. I was in complete shock that I would have positive results in such short time, The professional team at this company did for me what no one has been able to ever do for me. I am thrilled to report that I closed on my case, I never thought it was possible, from where I was to where I am now. Many thanks to J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e and Team, you made my dream come true. You can also find the team on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s

  1075. Nicolette Elliot

    January 17, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    Hi everyone. My name is Nicolette Elliot I am here to thank great Dr Isikolo for fixing my marital problems. My marriage crashed due to unending problems and difficulties I had with my husband. He left without looking back and I was alone for so many months. His family intervened and still nothing changed. I was wrecked emotionally and lost hope in finding love again because he was everything in a man I ever wanted. Just like so many people, I got to know about DR ISIKOLO when I started searching for help. We discussed my problems at length and he assured me of getting the solution I needed. I had no choice than to comply with his procedures and he didn’t delay anything. He did a love reunion bond for me and my husband and the love and happiness we shared was restored and he reached me exactly after 48 hours as DR ISIKOLO promised. He is indeed a wonderful helper and he is trustworthy. if you have any problems, just text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196 or email him via:

  1076. My friend set me up on my weeding night by getting me drunk and making another man take advantage of me, my husband to be, called off the wedding of which I could not even remember what happened that night that led to another man taking advantage of me, so I started my investigations with the help of a hacker called this hacker had my friend’s phone hacked and brought me all detailed text messages, WhatsApp messages and many more behold I became disappointed the moment I saw my friend and my husband to be conversations and also pictures together. they planned to set me up so the wedding wouldn’t hold anymore. I feel soo broken and betrayed, A very big thank you to darkhatthacker @ gmail. com a hacker that knows his job so well THANK YOU.

  1077. As men, we should learn to heed our wives’ advice, no matter how irritating it may seem, lol. I lost a substantial sum of money to an investment company that turned out to be a Ponzi scheme after my wife warned me not to get involved, but I disregarded her advice and proceeded with the investment, only to suffer the consequences. When I realized I had been scammed, I tried to conceal it from her, but she sensed something was amiss and inquired about the investment’s status. I continued to assure her that everything was going well, despite feeling ashamed for not being forthcoming with her. Over time, I had to confess that the money was gone, along with the company I had believed to be legitimate at first. She handled the news with grace and comforted me, though she was disappointed that I ignored her initial warning. As a family, we tirelessly searched for ways to recover the funds, even resorting to legal action, which was same as doing nothing.
    Eventually, we discovered an exceptional recovery firm called K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP, which proved to be immensely helpful and demonstrated the qualities we had hoped for. They promptly TRACED&RECOVERED my Funds after their extensive investigation. . If I were to share my perspective on online investments after my experience, I would assert that many are fraudulent. It is disheartening that our legal system often fails to address these issues, leading citizens to seek assistance outside the legal framework, which, in the end, proves to be the best course of action.
    My main point is that the optimal choice for fund recovery is undoubtedly K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP. You can easily contact them via email at K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G MAIL COM and on Telegram at @ K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9. Once again, I am grateful for my supportive wife, who stood by me through it all. To anyone with a loving spouse, I strongly advise considering and valuing their advice in certain situations.

  1078. Santoshi Hacker team of investigators left no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice for me. They were able to recover my lost crypto investment and private key, even when other recovery firms had failed me. Their expertise and dedication made all the difference in my case, and I would highly recommend their services to anyone who has lost their crypto investment or private key.” – Alireza P..
    Email Website : } .

  1079. The Wizard James Recovery Company has my sincere gratitude for successfully retrieving my Bitcoin. I’m sending this testimonies to all those who have lost money as a result of scammers claiming to be bitcoin and Forex traders. I know a lot of people who have lost money on bitcoin because they think it’s untraceable. My belief that my $320,000 had been lost to bitcoin fraudsters was dashed when I came across an article about the Wizard James Recovery Company. This group of hackers is adept at finding and retrieving lost cryptocurrency. My bitcoins were successfully restored to my wallet and I was able to access my BTC after providing Wizard James Recovery Company with all the information they required. I am quite grateful that Wizard James Recovery Company is able to help people get their money back. You may contact them by email at wizardjamesrecovery(@)usa(.)com or by WhatsApp at ((+44)) ((7418)) ((367204)).

  1080. Online Physics Class

    January 19, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    This stress can be way higher when students are pursuing online courses and when the course is in Physics, the road is way rockier! Physics is one of the most challenging courses when it comes to higher education. Students are supposed to take much pressure when pursuing this course. This blog, written by the experts at AllAssignmentHelp, will discuss the various reasons behind academic stress related to Online Physics Class along with other academic works and will also talk about managing those effectively.

  1081. Few months ago I decided i needed to do something to remedy my situation, I was in huge debt following the outcome of my venture in the crypto market and I knew I had to do something about it whilst hoping for the light at the end of the tunnel. I clinched every time I contacted a recovery hacker/company because i knew one look at my case and i would have to share my painful story to a complete stranger with the possibility of never getting my funds recovered in the end. I heard about the team at J e t H a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e from a local homebuilder, I had previously worked with a local Recovery company and saw no results but instead I ended up loosing more money in the process so i was very hesitant, on a second thought I decided to go ahead and give this team a trial so I sent the team a message on Telegram ( the username is @ J e t h a c k s s ) and he seemed very assuring on how to go about the recovery process and that really put my mind at ease. Initially I sent over all available information regarding my case, then I got registered with the program which lasted for a period of 3 days. This is truly the BEST decision I have made. During the 3 days period, I was kept well informed on the progress online and i had access to customer services via Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m . Since finishing with the team , I have purchased a new vehicle. It was probably the easiest vehicle purchase I have ever had, What an amazing feeling to be able to afford anything that you want without having to worry about interests or debts. Without the impeccable service from J etHacks and Team, my reality would still be a dream. Big Thanks to you sir! This is one debt, I can’t repay.

  1082. If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was obliged to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform in an attempt to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost over $253,600 USD to this scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realised I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval agent at (wizardjamesrecovery @usa. com) after much research for assistance. I decided to give it a shot and after I explained my situation to him, he promised to help me get my money back. In all honesty, he performed a fantastic job, and my money was restored to my wallet account within a few days. I’m quite appreciative to have encountered someone with such exceptional abilities, it’s truly remarkable.

  1083. Hello everyone, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about Dr Ebakoleane, for helping me to win the POWERBALL MAX, i have been playing all types of lottery for the past 7 years now. the only big money i have ever win was $4500 ever since things became worse to enduring because i couldn’t been able to win again, i was not happy i need help to win the lottery, until the day i was reading a newspaper online which so many people has talked good things about best lottery cast Dr Ebakoleane, who can change your life into riches. So I contacted him and he cast the spell and gave me the hot figures. I played the POWERBALL MAX DRAW Behold when I went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners. I won $85 Millions Dr Ebakoleane,, your spell made it wonderful to win the lottery. I can’t believe it. Thank you so much sir for dedicating your time to cast the Lottery spell for me. I am eternally grateful for the lottery spell winning Dr Ebakoleane, did for me. I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good life of the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. I am more excited now than I ever have been in my life. In case you also need him to help you win, you can contact: OR Call/WhatsApp number: +1 (661)475-8138. i which you good lucky.

  1084. Awareness plays a crucial role, particularly when embarking on new endeavors. Drawing from personal experience, I found myself involved in an investment with a company about which I had limited knowledge, and this decision almost led to dire consequences. However, thanks to the timely intervention of K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP, I was able to avert potential disaster. Initially, my primary motivation for engaging with the company was to secure a passive income stream in addition to my regular salary. Over the course of a few months, I received payouts from my investments, and everything appeared to be proceeding smoothly. Witnessing my investment portfolio grow each day was undeniably captivating, and I was under the impression that seasoned experts were diligently managing profitable trades, thereby generating daily profits for us , the investors. However, it eventually became evident that these were mere fabrications designed to entice me into investing with them.
    Initially, I had only invested a modest sum of $6000 and had successfully withdrawn my profits, reinvesting them as I went along. This had been the pattern of my investment experience. However, the account manager later persuaded me to pursue a larger trade, which ultimately led to me taking out an additional loan to ensure its success. I ended up investing over 500 GRAND, only to realize that I wouldn’t receive a single penny in return. It was at this juncture that I turned to K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G MAIL COM for assistance. Upon discovering that I had fallen victim to a scam, I was shocked, as I had never imagined such a thing could happen to me. Yet, I eventually came to the realization that anyone could easily fall prey to their deceptive tactics. I had been laboring under the misconception that my funds were safely nestled in my portfolio and that I could withdraw them at any time, just as I could deposit more funds into my account at any point.
    I often pondered what my life would have been like had I lost those funds without any chance of recovery. It was only through the intervention of K N I G H T H OO D B O T HACK CORP that my faith in humanity was restored. If you ever find yourself ensnared in such fraudulent schemes, rest assured that K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP can offer a way out of such predicaments. By reaching out to them, you can transform your tale of woe into a testament of triumph. I sincerely hope that this information reaches someone who is truly in need of it.

  1085. The Reviews here reminds me of the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M which i equally got to know about them through the review of friend, it was a total devastating period for me and my family. i was at the edge of losing my funds, it happen that the lady i had met on instagram whom i got texting with earlier last year prolly mislead me into investing in an online digital cryptocurrency company that offers investors great profit in return. my first investment seems to be successful but after that i invested more money then after awhile when it was time for me to take my profits as well reinvest as usual the company system suddenly deactivate me from making withdrawals, i contacted Mrs Esther the lady that had me introduced to this company but she asked me to abide to the companies instructions and invest more funds which isn’t the right thing, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they also kept to ask for more funds for maintenance fee and some other fees to be able to withdraw after i already have a total of $371k usd on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at some point that was when i got into looking out for help to recover my funds back from the company. Luckily enough i came across this team with the following contact details online; Email R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i had to text them on their Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 they replied and i explained the whole scenario to them and they assured me to be of help, i trusted them and we got going after some time they asked for my wallet address for the transfer of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw my funds back in my wallet. I’m really so glad to be helped by this team. if been in a similar situation you can also reach out to them for help

  1086. Greetings to all who are pursuing this piece. I’m Donald, and I sincerely want to thank Mr. James and his group for their prowess in recovering cryptocurrency. I was first sceptical about him because there are a lot of frauds these days, so not everything you find online can be trusted. I was at the lowest point of my life, on the verge of homelessness, but Mr. James gave me hope that I would get my money back within a few hours. By this I mean all the money that had been stolen from me through fraudulent bitcoin investments and money that was taken from my wallets. Suddenly, like magic, I came across an article on Reddit. But like magic, I happened to come into a Reddit post about Mr. James’s previous demonstration of his abilities, which enabled them to get their money back from internet frauds and phoney romantic schemes. I also had to try trusting myself in this situation, and lo and behold, my gut didn’t fail. I still remember the agony and heartbreak I went through—I nearly committed suicide—but Mr. James worked a miracle in making sure I got all the money back after I gave him all the information about how I made transactions and the wallet details I used. He did a great job and put a smile on my face and helped me get back to my life. This is why I truly want to thank Wizard James Recovery (Wizardjamesrecovery @, the genius hacker, for his professionalism, kindness, and aid in ensuring that I get my money back. Please contact him via whatsapp: +44 7418 367204 if you would like to connect with him and have faith in him.

  1087. It’s quite terrible that we live in a world filled with dishonest people and there’s nothing we can do about it. This people now make a living from being very dishonest and cheating as much gullible persons as possible. This practice is very old amongst man yet every new generation seems to birth new ideas and tricks inspired by whatever the latest pandemic or current trends is there is to exploit. Unfortunately i have also fallen a victim to scammers, This time it was as an investment opportunity designed to elevate me from suffering. The economy was hitting hard and I was behind on 90% of my bills, my restaurant business was in a very bad place financially so it was either I get run down with time due to lack of capital or somehow improve my finances in other to have the capital I needed to save my business and my life in general. I always heard crypto trading can be very profitable if done correctly with the right guidance and risk management. well it turned out I got guidance from the wrong people whom eventually took me for every penny I had left, they ripped me off as much as 128K USD under 3 months including the loans I took from friends to settle some fees. i thought I was as careful as ever but the way everything is backed up with documents was very convincing, it’s up to us to realize when we are being taken. When I did realize the scam , I got very depressed thinking I had lost everything then one day, I decided to go online and seek for any possible help to recover my asset but no matter what I did it looked like I was always hitting a dead end with no positive lead on genuine recovery company to help recover my assets, My friend suggested I try hackers and asked me to give it a thought. Few days later, ready to try anything he connected me with J e t H a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e on email address J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m , the team took up my case after doing the necessary verifications and within 72 hours my stuck up funds was transferred into my wallet and I quickly converted to cash. Quite a tremendous job the team carried out to save my life and I fully recommend getting help from the team if you’re in a similar situation, they are also on telegram with the username @ J e t h a c k s s

  1088. I heard so many false stories about my husband cheating on me and all which also made me hire for a phone hack just too confirm if my husband was really cheating. After the phone hack I monitored every single applications my husband uses remotely starting from his WhatsApp messages, call logs, deleted messages, text messages and many more and it came out that my husband was 100% innocent of all the accusations. Thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com for your services I really appreciate you always.

  1089. Leeann Rose Grey

    January 25, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    If you are looking on how to spy on your cheating spouse, email now for solutions and thank me later. Have used there services 5 times and it all came out successful without any form of trace. Thank you once again russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com

  1090. The exceptional and fantastic recovery services of DARKRECOVERYHACKS RECOVERY FIRM saved my from a pending disaster after I lost my job for not being able to pay back the loan I borrowed from the office, I invested everything I had to the point of taking loans from the office to put into crypto investment after my requests for a withdrawal into my wallet was denied on several occasions. I lost $800,000 to crypto investments with no hopes of ever retrieving back my lost investment funds but with Godspeed I came across soul touching testimonies of scammed victims whom had their funds retrieved back with the recovery services of DARKRECOVERYHACKS, the testimonies were really amazing things written about DARKRECOVERYHACKS ” Telegram @ DARKRECOVERYHACKS ” their recovery process and their victorious recovery of lost investment funds for their clients. They helped save my life from becoming more miserable with the retrieval of my lost investment funds which is what I wish for any victim of scam out there to get back their funds, I mandate and recommend DARKRECOVERYHACKS ” DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ Gmail . com ” to any victim of scam out there who ever wishes to get their lost investment funds retrieved to reach out to this particular recovery without doubts or hesitation and let them solve your case as they did with mine. They are the best in the recovery field to trace down your funds and get them retrieved back into your wallet, they maintained transparency in their communication getting me up to speed on the progress made with the recovery process which is understandably excellent being communication wise.

  1091. Hello. My name is Chaha Taylor, and I’m going to tell you all how I fell for a cryptocurrency investment scam. I was first made aware of this scam by a guy I met on Instagram, and after parting with all of my life savings, they defrauded me of $87,000. My credit was ruined and I was bankrupt, which made it the darkest time of my life. I couldn’t believe what had occurred. I denounced the scammers to the authorities, but they were unable to apprehend the perpetrators or retrieve my money. Before seeing an article online about a hacker who could help me get my money back, I had given up hope and was heading into depression. Until I came across an article online about a hacker who could help me recover my funds, at first I thought it was impossible but I realized I had no other choice but to give it a try, to my surprise RECOVERY NERD was able to recover all my funds and upgrade my credit score. I wanted to make this information public so that anyone who may be experiencing a similar scenario and has been duped by these con artists can get in touch with RECOVERY NERD for assistance in getting their money back. Please get in touch with them at: recoverynerd @ mail. com.

  1092. During the past couple of months, I saw almost all of my efforts to restore my lost crypto assets back to my wallets yield no positive results with every efforts I make bearing no fruits , I got connected with 2 recovery agencies I learned about online, trusted them with my last money and they extort me in return , little or no efforts were made towards retrieving my money, I was left shattered and broken , i battled with the depression and misery while trying to remain sane and providing for my kids. As a single father of 2kids, It was a really tough period before I got connected with the J e t H a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e, this team eventually put an end to my woes and brought light into my life again. Today, It gladdens my heart to share my heartfelt gratitude towards every person on the JetHacks Team, you guys gave me a second chance at life and I won’t make the same mistakes again and I will forever be indebted to you for your profound contribution to turning what seemed like a dreadful end for me into one with a happy ending. With that being said, I hope my story can help someone out there get the right help they need therefore if you’re reading this then you’re already a step closer to recovering what you have lost to scammers , contact the team using this below details email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m to get started and you can find the team on telegram as well with the Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s

  1093. Long are the days of hopelessness after losing your precious bitcoin,a ray of hope in the very dark world of uncertainty of bitcoin recovery has come to an end all thanks to Lee Ultimate hacker, a proven reliable hacker for all your complex bitcoin problems, while in the verge of trading I lost my bitcoin falling into the trap of scammers promising humongous returns,I was devastated almost losing all hope of ever getting back my bitcoin,I started by researching on how I could possibly recover my lost bitcoin I went through several websites doing background research from different feeds and I couldn’t help but notice Lee ultimate hacker popping up distinctively on different platform in regards to recovery,Well I made contact and after thorough consultation and inquiries from The Lee ultimate hacker with professionalism and affirmation they took me through the journey of finally recovering my lost bitcoin,I still can’t fathom how they did it but they did it in a tremendous way.If you have a problem with recovering your lost bitcoin Contact Lee Ultimate hacker via for your assured recovery.

  1094. Sinclair Meagan

    January 29, 2024 at 1:06 am

    My primary concern has always been to avoid financial struggles in my old age, which prompted me to invest in cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, this decision led to a significant loss of my savings. After being self-employed for over 20 years, I sought an avenue to generate monthly income since id be retiring anytime soon , which led me to initiate my investment with TradeIQcz* in December. Initially, my trading portfolio flourished, but things took a turn for the worse when I requested for a payout which was declined due to my withdrawal IP address being different from my deposit IP which didn’t make any sense to me . Despite regular phone conversations with my trading account manager, I never suspected any fraudulent activity from the company prior to the investment, only to realize I was mistaken.
    Thankfully, I was “able to contact KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP” via their email “K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G MAIL COM” in an online article about hacking related stuffs, while desperately seeking a solution to my predicament. The psychological manipulation by these perpetrators can be overwhelming, especially for individuals of my age, not to mention the countless others who fall victim to similar schemes daily. I urge you to take proactive steps and reach out to the RECOVERY TEAM on TELEGRAM “K N I G H T H O O D B O T9” to voice your grievances and witness their effective intervention. Following the recovery of my earnings from the investment, I opted to venture into property investment to gradually rebuild my fortune, rather than risk it with these deceitful individuals again .

  1095. The sophistication of the bitcoin scam is increasing, and a lot of individuals fall victim to it. It might be annoying, but don’t feel bad about it. Reporting bitcoin scams is necessary, and if you have fallen victim to one, you need to obtain all the help you need. An online foundation has been set up to assist clients in recovering their money from dishonest people who have stolen it. If you wish to recover your money after falling victim to a bitcoin scam, get in touch with the Recovery Nerd Agency for reliable and efficient assistance. I became a victim of a bitcoin scam. I attempted to invest in bitcoin but ended up losing $514,00. I owe the Recovery Nerd Agency a huge debt of gratitude for helping me recover every last bit of my Bitcoin that was stolen. You may contact them using the following channels to learn more about their offerings: recoverynerd@ “Website: and WhatsApp!! +44 7418 367204

    TBH ,My heart is filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and relief as I reflect upon the successful recovery of my funds through the exceptional services provided by K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP. It is with a heavy heart that I recount the tale of how I found myself in a state of helplessness after falling victim to a crypto scam, resulting in the loss of my hard-earned Funds. It all began when I encountered a captivating individual named “Pauline” on the popular social media platform, Instagram. She cunningly convinced me that investing in the trade market was the optimal choice for me, assuring me that it would enable my money to grow exponentially, rather than allowing it to remain stagnant within the confines of a traditional bank account. She further emphasized that while my money sat idly in the bank, financial institutions would exploit it by engaging in stock market trading, reaping substantial profits without my knowledge or consent. Intrigued by her seemingly persuasive arguments, I seriously contemplated her proposition and ultimately decided to heed her advice. Little did I know that this decision would prove to be a grave mistake, leading me down a treacherous path that would leave me bereft of any financial security. Initially, I experienced a glimmer of hope as I received a single payment from the trades. However, my optimism was short-lived, as subsequent attempts to retrieve any further funds proved futile. Throughout this tumultuous period, I chose to conceal the truth from my beloved ones, I Summoned the courage to confide in K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP,To my surprise, they responded with unwavering support and determination to rectify the injustice inflicted upon me. Involving the Recovery team proved to be evident, I initially made contact with them via email “K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G MAIL DOT COM though they’re also active on Telegram with the username * K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9* in order to bring an end to this malicious scam. Through their expertise and relentless efforts, they successfully recovered the entire sum of USD564,200, restoring my financial stability and rekindling the flickering flame of hope within my heart. I am eternally grateful to both the hacker and the team, who stood by my side throughout this harrowing ordeal, refusing to succumb to despair even when all seemed lost. Their unwavering support and unwavering determination have taught me the true meaning of resilience . In the event that you find yourself ensnared in a similar predicament, I implore you not to hesitate in seeking the assistance of this remarkable hacking agency.

  1097. My misplaced cash of roughly $180k was found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. That I could get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Recovery Nerd Agency, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with the Recovery Nerd Agency using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. They will show you how to retrieve the money that was stolen in a couple of days. Details of how to get in touch:
    Email: (recoverynerd) (@)mail(.)com)
    WhatsApp: -+61- 4-8-8 8-9-3 2-8-0
    Website: (recoverynerd) . (net/)

  1098. Ashley Katherine

    January 31, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    I cant believe my husband went ahead to make love to his ex girlfriend after telling me he wont see her again but with the help of I got to see who my husband really is. A BLOODY CHEATER who is cheating on me with his ex… thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com for the revelation.

  1099. VIRTUAL HACK NET RECOVERY FIRM ,these guys were awesome throughout the RECOVERY process with them
    I learned about bitcoin trading from a colleague at my workplace who had been actively trading for over two months. She introduced me to a specific platform called “OriginFX” and showed me evidence of her successful withdrawals, which eliminated any doubts I had about the platform. Intrigued by her success, I decided to open a trading account with them and initially invested a total of $73,000. The platform indicated that withdrawals could be made after a week , and I didn’t think much of it as I believed the process to be transparent. However, things took an unexpected turn when the website became unresponsive for a prolonged period after my first trade. Eventually, I received an email from the platform stating that the website was undergoing maintenance and that each trading partner was required to pay a maintenance fee. Despite my reservations, I complied and paid the fee, hoping for a positive outcome. Unfortunately, the situation only worsened as the platform continued to come up with various excuses to extort more money from me. Realizing the urgency of the situation, I confided in my colleague about my experience, only to discover that she had recently faced similar withdrawal issues after investing more into the company . However, she was able to resolve the problem by enlisting the help of a skilled group of hackers known as VIRTUAL HACK NET RECOVERY AGENCY . I didn’t hesitate on contacting them through email “V I R T U A L H AC K N ET @ GMAIL COM , These hackers were incredibly proficient and assisted me in tracing my funds back to the original wallets I had made payments to, ultimately revealing that the scammers were operating from the Middle East. I am immensely relieved to have finally recovered my money from these fraudulent individuals. I strongly urge anyone seeking to recover their lost funds to contact “@Virtualhacknet on Telegram. Rest assured that,you will receive your funds in full.

  1100. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 ………. ……..

  1101. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 …….. ……..

  1102. Just Recently, I found myself in a very treble situation where I had lost a huge amount of bitcoin, approximately $531k trading with an online Cryptocurrency investment platform. just like many others, I fell to their promise of high returns, believing that I would receive all my earnings at the end. However, this turned out to be a scam, leaving me devastated and desperate to find a solution. i went into a prolonged search for a reputable recovery firm to help me recover back my funds from the company, Luckily for me i found ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. Read some pretty good reviews about the team on our local news website, I decided to contact them immediately. From the moment I engaged with their recovery specialist, my confidence in their abilities was greatly reinforced. With the professional assistance of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, I was able to retrieve all my lost funds within 48hours of their operations. I cannot express enough gratitude for their prompt and efficient service. Their expertise and diligence were instrumental in recovering back my loss. I felt compelled to share my positive experience with this Team as it exceeded all my expectations. They are undoubtedly the best Team in the field of Cryptocurrency recovery and can provide invaluable legal advice on how to proceed in similar situations. I highly recommend reaching out to them if you find yourself in need of assistance or guidance with the following contact details Email: ROOTKITS4 @ GM AIL . COM / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 . Their team of recovery specialists is readily available and responsive to address your concerns.

    If you find yourself struggling to withdraw your investment and need assistance, I highly recommend turning to a reliable entity like K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP. It can be challenging to admit that you have fallen victim to a scam, but it is a necessary step towards rectifying your situation and learning from your mistakes. I, too, was once in a similar predicament several months ago, but I mustered the courage to reach out to @K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9 on Telegram after reading numerous testimonies from individuals who had successfully worked with them. When I contacted them, I provided them with all the pertinent details regarding my failed investment, and they promptly took action. In today’s digital age, we must not allow these scammers to get away with their deceitful practices. With experts like K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP on your side, you are already two steps ahead of the scammers. They possess the ability to track your transactions, whether they were made through bank transfers or cryptocurrencies. After a week of diligently working on my case, I decided to refer two other individuals to the company. Despite the initial appearance of smooth progress, they too encountered issues. However, the team at K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP communicated effectively through email (K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ gmail dot com) and handled the situation with professionalism, successfully retrieving their investments as well. At one point, I believed that all hope was lost. However, discovering K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP completely changed the trajectory of my story, and I am grateful that everything worked out as expected. If you are contemplating giving up, always remember that tough times are temporary, but resilient individuals endure.

  1104. Hi Everyone.. I’m Brunner Simon by name i also had been a victim of scam which i lost a lot of money but I will also like to use this opportunity to recommend R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M , undoubtedly they were so Professional in handling my case just like what the reviews i read about the team said, i was finally able to recover my lost funds but I’d prolly stay off investments for now as i almost lost a very huge amount of money to this fake Binary Trading Investment Company, this organization has some fake brokers working for them who by their trick try to scam and manipulate people that invest with them unfortunately i fail to their trick.. i was never allowed to make any withdrawals as they coming up with silly excuses why the system was unable to pay me, they had me pay fees after fees just to have my money. However i finally noticed it was all scam… I went some months looking for a way to get back my money after I was denied to withdraw my funds even when i can view it from my dashboard, one day i decided to open up and tell a colleague of mine the whole story, how it all went down he now suggests that I consult a specialist to help me get my money back, i then went searching for a good team to help me and it was how i came to know about the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, i never know such specialist do exist until i message their email at R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M AIL . C O M , they replied me once and gave me some instructions on what to do and we kicked off the process, to my greatest surprise they recovered back all my funds back into my wallet Address, Dude was such an expert in this field I’m happy they came through for me, you can direct your problems to them also via Telegram; ROOTKITS7 and be assured of great outcome, all the best.

  1105. Scams are unavoidable with the growth of online trading platforms and exchange payments, as I discovered the hard way. During the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak, I was looking for legitimate ways to generate passive income to help me make up for the losses the epidemic had caused to my business. This led me to consider investing in binary options and forex, which turned out to be a grave mistake as I came into contact with scammers and con artists, losing 5.70137 BTC in total. I was left feeling hopeless and depressed. I contacted my lawyer, who suggested that I get in touch with a hacking company called RECOVERY NERD. I am so grateful and willing to testify that this hack agency saved my life once I got in touch with them and gave them all the information and requirements needed for my recovery programme. I know that more people must have lost money to online scams, so please do yourself a favour and contact them at RECOVERYNERD@MAIL.COM if you are looking to recover money lost to any kind of online scam.

  1106. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 ………. ……..

  1107. I have come to realize that K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ GMAIL COM is the ideal choice for recovering lost cryptocurrency. Last year, I received a proposition on “X” widely known as ’Twitter” regarding cryptocurrency and stock investments. Despite my lack of experience in digital assets and my primary involvement in real time stuffs, I decided to give it a try out of curiosity. Unfortunately, this decision proved to be a costly mistake. When the time came to withdraw my profits after a month, I discovered that I couldn’t access my account due to reasons provided by the platform. With over £988,000 invested, including an initial investment of £120,000 and an expected return profit of £800k, I reached for the support team. They informed me that I needed to pay legal fees to regain access to my account. Despite my limited knowledge of the process, I paid the requested fee, only to find that I still couldn’t access my account . It became clear that the website was a front for a scam, and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing such a significant amount of money. In my desperation, I reached out to the best recovery firm on Telegram, specifically “@ K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9. This turned out to be one of the best decisions . After contacting them on Telegram, we proceeded with the recovery process, and within a week, my lost funds were fully recovered and transferred to a new wallet address I provided to prevent any further losses. For those facing similar situations, I highly recommend reaching out to this team of experts whom are dedicated to helping Scam victims regain what they have lost .

  1108. Many people fall victim to different forms of fraud and fail to realise that they can receive help for this. The Recovery Nerd firm is undoubtedly the greatest tech expert to assist you in getting your money back, keeping an eye on the devices of your alleged unfaithful partner, and handling many other cyber security concerns. Even if you’ve previously fallen victim to fraud from a phoney or an unlicensed cryptocurrency broker, you shouldn’t try to brush it off and get on with your life. This is something that could have a lasting impact on you and is not something you should ignore. Fortunately, obtaining help after falling for these kinds of scams is now much simpler thanks to modern technology. It is genuinely feasible for victims of cryptocurrency fraud to receive their money back. The key is to simply be aware of where to look for the best help when dealing with these con artists. You may be confident that any lost or stolen money will be returned to your wallet or bank account, depending on how you would like to receive it. I experienced a similar circumstance when I was conned out of my retirement assets totaling $702,000. Fortunately, I found a hacker who assisted me. If your circumstances are comparable, get in touch with Recovery Nerd by email at (recoverynerd (@) mail (.) com) or Visit their Website at (https) (://) recoverynerd. (net/)

  1109. Ximena Bustillo

    February 6, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    Don’t ever settle with the wrong partner, that is why when ever I get into a relationship and I start having trust issues about my man I hire who would always grant me access into my mans phone remotely without any form of trace. thank you so much verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com for always coming through for me.

  1110. How do i start this review? Well i would love to extended my immense gratitude to this Professional and lives saving Asset Recovery Firm ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM., Honestly I’m not the type that enjoys writing much but this time i have to let the world know about this genius and how they have helped me during the time i was put in a really serious situation by an online Cryptocurrency Investment Platform that turns out to be Fraudulent , i lost almost everything i had on the cause both my Huge Inheritance that i benefited from the sale of my late Grandfather’s company as i taught this will equally be a good way to investment my money for the future. sadly i ended up losing every cent to this Cryptocurrency platform i was never allowed to take my profits both with my capital invested funds of $1.842m USD. so many actions i had took just to get my money back but all to no avail. i felt really shattered and broken as this left me so depressed and traumatized. when i finally found out that i was dealing with scams i then taught about a more advanced technique person to help me out with this very situation and that was how i went hunting for help on the internet.. on the process i read many good reviews about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM on a Cryptocurrency comment section. based on what people and how desperate i was to recover my lost invested funds i contacted the Team through one of their contacted details mentioned below, I’m very proud to share this with everyone that this Team did recovered all my money from this very Platform, I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge anyone out there who has failed or lost his/her asset to Fraud to contact them if you wish to have your funds back via their contact, Mail R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M – Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  1111. Shane Lockridge

    February 7, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    It is no longer news that the crypto space is highly infected with scammers who will stop at nothing until they get your coin and as such they have employed different tactics and strategies focused on achieving this. Everyone here has been or is in a similar situation with these people and It has come to my understanding that these individuals responsible for perpetuating this evil acts are mostly from Africa or Middle East, I learnt about this during my time with J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e who eventually recovered every dollar they took from me and currently , they are providing all necessary assistance to the authorities in the ongoing investigation to locate the scammers. My candid advice to everyone would be to avoid any online investment with high ROI whereby you’ve never been in contact with the person in real life and you’re told if you put a certain amount of money then you’d get certain amount of profits in return, do not fall for any of these skin games, it never never ends well and many people will not be fortunate enough to Employ the services of the right recovery company to recover their lost funds but the good news is, there are still some experienced recovery companies out there that through their expert team and vast knowledge in this field have continuously provided an unmatched success rate in successfully tracing and restoring stolen or lost assets over the past decade and i am lucky enough to have worked with one. JetHacks Recovery Centre is the team that have been doing this for many others before me, they did it for me and they will do it for you also, you can contact the team on Email: J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m and also on Telegram with the username @ J e t h a c k s s together we will contribute to assisting every victim out there.

  1112. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP is a highly reputable AGENCY that specializes in valuable measures to recover lost or stolen assets. They offer personalized strategies, efficient study techniques, improved time management skills, and effective research and techniques to help victims achieve significant positive results. By utilizing the resources and guidance provided by KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve success in FUNDS RECOVERY. Instead of settling for mediocre hackers, choose to elevate your performance with the assistance of KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP. Experience a transformation within 72 hours of reaching out and start your journey towards a change in your story. Contact KNIGHTHOODBOT at GMAIL COM for a holistic approach to digital funds recovery. They assess individual needs and tailor personalized strategies to enhance the entire recovery process. The Telegram name KNIGHTHOODBOT9 has successfully helped hundreds of people who have lost their hard-earned savings and felt lost and helpless. These incredible hacking syndicates are highly skilled in digital assets recovery and utilize the best possible techniques to protect their clients’ interests. The remarkable results they have achieved speak for itself. If you want to get the best results then you’ll need a PROFESSIONAL like KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP right by you till the RECOVERY process is done and dusted . It’s time to stop procrastinating and take action by contacting them today. Trust me, this group is exceptional when it comes to handling CRYPTO related Cases.

  1113. It’s possible that you’ve already been duped by an unlicensed cryptocurrency broker or an imposter you fell in love with. Individuals who fall for these types of scams sometimes forget that they have access to help. They believe they will be ridiculed. However, this does not imply that you should try to ignore it and carry on with your life. This may have a significant impact on you and is not something you should ignore. The good news is that it is now much simpler to obtain help after falling for these kinds of scams thanks to modern technologies. That’s excellent news, folks. It is true that victims of cryptocurrency fraud may be able to recover their losses. The key is to simply know where to look for the best support for these frauds. I encountered a hacker who assisted me while I went through a similar circumstance. You may be confident that your misplaced or pilfered money will be returned to your bank account or wallet, based on your preference. If any of the above describes you, get in touch with them here. Email: recoverynerd @ mail . com

  1114. In the world of cryptocurrencies trading and investment, one needs to be careful of the risk involved. I was naive enough to believe I could make huge returns, without doing proper research about it. I lost $243,000 worth of USDT and BTC in a failed cryptocurrency investment scheme. Luckily for me, I was able to reach out to a reputable cryptocurrency recovery company known as Alien Coin. Skeptical at first, but their professionalism and proven track record reassured me. The recovery process involved providing detailed information about the scam, including transaction history and communication records. I was able to recover all the money I had invested into the scam investment scheme. I’m grateful to the services of Alien Coin for their honesty. Here is a recommendation to everyone who intends to recover back their lost funds. Alien Coin is the most reliable team. With the below information you can reach out to Alien Coin team. WHATSAPP: +12106461486 EMAIL: info @ aliencoin . co

  1115. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 …….. …….. ………..

  1116. Greetings Everyone, I’m overwhelmed by the great service i received from ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM i’d love to give all credit to this team for recovering back my funds when i got heated by scam, and also to let more people be wary of the cryptocurrency investment fraud, Months ago, i invested about $866k into this Cryptocurrency trading company with the aim of expanding my trading portfolio in order to make more within the period. However, i tried to grow my portfolio as the broker guiding me said that’s the best for a new member i never attempted to withdrawal as kept growing my investment, not until two months ago when i tried to withdraw some parts of my money but i was actually not able to do this successfully. I called the account manager and explained the situation, then she ask that i clear the company maintenance fee and said i would be able to withdraw after 3 working days which sounded shady to be very honest. i did paid for the fees but 3days went by, still not able to withdrawal my funds, i tried reaching out to the manager and customer service line but non of them were reachable again till this moment. i felt really devastated as i do not know how to go about the whole issue, after a short while i was advise by a friend whom i shared my experience with to look for a crypto recovery expert that can help to retrieve back my funds, i then did some research about good specialist that can deal with the task. according to the reviews i read i was really convinced to contact ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM.. through their email contact which was provided: R O O T K I T S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M . an International Recovery Firm,. These team really saved me from all the traumas this scammers made me go through. I had my funds back just after 2working days of their swift operations, I strongly recommend them to anyone in need. Here’s a their user to their Telegram Account ; ROOTKITS7

  1117. Jacalyn Armstrong

    February 9, 2024 at 11:37 am

    It will be bad to keep this alone to myself. I came across the best Advance ATM CARD hacker who really helped me to get 200,000 dollars which has a 5,000 daily withdrawal limit, they are very honest and diligent in their work. All I did was to order for the ATM card and after 4 working days I received my own ATM card from the delivery company with the card pin number. To my greatest surprise, the ATM card works at the ATM machine in my country . Contact her via: WhatsApp number +33758779954

  1118. From personal experience, I have come to understand that what doesn’t kill you has the power to make you stronger and wiser simultaneously. In the past few months, I faced immense turmoil due to failed crypto investment , but the opportunity to collaborate with K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G M A I L COM to recover over $300,000 worth of ETH from the scam website in which I had invested proved to be an incredible experience. Not only did I successfully retrieve my lost coins, but I also gained invaluable knowledge from the team member at KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP who handled my case at that time. I am aware that reclaiming your assets from scammers can be an arduous task for many victims out there, but I urge you to look no further and reach out to the Recovery agency on Telegram, specifically ” K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9 ” Take the time to lay down your story and provide details about your investment, and then sit back and witness the seemingly impossible become a reality. I am delighted to see other victims who have successfully recovered their funds come forward to testify and share their experiences, as this encourages other victims to follow suit and witness the outstanding Recovery Strategy employed by KNIGHTHOODBOT. They have brought smiles to numerous faces, including mine, and this alone has instilled in me a deep trust in their ability to handle such cases, as I have personally witnessed their expertise before writing this review. My hope is that this review reaches and saves the soul of someone out there who may be aimlessly searching for a legitimate agency to work with .

  1119. A fraudulent investment business conned me into investing all of my money with them in the mistaken belief that I would receive a double return on my investment. The business pressured me into making a $409,000 total Ethereum and Bitcoin investment. The company is a huge hoax that has cheated innumerable people out of their money, as I discovered a few weeks ago. After doing some research and discovering that Wizard James Recovery Services is the greatest cryptocurrency recovery platform, I was devastated, shocked, and on the verge of giving up when I came across them. After providing all the required information, Wizard James was able to retrieve my cryptocurrency funds in less than 72 hours. They provide very wonderful service, and I heartily suggest them to everyone.

    WHATSAPP: +44 7418 367204

  1120. All praise to Dr Kuda spell caster that made me smile again today, I won a lottery prize worth $230,000 on December 18th, I played the Virginia Lottery Draw and became a Lottery winner. I work as nurse I earn less than $300 monthly I have been struggling to make it in life take care of my child as a single mother I have been hearing about this Lottery game but I have not try it once, my friend Michelle was telling me how she playing the Powerball ticket games every weekend but she have not win a big amount I was scared of losing the little money I have, I started playing with my faith hopefully to win, when I was going to the lottery store to buy my ticket i over head a woman was talking about this man called Dr Kuda how he meet his website online that he help her to win the Lottery game, I was wondering if this how God want to bless me all this year of my life suffering to have money to pay my bills, i requested Dr Kuda contact and she give me Dr Kuda email I message him and explaining my situation. and he provide me the winning numbers for me to play my Virginia Lottery Draw, after I finish playing i was surprise my name come out in the result the Lottery winner of $230,000 Million Dollars, Am so excited for how Dr Kuda help my life you can also contact him on Or Call and Whatsapp Number +1 (346) 478-1991

  1121. Yes, it is possible to retrieve your stolen bitcoins. I never believed in Bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. But sometime in February I fell for a binary options scam that promised a higher return and I lost close to $75,000. I read an article on (Reddit) regarding a recovery expert and genius so I reached out to ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER, and to my surprise I got all my bitcoins recovered Within 24 hours without any upfront payment. I don’t know if I’m allowed to share the links here but you can contact them if you are finding it very difficult to withdraw your funds or recover your lost/scammed cryptocurrency.

    Telegram +1-562-553-9611

  1122. Do you want to hack a cell phone or you need any hacking services help? Are you faced with delays and unnecessary excuses from fake hackers on your jobs?. Worry no more contact the best hackers alive. What hacking service do need? Adrian can render it with swift response and no delay, your job is save and secure with 100% guaranteed. Contact him Via the following bellow…..
    EMAIL: hackrontech @gmail com.

  1123. If you’ve been tricked by a scam and lost money, there’s still hope to get it back with Wizard Asset Recovery. Picture yourself feeling devastated after falling for a dishonest scheme. But there’s a way forward. You can reach out to Wizard Asset Recovery by emailing them at wizardassetrecovery @ or messaging them on WhatsApp at +1 3157561228. They have smart people who will work hard to find your lost money. They’ll investigate carefully and do their best to recover what’s rightfully yours. So, if you’re in a tough spot like this, don’t wait. Contact Wizard Asset Recovery for help. They’re here to support you through tough times and help you get your money back.

  1124. Gabriel Carmichael

    February 12, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Finally here to share my own experience with everyone.. i recently had an encounter with an inauthentic e-commerce investment firm, where i invested a total of $408k USD through USDT into the company to be included in the firm’s periodic earnings and earn some interest, Little did i know that i was dealing with scammers. the beginning started so well.. i got my first time payment that kind of convinced me to invest more into this company.. then i went ahead and invested more funds When it was in order to make more from the company but it got to the time i needed to make my withdrawal, i noticed that i was unable to do so even though I could still see my money on the instrument panel. i tried as much as i can to withdraw but it never went through.. the company support whom i contacted seems to be adamant about my complaint. I became so low over this that I nearly gave up on life because I thought it was gone and I was loosing it inside. I reluctantly confided in an associate, who recommended me to (ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM) a hacking team he said was capable of helping me get back my stolen funds. First of all, I wasn’t sure about it since as we all thought that once your funds has left your wallet there seems to be no way to get your money back. Well in a nutshell, R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R E Y F I R M was able to surpass my expectations by obtaining the recovery of all my stolen funds. I’m so glad I confided in someone about my mistake. I am also grateful that a Team as R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R E Y TEAM was created for situations like mine, as I would not have been able to recover from this loss if not for the help of this great firm. Reach out to team if need assistance to recover your lost funds with the contact information below. Email; ROOTKITS 4 @ G MA IL . C OM Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1125. Pay someone to take my online class

    February 12, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    Physics, chemistry, and biology are the three pillars upon which the discipline of science rests. If you want a perfect score in science, you need to master all three topics. Students frequently report time management issues when tackling all three parts. You probably want to know if someone Pay someone to do my homework. Experts have simplified the process so you do not have to worry. The prompt distribution and sectioning of the homework into equally weighted subtopics mirror the format of the examination itself. Attending these tests can help you gain perspective, and you will learn how to better manage your time and the grading system. You need not worry about the next academic homework; instead, you may focus on getting the grade you want to get on it.

  1126. My Assignment Help

    February 13, 2024 at 4:38 am

    Thank you for sharing this informative blog post.
    Maths Homework Help is never fun, but with My Assignment Help it can actually become enjoyable. This service will help lighten your homework load so you can focus on the more interesting parts of math. Their experts provide step-by-step working to make sure you fully understand how to solve any math question, whether algebra, geometry or calculus. No more tearing your hair out or hunting for a pencil sharpener, My Assignment Help concise explanations will make math homework a breeze. In no time, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the rest of your day homework-free.

  1127. Today i’m here to write this review in appreciation of the great help i got from R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R E Y F I R M, i had earlier promised myself that if ever they succeed in recovering my funds back i will also come on here to share my testimony just like others did.. because without their recommendation i wouldn’t be able to get my funds back.. i contacted R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M, via email and got a response from them.. I explained to them how i lost about £518k to a binary company and they assured to be of help. what really prompted me to invest with this platform was the good reviews i read about them. it was actually going well at first, they had me withdraw a small amount and this even made me trust them even more, then i invested more funds till when i was due to make the big withdrawal i then noticed that i wasn’t allowed to do that i then made a complaint to the costumer support desk and instead of them resolving the issue i was asked to make several deposits as “tax” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another two weeks and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release anything. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, it was really depressing for about a month or so before i got in touch with the ROOTKIT team that helped me recover my funds, i didn’t even think it was possible i just had to send a mail to (R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . CO M) as i was directed by someone i confided. I’m so glad they where able to get it back, If i wasn’t lucky enough to have gotten that information, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining me financially. You can get them on Telegram with the user id: ROOTKITS7 they are open to help more victims

  1128. UK Assignment Help

    February 14, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    I like your concept think before post, and the acronomy you shared was absolutley amazing. I am also a writer working with UK Assignment Help and my key responsibilty is to help students by providing academic assistance. After reading this article i am shocked with your concept. I never thing like that before.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    • This conpect is absolutely amazing, I trully appriciate the concept you bring and share with us, and Yes I also Check the worked you did with
      It was also amazing.

      Thanks to you both!

  1129. Having to work with a recovery company is obviously as risky as investing with the same platforms that took the money in the first place but when considering the circumstances, you’d find there isn’t much choice left on the table, the odds are already against us and it’d take a miracle to get to get the funds back. it was in August last year when I lost a major amount of assets in USDT to fxsimplebinaryoption . com , the scam with the platform eventually dragged on to the month of December before I came to the full realization that i was never getting my money back and no amount of usdt paid in fees will be enough instead they are going to keep asking for more therefore I took it upon myself to get a solution even if the odds weren’t in my favor. Initially I reached out to my friend at the FBI for some help but he offered me a better solution, he put me through with the J e t H a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t e r on Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . Com, this Team of excellent hackers have been well known to provide top notch recovery services to individuals in tight spot. I also messaged the team on their Telegram ID @ J e t h a c k s s once they took on my case, it took less than 72 hours before my funds hit my wallet like a miracle i opened my wallet and my funds was right there and I can only thank JetHacks Recovery Centre to thank for this, I don’t know what would have become of me if it wasn’t for you guys, Thanks a lot Team.

  1130. I am Earl Lape. I’m a 61 years old retired mechanic from Dubuque Iowa. I never thought I could be this wealthy after all I’ve been through trying to meet ends and take good care of my family. But all thanks to Dr Marcus he made me a lottery winner of $40,030,000 (fourth million thirty thousand dollars) with the help of his spell. This was one of the greatest things that has ever happened in my life. I came in contact with him after seeing someone’s testimony on the internet. So I came in contact with him and he told me he will help me after telling him my situation, I provided all his requirements, the spell was done, and he gave me the winning numbers after 48 hours, I went to purchase my ticket on April 1 in Clive Iowa (AP) and I played as instructed. At first I never believed I won the lottery when I got the email notification because it was April fool’s day. But all thanks to Dr Marcus for his great work in my life. You too can reach him or Whatsapp +2348110492028 and he will be there for you…

  1131. Please everyone should be careful and stop being deceived by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $279,000 of my investment capital, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their fund, I contacted MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL. COM , the email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Contact; MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL,COM…

  1132. Edward Benjafield

    February 16, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    I want to share my experience with everyone here which is very similar to the stories I’ve been reading on here and also use this opportunity to give honor to whom honor is due. 2 weeks ago, I enlisted the services of the JetHacks Recovery Centre in a desperate attempt to recoup my lost USDT assets. Just like everyone else, I thought I was investing my money in a legit trading company but unbeknownst to me, I was dealing with scammers and they had no plan whatsoever to return back my funds like we initially agreed…I figured out about this quite very late and I sort for help right away but the damage had been done already and it was up to me to take action in other to hopefully salvage my situation. At first, i tried to work it out with the support team but after all attempts failed including the USDT fees I paid on 3 different occasions I then turned to a recovery company thanks to my wife, she came up with the brilliant idea and fortunately for us, I already know about the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E from a previous job they did for me in the past so it was easy to get in touch with the team via their telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s he assured me that the funds will be recovered after taking a look at my case with all the details of investment of which I had shared with the team. I think it’s safe to say that my turbulent times are now over thanks to the J e t h a c k s Recovery Team, I can’t say for sure how they did it but it took the team just a little over 48hours to recoup my lost USDT assets for me, I couldn’t have been more satisfied with the job the team has done for me and for that reason, I must recommend you employ the services of the J e t H a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e to get your stolen assets recovered with the telegram username above or via Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail .com

  1133. Stella Mataipule

    February 17, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    Hi everyone, at first I wasn’t too sure about this whole thing, but when I saw comments and testimonies of how Dr Uwaifo helped people in winning Lottery Mega Millions, I decided to give it a try and here am I testifying of how the great Dr Uwaifo cast spells and gave me the Mega Millions Winning Numbers. Just like a dream when the draws results came out, I was among the winners. I won $650 Millions Dollars just like that. Such a great and powerful man like Dr Uwaifo deserves accolades, gifted and well skilled on spell casting. I recommend Dr Uwaifo because I tested his divine powers and it worked.T hank you Dr Uwaifo

  1134. I have been on a bad credit my whole life (42years) due to bad or stupid choices on my part, my credit was somewhere near 520. My wife and I decided to buy a house but when we went to see a mortgage broker he told us it would be impossible to get a mortgage with my credit score and referred me to this company (Michael calce CREDIT REPAIR) I contact them that same day and they are very professional and insured me they could help me, well in less than 72hours later my credit score went up to 815 excellent I must confess, they are the best. If you are going through similar or worst situation than I did, you can reach out to them I totally recommend his service if you are looking to get impressive results on your credit repair. ( WhatsApp +1(669)321-7141


    I was once lured into crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Social Media. I lost about $600,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I began to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate, that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about a Recovery Expert named TECHGENIUS RECOVERY. I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any crypto scamming scheme. He is the best in the business and will do everything possible by the books to help you get your funds recovered. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I’m super happy and grateful for his exemplary services. Kindly reach out to him if you need any help via Email: t e c h g e n i u s r e c o v e r y @ u s a . c o m or Whatsapp: +1(920) 571-6809. PS, he also offer other range of hacking services.

  1136. One of the most terrific effect of the crypto scam is, it doesn’t just stop with either of us, they still go on looking for the next me or you to take whatever they could and this scares me to death when I think about it, the damage that is being done as a result of these fraudulent actions is quite serious than we realize and something needs to be done right away to regulate these companies before they do more damage than they already did. As a victim of scam, I know how it feels to lose your hard earned money to someone else most especially when it is someone you’ve never even met in real life and from what I’ve gathered, most profiles are fake so you’re not even dealing with the person in the profile. Even though I almost lost my money to a fraud investment company, I still got it recovered back with the help of J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. I contacted them through their Telegram username @ J E T H A C K S S and provided them with details of the fraudulent transactions I made with the platform. After taking a look at my case they agreed to help and 2days later, I received a notification in the morning that my funds had been successfully deposited to my wallet, which I confirmed. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can contact them via their official email address J E T HACKS 7@ G MAI L . COM

  1137. I have to admit that unless these men say it, nothing you hear about cryptocurrency recovery is accurate. Many individuals had warned me that once a certain amount of time had passed, it would be impossible to get my money back from the firm. Even the support staff on the company website had warned me that I would lose my money if I failed to pay the necessary tax fee, but it was all bullshit. Why must I pay 56,000 USD before I can remove the remaining cash in my portfolio? I’m 46 years old, and taxes don’t operate that way. That’s an absurd amount of money, and I couldn’t afford it given my current financial circumstances. Having heard about WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY from my time working at Amazon, I decided to give him a try when I asked about his ability to track down and retrieve assets that had been taken from con artists. Although I wasn’t sure it would be possible, I trusted him, so we went ahead. I was afraid that the fraudulent company’s website would affect my case, but WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY’s effort proved to be effective enough, and with his knowledge and experience in this area, I got results a few days after we started the programme. He kept me informed at all times, so I saw progress quickly. The WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY made my life shine brighter again by recovering the entire amount that was stuck on my portfolio balance for me on the third day. Send an email to wizarddjamesrecovery(@)usa. com or use WhatsApp to reach them for more information: (+44) (7418) (367204)

  1138. Reliability is a vital concern when it comes to Bitcoin investment. Your precious funds is in secure possession when you invest in Alienwizbot Bitcoin Investment Plan Recovery Service . Their safe investment approach is centered on lowering risks and increasing rewards. To guarantee that your investments provide the greatest returns, they have a staff of professionals who closely examine market trends and make deft selections. Profitable investments are here to stay; bid adieu to restless nights. Using cold wallets and engaging in secure transactions are crucial for protecting your savings. An additional line of defense against hackers and other internet hazards is provided by cold wallets, which keep your Bitcoin offline. Because it recognizes the value of safe trading, Alienwizbot Recovery advises its clients to use best practices including creating strong passwords, turning on two-factor authentication, and updating software on a regular basis. By adopting these safety measures, you can invest with assurance and reduce the possibility of becoming a victim of fraud. After a painful experience with a fake crypto firm, it’s crucial to implement a proper investment strategy. The first step is to thoroughly research and verify any crypto firm or platform you consider investing with. Look for reviews, check their registration status, and ensure they have proper security measures in place. Alienwizbot Recovery, for example, is a reputable company with a proven track record. They have helped countless individuals recover from scams and provide a transparent investment platform. Although obtaining money from con artists is not an easy task, Alienwizbot Recovery stands out thanks to their skill fully designed strategy. They conduct in-depth investigations, compile credible evidence, and construct a strong case against the con artists. They resemble the world’s private detective’s tale of investment recovery. However, it doesn’t end there. In addition, Alienwizbot Recovery uses a variety of legal tactics and methods to make con artists answerable for their deeds. They are not scared to take advantage of the judicial system as they are familiar with it. As a result of their unwavering pursuit of justice, I started to have some optimism that my money may be returned. So, if you ever find yourself in a situation like mine – fooled by a fake crypto firm and left with a gaping hole in your finances – remember that solutions like Ivan Recovery exist. They have the knowledge, expertise, and determination to help you take back control. Don’t let the scammers win; fight back with the best bitcoin investment plan by hiring it’s service through (Whats -App +16262645164 or livesuport at alienwizbot. com)

  1139. I’ve had to read up more about the way of living in India and west Africa and although I sympathize with the level of struggle and poverty over there, it still does not justify their evil actions. There’re so many other legit ways to make a living out there and it doesn’t have to be at the destruction of other persons lives, this is simply unforgivable. I’m well pleased with the efforts that J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E has put into my case, their help played a huge role in making sure that the authorities successfully apprehended one of the culprits behind the scam that eventually almost cost me my means of livelihood. I swore to myself that the perpetrators would not go unpunished and as luck would have it, I am getting impeccable help from J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E in bringing all the culprits to justice. Currently, The team that have successfully retrieved 80% of what’s left of my stolen funds afterwards they aided the authorities in apprehending one of the thieves and I will make sure he suffers for what they put me through. This event has been very eye opening for me but most importantly I’ve learnt a lot as well so I know better now. I will be sharing the contact details to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E so anyone who needs help can get the right help they deserve.
    Email: J e t H a c k s 7 @ and
    Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s

  1140.   Jocelyn Galindo

    February 21, 2024 at 7:07 am

    How To Get Your Ex Lover/Partner/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife Or Husband Back

    I was married for 16 years to a loving mother and wife. We had 2 children together who are now 11 & 13. I reconnected with an old girlfriend from college on Facebook and we began an affair and I left my wife. The woman I had an affair with is a wonderful woman and I love her too and our kids had begun accepting the situation and my wife has kind of moved on, but not in love with the man she is seeing. I thought I fell out of love with my wife and I felt terrible about what I did to her – she is a good woman and I don’t know what came over me. I decided to try and get her back and I was recommended to OYINBO for help to get reunited with my wife and within 48 hours after I made contact with OYINBO my wife decided to work things out with me and now we are back together with our children living as one happy family. I really don’t know the words to use in appreciation of what OYINBO did for me but I will say thank you sir for reuniting I and my family back. For those in trying times with their marriages or relationship can communicate with OYINBO through the below in formations.

    Whats App/call/text: +2348074066640


  1141. Scammers that prey on gullible people looking to trade or invest in digital currencies persist in plaguing the cryptocurrency sector. These frauds have the potential to cause large financial losses and damage the industry’s reputation. Fighting Bitcoin scams and shielding their clients from falling for phoney schemes is Wizard James Recovery’s aim. They locate scammers and identify them thanks to their in-depth expertise and proactive demeanour, and they put forth great effort to reclaim money for people who have been defrauded. Numerous success stories of Wizard James Recovery involve the recovery of money for consumers who were duped by Bitcoin scammers. These actual cases show how successful their tactics are and how far they will go to safeguard their clients’ interests. Wizard James Recovery is a reliable friend in the battle against bitcoin frauds because of their experience. Recall that the trustworthy and well-liked method for getting your Bitcoin back is called Wizard James Recovery. Their innovative techniques, commitment to satisfying clients, and determination to uncover frauds have continuously brought them praise. Thus, if you find yourself in a challenging circumstance, don’t give up. Put your trust in the internet experts to help you retrieve your rightful property. It can be quite challenging to recover Bitcoin transactions that were transmitted in error or lost. Since cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are ungoverned, transactions cannot be reversed or undone by a single entity. Once a transaction is sent, it is deemed final. For people who commit errors or end up as victims of fraud, this is a significant challenge, but get ready—this is where Wizard James’s recovery becomes evident. By contacting the Wizard James Recovery Firm using the information below, you can take the initial step towards taking back control of your internet reputation and creating a better, more prosperous future.

    Email: wizardjamesrecovery @usa .com
    Telegram: https : //t. me/ WizardJamesRecovery
    WhatsApp: + 4_4 _7_4_1_8 _3_6_7_2_0_4

  1142. Special Thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM definitely a genuine recovery team.. I still feel like I owe a lot to this team so sharing this information to show more appreciation for what this team had done for me. Firstly i will like to advise anyone going into Binary trading investment to do that with extremely care or rather stay out totally to have avoid making the same mistake others had made, I almost lost all my investment and profits to a company i invested in without knowing I was actually dealing with some sort of scam.., i was introduced to this company by the lady i met over on LinkedIn.. she advised that i join the platform in order to trade and make more profits just from my comfort zone. Well she also claimed that this was the only source of income she had to match up with her extravagant lifestyle so i had to believe her and give it a try. we got going and i invested hugely within the first month so after some awhile i decided to withdraw but noticed the company actually restricted me to withdraw my profits when it’s was due for me, i contacted the company to see what was going wrong but the so called customer support was seeking for a high fee to be paid before my funds could be withdrawn, after i did paid for this fees i was still unable to withdraw my funds but thanks to ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM for their assistance and efforts toward this period of time, i was left with no option than to hire this team to help me recover back my funds and luckily enough i met them when i was in research of help online! I count myself lucky honestly to have met them at the right time, they recovered back all my funds directly back to my wallet just few days of being in touch, I also directed my cousin sister who has familiar issue to this team and she equally recovered hers too. If seek for some professional assistance ROOTKITS TEAM will serve you right, the following is the link to his Telegram account ROOTKITS7 and Email: R O O T K I T S 4@ G M A IL . C O M.

  1143. My life was almost financially ruined when I got involved with brokers I discovered on YouTube. However, I was fortunate enough to seek help from KNIGHTHOODBOT @ GMAIL COM when I realized I had fallen victim to a scam. This group of hackers displayed exceptional skills and knowledge in retrieving lost assets. While I had read numerous reviews about hackers and their ability to recover lost investments, I decided to proceed with KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, and it turned out to be a wise choice. I must admit that I was initially scared, as I had come across comments from people who encountered fake recovery hackers while attempting to retrieve their lost investments. However, upon reaching out to the team on Telegram @Knighthoodbot9, their prompt response and detailed recovery process reassured me of their legitimacy as recovery hackers.
    Although it took some time for them to locate the account to which the scammers had transferred my funds, they successfully tracked them down and retrieved my investments. One of the valuable lessons I have learned from this experience is to never trust anything related to online investments again. It seems that very few, if any, are legitimate nowadays. I have realized that it is far better to keep my money safely in my bank account than to invest in any program about which I know very little.
    If you ever come across a broker named STACY B WALLACE on YouTube or Instagram, be aware that they are not legitimate brokers but rather individuals attempting to steal from the vulnerable . I am grateful to now have KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP by my side, serving as a cybersecurity agent to protect me from any form of cyber threats.

  1144. Hello everyone, If you’ve been scammed I suggest you should first gather all the evidence and contact a recovery specialist. In my case, the process took 24 hours . I was able to get back a substantial amount of the money lost, may I suggest Darek Recover . They helped me recover my funds with good counselling If you have been a victim to internet related frauds do not hesitate to reach out to they’re so good and fast in recovery lost funds.

  1145. Hey guys and ladies…. My name is Ellis Howarth , I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I recently got taken for a life savings…. Lost everything and was in a desperate situation with my life on the line to get my life savings back. At first, they paid me peanuts just to solidify their position and gain my interest, when that happened, i felt the motivation to inject more funds into the platform, it almost feels like they used a script except I was just the actor doing exactly what they wanted me to do and they will eventually go on to leave me high and dry once their goal has been achieved, they go be the name . Like they say desperate situations call for desperate measures therefore I took the time to perform my due diligence and finding someone I trust, because at that time I trust NOBODY!!, I have been scammed of almost $600k CAD I bet you can understand my skepticism at that moment. after i had carried out my research online, I could only trust one team to recover my funds, J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ gm ail . com and on telegram with the username @ J e t h a c k s s ) I must say, the way the team laid out the process involved gave me a clear picture of the situation and what was expected of me and just like that, the recovery team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E gave me a lifeline in what seemed like the most decisive 48hours of my life and in the end, my decision to go with them was more than justified.

    When my Bitcoin disappeared into the digital ether, I thought it was an irreversible loss. But little did I know that a team of brilliant minds was dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the blockchain. Their innovative approach and deep understanding of the ever-evolving crypto landscape breathed life back into my dreams. Their unwavering commitment, fueled by a passion for making a difference, paved the way for the recovery of what I thought was forever gone. In an industry full of uncertainty, they are the guiding light that dispels the shadows of doubt.” Email: ( or WhatsApp number: +44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101.

  1147. Students may find it difficult to navigate online learning and stay on track with the course. Online learning platforms make it easier for students while maintaining the quality of education. You only need can someone take my online class for me to provide dependable assistance. There are numerous services available online that provide learning assistance via online classes. To get the best support for completing the course, you should carefully select the services that will provide you with the most value for your money.

  1148. Assignment Help Services Australia provides invaluable assistance to students facing challenges with their academic assignments. These services offer a wide range of support, including essay writing, research assistance, proofreading, and tutoring, among others. By leveraging the expertise of professionals in various fields, students can improve their understanding of complex topics, enhance their academic performance, and meet tight deadlines with confidence. Additionally, Assignment Help Pro Services often offer personalized guidance tailored to individual needs, fostering a collaborative learning environment that empowers students to excel in their studies. Overall, these services play a crucial role in supporting students’ academic success by providing them with the resources and support they need to thrive in their academic pursuits.

  1149. Hire the most Efficient and Reliable Crypto/Bitcoin Recovery Masters. Ever been a scam victim and after being swindled you are left in Dilemma of what will be the next step to take. I had lost considerable sum of money in a Fake online investment scheme.,Early last month.I had invested A sum of $149520 worth of bitcoin and loosing my funds was the last thing in my mind as I made that investment.Special thanks to this expertise Recovery Masters who came through my aid and were able to recover my lost Bitcoin .Their services are highly professional.Submit to them your report incase you have happened to be a victim also.via email:( or WhatsApp number: +44 (7440) 105166 or +44 (7506) 216101.

  1150. My mistakes almost ruined my entire life but I was lucky God sent Digital Web Recovery to rectify my mistakes, I was investing with this company I was introduced to by an old time friend I met sometime back in at my former work, we haven’t seen each other or heard from each other since high school, so it was like a nice reunion that came with a financial opportunity as well, according to him he has been with the company for a couple of months now and has made a few withdrawals from the profits he made and currently reinvested over a $100k+, He was living his best life, I asked him to enroll me with the platform and he signed me up using his referral link and got a bonus, he told me that signing people up using my referral links would earn me more profits as time goes by, I took in his advice and enrolled 2 of my cousins who were also interested after seeing my portfolio and the profits I’ve made over just a month. After our profits had accumulated over the past few weeks we tried to make withdrawals from the platform and that’s when we encountered some difficulties I was to be blamed for the whole failure because I hadn’t withdrawn any funds from the company yet before involving them though my friend who introduced me to the platform was facing the same problems as we did when all these were going on my cousin “Desean “ was already in contact with digital web recovery ‘’ A Crypto recovery team he read about in a hacking forum and that was how we all had a change of story, visit their website my friend who brought all these problems into our lives was so thankful for the result and same goes with every one of us. The best decision you’d make after discovering you’ve been duped is to contact Digital Web Recovery and seek help and trust me you’d be in a better place after. I recommend their services to my colleague, who had also fallen victim to the same scam, The team at Digital Web Recovery is currently helping retrieve. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Digital Web Recovery to resolve any issues you may be facing. Contact info; digitalwebrecovery(@) Telegram user;@digitalwebrecovery

  1151. SCAMS COME IN MANY FORMS, BUT ALL ARE DESIGNED TO GET A HOLD OF YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY. The first mistake I made was thinking I could multiply my income by investing in cryptocurrency, I fell for a popular investment scam and was swindled of $60,000 in bitcoins. After a few weeks, I came across a pop-up while browsing the internet about a recovery team called James that could help me recover my bitcoins in a matter of hours, I was doubtful about it at first but I finally contacted them and in a space of 48 hours, Mr. James Mckay Wizard was able to recover all of my money lost in bitcoins. They are the best bitcoins recovery team out there and if you face similar issues, you should contact them immediately. Contact information: /What’s App:+44 7826 613094

  1152. GoldmanCFD is a big scam, They scammed me for a huge amount of dollars, they kept asking for more deposits, they didn’t allow me to withdraw my money, after several attempts. I hired a charge back service to recover my money from them, and it was successfully done with the help of a recovery service done by They helped me to recover my money back from them. Everyone should be careful, I believe someone might find this information useful.

  1153. Although it may seem unbelievable, it is possible to recover bitcoins that have been lost or misdirected to the incorrect wallet address. I can tell this with regret, as it happened to me not too long ago. After appearing to be a reliable buddy for several months, someone took advantage of me and conned me into investing in a phoney Bitcoin mining business,They made false claims about initial profits, nevertheless I was left feeling overwhelmed and powerless after these con artists stole my enormous $241,000. Fortunately, WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY was able to assist me in recovering my lost wealth when I contacted them. James was the reason I was able to get my money back. For assistance in similar situations, get in touch with WIZARD JAMES. WhatsAPP Number: +44 7418 367204 or Email his team via: wizardjamesrecovery

  1154. Have you heard about J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ? ( Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m , Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s ) .. well if you haven’t then you’re in luck today as am about to walk you through one of the most remarkable events of my life . Before learning about this recovery team, I had been wallowing in anguish and sadness, I blamed myself for investing with a fraud company that claimed to be based in Australia but upon investigation, I found out it was not true at all and there was never a real company, well! apparently it was just a fraudulent website used to scam unsuspecting investors, this came as a great shock to me but that would also explain why I wasn’t allowed access to my portfolio balance hence pushing me to seek for help elsewhere. However, the team followed traces of all my initial payments to the website and discovered where all stolen funds from investors were being moved to and from there it didn’t take long before my funds was transferred back into my wallet. It is quite remarkable the number of lives that’ve been saved through their hard work and how they accomplish this very high demanding tasks is quite beyond my comprehension but we’re very lucky they’re here to help us out in times like this otherwise my life and many others would’ve been ruined. The J e t H a c k s Recovery team is very professional and transparent with their process, and with their specialized knowledge and expertise are able to keep helping investors recover their lost funds and the outcome of my case can certainly attest to that.

  1155. Someone who claimed to be from a reliable bitcoin exchange got in touch with me and requested my login information. Because I was stupid enough to believe them, they were able to take my bitcoin. I was inconsolable. I didn’t know what to do because I had lost a lot of money. I felt disappointed in myself and was embarrassed to explain what had happened to anyone. Then, though, I thought of your name: Hacking Program Schwartz Software . I was aware that you were my best option for getting my bitcoin back after reading about your work assisting folks in recovering misplaced Schwartz Software. When I contacted you, you took my case right away. You never lost hope and were meticulous and professional. You put in a lot of effort to find the persons who had taken my bitcoin, and in the end, you were able to return it to me. Communicate to Hacking Program Schwartz Software :
    +1 205-390-1959

    WhatsApp: +1 205-390-1959
    Hacking Program Schwartz Software

    Can lost Bitcoin be Found or Retrieved?
    Generally speaking, whether
    lost bitcoin can be found or not depends on how it was lost. Considering
    the quantity of missing cryptocurrency out there, people have begun
    offering services to help recover lost bitcoin. These include data
    recovery specialists, but you need a professional recovery expert like
    Mr WARDELL DORMAN to help you get back your lost bitcoin.
    Contact them to recover lost bitcoin, bitcoin cash, as well as all other forms of
    cryptocurrency. And you can be sure that no matter how long it has been
    lost, you will still get your bitcoin worth.
    Contact their support team for further assistance on their email

    WhatsApp number: +6590552242

    111 N BRAND BLVD.

  1157. I ran into my husband making out with his secretary in his office after I got so many informations about my cheating husband with the help of darkhatthacker

  1158. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP saved my A** .Last year, I found myself presented with an intriguing proposal via Instagram, revolving around cryptocurrency and stock investments. Despite my lack of prior experience in digital assets, I opted to explore this opportunity, driven by a curiosity to delve into new financial avenues. Little did I anticipate the costly repercussions that awaited me.
    Initially, the proposal appeared promising, offering potential returns on investment. However, skepticism crept in as a friend cautioned me about the suspicious nature of the proposal. Despite their warning, I brushed aside their concerns and proceeded with the offer, believing there was no harm in trying something new.
    As time progressed, my initial optimism soured into disappointment and frustration. When the time came to retrieve my profits, I encountered an unexpected obstacle – I was unable to access my account. It became apparent that I had fallen victim to a scam, with the website serving as a mere facade for fraudulent activities. Despite having invested a substantial sum totalling $1.7 million, comprising an initial investment of $720k and an expected return of $900k+, I found myself locked out without recourse. I reachedFaced with the daunting prospect of forfeiting a significant sum, I sought alternative avenues for assistance. It was then that I stumbled upon a Crypto recovery firm operating on Telegram under the handle @KNIGHTHOODBOT9. With little to lose and everything to gain, I decided to enlist their services.
    Communicating my predicament to the recovery firm, we embarked on a process aimed at retrieving my funds. Despite initial apprehensions, the firm’s professionalism and dedication instilled a newfound sense of hope within me. Within the span of a week, my funds were successfully recovered .
    Reflecting on this experience, I realized the importance of vigilance and due diligence when navigating the realm of financial investments, particularly in the digital landscape. For those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments, seeking assistance from reputable recovery services such as K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ G M A IL dot COM could prove instrumental in reclaiming what is rightfully theirs.


    When it comes to recovering lost funds, stolen or misplaced Bitcoin, Wizard James Recovery is your best bet. Their competent analysis and research, tailored rehabilitation approaches, straightforward approach to start, and shown track record of success have won them the trust and admiration of countless clients. Wizard James Recovery doesn’t take any short cuts when it comes to guaranteeing its clients the greatest security and achievement. They employ the newest technology advancements and state-of-the-art tools in order to stay ahead of the curve. You can feel safe knowing that your personal information is protected thanks to their cutting-edge security protocols. Wizard James Recovery recognises the value of privacy and secrecy. To protect your money and personal information, they use stringent procedures. You may be sure that during the recovery process, your private information will be private. They hide their secrets, just like real wizards do. Their cutting-edge technology, meticulous attention to detail, and dedication to quality make them the preferred option for all of your Bitcoin recovery requirements. Select Wizard James Recovery, then watch as they use their sorcery to restore your missing money. Using the details provided, get in touch with them. (wizardjamesrecovery(AT)usa(DOT)com) WA only(+44) (74)(18) (36)(72)(04)

  1160. Florian Ostermann

    February 27, 2024 at 10:29 pm

    To whom it may concern, If you are on the fence regarding lost funds recovery, I can assure you that J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E is the way to go. I recently got into some financial issues that messed up my finance in a way I wasn’t used to, But the team at J e t h a c k s7 @ G M A IL DOT COM was able to assist me in getting everything fixed. From the tracing process and monitoring my lost funds, the extraction and working round the clock by the highly skilled team All to ensure the successful execution of the process which has helped me gain back my financial freedom today. I consider myself very fortunate and truly honored to have been able to work with such a reputable recovery company. If you are having any issues really don’t think twice about getting help. Don’t hesitate to work with this company!, they’re just about the right people to work with and I can never repay them enough for what they’ve given back to me!.. The professionalism and the plethora of skill sets they possess definitely goes unmatched. They’re my knights in shining armor. I’m building up my financial security again and this time, am putting my money where it rightly belongs. The team can also be found on Telegram with the username @ JETHACKSS , I’ve already recommended them to friends and will continue to for a long time to come.

  1161. If the process is too good to be true, it’s probably a phony crypto recovery expert. I have been scammed by so many recovery companies, and I can tell, it’s almost not possible to recover stolen or crypto sent to the wrong address. It’s rare to find a legit recovery company without getting scammed believe it or not. I’m saying from experience and I can tell you Recovering Atusa. com is reliable, not 100% but will never leave you stranded

    When it comes to retrieving stolen bitcoin, CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD is unique due to its skill, dedication, and experience. Knowing the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency world, they work closely with law enforcement and utilize cutting edge methods to locate and track down stolen bitcoin. Their exceptional reputation in the bitcoin recovery services industry stems from their individualized approach and unwavering dedication to client satisfaction. My bitcoin was stolen, and although I reached out to several hackers who said they could help me get it back, all they did was take additional money from me in the process. Upon reaching out to CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for support, all hope was reestablished. I was first skeptical, but CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD eventually managed to retrieve my bitcoin. Thank you very much. contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for help to get your lust/stolen funds back and be happy.
    Email: cryptorecoverywizard@gmail. com…

  1163. Mary Alice Salter 

    February 28, 2024 at 10:36 am

    I got my husband phone unlocked remotely with the very help of verifiedprohackers @ gmail. com I could not believe my eyes as I am still in shock how it happened, Big shout out to you indeed your the best hacker have ever hired thank you once again.

  1164. There are a lot of untrue recommendations and its hard to tell who is legit. If you have lost money to scam contact (zattrecoverypro1 AT Gmail com) they will surely help you out. Took me long to find them

  1165. Everyone should be careful of investment platforms promising huge returns. They lure victims into fake programs. I was scammed of 698,450 U S D. While researching on how to recover my funds, I came across several recommendations on Bitcoin Abuse Forum and decided to contact Darek recovery organization. I contacted the company via ( they helped me recover my stolen funds. If you’ve also been a victim, don’t hesitate to get in touch with him. The United States Department of Justice estimates that only 20% of victims of financial fraud report the crime because they are embarrassed, feel guilty or think nothing can be done. There are millions of victims of financial fraud every year .

  1166. I had once had an encounter with a Crypto investment programmed scheme that I thought was going to be a good opportunity to save more funds as well make some profits out of it but unfortunately it turned out to be a Fraudulent company, i had invested a lot of funds into this company without being aware it’s was all scam until when i requested to make withdrawal of some parts of my funds which i had made within the couple months we had partnered together.. Well i got my request to withdrawal declined multiple times.. i had to contact the company costumer support desk but was asked to clear some fees before i could be able to do that, i did cleared the fees that they demanded but still was unable to complete a withdrawal as they kept demanding for more fees, this made me feel so bad and felt really disappointed. i taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen funds/coins ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) I explained my situation to them and they assured me to help me get my money back, I gave it a try and they definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account just within few days, I don’t really know how they got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to inform more people about crypto scam and also let the ones who had similar issue to contact this Professional team for help and assistance, Telegram; ROOTKITS7 or Email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I. L . C O M I’m so grateful to this firm especially for coming through when i needed a help so bad.

  1167. Initially, I purchased a small amount of bitcoin planning to use them towards the purchase of a new artwork online. However, after reading a few reviews of the artist I was dissuaded against going through with that purchase and instead elected to hold the Bitcoin in my wallet as I had not much use for them at the time. Fast forward to 3 months later i got introduced into Bitcoin investment through an affiliate network on telegram . When I first signed onto the company, I invested over 90 % of the funds which yielded more than expected profits in three successive weeks. The network admin then suggested we engage next in a joint investment with a higher ROI, I didn’t have a problem with trusting them considering the results I’ve witnessed with the previous trades so I made arrangements for more funds and l dived right into the project along with the other members of the community but that would later become one of my biggest regret in life. Everything could’ve gone a lot better if one person had not tried to play it smart.. In this specific instance the admin uploaded an obviously doctored receipt that appeared to show details of a successful payment when that was not the case. As I will describe in detail below the doctored screenshot was sloppily edited and contained a time stamp that showed that it could not have been produced during the time of the transaction. Nonetheless, the admin denied any wrongdoing and thus defrauded me out of 600,000 USD payout of the investment. At that point it dawned on me that I needed to seek alternative ways to recoup my funds or stand the chance of losing them forever. While I was researching for help online, I noted a few options but I opted to go with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE on Telegram @ JETHACKSS . I admit, explaining my ordeal caused me great angst when I first reached out to the team on telegram but i was completely blown away by the effectiveness of the Team and the amount of professionalism displayed throughout the 72 hours duration of the recovery exercise. I deeply express my profound gratitude for their support and dedication in recovering my funds back. Furthermore, JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is available on Email : Jethacks7 @ G MAIL . COM

  1168. This unsettling problem on the internet these days makes it even more important to exercise extra caution when trying to get your lost money back through cryptocurrency exchanges or any other method. You can retrieve your lost cryptocurrency using some techniques that are usually regarded as being pretty safe. Even knowledgeable Bitcoin investors and traders have experienced theft or loss of their assets. Thankfully, there are methods available through WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY for getting your Bitcoin back. Effective methods are employed by WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY to facilitate clients’ access to misplaced funds and data. You may be sure that this hacking firm will offer the greatest assistance available in a timely and clear manner. They also offer other hacking services and they are really affordable & reliable.. Contact the hacking and recovery company WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY via email at: wizardjamesrecovery@ or WhatsApp number: + .

  1169. Improve Your Grade

    February 29, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    You are not limited to the curriculum and career pathways available to you when taking an online course because of your geographical location or schedule. Since getting better scores in online classes is important, it’s imperative to develop good study habits. Worried about how to Improve Your Grade in online classes? Ever wonder why your guidance counsellor wants to explore every possibility that could help you to improve your grades? Well, we understand that and online classes are the solution for it where you can ask the experts to do my online class.

  1170. My name is Michael Eric, I want to thank Dr Ughulu for making me the happiest man on this earth. I have been playing a lottery jackpot for over 2 years all I have won is 5000 thousand dollars ever since I still keep playing it and I haven’t win again I was wondering what was happening, until the day I was looking for how to win online I saw a comment how someone testifies Dr. Ughulu it was very interesting and I also message him to help, and I explained everything to him, so he did everything for me and gave me six Powerball winning numbers. I played it and I won, when the winning numbers came out I was among the people and my winning price was $196 Million Dollars,what else can I say? Thank you so much Dr. Ughulu. I really appreciate what you did for me. TEXT:+1 (249) 202-7318 or via email:

  1171. Quinten Chantal

    March 2, 2024 at 7:13 am

    I would have lost all my cryptocurrency assets if not for the timely interference of  ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER, as I got recommended to them by a close friend at work after weeks of sadness and depression I finally got to retrieve my digital currency worth $165,000 in (USDT) which got stolen by a fake broker I met on Instagram, I thought the investment project was a great one which would yield massively, but I was wrong,  I’m forever grateful to ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER for getting my funds back without Upfront/hidden fees. if you are currently or previously being ripped off by a fake hacker/trader or investment platform and you want to retrieve your funds genuinely then ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER  is the real deal to help you don’t get deceived by several self-acclaimed recovery agents. Get the appropriate help now by reaching out to them at:
    Telegram  +1-562-553-9611
    Contact email:

  1172. Wessely Gardner

    March 2, 2024 at 7:30 am

    All crypto Mining site seems to be fake and fraudulent, please do not let anyone tell you otherwise or deceive you into mining your crypto.. i have had a very bad experience with two different cryptocurrency mining companies, the second company website collapsed and I was locked out. I sent them a ton of emails and messages as well, but they stopped communicating. I had mined a total of $157,000 worth of bitcoins through their website i ended up loosing every bit of my crypto with this companies, i reported my case to the Police provided every information and details i was asked for.. they actually did their possible best but they scammers seems untraceable as they found out that this companies never existed, i almost went mad at this stage as part of the money i put in this was loaned from the finance institution.. i really have no much idea on what to do next, i went online searching for various techniques to recover my money i then came across pretty good testimonies of victims who had their funds recovered by ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. Prior to learning about this team , I had eventually given up on ever getting my money back. Without any delay I got in touch with the Team once and provided them with all the information they required, and using the information I gave and out of their professional level they were able to recover all my lost bitcoins within 48 hours they took my case. ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM is a cryptocurrency recovery firm that has been assisting sacm victims just like me to retrieve their money. Their quality and assistance is exceptional and I commend their efforts. I am appreciative to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for their help in recovering back my lost crypto. you can contact them through mail; ROOTKITS4 @ GM A IL . C O M or Telegram: ROOTKITS7 if you are a victim of fraud to recover back your funds

  1173. Julian Sidaway

    March 2, 2024 at 9:51 am

    A lot of people may believe they’re above scam while majority believe those who fell victim weren’t smart enough or were just flat out dumb but regardless of the numerous narratives out there, the many judgements and generalizations from others, the truth remains that it could have easily been any other person out there. There’s no digital financial market that can ever be accurately predicted continuously, not the stock market and most definitely not the crypto market due to its high volatility in nature bearing in mind that news play a huge role in fluctuating both markets thereby exposing it to all forms of exploitations. This has so far caused a lot of damage to investors most especially those who have very little knowledge of the market and as such are very likely to fall into the wrong hands in a bid to avoid loosing their investments while aiming for profits. This has been the case for many out there including myself. Few months ago, I lost a substantial amount of my life savings to an investment corporation that led me to believe the funds were actually being traded on the stock exchange market but little did I know that I was dealing with scammers, I caught wind of their gameplay when I started noticing a pattern in what was told versus what’s being done and despite paying some fees that I wasn’t aware of in the beginning, they still kept stringing me along till it became pretty much obvious to me what was going on. Early on, I had come across warnings from people that’ve been in similar situations in the past but I didn’t think it could happen to me, there upon I knew I had to contact a recovery hacking Team to help my situation and with help from friends online, I reached on to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE ( JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL DOT COM ) on one of the Team active contacts via Telegram @ JETHACKSS to which they responded promptly to my complaint and rendered an invaluable help to save me from the shambles I put myself in. I suggest anyone to work with them if you are on a journey to recover what you have lost to frauds. They have proven themselves to be very competent and I can’t recommend them highly enough!.

  1174. There are many security precautions you can take to reduce the possibility of losing access to your Bitcoin investment, even though no investment is completely risk-free. Using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and strengthening passwords are all good ways to increase the security of your digital assets. Keeping up with the most recent security risks and performing routine software updates can also help protect your investment from any flaws.

    A specialist business called Wizard James Recovery offers qualified aid in regaining access to cryptocurrency holdings that have become unavailable. Their team of professionals helps people get back into accounts that have been lost or locked by using their extensive understanding of blockchain technology and recovery methods. Wizard James Recovery aims to attain positive results by carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the circumstances and utilising a range of therapeutic techniques.

    My trust in digital investments was put to the test as I embarked on an emotional rollercoaster to retrieve my inaccessible Bitcoin investment. But as I made progress towards healing, I was able to reclaim my faith in the Bitcoin space. This event showed that there are ways to overcome obstacles and emphasised the value of resilience in the face of misfortune.

    Despite putting my fortitude to the test, this experience hasn’t stopped me from making more Bitcoin bets. In this constantly changing digital ecosystem, it is imperative to stay up to date on the newest security changes and procedures. Software, such as wallet apps and antivirus programmes, should be updated often to guarantee protection from the newest threats. Furthermore, being aware of possible dangers and con games facilitates informed decision-making and aids in avoiding such pitfalls.

    Rather, this experience has made me approach investing with a more informed and careful perspective. I’m optimistic that I can restore trust and make wise investment choices by putting the lessons I’ve learned to use and adopting optimal security procedures. In the end, the cryptocurrency market’s potential rewards are still alluring as long as we exercise caution and protect our digital assets.

    If you find yourself unable to access your Bitcoin investment, it’s imperative that you remain calm and take immediate action. Check your login information for mistakes, and if access is still difficult to obtain, get in touch with the cryptocurrency platform’s customer support. Additionally, think about getting in touch with professional recovery services like Wizard James Recovery, who assist people in recovering cryptocurrency assets that are no longer accessible. Wizard James Recovery can be reached by email at (wizardjamesrecovery @ usa . com)

  1175. Before using JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and team we spent two months dealing with sham recovery companies with little to no results. I suffered a huge loss in the crypto market a few months ago and was struggling with the recovery. I found that my attempt to maximize my Bitcoin investments so I could achieve more profits has ultimately led to my downfall as a result of my failure to carry out an overdue proper research before trusting a prospective investment opportunity. They shut down and vanished just a week before I was due for withdrawal without any prior notice or reason, this unforeseen outcome dealt a big blow to my financial position and nearly drove my family apart. Indeed, It was a tough period for me and my family and my wife blamed me for everything, she warned me against getting In bed with the investment company. so I was really on the edge, out of desperation I combed through the internet for Bitcoin scam recovery help, I did encounter a few fake recovery agents that sounded like the scammers themselves! then came along JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTER. This team went above and beyond to help me get my losses returned. Their services are exceptional, the team is great, They explained everything clearly and were endlessly helpful. with their support in retrieving my lost crypto investment I have been able to keep my family together and under one roof. I strongly recommend JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and their professional team of proficient hackers, so keep up the good work guys as there are many investors out there in need of your help and hopefully, they will discover you as I did. you can contact the team directly on Telegram @ JETHACKSS or Email @ JETHACKS7 AT GMAIL DOT COM

  1176. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they’re not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He’s a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Email Dragon HackLord at or text him on Telegram to (249) 849 7534 … Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Debra referred you

  1177. Andrea Jordan

    March 4, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    I’m very thankful to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM.. honestly this team was of a great benefits to me and my family. i failed a victim to a fake crypto investment company, its a pity the Lady i met on instagram Mrs Ruth Amelia by name lured me into investing with this company, we actually have been friends for almost a year over on instagram. along the line she mention about this company to me and how she had been earning money from there and did provide me with some sort of proofs and certificate of the company. then seeing all this i went ahead and made a couple of investment with them, at the beginning it was actually going nice but when it was time for me to withdraw my total profits and earnings, they started giving silly excuses regarding the company upgrade, taxes and co as was unable to make the withdrawal successfully. the support was not helping out in anyway as they kept requesting for more money, while all this was happening personally i got really disturb and depressed, a friend of mine who i opened up to in order to lend some money so i could at least pay the fees and have my funds but he then told me that this could be scam that he had a similar experience and advice i should get a hacker which he referred me to the ROOTKITS TEAM. left to me i never believe that could be possible but as it goes i contacted their email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , They responded once and i gave them the necessary info they required. to my great surprise they recovered all my frozen investments back for me just within few days i couldn’t be more thankful to this fantastic team, If ever been a victim of crypto or binary scam you can trust Rootkits. I thought there were no such good genuine guys anymore on earth, but this team brought my trust to humanity again. GOD bless you Rootkits you can reach them on Telegram with the user ID ( ROOTKITS7 )

  1178. I lost my marriage after 2 years and it was a horrible experience for me. My wife left me and my son and everything happened beyond my control and I never knew few people around me engineered my wife and turned her against me just because I choose to build my family and focus more on it. I had to seek help because I know I did not do anything to have my marriage crashed. Dr Isikolo helped me and a lot was revealed to me on what transpired. He cast a love reunion spell that bonded my wife and I back together and the whole evil my family did against me was revealed. Am thankful that my home is back more happier than ever and all the appreciation goes to Dr Isikolo as he indeed fixed my problems just after 48 hours. Review his website ( or text him on WhatsApp him on +2348133261196

  1179. Hii Mates, I really Thank the AllMighty for helping me get back on my feet after i lost a huge amount of fund in a fake online caxino. i will not say the amount just for security reasons but i lost almost everything i made as a banq manager for 33 years.
    I was literally having so many bad thoughts of things to do to myself, not until i met an old highschool friend who introduced me to a recovery expert here [ Wassap: +1 ( 6 5 7 ) 2 6 2 4 4 8 2] who helped her with her crypto scam few months ago. it took just 48 hours to start and finish the recovery and i got all my loses back, it feels so wonderful i didn’t believe a day likethis will ever come to pass, but yes it did. I shared their contakt above just incase anyone here finds themselves in similar situation ever. and this is their Emeil too Refundpolici (At) Gmail (Dot) Com . Remain Blessed.

  1180. Renee Bradford

    March 4, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    I don’t usually write reviews but this occasion i just had to do it, i want to start by saying that JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is one of the most professional and efficient company I’ve met. They’re very helpful and i would highly recommend anyone to them with their recovery case and future because their process really does help out one hundred percent. At first, I was very cynical and didn’t want to be into another pyramid scheme but what did I have to lose that I haven’t lost already so I trusted my gut and I tried it. I enlisted their help and I told the Team explicitly what my goals were, I thought It may be a challenge because the investment company locked me out of my account holding a balance of $2 million dollars worth of USDT assets due to a pyramid scheme that went horribly wrong; A friend of mine went through a similar experience with a certain company and forewarned me about it, this got me apprehensive about mine as well so I thought to withdraw the funds before it became too late but all initial attempts at withdrawal was declined and each time they’d come up with an excuse to request for a certain fee to be cleared before withdrawal request will be passed. The financial mishaps put my family in a bit of a rut and even caused my husband to file bankruptcy!. Coming across JETHACKS changed everything for us, I contacted the team through one of their active channels via Telegram @ JETHACKSS ‘’ after much initial deliberations with my husband, we went ahead and trusted the team with our case . Less than 48 hours into the process our funds that had been frozen for over 3months got extracted by the team and into our wallet safely!.. we couldn’t have been more fulfilled with our decision to enlist the Top help of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE, You can also reach out to them on email: Jethacks 7 @

  1181. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 …….. ………

  1182. CONTACT Mr Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him through this number +2348145893735 Hello everyone My name is Frank Smith I’m from Texas i am here to give a testimony on how I join the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man can Adam Richard of being helping me to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat my $6000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Adam Richard and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR Adam Richard call +2348145893735 or WhatsApp him +2348145893735 …….. ……..

  1183. Jordan Hawkins

    March 5, 2024 at 7:36 am

    My encounter with “K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP” was an eye-opener, revealing the scarcity of legitimate trading platforms. It all began during a family gathering at my parents’ home, where my brother initiated a discussion about the profitability of stocks, capturing my interest. Intrigued by his success, he introduced me to the trading website he utilized. Without hesitation, I embarked on this venture, starting with the most basic plan and gradually witnessing my account grow over time.
    As the profits started rolling in steadily, my wife and I deliberated on expanding our investment for even greater returns. With her encouragement, we decided to upgrade to the platinum plan, committing $109,000 in anticipation of sizable profits within the customary two-week period. However, our optimism was short-lived when our attempts to withdraw profits were thwarted by unexpected obstacles.
    To our dismay, the trading company demanded an exorbitant “legal fee” of $52,000 before releasing our funds, despite our initial investments and prior charges. Feeling trapped and desperate to salvage our finances, I realized that seeking external assistance was imperative.Turning to Reddit, I stumbled upon “K N I G H T H O O D B O T at GMAIL COM,” a resourceful hacker who offered guidance and support. After providing them with the necessary information, they meticulously outlined the recovery process and provided a timeline for resolution. Through their expertise and dedication, we were ultimately successful in recovering all transactions associated with the fraudulent platform.
    This experience served as a profound lesson for my family, highlighting the importance of due diligence and vigilance in financial endeavors. Eager to prevent others from falling victim to similar scams, I directed my brother, who encountered parallel challenges, to seek assistance from “K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9” on Telegram.
    In hindsight, while the ordeal was distressing, it ultimately reinforced our resilience and underscored the significance of seeking reputable sources of financial guidance and support.

  1184. The volume of scams being conducted on the Internet is driving up the demand for more reputable hacking firms every day. I am aware of the experiences I had prior to contacting Wizard James to take on my case. I had been conned several times and was attempting to get my money back from lost investments. Being scammed repeatedly is never a good experience for anyone involved, and that is exactly what happened to me after I invested $320k USD with a fraudulent crypto investment company and lost everything in the span of a month. I also got scammed repeatedly while looking for a solution, which wasn’t easy to come by given the circumstances that led to the incident. Many people who pose as hacking companies online are actually scammers looking for their next victim. A friend recommended that I get in touch with Wizard James Recovery, and when I looked into their legitimacy, I discovered a number of testimonies from happy clients who were able to recover their lost investment funds by working with this reputable and long-standing hacking institute. This changed my story and assisted me in getting my lost investment funds back. I chose to engage them after giving it careful thought because a lot of the testimonies truly were stating wonderful and commendable things about how the firm protected them from financial loss. They didn’t let me down by deciding to work with them. They have demonstrated their reliability in recovering lost investment funds, which is why I have included this information for other scam victims who may want to contact Wizard James Recovery to help them with their case. They are qualified and possess the necessary resources to return your money and peace of mind. Wizard James Recovery is the ideal team for you if you too want to see if your lover is cheating on you by looking into their Whatsapp conversations. Allow Wizard James Recovery’s team to lead you back to the light of redemption if you find yourself buried in the depths of lost Bitcoin, Facebook, and WhatsApp hacking to expose your unfaithful partner.
    Whatsapp: +_44_ 7418_ 367_204
    Email: wizardjamesrecovery ((@)) usa . com
    Telegram: ((https)) :// (( WizardJamesRecovery


    I want to share my story of how ethicsrefinance Hackers came to my rescue and helped me recover $347,000 worth of cryptocurrency that I thought was lost forever. After being scammed by a fake broker, I was devastated and didn’t know where to turn. I stumbled upon ethicsrefinance Hackers through a recommendation from a friend, and I am so grateful that I did. Their team of skilled professionals went above and beyond to assist me in recovering my stolen funds, providing me with constant updates and reassurance throughout the process. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, I was able to reclaim what was rightfully mine, and I cannot thank them enough for their outstanding services. If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not hesitate to reach out to ethicsrefinance Hackers for swift and reliable assistance in recovering your lost asset. Reach out to EthicsRefinance hackers today and reclaim what is rightfully yours

    EMAIL VIA: ethicsrefinance @ gmail .com

    TELEGRAM: @ethicsrefinance

  1186. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

  1187. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you

  1188. I lost my $16000 worth of crypto to some rip-offs who claimed to be investors. They convinced me to open an account with them which I did because of the testimonials (false evidence) from their past clients. I was promised a 200% bonus so I invested $4000. When it was due for me to withdraw I couldn’t, I was told by them to Invest more $$$ to unlock some privileges, which included fund withdrawal. I did as I was told (I invested another $2000). It was when they asked for another $3000 that I was convinced they were scammers. I tried every means to recover my funds from them all to no avail until a friend who passed through the same ordeal recommended GASPERTIME RESEARCH. They helped me trace and recover my stolen crypto. They also showed me how to invest and make a profit for myself and what to look out for, when investing with any platform, so I won’t get scammed again, I want you all to know I never paid a dime while this process was ongoing, I was only charged after the recovery was made. this was how professional they were. Have you been scammed while trying to invest? You can reach out to them via Email at (gaspertimeresearch @ g mail . com or via Text at ( +1 ‪(323) 400-5676 )

  1189. Victoria C. Forman

    March 6, 2024 at 8:37 am

    I’ll try not to cry as I write this amazing review!! This team overall is super professional, clear communication, technical proficiency, well experienced and very informative; you name it, they’ve got it. From the beginning I didn’t know how to resolve my withdrawal issues, nor did I know such a thing like recovery companies actually existed. JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE gave me the motivation to do my part FIRST and have faith and of course I still panicked and was quite very anxious through the whole process because it was a first time for me working with hackers and everything depended on this working out!. Having to face all the accumulated debt that I’ve somehow amassed was exhausting as a single parent and I was on the verge of loosing everything I’ve worked my entire life. JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE upon taking up my case did not only stop there like most other recovery Firm/companies out there, they kept me informed and routinely gave updates every step of the process. Knowing a company has true intentions to help you instead of taking advantage of you makes all the difference. Figuring out which company to consult has been something i’ve dreaded since out of not knowing who to trust but now It feels like Christmas came early and am more in control of my life with all of my invested assets back in my possession thanks to their team. They are always available on Email : JETHACKS 7 @ gmail . COM or Telegram: JETHACKSS and timely with responses. Highly recommend !

  1190. Edwin Amstrong

    March 6, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    I’m so happy that i finally i’ve got to share my own testimony here with y’all, I invested about 400k USDT in an online crypto investment platform. it was a very terrible situation for me as this scammers stole everything that i have invested with the platform, i was so blindfolded with the high return profits they had promised me to get at each unlocked level as an investor but at the end i found out that it was all lies made up to deceive people into investing their funds with them, Well my deepest Gratitude goes to this recovery firm that helped me during all this time, The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, It is really not advisable to just embrace every investment opportunity that comes your way to avoid being scammed, I fail to this scammers and lost hugely. I always love to invest my money so as to retire early. Unfortunately, I got scammed by binary investment options. i thought that i was dealing with the right team until i requested for my withdrawal after some months of investing but the process got declined, i immediately reached out to the support but later got an email requesting for more funds to be paid into the same wallet i sent my investment to before i could make the withdrawal successfully . that doesn’t sound great to me though but i did sent the funds to them but still couldn’t make the withdrawal. I haven’t felt so empty in my entire life, all effort to withdraw my funds was in vain. After a few weeks, I came across this International Recovery Firm . This firm saved me, they kept me calm and they were professional throughout the whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back just in 2 days. this got me really excited and happy again, I’m really thankful to God that persons like this do exist. anyone here who has been through scam can as well contact them to have all their lost recovered, this is their Telegram: ROOTKITS7 and Email: R o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m, i strongly recommended this Firm.

  1191. Erica raymond

    March 7, 2024 at 7:30 am

    I`ve always taught online hackers were scammers and couldn’t improve a credit score until I met one on a discussion forum when I surf the internet on how to improve my credit score, I read a lady’s comment on how capable Michael calce credit services is of solving any problems that has to do with hacking. So I sent him a mail and asked if he could raise my credit score and also eliminate eviction off court records. Then he replied yes and asked me to provide him some info of mine he’ll need to run the hack. When I did just that, my greatest surprise they cleared all medical bills phone bill Tax Liens Bankruptcy and utility bills also gave me a perfect score of 815 with good Tradelines. In case you need to contact them now here are the contact info Reach them out for credit solutions.

  1192. I was going to be a retired bus driver without savings, the thought of life after retirement kept draining me daily, I have been playing lotto for years without winning. I went online for research on life after retirement when I saw testimonies where people appreciated a spell caster called Lord Bubuza for giving them LOTTO winning numbers so I immediately contacted him for help to win the LOTTO 6/49 JACKPOT via WhatsApp: +1 920 474 6543, he said I can only win with the right numbers which will be revealed to him by his gods after casting a lotto spell. I did as he instructed and the spell was cast, he gave me the numbers and said I should go and play without fear. I bought the ticket and played. It was very shocking and surprising when I discovered that all the numbers Lord Bubuza revealed to me matched all six winning numbers in the April 6 draw. I became the winner of $18.7 million with the help of Lord Bubuza winning numbers. I will continue to appreciate him; DO you need help to win the lottery too?? Contact him via email: Lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or WhatsApp: +1 920 474 6543

  1193. I was going to be a retired bus driver without savings, the thought of life after retirement kept draining me daily, I have been playing lotto for years without winning. I went online for research on life after retirement when I saw testimonies where people appreciated a spell caster called Lord Bubuza for giving them LOTTO winning numbers so I immediately contacted him for help to win the LOTTO 6/49 JACKPOT via WhatsApp: +1 920 474 6543, he said I can only win with the right numbers which will be revealed to him by his gods after casting a lotto spell. I did as he instructed and the spell was cast, he gave me the numbers and said I should go and play without fear. I bought the ticket and played. It was very shocking and surprising when I discovered that all the numbers Lord Bubuza revealed to me matched all six winning numbers in the April 6 draw. I became the winner of $18.7 million with the help of Lord Bubuza winning numbers. I will continue to appreciate him; DO you need help to win the lottery too?? Contact him via email: Lordbubuzamiraclework @ hotmail . com or WhatsApp: +1 920 474 6543 …

  1194. Hello everyone! I’m Kate Oliver by name a mother of two, and I’m going to share with you all how I got scammed after falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, it all started on the Telegram App when i got added on a Cryptocurrency investment group, then i was following up the informations on the group i noticed some group members actually confirms that they got paid by the platform which they did drop some kind of receipt of them being credited, Well guess they were able to convince me through that.. i never knew that they were all scammers i was meant to believe that my investment is secured and safe with the platform and after investing all my life savings, i got denied every chance to make a withdrawal of my funds when it was due for withdrawal, they swindled me off a sum of $764,000 worth of crypto. It was the saddest moment of my life because I couldn’t believe what had happened, I was bankrupt and my credit was damaged. I reported to the authorities and there was nothing they could do to get these scammers or return my money. I thought all hope was lost and was going into depression until I came across an article online about a hacker who could help me recover my funds, at first I thought it was impossible to do that but I realize I had no other choice but to give it a try, to my surprise R O O T K I TS R E C O V E RY F IR M was able to recover all my funds back to my account, i was totally amazed by this team Professional service and i want to put this out there for anyone who might be going through the same situation and have been swindled by this scammers, you can contact R O O T K I TS R E C O V E RY F I R M to help you recover your lost funds. Contact them at ( ROOTKITS 4 @ G MA I L . COM ) and on Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1195. Charlie Graham

    March 7, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    Too many founders start a startup to raise money not to solve real problems for users. Many startup founders get caught up in the fundraising frenzy rather than focusing on solving real problems for users which is the basic foundation to any successful startup. While raising money is truly part of the journey, the primary goal should be creating solutions that truly matter to people’s lives and in cases where this kind of fraudulent activity becomes the other of business, well I believe everyone reading this has seen or is currently facing similar outcomes in their respective investment ventures. With that being said, there’s an urgent need to create an extensive awareness regarding this issue that is fast infesting our society so as to ensure more prospective investors don’t fall prey to anymore of these fraudulent investment companies out there. I recently had the pleasure of working with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E, and I couldn’t have asked for a better result. I was a true doubter at first , but then I thought, what’s the worst that could possibly happen? So I decided to give them a trial, Anyway 2 days into the process my Bitcoin funds of $ 209,640 was recovered by the team to my greatest surprise, I checked my wallet and the funds were all there. For the past 4 months, I struggled with anxiety and depression as a result of my choices which subsequently led to almost losing my entire life savings and also prevented me from going through with the process first time I enquired for their help but this time, with a bit of believe I changed the course of my near future and am so thankful for that. Many thanks to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for the exceptional service. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of recovery assistance, you can contact the team on Telegram @ J E T H A C K S S or Email ; J E T H A C K S 7 @ g m a i l . c o m

  1196. How Can I Get My Stolen Cryptocurrency Back Without Getting Rid of It Again? The Blogs of Mia Wagner. Wizard James Recovery, Crypto Investigations, Asset Recovery, and Offshore Legal Experts created Wizard James Recovery Agency. Together, their combined over 14 years of experience in these domains allowed them to establish a specialised Cyber and Crypto Intelligence Group that is results-driven. They give their clients Actionable Intelligence by utilising the newest Cyber tools, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT), state-of-the-art technology, and Cryptocurrency Tools to recover lost cryptocurrency. Wizard James Recovery Agency is based in Manchester, with offices for its global investigations in Austin, Texas, 78703, USA, and its cabinet operations centre in Rehovot, Israel. Details for getting in touch: Contact us via WhatsApp at +44 7418 367204 or email at wizardjamesrecovery @

  1197. Élodie Brunelle

    March 9, 2024 at 12:14 am

    It was on one faithful Sunday afternoon when I got a call from my friend, jubilantly she said to me and I quote ‘’ In present-day Global economy, where financial tips and crypto updates flood our internet feeds faster than we can refresh, if you’re still hoarding your wealth in the bank as the economy keeps going down faster than a poorly-built Jenga tower, let’s just say you might want to reconsider your financial strategy.’’ Out of curiosity and optimism, i excitedly jumped on the opportunity and with the guidance of my friend, it wasn’t long before I also started making profits from the platform she used but our joy was short lived. It was Barely 3 months into the investment before we started having some complications with the withdrawals. Frustration and despair struck us as we both had invested everything we had into the investment hoping to achieve maximum returns. Whilst trying to Understand & acknowledging our own mistakes towards creating the unpleasant situation we found ourselves in, we strived to improve the situation doing everything in our power to get help. On this pursuit, we stumbled upon reviews referring us to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E Inc. ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l DOT com or TELEGRAM : J e t h a c k s s ) . A fortunate turn of events for me and my friend Abby that saw us recover every penny we sent to the pig slaughter platform thanks to the special assistance from the Team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E , I forever remain thankful, we probably might not have been able to recover our funds if we hadn’t come across them. After much rumination and lessons learnt, I cannot stress enough on the importance of meaningful connections with the right persons who can impact our lies positively, shares our values & aspirations because we never know when we might need them.. Together, may we support each other’s growth & happiness.

  1198. Hey, guys!!! I have my loyalty. My blank ATM card can withdraw $5,000 per day. I got this from Mr. Georg last Wednesday and now I have €10,000 for free. The card withdraws money from any ATM and there is no name, it is not traceable and now I have enough money for me and my 4 children. I’m thrilled I met Mr. Georg because I met two people before and took my money not knowing they were scams. But I’m happy now. Mr. Georg sent the card through DHL and I got it in two days. Get one of him now. See, it’s giving out to help people, even if it’s illegal, but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries worldwide. Hurry up and email via georgbednorzhackers @ gmail. com Text, call, or WhatsAp: +1(262)355-8285         
    Other services offered were:
    Cloning ATM cards
    Hacking Bitcoin ATMs with malware cards
    Recovering Lost or Stolen Cryptocurrency 
    Hacking Western Union transfers, MoneyGram transfers, Bank transfers, PayPal transfers, Cash app transfers
    Recover Hacked Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Gmail, Yahoo mail, and websites. 

  1199. Henry Akecheta

    March 10, 2024 at 7:55 am

    WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY was recommended to me in order to help me recover my money from con artists. One of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life was believing a man I met on LinkedIn who told me about a binary trading investment company and how he has been profitable trading with them. He was very convincing, and everything on the platform appeared very legitimate. This is how I got into business with him. I made the decision to build on my initial $21,000 USD buy-in for the 14-day tier 2 investment plan and to continue. After two months, I’ve successfully completed my 1, 2, and 3 withdrawals, When it came time for me to finally buy my dream home in Long Island, I had planned to use the returns from this plan to upgrade my account and invest with the Tier X, as advised by the guy on Linkedin. However, when it came time to withdraw my funds from my dashboard, I was denied the ability to do so, and they continued to use various methods to defraud me of my money through support. This left me feeling devastated, so I looked for assistance and learned about WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY. He went above and above my expectations; I contacted him via email at (, and he provided me with a detailed explanation of the process. I knew what he was doing and I knew what was expected of me. He is efficient and capable of delivering results fast; in a short period of time, he was able to return $627,200 USD to my Blockchain wallet account. I will recommend this organisation to anyone looking for a trustworthy business that honours its commitments.
    They provide outstanding service. I am quite happy. I’m able to proceed with purchasing my own house at last.

  1200. Lance Ricketts

    March 10, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    The widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies has massively influenced its growth which has also contributed to the major rise of fraudulent activities that is being witnessed within the crypto space ever since it first gained popularity and became a legal means of growing wealth, making financial gains more accessible for investors. I remember I started having some interest in crypto when Elon Musk started tweeting about it on X formally known as twitter. My first tentative investment was in doge coin which earned me nice amounts of profits thanks to Elon’s influence on its popularity back then but I started having concerns once its price started to dip and my PNL was lower than before, in my attempt to not lose everything I bought into the idea of investing in a trading company to keep my profits growth steady. This new venture eventually cost me more than I could’ve ever imagined and at some point I wished I never got into crypto in the first place. I got to find out very late that the investment company was a scam after I had invested a huge sum of $427,000 within the span of 5 months. Today I want to use this medium to say a massive Thank you to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E this team came through when It felt like the end of the road for me. I contacted the team through their telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s and I explained my circumstances to them and they assured me of safe recovery of my funds. Well less than 48 hours into the process and I received a deposit confirmation from Blockchain notifying me of the deposit into my wallet which I confirmed immediately. This truly is one of the best humanitarian acts I’ve witnessed in my entire life because it requires an ethical recovery company to be this transparent in their process and keeping to their words, for that reason I strongly recommend their services to all and sundry, they will definitely be of help. Their email address is below as well J E T H A C K S 7 AT G M A I L DOT C O M

  1201. To anyone out there seeking to Recover any form of cryptocurrency from online scams or wallet hackers i recommend the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for you, probably this is the best crypto recovery firm i so much appreciate their efforts and devotion towards my case, i recently got scammed by a crypto currency investment platform where i had invested about $820,000 worth of USDT with this company.. i never know they were scammers due to the reviews i read about them on the YouTube channel when i was trying to found out more about this company. Actually everything went as they had planned till it got to the point i decided to withdraw the profits i had made after the few months of dealing with them but noticed that the withdrawal wasn’t successful, then I tried to contact the platform via email and phone number, I didn’t get a response from them that was when everything started looking weird. few days later I got a mail from them insisting I should upgrade my current package which means investing more money if I want to withdraw my money.. well I rejected the offer as that doesn’t sound clear to me, I never hear from them again that was when I knew I had been scammed. I was really devastated at those moment and felt so bad that my money was gone. Just recently i was lucky to find this very dependable agency ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) This recovery specialist was fantastic in helping me recover my lost USDT to the se evil scammers after providing them with all relative information and necessary requirements, my lost USDT was finally recovered . I’m so glad for their professional service . do not hesitate to contact if need help to recover your funds Email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M
    Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  1202. It’s disheartening to see the increasing rate of online theft targeting digital assets, which is causing potential investors to hesitate in embracing this lucrative investment opportunity. I personally experienced a loss of USD74,000 when I fell victim to a Pocket Options Broker I met online. They enticed me with the promise of substantial returns on my investment, but when I tried to access the investment website after a few weeks, I was denied entry. Despite my attempts to contact their support team, I realized I had been scammed.
    Desperate to recover my funds, I turned to the internet for solutions and came across Refund Policy Services .Their reputation for providing top-notch recovery services caught my attention. Taking a leap of faith, I reached out to him and his team and to my surprise, within 48 hours, they successfully helped me retrieve all my lost funds. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for this exceptional service.
    If you find yourself in a similar situation, I strongly urge you to contact them on :: Refunddpolici (@) gmail (DOT ) com and WhatsApp also: +1 (972) 998‑2755 for outstanding recovery assistance .

  1203. Living this review here makes me more fulfilled than keeping it to myself. If you think you have failed or are giving up on investment, believe me when I say it’s because you haven’t contacted the right manager and the right company to invest in. I meet this kind and God-fearing man who introduced me to an expert forex trader, seeing him gave me more courage to invest my money with his company, believe me when I say investing with his company is the best decision I have made so far. I started my investment with just $2000 and I decided to top up my investment if I make the first withdrawal. Believe me when I say I just made my first withdrawal of $20,700 and expecting another withdrawal soon, am still very surprised right now. So I take it as a challenge to myself to create time and share the good deeds of Mr Mark Toray and his company in my life. If you ever decide to try investment I will advise you to contact Mr Ethic Spy , he will guide you through the process without stress or doubt. You can reach him through his email

  1204. I`ve always taught online hackers were scammers and couldn’t improve a credit score until I met one on a discussion forum when I surf the internet on how to improve my credit score, I read a lady’s comment on how capable Michael calce credit services is of solving any problems that has to do with hacking. So I sent him a mail and asked if he could raise my credit score and also eliminate eviction off court records. Then he replied yes and asked me to provide him some info of mine he’ll need to run the hack. When I did just that, my greatest surprise they cleared all medical bills phone bill Tax Liens Bankruptcy and utility bills also gave me a perfect score of 815 with good Tradelines. In case you need to contact them now here are the contact ETHICSPY Reach them out for credit solutions.

  1205. Anthony Holder

    March 12, 2024 at 7:11 am

    I found myself in the hands of wrong Binary trading company according to the platform website its a British based company that offers traders who seeks to invest great profits from price fluctuations in the multiple global market, Actually it was a friend i met on the Tiktok app that got me introduced to this company.. i went through the companies profile informations and was convinced enough to start up my first crypto investment with them without knowing that it’s all fraudulent setup scheme to defraud investors of their funds, in total i had $317k usd stolen from me.. i felt so broken to the point that i failed sick for weeks. the worst of it all is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit as promised, this scammers made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won’t believe it all scam. it was moving through till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. I couldn’t go further as i have no money left to invest, their actions made me believe i was being scammed i was left with no much ideas than to start looking for means to get back my funds online, fortunately for me i read reviews of follow victims who later had their funds recovered through to a google review section, i found a Crypto Recovery Team by name ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM with their email contact address; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , I contacted them and they promised to help me get my stolen funds back, they asked details and info about the scammers which I provided. The result was amazing at the end I recovered all my stolen money back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. my gratitude goes to this team for their excellent service, you can as well contact them through their Telegram account: ROOTKITS7

  1206. Losing $356,700 in a Bitcoin investment scam left me devastated and feeling helpless. However, upon discovering Wizard Asset Recovery, I decided to reach out to them via email at Wizardassetrecovery, despite my initial skepticism. To my surprise, their team responded promptly and guided me through the recovery process with professionalism and expertise. They thoroughly assessed my case and assured me of their capability to assist. Following their guidance, I provided the necessary information and documents to initiate the recovery process. Through their diligent efforts and advanced techniques, Wizard Asset Recovery successfully retrieved my lost funds. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone facing a similar situation. For reliable Bitcoin recovery assistance, do not hesitate to contact Wizard Asset Recovery.

    WhatsApp: + 13157561228
    Email: Wizardassetrecovery

  1207. Kate J Murchison

    March 12, 2024 at 10:46 am


    The Rustik Cyber Hack Service team is a renowned group of experienced cryptocurrency analysts and advisors specializing in stolen crypto recovery. In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, the risk of theft and hacking poses a significant challenge to investors and traders. Recognizing the need for expert assistance in recovering stolen funds, the Rustik Cyber Hack Service Team has emerged as a trusted and reliable resource for individuals and businesses alike. With their extensive knowledge, innovative strategies, and successful track record, the Rustik Cyber Hack Service Team aims to safeguard crypto investments and restore financial security for their clients. The Rustik Cyber Hack Service Team is a group of experienced cryptocurrency analysts and advisors specializing in stolen crypto recovery. We understand the complexities of the crypto industry and have a deep knowledge of its inner workings. With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, the need for analysis and advisory services has become paramount. The crypto market is highly volatile and can be unpredictable, making it crucial to have expert guidance in navigating this complex landscape. In the crypto space, expert analysis and advice services have many advantages. They aid in the identification of possible risks and opportunities, offer insights into market trends, and support the process of making well-informed investment decisions. Through the utilization of professionals’ skills, both individuals and corporations may optimize their profits and minimize any potential losses in the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency theft has become a significant concern as the value of digital assets continues to rise. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in blockchain technology, leading to the loss of millions of dollars worth of crypto. Stolen crypto recovery refers to the process of recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrencies. It involves investigating blockchain transactions, tracing the flow of funds, and working alongside law enforcement agencies to track down and reclaim stolen assets. The Rustik Cyber Hack Service Team specializes in this complex and challenging task, offering their expertise to those who have fallen victim to crypto theft. With the increasing incidence of cryptocurrency theft, the Rustik Cyber Hack Service Team plays a vital role in the crypto industry by providing expert analysis and advisory services in stolen crypto recovery. Their exceptional expertise, extensive experience, and innovative strategies have led to numerous successful recoveries, earning them a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner. Call Rustik Cyber Hack Service through Email: ( or contact(at)rustikcyberhackservice. com )

    Get more information on their Web site: rustikcyberhackservice. com and easily reach out to them through WhatsApp:+ or Telegram: @ rustikcyberhackservice


    They are all fraudsters, I assure you. After taking your money, they will lie to you and demand more. They have already stolen $532,000 from me, and I vowed to expose them. My coworker introduced me to “WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY” (wizardjamesrecovery (@), and that’s when I realised everything. This hacking company was excellent in helping me get all the money I had been scammed back. They are also experts at hacking many kinds of accounts, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Skype, DMV removal, tracking whereabouts, background checks, Kik, and emails. They also identify missing people, clear criminal and bad driving records, perform bank transfers, hack phones, and spy on and clone phones etc. To discover a legitimate hacker like “WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY,” inquire about or give them a call via whatsapp at +4 (7418 367) 204. You should get in touch with them and advise you to cease using contacts they find on websites to complete tasks for you.

  1209. Sharon Culpepper

    March 12, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    I have been praying so hard to be a lottery winner so I did a research online when I saw testimonies of how Lord Bubuza reveal lottery winning numbers after casting his lottery spells so I immediately contacted him for help via WhatsApp: +1 920 474 6543, he told me that a lottery spell will be cast and he will reveal the lottery numbers to me, I provided his requirements to cast the lottery spell and he gave me the lottery numbers so I bought a $10 Multiplier Mania ticket from a Newport BP gas station on Main Street and played the numbers. I couldn’t hold back my tears when I realized that I won the $1 million prize, I just dropped to my knees and hit the floor. Lord Bubuza is a great psychic, Sharon Culpepper is my name and I lack words to appreciate him so I made a vow to myself that I will testify about him. Join me and thank him via email: Lordbubuzamiraclework@hotmail . com or WhatsApp:: +1 920 474 6543

  1210. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr.Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

  1211. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr.Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you

  1212. I did lose a lot of money once on an investment fraud involving bitcoins. At the most enticing rates I’ve ever seen, I invested $38,000 USD on a bitcoin trading platform. Unfortunately, though, I did not have a good experience. Subsequently, I discovered that everything was a scam and my funds were wasted. Because I was so depressed at the time, I had to figure out a way to get my money back. I quickly told a friend about my predicament and the incident. Consequently, he advocated for me to get in touch with Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. He had my deepest gratitude. I would have been really despairing and forlorn if it weren’t for Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery, the software physician. The cryptocurrency recovery company Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery is well-known and reliable. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery successfully recovered my pilfered funds in just sixty-two hours. The swiftness with which they were able to locate my lost funds astounded me. Because of this, I’ve decided to share my story and recommend their services to anyone who is reading this review and in need of assistance.

    Email: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)
    & WhatsApp:

    Best Wishes.

  1213. Greetings to everyone! I’m Eliot Morris from Sydney, Australia. I’m 54 years old and I own a Carwash business. i would love to leave my review here in order to enlighten people more about the crypto scam, I had always wanted to invest funds digitally maybe through cryptocurrency but i didn’t have a clear view on how to go about that, just last January i was very happy to met a Crypto investment firm online.. i contacted them through whatsapp and they replied i never knew that was going to be the beginning of my destruction, the costumer service guy had me provided with a few certificates proving that the company is legit and my investment is 100% safe with them.. i trusted the company and went on invested with them without knowing that I’m being manipulated, Unluckily for me i was scammed off all my funds invested, they never approved my withdrawal request i was made to pay more fees just so i could withdraw my funds, i did paid the fees but still could not withdraw my funds, it was such an ugly situation for me as i later found out this company is scam and has defrauded other people of their money. i was already depressed. i tried to get in touch with the authorities and there was nothing they could do to help me get back my money until i saw an article online about R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M, a cyber recovery expert who has tremendous reviews of how they have helped other victims of crypto scam to recover their money, with no hesitation i contact them through their Telegram ID; ROOTKITS7 and provided all the information they needed from me. To my surprise this team was able to recover my money in less than 72 hours of meeting them. I’m truly grateful for the services of ROOTKITS TEAM and I’m recommending them to every victim of the internet scam that wishes to recover their money back.
    Reach ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM via E-Mail : ROOTKITS 4 @ g ma i l . c o m

  1214. You should steer clear of these brokers and account managers at all costs. They stole more than $170,000 of my investment cash, and they continued to demand more money before they would even consider and handle my withdrawal request. Ultimately, my entire investment was lost. Every attempt to get in touch with the customer support team had been turned down. It was really painful and challenging for me to move on. Thankfully, I caught a show explaining how Wizard James Recovery helps victims of scams get their money back. Upon seeking guidance from the provided information, I promptly received a response and was requested to furnish the relevant legal documentation pertaining to my investment. To my complete surprise, I successfully received my money back after promptly adhering to their directions. I said I would not keep this information to myself, but would share it with the public in an effort to assist anyone who has been duped in getting their money back. This is a huge win against this internet con artist. I appreciate all of your hard work on this James. His personal email: wizardjamesrecovery@usa. com.

  1215. While no investment is entirely risk-free, there are several security measures you can take to minimize the risk of losing access to your BTC investment. Implementing strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and utilizing hardware wallets are all effective ways to enhance the security of your digital assets. Additionally, staying informed about the latest security threats and regularly updating your software can help protect your investment from potential vulnerabilities. ARGONIX HACK TECH is a specialized service that offers professional assistance in recovering inaccessible cryptocurrency assets. Their team of experts leverages their deep knowledge of blockchain technology and recovery techniques to help individuals regain access to lost or locked accounts. Through an assessment of the situation and utilization of various recovery methods, ARGONIX HACK TECH aims to provide successful outcomes in retrieving inaccessible BTC amounts. The journey of retrieving my inaccessible BTC investment was not just about the money. It was an emotional rollercoaster that shook my trust in digital investments. However, with each step towards recovery, I regained a sense of confidence and trust in the cryptocurrency world. It taught me the importance of staying resilient, even in the face of adversity, and proved that there are solutions out there to help us overcome our challenges. While this experience was a test of my resilience, it has not deterred me from future BTC investments. Staying informed about the latest security practices and updates is vital in this ever-changing digital landscape. Regularly updating my software, including antivirus programs and wallet applications, ensures that I am protected against the most recent threats. Additionally, staying informed about potential risks and scams helps me make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. Instead, it has encouraged me to approach them with a more cautious and informed mindset. By implementing the lessons I’ve learned and embracing the best security practices, I feel confident in rebuilding my trust and making wise investment decisions. After all, the potential rewards of the cryptocurrency market are still worth exploring, as long as we remain vigilant and protect our digital assets. Keeping your cool and taking quick action is critical if you can’t access your Bitcoin investment. Make sure there are no errors by first verifying your login credentials twice. Get in touch with the customer service of the cryptocurrency platform you invested in if you are still unable to access it. It would help if you also thought about contacting expert recovery services like ARGONIX HACK TECH which help people recover cryptocurrency holdings that are no longer accessible.

    WhatsApp: +1 (206) 234‑9907‬ & Email: Argonixhacktech(@)job4u . com & Homepage:

  1216. Fund Recovery through KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP has been nothing short of remarkable. Contacting them via email at KNIGHTHOODBOT @ GMAIL DOT COM or through their Telegram ID: KNIGHTHOODBOT9, I found solace in their dedication to tracing and recovering lost assets. It’s truly disheartening how scammers operate without remorse, preying on unsuspecting individuals and leaving them in financial turmoil. However, organizations like KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP are a beacon of hope, committed to helping victims reclaim what’s rightfully theirs.
    In today’s digital age, cryptocurrency scams have become increasingly prevalent, leaving many feeling hopeless about the prospect of recovering their lost funds. But I can attest that with the expertise and services of KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, there is a way forward. Just last week, I enlisted their help to recover over $80k lost to a crypto investment scam. Despite the initial skepticism, I took a leap of faith and reached out to them for assistance.
    The scam incident occurred in January, leaving me feeling helpless and frustrated. However, with unwavering resilience, I refused to accept defeat. It was during this trying time that I stumbled upon KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, and I’m eternally grateful that I did. From the outset, they assured me that my case was their top priority and that they would work tirelessly to recover my funds. True to their word, they navigated the complexities of the situation with ease, and before I knew it, my funds were safely returned to me.
    Working with KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP was a seamless and stress-free experience. They guided me through every step of the process, providing reassurance and support along the way. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament, I urge you not to hesitate to seek assistance. Don’t let fear or intimidation hold you back from reclaiming what’s rightfully yours. Take a stand today and regain your financial freedom with the help of KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP.

  1217. jessica robert

    March 16, 2024 at 7:28 am

    I just want to give you tips on how I got my credit score boosted above 815 across my three credit bureaus. I met this great hacker via credit blog and i contacted him. He told me to provide my credit information for the credit repair and i did then within the next 72 hours, he told me to check my credit karma report and to God who made me I never believe what I saw there until now. He help me delete eviction, negative collection items on my credit report, He increase my credit score about 815 excellent score within a few days. I was approved within a week for my mortgage loan and He also help me pay off my credit card debts within few weeks. Contact him today for a better change : KEVINPOULSENCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

  1218. After what seemed like a lifetime in one career, I decided to start exploring new areas of financial growth as part of my retirement plan. At the time I considered several options but the age barrier wasn’t really going to allow for some certain new ventures although I had a few options in the table, I decided to try the crypto market. That was a very audacious decision for me but I thought I had it all figured out with my aid who was tasked with the duty of managing my investments and trades upon my registration with the trading platform. I started out with a small amount before eventually going on to invest more than I had originally intended courtesy of the high profits generated during the trading period. All the funds will be of no use to me if I couldn’t access them, this led me to destroy myself financially trying to keep up with the incessant payments they requested of me before I could withdraw funds. This went on for months before I finally summoned up enough courage and decided to seek for external support which brings me here today for I believe there’re many others in this unpleasant similar situations because of these scammers and with little to no help while the real culprits are still out there. it’s just like they say ‘’Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.’’… so with the right help, the chances of retrieving your lost funds to scam investments is still very much alive. I got adequate support from J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E in getting my funds recovered after I found myself in what proved to be a pig slaughter scam . I lost everything I had in my name to the fake trading company but all thanks to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E in recovering my funds back to me and in doing so, they brought happiness back into my family. I can only share this on here so that whoever may find themselves in situations like this or have been victim of scam in the past can hurriedly reach out to them for help. They are active on Telegram with the username @ J e t h a c k s s and Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m

  1219. Andrew Orlando

    March 18, 2024 at 6:02 am

    Recovering back my lost invested funds with the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M has by far been the best thing that has happened to me this year, I am extremely grateful to this team for their outstanding service and commitment in helping me to recover back my funds when i got ripped off by the scammers. Actually i lost the sum of $395k worth of Bitcoins to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform just few months back, i had saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency platform to make huge profits from our investments and i contacted the broker online who pretended to help guide me through the whole process with the trading firm, i invested a hugely both my retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam to steal away my hard earned money that i have worked over the years for. we got going but when it was time for me to withdraw this broker continued to request more money until i was totally broke and in debt, it felt as if I’m losing my life because i couldn’t imagine starting life over from the scratch. Fortunately for me, i saw an article about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM well i was not in a hurry to contact them as i had to do some research about their services and found out they could help me recover back my money from these scammers, I contacted ROOTKITS FIRM through their following contact details ( ROOTKITS 4 @ G MA I L . C O M / Telegram; ROOTKITS7 ) as was listed on the reviews i read about them and in a space of 72 hours, this firm was able to recover all my money lost to this company, they did a thorough investigation with the information i provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to my wallet, I’m forever thankful to this firm for helping me so much.

  1220. Benjamin Lilley

    March 18, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    Loosing and Recouping back my funds has been an unforgiving grind-but I learned a lot along the way. For those embarking on this path, here’s everything you need to know: All things equal, a hacking team with more Experience and ability to systemize will win against an audacious company whose ability to defend their systems/data against such superior intelligence are impossible to orchestrate. JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is the team that did it for me and as well many others before me. I found the team through google and coming to work with them, they have been nothing but the best. Their help have been so helpful and they made sure to always carry me along throughout the whole process of recovering my funds by always replying to my unceasing emails Via their email support @ Jethacks 7 gmail . com right up until the very moment that my case got completed. I only worked with this team for less than 72 hours, in that short period, I watched my funds which I thought possibly had been lost forever get recovered back to my wallet, as It would turn out the trading company had been all along extorting money from me just like I had earlier suspected with zero intentions of ever releasing a single penny to me. Thankfully we’ve got teams like JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE to help us out in situations like this where we neither posses the skills nor the ability to tackle fraudulent companies that always try to take advantage and in doing so, they cut down on the amount of damage done which could’ve been worse had it not been for their helpful intervention. Hopefully, someday there will be a regulated crypto space completely free of fraudulent companies trying to rip us off and Lastly, the team is also operative on Telegram with the username @ Jethackss

  1221. My name is Nastoyka At one time I often fell for the tricks of fraudsters, namely brokers. After, I wanted to withdraw funds and started looking for companies to withdrawal of funds. I came across the company Broker Tribunal. It seemed quite a serious office, with a lot of positive feedback, and They take payment only when the work is done. Two months later, when I gave these freaks $3,000, I realized that there was no refund will. As they say, free cheese only in a mousetrap. But I still managed to get my hard-earned money back, not only from the broker, but also from the company broker Tribunal. If you need a free consultation on the broker or return companies, write to e-mail, “” they are willing help in any way I can, as they say “”

  1222. In today’s digital age, navigating the online landscape can sometimes feel like trekking through a treacherous wilderness. Recently, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit spun by skammers, leaving me feeling helpless and devastated. However, amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a beacon of hope – a recovery agency that would become my saving grace.
    From the moment I reached out to them, their team exuded professionalism and empathy. They listened attentively as I recounted my harrowing ordeal, offering reassurance and guidance every step of the way. It took us only 48 hours to recover my entire pension which i initially lost.
    their impact extended far beyond mere financial restitution. In the midst of despair, they provided a beacon of light, restoring my faith in humanity and reaffirming that goodness still exists in this digital wilderness. Their unwavering dedication to their clients is nothing short of commendable, and I am eternally grateful for their invaluable assistance. Just as i promised, i will always give reviews about them if i see a chance to, just incase theres anyone who is going through such situation like i did, below is there lines of communication.
    Wassap : +1 ( 6 5 7 ) 2 6 2 4 4 8 2

  1223. On Facebook , A former coworker of mine posted a picture of her new Tesla and how an investment coach helped her achieve it. Intrigued, I messaged her to learn more about her financial journey. She explained that she had left her previous job to focus on the stock market since earning over £8k under a day and had a stock manager handling most of her trades and she has never encountered any loss ever since she started working hand in hand with the Coach, I alter spoke to the coach “John wales” on Facebook and he recommended I download Shakepay, which he claimed to be a convenient platform that I can use to fund my trading account but I encountered an error and had to email their support. Impatient, he suggested I try another app called, which unfortunately required a three-day verification process. Despite his urging to use a Bitcoin ATM, I insisted on waiting for the verification to complete. Eventually, I funded my trading account with $62,000 after the 3-day verification process was completed, and started trading. However, after completing many trades within my first week, I tried taking out part of my profits earned but I was denied access. The company claimed I needed to pay taxes, which raised suspicions. At that point I was clueless as to why this had happened in my case, meanwhile, my coworker who introduced me to them, claimed she had never encountered any issues with funding or withdrawing her profit. To understand everything they said, I reached out to DIGITAL WEB RECOVERY an experienced recovery team. website They conducted a thorough investigation and discovered that the company was a scam and my coworker’s account had been hacked. I happened to be unfortunate that I didn’t see this coming. With the information I provided, they successfully recovered all lost funds to my Bitcoin wallet address. If you want to get your Bitcoin back, you need to act quickly and contact Digital Web Recovery. Telegram user; @digitalwebrecovery
    Email; digitalwebrecovery(@)

  1224. One really needs to be careful when it comes down to this online Cryptocurrency investment platform, I had this very problem with a crypto investment company that had all my earnings altogether with my capital investment frozen but I’m so grateful to have met the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R E Y F I R M just when i need a help so bad, i started my investment with this company everything seem real and interesting my first investment was a small one which i got paid at the due time, Afterwards i invested more funds with the company as they assured me of high profits returns, i kept investing till after some-while when i wanted to withdraw some part of my profits the company system suddenly deactivate me from making withdrawals, i contacted Mrs Aria the lady that introduced me to the company at first but she asked me to invest more funds which isn’t ok with me, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra $125k usd for some fees after i already have a total of $771k usdt on hold with the company, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at some point. i thought of how to go about the situation as i really anything on my own to withdraw my funds, it was then that i got into looking out for specialist who could be of help Luckily enough i came across the ROOTKITS Team with their contact address attached on the individual reviews i read about them Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , i texted them on their Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 thry replied and i explained the whole scenario to them and i was assured that my money can still be recovered, i asked them to help me as they’re the only one that can save me from the mess. we got going immediately after i provided everything that’s needed, after some time i was asked to provide my wallet address for transfer back of my funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i had all my money back into my wallet. I’m so grateful for all they’ve done for me and my family.

  1225. Sara Hargreaves

    March 20, 2024 at 9:39 am

    My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered earlier on, however with the support given to me in the consultation and during my one on one conversations with the Team via their telegram account ( @ J e t h a c k s s ) J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $326,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE, i had met a few recovery agents as well that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today, I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and J E T H A C K S on my team! … I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official email address ( J ET HAC KS 7 @ GMAI IL. COM )

  1226. Darlene Randall

    March 21, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    I have become aware of a number of reports of individuals losing money to investment frauds. These scams have also made me a victim. My Bitcoin losses exceeded 150,000 euros last year. Seeking to work with people, I sought around, but unfortunately, I was also tricked. Prior to my discovery of DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, this continued for a few months. A tragedy as heartbreaking as losing Bitcoins can happen in our increasingly digital society, where the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Envision years of financial commitments, aspirations, and goals that suddenly disappear. Prior to hopelessness setting in, however, businesses such as DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY surface, offering to act as your virtual Houdini, recovering items that were believed gone for good. The innovative digital money, bitcoin, has experienced an incredible journey. Although its value has skyrocketed and attracted millions, its decentralized structure also presents unique challenges. In contrast to conventional bank accounts, lost Bitcoins cannot be recovered by a central authority. In the aforementioned situation, DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY might be useful. I can say again that they are equipped with the know-how and means to search the dark web for your lost Bitcoins. Customers who have been reunited with their digital money are portrayed on their website as success stories. Data recovery firms like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY may provide hope, de hope, considering how distressing losing Bitcoin may be. Nevertheless, proceed with extra care. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, make sure you are aware of the wizards, and complete your homework. Do not forget that cure is never better than prevention. Secure your Bitcoins first by putting robust security measures in place. DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY is a digital magic wand that specializes in retrieving lost or unreachable bitcoins. By applying their expertise and cutting-edge tools, they want to make the seemingly unachievable feasible. Your bitcoins are in good hands since the DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY team is made up of seasoned experts who bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the subject of digital currency recovery. The loss of something significant in the digital sphere feels like a contemporary tragedy because the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Imagine misplacing the key to your life savings—not a tangible item, but rather a convoluted code that represents your bitcoins.This is the terrible reality that many people must deal with,but organizations like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY provide a ray of hope by helping people reclaim things that were previously believed to be gone forever. As quickly as possible, give this professional team an opportunity to retrieve back what you lost. Email: digitalhackrecovery (@) techie ( . ) com, or kindly reach them via telegram : (digitalhackrecovery) For quick and fast communication.


    Many individuals are perplexed by crypto or bitcoin recovery because they believe it is extremely difficult to determine whether or not it can be retrieved. But I can confirm that it can be retrieved. I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm. I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $155,000 which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it was time to get my profits, I got to know the company was a scam. They kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience and requested to have my money back and they refused to answer nor refund my funds. I heard about TECHGENIUS RECOVERY from a spa partner that used his services already and I decided to reach out to him. After explaining my situation and complaints to him, he was swift and took action and within 28 hours he got back my funds back with the due profit. I urge someone in a similar situation to reach out to their support email:( techgeniusrecovery @ ). They are reliable, trustworthy, affordable and provides excellent services. They also offer other hacking services i so learnt.

  1228. Hi Everyone, This is my story. I was scammed by a cryptocurrency investment company by the name Altercoin and Based on its website, it’s a British company. Everything began January 12, 2024, with a deposit of $300.0 USD to open trading account. Shortly after investing, Their system started generating decent profits , In the first week of February 2024 their system generated a 158% profit in one week approximately $60,000 USD. Altercoin employee Danny Nixon, an English man asked for additional capital to balance the profit, After the additional capital provided, they liquidated my trading account at the financial department request and placed the transaction on hold, After which they asked for more funds for various reasons which I did pay as well but still the funds was not released to my wallet so this got me very concerned and I decided to carry out an investigation on my own , I discovered later that they were on paper and the whole account was fake. I was left devastated and feeling crushed so I had to confide in my friend about everything that’s going on, he advised we hire a professional recovery company to trace down all my deposits and payments to Altercoin and have it retrieved, he’s well oriented in tech stuff so he recommended we seek out the professional help we needed from J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ G M A I L . C O M / Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s ) which we did and At first, I had to provide the team with some proofs of my investment and contract with Altercoin before they could proceed to recover my funds. I must thank the team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for how professional they were in handling my situation, demonstrates a commendable level of commitment and dedication to helping his clients such as myself recover our funds stuck in the hands of dishonest financial setups. To anyone reading this and is in need of recovery assistance, you can also contact the team to help you.

  1229. Jane Langenberg

    March 22, 2024 at 9:02 am

    I’m here to recommend RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM for your Bitcoin, crypto, and other digital asset recovery. This company was able to help my colleague and me recover all my crypto that was hacked from our blockchain wallet in less than 3 working days. I want people to do enough research on the crypto market before investing in it. I don’t know how the fake investment officer got access to my blockchain wallet and stole the sum of $977,000 worth of Bitcoin and ETH funds. This incident drained me mentally, and if I had done enough research, I would not have fallen into their trap. Fortunately, I was able to come across Dr WARDELL DORMAN and his team from RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM after searching the Internet and seeing wonderful reviews about their service and their capabilities in recovering crypto. I’m grateful for their support and their professionalism in helping me get back my stolen crypto. If you have encountered problems like mine, you can contact RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM (e m a i l : reclaimfundsfirm(@) ) or WA: (+) (65)-(9055)-(2242)

  1230. Jane Langenberg

    March 22, 2024 at 9:05 am

    Ich bin hier, um Ihnen RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM für die Wiederherstellung Ihrer Bitcoin-, Krypto- und anderen digitalen Vermögenswerte zu empfehlen. Dieses Unternehmen konnte meinem Kollegen und mir helfen, alle meine gehackten Kryptowährungen aus unserem Blockchain-Wallet in weniger als drei Arbeitstagen wiederherzustellen. Ich möchte, dass die Leute ausreichend über den Kryptomarkt recherchieren, bevor sie darin investieren. Ich weiß nicht, wie der gefälschte Investmentbeauftragte Zugang zu meiner Blockchain-Wallet erhalten und Bitcoin- und ETH-Gelder im Wert von 977.000 US-Dollar gestohlen hat. Dieser Vorfall hat mich geistig erschöpft, und wenn ich ausreichend recherchiert hätte, wäre ich nicht in ihre Falle getappt. Glücklicherweise konnte ich auf Dr. WARDELL DORMAN und sein Team von RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM stoßen, nachdem ich im Internet gesucht und wunderbare Bewertungen über ihren Service und ihre Fähigkeiten bei der Wiederherstellung von Kryptowährungen gesehen hatte. Ich bin dankbar für ihre Unterstützung und ihre Professionalität, mit der sie mir geholfen haben, meine gestohlenen Kryptowährungen zurückzubekommen. Wenn Sie auf Probleme wie meine gestoßen sind, können Sie sich an RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM (E-Mail: reclaimfundsfirm(@) oder WA: (+) (65)-(9055)-(2242) wenden. Obwohl sie größtenteils auf Englisch kommunizieren, macht ihr Übersetzungsagent die Sache dennoch einfacher

  1231. Despite varying beliefs about hackers, my experience with several led me to recognize KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP as exceptional. Communication occurred via both EMAIL: KNIGHTHOODBOT @ GMAIL COM and Telegram, utilizing the Username: KNIGHTHOODBOT9. My aspiration to build a substantial portfolio capable of enduring recessions or financial crises during retirement prompted me to invest all my savings in cryptocurrency. Regrettably, this endeavor did not unfold as anticipated. Initially investing with AGROFX in mid-October when Bitcoin was valued at $34,667, I managed to secure approximately 20 bitcoins, equivalent to $693k. However, as the price of Bitcoin surged to $72k, attempts to withdraw a portion of my investments were futile. The company’s insistence on a fee to unlock the withdrawal feature raised suspicions.Engaging with various hackers initially, none proved legitimate; their motives focused on depleting remaining funds rather than offering assistance. However, on my third attempt, after encountering a crypto thread discussing KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP, my fortunes changed. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP took charge of recovering my funds, successfully completing the task within 72 hours. I strongly encourage anyone who may have fallen victim to recent crypto scams to seek assistance from KNIGHTHOODBOT CORP. Based on my firsthand experience, their exceptional services speak volumes, but true appreciation only comes from working directly with them.

  1232. My man has been flirting with my friend for a while now though I really suspected but it was clear after hacking into his phone with the help of russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com. I got to see where he was always proposing love to my friend on his WhatsApp messages and also deleted text messages he has been sending to my friend that he deleted as well. Thank you for this great services am grateful.

  1233. Are we safe? That’s the question I keep on asking, the internet is becoming more unsafe and so many unethical people derive joy from defrauding victims whenever they can. I have fallen victim to their scam tactics and lost $300,000 worth of Bitcoins from my Binance account after I tried to invest in cryptocurrency. I was unlucky to be one of the many victims who have fallen prey to these scam artists, with their usual tactics of cryptocurrency manipulation. My advice to everyone out there is to be cautious and seek enough information before investing in cryptocurrency. I would be in serious financial trouble and probably would have lost my house without the intervention of Cyber Asset Recovery, a cryptocurrency and digital currency recovery company, I was very fortunate to be referred to them by my cousin who was a client of Cyber Asset Recovery, for many years back. It was remarkable that a team of cyber security professionals and ethical hackers was able to recover my funds for me. I’m grateful for their service and I recommend Cyber Asset Recovery, to everyone out there. Kindly contact them via E-Mail if you need their services.
    Email: Cyberassetrecovery@
    Telegram: @CyberAssetRecovery & +1 501 725 1653
    Website: https:// cyberassetrecovery .pro/

  1234. I lost a huge amount of my funds to a Cryptocurrency investment firm, it was a very critical challenge and experience to me as i lost every damn investment without being aware that’s all scam, This platform posed as an investment company that could deliver a certain percentage in returns if you with with them through Bitcoin. it was my first time dealing in cryptocurrency and everything seems confusing to me but they helped me setup the Binance Platform where i had made all crypto purchase from, At first, it seemed real and was moving fine as i got paid of my first investment. I didn’t realize they set up a bot that will completely shutdown your account after you have decided to invest a huge amount of money. i made a couple huge deposit in order to earn more but then i found out that i couldn’t access my crypto and withdraw to my account as usual. Contacted the customer service and they told me about unending website upgrade which led me to paying more. Well it was all scam at end but I’m so Thankful to God as i was able to do some research online on how i could possibly recover back my funds held by the scam company and i read some comments about similar experience, so i was advised to Contact the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M. Well, i quickly contact them and had them provided with all required details, These guys are amazing as they literally traced all my transactions, tracked the crypto and refunded me 100% of all my lost funds back to my wallet. If you have been scammed of your Crypto or been in a similar situation you contact this team for help. Telegram; ROOTKITS7 or R O O T K I T S 4 @G M A I L . COM

  1235. Recovery companies/firm has played a crucial role in curtailing financial thefts by providing services to underserved populations who were unjustly exploited or targeted from their previous finance practices and investments, However, there will always be bad eggs in the groups like the first 2 firms I contacted before J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E arrived and saved the day. J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and team have disrupted traditional financial services, offering innovative solutions that challenge established financial institutions and banking related frauds setting the standards for true excellence in this field. Unfortunately The knowledge and experience i have gained from my painful ordeal with the fraudulent platform that nearly succeeded in taking my money came at a great cost one that I had imagined would be the ruin of me. I lost my entire life savings of almost half a million dollars to a binary trading platform introduced to me by a lady I connected with on LinkedIn, she had provided me with all sorts of documents and proofs to collaborate her testimony which I later discovered were all fakes. I blamed myself deeply for trusting her words and being a novice in the industry, i fell for her game of numbers, I believed I actually had a real balance of huge profits and before I realized what was happening I had already invested everything I had saved up with them. I couldn’t bear the loss so I set out looking for help, it wasn’t an easy decision picking the right company to consult as I came across many different recovery agents/companies but in the end, it was worth the risk. I decided to go with J E T H A C K S Team on my third attempt through one of their contact channels on Telegram @ J E T H A C K S S and I explained my plight to the team, well to round up my story, the team recovered my funds from the scam company in 72 hours of serious efforts unlike the previous recovery companies. Also the team is active on email support J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C OM

  1236. Gaby Katherine

    March 23, 2024 at 9:51 pm

    Imagine this: one morning as you get ready for the day, you discover that your valuable Bitcoins, which are worth $100,000, have mysteriously disappeared. Yes, you, my friend, are the unfortunate victim of what amounts to a modern-day digital theft. But don’t worry—this tale unexpectedly takes a turn for the better, leading to healing and atonement. The initial shock of realizing your crypto fortune has been stolen can send shivers down the spine of even the most stoic investor. Panic sets in, followed by a frantic scramble to report the theft to the authorities. But alas, the bureaucratic red tape and the limitations of traditional investigative methods can leave you feeling more lost in the digital wilderness than ever before. A ray of hope emerged in the shape of HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS just when everything seemed hopeless. This expert crew saved the day, acting as though they were a computer wizard with a talent for solving intricate cyber puzzles. A ray of hope appeared in the otherwise hopeless world of cryptocurrency theft when the victim, by sheer happenstance, discovered HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS exclusive and customized services. With trepidation and a hint of skepticism, the victim embarked on a journey of recovery with HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS. The initial consultation felt like a breath of fresh air, as the team delved deep into the intricacies of the case with a level of expertise that inspired newfound confidence. Through open collaboration and unwavering transparency, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS guided the victim through the recovery process, turning what seemed like a lost cause into a tale of triumph in the world of digital deception. In a plot twist worthy of a blockbuster movie, HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS swooped in and managed to reclaim the $100,000 that had disappeared into the murky depths of the internet. Cue the dramatic music and slow-motion high-fives. When the long-lost funds finally made their way back into the account, it was a moment of sweet victory and disbelief. With the money back where it rightfully belonged, the next step involved tightening security measures and perhaps treating oneself to a well-deserved celebratory dinner – because overcoming cyber villains deserves a toast. Through this rollercoaster of a saga, valuable lessons emerged like phoenixes from the ashes. Always stay vigilant, keep those virtual doors locked, and never underestimate the power of a trusty cyber-sleuth on your side. Consult HACKATHON TECH SOLUTIONS via below contact details. info @ hackathontechsolution . com or through WhatsApp +31 647 999 256

  1237. Gerald Carolyn

    March 24, 2024 at 2:03 am

    Thanks to Gerald Carolyn for letting me know about Alien Wizbot, I read about Gerald Carolyn and it was so felt that i had a goosebump on me, it was same thing happening to me at that particular, it seems like i was reading my life story when i read an article on how Carolyn got scammed and her husband came into the book, this was exactly what happened to me, I and my husband are from China, we meant each other in North Carolina , that was our first meeting at 1992 and came across each part 2000 then we engaged in a relation and got married 2005, we had four kid’s, twice birth… We have been residing in our home at New York and got some apartment at CA down town, we lost all wealth to scammers during the process of fighting for more achievement, we were trying to invest into Energy and oil, we meant a broker 2020 who we have been discussing with they were always current on Energy and sock-exchange, so February 2023 we were able to gather $5.7m, we travelled down to China to have all document signed, they were UK and some Germany agents with 3 China, it was a big office and we have need money wired instantly on that meeting expecting the deal to be commenced immediately, we travelled back to start with a little coffee shop expecting our profit in six months interval since it was a short term business contract and with that amount $57 million was expected as a return profit after all tax has been taken including traders fees we were expecting $57m to be balanced on our account, It was a disaster on June 16th hearing the news that the platform has been crashed down, we tried to reach all their contact, we travelled down to china and other countries, no one was fund, handed all document to police and the corps couldn’t do anything about it, it was a big frustration for us. Having read about GERALD Carolyn stories i reached out to Alienwizbot (@)Gmail .com and also WhatsApp +16262645164 who then responded fast via WhatsApp and we came to conclusion and he have my funds recovered back to a wallet address recommended to me by him and that same week i reached out to Alien Wizbot they got my funds recovered, indeed it is very pleased and worthy to have Alienwizbot employ for your scammed funds recovery.

  1238. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP has been a lifesaver for many individuals and families, including mine. Recently, I recovered my lost investment with the an investment company. It all began when I received a message on Facebook about their investment opportunity. After reviewing some documents, I decided to invest with them, as I was seeking a secure option for retirement savings. The digital nature of the investment, particularly in crypto, seemed promising given its appreciation over the past decade. However, after falling victim to a scam where the Scam company withheld over $108k in ether and demanded additional fees for withdrawal, I realized the risks involved, especially for newcomers like myself.
    Recognizing the need for help, I turned to KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP, renowned for their expertise in digital asset recovery. Despite initial skepticism about seeking assistance online, I understood the importance of taking action. Contacting the recovery team via email at “KNIGHTHOODBOT@GMAIL.COM” and providing them with comprehensive details of my situation facilitated the recovery process within 48 hours. Engaging with one of their experts on Telegram, with the username ‘KNIGHTHOODBOT9,’ also offered valuable insights into safeguarding against future cyber threats.Since then, I’ve become more cautious about accepting online connections, realizing the prevalence of scams on social media platforms. I’ve learned to limit interactions to trusted friends. It’s essential to note that if ever in doubt about potential scams or in need of verification, reaching out to KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP is a wise decision, as they are committed to providing assistance.

  1239. Yasmin Salazar

    March 25, 2024 at 7:06 pm

    I want to start by saying a massive thank you to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E, all in all this team have been pivotal in helping me get back on my feet again so I feel like I owe them a great deal of appreciation. If things went well, I promised myself I would come back here to share my own personal review when I first read about their services from previous friends online, well it’s safe to say the team exceeded my expectations with the results they achieved just within the 48 hours period of recovery much to my biggest surprise. The fact is, this team have got the much required versatile knowledge and experience to accurately maneuver the crypto space and make the impossible happen and that was exactly what I needed in my then moment of desperation, and it surely influenced my decision to go with them. After what happened with the telegram platform that deceived me, I just couldn’t afford to fall into the wrongs hands again so for me it was all about results and J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E came highly recommended, so I took their contact details which were attached to the reviews are Email address : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M AIL . C OM and Telegram via the username @ J E T H A C K S S and I messaged the team thankfully they responded back, I reached out to them on a Sunday afternoon and received notification the following Wednesday that my funds had been successfully retracted into my wallet, which I quickly checked and confirmed it. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can contact them directly using any of their contact information above.

  1240. Daniel Mosemann

    March 25, 2024 at 7:09 pm

    I left the country for just few days and my wife is already planning on hooking up with another man in a hotel. I found out all of this after hiring to help spy on my wife iPhone 15. when the results came out I was granted full access into her phone remotely. I went through her WhatsApp messages, call logs, deleted messages, call recordings, iMessages and many more then I found out my wife has always been a cheat, after having so much trust in her this is what I get in return? it is well. To you anonymousmaskhat @ gmail. com thank you so much I appreciate your services.

  1241. The day I discovered about this hacker called that was the same day I discovered my cheating husband lol. This hacker opened my eyes to so many hidden secrets my husband has been keeping on his phone. Thank you so much jeajamhacker @ gmail. com for a very reliable phone hack.

  1242. Alessia Beatrice

    March 26, 2024 at 6:58 pm


    In the world of cryptocurrency recovery, innovation is key – and Technocrate Recovery knows it. They harness the power of innovative data recovery algorithms to sift through vast amounts of information, pinpointing the exact location of your lost Bitcoins with precision and accuracy. With their advanced tools at hand, your recovery is in good hands. Behind every successful recovery is a team of skilled specialists, and Technocrate Recovery doesn’t disappoint. Their squad of cryptocurrency wizards knows the ins and outs of Bitcoin recovery like the back of their hand, turning seemingly impossible situations into success stories with their expertise and dedication. Technocrate Recovery stands out as a formidable force in the Bitcoin recovery sector, surpassing mere competition to establish itself as the undisputed industry leader. With unparalleled expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a track record of successful client restorations, Technocrate Recovery has redefined the standards of cryptocurrency recovery services. Technocrate Recovery isn’t your average Joe in the Bitcoin recovery game. They’re the Gandalf of the industry – wise, powerful, and ready to work some magic on your lost or stolen Bitcoins.

    Send a direct message to Technocrate Recovery with number:



  1243. There is a big shift in the understanding that people have of what “dating apps” are for-mostly because they’re called “dating apps”. Modern dating apps are an entertainment product: a gallery of people in your area and someone will occasionally like your photos. Unfortunately some people have decided to make the dating app space unsafe for casual people who simply wishes to use the app for its primary purposes. Nowadays, when you join a dating site, there’s a 99% chance that you’re going meet these people always trying to pitch an app/ company that they claim is a more effective way to save and earn money some even go to the lengths of building a romance relationship with you first before manipulating your feelings towards investing in some sort of financial setup. I had plenty of experience with the likes of these individuals. However I later fell victim to one lady I had met on hinge her name was Tonya, I actually met up with her one time, I never knew that these crypto scammers actually operate in real life as well. She always came up with some sort of excuse whenever I suggested we met up again, I felt I didn’t make a good first impression and tried making up for that by buying into a referral program she dealt with , I invested a total of $320k within 4 months but when I insisted to see her again before going further she stopped responding to me and blocked me on all platforms. I didn’t know what to think or believe but I was sure of one thing, Tonya was a fraud. I quickly started scorching the internet for best possible means to recover sent crypto funds, this led me to a podcast where I learnt about how J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E has recovered stolen/scammed crypto assets for individuals, without further hesitation I messaged the team through Telegram on their official Telegram handle @ J E T H A C K S S and asked for their help, thankfully the team successfully recovered back the 320k worth of USDT assets I sent to the company address after 48 hours and I feel so fortunate to have been able to get the right team otherwise I have no idea what could’ve become of me.

  1244. Leonard Beinstein

    March 27, 2024 at 7:51 am

    I met The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and actually it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was really scared to meet people online after they scammed me but the reviews i read from other victims who got saved by ROOTKITS FIRM was really satisfying so I decided to contact ROOTKITS firm through their Email: R O O T K I T S 4 @ g m a i l. C o m and this firm saved my life and restored happiness back to my family, I invested a total of $812k on a binary option platform that seems to offer great interest to investors.. after few months of investing i then tried to make some withdrawals to my bank but noticed the withdrawal wasn’t approved, I contact the company to see what is going wrong but they asked me to pay for gas fees of about $65k usd before my withdrawal can be approved, I did paid but still can’t make withdrawal yet.. I approached the company again but they asked for more funds and fees to be settled, i was mentally broke down.. ended up paying and clearing this fees demanded by them but still wasn’t able to perform the withdrawal successfully. it then became clear to me that i was being scammed, this prompted me to go searching and looking for means to get back my funds as this scammers rendered me totally broke, Thankful to have met the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM that assisted in recovering back all my funds lost to this fake platform. i was very happy and really appreciate their efforts and dedication towards my complaints. you can message them for your lost funds/stolen crypto via their email or Telegram ; ROOTKITS7

  1245. I filed for a divorce to terminate my 15 years marriage after I discovered with the help of that my wife has sleeping with another man and even gave birth for the man but then she pined it on me. After i got all this informations from my wife phone I then secretly did a DNA test on I and my son it was then clear that my wife has been a cheat and a liar, cant even believe have been training another man child all along. All thanks to you spyexpert0 @ gmail. com

  1246. At Facebook, I connected with a crypto investment group called Capitalix fx. Every year the group manager would select their top 30 most active investors getting well engaged in the trading activities in the group and reward them accordingly through a variety of trading packages including a multi-investors package where you can invest together with a certain group to unlock a 500% profit return. Selected Investors would quickly top up their portfolio balance and alert the VPs of their group who will in turn confirm their buy-in, then we’re supposed to await the trading period of 2weeks before receiving our returns. Last year, I was among the 30 selected investors even though I was still in my first 6 months, I was quite surprised but I then It felt like an opportunity to amass more profits from the company, so I quickly gathered as much funds as I could and deposited into my account as per the companies terms and conditions. One week in and the company website shut down, i tried speaking with the group admin but she wouldn’t respond to any of my messages and she went on to remove me when i threatened to report her account. I resorted to hiring a hacking recovery company in a last ditch attempt to save my family, I had lost everything and we were now feeding from hand to mouth. As luck would have it, I came to know about a reputable and trustworthy recovery company J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E through a twitter post which quickly prompted me to get in touch with the team using one of their contacts info that I had copied from the post Email: J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M AIL . COM or Telegram username @ J E T H A C K S S . It didn’t take long before their team responded to me and they accepted to take on my case after reviewing everything, within 48 hours the team anonymously extracted back my funds from the scammers back into my wallet, they’re my knight in shining armor and I strongly recommend them to everyone else out there

  1247. The comprehensive analysis provided by KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP regarding the transaction history associated with my invested wallet proved to be remarkably precise. Earlier on , I engaged with a cryptocurrency trading entity. Regrettably, the company was involved in deceitful practices and subsequently ceased operations. They misled numerous users, including myself, by falsely presenting investment returns. It was astonishing to uncover that all platform data was manipulated to lure users, and they demanded fees for withdrawing purported profits.
    Initially, I sought assistance from various hacking agencies, yet none could retrieve information from the system. However, upon learning about KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP’s exceptional track record in assisting individuals in recovering funds from fraudulent schemes, I promptly provided them with the necessary details to initiate proceedings. Within 48 hours, a member of their team, identified by the Telegram username @KNIGHTHOODBOT9, contacted me, updating on progress. It was disclosed that the scammers were operating remotely from West Africa. Subsequently, authorities were engaged, leading to their apprehension after successfully reclaiming my funds from their wallet.
    I am elated to have contributed significantly to the fight against fraud and to have brought justice to a platform that deceived individuals and misappropriated their hard-earned money through deceitful means. This triumph is owed to the steadfast support of KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP . For those in need of their services, the most effective means of contact is through their official EMAIL: KNIGHTHOODBOT @ GMAIL COM.

  1248. Roosevelt Lester

    March 29, 2024 at 5:13 pm

    Telegram: CyberGenieHackPro
    W:A: +*1*2*5*2*5*1*2*0*3*9*1

    I boldly need to use this medium to share the great achievement I recently achieved with the Cyber Genie Recovery Team. The team Cyber Genie is a trusted recovery firm with several years of experience that has aided several individuals around the continent with great support for helping lost cryptocurrency victims. No one who comes across, Cyber Genie Recovery team leaves their problems unattended, they are capable, reliable, trustworthy, dedicated, and above all they are willing to go the extra mile to achieve success at any cost to avoid individuals to avoid losing their hard-earned money. I was convinced by one crypto investor I met on Instagram who swayed me into falling victim to his fraudulent acts. After a few weeks, I attempted to withdraw the supposed profits I made from the investment. I wasn’t able to withdraw because the page was showing an error. I immediately contacted the team support and I didn’t get any feedback. Cyber Genie Recovery Team came to my rescue ensuring every investment to that criminal was successfully recovered within the hour time frame I was promised. after I provided all the information they needed from me. Contact, Cyber Genie Team Recovery team for inquiries above.

  1249. Christian Aitken

    March 30, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Ladies & gentlemen, l’d like to introduce you to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ( J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M / Telegram ID @ J E T H A C K S S ). I worked closely with this team on the case of recovering my lost Bitcoin assets after reading many impressive testimonials about how they are able to help scam victims. Locating this recovery company wasn’t completely a smooth journey, I was forced to think outside the box if I was ever going to have a chance at regaining access to an overdue lifetime worth of investments stuck with a binary option trading company. So this was what happened to me, typical scammer routine… I met this broker on Instagram , he convinces me to invest with a certain binary options trading company that he brokers for , initially I started with a small amount which he guaranteed would be appropriately managed but in actuality, it was all a fake balance so the numbers I witnessed grow in my account over the months were fake, everything started to unravel when I decided to withdraw a nice percentage of my profits so I could purchase a more comfortable home for my family. At first I wasn’t sure what I was dealing with even after clearing some fees I was still not able to access the funds so it was really affecting my mental health but I later came to learn that the whole operation was organized by the broker agent and the website was only a clone of the original website so all payments were directly into his wallet never the real company thanks to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for opening my eyes to this. By definition, hackers are very private but they were the only ones that could possibly salvage my situation since this was a cyber scam issue and I am really thankful I didn’t deal with the unethical ones because they’re many of them that end up causing more damage to you, the team kept to their words and recovered back my funds from the scammers wallet within 48 hours.

  1250. The advent of affordable assignment writing services in the UK has revolutionized the way students who are trying to strike a balance between their budget and a quality education may study. By guaranteeing that all students, regardless of their financial situation, can benefit from professional aid and achieve academic achievement, these services democratize access to academic assistance. cheap assignment help Although cost-effectiveness is an important benefit, it’s critical for students to make sure these services uphold strict quality standards and academic integrity, enabling them to succeed without going over budget.

  1251. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you .

  1252. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you..

  1253. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you..

  1254. When you’re in the process of identifying an Ethical Recovery firm for recovering your funds, you will often randomly stumble across scammers posing as hackers to scam you of whatever you have left, such experiences can completely invalidate the impression and believe most people have of Real hackers. In my case, I stumbled upon a few fake recovery agents that promised to recover my funds for me but they’d end disappearing on me after paying some upfront service fee without completing the job for which I hired them for And each time, I am forced to pivot or start over completely. If you’ve only worked or come across unethical recovery firms, you will be instinctually compelled to doubt the next team or agent you run into and while it is necessary to be cautious when dealing with recovery agents to avoid being scammed again, it is definitely worth the efforts as there are still many ethical and legitimate recovery firms out there like the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. I was fortunate to learn about this team through a Facebook post by a previous client of theirs, I quickly messaged her and asked for more details which she provided and assured me they would be of help, well just like she said, The J E T H A C K S Team lived up to their reputation and I am well pleased with their level of professionalism, the first recovery agents took like forever to accomplish nothing whereby it only required less than 48 hours for a professional and competent Recovery hackers to trace down my funds and recoup everything back to my account. For that reason, i urge anyone looking for recovery firms to reach out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E , hopefully you could still have a chance at retrieving any assets or funds lost to scammers , their contact details are as follows :
    Email : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M
    Telegram : J E T H A C K S S


    April 2, 2024 at 7:14 am

    This testimony is worth sharing to the world. I am here to tell the world of the good works of DR.BALBOSA. My name is Olivia Bolton and I am from the UK.. My man left me and my kids for another older woman. It was not so easy for me…I love my husband so much and I did not lose hope and I kept praying and believing. Finally, my prayers were answered…i searched online for a spell caster to help me unite me and my lover back forever and I saw so many testimonies of how DR.BALBOSA has helped so many people online and I decided to give him a trial…I contacted him and explained to him. He told me not to worry that he will bring back my man within 24 hours. He consulted his powers and assured me not to worry. He did his work and cast the natural spell and to my greatest surprise, my husband came back the same day begging and crying just as DR.BALBOSA said. He begged me for forgiveness and he promised never to leave me for any reason. We are happy and we live together as one. Contact DR.BALBOSA now and be happy forever. dont lose hope and good luck…you can also contact DR.BALBOSA from any part of the world…
    EMAIL: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com
    WHATSAPP NO: +1 (204) 650-0572

  1256. Carmen Shevonne

    April 2, 2024 at 9:50 am

    What is DIGITAL FUNDS RECOVERY without the indispensable support of KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP? These remarkable hackers have repeatedly proven their ability to adeptly handle any Recovery Cases brought to their attention. I am not alone in attesting to their positive impact; countless individuals have shared their commendations of this RECOVERY CORP over the years. With an active presence in the RECOVERY REALM for over 3-4 years, they have garnered an impeccable reputation. My decision to engage with them was bolstered by the absence of any negative reviews during my thorough research process. Upon initiating contact via EMAIL ( K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT GMAIL DOT COM ), I was promptly assisted by their technical head, PAUL. His dedication and expertise ensured the seamless completion of my case. Prior to connecting with KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP, I diligently vetted multiple Recovery Firms, mindful of the prevalence of scammers targeting individuals like myself who had fallen victim to investment scams. KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP’s legitimacy stood out to me from the outset, instilling confidence in their capabilities.Contrary to the skepticism surrounding the recovery of lost cryptocurrency, KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP swiftly dispelled any doubts. Despite the scammers absconding with over $560k, both the invested sum and my ROI were successfully reclaimed through their intervention. Their thorough investigation, guided by the information I provided about the fraudulent company, yielded fruitful results. Today, I am compelled to share my experience in the hopes of aiding others facing similar challenges in recovering lost assets. Look no further than KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP for trusted and legitimate assistance. Their unwavering commitment to helping individuals reclaim what is rightfully theirs underscores their reliability. Reach out to them today via Telegram @KNIGHTHOODBOT9 and embark on your journey towards recovery. Ciao.

  1257. Campbell addison

    April 3, 2024 at 8:35 am

    I want to appreciate the works of GARY MCKINNON CREDIT SERVICES for a great job which was delivered on my credit report. I applied for mortgage loan weeks back but proved negative. The issue was that I had bankruptcy and tax liens to dispute, and the companies dropped it off my record. After surfing through the internet for help I discovered GARY MCKINNON CREDIT SERVICES on a credit repair website and other website related to credit repair. I contacted the credit firm and explained everything in which the goal was to get a good credit, He permanently removed all the negative items on my credit report and skyrocketed my score to 801/815 on all the 3 bureaus. I have been approved for a business loan to buy new truck’s for my business after being turned down several times . If you need your credit improved I suggest you contact: GARYMCKINNONCREDITSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

  1258. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

  1259. Peter Leonard

    April 4, 2024 at 7:33 am

    I got scammed by an online cryptocurrency trading company.. my first ever experience with scam and it was a terrible one for me as I lost everything i had worked for over the years to this fake trading company, i was really devastated and lost.. but special thanks to this Godsend Team “ R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M. for saving my life.. it all started last October 2023 when a lady I had been friends with on Facebook contacted me and offered me with some investment advice.. from her page she looks like a certified crypto trader who also runs a mentorship program, this got me interested as i wanted to know more.. she had offered to guide me and put me down through the whole process so without much deliberation we moved forward, i first started the beginners project with $1500 usd.. it was going well.. I made some upgrade as the lady advised me.. later upgraded to the “millionaires pack where I invested $1.2m usdt, made all transfers with my Binance account without knowing that I was been defrauded.. it then got to the point that i wanted to move some parts of my funds into my bank account.. i noticed that my withdrawal wasn’t approved, i quickly called the attention of the customer care dept for assistance but I was asked to pay some huge fees just so my withdrawals can be processed, i did paid the fees but my funds was still not released.. this was around mid January this year. the lady that was putting me through all this stopped replying to my texts and calls, i then realized that i was been scammed by this platform, Well i reported my case immediately to the authorities but no serious action was taken for a few weeks I had made my report, i then decided to lookout for a good hacking team to help me to recover back my funds from this platform, so grateful i met The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through the individual reviews of fellow victims who had their funds recovered, I quickly contacted them through their Telegram account; ROOTKITS7 they responded and asked for a few details which i had them provided with before they processed the recovery of my funds, i am so happy and thankful to this professional team for recovering back my funds from the fake platform that defrauded off my investment.. if you have ever been defrauded i advise you reach out to this team for their assistance and services to recover back your funds. You can also reach them on email with ROOTKITS4 @ g m ai l . C o m

  1260. Jason Sylvester

    April 4, 2024 at 7:29 pm

    Lol I left the state today and my wife invited her baby daddy over to my house, little did she know I hacked into her phone remotely with the help of before leaving the state because the last time I left I suspected a lot so I had to hire a hacker before leaving this time, so that was how I got to see and read what goes on at my back when ever am away. Thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com for standing by me on this.

  1261. Hello Everyone how are you, this is Kenneth Kane and I am a professional academic writer for your assignment needs. My team is a superb and very reliable, if you looking for assignment writers so contact us and get best and reliable.

  1262. They Are scammers, be careful. I had deposited 47000 Usdt not including a 9000 usdt screen profit in my account but they wouldn’t allow me withdraw even my deposit. Even after completing the 18 tasks, and customer service will never answer you if you have this kind of issues. False hopes and very strategic plans to keep you depositing more money.
    I got fed up, scared, worried and then I reported to ACCESSRECOVERYCONSULTANT @ GMAIL COM as advised by a colleague at work. Every penny I deposited was reversed.
    Any profit they show to you is just on-screen, they are not real money please. Beware

  1263. A very Massive shoutout to the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for their great effort and professional services devoted towards the recovery process of my lost investment. i sincerely appreciate what this team had done for me and I’m here today to let more people know about your good work. I have been a victim of crypto scam and i know how it does really feel to loose your investment especially when you remember that hard work and sleepless night put together, i didn’t know i was dealing with scammers and liars, the whole scenario all began when i had met a colleague over on LinkedIn who introduced me into this Crypto investment platform, where investors are to benefit from the company’s high return profits. she really spoke so good about this platform that i was convinced to partner with the company.. i went on and invested some funds with them without making a proper due diligence over the company’s profile. as time goes on i was told that i can only apply for withdrawal when i must have unlocked the ultimate package.. so i invested more to enable me grow my investment, the devastating part of my story is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit.., this scammers made everything look so real in the way that you won’t ever believe that you’re been ripped off. i finally got due to request for withdraw but whenever i tried doing that the error messages indicates “Declined” i contacted the costumer support for help but i was instructed to pay for the gas fee before the withdrawal can be approved, i did paid for this gas fees but still couldn’t have my funds withdrawn. after all my failed attempts to withdraw my funds i had to quit moving further with the platform and started looking for a possible means to recover my money. Fortunately i came across the email contact R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM) on the goggle where people has some good reviews about the team, i contacted them for help and they did put an amazing smile on my face by getting back my lost investment. i so much appreciate their service and i must say they are off expert level on this field.. you can as well contact them through Telegram: @ ROOTKITS7

  1264. Have you ever thought of recovering your bitcoin from bogus trading platforms? Perhaps recover the bitcoin you sent to a scammer? I bet you are not alone. I’ve been on the quest and search for a way to recover my $50,000 from a bitcoin investment trading platform, after the highs and lows during the course of way out, I was fortunate to read a recommendation about the ACCESS RECOVERY CONSULTANT as the best and genuine experts, who would help me in getting the funds back to my CoinBase wallet. I did send a mail to them on (ACCESSRECOVERYCONSULTANT @ GMAIL COM), I must say it was an amazing feeling, although I had to sacrifice my 10% to them fo the service well done. I have decided to share this information, not exaggerating nor over praising the team, but I give people their flowers when they deserve, and to help others like me who might need help in getting their funds back from such companies.

  1265. Collins Tamayo

    April 8, 2024 at 12:01 am

    May I have your attention for a moment? I am eager to share my journey of INVESTMENT RECOVERY with KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP, who played a pivotal role in my success story within the investment domain. Our communication channels included EMAIL: K N I G H T H OO D B O T AT GMAIL DOT COM and Telegram K N I G H T H O OD B O T 9 . Initially, my venture into the crypto field did not unfold as expected. I was led to believe that withdrawals could be made at any time, but these claims turned out to be deceitful tactics employed to entice investors. As I delved deeper into the investment, the scammers resorted to various excuses to reject my withdrawal requests. Beginning with a modest investment of $500, I found myself entrapped in their scheme, eventually pouring in a substantial sum of $98k USDT.
    Unfamiliar with the intricacies of cryptocurrency, I sought guidance from a purported expert linked to a family member in the Middle East. Unfortunately, these interactions proved to be part of an elaborate fabrication orchestrated by skilled scammers who preyed on vulnerable individuals like myself. However, thanks to the intervention of KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP, my fortunes took a turn for the better. Their team of proficient hackers meticulously traced my funds to the perpetrators and successfully restored them to my wallet.There exists a prevalent misconception that lost cryptocurrency is irretrievable. Yet, I stand as living proof that this notion is outdated. In recent times, KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP has emerged as a beacon of hope in the realm of digital recovery, armed with the qualifications and expertise necessary to navigate through such challenges. Your decision today shapes your tomorrow; consider reaching out to them if you find yourself entangled in financial turmoil unwittingly.

  1266. Dean Whittell

    April 8, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    Embarking on a recovery journey can feel daunting, especially when burdened by debt and financial struggles. However, for many individuals like myself, it’s a journey of Hope, resilience, and ultimately, triumph. Having lost a huge amount of investment to a stock exchange company kind of made it hard for me to trust any other online dealings whatsoever but when my debts started closing in, I knew I had to recover my investments or risk losing my house and every other asset in my name so I made some research online for any helpful informations, on this pursuit I learnt about Recovery Companies but choosing the right one to go with was very hard but i decided to trust my instincts and reach out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t found this team, I took note of their contact informations ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ Gmail . com / Telegram ID : J e t h a c k s s ) and what a bless day that was, as soon I contacted the team, all my debtor’s stopped harassing me, I was able to get them off my back after clearing out all my outstanding debts with my recovered funds, and made easy payment plans with some of them. Few months ago I had lost my tire business and nobody financed thanks to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E, I finance three trucks already, my company is doing good, I’m working with UPS, and I have recommended them to a friend of mine as well and will continue to recommend them to anyone in the near future. Very professional and easy to work with, thank you Team, a thousand times thank you

  1267. Ted E. Rawlings

    April 9, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    A few months ago my financial situation was basically a mess but Today, I’ve been very pleased with the work done by the professional Team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E in helping me restore stability in my financial life and for that am very grateful. I was introduced to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E by Mr. Phil Crescenzo of Acre Mortgage. Before then , I also heard stories both good and bad about recovery hackers and the possibility of recovering lost/stolen assets But like most people, I assumed that if it were the real deal I would have heard about it on the news or something until Mr. Phil here whom I know very well in person recommended them to me, without any further delay i enquired with the team via their Telegram account @ J E T H A C K S S on the possibility of getting my funds recovered to which they responded promptly and assured me my case would be dully resolved after they had performed their initial verifications and tracing process. The team was clear and specific on the process involved in recovery exercises, I knew It was never going to be an easy task but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Everything worked just like Mr Phil and the team assured me earlier on, I got my funds recovered from the fraud company I invested with within the span of 48 hours after being stuck for approximately 5 months, this team is the real deal. I would recommend J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E to anyone who is looking to get a second opinion from experts before getting involved with any online financial investment or looking to recover their already lost assets, they’re also available on Email : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M

  1268. I am glad to have gone through the comment section carefully and with the help of some victims here who had similar cases such as mine.. I made the right decision to contact the R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y FIRM. I saw some red flags from some other hackers I checked out before contacting ROOTKITS TEAM for help and assistance, i felt non was knowledgeable and transparent enough, especially the ones who are just after an upfront payment. I love transparency and am glad ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM provided that. Good communication and swift delivery. It’s top tier service for me. I recommend to anyone who might need such help. I was recently a victim of this fraudulent activities. I unknowingly invested about 280k GPB with a fake crypto investment platform, after a few weeks of investing with them.. just one morning i woke up and noticed that the company website was down, i tried reaching out but was unable to reach their contact numbers or emails with which we stayed in touch. I assumed they were having some maintenance routing check, as that had happened in the past. but weeks went by and i still didn’t get a help or even a response from them. i didn’t get to hear from them again. At this point i had developed the feelings of been scammed. I was kind of lost as i had lost most of my savings to this platform. it was really depressing for about 2 to 3 months . I was ashamed to tell anyone about it this not even my family. finally i came up with the thought to search for a hacker for some help to retrieve my funds and thats was how i came across the contact details of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ( r o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m ) a Recovery firm which specializes on recovering back lost cryptocurrency or funds. I contacted them for help and they did guided me through the whole process of recovering back all my lost funds back to the fake company. it was a great feeling to get my money back as i almost gave up. You can also contact the team via telegram with the ID: ROOTKITS7

  1269. My name is Brett Newman and I’ve been a victim of the Chinese Pig Butchering Scam recently. I have been scammed $410,000 during this Chinese fraud. I lost all my life savings. Just now, I read a news article regarding the Pig Butchering Scam in Delaware. In 2022, The Delaware DOJ initiated a halt to the Pig Butchering Crypto Scams and issued a cease and desist order to wallets, accounts, and individuals involved in pig butchering scams and I just wish the culprits behind mine also would meet the same fate. I will briefly write about the process in which I was swindled by a foreign investment company. Since I was scammed, my life was ruined. I watched the fake website all the time, hoping someday it could be shut down by the authorities and FBI which I reported to but months went by and nothing happened, I even sent a report to the Singapore police several times as the scammer mentioned they were based there but nothing serious ever came out of their investigation till I got acquainted with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E through an article about a previous scam victim who recovered back her funds with their help. Fortunately, I kept all the evidence, including the woman’s voice, her fake photos and her fake telephone number. I also keep the communication between her and me online chat (a Japanese WeChat) which I shared with the team. I knew it would take a lot of effort but thankfully the team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E are exceptionally good at what they do so it took them approximately 48 hours to have my funds traced down and extracted back from the scammers account into my wallet which I quickly withdrew to my bank. I hope this information is helpful to anyone in similarly situation right now , you can use the following contact info to locate J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E ,
    Telegram ID : J e t h a c k s s
    Email: J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m

  1270. Olivia Higgins

    April 11, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    After I and my husband got married, we relocated to another city and we both got jobs and started working and living together happily. We never had any problems until a colleague of his started doing all she can to get my husband’s attention. I never knew all along what was going until he started sleeping out and making excuses. Things got out of control and he eventually stopped attending to my needs. I knew at that point I needed help so I contacted Dr Isikolo and explained everything to him. He told me all that has been going and promised to fix the problems for me which he did. He cast a love reunion spell for me which reunited i and my husband and he started being the man I always loved him to be just after 48 hours Dr Isikolo worked for me. We are both happy now and it would not have been possible if not for Dr Isikolo.  Contact him if you need any help. Text him on WhatsApp: +2348133261196 or visit his page (

  1271. After 3 successful trades, I got scammed 25,000 cumulatively. I will advise you all not to invest your hard earned money on Lexatrade. It’s all facade as they lure you into investing a lot of money and then steal it at once. I got help to fight back hard till I recovered my money after months of agony and depression. I am willing to share my experience with other victims who might need help. Contact Mustang Support ( they are professionals and helped me get my assets back. All the thanks once again.

  1272. GREAT NEWS…
    This testimony is worth sharing to the world. I am here to tell the world of the good works of DR.BALBOSA. My name is Olivia Bolton and I am from the UK.. My man left me and my kids for another older woman. It was not so easy for me…I love my husband so much and I did not lose hope and I kept praying and believing. Finally, my prayers were answered…i searched online for a spell caster to help me unite me and my lover back forever and I saw so many testimonies of how DR.BALBOSA has helped so many people online and I decided to give him a trial…I contacted him and explained to him. He told me not to worry that he will bring back my man within 24 hours. He consulted his powers and assured me not to worry. He did his work and cast the natural spell and to my greatest surprise, my husband came back the same day begging and crying just as DR.BALBOSA said. He begged me for forgiveness and he promised never to leave me for any reason. We are happy and we live together as one. Contact DR.BALBOSA now and be happy forever. dont lose hope and good luck…you can also contact DR.BALBOSA from any part of the world…
    EMAIL: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com
    WHATSAPP NO: +1 (204) 650-0572

  1273. Because I started using cryptocurrencies early, I made a mistake with my initial move that nearly cost me my job. I got in touch with a fellow on Telegram who claimed to be an expert in forex and cryptocurrency trading, and he convinced me to put $50000 into his firm by promising returns. I became aware that I had been conned once the money began to flow and that I needed to quit. Thankfully, I ran into a geek with the email address (hackerrone90@ GMAIL . COM) who helped me obtain my bitcoin back from the company. Because of Adrian Lamo’s prompt response to my email, I never believed that stolen bitcoin would ever be found.

  1274. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

  1275. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP has exhibited unparalleled strength in the realm of recovery. They stand out as the premier team to collaborate with if you encounter withdrawal difficulties from the platform where you’ve invested. Recently, I engaged with them to recover over a million dollars trapped in an investment platform I’d been involved with for months. I furnished their team with every detail of the investment via Email (“K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ GMAIL COM”), including accounts, names, and wallet addresses to which I sent the funds. This decision proved to be the best I’ve made, especially after realizing I had been scammed by the company.
    Initially, I harbored doubts about their services, but I was proven wrong. KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP ensures exemplary service delivery and ensures the perpetrators face justice. They employ advanced techniques to ensure you regain access to your funds. Understandably, many individuals who have fallen victim to investment scams may still harbor trepidation about engaging in online services again due to the trauma of being scammed. However, I implore you to take action. Seek assistance from KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP today and witness their remarkable capabilities firsthand.
    Among the myriad of hackers available, KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP stands head and shoulders above the rest. While I may not have sampled all of them, the few I attempted to work with previously were unhelpful and solely focused on depleting the little funds I had left. I am grateful that I resisted their enticements, and despite the time it took me to discover KNIGHTHOODBOT CORP, they ultimately fulfilled my primary objective.
    You can reach out to them via Telegram with the username KNIGHTHOODBOT9, and I am confident they will execute the task proficiently. Without their intervention, I would have remained despondent and perplexed indefinitely. Don’t make the error of entrusting scammers to rectify a scam; the consequences are evident.

  1276. Frank Daugherty

    April 13, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    I was unfortunate to invest with a fraudulent platform I connected with on Telegram. The elaborate scam hooked me for about 4 months before I got to realize that it was a fake business thanks to an awareness product I read on Quora, which urged me to take out my money but then it was already too late as they denied all withdrawal attempts while demanding I settle some fees first. The fake website: enkuuex .com run until 10 march 2024 before it shutdown, this encouraged me to take action against the cybercriminals and pursue a Recovery case through J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. I thought, If their website could shut down it is likely that the stolen money could be retracted back. When I reached out to their customer support by email ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . com ) asking for a review I received a reply within minutes which speaks volumes about their professional level. I also presented a description of my investment with the fraud platform, the receipt for all payment to their wallet address that I had originally thought was being invested along with a copy of the contract agreement to the team before launching the recovery process. Due to past experience, I couldn’t help but worry about the outcome of the process and although I hoped for the best, but I was prepared for the worst. However, I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome than this one, my funds was successfully recovered back from the fraudulent platform just within 72 hours of professional work from the team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E which has saved my life and any further embarrassments that this has caused me. You can also contact the team on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s for further assistance directly

  1277. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr.Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you

  1278. I had a terrible experience with a fake Cryptocurrency investment company. I was ripped off my investment altogether with my total earnings, my first investment wasn’t that big and i got paid when it was due. Afterwards a staff of the company contacted me through WhatsApp. I already had plans to reinvest and then he also ask me to reinvest and guided me all through the process. this time i invested a huge amount which came from my Savings over the years, it kept going well till it was time for me to have my profits withdrawn to my bank account as usual but noticed i was been deactivated from performing the action. I quickly got in touch with the staff who guided me through the process. he direct me to the support desk where I was been ask to clear some fees, i held to their instructions and paid all the fees but wasn’t still able to withdraw my funds. After much though and some considerations the whole scenario looks more like a scam to me, which made me to start seeking for help elsewhere, i was referred to a professional crypto recovery expert team (R O O TK I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M ) who helped me to trace and retrieve my lost 12btc,. I was more than grateful and to this firm for a job well done. Thankful i finally got to recover back my funds and would like to recommend ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM to anyone seeking for a professional assistance relating to my story. you can reach out to them via email or Telegram with the following contact details Email: ROOTKITS4 @ GM AIL . COM / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 I’m happy to save a soul through my review

  1279. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  1280. magriet dennis

    April 15, 2024 at 3:00 am

    Get rid of all kinds of Herpes and virus infections, Diabetes, Hepatitis A B C, Menopause and HIV with Natural Roots and Herbs, i was once infected with HERPES and after using Dr UMA Herbal Medicine for couple of weeks i couldn’t trace it anymore, i even went for checkup and my test came out Negative. Get your cure today from this wonderful herbalist, Dr. UMA.
    You can also reach doctor UMA on WhatsApp
    +2347035619585 or Email

  1281. Dwayne fredrick

    April 15, 2024 at 11:44 am

    I remember when i needed 2 trucks for my new family business, i got turned down for every loan i applied for because i had a poor credit score of 530 and few negative items impacting my credit . i got frustrated because i kept paying credit companies with no result to show for the thousands of dollars i spent .I came across some good reviews about Michael calce credit services how he has helped a lot of people in the States get their credit improved from poor to excellent To my surprise, they only asked for few information about me and a payment that’s worth the value. After 72hours my report was sound with positive trade lines posted on it including a revolving credit card and a 815 credit score on all the 3 bureaus. I sincerely recommend their services to you if you require a credit fix. Contact them on

  1282. I got frustrated because i kept paying credit companies with no result to show for the thousands of dollars i spent . thank you

  1283. Roselyn Irwinwhf

    April 15, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    I came across some good reviews thank you

  1284. Roselyn Irwinwhf

    April 15, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace.
    thanks for every things

  1285. I was unfortunate to invest with a fraudulent platform I connected with on Telegram.

  1286. I remember when i needed 2 trucks for my new family business thank you for your information.

  1287. Sheriden Damian

    April 16, 2024 at 3:48 pm

    Today made it exactly one week i recovered my lost investment back from a very disastrous Binary investment Fraud that almost ended me. using this medium to appreciate the good and excellent work of the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M and for their swift intervention and professional assistance towards retrieving back my fundds, Happy to be back and kicking for more success after this long traumatic moments in my life where I watch everything I have labored for in the past came crashing right before my eyes after i had invested with a Binary Investment Company. everything on the website appear so real to me. i was initially introduced to this company by a friend i had met over on Telegram Binary Group. studied the group for a period of 2weeks before i finally made up my mind to invest with them, everything was moving so well, i had on several occasions sent funds directly to the company’s wallet addresses it was now time for me to take my profits but the company’s website total deactivated me from withdrawal i contacted the investors through the support system but pitiful they kept asking that i invest more before i would be able to take my profits, I had done everything within my power to rectify this very issue of withdrawing but all to no avail. I recently embarked on a way forward by surfing through the Internet and I realized that there are people who have similar challenges and have gotten theirs recovered. My research further led me to this unique hacker who have a lot of interesting reviews from people he had helped. I had to give him a shot but reluctantly though. It turns out I made the best decision ever. I am really in awe for this great assistance. All I can say is thank you very much to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ( r o o t k i t s 4 @ g m a i l . c o m / Telegram : ROOTKITS7 ) for making this possible. You are the very best.

    On a Facebook investment page, I got interested in Ethereum cryptocurrency mining and I was sent a link for a company with which I could invest, I opened a Coinbase wallet and transferred money to with Anthony Wilson’s encouragement. Promising that if I invested $600,000 and the company reached the investment goal, I would qualify for the premium big fish seven Ethereum welcome token. Not only did I lose the $600,000, but the scammers were able to steal another $98,000 from the wallet I gave to them. They then told me that I needed to invest another $300,000 by a given date to get access to withdrawals on my account. I contacted a Friend in New Jersey who has been making his way on BTC, he advised me not to make any more payments but instead seek help to recover the earlier investment. He recommended The Exner Hacker, who had helped him on earlier Bitcoin recovery. I mailed them via It has been over two months since I got my dollars back. Thank you sir and your team for the work well done.

  1289. Hello Everyone I want to quickly use this medium to share a testimony on how i was directed to a Legit and real illuminati member who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to to be a member of the illuminati and was scammed the sum of $3,000 i became so desperate in being a member online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently became a member, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Paul mark who is the grand master in the illuminati. So i applied to become a member of illuminati easily without stress and all the preparations were made concerning how to become a member in two(2) days i became a member and the sum of 5 million dollars was deposited into my bank account so i want to advice any one who wants to become a member should call him +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email ( he does not know am doing this i pray that lucifer will bless him for the good things he has done in my life

  1290. Winning the lottery was part of my dreams, I tried so hard to win big but all to no avail, until I came across Dr Lucas online who made my dreams come through and made me win 10 million dollars. I was a logistics manager who lives in Lancaster, S.C. and works about an hour’s drive away, in Charlotte, N.C., I stopped at a store to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket during my lunch break, because Dr Lucas gave me all the assurance that the numbers are not going to fail after I did all he asked me to do. Dr lucas is a powerful Dr that is on a mission to eradicate poverty from people’s lives and i have confirmed that by winning $10 million with the numbers he provided for me, it is my promise to tell the world about my experience with Dr Lucas and that’s what I’m doing now, you can win the lottery fast with the help of Dr Lucas he is tested and trusted Email: or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567 he will help you.

  1291. I very highly recommend J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E!. After struggling for months to get my funds out from a fake investment platform, I investigated my options and found J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. I never thought anyone would actually be able to get my funds out and if so it would take only the best to be able to pull it off. I was very hesitant as it was going to cost me a fair bit of money and I wasn’t even sure if they would truly be able to get the funds recovered but I can say today that they are the absolute best. I communicated with the team on Telegram via their username @ J E T H A C K S S who from the very get go told me the exact procedure, gave me all my options, was extremely honest with me and made sure to keep me informed throughout the whole process without me having to follow up even once and when I did want some extra in-between confirmations/updates, they were very efficient in getting back to me with the required information. My funds was removed from the fake platform holdings in just over 48 hours and every step was an absolute pleasure, even when my funds was finally completely retrieved and at my full disposal, They sent me a reading material to in detail explain to me about the complexities of online investment strategies and how I can better it going forward, what to avoid and how to make decisions which will best impact my Financial Stability. Not only do I recommend J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E but I also vouch for their services, they are through and through top professionals who knows what they are doing and will make sure your case gets handled in the best way possible. You can also contact them on Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m ail .com

  1292. Teddy Marcelino

    April 18, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    I almost lost my marriage when I watched my wife turned into a total stranger and left the kids and I. I was so furious knowing I had done everything possible to ensure I sustained my marriage as a father and husband. The terrible fights we had traumatized me and I couldn’t function properly as a man. I kept on trying to find out what made her did what she did which made me contacted Dr Isikolo. I was surprised to have found out that she was under a huge manipulation from a man who wanted to ruin my marriage with her and take her away from me. Dr Isikolo had to intervene and fixed the problem thereby ensuring she was rescued from the claws of the dark magic charm they used on her. Knowing that I was able to get my family together again with the help of Dr Isikolo gives me joy and I am forever thankful to him. text him on WhatsApp him on +2348133261196 or check his page (

  1293. Over the years, J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E has consistently came to the rescue of victims of all sorts of financial frauds recovery cases against fraudulent financial institutions and am happy to be added to the list of people that have been lucky enough to receive their most beneficial assistance in recovering back my USDT assets. A few months ago, I was misled into invest in a certain platform with high potential returns not knowing i was going to end up getting scammed, apparently i was dealing with scammers posing as the companies executives and provided me with a cloned website enabling themselves to divert all my funds into their personal wallet, which led to their inability to pay out my profits at the due time but instead, they resorted to more sketchy means to obtain more payments from me. I turned to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E in a last ditch effort to avoid filling for bankruptcy, the scammers left me in a very terrible position. Today I want to use this opportunity to thank you Sir and your whole whole team for everything you have done to save me and my family . In less than 4 days of working with you, my lost USDT funds of $2.6 million got recovered back to me and I am now able to settle all my debts and pay off my two daughters college tuition fees that I wasn’t able to afford before coming to you for help. Your team were nothing short of amazing and professional and very easy to work with and i couldn’t have imagined any better recovery firm to handle my case. I have already recommended you to a friend and I will definitely recommend you to anyone needing help with their recovery case to get in contact with you and the team on Email address : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G m a i l . C o m or on Telegram username @ J E T H A C K S S

  1294. Christine Allen

    April 19, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    Hi peeps. My name is Christine Allen and I have had tough and horrible experiences in my past relationships and I indeed waited till I met my husband and after we met, we fell in love and got married. After two years of our Union, he changed and started acting weird and eventually left me and our son. I Did all I could to get him back but all was fruitless. I came in contact with the comments and what everyone was saying about Dr Isikolo. I reached out to him and he responded and gave me his best effort and support to make my marriage work again. He was the one who made it known to me that my husband was taken from me by another woman and he cast a love reunion spell that reunited us back together and he came back home to me and my boy. Indeed no one out there has lied about Dr Isikolo and his good works. My husband came back home 48 hours after he did the work for as promised. Reach out to him now and be assured he will help you. Text him on WhatsApp him on +2348133261196 or review his webpage for more info about his good works (

  1295. Nicholas Kowalski

    April 20, 2024 at 7:54 pm

    Traders who have been scammed before, on cryptocurrency binary options forex trading? my advice out there is for you to be wise before you invest in any broker, I was scammed of $243,500 by an online broker but at last, I found someone who helped me recover all my lost funds back from a scammer that shocked my capital with an unregulated broker. If you need assistance with recovering your lost funds from your broker or maybe your broker manager is asking you to make more deposit before you can make a withdrawal or your account has been manipulated by your broker manager or your broker has blocked your account just because they need you to make more deposit to your account. If you’re interested in getting all your lost funds back kindly get in contact with Dr. Wardell Dorman from RECLAIM FUNDS FIRM, he and his team was the ones who helped me get back my lost funds, contact them e -m-a-i-l: reclaimfundsfirm(@)aol(dot)com or Whatsapp: (+) (65) – (9055) – (2242).
    They will assist you in getting all your funds back to you and olso other hacking services…..

  1296. kelvin richard

    April 21, 2024 at 8:36 am

    Credit problems can make life pretty difficult. A low credit score can keep you from applying for credit cards, loans and mortgages. Credit problems can also make it hard to get an apartment or even a job. Perhaps the most difficult thing about a poor credit score is that it can seem impossible to fix,I had a very poor credit history, which prevented me from so many things. I couldn’t get a good credit card offer. The only offers I received had outrageous interests; I was living in misery until a good friend of mine introduced me to this life saver KEVIN POULSEN CYBERSERVICES I contacted them immediately and they promised to help me To my greatest surprise he increased my credit score up to 815 and removed all the negatives I had on my credit report and also added some positive tradelines. Now I just got approved for a loan to my new home. You can also reach him on his email : KEVINPOULSENCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM

  1297. Reynolds Shedrack

    April 22, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    I got scammed by a Binary option trading company where i had invested a sum of $372k worth of Eth and it turns up to be the most stupid decision of my life after i ended up losing every damn invested into the platform, i was deceived by the reviews i read about the platform that prompted me to invest with them. At first i made a small investment to see how it works after a few days they had let me withdraw my first profits and this even made me trust the process even more. i then went ahead and made some huge reinvestment as everything seems to be going well until when i needed to make my withdrawal, i noticed that i wasn’t allowed to perform that, i had to immediately contact the customer care dept for help but instead of resolving the issue they made me made several deposits as “tax” and ‘maintenance fee” in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another week and i had already lost a fortune and it didn’t look like they were going to release my funds. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, i plunged into acute depression for about a month before i got in touch with a team that helped me recoup back all my lost funds, I came across a thread online with some great reviews about a tech team by name R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M , Everyone said they were able to recover back their lost investment. i had to send a text ton their email (ROOTKITS4 @ G MAIL . COM) as i was directed from the reviews i read, they responded and i told them everything about my case before they proceeded to recover back all my funds. I’m lucky enough to have gotten this informations that saved me, i am sure they would have easily gotten away with ruining me financially. thanks to the great ROOTKITS RECOVERY TEAM for all their efforts in ensuring i got my investment back. i really appreciate what this team did, anyone out there who needs their help can as well reach them on their Telegram official account; ROOTKITS7

  1298. Ayleen Cabrera

    April 22, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    I wanted to take the time to properly thank the team at J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E who have been nothing short of exceptional and I cannot recommend them highly enough. I was involved in a messy financial investment with a dishonest company, and to their immense credit the team didn’t judge but listened to my situation, provided unbiased and sound professional advice and only then asked if I wanted to proceed. I work within the finance industry, & was dubious of the potential to assist with my circumstances, but due to the excellent service recommendation from a friend and having exhausted all avenues to fight it myself, I hesitantly decided to hire J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E to fight on my behalf. The team’s role in the recovery exercise was crucial, in fact it was the only role as they worked on my behalf while I watched the team perform what seemed impossible to previous recovery agents & today, am delighted to report that the team successfully traced and recouped back my funds from the fraud company accounts and into my bank account. I simply cannot thank the team enough for their professionalism, diligent dedication and tenacious attention to making sure my funds were swiftly retrieved . If you have a financial investment problem and are willing to recover it back, I cannot think of a better firm to have on your side than J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and it’s team of proved professional hackers that have got the ability and knowledge to trace down every form of transaction and possibly have them reverted, they are available on the below contact informations,
    Email: J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com
    Telegram : J e t h a c k s s

  1299. I just have to give a shoutout to My Assignment Services UK for their fantastic business assignment help.Their experts really know their stuff. They’ve helped me with case studies and market analysis, delivering top-notch solutions every time.Quick turnaround, great communication, and professionalism. If you’re a business student like me, check out My Assignment Services UK for reliable assignment help. For more info. visit:

  1300. MyOB assignment help services offer invaluable support to students grappling with assignments related to the MyOB software. These services provide expert guidance on various aspects of MyOB, including accounting, payroll, invoicing, and financial reporting. Students can seek help with understanding software features, completing assignments accurately, and mastering complex tasks within MyOB.

  1301. Benedict Ortiz

    April 24, 2024 at 6:47 am

    The proliferation of crypto scams in today’s digital landscape is deeply disappointing. Recently, I found myself entangled in one such scheme that nearly devastated me financially. However, thanks to the swift intervention of K N I G H T H OO D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP, I was able to reclaim my entire investment after reaching out to them via email at K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT GMAIL COM . Initially, I felt ashamed to admit my ordeal with the scammers, but ultimately, I summoned the courage to seek assistance. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a reliable ally in the realm of fund recovery.Crypto scammers have a knack for cloaking their schemes in legitimacy, making it challenging to discern their deceit until it’s too late. My journey began with a modest investment of $2000, lured by the illusion of substantial returns. The scammers cunningly persuaded me to increase my investment, leveraging a few initial payouts to foster a false sense of security. However, this was all part of their ploy to coax unsuspecting investors into deeper financial entanglements. In hindsight, I realize I should have exercised caution and refrained from succumbing to the allure of grandiose investment plans. Nevertheless, I’ve learned from this experience and vow never to trust online investment opportunities blindly again. I owe a debt of gratitude to K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP for their prompt response to my distress call and their unwavering support during a tumultuous time. Amidst my panic, they remained steadfast, offering reassurance and expert guidance.Like many, I harbored doubts about the possibility of recovering lost digital assets. However, K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP shattered this misconception with their adept skills and unwavering dedication. If you find yourself grappling with the aftermath of a scam, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Whether via email or Telegram (ID: K N I G H T H O O D B O T9 ), they stand ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of fund recovery.In conclusion, my encounter with a crypto scam served as a harsh lesson in vigilance and discernment. Yet, it also underscored the importance of seeking help when faced with adversity. Thanks to the expertise of K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP, I emerged from this ordeal with my finances intact and a newfound sense of resilience. Let my experience serve as a beacon of hope for those navigating similar challenges, and may K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP be a guiding light in your journey toward financial recovery.

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    April 24, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    How Technology can Simplify Learning is a branch of knowledge that deals with chemicals and compounds consisting of atoms, which themselves are comprised of metals and other molecules. Writing essays and other journal articles is a requirement of studying science at each of these levels, which requires a deep knowledge of the topic. Even though the majority of students are aware of this, they somehow struggle to write compelling essays since their composing abilities have not been developed to the necessary level. Because the writing component of the program is so challenging for the students, they seek “pay someone to do my finance assignment” help that have emerged as a godsend to them in recent years.

  1304. Kudos to a legitimate Asset Recovery Firm ( R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M ) I strongly recommend the service of this GREAT Team to anyone that has ever been a victim to the new cryptocurrency investment scam, I almost lost my life after falling victim to this scam that went on for months, I got contacted by a lady on The Facebook App pretending to be a Forex trader account manager, she deceived me that I’ll make huge profits if I invest on their platform not knowing that I was being targeted, After some consideration and checking out her profile.. i move forward to make my investments with them through bitcoins and Ethereum.. after about 3months of investing with them i made myself some huge profits as well, I then decided to withdraw my funds into my personal wallet, i found out that i can’t withdraw my funds.. i quickly approached the costumer service officer and they insisted I had to pay 20% to withdraw my money.. it doesn’t sound good to me as i was already having the feeling that i was being swindled. Unfortunately, I had already put $184,000 into this Forex investment scam. While I was wallowing in depression and looking for means to get back my funds, It was then that i came across an article about R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M , a lot says that they can help to recover my money, I then contact them for help towards my case, they took some information from me and to my surprise, all my money was recovered within 48 hours. I’m truly grateful to ROOTKITS FIRM for their professionalism in helping me recover my money. If you have ever lost money to any of these scams, I’ll recommend this great team to you. Their contact Email; ROOTKITS4 @ G M AI L. COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1305. The process to recovering lost cryptocurrencies is seldomly straightforward, but with a determined mindset to keep pushing forward and a bit of faith, success can be achieved. While seeking professional assistance is pivotal with financial challenges, it’s also important to remain cautious. Trustworthy recovery teams like J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E exist, but so do scams and fraudulent firms. carry out a thorough research, and exercise caution when choosing who to trust with your recovery journey. My encounter with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E proved to be a pathbreaker in the daunting task of recovering my lost Bitcoin. AT first, it seemed like an almost impossible thing to achieve, then the moment of ascendancy finally arrived With the assistance of this highly skilled team dedicated to helping individuals like me retrieve their lost cryptocurrencies. I was able to reclaim my lost Bitcoin assets worth of $722,180 held by capitalix fx group. Capitalix fx group is a scam group and plenty people including myself have lost our monies to these group, sadly not all would be fortunate enough to retrieve back their funds like I did but if you’re reading this today then you’re already a step closer towards regaining your lost digital assets, J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E successfully retrieved back my funds in the span of 72 hours after I sought for their help to get back my funds. This experience has taught me the importance of carrying out my due diligence before embracing any financial opportunity presented to me and while risk taking may be a part of the journey, some risks are not worth taking and never again will I involve myself with any online financial investment. It’s only right that we seek for external intervention and support of a higher knowledge system when it comes to digital assets recovery, Get in contact today with the team to get started on Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l. C o m or Via their official Telegram account: J e t h a c k s s

  1306. Mario Fernandez

    April 26, 2024 at 10:12 am

    I got scammed by a Binary option trading company where i had invested the sum of $536K BTC just few months ago, the whole thing was like a movie to me… is not advisable to embrace every opportunity that comes your way especially the ones that comes online, initially i was introduced to this company by a friend on Instagram, i never knew i was been setup and manipulated i was made to believe that this program is the Real deal towards changing and upgrading my financial life, Well i trusted them and invested a lot of money without being aware this was all scam. Finally it got to the point that i wanted to withdraw my funds as i have made a lot of profits altogether over the few months i have invested, I noticed that i was not allowed to withdraw my funds into my Bank. i can read clearly my total Earnings from my dashboard but was not able to withdraw it to my bank, I reached out to the Costumer servicer dept and made this issue known to them, i was asked to pay for some fees so i could be able to withdraw my funds into my bank but after i did and still could not have the withdrawal done, they kept demanding for more fees.. it was really a terrible experience i couldn’t believe things like this exist until it happened to me. i did everything possible to resolve this with the company but it was as if I’m making more mistake because i had to pay for more fees which they requested and still couldn’t have the access to withdraw my investment. Fortunately i found this page days ago.. i read some pretty good testimonies about The R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M on how they have helped other victims recover back their funds, i summoned the courage to contact the Team for help sent an email to them directly to (ROOTKITS 4 @ G M AIL . COM) they came through and i had them provided with every necessary details required. to my greatest surprise this team was able to recover all my money back to my wallet. i was so happy as they brought smile back to my life, thanks so much to this reliable to team, I’m so grateful for your help.. to anyone who might have been in such situation I encourage you to reach out to R O O T K I T S R E C O V R Y F I R M, you can find the Team on telegram with the user; ROOTKITS7

  1307. A beacon of hope shines brightly with “K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP.” They are among the few hackers you can truly trust with your case. I found myself in a dire situation after losing $380k in an online investment scheme I discovered on Youtube. Seeking the best investment plan led me astray, encountering the wrong people that nearly bled me financially. However, I discovered that I could seek help from K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP for Trace & Recovery of my lost assets in crypto. To my amazement, they fulfilled their promise to complete the service within 72 hours after receiving the necessary details they needed .
    Following the successful recovery, the Financial advisor overseeing my trades contacted me via WhatsApp. She probed me with various questions about my investments, hinting that she noticed my fund withdrawal despite their attempts to freeze it. Despite playing along for a while, her persistent demands for outstanding payments before allowing withdrawals grew tiresome, prompting me to move on from their deceitful tactics.
    It is essential to collaborate with individuals who prioritize transparency and honesty, such as K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP. They possess the necessary skills to handle your cases effectively and ensure that the perpetrators behind the scam face consequences. If you are wondering how I connected with them, I stumbled upon their Corporate email: K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT GMAIL DOT COM / Telegram K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9. You can reach out to them to address any ongoing issues or concerns you may have.
    While many scam victims may not come across this review, those fortunate enough to read it should trust that K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK is the right entity to seek assistance from in such challenging situations.

  1308. Julianne Foster

    April 28, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    I want to say a very Big thank you to This wonderful and indisputable Team.. by name The R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for saving me from this whole Pig Butchering scam that almost got me acting like a psychopath, this specialist team helped me to retrieve back my lost investment from this fake online investment company where i had invested all my last 12 years savings without knowing that this isn’t a real company and that i was being defrauded. i finally came to find out when i started having issue with my withdrawal.. want to move some funds into my account my all my application for withdrawal was declined, i contacted the company and made them known of the problem I’m having with my withdrawals.. they later got back to me with an email stating that i have pay some fee before that can be rectified, i did paid the fee and was still unable to withdraw my funds.. i was ask to pay for more fees but at that point i optioned out as i have no more money to pay.. i was rendered hopeless and depressed for months before i finally met The R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M, this team saved my life, recovered back all my funds without stress, All thanks to the individual reviews that lead me to know about R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M a certified recovery expert team who got me out of the mess i unfortunately found myself in. is been a roller coaster ride, I’m really grateful for the help this team offered. Do you have funds that you wish to withdraw to your account, is your Broker manager asking you to make more deposit before you can place a withdrawal, and you feel like you don’t know how to go about it. Then i suggest your contact ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ GM A IL .COM ) OR TELEGRAM contact ; ROOTKITS7 , They are the right team that recovered mine.

  1309. Earlier last year, I got involved with this lady I had met on instagram that posed herself to be a crypto trader and convinced me to invest in her annual program aimed at enabling crypto enthusiasts accumulate steady profits in crypto trading through her company without having to worry about suffering any real losses. At first, I made a few tentative deposits which went well without any form of withdrawal issues before she then advised me to up my investments, she said and I quote ‘’ Once you have a huge capital even the smallest ROl will make you money, and the smallest ROl are most times easier to get and come by, a 3% ROi excluding your initial investment of 100m is 3M and 30m for 1 billion, let’s say you get that weekly spread across a number of months soon you would have made a lot of money easily. Everything had been laid out in a very legitimate way and the possibility of that being a fraud never occurred to me, I ended up depositing a hefty sum in the company. 3 months later, the website shut down and for so many weeks, she told me it was under maintenance which never got fixed till she also blocked me on all socials. This left me perplexed and stranded prompting me to take and immediate action once I realized I had been defrauded. Unfortunately all efforts to get the authorities involved failed to bear any concrete fruits so I decided to try something different and involve the expertise of cybersecurity professionals to help retrieve my funds from the scammers. After a while of investigating, I decided to report my case to J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m ) following their successful track history of helping scam victims retrieve their funds. The team indeed lived up to their reputation as my funds was safely recovered from the scammers in 48 hours. With that being said, I hope my story can help someone out there get the help they deserve, the team is also active on their official Telegram page: J E T H A C K S S

  1310. One of the key benefits of working with professional recovery teams is the ability to help individuals avoid common pitfalls and scams in the recovery process. last year I lost a lifetime savings to a pig slaughter scam. These scammers are obviously good at what they do, their activities are littered everywhere on the internet nowadays, evidently this internet fraudsters are a pandemic upon us all and sadly not even the authorities have been able to do anything about them. August 2023, I got acquainted with this group on Facebook that claimed to be blockchain officials and told me I had been selected to participate in an airdrop, a website was provided to me from where I could earn and claim my airdrops daily. Well after 3 months of performing series of tasks I accumulated a total of 12.06 BTC but upon requesting for withdrawal, I found out my account had been frozen, I quickly wrote to the support desk but I was told to clear some fees first which included a tax payment of $ 68,000 because my earnings were huge so they claimed but unfortunately I was still denied withdrawal after clearing these fees instead I was slapped with more fees, this developed a huge doubt in me therefore I had to investigate further because it seemed a bit shady to me, I eventually discovered similar stories which only led me to believe I had been scammed and quickly I contacted J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE to assist me in the recovery process of my earnings. I contacted the Team through their official Telegram username @ J E T H A C K S S and from that point, everything turned around for me, this team is well-versed and very experienced in cyber crime intervention, they took on my case and recovered back every single penny I transferred to their account after 3 days of reaching out to them and just like I suspected, it was all a game of numbers and all earnings were fake and I have this team to thank for everything. They are also active on Email : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M

  1311. Struggling with biology assignments? My Assignment Services offers expert biology assignment help to guide you through complex topics and concepts. With personalized support from experienced tutors, you can tackle assignments on genetics, ecology, physiology, and more with confidence. Don’t let Biology Assignment Help. stress you out.

  1312. Homework Tips for Kids

    April 30, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    With this blog post from, we are sharing the essential and desired homework tips for kids. This write-up consists of all the useful tips for students, parents, and teachers that will result in homework and academic success. They provide the best-needed homework tips for kids, which not only help them overcome their learning difficulties but also help them understand what they are actually learning from their books. Also Read: Key Points to Write a Solid Dissertation

  1313. Mateo Anderson

    May 1, 2024 at 6:45 am

    I recently found myself involved in a cryptocurrency scam scheme, I lost over $317,000 within a very short period of time, I was fooled by a YouTube video that convinced me that I could make good profits investing in Crypto, and the minute I clicked the link it redirected my to the company website where i was assigned to one of the companies staff who guided me through all the whole process of depositing funds and made my first deposit. at the beginning everything seems so real and very understandable but as time went on.. i made couple more deposits to get upgraded to the higher profitable package as i was told by the staff assigned to me but when it was due for me to take my profits and interest i was denied the access to withdraw, i try contacting the management but nothing was done that was when i realized what i had gotten myself into, i was depressed for a few more weeks till a friend of mine who i opened up to referred me to this very team that helped me recover my loss funds, i made my research about them and i found that they have also helped a lot of victims, as i was directed i just had to send a mail to ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) they replied me and we got going, i provided every details that was required for the operation.. to my very surprise this team recovered my investment back just within 2days, I am so happy writing this today because I know someone would still benefit from this useful information. i recovered all my lost funds back through R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M. they are so professional and reliable. feel free to reach out to them also on Telegram: ROOTKITS7. if ever been cheated by this scammers do not give up in pursuit of your funds because you worked for it, i encourage you reach out to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM .

  1314. Giovanni Duarte

    May 2, 2024 at 6:44 pm

    I wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful service and support that I received from your firm. I was at a point of desperation when I came across you and your team and I was being chased around by my debtors and a collection agency that was trying to collect on my debts. I felt like a hostage in my own home and was waiting to be served with a summons every second of the day. the debt’s in question were debts I collected while trying to settle the withdrawal fees and numerous other fees the scammers were demanding from me. My house and possessions were threatened, I was called a liar, my integrity was questioned, my parents and workplace were called, etc. It was awful. I could not believe this practice was legal in America. Then I came across J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE and everything turned around for me, Thank you so much. Because of all of the wonderful work done by your team, I cleared up all my debts and can finally rest at home and at work now. During this journey, Besides recovering my lost crypto assets, I also learnt a lot about potential fraud institutions and how to avoid them. It really frightened me the amount of damages these companies have caused and am even more surprised that the authorities aren’t doing anything to help us. Until we have better laws to protect investors, I hope lots of people will come across your firm and be equally saved like me. I think that you are providing a wonderful public service. On a personal note, I want to thank the whole team at J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE also for your quick and personal response to my e-mail and concerns. Not only are you providing a great service, your customer service qualities reassured me and made me feel so much better, the Firms contact details are below,
    Email; J E T H A C K S 7 @ GMAIL . COM
    Telegram; J E T H A C K S S
    I appreciate you very much! Warmest regards, Giovanni D.

  1315. Celine Gotham

    May 3, 2024 at 2:09 am

    Allow me to shed some light on my experience recovering funds with K NI GH TH OO D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP, a company with years of expertise in the recovery field. They’ve successfully assisted numerous individuals who, like me, fell victim to crypto or investment scams. Prior to reaching out to their recovery team via email “ K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ GMAIL DOT COM, I had attempted to work with several other hackers, none of whom appeared legitimate.As the hacker assigned to me at K N I G H T H O O D B O T CORP rightly pointed out, “The worst experience is being scammed while trying to recover what you lost to scammers.” This resonated with me, as I narrowly avoided falling for the deceptive tactics of previous scam hackers who tried to exploit my desperation to recover my lost funds. My investment with a UK-based company had been ongoing for over a month, and it wasn’t until recently that I attempted to withdraw my profits. However, excuses began pouring in as to why I couldn’t access my funds. Despite reaching out to the company and their provided legal team multiple times, I received no response until my third email, which informed me that my account had been suspended for reasons that seemed dubious. Engaging K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP to handle my case was undoubtedly the wisest decision I made. I highly recommend their services for anyone seeking to recover their investments. They approach each case with a personal touch and ensure a thorough resolution.If you encounter difficulty reaching them via email, you can also contact them directly on Telegram with the username @ K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9. Simply provide them with all the details regarding the scam, then sit back and witness the swift turnaround in your favor. Their efficiency is remarkable; within just 72 hours, my funds were safely back in my wallet. These professionals truly work wonders.

  1316. I want to publicly express my gratitude to this Asset Recovery organization, R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R E Y F I R M for their professional work and assistance towards the recovery of my lost funds. I unknowingly got scammed by a fake Crypto investment company online in February. i lost about $642,000 to this company.. i never believe when i finally got to know that i was dealing with fraudsters and con-artist all this while, i felt so disappointed. this scammers had me signed up on the fake company website where i made all my investment to in hope to make little or more profits. it was time for me to withdraw my funds but this company denied all my withdrawal requests, and demanded for some fees before my withdrawal can be approved, when i asked to know why they only gave me an excuse why i needed to do that. It was really hard for me because that was all my life savings and they tricked me into investing with their company with a guarantee that I will make more profit. i paid for the fees and still not able to have funds withdrawn, This scammers suddenly stopped responding to my text and calls.. took all my money and I did not hear from them anymore.. it was then that i started looking for means to have my funds withdrawn.. God being so good i found the R O O T K I T S RE C O V E R Y F I R M with their following contact details R O O TK I TS4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M Telegram ( ROOTKITS7 ) i contacted them and explained the whole situation to them and they promised to be of help, i provided the informations that was needed and we got going immediately after some time they asked for my wallet for the transfer back of my funds.. well i couldn’t still believe it not until when i saw my funds back in my wallet. i was so shocked and happy at the same time, I’m really grateful to this team for what they do for people who have been scammed, I appreciate a job well done.

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  1318. Tanner Bradshaw

    May 4, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    I would like to pass on a huge thank you and appreciation to the most proficient Team at J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE for his persistence and support through this frustrating time… After an online crypto investment gone wrong that I wasn’t aware about until I got denied my payout attempts on several occasions for the most cheapest of reasons however since my backs were against the wall, I decided to go play along with them until there wasn’t any more plays to make. I exhausting all means of financial assistance, I decided to turn to cybersecurity firms for intervention and support. Words cannot truly describe the profound effect your work have had on my life.  If you had not have been referred to me by a reputable source I would have assumed this was a scam too.  In 3 days you took me from someone who couldn’t afford a decent meal, to becoming a home owner. Because of the location of our new home I was able to get my son, who is into football, into one of the best programs in the country.  He is already a different kid.  I have no words for what that means to my wife and I.  From my family to all of you thank you. You always were very professional and empathetic towards my case, and every email I sent was responded to the same day. Prior to learning about your firm, I never thought I could have gotten out from under the weight of my poor financial decisions But thanks to you I’m a homeowner now. I have recommended you to a few friends at my work. Oh and I also just acquired a new car for my wife, thanks to you and your team, you’ve singlehandedly made me a better husband and father, there’s no repaying that in this lifetime, I can only refer your top service to others as well , you can find J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE through any of the following contact details,
    Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . C o m
    Telegram: J E T H A C K S S

  1319. Denis McGregor

    May 5, 2024 at 11:26 pm

    My investment with a cryptocurrency Company was a total disaster and never ended well, i almost lost everything i invested if not for the help of this Fabulous Recovery Team ” R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M “, i saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency a few months ago and I took the chance not knowing that i wasn’t dealing with the right people. I contacted the broker whom i came across the profile on the instagram and i invested a huge sum of money around £823,131 with the company, this went on for about 6 months time investing all i have had with them in essence to make profits in the future. I finally got to know that this has been a fraudulent company when I wanted to withdraw a part of my profits into my bank account. I made multiple attempts to process the transaction but it was declined, on reaching out to the support desk for assistance to withdraw my funds they demanded for some company fees and charges so they could grant me the access to the withdrawal. i did paid for the fees as well but i still could not successfully make my withdrawal, this really puts me in a detrimental condition.. I was really shattered about the whole situation as i do not know how to go about it again, then i had the thought about getting a hacker to help me out as i felt screwed by this company. and that was how i discovered the recovery firm that help me to get all my funds back from the crypto company, i came along a lot of positive reviews about them here so i trust the process and contacted their email R O O T K I T S 4 @ gmail . Com for assistance and they were excellent, I’m really thankful for their support and service as they restored Happiness back into my life. i recommend this team for anyone who wants to recover what has been lost to scam companies here is their Telegram also – ROOTKITS7

  1320. Angeline Gutierrez

    May 7, 2024 at 8:50 am

    I had a very terrible Experience with a scam cryptocurrency investment platform. It all started when I got a message from a trader on my Telegram who told me about their crypto investment platform and all its benefits for crypto newbies. They assured me of a decent fixed ROI on every of my investment weekly which got me really interested, the idea of a secondary source of income appealed to me because I was closing in on retirement and I haven’t got enough savings to last me for when I have retired. I ended up investing a total of $108,000.00 worth of bitcoin over the period of 3 months with assurances of successful withdrawals upon request which I did a few successful trial withdrawals in the first month. However the third withdrawal didn’t go as expected and when I reached out to support I was instructed to clear some fees first which my referrer also confirmed it was safe, long story cut short.. I cleared 4 different fees but still did not receive my funds.. but they kept asking for more money so I realized that I was being scammed. I couldn’t afford to lose my life savings, that would be the end of me. I was devastated and depressed for days before eventually deciding to research online situations like mine luckily I might find something positive and that was how I came across reviews about J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE. I read several impressive reviews about them from various scam victims and how the firm has helped them in recovering their stolen or lost crypto assets so I decided to contact them for help. Fortunately the team lived up to his reputation, it was on the third day when I got a deposit confirmation on my blockchain wallet which I checked and confirmed, I couldn’t have been more happier. You can also contact J E T H A C K S RECOVERY CENTRE as they are capable of helping you retrieve back whatever you may have lost to online investment scammers. Reach them with their email address at: J E T H A C K S 7 @ g m a i l . c o m or Telegram : J E T H A C K S S

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  1322. George Dalzell

    May 7, 2024 at 7:58 pm

    What a great opportunity to speak and enlighten y’all about the R O O T K I T S RE C O V E RY F I R M, I’m George Dalzell by name i had been a victim of scam and lost a lot of money to a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment platform, Everything all started with a lady i was merged to over a dating site, i have known her for barely 3months on the App and we have spent great time together sharing ideas over text messages, ever since i lost my wife never met someone who had given me much time and attention like she had done. Just one day she made mention of a cryptocurrency investment company to me, as well claimed that she had been a long time investor with the company and had benefited so much, Well she advised me to invest with the company using her referral codes, i decided to give it a try and basically it was my first time investing in an online platform or company unfortunately at the end it didn’t turn out well for me.. probably staying clear off with online investment companies because here you’re dealing with people you don’t know in real person. i lost a very huge amount of money to this company when i found out that it was all scam, i went some months looking for a ways to get my money back after i got denied the access to withdraw my funds and my profits even when i can view it clearly from my portfolio, they kept requesting for more and more fees before i could have my funds withdrawn, finally when i told a colleague of mine the whole story, how it all went down he now suggested that I consult a specialist who can help me to get my funds back from the company, i never know such expert do exist until i came online here and i read some reviews about R O O T K I T S R E C O V E RY F I R M and how they have helped a lot of victims. i texted them over email with; R O OT K I T S 4 @ G M AIL . C O M , and they replied me once and gave me some instructions on what to do and details to provide before we kicked off the process, to my greatest surprise they got back all my funds back just the way i sent it out to the scammers wallet addresses, this team are expert and also the best in this field and I’m so happy they came through for me, you can direct your problems to them if been in such situations like mine. here their Telegram account to contact; ROOTKITS7 if needed.

  1323. David N. Patterson

    May 8, 2024 at 10:16 am

    I have just recently had my stuck Bitcoin assets removed from my account with a certain investment platform on Facebook, thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE. The man who dealt with my case was awesome. Initially when I decided to look for any tangible solution I didn’t imagine Digital Assets Recovery Firm would be the answer. I have never worked with hackers before but desperate times they say calls for desperate measures and I also had a very good feeling in the firms capabilities to accurately handle my case as they have done so many times in the past for his clients. I first ventured into cryptocurrency investment in 2021 with a friend as an investment into the future, the potential of cryptocurrency is limitless but unfortunately, this also has its downside. Initially, I was hoarding my cryptocurrency assets on Blockchain and making slow but consistent profits. However, I decided to register with a cryptocurrency trading company earlier this year with the purpose of accumulating more bitcoins, which nearly resulted in a massive loss for me. Shortly after investing over 700,000 usd with the company, they suddenly shutdown their website and abruptly cut off all means of communication with me. I felt betrayed and unable to eat properly for almost a month. The pain of losing my hard-earned money so quickly was overwhelming, and I couldn’t stop blaming myself for trusting a superficially legitimate company without conducting thorough research. It was during this period that I thought about doing some research’s online for solution, I came across reviews about a crypto recovery firm ‘’JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE” that has experience in helping individuals recover their digital assets and improve their financial situation. I contacted them through their Telegram username @ JETHACKSS and provided them with details of the investment I had made with the scammers. They assured me that my case would be accurately handled. 2 days later I got a message from the team that my funds had been successfully recouped which was confirmed immediately I opened my wallet to my greatest surprise, this single act resurrected my life for good and am forever grateful to the team for their invaluable help.

  1324. Anthony Willock

    May 8, 2024 at 11:41 pm

    Building trust takes time, but I’ve often found myself quick to trust others, which unfortunately led to financial harm. However, thanks to the intervention of K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL R E C O V E R Y CORP, I narrowly avoided a dire situation. It all began when I blindly trusted a broker I encountered on Instagram while seeking investment opportunities. She portrayed herself as a verified stock broker managing trades for clients, but none of it was true. I only discovered her true identity after initiating the recovery process with K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y CORP. She turned out to be nothing more than a catfish using the guise of a stock broker to scam individuals out of their hard-earned funds. While I was unfortunate to have encountered her, I would have regretted it deeply if I hadn’t recovered my entire investment with the company she introduced me to . K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y CORP played a pivotal role in recovering my investments. After providing all transaction details to the Agency in question, they began the process. Before engaging with K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP, a colleague who was aware of the scam advised me against hiring a hacker and suggested filing a complaint with authorities instead. However, that avenue yielded no results, prompting me to seek assistance from K N I G H T H O O D B O T HACK CORP. Our initial contact was through their corporate email, “K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT GMAIL DOT COM,” and we continued our communication on Telegram via ” K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9 ” after the first phase of recovery.
    Following my ordeal with the scam company, I realized that many others were similarly ensnared, often without knowing how to address the situation. Fortunately, reaching out to K N I G H T H O O D B O T R E C O V E R Y CORP can provide resolution. They’ll fight on your behalf, and I’m confident that by the end of the process, you’ll have your funds back in your possession without encountering further hassle. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact K N I G H T H OO D B O T R E C O V E R Y CORP today.

  1325. Amelia Morrison

    May 9, 2024 at 11:08 am

    R O O T K I TS RE CO V E RY FIRM is one of the best Recovery Team and has by far proven its ability to recover lost assets from internet scammers, A very well deserved accolades to this fantastic Team ( R O O T K I T S RE C O V E R Y FI R M ) for all they have done, Unluckily felled a victim to a Crypto Trading company, it all began when i got a message from a broker on my Instagram when i responded he introduced me into their company which he claims offers a very high return profits for investors, after i took a close check on what the company is all about i then decided to invest with them in the online trade, we do speak frequently on the phone, As he had always guided and directed me throughout the whole process. To summarize it all, i lost everything i had invested with the platform.. i was been denied the action to withdraw any funds from my trading account balance. all my efforts to have them release my funds seems to be void as i even lost more money on the process, learnt my lesson in the very hard way, Well at the end I’m happy and grateful to have met R O O T K I T S RECOVERY T EA M , through their contact details that was provided by other victims ( Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . CO M / Telegram; ROOTKITS7) they genuinely Cared about my situation and demonstrated a genuine desire to help me recover what I Lost. This Team not only provides legitimate services but also offers a very good customer support. Your endorsement is valuable and will likely be helpful to others seeking reliable support in recovering their lost assets to scammers

  1326. Kieran Lloyd

    May 9, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    I am writing this today to express my sincere appreciation for all the work you and your team has done for me in retrieving my USDT assets from a cheating investment platform that I acquainted myself with through their broker agent on LinkedIn. I was not sure what I was getting myself into when I spoke with you a month ago…I did not think you could get my USDT assets extracted from the scammers as soon as you did. I was very skeptical at first because it was my first time hearing of someone not to mention a firm capable of tracing and retrieving digital assets lost to fraudulent transactions. After being turned down for a withdrawal request, I approached their support desk and the agent for assistance but to my dismay they were asking me for some sort of settlements each time before I Could withdraw my funds. A friend from work said to look up ” Digital assets recovery solutions ” in the Internet and so I did. After going through about a dozen different infos on firm’s and recovery agents, I was getting a bit discouraged then I finally saw your JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE info and liked the reviews I read. No red-flags went off so I decided to make contact. It was an easy, laid-back conversation explaining everything that can be done to recoup my digital assets and improve my financial situation. It sounded good to me so I took you up on your offer. In just three days of hard work on JETHACKS team part, my USDT assets was successfully recovered from the scam platform. I realize not everyone has the same recovery problems but you folks were fast and really worked for me and am assured your services will help many others as well, you can contact the firm using their contact informations below,
    Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM
    Telegram username @ JETHACKSS

  1327. Once again, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and please pass on to your staff my appreciation for all of the hard work. Few months ago I sought to recover my stolen cryptocurrency assets and after searching and searching and doing quite a bit of research I came across J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and made a spot decision that changed my life, well actually my financial crisis, but in effect my life in general. The person on the other end explained in detail what the team would do for me and what their fees were. I was feeling like a lost child when I came to your firm having transferred my final savings to the scammers and they mysteriously vanished, along with their website which subsequently closed down a day after. I’m a 64 year old man so they easily exploited my inferior knowledge about crypto tradings to manipulate the numbers and led me to believe they were real. Once they figured I had exhausted all means of raising funds, they vanished and that was when I knew I had actually been dealing with internet scammers. I decided to give your firm a shot and see what happened to my funds. In a very short time I saw what the team had promised they would deliver. The team swiftly recouped my crypto assets from the scammers accounts within a short span of 3 days, like a miracle i checked my bank account and the funds was right there indeed your firm is the best Digital Assets Recovery firm in the entire universe. Your work and help has been most beneficial and helpful. In all reality you have helped us more than you realize and my family and I are in a very good position now. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it!. I won’t hesitate to refer people to you, and wish you all the continued success in the world. The firm’s contact information are as follows; EMAIL : J E T H A C K S 7 @ G M A I L . C O M / T E L E G R A M : J E T H A C K S S

  1328. Taylor Bachelder

    May 12, 2024 at 12:32 am

    I am deeply grateful to this Professional Recovery Team R O O T K I T S RE CO V E RY F I RM for their exceptional service in recovering my lost Crypto during the time i lost my investment to scammers. This team worked tirelessly to navigate the complexities of the Blockchain and what the scammers has created, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to retrieve all that i had lost to this fake cryptocurrency company.. Well i was deceived by this broker agent that i met on Instagram just few months ago and we had texted for awhile, he always tells me about the financial benefits I stand to gain if I invest with their company as an investor. i had always wanted to venture into crypto investment so i thought that it was a perfect opportunity for me to start, i then went ahead and made couple investment with them without know that i was been scammed and deceived, at the end when i wanted to withdraw my profits i then found out that this company seized all my funds and denied me withdrawing both my capital investment and my total profits, they kept demanding for fees after fees but still wouldn’t release my funds even after settling this fees, i finally went in search of solution to retrieve my funds and i would say that my encounter with R O O T K I T S RE C OV E R Y F I RM would never go unappreciated as this Team beyond doubt proved to be a game-changer, as they swiftly and efficiently assisted me in recovering my lost funds. Their exceptional service and professionalism have left an indelible impression on me, prompting me to share my experience and recommend their services to anyone facing similar predicaments. R O O T K I T S RE C O V E R E Y F IR M is a distinguished recovery team that specializes in the recovery of lost cryptocurrencies to scammers, you can reach out to the team through their following contact details, EMAIL ; R O O T K T S 4 @ GM A I L . C OM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  1329. Karissa Bernard

    May 13, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    I have noticed the rate of increasing fraudulent activities going on online nowadays most especially on the cryptocurrency markets. I’m still puzzled at how some people would purposely choose a deceitful line of livelihood and causing people deep pain and damages that could last them forever. Now that my crypto assets are recovered, I have more freedom and luckily am able to start rebuilding my life again. Today I thought about the whole event that happened and I wonder what could have become the outcome of me if It wasn’t for the Timely intervention of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE. I agree that a big part of the reason for the increasing rate of online money scam’s (which people have identified in comments and in the article) is time spent grooming potential clients using their first initial payouts to solidify their position which ends up getting that person hooked and before that person realize what’s going on, they have already lost everything. After loosing my hard earned money to a forex trading company, I took a huge time out to properly research possible means to trace and retrieve lost/stolen funds while struggling to remain sane as this situation really affected me mentally. I have felt less of a human being because of this scammers and appeared to be the most stupidest person before my family and friends. I know I could’ve done better with my judgements therefore I do accept some responsibility for my mistakes so even when I contacted the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE for support, I still was very mistrustful about the process and it’s chances of being a success. Two days later, the team proved to me why they came highly recommended as they successfully traced and recovered my funds from the scammers. Such demonstration of extraordinary expertise and dedication is truly remarkable. therefore, I highly recommend the firm to anyone needing help with digital assets recovery, the team is very quick with responses and active on both Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM and on their official Telegram account : JETHACKSS

  1330. Martina Quarema

    May 13, 2024 at 11:30 pm

    Woah ! I’m disappointed, I never once imagined that I would fall victim to a scam, yet unfortunately, I found myself entangled in that web, an experience I can assure you is never pleasant. However, amidst this turmoil, there emerged hope and tangible results in the form of K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP. This team of hackers has taken it upon themselves to confront scam cases head-on, ensuring that justice is served. Our communication took place via Telegram under the username “ K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9”. Initially, I held the belief that once funds were lost in Bitcoin, they were irretrievable, yet K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP shattered this misconception by successfully recovering my lost assets within a matter of days after providing them with transaction details. Their actions reignited my faith in humanity, as they were able to trace and reclaim my lost crypto assets totaling $800,000, which I had previously deemed lost forever. These scammers typically lure individuals in by promising easy withdrawals at their convenience. However, once substantial investments are made, promised profits fail to materialize, leaving victims in debt without any means of recourse. They initially persuaded me to begin with the minimum investment plan of $3000 , only to subsequently pressure me into investing more for greater returns which a total of $800k was lost at the end . While trying to withdraw, they continually demanded various fees, exacerbating my financial predicament , which prompted me to engage the services of K N I G H T H O O D B O T DIGITAL HACK CORP, whose unwavering dedication saw the entire process through to its conclusion. Without their intervention, I would likely be homeless by now. I am immensely grateful for their tireless efforts and wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone facing similar circumstances. For those seeking assistance, you can reach them via email at “K N I G H T H OO D B O T @ GMAIL DOT COM ”. When contacting them, ensure to provide a comprehensive account of your situation and witness firsthand their expertise in action. I sincerely hope this message serves as a lifeline to anyone struggling to secure reliable assistance from a hacker. This is your opportunity to reclaim control and emerge from the clutches of deceit.

  1331. Thomas Edison

    May 14, 2024 at 2:04 pm

    Losing my had earned money to a fraudulent Crypto investment scheme was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life.. But thanks to R O O T K I T S RE C O V ER Y F I RM for coming to my rescue.. i will forever be grateful to this guys for what they do. I keep hearing about Bitcoin and its benefits to investors so i was kind of eager to invest just so i could save enough for the future.. So back to last February i came across a platform that only had positive reviews everywhere to deceive more people. At first i made a small investment to see how it works after a few days they had let me withdraw a small amount and this even made me trust them even more. then i now made a huge reinvestment everything seems to be going well until i needed to make a the big withdrawal, they denied this and instead made me make several deposits as “tax” and maintenance fee in order to approve my withdrawal. This went on for another for a few weeks and i had already lost everything and it didn’t look like they were not helping at all. That was the moment i realized what i had gotten myself into, i plunged into acute depression for about a month before i got in touch with a team that helped me recoup my loss, i didn’t even think it was possible i just had to send a mail to their official email (R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M AIL . CO M) as i was directed by someone i confided. thanks to R O O T K I TS R E C OVE RY TEAM for all their help and efforts in ensuring that i got all my invested funds back. i really appreciate what they did, and to anyone out there who needs their help can as well reach them on their Telegram official account; ROOTKITS7

  1332. Trevor Osborne

    May 15, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    A few months ago I was asked to join an affiliate group on Telegram that facilitates financial growth for its members. I was a newbie in the field with all kinds of extra tasks in my life, I hesitated and expressed a lot of doubt. I explained i couldn’t invest with them given a lot of factors and I didn’t want to gamble with my hard earned cash. However, my financial reality to meet up with expectations and secure a better future for my kids was heavily weighing on my mind and so I reluctantly accepted and investing a little sum for a start… we got going and everything was proceeding smoothly which made me to really trust them and I eventually invested almost all my savings and I later went on to remit to the scammers what i had left in an attempt to clear some of the withdrawals fees. This has been the most mentally challenging part of my life, I felt trapped and confused about how to get my funds out considering how all my previous efforts has gone the opposite direction and am still getting tasked with more withdrawal payments. While I was on the brink of losing everything, I decided to confide in a friend, already it was clear to me I couldn’t keep this to myself anymore. well am glad I did because then I got to learn about JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and that was how I got to recover back my funds from the scam group. Apparently my friend has had a previous issue which the team assisted him in resolving it so it was a lot easier to connect me to the team once I explained what I was dealing with. I wrote to the team on their official Telegram handle @ JETHACKSS where we maintained communication during the time it took to trace down and successfully recover back my funds. I’m really grateful we’ve got cyber security firms like JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE that can serve as a safe haven to protect us against cyber criminals, you can also contact the team via Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM

  1333. susan raymond

    May 16, 2024 at 10:01 am

    ***PLEASE READ***
    After 7 Years in a relationship with my Boyfriend, my Boyfriend started going out with other girls and showing me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to broke-up with me if I dare question him about his affair with other girls, I was totally devastated and confused but i was always optimistic that things will change because I love my boyfriend with all my heart. luckily an old friend of mine told me about a spell caster called DR BALBOSA. DR BALBOSA helped a lot of people with their relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love Spells , At first I doubted If such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try and luckily for me, i and DR.BALBOSA live in the same city so i went to see him in his house with my friend…DR.BALBOSA is such a great man, he told me everything I needed to do and he also checked the connection between i and my boyfriend, so he helped me cast a Love Spell and within 48 Hours my boyfriend came back to me and started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with girls and he is with me for good and for real. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to DR BALBOSA. Please endeavor to contact him for any relationship issues and he will always help you. God Bless You from
    EMAIL: balbosasolutionhome@gmail. com

  1334. Stein Lambert

    May 16, 2024 at 2:19 pm

    I am very pleased with the help R O O T K IT S REC O VE RY FIRM rendered in restoring my lost crypto investment from scammers.. I was encouraged to invest in a cryptocurrency company through an advert that i watched on the facebook . it was actually interesting and seems profitable so i contacted the company and they responded.. i asked a few question and i was assured that everything works perfectly and legit. At first i started with 5000 USD after awhile i had it returned to me together with my profits with no problems. As a result of that i continued trading as i was also advised to upgrade to the Millionaire package where you will earn much more off your trading, i did upgraded and invested more funds that my account was showing in excess of 1,280,902 USD but when I tried to take some of the profits my account went from the above to zero within 60 seconds and then after making complaints to the support i was told that I had not completed the required trades and also that their were suspicious activities on my account.. it was certainly over my head and honestly didn’t know what to do at that moment so i had to invest more but still not able to withdraw a dollar to my bank, they had full control of my account, and have refused me to withdraw anything. i finally came to know that most crypto investment companies are bunch of criminals and scammers.., so i went in search for possible means to recover my funds. Well i must say that I’m very fortunate to have been able to recover all my funds back through the help of R O O T K I TS R E C O V E RY F IRM. got so many recommendations on them by fellow victims online who has been scammed and recovered theirs back. so i contacted them for help and they delivered at the End. i thank God so much that such Team as ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM do exist to help victims who have been defrauded. If you have been scammed of your Crypto or been in a similar situation you contact this Team for help via Telegram; ROOTKITS7 or Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @G M A I L . COM

  1335. I just received a call from Ty that my final payment had been confirmed after months of being harassed by the loan officer. I wanted to thank the entire team at JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE who helped me in the recovery process of my fund, Each of you were so gracious and professional. I have to admit at first, I was a little hesitant and uncertain of the outcome, but after seeing what you were able to do with my friend’s recovery case after only a few days, it is very reassuring. The aftermath of My financial situation as a result of a terrible decision I made to invest with a crypto trading company was not a kind one, but you guys all went above and beyond to help me achieve my new position and I am so appreciative.  The process was as seamless as possibly could be and always communicated so effectively with me along the way.  Each time l’ve had a question I’ve been answered with utmost clarity and that speaks volume to the transparency level of your firm. I would sincerely say that JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE conducted business in the utmost professional manner and I am extremely pleased with the way you worked things out for me and my friend. you have been a pleasure to work with, I could not recommend you highly enough to others and to each other! Such a good group and gives me faith in the power of doing what is right!, that includes spreading word of your firm and the invaluable service you provide to those of us who have found ourselves entangled in the world of digital assets scammers, as well as your contact details;
    Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM or TELEGRAM Username @ JETHACKSS . Thanks again so much!  Your hard work is much appreciated!
    Boston, MA.

  1336. Consider this a heartfelt endorsement and a gentle reminder: when it comes to the recovery of lost CRYPTO/DIGITAL assets, there’s no better choice than KNIGHTHOODBOT DIGITAL HACK CORP. My personal journey with them serves as a testament to their efficacy, as they successfully RECOVERED all my investments lost in a crypto PONZI SCHEME, an ordeal I unwittingly found myself ensnared in. Thanks to their intervention, I now harbor no regrets, as my case has been resolved, and my funds reinstated in my bank account.Equipped with the requisite tools and techniques, KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP navigates the intricate terrain of the recovery process with precision, ensuring that the primary goal of restitution is achieved. In a landscape where scammers evolve continuously, it takes seasoned professionals who intimately understand their tactics to catch them off guard. This is where KNIGHTHOODBOT CORP excels, adeptly apprehending scammers and liberating their clients’ funds from the grasp of deception . My introduction to their services occurred during a desperate search for a way out of my predicament. It all began innocently enough on WhatsApp, where I was added to a group chat discussing stocks and bonds. Initially captivated by the discourse, I believed everything to be above board and legitimate. However, my optimism waned when I encountered insurmountable obstacles withdrawing funds after completing the prescribed trading cycle. Unable to fulfill the terms stipulated by the company’s support team, I sought an alternative solution.Promptly reaching out to the RECOVERY Hackers via Email at “K N I G H T H O O D B O T @ gmail dot com,” I was met with meticulous attention to detail. They diligently traced the convoluted paths of wallet addresses and bank accounts associated with the investment, culminating in the anticipated outcome. To those in search of a reputable hacker, I wholeheartedly recommend contacting them on Telegram with the username “K N I G H T H OO D B O T 9 .” In doing so, you align yourself with professionals who not only comprehend the intricacies of digital deceit but possess the expertise to counteract it, ensuring that justice is served and lost assets are rightfully reclaimed.

  1337. Corey Dominic

    May 18, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    I strongly recommend the Service of the R O O T K I T S RECOVERY F I R M to anyone out there seeking to recover his/her funds to scammers. I lost about $1.1m worth of Bitcoins and USDT to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform.. just a few months back i saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency to make huge profits from your investments. i then contacted the so called broker online who was pretending to be an account manager for a forex trading firm, she did guided me through the process of investing. as time goes on i invested a huge part of my retirement savings and business money into this platform not realizing it was all a scam to steal away my money. After weeks of trying to withdraw when i need some money for my business, this broker continued to request more money until i was completely broke and in debt, it felt as if I’m losing everything that i have lived and worked for.. Fortunately a day came that i saw an article about R O O T K I T S R E C O V E RY F I R M, well i wasn’t in a hurry to contact them but i did some research about their services and found out they could help me recover my money from these scammers, i contacted ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, through their email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . CO M and in a space of 48 hours, this team was able to recover back all my funds, they did a thorough investigation with the information i had provided them and ensured that every penny was returned to me, it felt so unreal how they were able to recover everything that i have lost. I’m truly grateful for the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and I’m putting this out here to help victims who has been in a similar situation. Their professional service was top notch. Here also is their user ID to their Telegram Account ; ROOTKITS7

  1338. research paper help like My Assignment Services can provide valuable support at every stage of the research writing process. Their expert writers offer guidance, feedback, and assistance to ensure your research paper meets academic standards and requirements. Navigate the research writing process with confidence.

  1339. Giovanni Lorenzo

    May 21, 2024 at 12:44 pm

    I was once a victim of a cryptocurrency scam that left me totally broke and devastated, i invested the sum of $375,000 worth of USDT in an online crypto investment platform, hoping to reap substantial profits as i was promised and assured by the broker who convinced me to invest with their company. Little did I know that I was about to face the worst nightmare of my life.. Well at the beginning everything seems to be moving well till it got when i eventually needed money to attend to an urgent financial situation only for this company to deny my withdrawal request after my contract with them expired already and then went on maintenance indefinitely. I became so worried that I had to take more loans to attend to my needs. I was stuck waiting for the company’s approval to make withdrawals but all to no avail. They stopped responding to my emails and calls. Checking online to see if this was normal because I got confused then I saw so many negative reviews about this company. I already knew for a fact I have been scammed. i thought of how I’m going to get my money back and then did an intensive search on lost investment recovery companies. After I was able to sieve out a number of recovery companies, I decided to carry on with R O O T K I TS RE C O VE RY F I R M after seeing reviews that this firm can help to recover lost funds to fraudulent companies. i contacted them for help and they came through for me.. Recovered all my lost funds back through this wonderful recovery firm. Without a doubt most crypto investment companies are scam everyone out-there should be careful .. Send a mail to R O O T K I T S 4 @ GM A IL . C O M or Telegram: R O O T K I T S 7 if you have ever been a victim of cryptocurrency scam and have your funds recovered.

  1340. Maria Hartman

    May 21, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    The sudden loss of my entire savings while trying to navigate the business of crypto currency investment struck home. Today, It feels like the online space is being monitored and controlled by these scammers who are only worried about the next person to defraud. They seem obsessed with reaching the tippy-top of the pile of souls, and they don’t care who gets squashed along their way. Even at my lowest point they still refused to confirm my payout, I never felt so betrayed and abandoned as i was struggling after becoming a single parent. The fraud company had gotten what it wanted out of me (free labor and a brand new future pile of debts in my arms), so now I didn’t matter anymore. I was hurting in every way, and nobody seemed to care – they just kept coming up with excuses and asked for a deposit each time . Economic realities + a lack of support = my inability to meet up to meet up with fee, I tried and I simply couldn’t hack the never-ending demands. Faced with the daunting reality of loosing such a significant sum, I sought alternative avenues for assistance. It was then that I stumbled upon a Crypto recovery firm JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE operating on Telegram under the handle @ JETHACKSS. Not seeing much option for me, I decided to enlist their services. Providing the team with some available details regarding my transactions with the fraud company , they launched a process to retrieve my funds. I had my doubts and edginess but at the end, the firm’s professionalism and competence was flawlessly put to very high efficient use and my funds was successfully recovered within the very short span of 2 days. This experience has been an eye opener for me and I’ve come to realize the importance of vigilance and due diligence when indulging in any form of financial investments, most especially in the digital world. I also advise seeking professional assistance from a reputable recovery service such as JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM for those dealing with similar crisis, their services has proven to be very effective in helping people retrieve what’s rightfully theirs.

  1341. Charles Greene

    May 23, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    It has become evident that KNIGHTHOODBOT RECOVERY HACKING CORP is the foremost solution for reclaiming your lost digital assets. They have demonstrated their prowess by successfully retrieving my entire investment of $109k, which had been trapped on a trading website for weeks. With their assistance, I regained both my financial stability and peace of mind, as they supported me throughout the entire ordeal.Initially, an online acquaintance introduced me to a Telegram group named “TXb GROWTH,” claiming to have earned thousands with them over several months. Initially skeptical, I was eventually persuaded to proceed by this individual. We agreed that I would start with a small investment and evaluate the results. However, unbeknownst to me, they had orchestrated a scam to defraud me of my money. Initially, I experienced success with withdrawals, even approving one worth over $12k. This success bolstered my trust in them, leading me to invest significantly more in anticipation of a substantial payout. Unfortunately, this decision led to escalated issues, as I was suddenly denied access to withdrawals for dubious reasons.Upon lodging a formal complaint with the team, their response was unsatisfactory, demanding fines for alleged trading violations of which I had no prior knowledge. Realizing the complexity of the situation, I sought assistance from KNIGHTHOODBOT HACK CORP via email at KNIGHTHOODBOT AT GMAIL DOT COM, detailing my plight in the hands of these scammers. They took swift action, tackling the case with remarkable success in the end.I am profoundly impressed by their unwavering commitment throughout the recovery process, elevating them above any other recovery firm or agency. Do not surrender your hard-earned funds to these fraudsters. Take immediate action to reclaim what is rightfully yours. KNIGHTHOODBOT RECOVERY HACKING CORP can also be contacted via Telegram with the username “KNIGHTHOODBOT9.” If in need of their service or attention .

  1342. Nicholas Gordon

    May 23, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    I made some huge investments with an online Cryptocurrency investment platform that got my account frozen and my $807,000 savings vanished into the air, Panic, disbelief, and a crushing sense of helplessness washed over me but thanks to R O O T K I T S RE C O V E R Y TEAM for coming to my aid. All my life savings was gone. My dreams shattered. Days blurred into nights as I desperately searched for answers – frantic emails, endless phone calls, and countless online forums fueled by despair. My hope dwindled with each passing hour, leaving only a gnawing fear that the money was truly lost. i was left with no other option than to get help from Crypto recovery specialist.. made a deep researchs and luckily enough i found the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M.. read a couple positive reviews from other victims who they had helped in the past. i quickly reached out to them, skeptical but clinging to hope, ready for whatever that comes out. But something felt different. From the first email, R O O T K ITS R E C O V E RY FI RM exuded professionalism and empathy towards my case. They listened to my story patiently, outlined their recovery process, and kept me informed every step of the way. They were the lifeline I desperately needed. The days that followed were a rollercoaster of emotions. Hope flickered, then dimmed, then flared again with each update. But slowly, steadily, progress was made. R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M unraveled the complexities of my case. Finally, the news arrived. My funds, all $807k was recovered. Tears of relief streamed down my face as I read the confirmation email. It felt like a miracle, a second chance at life. My experience with ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM wasn’t just about getting my money back. It was about regaining my faith in humanity, the possibility of justice, and the existence of good people who fight for what’s right. Today, I stand here, no longer a victim, but a survivor. This is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of hope, and the incredible work of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. Don’t give up if you ever find yourself in a similar situation. Seek help, reach out, and remember – even when the darkness seems absolute, a light is always waiting to be found. contact the team through mail; ROOTKITS4 @ GM A IL . C O M or Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  1343. Felipe Hubbard

    May 23, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Few months ago I found myself in a very challenging situation and was in need of serious help like never before. like many others, I was approached on Telegram by a lady that operates under the ‘’Alias’’ Diane CFO to hide their real identity. She was the admin to crypto mining group which later she added me into the group to further verify her company’s legitimacy, seeing many active investors in the group deceived me into believing they were real as I later found out upon my session with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE the documents and payment proofs I observed on the group were all doctored. Prior to this discovery, I believed them to be true and for a straight 2 months period, I’d wake up everyday to watch my life funds of £807k excluding the profits I’ve earned over the course of my investment and it’s just sitting there on my lion mining finance account, you can look up the company on Google .. please beware of the company, it’s a fake crypto mining company that nearly made away with my money but thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE I was able to retrieve it all back to my wallet safely. I reached out to the Excellent Hacking Team on their official TELEGRAM Username : JETHACKSS where I shared all the necessary requirements and proofs to enable the tracing of my funds without any issues and it’s swift recovery. I write this here today as a token of my appreciation to the whole team, you guys are the best. Below is also their Email contact address for anyone who’s looking for a way to recover their funds from these fraudulent online establishments out there, you can write a message to Telegram username above or to EMAIL : JETHACKS7 @ Gmail. com

  1344. Our Betflik is because we are considered a leader in the online betting game industry. Established since 2019, highly reliable and safe. Try playing slot games PG SLOT,, Kingmaker, Pragmatic play, Jili slot, CQ9 and live casinos such as Sagamem, Sexy Gaming, WM Casino, Big Gaming with us in just 1 click.

  1345. Adele Theresia

    May 25, 2024 at 6:21 pm

    Feels very Great to be here today sharing my experience with this Exceptional Recovery firm.. R O O T K I T S R E C O V E RY F I R M, what an extraordinary work this guys are doing to save the world, Well i have been a victim of this Fraudulent circumstances which i ended up losing everything i invested with the company, i can remember telling my Sister about it earlier but she discouraged me , saying that it’s not an actual investment because you can’t see ur investments and also it not being stable unlike the Real estate investment, I never listened or paid more attention to what she had pointed out, i could still remember telling her that the world is evolving and I have to do so as well .. finally I started investing with a company that trades not just Bitcoin but also Gold and raw materials , that really made sense to me though I didn’t jump in investing a whole lot at first but as time goes by after I’ve received a couple of payouts within the first month of my investment , I now decided to toss in more money into the platform since I’ve verified its authenticity but little did I know that it was a Fraudulent platform to scam investors, they were able to lure me into investing more with the payouts I’ve gotten , ended up losing $214,000 to them and all contacts with them was lost , I couldn’t access my account or even speak with any of their representatives anymore , that was when i realized that was been scammed and needed someone who could help retrieve my money back and then I thought of getting a professional hacker, i still haven’t told my Sister about what is going on but at some point I had to tell her since it has grown to be a serious issue for me , on telling her about the matter she did sympathized with me and advised me to lookout for an asset recovery specialist who can help me to get back my funds so i went online in search of a good recovery team and this was how i met the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M.. a good number of victims said that they are best team to work with so immediately contact the team through their contact which was provided (E m ail; R O O T K I TS 4 @ G M A I L dot C O M or Telegram; R O O T K I T S 7. I must say that this team did a very great and professional job by retrieving both my initial investment of $131,000 and my due profits as well. I’m really grateful for everything they’ve done for me.. Yeah you can as well to contact the team if you ever find yourself in such terrible situations and needs help retrieving back your funds.

  1346. I never believed Crypto recovery to be a real thing Till I worked with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE, a competent Crypto recovery firm I came to know through his positive reviews of how he helped Scam victims recover their lost investments. I had a mammoth amount of funds through a spurious investment platform which nearly took me for almost $804,000 in USDT assets. The peculiar fact I’ve come to realize with this scam is it whole fully embodies the phrase ‘’ the more you look the less you see ‘’ because with each day that passes, births forth to a deeper grave I was unknowingly digging for myself. What started as a tentative investment of $3000 later turned into a hundreds of thousands of dollars. I really give it up to these guys, the geniusness of this hoax is so so good that one never realizes what is truly going on until is has become too late. This right here was my exact situation and so similar to that of many other people as well. The unraveling point of everything was at the very last minute upon my consultation with the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE whom I dedicate this testimony to, as a token of my appreciation to you and your team of fine hackers, you guys are the true MVPs. Initially I was allowed perform a few simultaneous withdrawals which was successful but it was all part of their plan, this will in turn blind my blind my eyes to the bigger picture and allow me to trust them wholeheartedly, enough to invest my entire life savings. I couldn’t afford anymore of their incessant fees after already giving up everything so you can understand the betrayal and disappointment I felt knowing I had lost everything to scammers but as luck would have it, I stumbled upon a testimony from a previous client of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE which tipped me off to the existence of such services. I took no delay and got in touch with the firm via email JETHACKS7 @ GMAIL . com, the team immediately examined the my case and assured me it is very much possible to resolve and within the next 48 hours, my USDT assets was successfully recovered and what Bless day that was. The team is also active on Telegram, with the handle @ JETHACKSS

  1347. Feeling overwhelmed by assignments? write my assignment services can be a game-changer! As a student who’s been there, I can vouch for the relief and quality they offer. Just ensure you choose a reputable provider. Trust me, it’s worth it!

  1348. In the spring of last year, i started my journey to financial independence by investing in the most trending digital assets widely known as Bitcoin. Bitcoin as we all know it’s highly valuable with its potentials still looking very promising with each and every new day that it extends its reach to the world. I made an attempt to buy into the future which was actually going quite well until I decided to exploit it’s full benefits for more gains. I was poached on Telegram to join a seemingly legitimate trading platform… BIG MISTAKE …BIG MISTAKE but thankfully JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE came just in time to save the situation. The firm was highly recommended by a close friend of my family, who happens to be in the intelligence professional network. At first, I didn’t quite see the possibility of this working out but what more do I possibly have to lose?.. I hoped it’d work out so I gave them a shot and after our first initial consultation I was 110% sold on his firm’s services. I signed up immediately. you get what you pay for just like he assured me from the onset that I would have my funds recouped back to me from the scammers within 2days… the team was very diligent and kept me informed every step of the way on Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM where we maintained communication. I must say one of the most professional things about working together is that he can relate to you on a personal level. How many people in the Recovery field are honest and genuinely ready to help you out ( however difficult your case may be )?!?.. JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is wonderful, they helped me recover from financial ruin. I am grateful to them for making me financially stable again in a very short period of time, I’m on course to buy my first house at age 43. I feel so blessed to have found this company and got to have my funds recovered back to me, I would definitely suggest working with this AMAZING FIRM!.. here is their official TELEGRAM username @ JETHACKSS for additional support.

  1349. Andreas Georgiou

    May 28, 2024 at 7:18 am

    Thanks to R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F IR M for their wonderful and excellent recovery services given to my case after i was scammed by a fake Cryptocurrency investment company.. Somehow i lost all my invested funds a total of £593k to this company after 8months of investing all that i have with them, it got to the point that i wanted to withdraw a part of my profits into my bank account because i needed money for something urgent, i made several attempts to process my withdrawal but it was all declined, on reaching out to the support desk for assistance to withdraw my funds they demanded for some company fees and payments so they could grant me the access to the withdrawal. i did paid for the fees as well but i still could not make the withdrawal of my funds, I was really devasted and shattered about the whole situation as i do not know how to go about it again, after awhile when they no longer respond to my chats, i had the thought about getting a hacker to help me out as i already felt screwed by this company. and that was how i discovered the R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F IR M. Damn, I did not realize so many people has equally gone through the same Cryptocurrency investment scam until i came on here and read stories of fellow victims who in one way or the other has been defrauded by fake Crypto companies but later got the funds recovered with the help of R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F I R M.. i must say that this information really saved my life as i later contacted R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F I R M through their email R O O T K I T S 4 @ gmail . Com, they responded and i made my case known to them in quest for help. they did came through and was excellent, I’m really thankful for their support and service as they restored Happiness back into my life. i recommend this team for anyone who wants to recover what has been lost to this scam crypto companies, here is also the team Telegram Id – ROOTKITS7

  1350. Dorian Sullivan

    May 29, 2024 at 11:30 pm

    Please do yourself a favor and remove all doubts about moving forward with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE. If you want beyond exceptional valuable service, knowledgeable and experienced recovery team then you have come to the right place. I reached out to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE out of deep state of helplessness from trying to remove my funds on my own from a very shady trading group on Telegram. Well before I chose to do business with this group, I signed a contract which clearly stipulated the terms and conditions for which I can qualify for a payout every 2 weeks. First and second initial tradings were successful and I got to withdraw the funds successfully for each time, so you can imagine the shock and confusion I felt when trying to withdraw my funds on the third attempt and I was told I needed to clear some tax fees before completing the withdrawal, meanwhile this was after 6 weeks of straight successful trades. I didn’t have a choice so I cleared the fee but again they demanded another fee for account upgrade. At this point I started to notice a pattern so I decided to carry out an extra bit of research on the company, on this venture I stumbled upon reviews of some investors who have called out the platform for fraudulent practices in the past and this nearly gave me a heart attack knowing I have potentially lost my entire life savings to the same group . Luckily for me, I also discovered some interesting reviews of successful recovery cases by some clients who consulted the special help of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , a specialized team of proficient hackers dedicated to the course of curbing fraudulent transactions on the internet space. I quickly consulted the firm using the contact details i found attached to the review are Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM and Telegram ID @ JETHACKSS … I followed their simple process, providing the necessary details and the team took it from there, 2 days later I received a deposit confirmation in my account and that was how the team successfully recouped back my stolen crypto assets, what could’ve been a catastrophic event was safely averted by the team and am so grateful to God and the team for that.

  1351. I wish to share this information with the public. It’s not advisable to trade with an individual or a bitcoin investment platform if you are not sure about their reputation. Recently i got scammed by a fake Crypto investment company and It was indeed a tough time for me. i got linked up to them through Instagram and we started texting, after a while of being in contact and knowing a bit more about each other that lead me into sharing some personal information without knowing that i was dealing with a scammer and a liar, this person made me believe a fake website that he uses to carry out his criminal activities in the name of Cryptocurrency investment platform, i had invested hugely into this platform because i never doubted this or what he had said to me as i thought i was investing without knowing that i was being played. i never know all this wasn’t real till when the time for my withdrawal came, they automatically disabled me from making my withdrawals successfully.. every attempt to withdraw was been declined, i felt very uncomfortable with the situation, i was been directed by the costumer support to pay more fees before withdraw can be activated, i did paid for the demanded fees but still not able to withdraw my funds successfully, i didn’t know what else to do at certain point but later came up with the thought of getting a hacker it was then that i went online in search of a hacker who can help and luckily for me i met R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M with their contact info ( R O O T K I T S 4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M or Telegram; R O O T K I T S 7 ) through peoples recommendation and reviews, i contacted them for their service and they responded, i had to provide every details and information they needed to proceed with the recovery of my funds, i’m really grateful that in the end they succeeded in retrieving back all my funds back to my wallet within just 2 to 3days of contacting them. I’m happy that finally got myself back after the depression and nightmares i went through, special thanks to this incredible Team.

  1352. yoga studio in bali

    May 31, 2024 at 6:36 am

    If you’re looking for insightful content on yoga and wellness, the yoga studio in bali is a fantastic resource. They offer a wealth of articles covering various aspects of yoga practice, teacher training, and holistic health. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you’ll find valuable tips and inspiration to enhance your yoga journey. Check it out to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga.

  1353. Maximus Alston

    May 31, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    I sincerely believe that a deep sensitization program will massively help to curtail the damages and activities of internet fraudsters of which it seems the most popular ones are the crypto and forex trading platforms/companies. Prevention they say is better than cure, not everyone might be lucky enough to come across legit and ethical recovery solution like some of us did thus a proper awareness program, podcast, seminars could’ve gone a long way to help people avoid getting scammed trying to get into any of the very lucrative above mentioned investments. I also do understand that it is only right for one to audit properly a prospective financial company before getting involved but since there’s not much pre existing knowledge of the pros and cons of this things and most prospective investors are newbies, we easily get blindsided by their exciting offers. Thanks to JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE, Just few days ago I was finally able to get a sound night sleep after a very challenging past few months. So I got invested with a trading agent that supposedly facilitates trading for her clients but in reality everything was just on paper and it was revealed to me her malicious practices and trades manipulation in order to line up her pockets with funds belonging to others. I felt trapped because I have paid some huge fees to clear up my withdrawal before I got to realize their game plan. Honestly, it’s a miracle I lived through that period.. this things were very new to me so I didn’t know who to ask for help, even the authorities did so very little to help me apprehend the culprits. Luckily a friend of mine recommend I appeal my case with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and hopefully, they will be able to use their team to trace the culprits and retrieve back my stolen funds. Well guess what ?.. this is the best decision i ever made in my life trust me! .. within a few days after I reached out to this team, they got to recover back my funds from the scammers account and also shut down their website. You can contact the team for help on Email : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM or on Telegram, username @ JETHACKSS. come back here tomorrow to share your testimony and help spread the word, let’s join hands together to fight this global pandemic

  1354. Stanley Garrick

    June 1, 2024 at 9:53 am

    I’m so excited writing this , I extend my deepest gratitude to K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORP for their exceptional service in recovering my assets after I hired them. Today marks exactly two weeks since I was rescued from the shackles of deceit that I had been trapped in for the past three months. My experience with K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORP exceeded my expectations, living up to everything I had read about them before engaging their services. They handle recovery cases with great expertise, ensuring that victims get back what they lost to fraudulent schemes.These days, scammers often target older individuals, convincing us to invest our retirement funds into cryptocurrency. I wasn’t the only one scammed by the trading company; my close friend Abel was also involved. Thankfully, the team of hackers at K N I G H T H OO D B O T RECOVERY CORP fought on our behalf and recovered all our lost assets.
    The whole scam ordeal began on Facebook, where a woman claimed to have a broker who handled her trades and earned her monthly profits. She taught me how to sign up with the scam company and fund my account. I initially invested $5,000, the minimum amount required for trading. As days went by, I saw my portfolio grow gradually, which made me trust the scheme and believe it was legitimate. I shared my experience with my friend, who was initially skeptical. However, after my first withdrawal, he became interested and eager to learn about the process. Unfortunately, this led both of us to lose over a million dollars to these scammers.
    It wasn’t until we involved K N I G H T H OO D B O T RECOVERY CORP that we realized the investment platform’s numbers were manipulated to lure us into investing more. The scammers made us believe our funds were being used to trade gold and other commodities on the stock market, but none of that was true.We were fortunate to get in touch with K N I G H T H O O D B O T RECOVERY CORP in time through their email, ” K N I G H T H O O D B O T AT GMAIL DOT COM,” and on Telegram at K N I G H T H O O D B O T 9. Their intervention was pivotal in recovering our funds. They took swift action, conducted a thorough investigation, and ensured that our money was returned.I can confidently vouch for K NI GH TH OO DB OT RECOVERY CORP’s ability to deliver on their promise of recovering lost funds and protecting against any future threats.

  1355. Edmund Tennyson

    June 1, 2024 at 6:20 pm

    It is a thing of Joy to have your lost investment recovered back, i am here today to share my own testimony of a successful recovery job done by this wonderful and excellent Recovery team R O O T K IT S RE C O V E R Y F IR M.. i got scammed by a well articulated fake crypto investment website. it was really a devastating situation for me as this happens to be my first experience with scam my whole life, The whole plan this scammers say to you will sound so smooth and straightforward such that there will be no room for you to doubt it. I came to understand that cryptocurrency investment is a good one if you are in touch with the right investment company. I invested a lot which was in a series of payments into this fake crypto investment company. Crazy thing is that i monitored the profit myself and everything was looking really transparent on the dashboard till when i needed to withdraw some funds, to my surprise my request was declined and they was asking for more payments which they claim we’re taxes and were going to be added to what i will be receiving altogether with my total balance, but after i paid for the various demanded fees i was still not able to withdrawal not even a part of my total investment. I came to find out that they were scammers and never had plans to release my funds, I went searching online for a solution because they hit deep into my savings and i eventually met this team of experts ( R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F I R M ) that i got in touch via mail to help me handle the recovery of my investment.. ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL . COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7. i contacted them for assistance regarding the recovery of my funds which they replied and followed up immediately, after awhile they did recovered my money from the fake platform. i am so happy that Asset Recovery firm like this with such talent exist, i would have been rendered Broke for the rest of my life by this internet scammers but thanks to this team for all their efforts in recovering back my investment.

  1356. In this world, where promises of easy wealth floods our daily news outlets like never before, there still exists a safe haven for those who are unjustly mistreated in their financial ventures. Everywhere I turned, people seemed to be effortlessly raking in profits from the comfort of their own homes. It got me Intrigued so I decided to test the waters of digital finance. I sought guidance from a group of online traders, eager to join the group and start taking in my own profits, I took the plunge.. investing my hard earned savings in the hopes of reaping the benefits later. As time passed, I watched my investment grow, motivated by the promise of even bigger returns I upgraded to the top tier plan, But little did I know, the very hands that had promised to lift me to new heights were plotting to drag me down into the depths of despair. It wasn’t until I had invested a huge sum of USD 638,000.00 that I began to see through their charade. Despite my investments, at the end there were no returns, and no profits to show for my efforts. Desperate to recoup my losses, I pleaded with them to allow me to withdraw some funds to assuage my financial burdens, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. In a state of helplessness and despair, I turned to the authorities for help, hoping to hold those responsible accountable for their actions but even that bore no fruit at the end. It was in my darkest hour that a glimmer of hope emerged, in the form of a colleague who had faced a similar challenge. She spoke of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE, a team of experts renowned for their ability to navigate the complex web of online scams and fraudulent transactions. I quickly reached out to them, explaining my difficult situation and supplying them with every bit of evidence I possessed. The team really exceeded my expectations, they went above and beyond to make sure my every payment was successfully traced down and then, like a beam of light cutting through the darkness, came the news I had longed to hear.. my funds had been successfully recovered in full, i felt alive again. Today, I stand as a testament to the amazing work of this team, I do so with abundant joy and gratitude and I urge you to contact JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE for assistance if you face a similar situation. They can be reached via information below. TELEGRAM USERNAME @ JETHACKSS EMAIL : JETHACKS 7 @ GMAIL . COM

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